Hbase Goes Realtime

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HBase Goes Realtime

Wednesday, June 10, 2009  Santa Clara Marriott

Quick Overview » » » » » » »

Who are we? What is HBase? HBase 0.20 Primary Goal HBase 0.20 Architecture and Specifics HBase 0.20 By The Numbers Zookeeper Integration What’s Next?

Who are we? » Jonathan Gray › › › › ›

Co­Founder and CTO, Streamy.com Background in CE, databases, distributed systems User of technology as a competitive advantage Contributing to HBase for ~1 year HBase in production for ~9 months

» Jean­Daniel Cryans › › › ›

HBase Committer Graduate student at the Université du Québec HBase consultant currently working for OpenPlaces.com Contributing to HBase for ~18 months

What is HBase? » HBase is a… › › › › › › ›

Sorted, Distributed, Column­Oriented, Multi­Dimensional, Highly­Available, High­Performance, Persisted Storage System

HBase adds random access reads and writes atop HDFS Billions of Rows * Millions of Columns * Thousands of Versions

HBase 0.20 Primary Goal » First ever Performance Release 1. Random Access Time 2. Scan Time 3. Insert Time

» As a random­access store, we are well suited for the storing and serving of Web applications › But high latency and variability (100s of ms to seconds) has reduced the usefulness of HBase and required the use of external caching in the past

HBase 0.20 Architecture » The Guiding Philosophy – Unjavafy Everything! › › › › › ›

Zero­copy reads Block­based storage, reading, and indexing Drastically reduce Object instantiation Eliminate widespread usage of Trees Sorted merges using Heap structures Fast and intelligent caching with memory­awareness

» Effort Lead By… › Jonathan Gray and Erik Holstad, Streamy.com › Michael Stack, Powerset/Microsoft › Ryan Rawson, StumbleUpon

HBase 0.20 Architecture – Storage » New Key Format – KeyValue › Contains only (byte [] buf, int offset, int length) › Compact binary format with binary comparators › Our “pointer” to keys inside blocks

» New File Format – HFile › › › ›

Originally based on TFile (HADOOP­3315) and BigTable Block based binary format with a block index Contains any number of Meta blocks Persisted storage of List

HBase 0.20 Architecture – API » New Query API › › › ›

Put, Get, Scan, Delete operations Extended support for versioning Drastically reduces API size and complexity An API that more closely mirrors implementation

» New Result API and optimized Serialization › › › ›

Result is just a wrapper for KeyValue[] User­friendly Trees are built on­demand, client­side Deserialization allocates a single byte[] for all KVs Zero­copy building, single allocation receiving

HBase 0.20 Architecture – Algorithms » New Scanners – KeyValueScanner / KeyValueHeap › Replace linear sort logic with an encapsulated Heap › Abstract the handling of versions, deletes, query params › Now capable of processing individual rows with millions of columns and versions › Linear (or worse) to Logarithmic, Logarithmic to Constant

» New Block Cache ­ Concurrent LRU › › › ›

Backed by ConcurrentHashMap LRU eviction with scan­resistance and block priorities Memory­bound using HeapSize interface Non­blocking and unsynchronized LRU map

HBase 0.20 By The Numbers (Uncached) » Tall Table: 1 Million Rows with a single Column › Sequential insert – 24 seconds (.024 ms/row) › Random reads – 1.42 ms/row (average) › Full scan – 11 seconds (117 ms/10,000 rows, .011ms/row)

» Wide Table: 1000 Rows with 20,000 Columns each › Sequential insert – 312 seconds (312 ms/row) › Random reads – 121 ms/row (average) › Full scan – 146 seconds (14.6 seconds/100 rows, 146ms/row)

» Fat Table: 1000 Rows with 10 Columns,1MB values › Sequential insert – 68 seconds (68 ms/row) › Random reads – 56.92 ms/row (average) › Full scan – 35 seconds (3.53 seconds/100 rows, 35ms/row) Each test yielded >1 region, additional rows have no impact on performance

HBase 0.20 Performance Conclusion » We surprised even ourselves › Random read times similar to that of an RDBMS • 20­100 times faster with far less variability

› Scan times reduced • 30 times faster than previous versions

› Insert times reduced • 2­10 times faster with less than half the memory usage

» We improved our performance by more than an order of magnitude in most cases › While drastically improving our memory usage and code readability

Zookeeper Integration

Why? » » » »

Takes 2 mins to figure a RegionServer’s death Clients have to ask Master for ­ROOT­ address Managing shared state in HBase is a zoo ;) And...

»Master is a SPOF!

Zookeeper? • Project under Hadoop started by Y! • Centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and group services. • Highly available when used on an ensemble of machines, typically 5 or more. • ZK’s data model is a simple namespace with permanent and ephemeral nodes.

Tough Decisions » Should we impose the usage of a ZK quorum on every setup? » How much should we rely on ZK for HA, are there better alternate solutions for some of our problems? » Should we have an HBase implementation of ZK ? » Should we package our own version of ZK?

Major Integration Points » » » » » »

Master address is stored in ZK Master election is a race for that lock ­ROOT­ address is also stored in ZK Region Servers are all registered in ZK The RSs watch the Master’s node Backup Masters are watching both Master’s node and a “cluster state” node

What it Changes for You » Standalone and pseudo­distributed setups: › a ZK server that listens on localhost is started for you. It starts/stops with the rest of the cluster.

» Fully­distributed setup: › poss. to keep the managed ZK server but have to make it point on a non­local IP/hostname. › better is to get a quorum, can also use it for other purposes, for higher availability.

Fully­distributed setup » What you have to do with ZK: › hbase­site.xml: set hbase.cluster.distributed to true, also notice that hbase.master is deprecated. › hbase­env.sh: export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false › zoo.cfg: server.0=… server.1=… etc. You also have to configure those servers per ZK doc.

» You want backup masters? › ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase­daemon.sh start master › It’s also a good idea to set hbase.master.dns.nameserver and hbase.master.dns.interface to have them binding at the right place.

New Features from ZK integration in 0.20 » No more SPOF › Automatic Master failover

» Rolling upgrades of point releases » Modify some cluster configuration without full cluster restart

What’s next? » More performance and reliability › 0.20 was mostly a RegionServer rewrite › 0.21 will rewrite Master with better ZK integration

» HBase 0.21 Roadmap › Decentralized Master responsibilities + More ZK • • • •

› › › ›

Further capability to modify configurations at run time State sharing via ZK nodes Ephemeral nodes for region ownership Distributed queue for region assignment

Language­agnostic, binary RPC Native C/C++ client library Multi­DC Replication Further optimizations on algorithms and data structures

More Information about HBase » HBase Website and Wiki › http://www.hbase.org › http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hbase

» Mailing List › http://hadoop.apache.org/hbase/mailing_lists.html

» IRC Channel › #hbase on Freenode › All committers and core contributors are here

» Follow us on Twitter! › @hbase

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