Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Day Hikes Brochure

  • December 2019
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PieaseNote: Blacknumberedcirclesrefer to the trailhe


Endof Chainof CratersRoad


Outstandingviews of cliffs and windswept coast. InApril zoo3,lavaflows coveredthe road. From the pavement'send and when lavaflows are in the area, longer trails acrossrough rock may lead to better views of the lava or steam.After sunset,distant views of red lava or steamclouds are sometimespossible.Great star gazingon clear nights. I Distance: 1 mi / 1.6 km round-trip

Prepare for hot,windy,andrainyweather. Bringwaterand food.Flashlights areessential afterdarkfor eachperson. Volcanic fumesareoftenpresentin thispartof the park. Fromthe rangerstation, the roadcontinues asa pedestrian walkwavaccessible to wheelchairs andstrollers.



Enjoy the songsof forest birds and enjoy a spectacularview of Kr-laueaCalderafrom ufaldron Ledge Overlook. This asphaltroad was closedto cars in 1983after severedamagefrom a magnitude 6.7 earthquake.The trail continuesto Kr-laueaIki Crater. I Distance: 1 mi / 1.6 km round-trip Thistrailiswheelchair accessible with somecracked andtiltedsections. Thefirstsmalloverlook hasa very steepdescent, but the largerWaldronLedgeOverlookis wheelchair accessible. Bicvcles arepermitted on thistrail.



Due to underground heat,this dramatic volcanic thermal areahasvery few trees.Also known as Ha'akulamanu,this unusualplace,with steamingcracks and colorfirl mineral deposits,hasbeen famousfor birds and healingvapors. r Distance: 1.2 mi / 2 km round-trio Dueto sulphur fumes,peoplewith heartor breathing problems, pregnant women,andyoungchildren should avoidthistrail.Stayon thetrail;bewareof steamandcracks. Fromthe Kilauea VisitorCenter, trailgrades areeightto twelvepercent.Wheelchair accessible from SteamVentsto (1.2 mi / 2 km round-trip). Banks Sulphur

E X P E R I E N C EY O U R A M E R I C A ' "

ad location indicatedon the map





Stroll acrosscinder fields from the famous1959 eruption. Here, Hawaiian rain forest vegetationis rapidly returning in a stark volcanic landscape.Enjoy the spectacularview into Kilauea Iki Crater from Pu'u Pua'iOverlook.

'Iliahi (Hawaiian for sandalwood)grows among native and non-native treesalong this trail. Feelthe heat from the steamvents and seeKrlauea'ssummit calderaon a mostly shadyloop trail.

I Distance: 1 mi / 1.6 km round-trip

Stayon trail.Bewareof steepcliffs,deepearthcracks, and steam. scaldinq

ThepavedtrailbetweenPu'uPua'iandDevastation has grades greater Endangered n€ne thaneightpercent. (Hawaiian geese) frequent thisarea,sotakecarewhen parking. Do notfeednene.Thenearest restrooms are located at theThurston LavaTube.



r D i s t a n c e : 1 . 5m i / 2 . 4 k m l o o p


Pu'u LoaPetroglyphsTrail

Valk in the footstepsof the kflpuna (elders)to Pu'u Loa (largehill)-a sacredand awe-inspiringgalleryof petroglyphs.Thesesimple etchingsdocument the life and culture of the native Hawaiian people and cradle the piko (umbilical cords) of their children-brought with hopes of receivingthe blessingsof a long and prosperouslife. I Distance: 'i .5 mi / 2.4 kn round-trip for hot,rainy, Takewaterandprepare andwindyweather. Volcanic fumesareoftenoresentin thisarea.Thenearest restrooms areat the endof the Chainof CratersRoao. petroglyphs Protect theseprecious by notwalkingon them.

Enjoy a treasuretrove of Hawaiian plants and birds in this over 4,ooo yearsold closedcanopy forest.The original trail was built by the Civilian Conservation Corpsin the r93os. I D i s t a n c e : 1 . 2m i / 2 k m l o o o Shadylooptrailhassomewhat drierconditions thanrain foresttrails.Restrooms areavailable nearby at the picnicarea.


Please Note: Blacknumberedcirclesrefer to the trailheadlocation indicatedon the map.


Pu'uHuluhulu(Hairy Hill)

fi! cr"t"r RimTrail

Experiencelavalandscapes from the ry69-1974Mauna Ulu flows. !7alk by lava treesand chmb zro ft I 6a m to the top of a forestec hill, Pu'u Huluhulu. View Mauna Ulu's frozen lava lake and immensesteaming shield. Weatherpermitting, you canseePu'u'O'o cone in the distance.

Explore Krlauea'samazingvariety of spectacular volcanicfeaturesand ecosystems. Enjoy shadyforests with sweetbird songand crossother-worldly landscapeswith lavatrees,steamvents,cinder fields, and deepcraters.You can alsohike smallersectionsof this trail (seemap below).

r D i s t a n c e : 2 . 5 m i/ 4 k m r o u n d - t r i p


Prepare for hot,windy,andrainyweather. Depending on theweather, volcanic fumesmaybe present. lf youhave problems, heartor breathing avoidthistrail.Thisrocky trailoverold lavaflowsleadsto a forested hill.Thetrail s w i t c h b a cukps2 10 f t / 6 4 m I o P u ' uH u l u h u lhui l l t o p .


I D i s t a n c e : 1 5 . 6m i / 2 5 k m r o u n d - t r i p Visitor Alert: Dueto high amountsof dangerous sulfurdioxidegas,CraterRimTrailis closedfrom JaggarMuseumto Chainof CratersRoad.Bringwater andfood.Usecarenearcliffsandcracks. Thosewith heart problems or breathing shouldavoidthistrail.

KTlauea lkiTrail

Descendthrough rain forest to KrlaueaIki's frozen, but still-steamingcraterfloor. Peerinto the 1959vent below Pu'u Pua'icinder cone. I Distance: 4 mi / 6.4 km loop Prepare for hot,windy,andrainyweather. Bringwaterand food.Steep, rocky400ft I 122m descent intothecrater with switchback trailup theotherside.Takecareat cliff edgesandcracks.

These areas are closed due to high amounts of dangerous sulfur dioxide gas.

Kipukapuartu @ 3980ft 12 1 3 m

Road Hilina Pali

Area Closed to Hikers Beyond Nepau Backcountry CamP A s e r i e so f c a t a s t r o P h i cc o l l a P e s 'O'6 cinder haveweakened Pu'u c o n e .T h e e n t i r e a r e a i s r i d d l e d w i t h d e e p c r a c k sa n d i s u n s t a b l e



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High amounts of dangerous sulfur dioxide gas are present at the volcanots summit. -


When driving along CraterRim Drive,keep your windows closed. Volcanicgasconditions (visuallysimilarto smog) existalongChain of CratersRoad-keep your windows closed when visible.

Roadopen Trail Open RoadClosed Trail Closed


Volcano House


If the air irritates, smellsbad, or you have difficulty breathing, return to your vehicle and leavethe area.If open,insidethe Krlauea Visitor Centeris a cleanair environment. Pleasebe flexiblein your travelplans. Someareasmay be closedfor your safety.




For more detailed safety information,visit the KilaueaVisitorCenter or talk with a park ranger. 5/14/Oa

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