Iguazu National Park Brochure

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 969
  • Pages: 4

Conservationstartson the roads (o

Rememberthat the waterfallsare in lguazu N NationalPark. Every naturalthing in this z o_ protectedarea is valuableto the whole. Bear in mindthat: (g E

. You are not allowedto take any plant .0) or pieceof vegetation,nor animal,alive tr or dead.


. any animals- they are not tame nor domesticated.


'6 Enjoythe faunawithoutmolestingthe animals.Do not touch ca

. Keep to the trailsand the park'sopeninghours. . Do not litter- keepyour rubbishwith you till you find a bin. . Respect other visitors- most of them are here for a quiet naturalexperience.


It is not only at the falls that you can co-operatein conserving nature.Route 12 leadsto the fallsthroughthe NationalPark,as from Km 5. On this stretch please keep to the speed limit of 60 k.p.has animalsoftencrossthe road.Thereare many road-kills on thisroute- evenof endangeredspecies.In taxis,publicbusses or the travel agencyvehiclesask the driverto go slowly.The last stretchinto the falls area has traffic humps and the speed limit is 40 k.p.h.Rememberthathittinga crossinganimalor tryingto avoid it mav causea seriousaccident.


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. Report any infringementof the regulationsor abnormal C 'o behaviourto a Ranger. q)

. Wear comfortableclothesand a hat. Insectrepellentand drinkingwatermay be useful.

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. Have your blood pressuretaken at Cataratasor Garganta Railwaystopsor in the Old Hotel.You can also have it taken (E c at the start of the Lower Circuit Walks near Dos Hermanas ' 6 o plaza. z 0)



. For information or your commentsapproachthe Informations o TL Desk at the entranceor the CentroOperativonear the start of (5 the UpperWalkwhere Parks'personnelwill attendyou. c q)

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. In any emergencycontactthe Rangerat the CentroOperativo 0) E (03757- 420180)or any of the concession'semployees.

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'lra Administraci6n de A P N P A R Q U E SN A C ! O N A L E S gov.ar www. parquesnacionales.






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Openinghours and Services . Park opening hours are: fromAprilto September- 8 am to 6 pm. From October t o M a r c h- 7 . 3 0a m t o 6 . 3 0o m . Public transport (busses) to and from Puerto lguazu: The "El Practico"bus serviceruns betweenthe townand thefallsfrom7:15am till7:15om. frequencyevery30 minutes. Services included in your entrance fee: . The train to the falls: fromthe servicesand entrancearea runsevery30 minutes,sincehalfhourafterthe parkopenning. The lasttrainto Gargantadepartsat 4 pm (Aprilto September) or 4:30 pm (Octoberto March). . San Martin lsland:the firstferryboatrideoverto San Martin lslandleavesfrom the bottomof the LowerCircuit Trail at 9:30 am; the last boat to the island leavesat 3:45pm, returningat 5:15pm.from Aprilto September.From October to March,the firstferryleavesat 9 am,the lastboatto the islandat 4:30 pm, returning at 5:30 pm. The visit to the islandcan take up to 2 hoursand the long stairsmake it not a d v i s a b l ef o r v e r y s m a l l c h i l d r e no r t h e l e s s mobileseniorcitizens. . Interpretive Centre: "Yvira Reta" ("Land of Trees" in the localGuaranilanguage).There you will learnthat the park also protectsa large area of specialrainforestwith its enormousvarietyof plantsand animals.This type of forest (the Paranaesnseor Brazilian Coastal Forest) is severely threatened.Heretoo you will learnaboutthe variouscultures which have livedin the forestover time, aboutconservation effortsand problems.You'llneed at least20 minuteshere. . Macuco Nature Trail: length3600 m out, returnthe same way.Thisforesttrailis idealfor a goodwalk.to watchbirdsor getto knowthe forest.lt is exclusively a hikingtrail,self-guided and with interpretive stations.The pamphletcan be obtained

at the park entranceor from the CentroOperativoat the head of the Upper Walk. Beforeyou start, read the "recommendations aboutwildlifeencounters". Lightfootwear,a hat,waterand insect repellentare advisable. . First Aid Stations: are to be found at Cataratasand Garganta railwaystopswherethere is a nursewith a basickit for first aid. The main medicalcentreat the falls is in the Old Hotelwher-oa doctor,a nurseand an ambulancewith an intensivecare unitdeal with more seriousproblems.

Optional Services

and Excursions Not included in the entrance fee . T o u r G u i d e s : T h e s e a r e l i c e n s e db y t h e N a t i o n a l P a r k s Administration and can be contactedat the park entrance.The Guides'servicesensurethat vou take the best advantaqeof your time and give you the information you may seek about the area. . Boat Trips:Thereare two alternatives: one is on the lower river right up to the falls themselvesin powerfulinflatable craft:the other is a oentlerubber-raftfloatinodown the upperriverthroughthe islands. . Land Excursions: PhotoSafarisin open4x4's, throughthe forest,in small groupsand with a guideto ensurethe best personalattention. . F u l l M o o n V i s i t : A r o u n df u l l m o o n e a c h month(checkyour calendar)you can join an excursionto Gargantaby moonlight o lodging: in the nationalparkthere is only the S-starInternational Hotel.Thereis no campingareanor picnic areaat the falls. . Food: Severaloptionsare availableon the varioustrailsand receptionarea - restaurants,bars and fast food outlets. . Handicraftsand souvenirs:YourpurchaseofGuaranihandicrafts in the falls area helpsthe localindigenouscommunities.

Take . lt is forbidden tQ feed the animals as this alters their natural behaviour" and harmsthem. Goatis aroundthe have taken adv o f v i s i t o r s 'i g n o r a n c e of this and become habituatedto begging - or evenstealing hand-bagswith threat5 and aggression. Be c a r e f u l ,w h e n that no Coatisare and especiallyso when c h i l d r e na r e a r o u n d Your co-operation i this respect will

us cut this b e h a v i o u rw h i c h Coatis have learned. DO NOT FEED THEM.

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