Hatch Final Report

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 47
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Wealth Within Your Reach Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo! Making Your Money Work Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo! 2 Pera Mo Palaguin Workbook Practice What You Learned Money for Kids Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo! A Parent/Teacher’s Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids

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Students’ Testimonials Wow! Job well done! Keep it up! You inspired us! The seminar was terrific! It gives many information for the student to learn. Very interesting & informative. Its great! The program was great; the speakers were real good & it wasn't boring. Its fun. Do this seminar annually. Very interesting and lively seminar. Keep it up! Very good activity. Nice seminar! Great prizes! Wow! I love it. More seminars like this! This program or seminar really helped me understand how important handling, investing and saving my finances. This seminar is very energetic! Thank you! Keep up the good work! The seminar is exciting and at the same time very helpful. This is educational! Helped me a lot! Life changing! Great seminar! Very educational. We learned a lot. ASTIG!!! This should be done palagi! Greatness. Amaaazing! Continue to inform the youth.

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Students’ Testimonials Fun & educating seminar. The Hatch seminar should go to other colleges as well.. It gave me a lot of additional knowledge about how to save my money wisely and this seminar really did a great job eventhough there’s a slight delay. Sana yearly may ganitong seminar. The talk was so inspiring and enlightening. The seminar was very helpful to us. I hope that it will be not delayed soon. The activity was fun. Very good! Nice one. I really enjoyed it. Good presentation of information. Very interesting seminar. I learned a lot.Thanks! Good and fun. Hatch is a wow seminar that enlightened us how to save money in the present for the future. The symposium was very interesting and fun. It is very helpful to a student like me. Good speaker. Nice speech. Maganda yung discussion and you got a fine way to get attention. It was simple and short but direct. Late program but fun and a very energetic young speaker. I hope we can echo this to more students. It was a nice thing that they introduced this topic to us. An awesome seminar!

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Students’ Testimonials



More! Great job! Very helpful. Great presentation (video & talk). Great game. It’s awesome! Wish more students/faculty could attend "hatch”. Very informative!!! I learned a lot.The seminar encouraged me to save for my future.I didn't know it's possible to reach that P5M goal!I hope you give more seminars of this kind. It's educational and at the same time entertaining. It really served as an eye-opener especially to us, the future entrepreneurs! Hopefully you get to go to places and share this with others. This should be popularized and written/explained in Filipino language. It was very educational and fun. Hope you could share this with other schools too! It's a WOW! More specifics on investing in mutual funds. Separate seminar on investing in mutual funds. I realized how a peso can grow to P1M if you invest it right. The show was interesting and comprehensive. Simple. Easy to pick up. Can you tell us how to join in mutual funds investing? Enriching and inspiring. It was fun and a learning experience. It would be more fun if there will be more interactive sessions. I love your program. Ok siya but there should be booth for those interested in what specially mutual funds are and how to invest. The game was nice. I wanted to know more about investment vehicles and how people such as myself could access these. I was actually hoping for particular suggestions in where or how to invest but it was pretty enlightening especially in its simple presentation. I wish to share it with my students in high school at Surigao del Sur. Not typical boring seminar. Presentation and follow up game was effective.

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I hope you present a 4-hour presentation next time. Wow may prize pa! I enjoy the seminar. Wish we had more time. More power. The best seminar so far. The topic is very helpful and the speakers presented it excellently. May you continue to share this knowledge for it's really a blessing to everyone. The seminar was fun & very educating & useful. Good job! Keep it going! Your presentation is awesome. Keep it up! Interesting. I'm contented with the seminar. Excellent seminar! The prizes were really shocking. It brought out the attention of the listeners. Great! Very informative and useful. Great talk and more time sana.Very helpful. Love the videos. Very interesting. The visual presentation is effective. Hatch is amazing! We should have more lessons on it with longer duration and same speakers.

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Students’ Testimonials Hope to have more seminars like this. Great seminar and great speakers. It was very informative. You should encourage more youth on seminars like this. It is a interesting seminar. I want another Hatch seminar!!! The seminar was very helpful. Bitin! Mooore! The speaker and facilitator did well. It is not boring. Your seminar was great & so cool. I learned a lot of things.Thank you. This is a really good seminar especially for students like us. I hope there'll be a next time and I hope there'll be a longer time allotment for this. It is such an interesting seminar that I attended. It really gave me knowledge of proper handling of money. I have read the second book of Mr. Colayco and I liked it. I am actually starting to invest my money in a money market institution. Continue giving information about the best way to save money & be wealthy. God bless! It’s a very fruitful seminar for me because I learned a lot. Perfect presentation. Very effective. Great job! You have a nice talk for saving our money. You give us plenty of ideas how to save it. Very good presentation.

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Students’ Testimonials This program is cool! It opens our mind how to save money. This Hatch program was so nice! It helps everyone of us how to save for the future. It is interesting because I learned many things about money like spending, saving, paying. I am really grateful to experience this "Hatch". It helps everyone of us to know how to organize our own money. Sana maulit muli.The program was interesting and the speakers are good. Two thumbs up for a job well done. It's great! I enjoyed it. It makes us wise in terms of money. This seminar is fun and I learned a lot. The lecture was inspiring. It really encourages people to use their money wisely. Informative and educational. The performance of the speakers is very good & having the ability to influence the students. The time must be extended next time! It made me realize that saving money is really important and putting it in a fund can triple your money. I learn a lot in this seminar. It helps students to save money. Your seminar was fun and at the same time it will really help me and my fellow students. Your seminar is really good for us students to know how we can save big amount of money without giving up our wants or "luho". Well I think Hatching program is a good start for us as a kidult who are not aware on saving money. It enlightened us on how saving will help us in our future needs. Well, this Hatch program did a splendid job and really caught the audience’s attention. Your team performed well and we really enjoyed the seminar conducted. We learned a lot and somehow opened our eyes in terms of handling money. Your company is really cool. Please have some more seminars in order to inform the public your good suggestions about Financial literacy. My suggestion is just continue the hatch program so that many people will know how to earn money especially on how to be a rich person someday. Very informative and entertaining. It was very prepared and the program was done successfully. Yay! Thanks to this program I can finally learn how to save without spending my money on wasteful things. The program was very helpful, especially to students who don't know anything about savings. The game was thrilling. Wonderful presentation! Keep it up, you will help our generation to become the better one. The program is so nice. It made me smile. I learned many things about investing. Please come back here in FEU. This experience is fantastic! It gave me a clear vision of how to save my money. This program will help the students to think first before they spend their money. This program is very meaningful to everyone. They're good in guiding us how to save. D’ best seminar! I learned a lot of things most specially how I save my money for my future. You’re excellent! We had fun! I like it!!! Honestly I will follow your suggestions.

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Students’ Testimonials We enjoy the program and the way they do the talk with us. They’ve done it very well. Better if this opportunity will be shown around the Philippines. COOL! Galing! Congrats. It was very successful. Hope you visit us again! Go to other schools & inspire more people. Hope that the time is extended. Our HATCH experience is very wonderful.We learned a lot. It was an interesting & fun seminar. You’re great! The seminar was an eye-opener but I wish the video was played again. Thanks. I learned a lot on how to save my money. The prizes were nice and the speakers wer good. Very good presentation. Amazing!!! The seminar is very comprehensive but it should have been held earlier in our college life. Very informative! It was a great seminar! Truly inspiring & highly informative especially to us graduating students. Your sharing was alive and unique. Very entertaining. Nice seminar. Full of learnings. Very helpful for students in managing their financial skills. Very lively and interesting program. Speakers are great & generous. Lively & very informative discussion. Good presentation & visual effects. Continue sharing your knowledge.

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Students’ Testimonials Hope to see you again! I really had fun. Thanks for giving us knowledge on how to save our money. Very well done! More power to your program! Now I know how to spend my money wisely. I learned a lot. Their program is good because it helps the youth like us to know how to save money. Many students should know about this hatch program for their own future. I'm very thankful, specially to Mr. Colayco for sharing this ideas to many people. I learn a lot from this. Great! It is educational and at the same time informative. It's nice and it’s not boring like other seminars. Keep up the good work! This financial literacy program is very helpful to us students. I'm so lucky to attend this seminar coz I’ve learned a lot of knowledge/ideas about financing. I'm so satisfied. This program awakened our minds to the true purpose of money. I want to be part of your group! You are a great institution. You help many students to earn, save and manage their own money.Thanks. ASTIG!!! I learned a lot from hatch which made me inspired to save money. I suggest that they should continue to pursue youth like us to save money for future use. The program is funny but I learned a lot. The seminar is amazing . I actually enjoyed it because I knew how to spend my saving wisely. The best mga speakers!!! It's very sensible. Thank you for visiting N.U because you helped us to be concerned for our money and future. This makes people knowledgeable financial-wise.Keep this symposium going by sharing it with other people, schools etc.

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Students’ Testimonials Keep it up!!! It would definitely help a lot of people. Thanx for the books and the kits! Astig yung seminar! Sana maulit. Very informative and practical learning. God Bless! It was a good presentation and it really helped me to plan my future life. Very educational and entertaining as well! The lecture was helpful. It has enlightened me with new ideas and ways to save money. Thank you. It was a very good program, I learned a lot! Keep up the good work! Ganda ni Ms. Jen! Sana lahat ng seminar ganito daming prizes at super enjoy! Great talk! The financial literacy program was great. I had more info on how to manage the money I have and will be having. Eye-opener! The entire lesson is enthusiastic & full of fun. Magaling!! Next time ulit! Maganda yung strategy ng seminar! The program was very interesting not only because of the prices but the topic itself caught my attention. The speaker is also good. I was able to learn a lot of things. I will surely keep my learnings. Sana 1st year nito pa po ginawa toh para nung 1st year kami, nakapagsave na kami. More talks ! Hope you can have an activity/talk for our organization Junior Phil. Economics Society. Good approach to us students. The event was very fun and the games are very helpful to catch the attention of the audience. AWESOME!!! One of the best seminar I have attended. The program is very helpful and knowledgeable. I really appreciate your time for coming here in our school. Kamanghamazing! A good learning experience. Plus very good speakers. A lot of kidults should be aware of this. It’s pretty important in achieving the lifestyle wanted. Continue helping people by giving them knowledge about the importance of saving. Good presentations and explanations. It helped me a lot! The talk was good, it is not boring, it is cool! I hope you do it again here and to other schools. It is truly a learning experience. Continue this seminar and share it to other schools. Maybe also with schools in the province. I learned many things about the importance of budgeting. The country's citizens need financial Literacy such as this.

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Students’ Testimonials This talk was very information and helpful. I've learned a lot. Tnx to the speaker. Very entertaining. Cool prizes This seminar was really lively. Please come to ADMU again so more students could benefit from this. I liked the talk. It was very interesting. One more time! Para more people will get educated. We wish to invite HATCH again. Good. Simple but very effective & informative.

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Students’ Testimonials It was good and the best! Very good! Especially the speaker. Nice voice and explaining skills. I really enjoyed the talk and gained knowledge on how I can save money for my future. Talk is helpful. It encouraged me to save NOW. A very good seminar for the youth for the future. Keep up the good work and may you continue to bring knowledge to kids. It was great! I learned a lot. Btw, thanks for the P500! Hehe. Through this, this gave us more knowledge how to invest & save wisely. Very empowering. Thank you. Very amazing and inspiring!! Keep it up!! Ngayon lang naging lively ang seminar dito sa school! Very inspiring and educational. Hope to see you again! Nice one! It's a wow!!! I love it. Learned a lot! It was a fun hatching experience! The seminar or talk was short but we learned a lot from it. Lively, pretty and amazing! You ROCK!!! Masaya! Educating and helpful to us students. It’s fun & students really benefit from it. Awesome and entertaining. I really learned a lot!

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Students’ Testimonials I'm so glad to have this chance to hear and learn something about saving/managing my finances. The seminar is so cool. Continue influencing other people. The sharing of the information was very enjoyable. It is very helpful to the youth especially in the kind of lifestyle we are having might now. I learned to appreciate the value of saving. I really learned a lot. Keep up the good work. The activity is very fun and educational. It's really nice. The speaker and host are very resourceful and pretty as well. Its very enlightening. HATCH is very important especially for us students. So that we will be more financially literate. It was fun and exciting! I was really inspired to save my money for a better purpose and I learned not to waste my time in saving money. It's really awesome. I think it's the first seminar that I didn't feel bored. Keep it up! The speakers are good, the videos are terrific and the games are extremely amazing. They really did great! An informative activity to start the sem.

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Students’ Testimonials The program is very helpful to us students especially for students like me who wishes to save but just really can't because I always end up have spending the money I have saved. It's enjoyable. We had a great experience attending this kind of literacy program. The show was good & the speaker was very knowledgeable of the topic. Well discussed and very informative & entertaining. This program is really good to remind the people that even one peso is really important and it has a big deal. The seminar is very informative and helpful to everyone. This financial literacy program is very interesting. We can learn how money and savings work, at the same time it encourages us to save money first and not spend too much. Your program helped me realize that there's magic in saving money. It’s nice to apply this in real life because I've learn a lot--especially to budget the money or how we handle it. It gives us more information how to handle money. The seminar is helpful in setting our mind in saving and investing in the near future and for guiding us for our good future. The lecture was so awesome. It touched my mind as well as my heart. Thanks. Please continue to share this wonderful & useful seminar to schools & colleges nationwide because it really helps a lot. Hatch is very good and very educational program. I really like it. It’s very interesting. I really learned new things about financial management and on how to save and invest it. Save to use. Save to keep. Save to share. It enlightened my mind to really use my money wisely. The program is great! And it’s full of surprises. It also encourages us students to have savings for the future. It was really informative and enjoyable. And I think you should keep informing others. The program is helpful to us. It's not boring. We got something from the program. Thanks for taking time to share your great knowledge on how to save and spend money.

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Students’ Testimonials I can say this very loud: WOW! Very helpful program. I learned a lot from it. I learned how to save money in this seminar. I really like it. It helps me a lot when it comes to spending my money. I’m really satisfied with the seminar. I like the speaker and the way he delivers the message. Now I have some idea on how to save money. It gave me a lot of learnings about how to save money. Kailangan po kayo ng mga taga probinsya para magkaroon sila ng tamang kaalaman. Sana marami pa po kayong matulungan. I hope you will visit our school again. I enjoyed the game. Even if I didn’t had the chance to play the game, still I enjoyed it! The program was so nice. It is a good program and it is very helpful that they manipulate students on how to save money. The program is very organized. It is a nice seminar and I learned something out of it. Excellent!! God bless this program. As a comment, I am speechless for the well-organized program. And Thankful for the knowledge that is shared by the speaker on how to save money. Very good speaker, well modulated voice. The seminar was very awesome. It makes me realize that even a single cent is very important for us. You did a good job guys! Please continue. I hope that you come back in our school next time. I learned a lot about financial literacy which I think is very important to all of us. Keep up the good work. Job well done!!! I appreciate your deeds. Wow!!! It encourages me to save more and more and to maximize my allowance. Please continue to educate students in financial literacy. The Colayco Foundations really helped me a lot and enlightened my mind on how to use and save my money. The program is so great and the speakers are well equipped with knowledge in lecturing about financial aspects.

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fUU'M&(-#/3g !!!"?&,#?LT-+)%,H".)%,-7%'"#$.

Students’ Testimonials Your motivation was good. It is interesting and educational. Good because it educate the people on how to manage income/allowance. I like the speakers! Just continue what you have started. It helps other people become aware of proper handling of money. Hatch really helped us to learn how to manage our personal money. My suggestion is its better if they will continue conducting seminars not only here in the Philippines but also outside the country especially to the Filipino people. I'm very glad to experience their seminar. It is really a wonderful and helpful seminar. It is overwhelming on my part. It is fun! No part is boring. Your seminar is great! The seminar was so informative. The Hatch seminar is very good especially for us graduating students. It really serves as a guide for earning money and managing it well. It is a sort of eye-opener. The conference is perfect! It helps a lot in awakening our minds to the importance of early saving and proper spending of money. I am very thankful for this opportunity. The program is very successful!

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Students’ Testimonials It was a learning experience. Fun & informative! I enjoy the talk. You have gotten our attention. It was nicely done. It wasn't boring. A follow up lecture on investments would be appreciated. It was fun and brain-enriching! Please continue to educate the youth with regards to saving and knowing what to do with their money. Thank you by the way for the enlightening experience! It was educational as well as enjoyable. It was an interesting program. Keep up the good work! It's very refreshing! Videos and graphics were nicely done. Very good lecturer. Amazing program! Good job! It would be nice to add some tips on how to save and where to invest in the future. I learned quite a lot! It's been a great help for me in realizing that even small things can lead to big gains in the future. Visit more schools! The program was very well organized and an eye opener for the students. I find it worth my time and attention. The seminar was very helpful. I am now mindful of the little things that we should do that could help us have a tomorrow full of success. Very good speakers. Presented in very clear, concise and entertaining way. The game at the end was helpful in getting the audience's attention and it summarized the points discussed earlier.

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Students’ Testimonials We enjoyed the show! It was so great! The program was awesome cause you are not too serious with the discussion and you caught our attention. We enjoy listening to the seminar and we learn a lot in their seminar. The seminar was very effective in a way that they made some interesting activities for students. Your program is really good and useful. Sana sa barangay places na kayo sunod. I've learned a lot regarding saving and earning moneys. I hope you will conduct this kind of seminar in our school again. This foundation is so useful for today and even for the next generation. I've learned a lot of from the speaker. I appreciate this foundation. HATCH program is very helpful because they tried their best to help us students. The presentation is very impressive and very sententious. It helps us in realizing that savings is very crucial that can make our future brighter. It is a great experience that made us realize to save money for our future. It’s great & thanks for enlighten my mind, I must save money right now. Continue your mission & goal! Because of their program, I was able to know the importance of saving money. It was very helpful for me. The program is valuable. I learned many. It teaches us more about managing our money. The seminar was great and I like the way the guest speaker delivers his speech. It’s very encouraging. It’s been a pleasure to know these things from you. Thanks. I would like to thank Mr. Francisco J. Colayco for having the hatch program that became very helpful to us. It is very interesting and fun. It's just an awesome seminar.

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Students’ Testimonials The show was so interesting. Hope you can come again. Really this forum is a great help for us… for our own good. Very nice forum!! It helps to encourage students to save money. Very excellent! I enjoyed it and I never felt sleepy. The program gave us a lot of important information concerning money. It's a very informative and helpful program not only for us student but for all people. The show/seminar gives us an idea on investing and were thankful for the committee who made this possible. The presentation was great and I've learned a lot from it. Interesting in my field of course. It greatly helped/taught me how to properly allocate my allowance. Thanks a lot! The seminar was an eye-opener and was very helpful. It did really help me realize that it is really important to save money even if just a small portion of my budget per day. Its great!! It teaches how to accumulate money well. This seminar helped me a lot especially now, in my age, that I'm starting to be aware about money and my future.I hope that more of this will be conducted in the future so that more info will be given to us. It was entertaining. Your program is really helpful. Please also share this program to the out-of-school youth so that they will be able to learn. I hope to meet Mr. Colayco in person for he serves as an inspiration to all. The host is really gorgeous. She is fun and not boring. The speaker as well is fun; he was able to explain things well. The speaker is very good and direct to the point. The giving of prizes enhanced the students to be more cooperative and responsive! God Bless. This seminar was a learning experience especially for us youth. Thank you!!!!! This activity gives me a very, very good overview of my future. Yes, you’re correct! My decisions are always for the present or for the near future. Thank you for correcting my mistakes. Hope to have longer lecture on handling personal finance with Colayco Foundation. I commend "HATCH" for a successful forum. This will really aid us kidults in managing our financial matters. I really learned a lot. A real good timing since I have been thinking about my future these past few days. I really enjoyed the seminar. The host and the speaker are so cool! I never thought that this seminar will come out this way.

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1,205,936.38 8,019.73 1,213,956.11

LESS: DISBURSEMENTS PROJECT COSTS: Development of CD Materials 10 minute AVP CD Development Expanded withholding Development of Hatch Booklet Lyric Sheet Development of CD Giveaway Website Development 50% downpayment Full payment Administrative expense Representation / meals Communication Office supplies

102,040.82 58,823.53 23,529.41 767.00 500.00 415.00 186,075.76

DEVELOPMENT FEES CD Giveaways Lyric sheet Marketing peripherals

153,834.00 153,834.00 97,132.00

Administrative expense Meals Supplies Gasoline and oil Communication Parking fee

4,478.73 2,966.25 1,624.45 800.00 75.00 414,744.43 463,200.00

REPRODUCTION/ PRINTING OF MATERIALS CD Reproduction Lyric Sheet reproduction

185,220.00 167,475.00

Administrative expense Office supplies Photocopying/Reproduction 462,886.00 MARKETING PERIPHERALS Marketing Peripherals Tarpauline Flyers Evaluation forms Posters Pamplets


7,756.35 542.25 29,416.40 15,221.02 80,975.02




82,250.00 42,900.00 16,000.00 11,200.00 765.00 18,898.45 43,538.00 5,187.24 9,974.00 9,995.25 240,707.94



ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Others Honorarium Prizes: Cash Prize Prizes: Load extreme Professional fees Communication Meals Airfare & hotel accomodation Travel and transportation Courier charges Supplies Total Disbursements/budget EXCESS OF RECEIPTS OVER DISBURSEMENTS

4,348.00 17,278.00 374,321.00

15,866.00 7,408.00 2,500.00 1,850.00 415.00

Marketing expense Travel & transportation Supplies Meals Communication expense PROMOTIONS / PUBLICITY PR News Release




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# of % of responses total 763 17% 1026 23% 2362 53% 65 1% 247 6% 4463 100%

2. When are you going to start to save? Today Tomorrow Next week Next month I still have my parents. Why should I? Sub-Total

2095 300 681 476 151 3703

57% 8% 18% 13% 4% 100%

3. Are you financially literate? Yes No Sub total

2480 953 3433

72% 28% 100%

4. The moment you get your hard earned money, what are you gonna do with it? Give it to parents Spend, spend Won't spend Split it in halves Won't look for a job Sub-total

456 404 235 3258 51 4404

10% 9% 5% 74% 1% 100%

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# of responses 5001 25 55 5081

% of total 98% 0% 1% 100%

2. Will you share this HATCHing experiences to friends? Yes I'll see No Sub-Total

4566 405 18 4989

92% 8% 0% 100%

3. When should you start saving money? Today Next week Should I? Tomorrow Next month Sub-Total

4280 301 41 312 141 5075

84% 6% 1% 6% 3% 100%

4. How did we do? Wow Good Okay Waste of time Sub-Total

3922 566 136 1 4625

85% 12% 3% 0% 100%

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