Harvard Linguistics 110 Handout 1

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Ling 110, Section 1 (Morphology) February 10, 2006. Homework #1: 2.12 (p.50), 2.19 A-C (p.64), 2.21 cut down to 5 compounds, see the box below (p.69), 2.27 (p.86) and 2.29 (p.88). Due: Monday at 9 am into HW-dropbox on the course website. Homework Hints: 2.12: Lakhota. More on reduplication below. Note that question (c) is about the two sentences in question (b). 2.19: Tagalog Reduplication. For this problem, keep in mind that both basic and intensive verbs may contain some affixes. Read pp.57-60 and also try Exercise 1 below for a hint on what some of those might mean. More on reduplication on this handout. 2.21: English N-N-N Compounds. Please consider only the following 5 compounds: baby buggy bumper hair care product metal filing cabinet mother seagull rubber ducky lover 2.27: Chickasaw Verb Segmentation. More on metathesis below. 2.29: Egyptian Arabic Verbs. More on discontinuous morphemes below. Note that question (d) asks you to give the form for each of the following six verbs: ‘study’, ‘do’, ‘copy’, ‘live in’, ‘carve’, and ‘sew’. I. Morpheme Segmentation Exercise 1: In Tagalog, a verb may occur in three different forms, depending on which sentence role (actor, object, or directional) is focused or emphasized. Given the following paradigm, identify morphemes that indicate AF (actor-focus), OF (object-focus), DF (directional-focus), respectively. root bintang batay hiram ?awit

meaning ‘accuse of’ ‘base on’ ‘borrow from’ ‘sing to’

actor-focus magbintang magbatay humiram ?umawit

bject-focus ibintang ibatay hiramin ?awitin

Cf.) [?] is a consonant called a glottal stop as occurring in ‘oh-oh!’

directional-focus pagbintangan pagbatayan hiraman ?awitan


II. Reduplication (see also 2.6.3. on pp.61-64): II.1. Complete reduplication: the whole of the affected word or morpheme is copied. II.1.1. Japanese (mimetic) a) pota-pota ‘dripping’ b) hena-hena ‘weak’ c) pitya-pitya ‘splashing’ II.1.2. Plural Marking in Indonesian sg. a) buku 'book' b) anak 'child' c) pulau 'island'

pl. buku-buku 'books' anak-anak 'children' pulau-pulau 'islands'

II.2. Partial reduplication: only part of an affected word or morpheme is copied. II.2.1. Inseño Chumash: - Basic Paradigm (1) s-telmemen 3-touch ‘He touches it’

(4) no-k-c’imutelew fut-1-bite ‘I will bite it’

(2) no-k-telmemen fut-1-touch ‘I will touch it’

(5) no-k-iy-xiliwayan fut-1-pl-float ‘We will float’

(3) no-s-iy-telmemen fut-3-pl-touch ‘They will touch it’ - Reduplication of the first CVC of the root yields distributed-in-space reading: (4) nosiyteltelmemen ‘They will grope around for it” (root telmemen ‘to touch’) (5) kteltelmement ‘I grope around it’ Exercise 2: what are the root and the reduplicated portion in the two examples below? a) sc’imc’imutelew ‘he nibbles it’ b) nokxilxilwayan ‘I will float around’

3 II.2.2. Ancient Greek: reduplication with pre-specified vowel /e/: a) ly:o: ‘I release’ b) grapho: ‘I write’

le-lyka ‘I have released’ ge-grapha ‘I have written’

II.2.3. Samoan: reduplicated portion is introduced within the morpheme (i.e. as an infix). a) alofa ‘love (sg.)’ a-lo-lofa (pl.) Discussion: Can you think of examples of either full or partial reduplication in languages you are familiar with?

III. Metathesis. III.1. Definition: “Metathesis is the phenomenon whereby two sounds that appear in a particular order in one form of a word occur in the reverse order in a related form of the word”1. III.2. Example of sporadic metathesis : Some dialects of American English: aks ‘ask’ III.3. Examples of more regular metathesis: Old English to modern English bridd > bird, frist > first, thridde > third, but crisp > crisp, bricg > bridge, etc. III.4. Examples of grammaticalized metathesis: Saanich (Salishan language): (a) (b)

Non-actual (≈ perfective) se wéqəs t’sə q’k’wə sc’ə

Actual (≈ imperfective) se-? ‘send’ wé-?-qəs ‘yawn’ t’əs ‘break something’ q’ək’w ‘straighten something’ səc’ ‘whip something’

Exercise 3: how are the actual forms of verbs derived in (a)? What about (b)?



4 IV. Discontinuous Morphemes in Egyptian Arabic (see also sidebar 2.12 on p.80) Perfective Imperfective Imperative Active Partic. Passive Partic.

katab ‘he wrote’ baktib ‘I write’ iktib ‘write!’ kaatib ‘writer’ maktuub ‘written’

daras ‘he studied’ badris ‘I study’ idris ‘study!’ daaris ‘studier’ madruus ‘studied’

Exercise 4: Can you find what the root for each verb is (hint: look for recurrent elements)? What about the rest of the morphemes (represent the discontinuities with _ )? Roots: Perfective: Imperfective: Imperative: Active Participle: Passive Participle:

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