Harsh Ada

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,064
  • Pages: 34



WHAT IS MELATONIN? • Melatonin is an important hormone secreted by PINEAL GLAND. • It is 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine. • It is all natural nightcap. • It is normally released during the night in response to environmental changes in light levels by pineal gland.

PINEAL GLAND • It is tiny gland buried deep in the brain behind the eyes • It is controlled by a paired cluster of nerve cells known as suprachiasmatic nuclei • Pineal gland consist of two major cell typePIEALOCYTES & IMMATURE ASTROCYTES

Structure of pineal gland

Histologically, the pineal is composed of "pinealocytes" and glial cells. In older animals, the pineal often is contains calcium deposits ("brain sand").

BIOSYNTESIS Tryptopan 5-Hydroxy tryptophan 5-Hydroxy tryptamine (serotonin) Melatonin

ROLE OF MELATONIN • In the regulation of neuroendocrine system • In the regulation of circadian sleep wake cycle • It also control essential function such as metabolism, sex drive, reproduction, appetite, balance, muscular coordination and immune system in fighting off diseases

FIVE PHASES OF SLEEP • Stage 1-light sleep • Stage 2-sleep spindles • Stage 3-slow brain wave called delta waves begin to appear • Stage 4-deep sleep • Stage 5-REM sleep

SLEEP DISORDER • Primary sleep disorder-increase sleep latency. • Secondary sleep disorder-decrease sleep latency. • Sleep Restriction-decrease total sleep time • Sleep apnea-interrupted breathing during

MELATONIN FOR TREATMENT OF SLEEP DISORDERS • Melatonin decreased sleep onset latency in people with primary sleep disorder. • Melatonin increased sleep efficiency in people with a secondary sleep disorder. • Melatonin significantly increased total sleep time in people suffering from sleep Restriction.

SLEEP APNEA • Obstructive Sleep apnea- occurs when tissues in upper throat collapse at interval during sleep. • Central sleep apnea- problem in central nervous system • Mixed sleep apnea- including both type. • Upper airway resistance syndrome- patient complain about excessive daytime sleepiness & they may wake frequently during night.

USE OF MELATONIN IN SLEEP APNEA • It maintain circadian rhythm also know as biological clock. • It is act as body’s time setting hormone • It also appears to serve as trigger for need to sleep.


• Melatonin taken by mouth 30 to 120 minutes prior to bedtime decreases the amount of time it taken to fall asleep in elderly individuals with insomnia

SCHIZOPHRENIA • Schizophrenia is psychotic illness is characterized by delusions hallucination & thought disorder together with social withdrawal flattening of emotional responses • Acute episodes frequently recur & develop into chronic schizophrenia with predominantly negative symptoms.

ROLE OF MELATONIN • It act as antagonists at dopamine D2 receptors & also block other monoamine receptors especially 5HT2


In delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) In sleep enhancement in healthy people In sleep EEG Rett syndrome Sleep disturbances due to pineal region damage • Sleep in asthma


• Depression is the most affective disorder; it may range from very mild condition, bordering on normality to serve depression accompanied by hallucination & delusion • Theory of depression is the monoamine hypothesis which states that depression is caused by functional deficit of monoamine transmitters at certain sites in brain

ROLE OF MELATONIN • Melatonin has been suggested for the improvement of sleep patterns in patient with depression • Melatonin act on monoamine receptors in particular B 1 & B 2 adrenoreceptors are consistently downrequlated following chronic melatonin treatment


• Epilepsy is very common disorder characterized by seizures which take various forms & result from episodic neuronal discharge • The seizure is caused by asynchronous high frequency discharge of groups of neurons starting locally & spreading to varying extent to affect other part of the brain

USE IN EPILEPSY • Melatonin was first reported to improve significantly clinical electroencephalogram patterns in untreatable epileptic with different aetiologies. • It enhance activation of GABA receptors thus facillitating the GABA mediated opening of chloride channels. • It inhibit the enzyme GABA transaminase which is responsible for inactivating GABA & inhibit the GABA uptake

OXIDATIVE STRESS • Oxidative stress is defined as the cellular damage caused by oxygen free radicals. • The two type of oxygen free radicals, the superoxide anion & hydroxyl radical are naturally produced by product of aerobic metabolism ,the latter binding more biologically toxic.

MELATONIN & ITS ROLE IN AGING AND OXIDATIVE STRESS • Melatonin’s protecting role in aging lies in its non-recepter mediated interaction as apotent radial scavenger. • It reduces DNA damage • It stimulate the activity of glutathione peroxidase.

USE IN CANCER • Prostate cancer • Mammary cancer

PROSTATE CANCER • Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that originates in the prostate gland and can eventually spread to other organs, bones, and tissues. • Melatonin levels are lower in people with prostate cancer than those without cancer. • It is found that melatonin inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells.

MAMMARY CANCER • Melatonin regulates the pituitary and gonadal hormones that control mammary gland development. • This hormone also responsible for growth of hormone dependent mammary tumors. • Melatonin act directly on tumoral cells, as naturally occurring antiestrogen.

OSTEOPOROSIS • The human skeleton undergoes a continuous process of remodelling throughout life some bone being reabsorbed & new bone laid down. • With advancing age there is an increasing possibility of structural deterioration & decreased bone mineral density known as osteoporosis.

USE IN OSTEOPOROSIS • Melatonin stimulate cell called osteoblasts that promote bone growth. • Melatonin levels may also be lower in some older individuals such as postmenopausal women.

HIV • All HIV infection are initially caused by transmission of virus that recognises the CCR5 & CD4 badges & infects the cells displaying them. • There is a progressive loss of CD4 helper T cells.

USE OF MELATONIN • Melatonin enhances the production of Thelper cells. • It also enhances the production of natural killer cells (NAK) • It also has an effect on cytokines- such as interieukin-2 .

USE IN OTHER DISORDER • Alzheimer’s disease ( sleep disorder) • Tardive dyskinesia • High blood pressure (hypertension)

WHAT IS PHARMACY GRADE MELATONIN? • Natural, animal ,or bovine grade melatonin contains the actual extracts of pineal gland. • The alternative is synthetic or pharmacy grade melatonin, which produced from pharmaceutical grade ingredient.

SAFTEY • Least toxic. • Less side effect. • FDA reports.


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