Harringay Festival Survey Results - Final

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What The People of Harringay Want in a Harringay Street Festival Report on Survey by Harringay Online, January 2009

Survey Focus The purpose of the survey undertaken by Harringay Online in January 2009 was to understand what the people of Harringay would like to see included in a Harringay Street Festival. Background In response to a request from Harringay’s residents and traders, Haringey Council has agreed in principle to work with local people to organise a one-day street festival in Green Lanes, Harringay during September 2009. Final approval is contingent on TfL accepting rerouting plans for the London buses that are normally routed along Green Lanes, Harringay. About this Report This report presents the survey findings containing both summary and comment data. About Harringay Online Harringay Online is a neighbourhood social network for the people of Harringay in north London. Established in July, 2007, Harringay Online is a pioneering venture. Its achievements were recognised in July 2008 when it was awarded a special commendation at the Catalyst Awards by the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Gordon Brown. E: [email protected] W: www.harringayonline.com

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Survey Results Summary

Section 1 – Data Summary

Section 2 – Comments

Section 3 – Survey Methodology

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Survey Results Summary The People of Harringay are enthusiastically anticipating a street festival. They apparently feel strongly about the symbolism of the festival. The vast majority agree that there is a need to take care to get the festival right both so it can be enjoyed and so it can contribute towards creating an improved "brand" of Harringay. The idea of a single or leading festival theme was strongly rejected. The preference is for a mixed event which reflects the diverse communities of Harringay, and offers the opportunity to celebrate pride in the things that are good about the neighbourhood, build community spirit and to have some fun! The maximum (for a free Survey Monkey Account) of 100 people responded to the survey

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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1 | Data Summary Q1. The festival will be the first time Harringay has presented itself to London at large for many many years. The image we present has the potential to significantly influence how people who live here (and those who don't) see Harringay and feel about it. So, it's more than just a festival. We need to take care to get the festival right both so we can enjoy it and so we contribute towards creating the "brand" of Harringay that we want.

The Festival Design Should Consider Both Enjoyment and Harringay's Image

Disagree 7%

Strongly disagree 2%

Strongly agree 47%

Agree 44%

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Q2. The festival should have a single overarching theme (like, for example, the arts, food or music).

Should There be a Single Overarching Theme?

Don't know 18%

Yes 29%

No 53%

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Q3. What themes or elements do you think should be included in the festival? (Obviously cost will be an issue here, but for now, just think about what you'd like to see included). i.

Visualisation (The size of the word denotes the frequency with which it was used as a response).

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Data Table

Elements that Should be Included in the Festival


The Future of Harringay, 2 Young People, 2 Cycling, 3 Sport/Health, 3 Prom ote Local Business, 4 Carnival, 5 Local Inform ation, 5 Street Market, 5 Local Craft, 7 Fun & Gam es, 9 Entertainm ent (Non-m usical), 14 Environm ental, 14 Com m unity, 16 Arts, 18 Local History, 18 Other, 21 Kids/Fam ilies, 26 Diversity, 34 Music/Dance, 54 Food, 111








No. Times Mentioned

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Q4. Do you agree that the festival should be a food festival to represent the food offered by the Green Lanes establishments?

Should the Festival be a Green Lanes Food Festival ?

Don't know 23%

Yes 32%

No 45%

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Q5. Should the festival be called the Green Lanes Festival or the Harringay Festival?

Green Lanes or Harringay Festival?

Green Lanes 34%

Harringay 66%

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Q6. Are you possibly interested in being involved with helping get the festival set up (remember no one's seeking commitments at this stage).

Interested in Being Involved?

Yes 38%

Maybe 39%

No 23%

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2 | Comments Q1

The festival will be the first time Harringay has presented itself to London at large for many years. The image we present has the potential to significantly influence how people who live here (and those who don't) see Harringay and feel about it. So, it's more than just a festival. We need to take care to get the festival right both so we can enjoy it and so we contribute towards creating the "brand" of Harringay that we want.


I whole-heartedly agree with this. However, it is important to allow the people of Harringay some flexibility. We don't want the event to be so overbranded that it doesn't allow diversity and people's own contributions. It has to feel like something we can contribute to, not a highly branded thing that is being "done" to us. I have taken part in many street festivals around the country, as a musician, and it always seems to work. Closing a street for the day and having everyone come and eat and drink together, with music and street performers etc always creates a sense of community and promotes local business that get involved. Local traders often report record profits for the day. Certain elements of the community can sometimes seem to take over a bit so its important to try to include everybody, if that’s ever totally possible! Green lanes has the most diverse community I have ever lived in so it will be interesting to see how it works out. ''brand'' is the wrong word. Try ''identity''. I agree and think this is most probably what was meant, but I think there should be stronger emphasis for people who live in and around the area than those than those who don't. I think it should be more about creating and strengthening the Harringay community rather than showcasing it to the rest of the 'world'.


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I live just on the edge of Harringay Town (in top end of Vale road/hermitage road) and I am keen to ensure that this type of event doesn’t create an even greater divide between "Harringay" and surrounding areas. I, and many others engage actively with Harringay (including this great website), along with shopping and eating out even though I don’t explicitly live in the defined: it is an area we (me and my partner) identify with. to encourage the community to be actively involved But lets not overlook the fact that it's also a chance for residents to have some fun too especially since all the negative news about Haringey lately. We need an emphasis on the positive, dynamic side of life in Harringay- not dwelling only on crime, dog shit, complaints about the council etc. Arts, music, creativity etc. Calling Harringay a brand sounds very commercial The festival should cover all age groups, from babies to pensioners and be representative of the many nationalities that live here. A Carnival procession would also be great. It will hopefully be an excellent opportunity to promote the area in a positive light and move on from the area's past (hopefully) difficulties with drugs, illegal gambling, community conflict & other negative associations that the area has. There's been lots of negative publicity (gang wars, Baby P., Victoria Climbie)

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It's important to get the festival right so it encourages community activity and involvement rather than passive consumption (like much of the Tottenham Carnival now) and so local people can enjoy it, but references to a "brand" of Harringay put me off the whole idea. Sort of agree. However, I can this being in danger of turning into PR stunt instead of something for local community. Cynical about how these things go.... The Turkish population is coming back to Green Lanes again, it used to be largely Greek, and it's up to them how they want to publicise their shops. I don't want Harringay to be just another street of cafes etc. which I can find anywhere in London. My friends and I eat out in Green Lanes because it provides good authentic Turkish food at all prices. Long may it last!! I would think that good Romanian and Middle Eastern shops would get similar custom. You may want to continue the festival to the open spaces in the gardens and ladder and advertise the good work done there, but they are not part of my daily scene so I'm not interested in those areas. I don't think we should worry too much about our 'branding' more important to participate in something meaningful together, create a vibe, let people express themselves, and let the press people brand it for us. I understand the importance of branding in the modern age, but really, as long as we do a good job the brand is taken care of... I guess I think we should be as open and inclusive as possible, and avoid creating something too selfconscious or contrived. One big idea however great cant change the identity of an area - but I'm sure it wont hurt. I think the key challenge is making it a place of desire rather than a cheap place to live before you can afford to move to 'nicer bits of town'. I say this after 7 years living here! I care more about what's in the festival and how much fun it is for the community than what anyone outside of the community may or may not think. It would help people rally around the idea if the point/purpose (i.e. celebrating the cultures of Harringay, bringing everyone together, etc) of the festival or indeed the absence of a point to the festival (i.e. just for fun, because we feel like it) was articulated at as early as possible. The "we" should be carefully considered. For a festival to be truly representative as broad a spectrum of people as possible need to be involved in the decision making process. Crucial to consider the many residents not on HoL! I'm a bit ambivalent to this. I don't think we need to over-egg the idea of Brand Harringay, and I'm not sure I even care too much what other people think about Harringay. It's much more important to have a good day where lots of people come together and the local businesses and residents have a chance to enjoy the day. I agreed it's important to get the festival right so we can enjoy it, but just not for the reasons above....

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The festival should have a single overarching theme (like, for example, the arts, food or music).


If you want the event to draw in local businesses, you can have an overarching theme that might be food, but the music has to come with it - food and music come together in both Greek and Turkish tradition. Music might be good, but it shouldn't be in halls, it should be outside - live music while people eat on the street would be best. If you have to have a theme, I am in favour of food because everyone likes to eat, its a no-brainer for me! However, themes will always start to put some people off because they think its not their bag. Harringay is reflective of many different cultures. Push the many different foods and types of music it has to offer; ''exotic gateway between London and the world'', Authentic cuisine I think art and food would be good to focus on due to many different types of projects around locally e.g. manor gardens community garden; Snap shot; and all the references made on the website indicate lots of local talent! Since it would be first one, I think focusing on several aspects of what makes Harringay, Harringay would be a good idea Eclectic is good and reflects the diversity of the area food, to improve the environment ecologically and to showcase progress made with regard to youth crime and to encourage small ethically sound businesses It would be easier to categorise if there was one overarching theme but I would like to see a bit of everything that makes up the very diverse Harringay - so foods, arts and music too. Recycling, pollution, cycling, excessive traffic - people have a chance to create the Harringay they want for a day One of the great things about Harringay is its diversity - I suspect that we could go with a broader category like culture and that would incorporate food, music, arts whatever - the important thing is that all the communities in Harringay have ownership of this event. variety to reflect the variety of people in Haringey Having a single overarching theme seems a bit limiting - especially as it's the first time. Perhaps in subsequent years a theme could be considered, based on what people enjoyed at the first one (or what proved to be the easiest bits to organise!). this would be a good, unifying idea, but obviously a theme can encompass a lot- call it something like Harringay United or something, so you focus on bringing people together in all their diversity, with food, music etc reflecting that. Unless the single theme is Harringay I think it depends whether we want the festival to be just for the local community, or whether we see any benefit in raising Harringay's profile to the rest of London. I'd say it should do both. Having a single overarching theme will give the festival a far stronger identity, and gives people from beyond Harringay a reason to visit, rather than just local residents.

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since it's the first time, it should not be too restrictive and the success and/or failure of certain food/arts etc endeavours can be used to make decisions about an overarching theme in future festivals. maybe it can have want anyone wants to put in it

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quite keen on something that celebrates diversity and wouldn't want the theme to be narrowed down to either arts, food or music etc . Haringey is one of the most diverse boroughs in the country , with so much of the world represented here - this is what I would like to celebrate in a festival. I feel a good festival will have elements of all of the arts, food and music. If you wanted to have a theme maybe it should be one that celebrates what makes Harringay and Green Lanes in particular special - it's diversity, it's unique shops and it's sense of community. I think a diverse festival that incorporates music, food, dance, the arts will be more reflective of what Harringay is about. Is it really necessary to limit ourselves to just 1 overarching theme. If we decided on advertising the festival as a strong music base then I think we may start alienating the older generation. Then again if it is more influenced by art we could potentially alienate a whole other genre. I would suggest we have a "festival" theme - come enjoy, be apart of the community. The festival should celebrate the inclusivity of the range of different people and cultures who reside in Harringay. why not arts + food + music + health/eco stuff ? Well, it should try to copy some of the more successful street markets in London. Broadway Market in Hackney comes to mind. But not everybody will agree with it - so it must change each year. I prefer something more abstract and funny instead of a narrow category like "food". What about "green" (Green Lanes, eco-food, green clothing etc.) or something similar? Diverse area, diverse festival...something for everyone. Why not have bit of everything – Harringay itself is the overarching theme. I feel cultural diversity should be the overall theme as this place may look predominantly Cypriot Turkish but so many more people live here Setting a theme might undermine one idea that Harringay represents -- incredible diversity Better to have a variety of themes so there's something to interest everyone. All of above Turkish, Romanian and Middle eastern themes. the festival could be a celebration of the rich and diverse cultures and individuals that live together in Green Lanes and an opportunity for people to learn more about each others interests and customs. it should combine all of the above I think the content of the festival should reflect the community, and the people within it who have ideas and want to put energy into it. Harringay is incredibly diverse. perhaps 'diversity' could be a theme I think there is room to celebrate lots of different aspects of life in Harringay including e.g. the diversity of the population, variety of food, local history and architecture. I think it would be hard to agree on one overarching theme and it could leave a lot of people feeling left out. essential to have a hook for media - other than heroin, fruit and veg, or Turkish Nah, it should just be great! I hate fancy dress parties or theme parties. You need great food, music and a chance to hang out with other residents. I think it should include more than one element for example food and music Could incorporate the old dog track or greyhounds and rabbits as a theme. Or a 'now and then' theme - I like all the old photos of Harringay and Green Lanes on HOL perhaps this could be part of the festival. Or as Harringay is mostly the ladders and the gardens - who are these streets named after, why were the names chosen - it is quite an eclectic mix. I think the blending of arts, food and music can make it really interesting, as all three things go on here.. I'd like to see something that combines most elements of local culture

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I think that it should have an overarching theme but think that we need to be careful to be inclusive and don't really think that it should be a single one - for example, a festival themed around food and music would be better and should be more inclusive than one themed around, say, music which many people would exclude themselves from. Equal weight should be on each theme/category Not necessarily. A food theme would be the obvious choice. Something like Toronto's "Taste of the Danforth" festival - http://tasteofthedanforth.com but giving the other cuisines on GL a chance to get in too (Bianca Pizzeria, Danube bakery etc). It's the main selling point of Grand Parade. It should reflect what goes on in Harringay and should not restrict itself to one thing. We want to see what all organisations based in and around Harringay have to offer: food, music, arts, environment, kids, charities etc.

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Themes or elements that people want included in the festival (Question 3) The Future of Harringay (2) Plans for the future - exhibition & consultation activities around future plans, policies, aspirations for the area future of the area Young People (As opposed to kids) (2) Technology, or toys, something to attract younger people 'Young People' projects and opportunities Cycling (3) Doctor Bike sessions for those who would like a more cycle friendly environment in the area. (this is free) bicycles repair/cycle route maps bicycle try-out area Sport/Health (3) Maybe sport involving the park? I don't know of anywhere else in London with a baseball diamond and American football pitch health and exercise sport presentation sport Promote Local Business (4) local business representation / introduction - Not just what's on the high street but what residents do... Promoting Harringay businesses, i.e. local restaurants could provide food etc. Local shops and Services Local businesses - for instance what's on offer locally that you'd expect to have to travel to town for

Carnival (5) Carnival floats parade in green lanes maybe as a focus colourful, life enhancing arts, musical activities- carnival kind of thing? Parade of some sorts Local Information (5) Local groups - police/religious/Harringay online etc stalls with info about the area, pics etc. local information: Council stall, London Cycling Campaign, info about Ally Pally, Hornsey Town Hall, London Overground etc Information local community & action groups & businesses sharing info/stalls etc Street Market (5) We could have a kind of street market where the shops have stalls on the street maybe selling or sampling the more culturally specific stuff that you never quite dare to try. Stalls for local businesses - or pavement cafes?! Street Market “Markets” x 2 Local Craft (7) Local artisans given an opportunity to promote/sell their work arts and crafts stalls Jewellery stalls Craft stalls (maybe run by local businesses and/or residents) market for Harringay artist/craft residents to sell their work Crafts Local crafts - everyone loves a craft fayre

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Fun & Games (9) "Fun" x 3 "Games" x 2 Games/Competitions games for adults - such stuff always done for kids only! Not all of us have children

Environmental (14) seed swap and plants Local nature walk recycling/green theme environment (i.e. improving the local environment esp. gardens/green spaces/community planting/tackling dumping)

arty village fete games to play? See V&A's Friday late night village fete they had last year.. was excellent

Sustainability - avoid free advertising tat which ends up in the bin, and promote sustainable pleasures and behaviour!

Fun stuff... something silly and enjoyable... rides, competitions, games

Local environmental work highlighted environment - enhancing our area and taking care of it - making it look nice so we can be proud

Entertainment (Non-musical) (14)

respecting the environment i.e. STOP DROPPING RUBBISH EVERYWHERE!!!

pantomime for children and adults alike comedy Local entertainers performers - local writers, artists, comedy

how to reduce car dependency some green stuff as we are trying to be the greenest borough Promoting the reduction of cars, maybe even promoting bicycles.

circus arts

recycling, pollution, cycling, excessive traffic - people have a chance to create the Harringay they want for a day

Entertainers (from different cultures) street performers theatre , cabaret and dance performance Local theatre Theatre Street theatre - the people on stilts at Car Free day were great. Street comedy a good idea too

green issues Sustainability

Entertainment street performers Entertainment street performers

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Community (16) Community cohesion, good neighbourliness, promote integration between different 'communities' in area

Local arts

Being proud of our community

Local musicians and artists get a chance to showcase their work

Strengthening our sense of community - how people can get involved in improving the area & making friends


Showcase the multicultural community

Arts - this is on the edge of the cultural quarter and there are a number of artists who live here

Links between local schools and the community(ies) Communities living in harmony

arts emphasis on arts very broadly. There must be poets, artists writers, musicians dancers etc living locally?

local people taking responsibility for their community/social responsibility

Traditional and new culture - sharing talent and ideas... especially film, music, art, dance

That its the start of something; bringing people together, caring about where we live and who we live there with


the village-like feel of the place food & music to bring people together Community friendliness Opportunity to meet other people from the area Local community community and cultural themes Things that show the local community isn't about child murders and street violence

film open houses/studios Arts Visual arts arts showcase of artists work in the area

Arts (18) local peoples art visual arts public art Local artists Art visual arts

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Local History (18) Harringay past and present: Ask Haringey Arts to stage a parade based around characters from Tom Arnolds circus for example. the history of the area local history and architecture roots / history but with a forward focussing them - e.g. diversity We could have an exhibition celebrating the history of the area so that people could see just how much it's changed in the last hundred years with lots of old photos then and now history (Arena!) Celebrate a bit of our history, by e.g. tableaux on lorries or walking groups History (esp. cultural diversity) USP of the area: Ethnicity, Culture, History, Commercial history. Harringay history - banners from pictures of old Harringay hung from buildings on Green Lanes - banners about the Harringay Dogs in the Arena car park “Local History” x2 architecture - how speculative property developers bought land and used different architects history, including the story of the previous estate and the history of migration into the area “History of the area” x 2 Victorian architecture, with a reference to the beautiful buildings in Harringay Open house for all the historical buildings in the area, showcasing local history, open libraries etc

Other (21) car boot sales, swapping, free cycling of unwanted objects artivism talks DIY - local people making their own music, food and art & sharing it with others - not hiring experts

we have plenty of interesting warehouse spaces we can open up T-shirt making with GL / Harringay logo that we can invent Swap shop - bring and swap - a chance to meet people Beer Festival (guest ales?) Workshops Harringay have a longer festival with the street party being the main feature. Would be great to get the schools, community groups and places like the Salisbury involved hosting events celebrating the diversity of our locale to inform residents before the festival begins so we could be involved with some of the projects new river Green lanes cafes open on the pavement No community adoption drives etc like the Finsbury park festival!!! political expression Ensure older people and people with disabilities, who are often excluded from such events, are able to take an active part in the Festival Fireworks story-telling Educational opportunities for young people and adults I would rather there was no "music", I don't mind people selling stuff and playing it but no "band" etc, we're not X-factor

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Kids/Families (26) kids kids stuff Families / young people Family - loads of families live here, it would be great to show how families can have a good experience living here events for kids - bouncy castle, face painting, arts and crafts, sandpits etc kids entertainment - face painting / balloon making / jumping castle/cookie making/pottery painting rides Something that would encourage the children to find our about different cultures - kind of like the 'passport' events that they hold in primary schools Puppet Theatre puppetry Play area for children - like a big pirate ship. I've seen them at other festivals Children Fun and freedom for kids to enjoy anarchy of something different on our busy street Kids stuff - the water pipes at Car Free day very good Fun things for kids lots of children's events, given Haringey's shocking reputation for childcare Activities for children of various ages kids/family getting children and youth (and older adults, 'hidden' groups- disabled people etc) involved in the planning- link with local schools school kids involvement local schools should be involved Children & young people - local schools, youth groups, after-school clubs children fun games / competitions - stuff for kids things to make and do for kids Diversity (34) Displays of Local culture including Food, music, art [Turkish being the most prominent] A good display of ethnic cultures all ages to be involved local culture

Cultural diversity cosmopolitanism celebration of different cultures multi-cultural event, just like the residents of Harringay Something that reflects local ethnic communities too, to get all sectors of the community involved cultural/ethnic groups in the area - food, dancing, singing All the different culture's interpretations of a street party. English fete meets Turkish fete - whatever that may be Cultural Diversity Local farmers and traders market so that the Irish, Greek, Polish, Turkish, Kurdish traditions of the area can be shown "Diversity" x 2 Diversity of population through food and music the diverse ethnic cuisines of Harringay celebrate diversity and individuality cultural and linguistic diversity of local population including a history of migration to the area Cultural diversity (including white British London culture) diversity celebrated live music and dance - representing the many cultures who live here Communities living in harmony food stalls which represent the many ethnic backgrounds of our community Diverse live bands and not just Turkish music regional cooking - all local nationalities roots / history but with a forward focusing them - e.g. diversity Entertainers (from different cultures) Cooking up food from the many different Harringay communities (not only Turkish) Celebration of the range of cultures within Harringay - arts, food, music History (esp. cultural diversity) We should try to something that would encourage the children to find our about different cultures - kind of like the 'passport' events that they hold in primary schools food from different cultures Would be great to get the schools, community groups and places like the Salisbury involved hosting events celebrating the diversity of our locale USP of the area: Ethnicity, Culture, History, Commercial history. The diversity in just a few streets

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Music/Dance (54) "Music" x 27 "Live Music" x 3 "Local Bands/Musicians" x 6 "Dancing" x 2 bands in fins park Afternoon/Evening concert of folk music and modern Greek/Turkish pop music in Finsbury Park (I know some DJs) Diversity of population through music food & music to bring people together live band or DJ live music and dance - representing the many cultures who live here live musicians roaming along the street Lots of different music Music - live bands and not just Turkish music music - local performers (but not too over amplified) Music and dance music and dancing Music! live jazz is always good. Traditional Turkish Greek music & dance Food (111) "Food" x 22 and a 'big eat' type of thing like the one they held on London Bridge during the Thames festival with lots of different types of food included bread (from different cultures) cake stalls Cooking up food from the many different Harringay communities (not only Turkish) Diversity of population through food Food - especially Turkish food which has not received the gastronomic recognition which it should Food - Green Lanes is known for it's food shops food & music to bring people together

"Food stalls" x 3 food and drink - both local produce and international. Plenty of tables and chairs in the street for al fresco dining. food drink food fairs - different parts of the world represented Food from all Green Lanes Restaurants Food from all the different ethnicities that live in our neighbourhood - this is probably an obvious point, but it's something that gives Green Lanes an identity, all the different cuisines one can consume on it! food from different cultures food- always important and enables people to share across cultures and traditions Food stalls from local businesses food stands. jam competitions Food typical to our area, e.g. Green and Turkish Food, provided by Turkish , Romanian and Middle Eastern restaurants good food Gourmet Food stalls Harringay - place for good honest food healthy eating, symbolised by all the fruits and veg shops on Harringay: green lanes is unique! information on cultural groups living here, e.g. polish food next to Kurdish food. Local food Local food specialities (e.g. the Turkish community could obviously play a big part...) Nice food not horrible burger vans, maybe stalls run by local businesses and residents quality food representing local communities - NOT cheap burgers and junk! regional cooking - all local nationalities stalls food Taste the World... global food available locally - Turkish, Kurdish, Polish, British, African, Chinese etc. the diverse ethnic cuisines of Harringay the restaurants with outside stalls selling bite size samples of their food Turkish food and culture varieties of food on offer

Survey on what should be included in Harringay’s Street Festival Harringay Online 2009

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Q5. Do you agree that the festival should be a food festival to represent the food offered by the Green Lanes establishments? 1

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This will probably draw more people in, however, recent council decisions to close down restaurants after 2am (while leaving McDonalds open) suggest to me people are not serious about this. If you are going to encourage people to come here for food, you have to be prepared for the consequences. Current restaurants are great, but the food is not diverse. You would need to have a market-type approach on some part of the road showcasing the food of the people of Harringay. Yes, provided the title of food festival is more of an umbrella under which lots of traditional festival elements can flourish. and music This would only really be a Turkish food festival then, as kebab shops are in the majority here. This doesn't really reflect the totality of local residents who live here. Food is definitely a Green Lanes strong point and good theme, although other activities should not be left out. If this was the focus would be keen to see a focus on local food producers and community projects like manor garden's community garden project (based in Finsbury park). And, maybe even to encourage Sainsbury's to re-consider there packaging e.g. provide a disposal service in store? I think should be an element of the festival, but then this would be set up to be an annual food festival it should be including other aspects as I have mentioned above, it is about the Harringay community working together to improve and portray a good image of Harringay to the residents and the visitors to the festival Not dead against the idea but its a bit limiting Think this could be an element but as a theme might be limiting / off-putting Definitely, green lanes food shops are a unique experience. Good idea to showcase the local food businesses - but wouldn't want to limit it to that. Would be good to do other stuff e.g. have music, stuff for families/kids to do, comedy/arts events in different venues in the area. It should include this - but not exclusively. Obviously food plays a big part in differentiating factor of Green Lanes but should it just be about food? that would be fine -but see my earlier comments on culture. food is a big theme on green lanes so why not? Food brings people together. partially Sure, but not limited to this not really- could include this, but it would limit things unnecessarily Should definitely have that as a main theme but not be restrictive Perhaps... people's perception of Turkish food is probably generally 'kebabs'. We could challenge that by demonstrating the diversity of Turkish food. Or we could embrace it. Maybe with some novelty devices. A 'kebab-off' where visitors to the festival vote for the purveyor of Green Lanes' finest kebab? Time Out et al would love that kind of stuff. From a cynical perspective, food is perhaps a safer theme than, say, music, if we're looking to avoid the risk of crowd problems/friction (i.e. posturing kids attacking each other)

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22 Haringey Festival should be about the wider community, there are a lot of martial arts business.. get them involved.. youths groups and different faith groups.. get them involved... A lot of people don't realise on the ladder there are at least 6 different religious groups. highlight features of the South Haringey school who just got recommendation from ofsted that was positive. We need people to know all we have to offer and it shouldn't cost much as it is in each if these sectors interest to be involved. We should include the green lanes food but it shouldn't just be about them. 23 Should be a part of it, but there's more to Harringay than just food, and as food is the most visible part of our streets probably more interesting to focus on other things too. 24 the food offered on green lanes is not of a high enough standard or varied enough ethnically to warrant this. 25 I think this can be part of it but why so narrow 26 other foods too not just the ones in this street 27 You could use the food as a beginning - but there are a lot more cultural influences in the area than the food on Green Lanes would suggest. If you were going to focus on one element music/entertainment is going to keep people at the festival longer than food. At the summer fair at North Harringay Primary School last year we had an international food stall etc but it was the talent show and displays of dancing (African, Turkish, Irish, Chinese ribbon etc) that proved to be the heart of the event and helped create a fantastic atmosphere. There is also a danger that by focusing primarily on the food that the festival comes to be seen primarily as a marketing tool for the restaurants on Green Lanes. I think I read somewhere that Harringay is the most ethnically diverse borough in England - maybe that could be a starting point for developing a theme. By the way we have scheduled this years summer fair for Saturday the 27th June so if we could avoid a clash that would be appreciated. 28 I think food could be a major part because it is one thing that makes living here so great - but including other things will include other community members too. 29 Not primarily a food festival but I'm sure that with all the foods that are offered by the Green Lanes establishment it will certainly the most interesting festival London has seen for a long time. 30 Harringay is a vibrant community - food as a theme is far too limiting. 31 yes, but there is more to life than just good food 32 Not all of the food on Green Lanes is good. I want it to be a cross between what we get on Green Lanes and the farmers market at the bottom of Muswell Hill. 33 Needs still a greater cross-section of cuisine. 34 not only food 35 Food is a great way to bring people together, particularly if there is open air cooking & seating, inc lively cooking demonstrations etc so that people who normally wouldn't, are encouraged to talk, take an interest in each other & integrate, but a food festival needs to genuinely represent the diversity of the area and not be dominated by one or two groups or businesses. 36 I think this should be a big part of it, but not the focus. 37 not necessarily 38 Not just food see my previous comments 39 In part, but not as the one theme 40 I think that could be okay, but don't think it has to be a food festival, probably because I live just off Green Lanes but have never been all that impressed with the overall diversity or quality of the restaurants.

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41 Food should be a part of the festival, but not the whole theme. Independent food outlets should be welcome, but the festival shouldn't just be to promote their business. Chain stores on Green Lanes (such as Tesco & McDonald's) should be excluded altogether or the whole event will end up taking on the air of just another advertising opportunity. 42 Food can be one of several things 43 I have friends in London who only come to this area to eat in the Turkish restaurants. This area needs to encourage visitors for ethnic minority flavour to include all ethnic minorities living in the area. That is not to say an English restaurant cannot also serve up a decent traditional meal, but we can get Italian and French coffee anywhere in London. We need something special in this area. Can include cultural activities as well as food. 44 not only. green lanes has hopefully more to offer. 45 It will just be Turkish food if that's the case and there aren't just Turkish people living here 46 this would be a bit boring and not really exploit the opportunity for local people/businesses to collaborate in fruitful new ways. 47 I think there is a real risk that this would give the festival a too commercial atmosphere. 48 Part of but not all. Too limited. 49 I think food should be only one element of many that is celebrated. 50 yes this possibly should be the primary part but also include the other elements suggested. 51 a lot of the food is all the same and not veggi friendly 52 Most of the restaurants serve similar foods to each other and similar foods all year round. Essentially a celebration of the local food is not a major attraction to local people - what's new, novel or exciting about that? Why would anyone leave the house for more of the same? It needs to be a new, refreshing look at Harringay to attract people - Harringay's wildlife, Harringay history, Hidden Harringay 53 Would be fine, but there are also lots of other activities around here that are strong and could contribute... but would work and have a strong identity. 54 Too narrow - and while Green Lanes is a great place to eat, the cuisine isn't strong enough to support an entire festival. Anyway, I'm more interested in being exposed to the music I hear played in the restaurants (i.e. live performances) 55 Amongst other things 56 could be, but could we have some health-food type food as well please, as I have a vision of a mile of kebabs 57 Food is important but it is predominantly Turkish. Wouldn't it be better to celebrate the diversity of Harringay? 58 Not exclusively. 59 Not necessarily. 60 If it's got to have a theme then this is the one to go for. Although this is likely to make it more popular and marketable around the rest of London / neighbouring areas. 61 Not just although it is important to have them on board

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Q6. Should the festival be called the Green Lanes Festival or the Harringay Festival 1 2 3 4 5

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It should most definitely be called the Harringay festival. Green Lanes goes for miles and would be misleading drawing in Enfield. This is about the local area not about the road. For some reason, people seem to have a problem with Harringay. Time for the borough to change its name I think ;-) too much confusion with Haringey Green Lanes is a very long road which runs from Newington Green up towards Edmonton - it doesn't really reflect the specific local community based in Harringay. Green Lanes is very long, it would be misleading and reduce the potential for building a strong community. I think that this road can be seen as a divide between the gardens and the ladders so "green lanes" could really work. Also think that it would come across as being more inclusive because would pot encourage people who use green lanes to come, and not just those that live in Harringay. I am sure some people would argue that as it is a long road it may not help. What about calling it Harringay Green Lanes Festival....would then have same name as station and covers both bases? Harringay it is all inclusive and maybe we should see ourselves as Harringay people rather than Green Lanes one. Want to increase the profile of the borough. Not everyone knows where Green lanes is but thanks to recent events everyone knows where h'gey is! I think in many ways Green Lanes has a much more manageable identity than Harringay which gets confused with the while borough and whilst it might be tempting to use the festival to try and remove this misconception it is more likely to just blur the issue Not sure. Green Lanes is the better known area but it also has some bad connotations. Need to decide what the objective is first. Is it to lift the reputation of Green Lanes are to increase the profile of Harringay as a whole? green lanes is a focal point for Harringay, but more inclusive to those outside the area. Plus people will actually know where to go! Because Green Lanes is a really long street - and Harringay is a neighbourhood! Harringay Green Lanes Festival Green Lanes stretches over too large an area - Harringay is more representative of the area to be covered Green Lanes is more recognisable to those outside the area. Harringay risks confusion with Haringey and it hardly has a good press at the moment. Green Lanes extends mile from south to north- unless you want to cover the whole length of the road! I think those outside the area would understand its location better. Green Lanes is massive and the festival, transport logistics etc will only be targeting the specific area of it around Harringay. If we call it the Green Lanes festival we risk diluting its impact. People might turn up at Newington Green to find nothing happening. And credit where credit's due, dammit! Haringey need a bit of positive broadcast/news after recent event with child services and the little baby who died. we need the positive press coverage. People always correct my spelling when I write I live in Harringay, I think the area needs more publicity to let everyone know it's different to Haringey the county. Also isn't Green lanes the longest road in London, all the way from Newington green to Hertfordshire? That would be one big festival and lots of unhappy commuters. the Harringay green lanes festival green lanes is a long long road Green Lanes goes through a large portion of North London but the Harringay section has its own feel. I feel that if it were the Green Lanes Festival many

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who live close by would loose ownership of the event. 23 I would prefer it to remain as Harringay - it offers more of a community feel. Green Lanes does not suggest the broader geographical area that is Harringay. 24 sounds greener 25 Many people do not realise the difference between Harringay (town) and Haringey Council so may be clearer to call it Green Lanes Festival 26 Why bother? But then I don't see what's wrong with it being called Harringay. I'd rather they spent the money they'd save (by not rebranding), on tackling the dog shit problem. Nothing would improve my life in Harringay more. 27 People still confuse Haringey with Harringay but Harringay might attract more people. 28 Green Lanes could be anywhere from Newington Green to Palmers Green. There's only ONE Harringay 29 Don't mind 30 We are not celebrating the ladder or the gardens, areas like that are all over London. This little part of Green Lanes is the celebration. Harringay is too confusing a name and gets muddled with Haringey. Harringay is a relatively newly defined area which doesn't mean anything to the rest of London. 31 Should include everyone in Haringey not just the more affluent middle class bit. 32 People know this area as Green Lanes - they are confused by Harringay, i.e. that a town known as Harringay exists as well as the borough of Haringey. You have to explain where it is and when you say Green Lanes they then know. 33 green lanes is too long for it to be called green lanes festival. why not call the festival something more audacious, such as THE GRAND PARADE 34 People live in Harringay. Businesses rule the roost on Green Lanes. Green Lanes goes all the way to Stoke Newington. 35 Green Lanes makes more sense as a name. No one knows where Harringay is. 36 I think it should be the Harringay Green Lanes festival. When I tell people where I live, I usually say "In Harringay, off Green Lanes". When people hear the word Harringay they often mentally hear the name Haringey and think you are talking about the whole borough. 37 Lets not be churlish. Just because the council suggests something it isn’t necessarily bad ! - Non residents have heard of green lanes but not Harringay however exciting we insist on extra letters and particular spellings Harringay to the public = wholesale drugs, baby p, Tottenham Green Lanes to the public = fruit and veg 38 How about ''Harringay Green Lanes'' as Green Lanes is a very long road. 39 Without consulting the A-Z I think that Green Lanes runs from Newington Green to Palmers Green. If the festival is to concentrate on the small area of Harringay then calling it the Green Lane festival would just be confusing and could mean that resident's of Harringay don't feel like they have ownership of it. 40 Although whether this will be enough to sway the opinions of the general public who hear only bad things about Haringey.... 41 Don't mind. Green Lanes sounds nicer, and is more specific. When you say that to friends people know of lots of delicious Turkish food. Harringay is still associated with down and out.. sounds a bit rougher. 42 I'm easy 43 Green Lanes runs from Newington Green to Baker Street in Enfield - the name Green Lanes is not specific to the area at all. You would have to refer to it as Harringay Green Lanes which would rather defeat the point. 44 Green Lanes would not be representative of the area. This festival is for and by Harringay. 45 Not initially keen on Green Lanes, but there is so much confusion of the two Harringay/Haringeys, it might be sensible.

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46 don't know 47 Seems a sensible idea to stop the confusion with the area and the borough 48 I like both. I don't feel protective of Harringay and am just as likely to tell people I live on/in Green Lanes as Harringay... Although I wouldn't want to rename the area - I think that's a daft idea. Why should we? If they're worried about getting the names mixed up with the council, they shouldn't be. 49 what evidence do you have that LBH want to rename the area?!!! 50 If it is the Green Lanes festival, then let Green Lanes organise it and the people of Harringay can come as visitors

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3 | Survey Methodology The survey was hosted on a free Survey Monkey for nine days between 7th & 15th January 2009. Because a free account was used, the maximum number of responses that can be gathered is 100. That maximum was reached and the survey was closed. All members of Harringay Online were invited to complete the survey. Two specific invitation messages were sent. The survey was also mentioned in the weekly mailing on 9th January. A link button was visible on all pages of the site throughout the nine day period.

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