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  • Words: 21,031
  • Pages: 101
Harmony by Steve "Bunny" Williams

Copyright © 2006 Registered, WGAw 1147636

Steven Williams 4318 Axtell Street South Colorado Springs, CO 80906 [email protected]

INT. APARTMENT BUILDING LOBBY - DAY The lobby has big steel doors and is very well protected. There's a 55 gallon drum with holes cut in it and it's standing on cinder blocks to form a makeshift fireplace. CINDY is a blonde girl, about 19, with very large breasts. Handing a plate of food to CHASE, a sick looking black man around 25. Disgust shows on her face. Chase has sores around his lips. CINDY Well, this is the last of the food. CHASE It's OK, I had spaghetti-o’s and corn for lunch. Cindy rolls her eyes. MAGGIE (50’s), is sitting next to Chase on a sofa up against the wall. She has her arms around him and rocks him gently. MAGGIE Now Chase, you have to eat, you have to keep your strength up. Cindy mimics Maggie silently. CHASE Maggie, you worry too much. be fine.


Maggie pats his shoulder and takes a more comfortable position on the sofa. Cindy motions to hand the plate of food to TY (20’s), a strong looking black man. TY I ain't eating anything off his plate. Sick mother fucker. Get that God damn thing away from me Cindy. Cindy recoils like a timid animal. plate of food.

She almost dumps over the

BRUCE (40’s), is sitting back in the shadows.


BRUCE Why don’t you leave him alone Ty. He isn’t doing anything to you. TY (Reels on the man) Hey Bruce, when I want some lip outta you I’ll unzip my fucking fly. BRUCE (Stands) Do you really have to prove how tough you are by picking on the sick guy? TY No, I gotta prove how tough I am by picking on the rump ranger. Faggot mother fucker. Cindy hands the plate of food to Bruce. Bruce reaches for it. REGGIE (20’s), a young white man slaps the plate of food out of her hands and all over Bruce’s shirt. REGGIE You heard Ty. Now shut the fuck up. (looks at the crowd) All right people, we're out of food. We're going to have to move out tomorrow. That means we have a lot of work to do before daybreak. Assholes and elbows people. Shit and you get bricks. (looks at Bruce) You, Cum Chugger over there, and the fat man stuffing his face, can start by filling those gas cans. He points to the hall, leading up to the apartments, at a line of approximately 20 gas cans. They're all steel, flat, and red. REGGIE (cont'd) Take them down to the parking garage. Start siphoning the cars till they're all filled, then get them up near the fire escape. We need to fill the bus. Bruce starts towards the gas cans and makes a hand gesture towards Chase. Chase gets up and follows. He looks at EDDIE (30’s), a fat, greasy looking man.


BRUCE Come on Eddie, let's get this done. MAGGIE (Standing) I'm not staying around these assholes alone. I'm coming with you. REGGIE You go have your own way Grandma. We don't need your help around here right now anyway. (under his breath) Fucking old whore. MAGGIE Old whore with great hearing pencil dick. Bruce, Chase, Eddie, and Maggie grab a couple of gas cans each and disappeared down the stairs that lead to the underground parking garage. ROGER (70’s), sits away from everyone else, looking at a yellowed newspaper clipping. It's the front page of the Akron Beacon Journal and dates from March 23, 1969. He sits reading it as it records the first zombie attacks. Surrounded by piles of books, he cries. Reggie puts his arm around Cindy and playfully squeezes her breast. Ty grabs an 8-track player and pops in a tape of George Clinton and Parliament. He turns it up loud. MONIQUE (20’s), a tall white girl with long black hair, and tight leather pants, walks over to Reggie. MONIQUE Jesus Reggie, what the hell was that all about? REGGIE Awww, it's just the old folks, Monique, they get cranky since Muhammad Ali got himself eaten. Scooter (teens), A young, red headed boy, with a lot of pimples on his face, appears. SCOOTER I know what will make it all better. You wanna know what’ll make it better?

4. (giggles) I’ll tell ya. I’ll tell ya. A bit of the ol’ wacky weed! He produces three large joints. He hands one to Reggie and giggles. Reggie takes a big hit off of the joint and blows it into Cindy's face, coming closer to her lips. Kissing her. Monique moves over to Ty and rubs against him. The music of George Clinton and Parliament becoming louder and more pronounced. The couples dance. Scooter smokes and giggles. Reggie looks at Roger in the distance. He looks back at Scooter. REGGIE Hey Scooter, it looks like that old man over there needs a good time. Why don’t cha spark ‘im up? Scooter laughs. He walks over to Roger. He sticks a joint into Roger's lips and lights his lighter. SCOOTER Here ya go Roger. Puff up! It’ll make you feel better. It’ll make you feel cool. Roger grabs the joint and makes a fist around it.

Gets up.

ROGER You sons of bitches. You have any respect for anything? Roger heads into the parking garage. TY You go on old man. You just go on and I’ll burn your books. I’ll burn every one of them. Ty grabs an armful of books and throws them into the fire can. On top is “The Confessions of Nat Turner”. The cover burns. TY That’ll show him to be a bit more friendly. REGGIE Don’t worry about him man. He’s too old to help us out anyway. We’ll smoke up, make a little love, and listen to these cool tunes. Then we’ll start cleaning and loading the weapons.


Scooter’s eyes dart down towards the parking garage where Roger went. Ty takes a big draw off of the joint between his lips. TY Yeah man. I guess you’re right. Time to party down. Come mornin’ we might be dead. Scooter slips away from the rest of them, and follows Roger down the stairs. INT. STAIRWELL - NIGHT Roger sits on the stairs, smoking the joint he was given. Scooter comes down and sits next to him. ROGER Why do you act like such a punk when you’re around them? I know you’re not really like that. I see you praying when you think no one is looking. SCOOTER I dunno. I guess I just want them to like me. ROGER That’s no way to go about it boy. People should like you for who you are. They sit in silence for a moment. SCOOTER Hey Roger. What’s that thing you’re always reading? That thing that makes you cry? Roger hands Scooter the newspaper clipping and lets him read it. Scooter reads the clipping. Scooter I don't get it. We all know about this. We all know that the dead started rising from their graves and eating people. We've been living with this, well, forever.

6. It’s just how life is. Why do you read this and still cry? Roger points at the name on the byline. Scooter’s eyes widen a little bit. The name is Roger Corbin. Scooter Is that you? You’re the one who wrote this? Is that why it make you cry like that? ROGER It was the end of my world and the beginning of yours. I was 27 years old and starting to make a name for myself in journalism. I was with the photographer the day he took that picture. Jamie, ahhh, he was a good ol' boy. Even with that group of zombies walking down the street, he could still make you laugh. That girl? Next to the bus stop? Jamie put her in there because he thought it would add “realism”. (laughs a bit) A year after that picture was taken, she was my wife. Roger takes another hit off of the joint. Roger (cont'd) See that store over there? After we were done, I walked over there and bought a pack of cigarettes. Walked right passed the zombies and bought a pack of cigarettes. See, the zombie threat was just starting. We didn’t know it would come to this. But they just kept coming and kept coming, day after day, there were more of them. We tried to stop it. We tried to do something, but it seemed like the more we killed, the more there were. The picture, and the story that I wrote 40 years ago. It sums it all up for me. That was when the world changed, and it would never be the same again. That was the end of my life. It was the beginning of yours. (snorts a bit) And we were afraid of communists.

7. (turns serious again) But then I look at you and those punks upstairs, and it breaks my heart to see how you've grown and the world you had to grow up in. The way we have to live now. Running from place to place. Always looking for safety and food. Never getting to enjoy a warm spring day or marvel at the night sky. I can only forgive so much disrespect, but still. When I think about it. It makes me cry. Scooter cries.

Roger puts an arm around him.

INT. APARTMENT BUILDING LOBBY - MORNING Ty and Reggie sit on the sofa loading the weapons. Cindy and Monique pack their bags. First light peeks into the lobby. The others carry gas cans up from the parking garage, through the lobby, and up the stairs to the first floor fire escape. Reggie watches them as they go up and down. REGGIE I don't get it. I mean, why do they hate us so much? MONIQUE Maybe 'cause you make them lug those gas cans. REGGIE Well? What else are they supposed to do? We're taking care of the weapons aren't we? It's not like we're not doing our part. TY Yeah, the important part. And every time we start to lighten up a bit, they start mouthing off. REGGIE And that's the kind of thing that'll get us all killed.


CINDY But sometimes Reggie, you're a little hard on them. Like Ty burning the old man’s books. REGGIE I gotta be hard on them. Can’t you see that? I'm trying ta keep us all alive for Christ sakes. One stupid mistake, like someone mouthing off at the wrong time, or some asshole not looking where he’s going, and we're all dead. Cindy puts a comforting arm around Reggie but he brushes it off as he slams a full clip into a rifle. Bruce comes down the stairs and walks over to them. BRUCE All of the gas cans are up on the fire escape. Good.

REGGIE How does it look?

BRUCE Quiet at the moment, but we’ll draw attention pretty quick. Reggie hands Bruce a rifle and a handgun. When Bruce has the weapons tucked away, Reggie shakes his hand firmly. REGGIE Make every shot count. (looking at Ty. Hands him a walkie talkie.) Hand out the rest of the guns and get these people onto the second floor for sniper duty. Bruce and Cindy will help me with the gas. Ty nods his head and starts passing out the guns. Each time he does, he shakes the person's hand and says, "Make every shot count." As they take their guns, they walk upstairs and position themselves on the second floor. Reggie, Bruce, and Cindy go up the stairs to the first floor fire escape.


EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - MORNING From the fire escape, we see their bus. It is an old, yellow school bus that has been altered for their survival. The roof has been cut off and the opening covered with heavy steel hatches. Welded on the front of the bus is a large, sturdy, triangular frame that looks like a cow catcher. REGGIE (looking at Cindy) Okay, Bruce and I will jump down to the bus and open the roof. When we do, you jump in and start it. When it's started, get back to the gas tank and start filling it up. (looking at Bruce) I'll follow her. As soon as I'm in, you start handing me down the gas cans. We all ready? All three of them nodded. Reggie and Bruce jump on top of the bus and lift up the hatch. Cindy quickly jumps in. Reggie followed. INT. BUS - MORNING Screaming. Three zombies are on the bus and nobody checked it. Cindy's throat is ripped out before Reggie hits the floor. As soon as he does, the zombies are immediately on him. EXT. BUS - MORNING Bruce pulls his handgun and repositions himself for a better view. INT. SECOND FLOOR WINDOW - MORNING A living room in an apartment near the fire escape. Eddie are using it for their sniper positions.

Ty and


TY (into walkie talkie) What the fuck is going on down there? INTERCUT BETWEEN TY, BRUCE, AND THE ZOMBIES ON THE BUS Bruce puts a shot into the bus and scores a hit in one zombies head. Three more shots, then Bruce drops down into the bus. TY (shouting out window) I SAID WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON DOWN THERE? EDDIE (Looking down the street) Oh shit. The noise and smell of blood attracts attention. Zombies collect on the far sides of either end of the street. Two more shots are heard from the bus. Ty's walkie talkie crackles. BRUCE (O.S.) (over walkie talkie) Reggie and Cindy are dead. Everybody had better get down here quick. We're drawing a helluva crowd now. INT. BUS - MORNING Bruce fishes in Cindy's pockets and finds the keys to the bus. He turns the key. It doesn’t start. He opens the gas can and grabs a turkey baster from the floor near the gear shift. He sticks it into the gas can and drinks up some gas. He squeezes it into a tube coming from the dashboard. This primes the carburetor. He turns the key and it starts. He runs to the back and lifts the floor hatch that exposes the gas tank. He fills it with the open can. The rest of the group appear on the fire escape and hurriedly throw personal belongings and gas cans into the bus. Ty gets behind the drivers wheel and waits for everyone to get in. Bruce grabs another gas can and uncaps it.


Roger and Eddie slam the roof hatch closed hard and lock it down. Go Ty.


Ty throws the bus into gear and drives down the street. He slams through the now large group of zombies on the other side of the street. They are tossed violently in either direction by the cow catcher. TY (yelling ) When we get a safe place, I'm gonna fuckin' kill you Bruce. You hear me motha fucka? MAGGIE Don’t start that shit Ty. TY Two of our friends are dead thanks to that stupid shit. Ty slams through another group of zombies. It slows him down enough so that the zombies catch up and try to cling to the bus, but it doesn’t stop him. SCOOTER (to Bruce quietly) Wha….What happened? Bruce points to the five bodies lying on the floor of the bus and continues to pour gas into the tank. He starts to see the float in the tank rise towards the top. One more can. BRUCE They didn't look in the bus before they jumped. TY That should be you on that floor you worthless bitch. BRUCE Yeah, yeah, yeah. EXT. BUS - MORNING Zombies cover the bus like bugs, pounding and trying to find a way in, but the bus moves steadily forward.


INT. BUS - MORNING Monique kneels next to the bodies of her friends and cries. Chase vomits into a towel he had grabbed for this purpose. The back window of the bus begins to clear and we can see that the bus pulls away from the zombies. The bus picks up speed and some of the clinging zombies fall off. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BUS - MORNING The bus is driving down the road but is now free of clinging zombies. Scooter is riding on top of the bus, holding the hatch open. He hoots and hollers. He has a good time. INT. BUS - MORNING Bruce and Maggie are lifting a zombie body out of the bus. They have already dumped the other two. The body hits the ground and rolls away from the bus quickly. Monique wraps the bodies of Reggie and Cindy in sheets. She ties the bodies up with twine with as much respect as she can. She moves to Ty and whispers. Ty pulls the bus over and kills the engine. MONIQUE (Looking at Roger) Can you give me a hand with these. I mean, so we can bury them. ROGER Of course. Ty pushes past them and moves to the back of the bus. He punches Bruce in the face without a word. Bruce falls. He tries to block the punches but he is weakened. Ty falls on him and keeps punching him. The others try to break up the fight and are shouting. Eddie pulls a handgun and cocks it. Ty stops punching Bruce and turns towards the sound. He gets up and faces Eddie.


Bruce tries to brush off the attack. TY (walking towards Eddie) Don't you even think about it you fat bastard. EDDIE (Shaking) I'll do it Ty. You stay back and you leave Bruce alone. Eddie.


TY No way you have the guts to shoot me. Ty takes another step forward. There is a loud blast as Eddie fires. Ty falls to the floor dead. Monique's face shows shock and she also falls. She pushes herself against the wall of the bus and hugs her knees. SCOOTER Oh my God, Eddie, what did you do? EDDIE (Looking at the body of Ty) Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. (Looking at the rest of the group) I was bluffing. I wasn't gonna shoot Ty. (looks at Bruce) I was just trying to get him off you Bruce. I didn't mean to kill him. MAGGIE We know Eddie. We know. Now, come help me with these bodies. SCOOTER (Scared) Eddie. You’re a murderer. ROGER Scooter. You stop that right now. Eddie did what he had to do.


EDDIE (To Maggie) It just went off. Maggie and Eddie begin to remove the bodies of Reggie, Cindy, and Ty. Roger follows them to help. Eddie mumbles. Monique does not move. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BUS - DAY The bodies gone and the passengers all rearranged into seats, except for Monique who has not moved. She still sits, hugging her knees. Bruce’s face is puffed out from his beating. MAGGIE We ready to get rolling again? Daylight's wasting. ROGER More than ready.

I'll drive.

The bus continues down the road and comes to a mid-sized city. It is quiet. Few zombies are seen. The group finds a large department store and pulls up to it. There are scattered zombies here. Bruce hands a walkie talkie to Roger. BRUCE We gotta check it out. Scooter, you come with me. (to Roger) Any sign of trouble and you guys get out of here, okay? ROGER We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Okay boss? Bruce smiles and claps Roger on his shoulder. EXT. DEPT. STORE - DAY Bruce and Scooter walk towards the department store. The zombies have not taken notice of them. scattered.

They are too

Bruce and Scooter check around the building and find the doors securely locked.


Zombies are starting to take notice but not yet threatening. SCOOTER (Laughs and points.) Look. A fire escape. BRUCE Karma. (into walkie talkie) Place looks secure. We've found a fire escape on the west side. We're gonna go up and check further. Why don't you guys pull around. ROGER O.S. (Over walkie talkie) Roger Wilco over and out. BRUCE (to himself) He is having way too much fun with that thing. Bruce and Scooter climb up the fire escape and inspect the window. It appears unlocked. They attempt to pull it up. It sticks a bit but goes up without much trouble. The bus pulls up under the fire escape. Chase opens the hatch and pokes his head out. BRUCE Hey Chase, chuck me a flashlight will ya? CHASE Sure thing. You need one Scooter? Uh.


SCOOTER I guess I do.

Chase disappears back in the bus and reappears a moment or two later. He gently tosses them the flashlights. He retreats back into the bus and closes the hatch. Bruce and Scooter shine the lights through the window. They draw their guns and go inside. INT. BUS - EVENING Roger is behind the wheel with the motor idling in case they need to leave. Monique is still sitting.


Maggie pulls their belongings together. Chase helps her. MAGGIE You got a little green back there. Are you okay? I’m fine.

CHASE Just all that blood.

MAGGIE They better hurry up or there’ll be a whole lot more blood. We're starting to get more attention than I care for. About 20 zombies have collected and they are shambling towards the bus. BRUCE (O.S.) (over walkie talkie) This looks about as good as it's gonna get and it looks pretty good. Cut the engine and get everyone in here. EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - EVENING Chase pushes the hatch open again and climbs onto the top of the bus. He reaches down to receive bags from Maggie. He swings them onto the fire escape. Roger climbs past him and up the fire escape. bags and throws them through the open window.

He takes the

Scooter is seen through the window catching the bags. Maggie pokes her head out of the bus. MAGGIE Okay, that's all the bags. You guys get inside and I'll collect Monique. And Roger, next time, easy on the books. Chase gives her a head nod and Roger gives her a awkward shrug. They head to the window.


INT. BUS - EVENING Monique? to go.

MAGGIE (cont'd) Come on honey. It's time

Silence from Monique.

Maggie shakes her shoulder.

MAGGIE (cont'd) Monique, come on. You have to get up now. Come on girl. EDDIE Come on Monique. Silence from Monique. Maggie takes Monique by the arm and attempts to pull her up. A thump is heard on the side of the bus as the first zombie reaches it. Other zombies are close behind. MAGGIE Dammit Monique, we don't have time for this shit. You get your ass up right now or I swear I'll leave you here for those things. EDDIE I’ll see you both inside. EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - EVENING Eddie climbs out of the bus. The others look at him and he shrugs. He climbs up the fire escape and through the window. Zombies climb up on top of the bus.

The hatch still open.

Bruce, Roger, Scooter, and Eddie collect at the window. More zombies climb to the top of the bus. Bruce moves out onto the fire escape and starts shooting at the zombies. He drops a few but there are too many of them. Roger and Scooter follow Bruce and they also fire at the zombies. More drop but the zombies are starting to swarm.


INT. BUS - EVENING MAGGIE GET UP! GET UP GOD DAMN YOU! Three zombies fall in through the hatch. hand gun and fends them off.

Maggie takes out a

Monique does not move. More zombies fall into the bus. They are too much for Maggie. They knock her to the ground and eviscerate her. She screams a blood curdling scream. Monique does not move. More zombies fall into the bus. They start ripping at Monique. She still does not move. The screaming stops. EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - EVENING Bruce grabs his automatic and flies into a rage expressed in bullets. Many zombies fall but more are coming. When Bruce’s rage subsides, the survivors hang their heads in sorrow for a split second before being interrupted by zombies. They hurry back into the window, slam it shut, and lock it. INT. DEPT. STORE - NIGHT Eddie breaks into tears and is crying loudly. Chase leans his back against the wall, folds his arms over his chest, and lets out a long, mournful sigh. He fights back tears and sickness. Roger and Bruce stare off into empty space with angry looks on their faces. BRUCE How the fuck did that happen? ROGER Carelessness. Always comes down to carelessness. CHASE (Sobbing) This time it came down to caringness.


BRUCE And what's that supposed to mean? CHASE If Maggie didn't care so much for that catatonic bimbette, she'd still be alive. EDDIE (screaming) SHUT UP! You shut up! You don't get to say those things about Monique. I….I love her. SCOOTER She had a totally hot ass. ROGER Eddie, she was playing you for a chump. One kiss on the cheek would insure that you step and fetch for her for the next month. Eddie turns misses by a him. Eddie against his

on Roger and throws a very clumsy punch. He mile. Roger pulls Eddie into his arms and holds embraces Roger and cries wet, sloppy tears shoulder.

BRUCE Okay guys. When you're through making out, we have a lot of work to do. After a brief pause, the group breaks up and wanders into the store individually. MONTAGE 1) Bruce securing a window with a wooden board 2) Chase collecting tools. 3) Eddie holding a board while Scooter secures it to a window. 4) Roger barricading a door. 5) Bruce and Chase decorating a living space. 6) Roger discovers the book department with glee. 7) Scooter and Bruce carrying a pool table.


8) Scooter entranced by a statue of Mother Mary in the gardening section. 9) Roger and Eddie shooting pool. INT.


Bruce and Eddie are shooting a game of nine ball. Roger, Chase, and Scooter watch the game intently. They are all dressed for the occasion. They are enjoying large cigars that they had found in the store and are drinking scotch from fine glasses. They are happy. Their weapons are stacked in a nearby corner. The bloody splotches are more pronounced on Chase's face. Bruce’s face is mostly healed from Ty’s beating. lining up a bank shot.

He is

CHASE I got five hundred bucks that says he doesn't make it. BRUCE Oh thanks buddy. ROGER I'll take that action. They both put large stacks of money on the rail of the pool table. CHASE Hey Bruce, are you okay? You're hands seem to be shaking there. SCOOTER Bruce's gonna choke the chicken. EDDIE Choke choke choke….. Chase and Scooter join Eddie in his chant. Bruce is trying to look angry but can't hide a smile. Roger smiles wide and laughs. Bruce winds up to take the shot again.


They hear gunfire outside. The cue ball flies off the table and the men become bolt straight. Looks of shock on their faces. Now they hear machine gun fire. ROGER What the fuck is that? BRUCE I don't know, but I think we'd better find out. Bruce guns.

starts to leave the pool room he grabs a couple of SCOOTER Don't go. Whoever it is, they sound angry.

Bruce leaves anyway. Roger quickly follows, also grabbing a gun. Then Scooter AND Eddie. All grab guns.

Then Chase.

EXT. ROOFTOP - NIGHT They are looking over the edge of the roof and down onto the street. EDDIE Hol-ly shit. CHASE I can't believe it. What they saw down on the street was a small army. Fifteen to twenty men. They were wearing black and gray camouflage and moving down the street in a well practiced way. One man would move and take a new position, then the next man, until the whole line had moved. Like a caterpillar. They had miners helmets with lights on top. They had several trucks with large lights mounted on top of them. The ordinarily dark street was very bright. They kill zombies as they go. EDDIE Do you think they were sent by the government? CHASE The government hasn't existed in almost thirty years.


EDDIE I know but…But maybe it reformed or something. ROGER Maybe the world is coming back. world. I hope so. Roger.


SCOOTER I wanna see your world

BRUCE In any case, we’re gonna find out. ROGER We gotta do better with them than we've been doing on our own. BRUCE Everyone stay alert. We don’t know yet if they’re on our side. CHASE Please let them be on our side. Bruce stands and fires a single shot in the air. He gets the army's attention. He waves his arms wide and friendly. One of the army men, DIRTY HARRY (50’s), make a gesture that they should come down. Bruce puts his thumbs up high to say he agrees. He turns quickly to the others. BRUCE We gotta get down there. We'll go out the front. That should put us in the middle of them and safe from the zombies. Pack up on weapons, just in case. EXT. STREET - NIGHT They were carrying all the weapons they could. Dirty Harry sees them and waves them over. Other army men reposition around the front of the department store to keep them safe. DIRTY HARRY (yelling) Okay men, they're thin enough. Move to phase 2.

23. Alpha group, keeps protected. (turns Jumpin' Jesus, how boys been holed up

these strangers to the group) long have you here?

CHASE About a month and a half sir. DIRTY HARRY I'm no Sir boy. I work for a living. I'm Sargent Harry and good God son, what is that all over your face? Dirty Harry noticed the bloody splotches on Chase's face. Chase looks towards the ground. CHASE I…I have syphilis Sir. I haven't met a doctor since before I started getting sick. EDDIE Are you sent by the government? DIRTY HARRY No son, we were sent from someplace better. One of the other men comes over to Dirty Harry. He is cradling his arm and squinting. The lights from one of the trucks is directly in his eyes. MAN Sgt. Harry. I'm sorry. I've been bitten. I heard a stray gunshot from up there somewhere. It distracted me. DIRTY HARRY Let me take a look at it son. Dirty Harry inspects the wound. Bruce has a guilty look on his face. DIRTY HARRY Don't worry. You'll be fine when we get back. For now, go get a medic to clean and dress it.


Thanks. Harry.

MAN You're the best Dirty

The Man leaves and Dirty Harry laughs at the nickname that was used. DIRTY HARRY They call me that 'cause they know that I'm not nearly the hard ass I have to be when we're in combat. (turns to Bruce) And you don't go worrying either. You had to fire that shot or we'd have never seen you. He fucked up. He forgot his training. He paid for it. He'll be corrected when we get back. BRUCE Please Sargent, don't be too hard on him. DIRTY HARRY (laughs) And don't you worry about that bubba. Things ain't like that in Harmony. Dirty Harry walks away but motions for the group to follow. DIRTY HARRY (Yells) Dammit. Don't shoot the zombies in the heads. Wadda ya wanna do? Kill them? (lower) You folk are welcome to come back with us. See Harmony. Get some well needed rest. ROGER That sounds like the best idea I've heard since 1966 sarg. DIRTY HARRY Excellent. Glad ta have ya. I'll have a coupla my boys make room in the trucks for ya. BRUCE It's very appreciated Sargent Harry, but we're kinda attached to our bus. It's around the corner.

25. Maybe a couple of your boys can help us get it? DIRTY HARRY It would be a pleasure. Why don't you go collect your gear. We'll be finished in about an hour or so. Then I'll send my boys to give you a hand. (yells again) Private Kyle front and center. JACOB (30’s), A young black man, runs over. DIRTY HARRY This is Private Jacob Kyle. He's gonna give you a hand. (turns to the private) Help them with their gear and help them readjust to the real world. JACOB Yes Sargent Harry. The group walks back to the department store. INT. DEPT. STORE - NIGHT EDDIE What did he mean, "Don't shoot them in the heads."? JACOB The Black Angels only kill as many zombies as is necessary to insure their safety. SCOOTER Black Angels? Angels? Necessary?

ROGER To what end?

JACOB We call ourselves the Black Angels and necessary to herd full trucks worth and bring them back to Harmony. The zombies need to be watched and studied so we can better understand how to survive in this world. It's not a part of my job, so I'm not really up on what all this study entails.


Everyone is intent on the conversation but is milling around and collecting their things for the trip. SCOOTER That guy who was bit. Dirty Harry told him he would be okay. JACOB A Black Angel was bitten? BRUCE Yeah, on the arm. nasty too.

Looked pretty

JACOB Well, if Dirty Harry told him he'll be okay, I guess he'll be okay. It's news to me though, but I can't remember the last time a Black Angel was bitten. In fact, I can't remember the last time anyone from Harmony was bitten. Maybe they found something? A way to stop the infection? Wouldn't that be great? Yes.

ROGER Yes it would be grand.

BRUCE Tell us about Harmony. like?

What's it

JACOB Well, we have about a hundred people I think. We all have different jobs to keep the community going. I think you know what my job is good enough. I've been there for about five years. Before that I was on the road just like you. Saw a lot of people die out there as I expect you have. BRUCE Two of our friends are dead in our bus. We weren't able to save them. Nor were we able to get their bodies out for a decent burial. JACOB Don't worry about that. When the Black Angels get here, we'll get your bus squared away.


ROGER Who runs things? What kind of government do you have? JACOB Kinda hard to say we have a government. Things seem to run along pretty smooth without really needing one. Everyone has a job and they like doing it. That’s what makes Harmony work. Father founded Harmony about twenty years ago so I hear. Father's religious but I wouldn't call the town particularly religious. Maybe you'll have to decide that for yourselves. Maybe I'm too close to it and am too happy there to notice anymore. BRUCE He makes you call him Father. JACOB I don't know what else to call him. I never heard him called anything else. A couple of men from the Black Angels walked in. Jacob walks over to them and talks a bit. He points at a spot near the floor. He goes back to the group. JACOB (cont'd) If you give them the keys bus, they'll get it taken I told them they can load stuff from that corner by

to the care of. your the door.

Roger tosses one of the Black Angels a key ring. disappear with it.


The rest start to pile their things by the door where instructed. CHASE How is Father religious? JACOB You mean, like what he believes? Never talked to him enough to know for sure. He thinks the zombies are the resurrection.


SCOOTER Like in the bible? JACOB (Nods) He thinks it's a good thing. He thinks we shouldn't be afraid. BRUCE That sounds pretty nuts. he in charge?

So how is

JACOB Well, Dirty Harry gets his orders from Father. It's Father who tells him when we need to gather supplies or go on a zombie run. I see Father with the other groups, like the workers and the doctors. I assume he's giving them orders as well. I'm sorry. I'm probably not the best one to be asking these questions. I've spent my whole life surrounded by people. You had to when you were on the road. You needed other people for safety. In Harmony, when I'm done with work, I get to go home to my own place and spend time with myself. Listen to my music, read my books. I like that. A lot. EDDIE Can't be so bad if they let you do that. Books? read?

ROGER What kind of books do you

JACOB I read any book I remember my Father calling a classic. He tried to educate me while he could. Dirty Harry came walking through the door. DIRTY HARRY That's a fine looking bus you have there. I love the cow catcher. It looks like an evil smile. Bet it does a fine job too.

29. We cleaned it up and did what minor repairs we could out in the field. The engine still idles a bit rough. Once we're in Harmony, we'll get it fixed up and even add re-enforced plates if you want. BRUCE That would be very nice. DIRTY HARRY It'll take a while for that smell to leave, but I'm sure you know that already. ROGER Thank you Sarg. DIRTY HARRY My pleasure. I hope you're all ready. Just follow the convoy. should be in Harmony by dawn.


Dirty Harry turns and leaves. JACOB I'll see you guys when we get there. Jacob turns and follows after Dirty Harry. them.

Eddie runs after

EXT. STREET - NIGHT Bruce, Roger, Chase, and Scooter board their bus. It smells hideous but they are used to dealing with such things. Bruce gets behind the wheel. The keys are in the ignition. He turns it and the engine kicks right over. Eddie runs over to the bus. EDDIE Dirty Harry says I can ride with him. Eddie runs off again. The convoy pulls out. The bus follows. The convoy drives down the road in the darkness. EDDIE (V.O.) Ty was always bullying us around. He was really mean. He would even hit us from time to time.

30. Everyone was afraid to stand up to him. Even Bruce. I just tried to avoid him as much as I could… DISSOLVE TO: First light is seen on the road as the convoy keeps moving. EDDIE (V.O.) …And I was afraid 'cause he was really mad and beating the shit outta Bruce. I thought he was gonna kill him. I didn't mean to kill him but the gun…The gun just went off. I'd never hurt anyone. I wouldn't hurt anyone. Eddie’s voice fades out as they pass under a sign that says, "Welcome to Harmony". The convoy drives down main street and comes to a stop. Eddie and Jacob get out of one of the trucks and come over to the bus. EXT. MAIN STREET - DAWN JACOB Dirty Harry radioed ahead, so there are rooms waiting for you. Make a left at the next corner and pull up in front of the big house there. Jacob and Eddie get on the bus. The convoy starts to roll again. The convoy makes a left and the bus breaks formation and parks in front of a very large house. The convoy continues on. They get out of the bus and look around the town wide eyed. It's too early in the morning to see any people except the Black Angels, but they see many of the buildings. They see what appears to be a large town square with a large building at its center. It vaguely resembles a church. They see other buildings scattered about. Some look like houses. In the distance, across a river, they see what looks like a tall building with a very large fenced in yard. A bridge comes out of the second story of the building and cuts the yard into two halves.


JACOB This is the old Brighton house. The Brighton's were pretty big people around these parts judging by the town records. There are twelve bedrooms here, all different sizes. We keep this house clean as a way of honoring the people we've inherited this town from, so it just needed a bit of freshening up. It has electricity and hot and cold running water. ROGER Oh sweet Jesus. BRUCE God, I can't remember when I had a hot shower last. SCOOTER I ain't never had one. JACOB Well, now's your chance. to Harmony. Thank you.


CHASE Thank you very much.

JACOB The door's open and all of the rooms unlocked. Make yourself at home. Eddie has wandered a bit closer to the house. up the road. JACOB My place is that way. Take a right on Main, a left on Harvest Ave. I'm on the corner of Harvest and Crown Street. If you need anything at all, you come get me. ROGER You're too kind. JACOB I try to be. I've also been assigned to you.

Jacob points


CHASE Assigned? JACOB Yep. Until further notice, you are my only duty. BRUCE How so? JACOB You know, show you around. Make you comfortable. Help you to adjust to life in Harmony. It's gonna be a cushy couple of days for me. EDDIE Uh, this house doesn't look too safe. JACOB Damn, I'm sorry. I forget you guys are just coming out of the wild. Here I was thinking you'd want to get a good night's sleep. Well, a good day’s sleep anyway. You think it's safe enough to take a shower in Eddie? EDDIE Well…Maybe. Maybe if we showered one at a time. You know. So the others can keep a watch. SCOOTER I'm up for that idea. BRUCE Sounds fair enough. JACOB I'll tell you what. Give me your sizes and I'll rustle you up some clean cloths while you shower. Then, we'll have a bit of a talk and go get some breakfast. They all said, "okay" and "yeah". After a minute, Jacob had all the sizes and left them. They went into the house. DISSOLVE TO:


INT BRIGHTON HOUSE - MORNING Roger is opening the door for Jacob. parlor.

They walk into the

Roger is clean and freshly dressed, as are Chase and Bruce. Eddie is standing with a towel wrapped around him. Jacob puts a pile of cloths on a nearby sofa. JACOB Okay, that's fresh cloths for everyone. At least one set anyway. You can pick out your own stuff later. Eddie grabs his cloths and starts getting dressed. Scooter is heard running down the stairs. He runs into the parlor stark naked. He shakes himself dry and laughs. Roger throws the last of the cloths at Scooter. ROGER You get those on nature boy. Scooter dresses and they all find seats up against one wall of the parlor facing the entrance hallway. Jacob pulls up a chair to face them. JACOB I never thought I would find a place like Harmony. Harmony is a miracle. SCOOTER (Said with awe) Miracle. JACOB Yep. An honest to God miracle. I was just like you when I first found this place. I was scared and I didn't much believe what I was seeing. Took me a while to adjust, but I did, and so will you. BRUCE I agree that the place looks nice enough, but a miracle?


JACOB Nothing else I can call it. me to show you why?


They all nod their heads. Jacob stands and walks towards the door. JACOB Great. I need to show you something. I need you all to stay calm no matter what you see. I'll be right back. Jacob leaves the room. They all look at each other and mumble. Jacob is back quickly. Following him is a female zombie. She has long blonde hair and has a considerable amount of decay. She carries a large, pink, stuffed bunny in her arms. Many guns are cocked and pointed in her direction. The zombie cringes, clutches her bunny tighter, and tries to hide behind Jacob. JACOB Easy fellas. Easy. down. She's okay.

Put your guns

Jacob pulls a chair over next to his and sits the zombie down in it. JACOB Gentlemen, I would like you to meet Harmony. BRUCE You named the town after that? That skag? ROGER What is the meaning of this? SCOOTER You…You're gonna feed us to them. Feed us to them just like in Hansel and Gretel.


JACOB Now everyone just calm down. It's okay. She’s nothing to be afraid of. BRUCE Jacob, you've been very kind, but you better prove that in a hurry. Everyone relaxes a little.

Guns lower some.

JACOB I was afraid of her too at first, but you can see that she is more afraid of you than you are of her. Jacob strokes Harmony’s hair to try to get her to relax. JACOB You see, Father was once a nomad just like us. He would find a safe place that had food and hole up until the food was gone, just like we used to do. That life style makes you come to question certain things. It's touched all of our minds at one point or another. Do you know the things that are questioned? BRUCE Our humanity. CHASE The difference between us and the zombies. JACOB Yes. Traveling from place to place only to feed makes you wonder what the difference is. After all, that's what the zombies do. They just choose different food. ROGER They choose us. JACOB Yes. Yes they do. This idea bothered Father very much. It played on his mind constantly. Father concluded that there is no difference.


BRUCE Then your Father is the biggest fucking asshole that has ever existed. I mean, just look at it for Christ's sake. Bruce throws his hand towards Harmony. BRUCE There are differences. differences.

She flinches a bit.

Big fucking

JACOB One day, as Father is wandering, he finds Harmony. Not very far from this spot. She was just sitting there with her back up against a wall, hugging her knees. Almost put a bullet in her head. BRUCE And that would be bad….How? JACOB This town would not exist. You see, Father stopped because he saw that Harmony did not aggress. She just sat there and kept hugging her knees. She is the first naturally tame zombie known on earth. We have not found another. Father realized that if this could occur in nature, then the others could also be tamed. There are many tamed zombies here now. They are productive members of our society. BRUCE That's fucking disgusting. ROGER They must be destroyed on sight. JACOB Trust me, I understand how you're feeling. I felt the same way. It's a hard thing to get used to after being on the road for so long.


EDDIE But what stops the other skags, the not so tame ones, from coming in here and killing us? Chase kneels down on the floor and looks closely at Harmony. Studying her. She almost seems to be studying him as well. JACOB They don't come here. The wild zombies are afraid of this place. They won't even come close. ROGER Yes, but why? JACOB That's kind of complicated. I think I should leave that to Father to explain when you meet him. I'll just make a mess of it. CHASE I want to see. I want to see the rest of the town. I want to see the other zombies. EXT. OUTSIDE - MORNING. They come out of the house fully armed and make a left. Harmony wanders off in her own direction. They walk up Trumble Ave. Scooter walks over to Chase. SCOOTER Chase, can I ask you something? CHASE Sure Scooter, anything. SCOOTER Not sure how to put it. you the way you are?

Why are

CHASE Sick? No.

SCOOTER I mean being a faggot and all.


CHASE Well, that's not exactly the best way of putting it. I prefer to be called gay. SCOOTER I'm sorry Chase. Why are you a gay? CHASE I can't really answer that Scooter. I don't really know. It's just the way I am. I find men beautiful the way other men find women beautiful. There are many times in my life that I wish I had been born like other men. Then I realized that I only wished that when I was having to deal with the ignorance of other people. SCOOTER What do you mean? CHASE I mean like being called faggot and such. I find that when others accept me for who I am, I am happy with who I am. This choice, if it is a choice, is a part of me. SCOOTER Did you get sick because you're a fag…..Because you're a gay? CHASE I got sick because I had sex with a sick person. I didn't know he was sick. He might not have known that he was sick either, but the more I mull it over in my head, I think he did. I met Terry in the last group that I was with and we became close. He was…resistant to the idea of us becoming intimate. I thought he was afraid what the others in the group would say. Now, I think he knew he was sick. Eventually, we became lovers anyway. It wasn't long after that that our entire group was destroyed.

39. Terry gave himself to a bunch of zombies to save my life. Fed himself to them. They turned right onto West Bridge Street and continued walking. Scooter walks over to Bruce. SCOOTER What do you think of this place? BRUCE Seems safe enough so far, but I'll have to see a whole lot before I give up my guns. SCOOTER You don't believe that skags can be tamed? BRUCE Do you? SCOOTER I saw them rip my family to shreds when I was a boy. Tried to eat the cross right off my dad’s neck. Hard to believe things like that can be tamed. BRUCE They did the same thing to my wife. Let's say they can be tamed. What difference does it make? They're still monsters. SCOOTER Yeah, I guess. I’ve asked God to take them away. BRUCE I hope he’s listening. (shrugs) Maybe I feel like that 'cause I was on Skag Squad. SCOOTER Skag Squad? What's that? BRUCE Ever hear of the boy scouts? SCOOTER Uhm…No.


BRUCE The boy scouts were a group to help young boys stay out of trouble. We'd go camping and earn badges for what we've learned. SCOOTER What kind of stuff. BRUCE How to make fires, fishing, fondling the scout master, that kind of stuff. When the skag invasion was starting, they made a new badge for sharp shooting, and all of us scouts got guns. If we earned our merit badge in sharp shooting, we'd get to join Skag Squad. SCOOTER Then what? BRUCE Then, instead of camping, they'd take us skag hunting. SCOOTER Wow. They crossed over the river on West Bridge Street. People are beginning to get up and stir in the streets. They all smile wide and wave when they see the strangers. JACOB We are now in North Harmony. This is where the real work takes place. Now, there's a lot to see in Harmony, so I'm just going to point out the highlights. You guys are more interested in the zombies than where we raise our chickens anyway. EDDIE Not unless they're fried. Jacob points west. JACOB You might be able to guess about that first building closest to the river.


CHASE Having all of the convoy trucks parked there is kind of a tip off. JACOB That's the armory. That's where we keep most of our weapons when not out on a raid. It also serves as a bit of a hang out for the Black Angels when they're not on duty. They're not all home bodies like I am. Jacob starts walking towards the building next to the armory. The others follow. JACOB The building we're about to see is the jail. We don't really have the kind of crime here in Harmony that would warrant a jail, so it serves as a holding pen for the wild zombies that we bring in. ROGER You have no crime? JACOB Oh, we have crime, just nothing that carries a jail sentence for punishment. They all look into the jail. They see a large pack of wild zombies. They are scratching and clawing. Trying to find a way to the humans looking at them. Jacob calls over to a nearby man. JACOB Any of them ready to start training? MAN Yeah, a bunch of them. them out in a minute.

We'll have

JACOB Great. We'll wait here a bit and you'll see something really interesting. Another man is backing out of the jailhouse. pole in his hands.

He has a long

42. On the other end of the pole is a rope noose around a zombie's neck. The zombie was struggling as the man pulls it out. In the distance, Harmony is watching. JACOB Gather closer to it. It's safe enough. Now, watch the zombie very carefully. The zombie is trying to pull toward the empty space between the men. JACOB Now, in the wild, a zombie caught like that would still be trying to get at the man at the end of the pole. If it couldn't get to that guy, it'd certainly be trying to come after you. That's not what this one is trying to do at all. BRUCE It's trying to escape. JACOB Like I told you, this place scares them. It's why we are so safe here. Jacob turns to the next building. JACOB This is the cafeteria, gym, and playground for our kids. A kind of civic center. You'll notice clear booths built all around this area. That's where the zombies are trained. ROGER Where people are eating? revolting.


JACOB You get used to it and it's needed to train the zombies. The zombies need to see the humans doing human things. Where better than this place?


BRUCE Why do the skags have to be trained at all? Why not just exterminated? JACOB Because there are things they can do, things they can contribute, things people don’t want to do. Let's go inside and we can see them load a few new zombies in. They go through the cafeteria and into the main dining area. More and more people are starting their mornings in Harmony and this is where they come for breakfast. They have wide smiles for the strangers. Jacob is looking around for a table near an empty booth. When he finds one, they all sit. JACOB You have time to grab something to eat if you want. BRUCE I think I'll pass. EDDIE Yeah, all of these skags have kinda put me off my food. JACOB Again, you get used to it. BRUCE You don’t want to take that bet. Chase covers his mouth and turns green. building.

He runs out of the

The rest see most of the zombies are just standing in the cubes. They are all wearing collars. Sometimes one jumps at the glass and then quickly jump back. JACOB The glass carries an electric charge. They learn that they can only come so close to a human before they feel pain. After a few days in these booths, they graduate to a booth in the gym area. The dining area is relatively calm compared to the gym. After that, they go off to the playground.

44. You can imagine the kind of activity there. BRUCE You let these monsters near your kids? JACOB Yes, we do. The kids don't mind and neither does a well trained zombie. A zombie is loaded into the booth. Harmony watches it from the other side. It charges the glass and is shocked. It charges again and again it is shocked. Over and over this happens and Jacob watches. JACOB Well, I didn't say they were brain surgeons, Let's go have a look at the playground. Harmony walks up to the wild zombie in the booth. She runs her hand down the glass. The zombie calms down a bit. She moves to the next freshly loaded zombie. Again she runs her hand down the glass. Again, the zombie seems to calm down. CUT TO: EXT. PLAYGROUND - MORNING There are playing children everywhere. There is a child on a seesaw. On the other end is a zombie pushing down his side of the seesaw and letting it back up. There are a bunch of children on a merry go round. pushing it for them.

A zombie

Another group of children playing monkey in the middle with a zombie. The zombie catches the ball and gives something similar to a laugh. JACOB If their conditioning breaks down, it breaks down slowly. There are signs of aggression well before a zombie becomes dangerous again. When we see a sign of aggression, the zombie is destroyed. ROGER Why not retrain it?


Chase rejoins the group wiping his mouth. JACOB It was tried. Each time through the training program, the training breaks down quicker. It becomes less predictable. That is why we only use wild zombies. You see, we probably kill more zombies here than you could ever kill on the open road. ROGER Well, I must say, you have an amazing system here. JACOB You feel safe now? BRUCE I wouldn't go that far yet. Let's just say safer. They’re still disgusting. JACOB Fair enough. Let's get you some more cloths. DISSOLVE TO: INT. CLOTHING SHOP - AFTERNOON A clothing shop on Main Street. There are two women in the shop. One is behind the counter. ZARA (30’). Jacob walks over to her. JACOB Zara, these are the new people you've probably heard about. ZARA Meaning they have nothing to pay with right? JACOB Basically, yes. Now Zara, don’t start that again. Jacob turns to the rest of them. JACOB (cont'd) Okay guys, you're on your own for the rest of today and tomorrow.

46. Look around and explore. See how Harmony works. Maybe find some jobs you'd like to do. SCOOTER I never had a job.


JACOB You might like one Scooter. never know.


SCOOTER (Quietly) I don’t think so. JACOB Later on tonight, there will be a celebration in the town square. I hope to see you all there. Jacob leaves. Zara.

The other woman, BETH (30’s), walks over to

BETH He’s an asshole. ZARA Leave it be. You go on now Beth. I have to take care of these people. I'll see you later on. Zara kisses Beth passionately.

Only Chase catches it.

Zara walks over to where the men are looking at clothes and starts refolding what they've already looked at. BRUCE You don't seem as happy to see us as the rest in the town seem to be. ZARA I'm not unhappy to see you, but clothing you will cut my profits for this month. BRUCE How so? ZARA You are new, so you don't have anything to trade.


SCOOTER Maybe we can pay you back later? When we're on our feet? Get...uh..jobs? Oh?

ZARA Have you decided to stay?

BRUCE Yeah, have we decided to stay? ROGER You don't really want to go back to the way we've been living do you? ZARA Well, if you are staying, you should probably know that not everyone finds it as idyllic as you may have been led to believe. BRUCE Oh, I’d be very interested to hear more of that. ZARA Have you met many of the people? ROGER Some, but mostly just Jacob. He's been showing us around. BRUCE But the rest seem to smile a helluva lot. ZARA Yeah, they do don’t they? Jacob’s a good man, no matter what my friend thinks of him, but he has his Harmony blinders on. Most of the people here do. They figure is they can get through their day with a smile on their faces, all is well. They see only the good and will not speak of the bad. BRUCE What do you call bad?


ZARA I'm sure Jacob must have shown you how the wild skags are afraid of Harmony. I'm sure he didn't tell you that that's not always the case. On the north east side of Harmony, there is a block of houses that we call poor town. The people there are the ones who are less able to work. It has our very old and our handicapped people. Well, they seem to be just outside the edge of whatever influence Harmony has over the wild zombies, and occasionally, they wander into poor town. BRUCE Why doesn't someone do something about it? ZARA (Loudly) Because it's poor town. (normal voice) Also, it's a topic that is frowned on. ROGER Can't they just move somewhere else? ZARA Sure they could, if they could afford it. You people are having a hard time with the concept of being poor aren’t you? ROGER How do you know they are wild zombies? Jacob told us that the tame zombies sometimes revert. ZARA No collars. BRUCE And you're not allowed to talk about it?


ZARA That's not exactly right. We are free to talk about whatever we'd like, but certain topics bring a social stigma. Have you noticed how when you ask certain questions people begin to hedge? They say things like, "I don't know" or "I really don't deal with that much"? BRUCE Yeah, Jacob's done that a couple of times. ZARA That's the Harmony blinders. If you speak about something, you might form an opinion about it and opinions aren't very welcome around here. BRUCE Why would that be? ZARA Probably because no matter how bad Harmony may or may not be, it's still better than being out in the wild. You guys have about everything that you need? They look at each other. They all have an armful of cloths that they have been picking out during the conversation. ROGER I believe we do. ZARA Good. I'll write you down for two chickens each. You pay when you can. SCOOTER What's this celebration about? ZARA Oh, I think I'll let you find out for yourselves. BRUCE Will we see you there?


ZARA No way in hell. DISSOLVE TO: INT. MUSEUM - DAY Roger and Scooter are wandering around the museum. It chronicles the beginning of the zombie invasion. There are newspaper articles hung around. There are television and radio broadcasts playing on loops. They are telling about the zombie invasion as it happened. There are posters and ads about ways civilians can help stop the zombies. There is a poster for Skag Squad showing five happy boy scouts with guns and a lone zombie in the distance. The caption reads, "Hey kids, tell your mom that you want to join Skag Squad." There is another poster aimed at small children that says, "Tonka, little guns for little hands." There is another poster with Uncle Sam that says, "How many skags have you killed today?" ROGER This is how the world ended. SCOOTER I didn't know the world was so big. ROGER How could you? You've never seen it before. All there was for you was the destruction. SCOOTER It makes me sad that I missed it. ROGER We did everything we could think of to stop the zombies. We taught our children how to fire guns. We even made special sized guns that they could handle more easily. In the end, there were just too many of them. Here, look at this. Roger points to a newspaper article hanging on the wall. It has statistics for what was being called the skag war. It shows how many zombies there were and how many new zombies would arise each day. It has army kill predictions.

51. Finally, there is a statistic that shows how every man, woman, and child would have to kill one hundred thousand zombies to be able to claim a victory in the war. SCOOTER One hundred thousand? ROGER More now because there are less people. SCOOTER Wow. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. POWER PLANT - DAY Chase and Bruce are on the east side of north Harmony, down by the river. The power plant is here. There is a giant water wheel being turned by the river. There is a woman here. She is wearing a hard hat and has dirt on her face. WOMAN We get some of our electricity right from the water wheel, but that is not very effective. To make up the rest, we burn coal and other combustibles. BRUCE Other combustibles like what? WOMAN Garbage, things like that. Things that Harmony no longer needs. Zombies keep the fires going. CHASE So, they shovel the coal and stuff? WOMAN Yeah, they get agitated when we're burning zombie bodies, so we take care of that ourselves. BRUCE You burn skag bodies here too? WOMAN Of course. How else would we get rid of them? You want us to give them a proper Christian funeral?


BRUCE No, I guess not. CHASE What do you do if you find a zombie is starting to aggress? The woman points to a red light on the side of the power plant. WOMAN You see that? Every house has one. If we're having zombie troubles, we light that. Sooner or later a couple of Black Angels come by to get it. We then have to wait for a replacement. BRUCE How long does that take? WOMAN Depends. Sometimes it can take a couple of weeks. BRUCE That sounds like it could hurt the output of this plant. WOMAN Yeah, it can cause some serious overtime. BRUCE Does that mean that maybe you don't always report an aggressive skag as quickly as you should? WOMAN I'll leave you to figure that out. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TOWN SQUARE - EVENING Roger, Scooter, Chase, and Bruce are walking along the town square towards a picnic table where Eddie is sitting with two elderly women. EUNICE (60’s), a small white woman and the other, GRETA (70’s), a weather worn black woman. She is very handsome and looks very wise.


EDDIE But I never meant to shoot him. I thought he was gonna kill us all. He was like, out of his mind. EUNICE You forget about that dear. did what you had to do.


BRUCE Are you telling that story again? EDDIE Well. BRUCE Look, if you didn't kill him, I would have done it myself just as soon as I could. EDDIE But. BRUCE But nothing. Those guys were too busy acting tough and they got killed because of it and they brought Maggie down with them. They're not worth all of the worry you're doing over them. ROGER How much longer 'till the celebration? EUNICE I'm not sure. How long do you think Greta? GRETA I don't think very long now. The sun is down and it's getting dark. The parade should be by then. A parade? for this.

SCOOTER Cool! I wanna be ready

Scooter takes a joint out of his pocket, goes over to another table, sits and smokes it. People nearby look at him with destain.


CHASE What is this celebration about? GRETA It's called a blessing. It's held when a citizen of Harmony becomes one of the chosen of God. EUNICE Well, that's one way of putting it. GRETA It's the only way of putting it Eunice. I've told you before, but I'll tell you again for the benefit of these gentlemen. In order for us to understand what Father believes, we need to use the same terminology that he does. We need to see things the way he sees them. Only then will we be able to decide for ourselves whether his beliefs are right or wrong. We must form our own opinions. BRUCE We were told that having your own opinions here may not be a very good thing. EUNICE It's best for us to just mind our own business. GRETA That's horse shit. Nobody tells me what to think and what not to think. I'm too damned old for that. You know, I hear the older folk go on and on about the good old days. (looks at Roger) Folk like this fine looking man right here. But I remember how people wanted to keep quiet then too. Mind their own business. I also remember how I couldn't eat where the white man ate, I couldn't walk where the white man walked. God help me if I had to take a shit. We keep our mouths shut here and we'll be riding in the back of the bus again.


Chase raises an amused eyebrow at this. EUNICE Oh, here comes the parade. They could see the torches coming down from west Harmony along the river. They could hear music starting to rise on the air. It was New Orleans style jazz. They were beginning to see people dancing behind the torch bearers. They are dressed in bright cloths and swirling large streaming ribbons of all different colors. The parade is very festive. The musicians followed the dancers. Behind the musicians, they can see men carrying a large platform. On top of the platform is a throne like chair. A man is seated in the chair but they are still too far away to see. Behind the platform bearers, there are more musicians, then more dancers, and more torch bearers. Harmony sits shyly next to Chase clutching her bunny. slides down the bench a bit, uncomfortably.


The parade walks to the east side of the square and turns. They walk south. As the platform passes the benches on that side Bruce sees that the man on the platform is the Black Angel who was bitten in front of the department store. He looks very sick. Bruce sees that the man is strapped into the chair to keep him from falling out. ROGER Is that the man from the department store? The one who was bitten? BRUCE I’m pretty sure it is. ROGER So, I guess this celebration is why it was alright. Chase notices a man come out of the church like building. He is wearing jeans and a flowing white shirt. He is balding on top, but his hair is very long. He is smiling widely. This can only be FATHER. The parade completes its circle around the town square. When it gets back to the north west corner, it turns and cuts a diagonal across the grass. The platform is placed in front of the church like building facing out to the crowd. A group of men come out of the temple. They are wearing white lab coats and appear to be doctors. They are carrying medical equipment. Heart monitors and EEG's.

56. They approach the man seated on the platform and attach him to the medical equipment. The amplified voice of Father comes to them. FATHER Citizens of Harmony. Tonight, you are to be witness to a magnificent event. Our brother Paul is to be perfected by God through the grace of his blessings. He is to become a new creation, a new Adam. Witness the promise of resurrection made by our Lord Jesus Christ be fulfilled in our brother Paul. Be of good cheer and know that our brother Paul will remain a member in good standing of this community. PAUL, barely conscious, rocks slightly in his chair. Bruce looks around at the people near him. BRUCE Hey, where's Eddie? CHASE I don't know. He was here just a minute ago. GRETA He went with one of Father's men. BRUCE Do you know where? GRETA No, not a clue. FATHER Brother Paul is going to help us understand. He will join us in the temple and teach us of his transformation. BRUCE This guy is a loon. GRETA That sounds like a well thought out opinion. Jacob walks over. carrying a drink.

He is dressed in casual cloths and is


Black Angels have surrounded the platform. The dancers stop dancing and start singing a solemn hymn. Oh good.

JACOB I'm just in time.

BRUCE Jacob, have you seen…. JACOB Shhhh….And watch the platform. A spotlight shines on PAUL. dead.

He stops moving and appears

The doctors remove there equipment and motion to the Black Angels. The Black Angels replace the doctors on the platform. The singers finish their song. The crowd quiets.

Silent moments pass.

PAUL begins to move again. Slow at first, then faster. thrashes around and growls.


FATHER (shouts loudly) Hallelujah SCOOTER Awesome! Fireworks shoot into the sky and raucous jazz music beings playing again. The crowd claps loudly and shouts words of praise to God. Father disappears into the temple again. Jacob claps strenuously. The Black Angels unstrap PAUL and lead him into the temple. The platform is removed. Food and drink are brought out.

People grab plates and eat.

BRUCE Jacob, have you seen Eddie?


JACOB No, not since earlier. BRUCE He was taken away by one of Father's men. JACOB I'll see what I can find out. Jacob leaves. CUT TO: Chase has wandered over to where they are serving the food. He takes a plate and gets in line. The plate is real china. A serving woman looks at him trying to hide disgust at his sores. WOMAN It's okay honey. You don't have to wait in line. Someone will bring a plate over to you. The woman takes Chase's plate. Chase looks unsure but leaves the serving area. When he is out of sight, the woman throws his plate away and shivers. CUT TO: Someone hands Bruce a plate of food.

He eats.

GRETA So, Bruce, have you sharpened your opinion any more? BRUCE I don't see a reason to. Nothing happened here that I haven't seen before. Just more ritual is all. GRETA And you don't find ritual important? BRUCE It's just a way to shield people from the horror they have just seen.


GRETA Is that all? Couldn't it also be a way to get people to see things the way you see them? BRUCE Sure, but so what? does it make?

What difference

GRETA The motivation behind a ritual makes all the difference in the world. ROGER A ritual serves to cause group cohesion. With everyone involved, everyone is responsible. It gives Father an unspoken permission to do whatever he may do next. GRETA (smiles widely) Why Roger, I think I may be falling in love. One of Fathers men comes over to Bruce. MAN Father will see you now. Please collect your people and follow me. BRUCE One of my people is missing. name is Eddie.


MAN Don't worry about him. He is fine. Gather the rest please. Chase is handed a plate and sits to eat. Bruce motions to his friends. Chase lets out a sigh and pushes the plate of food away. They gather together and follow the man. They walk through dancing people and make their way to the temple. INT. TEMPLE


They are ushered into a very large room. The room is full of doctors and lab equipment. There are zombies strapped to examination tables. They are being experimented on. One of these is Paul. They are brought over to Father


FATHER Welcome. Please come in. I am sorry I have not met with you earlier, but this is the first chance I have had. They all take turns shaking Father'S hand. BRUCE This is not all of us. missing one.

We are

FATHER Yes, Eddie. I decided to meet with him privately to try to ease his troubled mind concerning the shooting. After that, he went back to the Brighton house to sleep. ROGER (looks around the room) Looks like some serious thinking goes on down here. FATHER Indeed it does. Here, we try to learn what is learnable. Like how do these creatures live and how do they die. Many pressing issues. BRUCE How do these creatures live? FATHER They live because God wills it. ROGER That is hardly a scientific conclusion. FATHER We are passed the age of science now and are well into the Age of Aquarius. We need to rethink the nature of reality. Father waves over to a particular scientist and makes a gesture across his midsection. The scientist brings out a zombie that is nothing but bones at its waste but it is still walking.


FATHER Gentlemen, take a close look at this creature. It walks and functions. It still has an urge to feed. You tell me how science can explain such a thing? ROGER A virus possibly? FATHER A virus that keeps you alive with most of your internal organs missing? BRUCE But saying, "God wills it?" FATHER That is the most reasonable answer we have. Looking to science is only clinging onto our past and a past that has failed us. We need to let that go or it will kill us. You see, these creatures are, for all intents and purposes, immortal. BRUCE I can prove that wrong with one slug to this skags head. FATHER But left to themselves, they will not die. ROGER Surely they will eventually rot to death and return to dust. FATHER We thought so as well. Our studies show that that is not the case. He points to a chart hanging on the wall. It has different colored lines all following a similar arc. FATHER This chart represents our studies with the recently dead over the past fifteen years. Those such as Brother Paul over here.

62. What we have found is that at the onset, decomposition is very rapid, but then slows considerably. In every case decay runs to infinity. Follow me and I'll show you another interesting case. They follow Father. FATHER There were six billion people when the world ended. We were concerned about how many we would really have to face here in the America's. The question rested on whether the chosen could travel from Europe and Asia to our doorstep. The room they step into has an Olympic size swimming pool. FATHER (Gesturing to the pool) I would like you to meet Namor. They look down into the pool. U bolts have been cemented into the bottom of the pool. A zombie is chained there by his feet. He is struggling to get free. FATHER He has been down there for over ten years now. No air. No sunlight. Yet he lives. Amazing isn’t he? Father shows them a map on the wall. the Atlantic ocean.

He particularly shows

FATHER (cont'd) Average human walking speed is three point five miles an hour. The Atlantic Ocean is around 2500 miles on an average. A whole continent of zombies could walk that ocean in forty days since they don't sleep. Namor proves that it is at least possible. ROGER So, why haven't they? FATHER Zombies make excellent chum.


BRUCE (Laughing) What? FATHER I'm serious. They're great fish food and the fish love them. We tested this in an aquarium about fifty miles south of here. The zombies were torn to shreds within the day. BRUCE You think the fish are going to eat a couple of billion of them? FATHER There are a lot more fish in the ocean than were in that tank. In fact, there has probably been a fish population explosion since commercial fishing ended. And it's not like the zombies are going to organize a march. ROGER And the fish don't become zombies? FATHER No, the fish are immune to whatever this is. Pardon the phrase. They don't get it. CHASE Only humans. FATHER Now, I didn't exactly say that. Next stop on our tour. INT. SMALL LAB - NIGHT Observation windows, a single table. Strapped to the table is a male, adult, chimpanzee. He has the same pallor as a zombie. He is thrashing on the table and attempting to bite. They stare at it in silence. FATHER We found him in a small zoo. He had been isolated from the rest of the chimps for some reason. We think he may have been sick.


BRUCE Oh great, simian skags. SCOOTER Like, he was becoming a zombie? FATHER The old ways of thinking are so hard to overcome aren’t they? No. Not like he was becoming a zombie. He died of something else. His isolation kept him from being attacked. Examinations show not a single scratch or bite on him. He died of something else, but when he did, he resurrected. SCOOTER Do you really believe this is the resurrection of God? Like in the bible? FATHER Yes. BRUCE Oh bullshit. FATHER The bible speaks of a bodily resurrection, where men become new creatures and live in a new paradise right here on earth. ROGER They would be new creatures in the image of Christ. FATHER Do you mean to say that you know the image of the risen Christ? BRUCE Christ didn't go around eating people. FATHER No. But then again, he was the son of God. BRUCE You are out of your mind.


FATHER It's a distinct possibility, but that is beside the point. Do you agree that these zombies have risen from the dead in bodily form and have become new creatures? BRUCE (Angrily) Well, yes. That is obvious. Disgusting creatures in fact. FATHER (Angrily) So, are you trying to tell me that there's going to be yet another resurrection? BRUCE (Yelling) I'm not trying to tell you anything. CHASE Gentlemen, gentlemen. I think we should calm down just a little bit. SCOOTER Do the monkeys eat each other like the human zombies do? FATHER They are chimpanzees and yes they do. There were still chimps in their cages and they were just as ripped up, as bloody, and as alive as any other zombie. CHASE But if there was no zombie in there first…. FATHER For the good Lords sake. This is not a disease. This is not something that is catching. This is how the world is now. The dead come back and there is not a single good reason for it other than God wills it. Father takes a deep breath and tries to compose himself.


FATHER We suspect that the first chimp died of starvation. He attacked the other chimps. Sooner or later, they all became zombies. Oddly enough, this did not happen to the mountain gorillas. They died of starvation and stayed dead. BRUCE Okay, okay. Change of topic. Why are the wild skags afraid of this place? Why do they try to run away? FATHER We believe it is a form of telepathy, but you'll have to follow me to my meditation chamber for a further explanation. INT. UPSTAIRS MEDITATION CHAMBER - NIGHT A very large room. Hardwood floor, highly polished, with an oriental rug. A high ceiling covered in Italian tile. A chandelier hangs from it. Two large, overstuffed leather sofas. Two matching leather chairs. High, oak bookcases lined the walls. There are no books on them. Instead, they are covered with zombie heads. The entire room is surrounded in zombie heads. They are all alive and moving as much as they can. Wordless moans coming from their mouths. Bruce is looking from side to side quickly. He is freaking out. BRUCE No no no. Okay? fucking way. FATHER It's okay Bruce.


Just no.

He is shaking.


Try to calm down.

BRUCE Calm? Did you ask me to be calm? When I'm surrounded by…By this? FATHER Yes Bruce, I asked you to be calm.


BRUCE You are cuckoo for fucking coca puffs do you know that? I mean….JESUS!. Father takes Bruce by an arm and helps him onto the sofa. The others follow and find seats. Father sits across from Bruce. FATHER I won't ask you to try to listen yet. Listen to the music in this room. Listen to the song of the dead. When you're ready, you will. You will hear what I hear. ROGER What, Sir, could you possibly hear in this room? FATHER I can not tell you. It is something that can't be put into words. I hear them. I hear their laments, their pain. The room is alive with it. This is what keeps the wild ones away. This is what they fear. They fear the song. INT.


Bruce, Chase, Scooter, and Roger are sitting silently in the dark. Each one stares vacantly into space. DISSOLVE TO: It is morning.

The sun is streaking through the window.

Chase and Roger are sleeping. Bruce is still staring. Scooter is kneeling in soft prayer and crying. EXT. NORTH HARMONY - DAY Bruce is wandering. He is heading for the large tower with the bridge. A figure can be seen at the large tower. It is Jacob. Bruce passes a small chicken farm. There are two zombies feeding chickens. One of the zombies is throwing the feed overhand at the chickens. He looks like he is trying to kill the chickens with the feed.

68. The human over seer looks pissed off. He turns on the red light on the side of the building. Bruce walks up to Jacob. JACOB Morning Bruce, how are you today? BRUCE Not bad I guess. Eddie?

Have you seen

JACOB He's still on the missing list? BRUCE Yeah, Father said that Eddie went back to Brighton house for some sleep, but when we got there he was nowhere in sight. JACOB I'll keep an eye open for him Bruce. BRUCE I'd appreciate that Jacob. JACOB Bruce, I need you and the others to stay in South Harmony today. People are gathering around the tower. There are a few people gathered on the bridge. official.

They look

Black Angels are guiding a train of zombies connected at the neck with metal pipes. Dirty Harry wanders up. BRUCE Why? JACOB Criminal justice trials are today and we hold them here. It's for Harmony citizens only. DIRTY HARRY No offense Bruce. Hey, I got an idea! Come on Bruce. Follow me.


EXT. BRIGHTON HOUSE - DAY Chase is sitting on the front steps. Harmony is standing a short distance away clutching her bunny. Two zombies are making their way up one side of the street. A group of Black Angels are talking on the corner. Chase notices Harmony and studies her. The two zombies, while passing Harmony, grab her bunny. They drop to the ground with it and rip its stuffing out as if ripping the intestines from a victim. They growl as they do this. The Black Angels run up the street and hook long poles to the collars of the two zombies. They drag the zombies away. Harmony stands and stares at her bunny. down her face.

A single tear runs

Chase braces his face against his own tears. He walks over to the bunny and picks it up. He tries to give it to Harmony. She will not take it. CHASE I am going to fix this for you. Chase kneels down and collects as much stuffing as he can. EXT. NORTH HARMONY TOWER - DAY Black Angels are loading zombies into the fenced area. More zombies are on there way. The zombies look up at the bridge that extends over them. The room at the end of the bridge is in shadows. It seems full of people. There is a crowd standing on ground level around the fence. The crowd is growing. EXT. SOUTH HARMONY TOWN SQUARE - DAY Roger and Scooter are sitting at a picnic table with Greta. ROGER I've been thinking about it a lot and I think I'm going to stay in Harmony.


GRETA I'm glad you have made a choice. hope you are happy.


ROGER I'd like to find out if I can get a job in the museum. I think I can make some positive changes there. Hopefully, I can merge it with the library. GRETA Turn Harmony into a cultured city? ROGER Something like that. GRETA So, your first impression of Father hasn't sent you heading for the hills? ROGER Well, I must admit, he is a bit eccentric but that's a small price to pay. I think I will go speak to him now. Now Greta, you take care of my boy, okay? GRETA Like he's my very own. Roger stands and walks towards the temple. EXT. NORTH HARMONY TOWER - DAY The fenced area is full of zombies. A very large crowd surrounds the fence. The bridge has a small crowd. The Black Angels watch the crowd and the zombies intently. There is a large bald man on the bridge. He is dressed in a flowing red robe. He wears a leather vest over it. He motions to the room at the end of the hall. Two men are dragging a woman out. She is struggling. It is Beth from the clothing shop. Around her neck is a wooden sign that reads "PERVERT". She is brought and held next to the bald man. BALD MAN (Loudly to the crowd) Citizens of Harmony. Sister Beth McNair was witnessed having sexual relations with another woman.

71. This was witnessed by Tommy Wilcox and seconded by Lester Craven. She has been tried and sentenced. People of Harmony, should sentence be carried out? CUT TO: Jacob is patrolling the fence. He is watching the crowd very closely. The crowd yells affirmations. EXT. WEST HARMONY BRIDGE - DAY Bruce and Dirty Harry are walking across the bridge. turns back to look at the tower.


BRUCE So, what exactly goes on there Harry? DIRTY HARRY Actually, my first name is Bill, but you call me whatever you like. Over there is where we punish our guilty. BRUCE How? DIRTY HARRY Never mind about that. you fishing.

I'm taking

Bruce's eyes brighten in surprise. Dirty Harry puts his arm around Bruce's shoulders and steers him away from the tower. From the tower, a body falls. EXT. NORTH HARMONY TOWER - DAY In the fenced area zombies feed on the body of Beth. TOMMY WILCOX is wearing a wooden sign that says, "PEEPING TOM". BALD MAN By his own admission, Tommy Wilcox was watching Beth McNair have sex through her bedroom window. People of Harmony, should sentence be carried out? Jacob watches as the crowd screams affirmations in a frenzied voice.

72. Jacob keeps straight faced and business like as the gruesome trial goes on. The Bald Man pushes Tommy Wilcox off of the bridge. The zombies rip him to pieces. Another man is brought out. His wooden sign also says, "PEEPING TOM". INT. CLOTHING SHOP - DAY Chase walks over to the counter where Zara is weeping softly. CHASE Hey, are you okay? Zara wipes her face and straightens herself up. I'm fine.

ZARA How have you been?

CHASE I'm okay, but there was a small accident. Do you know where I can get a needle and some thread? Chase holds out the bunny.

Zara's eyes go wide.

ZARA Is that Harmony's bunny? Yes.

CHASE I'm hoping I can fix it.

ZARA I have a needle and thread in the back. You wait right there. I’ll only be a second. EXT. SOUTH HARMONY TOWN SQUARE - DAY GRETA How about you Scooter? in Harmony?

You staying

SCOOTER Father is not to be trusted. A nearby zombie thrashes in place in a strange dance. He is moaning and growling loudly. Two Black Angels rush him and cart him away. GRETA Those are strong words Scooter. What facts do you have to support such a conclusion?


SCOOTER I don't have any facts. I have my heart and in my heart, I don't trust him. GRETA You think you should judge a man from just a hunch like that? SCOOTER Following your heart is not a hunch. GRETA Point taken, but Father has never hurt anyone. Scooter points at nearby zombies. SCOOTER He hurts them. The whole town hurts them. I don't think I can stay in a town like that. GRETA You going back out into the wild? You know how dangerous that is child. You have peace and safety here in Harmony. SCOOTER But at what cost? It's not worth my soul. (Pause) My Harmony blinders don't seem to fit. I'd rather risk the danger than lie to myself. GRETA You’re a smart boy. just come with you.

Maybe I'll

INT. BRIGHTON HOUSE - DAY Chase sits in the living room alone. A torn up pillow is next to him. He has re-stuffed the bunny and is sewing it closed. EXT.


Dirty Harry and Bruce are sitting on the pier. dangle in the water. They hold fishing poles. coffee can of bait nearby.

Their feet There is a


BRUCE My grampa used to take me fishing when I was a boy. DIRTY HARRY Used to be me and my paw. BRUCE It was beautiful. Just like this. He taught me so much about life. Then life changed. DIRTY HARRY But it could still be beautiful, just like this. BRUCE One day, I come home from school and my mom is crying. My dad is home from work and he never came home that early. They're waiting for an ambulance, but it's too late. Grampa is already dead. Fell on the kitchen floor. Heart attack I think. DIRTY HARRY You loved him very much. BRUCE Yes, I did. Very much. And he was the first zombie I ever saw. He grabbed my mothers arm and bit into it as he pulled himself up with it. She screamed. I screamed. My Father came in and grampa attacked him. Threw my father to the floor DIRTY HARRY You have to let it go son. BRUCE I was still screaming when the ambulance showed. They shot my grampa and my dad, just in case they said. They took my mother away, but I never saw her again. DIRTY HARRY The past is the past. They sit in silence.


DIRTY HARRY So, what do ya think? BRUCE I don't know. I'm tired of running but… DIRTY HARRY But you hate the zombies. BRUCE Yeah. DIRTY HARRY Don't worry about it. Some of our best overseers hate the zombies. You could be a head collector. You know, the ones who kill the aggressive skags. I think you might enjoy that. BRUCE (Excited) Hey, hey, I got a bite. bite!

I got a

EXT. NORTH HARMONY TOWER - DAY Eddie is dragged along the bridge. The sign around his neck says, "Murderer". Jacob looks at him and his face drops. BALD MAN Again, by his own admission, in front of witnesses too numerous to be named, Eddie Daudell has been sentenced for the crime of murder. People of Harmony, should sentence be carried out? The people scream there affirmations. JACOB (Screaming) NO! NO, THIS ISN'T RIGHT! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! Eddie is pushed. screams.


The zombies pull his guts out while he

INT. TEMPLE MEDITATION CHAMBER - DAY Roger is sitting alone. He is looking around at all the heads. His face shows awe.


Father comes in and sits down across from Roger. FATHER So, you wished to speak to me? Roger takes Father's hand and holds it. ROGER I can hear them.

I can hear them.

FATHER Yes, they speak. Not in words. More like…Feelings. They speak in feelings. The song of the dead. ROGER Yes, it is like a song. Like music. It is like ocean waves of emotion. Horrible emotion. FATHER I am told you wish to stay with us and run the museum? ROGER Yes, and maybe the library too. FATHER Alas, we do not currently have a library. Still, I think you are the best man for both jobs. ROGER Oh, thank you Father. FATHER It is my pleasure. I am pleased you are staying. The zombies do not bother you? ROGER No. Well, as long as I don't have to share a water fountain with them. INT. CLOTHING SHOP - DAY Zara is behind the counter crying.

She talks to herself.

ZARA Oh Beth. My poor, sweet Beth. told you we had to be careful.


77. Couldn't let anyone see us. God, I loved you so much.


She shoves a pile of cloths off of the counter in anger. ZARA I guess I know what that means. They'll be coming for me. I may be seeing you sooner than we expected my love. I wish I could. I wish I could just let them come take me away. I'm sorry my love. I just can't do that. You know me. I'm not one to give up so easily. She disappears into a back room for a moment and comes back out with two large bags. ZARA I have to figure a way out of here and a place to go. She pushes cloths into the bags. ZARA I know. I'll take that bus of theirs. The new people. They owe me two chickens each anyway. That's gotta equal the price of a bus. Not like I was ever gonna see those chickens. She grabs the bags and leaves the store. EXT.


Jacob is walking slowly down the street. Bruce sees him. Bruce has several fish tied together. He is happy. He holds up the fish. BRUCE Jacob, hey Jacob. Jacob turns around suddenly. JACOB (Shouting) I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS GOD DAMN IT. I DON'T KNOW WHERE EDDIE IS. WOULD YOU JUST GET OFF MY BACK? Jacob storms off. Bruce stands dumbfounded. Chase is walking down the street. He is holding the repaired bunny. Jacob brushes past him and keeps going. Chase sees Bruce.


CHASE What's up with him? BRUCE I don't know. I just wanted to show him my fish. CHASE That's a hell of a catch you have there Bruce. Yep.

BRUCE We're gonna eat good tonight.

CHASE I'll be looking forward to it. Hey, have you seen Harmony? BRUCE I haven't been looking for her. Roger and Scooter come from a different direction. SCOOTER Harmony? (Points to where they came.) She's up that way. Oh good.

CHASE Come on guys.

They walk up the street until they find Harmony. Chase walks up to her slowly with the bunny held out. Just as slowly, Harmony reaches out for the bunny. She takes it and holds it. She puts her back up against the building and slides down. She hugs her knees. Chase kneels down next to her. BRUCE Isn't this touching? CHASE Give it a rest Bruce. BRUCE How do you know that thing isn't gonna take a chunk out of your neck? HARMONY Nuh…No. All of them show shock.


SCOOTER You won't bite Chase? HARMONY Nuh-Never.


BRUCE Why? She places her hand on Chase's chest HARMONY Sick. She places her hand on her own chest. HARMONY Sick. SCOOTER You're both sick? She nods her head slightly. BRUCE (Unsure) And we're supposed to believe that thing? It's a filthy skag. CHASE (Angry) I said give it a rest Bruce. Fine. EXT.

BRUCE I'll go cook my fish.


Bruce sees someone on the bus. He draws his gun and carefully approached the door. He sees Zara but Zara doesn't see him. He points the gun at her and cocks it. BRUCE What are you doing? ZARA I was stealing your bus. BRUCE Why would you do that? ZARA Because I have to get out of here.


BRUCE What's happened? ZARA They've killed Beth and soon they will come for me too. BRUCE Who's Beth? ZARA Who was Beth you mean. She was my lover and they killed her for it. Perversion of any kind is a crime in Harmony. BRUCE So they killed her? ZARA Fed her to the skags. only punishment.

It's the

BRUCE Okay, look. We'll… ZARA Either shoot me or help me, but for the love of God would you please shut up. BRUCE I'll help you. INT.


It is a modest house with simple furniture. Greta is sitting at a table. She is holding a beautifully framed picture. In the picture is a young, distinguished looking black man. She sets the picture down on the table. GRETA I have watched this town very closely my love. I have watched it from stem to stern. I have formed the best opinions that I could and have guarded them. I think maybe, I have guarded them too long. She stands and puts a kettle of water on the fire.


GRETA (cont'd) Peace and safety are not bad things, you know that John, but the boy is right. You can't sell your soul just to be safe and that's exactly what I have been doing. We have turned the zombies into our niggers and all of the old Jim Crow's have come out with the same old excuses. "They are different than us." Or "They are not human." Or "They are animals." And, God help me John, I bought into it. I let the blinders slip over my eyes so that my life can be a bit more comfortable. As long as they step and fetch it for me, I keep my opinions to myself and let others think that I am wise. The water in the kettle boils. She pours herself a cup of tea and sits back at the table with it. GRETA (cont'd) Honey, I'm not wise. I'm a damned old fool for allowing this to happen. For allowing myself to be surrounded by evil on all sides. And it's not just the zombies, my God, look at what we do to the humans. We've built a world where even the smallest of things become major crimes, and all crimes carry a death sentence. All so we can keep the zombies fed. Innocent people die so that the zombies keep serving us. I can not be a party to it anymore John. I just can't. I have been shamed by a young boy who was able to look at things with an honesty that I have lost in my old age. She sips her tea. GRETA (cont'd) I'm going to find that boy and take him away from here. But first, I want to talk to Jacob. He's a good man. I may be able to make him understand.


INT. JACOB'S HOUSE - EVENING It is a best of smoking piano.

big, beautiful house. Classically furnished. The fine living is here. Jacob is dressed in a red jacket. He is playing mournful music at the grand There is a knock on his door. JACOB Come in.

He keeps playing. Bruce, Zara, Scooter, Roger, Chase, and Greta walk in. He keeps playing. JACOB I was kind of expecting you. Well, maybe not all of you. Please, come in and make yourselves at home. There is brandy over by the bookcase. Roger walks to the bookcase and is amazed at all of the classic books that Jacob has collected. Roger pours himself a drink. Scooter lights a joint. The rest sit. Jacob pounds the piano keys. JACOB Your friend Eddie is dead. What?


JACOB Sentenced for the crime of murder. ZARA And fed to the zombies? JACOB You know that's true. ZARA Just like Beth. JACOB No. Not just like Beth. Whether right or wrong, Beth knew the rules and she broke them anyway. What Eddie did, he did out in the wild and we all know the rules there are different. Eddie committed no crime in or against Harmony.


ZARA So, it's okay to feed Beth to the zombies? JACOB I used to think so, yes. Tonight I'm asking myself a lot of questions. What are we trading to live here? My Harmony blinders have broken. CHASE I think I'm missing something here. JACOB The zombies conditioning can not rely on punishment alone. There must also be rewards. The good ones must be rewarded. How would you reward a zombie? CHASE You feed them humans? them your own people?

You feed

BRUCE Jesus Christ. That’s just sick. JACOB We feed them those who have broken the laws of our society. GRETA But, as society became more civilized, serious offenses began to go away. JACOB No one felt guilty when we were using murderers and rapists, or the more violent of our society. It seemed a public service. GRETA But as our crime rate dropped, lesser things became crimes punishable by death. ZARA Like loving the wrong person.


CHASE I can't believe that you just stood by and let that happen. GRETA You can't? You may not have known exactly what was wrong in Harmony, but you must have had a feeling that something was. Still, you considered snapping your blinders on and staying. Don't bullshit me that you didn't. And why? For a chance to live in safety. For the chance to grow old and die a natural death. The same damned thing that all of us want. What all of us feel we deserve. So don't you get all high and mighty with me. JACOB Miracles crumble and the world becomes dust. When I saw Eddie up there, I knew that it was just a matter of time before we'd all have to walk that plank. ROGER This is all well and good to hash over while sipping a brandy, but what are we supposed to do about it? BRUCE We grab our shit and get the hell out of here as soon as we can. ROGER Oh, come on. Don't you think you're being just a bit melodramatic about it? CHASE Roger, how can you say that? One of our friends has been killed. ROGER A friend who was, in fact, a murderer. He shot Ty down in cold blood. Doesn't anyone remember that? Thank God we have found a place that has laws.

85. You can't toss all that away just because that law goes against one of your friends. ZARA And my lover? You’re saying that my Beth deserved to die? ROGER You made a conscious choice, knowing full well it was against the law. Do you mean to tell me that there were absolutely no men in this town who were willing to fuck you? I doubt that. You tossed them away for the thrill of forbidden love. A little discretion might have saved your friend, but that would take away from the thrill now wouldn't it? CHASE Come on Roger. It's not like that and you know it. You're an educated man. You can't possibly believe all the crap you were raised with. You can’t really believe the shit that’s coming out of your mouth. GRETA He can, and he does. Hate is powerful. More powerful than you know. But your friend is not just expressing his hate. He's also expressing his fear. ROGER Fear of what? GRETA Fear of being on the road again. ROGER Just because I'm not willing to make mountains out of mole hills does not mean I am afraid of anything. What's so hard about living within the law? And before you go any further, I was in more than my fair share of civil rights marches trying to help you and your kind….


GRETA My kind? ROGER ….to sit here and made out to be some kind of a bigot. You know what? That's it. I'm out of here. Roger storms out of the house with a large slam of the door. They all let out a long sigh and the brandy flows more liberally. JACOB He's wrong. It’s not really his fault. He hasn’t seen enough to know any better. Zara, Chase, and Scooter would be the next to be fed to the zombies. Me?

SCOOTER What did I do?

JACOB You would be considered a drug addict. Scooter crushes out his joint and throws it away. BRUCE Okay, so, are we agreed that we have to leave? Everyone nods their heads. BRUCE Then I say we pack our stuff and collect in the Brighton house. We'll try to get a little sleep and leave at first light. INT.


Father and Roger are sitting. FATHER So, what brings you here so late this night? ROGER The others are leaving.


FATHER They are free to go whenever they wish. ROGER I know. I'm just feeling a bit confused. We found out what happens at the tower. FATHER I don't see why that should be so confusing. There is always pain and violence when a new society is built. We need to find what is right and wrong for us and what is right and wrong can change. ROGER But is it right to kill someone because they have a different sexual predilection? FATHER If this was the old world, it wouldn't be right at all. This isn't the old world. This is Gods world. Different rules apply here. ROGER I don't think I understand. FATHER Listen to this room. Listen to the song of the dead, and listen to me. We don't know how many humans are really left now do we? Roger nods in agreement. FATHER Our first duty to the human race is to repopulate. That means babies. A woman can not make a baby by lying with another woman. It just doesn't work like that. Men and women who continue to have same sex relationships are being selfish. They are not seeing the bigger picture, only their own little corner of it. They are helping to doom us all.

88. You tell me this urge is so strong in them that they could not possibly be with someone of the opposite sex even though that is what is needed to rebuild the human race? ROGER No, I guess not. FATHER It's all in the song. The song of the dead. Listen and believe. If people are going to be selfish in a thing like this, what else may they choose to be selfish in? You know what happens next if that is allowed to happen? Roger falls under the spell of the song and is entranced. ROGER I'm not too clear. FATHER Well, next they think we kill the zombies too soon. That they should aggress more before we take their heads. Why? Because it cuts into their profits? You know what happens next? People start getting hurt. Do these people take the responsibility for that? No. No they don’t. Then some damned fool gets the notion that the zombies are people. They'll want to teach them to speak. They'll want to teach them to read. Then, finally, we'll have to free the zombies so that they can be equals in our society. The very idea is chilling. ROGER Could the zombies be taught to read? FATHER Anything is possible. That doesn't make it right. The answers are in the song.


ROGER How can you speak like this when you call them the chosen of God? You said that this is the resurrection. FATHER They are the Chosen of God and this is the resurrection. They are the meek and they will inherit the earth. Should we just hand it over? Father moves across the room. large knife.

He picks up a wine glass and a

FATHER (cont'd) There is so much more we have to learn from them. One day, we will know the meaning of the song. We will be able to sing it ourselves. Father takes Roger's arm and slashes it with the knife. catches the blood in the wine glass. FATHER (cont'd) Then, we will be able to control the zombies without having to feed them. Then, we will be immortal.


Father raises the glass to his lips. FATHER (cont'd) Take this, all of you, and drink from it. This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. Father drains the glass.

Blood on his lips.

FATHER It's late Roger. We'll talk more tomorrow. Don't worry about your friends. They will be fine. ROGER Thank you Father. EXT.


Chase, Scooter, and Greta are sitting on the front steps.


SCOOTER I didn't get a lot of what you and Roger were talking about Greta. GRETA You don't worry about that hon. was before your time.


SCOOTER It seems like I’ve missed a lot living in this world. So much has been forgotten. (pause) I can't stop thinking about what Harmony said. Then, as if on cue, Harmony walks out of the dark and stands near them. GRETA Harmony spoke? Yes.

CHASE She spoke to me.

GRETA What did she say? SCOOTER She said that she wouldn't hurt Chase because they were the same. GRETA (Laughs) She thinks you're a zombie honey. CHASE I don't think that's what she meant. I think she meant because I was sick. SCOOTER Yeah. I think the zombies think that they are just sick people. I think they might be right. GRETA You think that they're just sick? CHASE I don't know if I would say, "Just sick." But you have to admit, death is the ultimate sickness.


GRETA Death is the end of sickness. CHASE Apparently, that is not always the case. SCOOTER Maybe we should do something to try to help them. GRETA (Laughs) Sweet heart, I am too old to become some half assed zombie abolitionist. Maybe that's why God put you in the world. CHASE (Looks at Harmony) I'm glad we came here. If for no other reason, this being is the most gentle and most beautiful of souls that I have ever met. (To Harmony) I wish I could bring you with us, but the world is a dangerous place out there. Dirty Harry and three Black Angels appear. DIRTY HARRY It certainly is. That's why I wish you'd reconsider leaving. CHASE How'd you find out? DIRTY HARRY Father told us. Figured we'd see if there was anything we could do to help. CHASE Thanks, but we're okay. Just waiting for the others to wake up. Bruce comes out of the door. I'm up.

BRUCE Hey, a going away party?


DIRTY HARRY A somber party. You know you don't have to do this Bruce. BRUCE We don't? And which one of us is next on the skag chow line you son of a bitch? DIRTY HARRY We just wanted to see if we could lend a hand. BRUCE (sadly) You killed one of my You do that with one take me fishing with face? (To Scooter) and let's get on the

people Harry. face and then your other Go wake Zara road.

Scooter leaves. Bruce helps Greta onto the bus. Jacob walks up the road. Chase gets on the bus, Harmony follows him. He stops her at the door. She reaches out to him. She wants to get on the bus with him. CHASE No sweet heart. with us.

You can't come

DIRTY HARRY Now hold there little missy. He grabs Harmony by her arm and pulls. CHASE You need to stay here with Dirty Harry honey. Another Black Angel takes Harmony by her other arm. He also pulls but more aggressively than Dirty Harry did. Harmony makes a sound like pain. CHASE What are you guys doing? They drag Harmony away from the bus.


CHASE (upset) Stop it. You're hurting her. Harmony makes more scared sounds as she is pulled further away. Jacob is almost at the bus. Bruce pops out of the buses hatch and points an automatic rifle at Dirty Harry. BRUCE Leave the lady alone. The two remaining Black Angels unsling their rifles and aim at Bruce. Jacob slings his rifle and aims it at the two Black Angels. Zara comes out the door, looks surprised for a moment, the draws two pistols and aims at the Black Angels. DIRTY HARRY Now, we can all shoot each other to death, but Harmony stays here. This is her town. This is where she belongs. He makes a hand gesture and a large group of Black Angels run down the street. They aim their weapons. DIRTY HARRY Frigging shame things had to end this way. I really liked you guys. Take their weapons boys. The Black Angels move in a controlled way. They relieve the group of their guns and place them under arrest. INT.


Bruce, Scooter, Greta, Zara, Jacob, and Chase are there and in chains. Father regards them but only addresses Chase. FATHER Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events. I was willing to let you all go. You never would have fit in here anyway. Outcasts and misfits the lot of you. The incident with Harmony can not be allowed though. CHASE We weren't trying to take her.


FATHER I am sure you were not. That does not change her will to go with you. Listen to the sadness that has crept into the song. CHASE She would have stayed here with you. FATHER That is where you are wrong. She would have followed you like a faithful dog. No matter where you went, she would have found you, and do you know why? CHASE (unsure) No. FATHER Because she loves you. Imagine it. A zombie with the capacity to love. Much can yet be learned from her. That is why you will die first. CHASE It won't change anything. This town will still collapse around our ears. And soon I think. FATHER (angry) You know nothing faggot. I control here. It is by my will that this town is a place of peace. It is the song. The song that I control that keeps the zombies tame. CHASE You listen to the song but you do not hear. Listen again. Listen closely. Father closes his eyes and listens closely.

He smiles.

FATHER The song. The sweet agony of it. The mournful tears. Tears that can not be shed. The sadness. The pain.


CHASE Is that all your small ears can hear? Are you incapable of hearing the calmness underneath? That is the calmness of Harmony. She is in control here. Not you. It's always been her. FATHER Get them out of here. INT.


Bruce, Scooter, Greta, Zara, Jacob, and Chase are sitting against the wall with their hands cuffed behind their backs. There are two Black Angels guarding them. The crowd can be heard screaming for blood. Father comes in with the Bald Man. He walks past the group without a look. They walk out onto the bridge. Dirty Harry is there waiting for them. EXT.

BRIDGE - DAY FATHER People of Harmony. A couple of days ago, we found a group of wanderers. They were alone. They were scared. They were running from place to place trying to find somewhere that they could be safe. We gave them that place. We took them in and gave them a home. We opened our town and our hearts to them. People of Harmony. It saddens me to tell you that that kindness was returned with betrayal. Betrayal of the worst kind.

INTERCUT BETWEEN BRIDGE AND TOWER ROOM. Harmony wanders into the tower room.

She watches the group.

FATHER The Black Angels caught them trying to steal away with our beloved Harmony while we all slept.


Father makes a motion and His handcuffs are removed bridge. Zombies fill the They are getting agitated

Chase is lifted off of the floor. and he is brought out onto the fenced areas below the bridge. at the speech.

FATHER Several times has this one, the one called Chase, been seen trying to woo our fair Harmony. This sickness of this man that he might try to romance a zombie no matter how dear that zombie is to our hearts. Harmony wanders out onto the edge of the bridge. FATHER He thought he could charm her away from us. He failed to realize that Harmony belongs in this town. He failed to realize that Harmony is this town. People of Harmony. Are we to allow this? Loud screams come from the watching crowd. FATHER Shall sentence be carried out? Louder screams shouting for blood. FATHER And you shall have it. Father throws Chase off of the bridge. Chase hits the ground with a thump. The zombies step away from his body, forming a circle around him, and fall silent. Harmony's face is still as she looks at the dead body of Chase down on the ground. Then shows sadness. Then deep pain. Then anger. Then outrage. She wails and attacks Father. She rips into him as blood flies everywhere. The zombies in the fenced areas also fly into a rage. They attack the fences and pull them down. The Black Angels try to take positions but the zombies are already ripping into the crowd. Harmony has Father on his knees. Dirty Harry tries to pull her off of Father. She throws Dirty Harry off of the bridge. The Bald Man runs past them. Father falls on the bridge. Harmony eats him ravenously.


INT. TOWER ROOM - DAY A revolver is cocked at the head of a Black Angel. looks at the other Black Angel.


ROGER Get the handcuffs off of them now. Bruce takes the gun off one of the Black Angels. the gun from the other one.

Zara takes

BRUCE We gotta make it to the armory before we attempt getting to the bus. JACOB Don't worry about the bus. get it.


GRETA Jacob, you can't. JACOB I can and I will. Jacob runs out of the Tower Room and disappears. Bruce and Zara follow and head for the armory. Roger, Greta, and Scooter follow down the stairs. Outside, they are stopped by a group of Black Angels. Bruce and Zara get away. BLACK ANGEL You three don't dare make a move. The Black Angels are jumped by a gang of zombies. They are brought to the ground and eaten. Roger, Greta, and Scooter run for the armory. CUT TO: Bruce and Zara are separated as the zombie massacre spreads all over the town. Zombies everywhere are attacking and killing. Wild zombies, without collars, have joined the frenzy. Bruce can not stop to get his bearings. CUT TO: Jacob is stopped by a Black Angel. JACOB No way in hell.


Jacob punches the Black Angel. Jacob grabs for the Black Angel's weapon. They fight over it. Jacob delivers several punches to the Black Angel's gut. The Black Angel falls. Jacob takes his weapon and runs. CUT TO: Roger, Greta, and Scooter are caught in an alley by a group of zombies. They are closing in. Roger hands the gun to Greta. ROGER You two get out while I distract them. GRETA Distract them how? Roger, no!

SCOOTER You can't!

ROGER You take care of our boy now Greta. GRETA Like he was my very own. SCOOTER Roger NO! Roger runs into the crowd of zombies. into small pieces.

They pull him apart CUT TO:

Bruce running through the crowd. front of him. He stops.

Harmony is suddenly in

BRUCE Oh no Harmony. No. Harmony's face becomes an angry growl and she charges for Bruce. Bruce raises his gun quickly and shoots her in the head. BRUCE Aw Harmony. No. CUT TO: Greta and Scooter run up to the armory. hands them weapons.

Zara is there.



ZARA Make every shot count. SCOOTER Where's Bruce? ZARA I don't know. We got separated. The zombies are thick around them. GRETA We can't wait for him. They're all slung down heavy with weapons. the bridge and for the bus.

They run toward

CUT TO: Bruce finds the armory. He grabs as many weapons as he can. He is locked and loaded as the zombies swarm in on him. He fires and cuts his way through the crowd. He sees the others in the distance and runs for them. He waves his hand in a gesture that they keep going. They do. Zombies follow after Bruce but there is carnage all around the town. CUT TO: Jacob pulls up next to Greta, Scooter, and Zara in a cloud of dust. Greta, Scooter, and Zara get on the bus. Bruce is far off and running for the bus. Zombies are closing in on him. Zara pops out of the hatch of the bus and starts firing around him. Zombies fall. Bruce gets on the bus. Jacob slams the bus doors shut and pulls out quickly. The cow catcher sweeps zombies aside. They pull onto main street and drive out under the "Welcome To Harmony" sign. BRUCE We're gonna have to find a safe place by dark. JACOB Maybe one of the small towns to the west. Scooter sits in the back of the bus and cries. arms around him and rocks him gently. ZARA I think I've had about enough of small towns for now.

Greta has her


The bus drives up the road. FADE TO BLACK. THE END

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