Harmonization Of Secondary School Curricula In Puntland

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  • Words: 2,418
  • Pages: 12
Harmonization of Secondary School Curricula in Puntland From Idea to realization ========================================= =================== Background All levels of education have been by large in disorder since the fall of former Somali central government in 1991. The cease of public education system in the country also symbolised that in many parts of the country, public education was overtaken by community and privately own schools. Most of these schools use a wide variety of curricula with no common standards. In Puntland, by and large, the collapse has allowed varied educational initiatives by local communities, donors, and private entrepreneurs. Currently, there are 38 secondary schools in operation in Puntland. These schools can be divided into three types namely (1) Public Secondary Schools (2) Community Secondary schools and (3) Secondary schools own by private individuals. The most notable distinctions between the above-described types of secondary schools rest on the medium of instruction used i.e. the use of Arabic and English language as medium of instruction. Other distinctions include curriculum that is in use in terms of range of subjects being offered as well as the quality of education provided. Prior to the current harmonization process, the majority of schools (mainly with Arabic language as the medium of instruction) did not have unified secondary school curriculum and hence had no unified national secondary examinations. Only 10% of the Secondary schools (mainly public secondary schools with English language as medium of instruction) did have common curriculum and centralised exam system approved by the Ministry of Education. Why harmonise Secondary School curriculum? Harmonization will not make the school curriculum more meaningful to students, but also that all students at Secondary school level in Puntland attain an acceptable level of knowledge, skills and attitude. In addition, it will bridge the gap between disparate secondary education educational systems that exist. It promotes quality of education and allows students for greater intra-regional mobility, thereby fostering increased enrolment as well as a growing ability for teachers to rely on national curriculum of secondary education system. Harmonised curriculum content will lead towards one centralized exam and certification under the direct control of Puntland Ministry of Education. Further, it provides greater networking among all

secondary schools in the state. This includes creating increased cooperation between the public and private schools with different medium of instruction, allowing for a more coherent and unified vision for secondary education. On a broader level, harmonisation will give strengthen to secondary education as ensuring that the quality of education is systematically improved against common and agreed benchmarks of excellence. Puntland MoE has acknowledged harmonisation of secondary curricula as an area of focus in its pressing action plan. The MoE has seen the lack of harmonized curriculum and certification as a real menace to the overall quality of our secondary education and to the future identity of Puntland’s young generation. Furthermore, the idea is based on the belief that such an initiative will help to lead unified system of secondary education and certification in Puntland whereby, students at the end of secondary education circle (Forms IIV) irrespectively their different streaming and medium of instruction would be able to sit for a centralised exam and subsequently be awarded Puntland Secondary School Leaving Certificate. How Puntland was able to harmonise secondary school curriculum The harmonization process had gone through two phases namely the first induction workshop and the second harmonization workshop. The MoE in cooperation with African Educational Trust had conducted a curricula harmonization induction workshop in Garowe In March 2009. The workshop was intended to discuss curriculum issues needed to be addressed. Various shareholders including prominent educationist and subject specialists were invited to have a say on what to do and where to start. Moreover, the induction workshop aimed at to lay down realistic steps to be taken on the road to harmonizing secondary schools curriculum and hence target one centralized exam under the direct control of Puntland Ministry of Education by the year 2010. The main recommendations of the first induction workshop included following: o Curricula harmonization workshop to take place in Garowe from 8th to 17th August 2009. o In the harmonization process, priority to be given content of syllabus currently taught at different secondary schools. o After careful study, it was decided that both English and Arabic will continue to serve as medium of instructions in secondary schools. o Arabic and English and Somali are mandatory subjects all the way through the secondary school education. o The number of teaching hours for Science subjects, Mathematics and social studies will differ in accordance with the mode of the secondary school. This will be particularly so in senior Forms.

o Review course contents, content–learning outcomes, teaching methods, the knowledge dimension, the cognitive dimension and recommended references. o Number of weekly teaching hours for Arabic and Islamic Studies subjects to be increased from 3 to 4 periods. o Public Secondary schools are required to strengthen student’s understanding on their cultural religious identity as stipulated in Puntland Education Policy. o Public Schools are required to strengthen student’s knowledge and skills in Arabic language. o Translation of harmonized syllabus into Arabic and Somali language and this will be done during the harmonization workshop. o Identification of subject teachers, curriculum specialists and teacher educators to work together cooperatively to the harmonization process. o Inclusion of cross-cutting issues such as life skills, environmental education, HIV/Aids, peace education and indigenous knowledge. o In the harmonization process, the process should actively seek to integrate the different curricula content currently in use, so that they cohere into a single, common framework for secondary curriculum. o As regards to benchmark, it came to the conciliation that the existing Secondary School Syllabus approved by the MoE and Puntland Private Education Network (PPEN) both serve as reference for the curriculum harmonization. Second harmonization workshop The second harmonization workshop was held at the MoE compound in Garowe and brought together 42 subject teachers, educationists and curriculum specialists. The workshop started on 8th Augusts and ended 17th August-2009. The workshop began with welcoming remarks by the lead consultant Dr. Ali A. Warsame from the MoE, and was officially opened by the Minister of Education in Puntland Hon. Abdi Said Farah. The Minster addressed participants encouraging them to take the workshop seriously so that it can benefit the children in Somalia. Moreover, the Minster emphasised that harmonizing the content of Secondary School curriculum should target education relevance to the country’s development leading to centralized exam and unified certification under the control of Puntland Ministry of Education. Prior to the launch of the workshop, ground rules were set and participants were instructed to perform various tasks and responsibilities. Throughout the ten days of the workshop, the participants worked as a team and co-facilitated in all subjects. Every subject had a course leader. However, the input from other facilitators and technical committee enriched the sessions. At the close of each day, workshop participants led by course leader consultants held a debriefing meeting in which all

sessions of the day were reviewed and each team received useful feedback so as to improve. Criteria set for Harmonization Process: Following principles were agreed upon to underpin harmonization process: o Harmonization should be a Somali/Puntland centric process. o The process should actively seek to integrate the different curricula currently in use, so that they cohere into a single, common framework for secondary School education. o The end- product should truly reflect aspirations and interests of Puntland and its people. o Workshop approach: collaborative and participatory Successful completion of harmonization process: At the end of ten long day’s harmonization workshop, common curriculum covering all grades was formulated. Thus, for the first time in the history, Puntland acquired standardised Somali-centric secondary school curriculum. Meanwhile, Puntland education reform and reintegration goes on, the harmonization of secondary curriculum is a great leap forward in the emancipation of Puntland and its people in strengthening education system. In other words, this will bring about necessary changes throughout the secondary school education in Puntland.

WORKSHOP PROGRAMME: Day 1: Introductory




Day 1 Saturday

7:30 am10:00 am

WORKSHOP INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITIES: Welcome remarks Qur’anic recitation MOE opening remarks Key note address by Distinguished guests Presentation of the workshop content coverage, objectives and the expected end result. BREAK

10:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

12:30 pm1:00pm 1:00pm3:00pm

DAY Day 2 Sunda y

Day 2: TIME 7:30 am9.30 am

RESPONSIBI LITY Lead Consultant Minster(Mo E) MoE officials Technical Committee

Participants will be divided into groups: Group A: Science Syllabus Group B: Social Studies Group C: Languages and Islamic studies TOPIC: Focus Group discussion on how we can best harmonise the content of our secondary school curricula within the limited timeframe of the workshop? Prayers and lunch

Groups A,B,C

Group Reporting

Group leader

ACTIVITY • SUMMARY on out come of day One • BRIEFING on day two agenda and continuation




MoE Compound


Room X Room Y Room Z


RESPONSIBILITY Lead consultant


FORM Common

MoE Compound Hall


8.30 am9.30 am

9:30 am – 9:50 am 9:50 am – 11:00 am

11:00 am11:10a m 11:10a m12.10a m 12.10 pm3.45 3.45p m3.45p m 3.45 pm4.45

Participants will be divided into 3 groups. • GROUP A: Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) • GROUP B: Social Studies • GROUP C: Languages and Islamic studies Breakfast

Harmonising syllabus for FORM1 (in all subjects). The process should include aims of the subject, topic/subtopic, objectives, skills and activities and references where applicable. Break

Continuation of activity

Groups A,B,C Each team will have sub-groups led by a course leader


Room X Room Y Room Z



Room X Room Y Room Z

Prayers and lunch continuation


MoE Compound

Course leaders

MoE Compound

Day 3: DAY Day 2 Monday


TIME 7:30 am10:00 am 10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm1:00p m 1:00p m2.30p m 2.30 pm2.45 2.45 pm4.00P m

Day 4: TIME

ACTIVITY -Summary on out come of day one -Briefing on day two agenda and continuation Break

RESPONSIBILITY Workshop facilitators/Chair person

FORM Common

LOCATION MoE Compoun d


-Teams A,B,C -Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z

Prayers and lunch

Continuation of day 3 activity


Team leaders


Room X Room Y Room Z

Break Reporting


Team leaders


MoE Compoun d



Day 4 Tuesday

7:30 am-10:00 am

10:00 am –10:30 am 10:30 am –12:30 pm 12:30 pm-1:00pm 1:00pm-2.30pm 2.30 pm-2.45

-Summary on out come of day one -Briefing on day two agenda and continuation Break

Workshop facilitators/Chair person

Commo n

MoE Compoun d


-Teams A,B,C -Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z

Continuation of Day 4 activity

Day 5: TIME 7:30 am-10:00 am

10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm1:00pm

Room X Room Y Room Z

Break Reporting

DAY Day 5 Wednes day

Team leaders

Commo n Teams

Team leaders

MoE Compoun d

ACTIVITY Summary on out come of day one Briefing on day two agenda and continuation Break

RESPONSIBILITY Workshop facilitators/Chair person

FORM Commo n

LOCATION MoE Compoun d


Teams A,B,C Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z


Continuation of Day 5 activity

2.30 pm-2.45

Break Reporting

Commo n Team leaders

Team leaders


Room X Room Y Room Z MoE Compoun d

Day 6: DAY TIME Day 6 7:30 am-10:00 Thursday am

10:00 10:30 10:30 12:30

am – am am – pm

12:30 pm1:00pm 1:00pm2.30pm

ACTIVITY Summary on out come of Day One Briefing on day two agenda and continuation

FORM Commo n


-Teams A,B,C -Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z


TRANSLATION OF SYLLABUS. The three groups start translating FORM I into Arabic language • Continuatio n of syllabus harmonizati on and writing process (Arabic and Islamic studies Form III) Prayers and lunch

2.30 pm-2.45 2.45Pm-4.00 Pm

Day 7: Friday: Free

Day 8:

RESPONSIBILITY Lead consultant Workshop facilitators

Continuation of Day 6 activity Break Reporting

Team leaders

Team leaders

Commo n Teams

Room X Room Y Room Z MoE Compound

DAY Day 8 Wednes day

TIME 7:30 am


10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

12:30 pm1:00pm

ACTIVITY • Summary on out come of day one • Briefing on day two agenda and continuation BREAK

TRANSLATION OF SYLLABUS FORM II Syllabus into Arabic language • Continuatio n of syllabus harmonizat ion and writing process (Arabic and Islamic studies Form IV) PRAYERS AND LUNCH


Continuation of Day 8 activity

2.30 pm-2.45


2.45 Pm-4.00 Pm


Day 9:

RESPONSIBILITY Workshop facilitators/Chair person

FORM Comm on

LOCATION MoE Compoun d

-Teams A,B,C -Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z

Comm on Team leaders

Team leaders


Room X Room Y Room Z MoE Compoun d

DAY Day 9

TIME 7:30 am


Sunday 16 August2009

10:00 am – 10:30 am

ACTIVITY • Summary on out come of day One • Briefing on day two agenda and continuation

RESPONSIBILITY Lead consultant Workshop facilitators

FORM Commo n

LOCATION MoE Compoun d

-Teams A,B,C -Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z


10:30 am – 12:30 pm

TRANSLATION OF SYLLABUS FORM III syllabus into Arabic language

12:30 pm1:00pm



Continuation of Day 9 activity

2.30 pm-2.45


2.45 Pm-4.00 Pm


Commo n Team leaders


Team leaders

Room X Room Y Room Z

MoE Compoun d

Day 10: DAY






Day 10 Wednes day

7:30 am-10:00 am

• •

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Summary on out come of day One Briefing on day two agenda and continuation

Workshop facilitators/Chair person

Comm on

MoE Compound

Teams A,B,C Each team will be led by a team leader


Room X Room Y Room Z


10:30 am – 12:30 pm


12:30 pm1:00pm



Continuation of Day 10 activity

2.30 pm-2.45


2.45 Pm-4.00 Pm 4.00 Pm5.00Pm


Team leaders

Summing up/Closing the Workshop/

MoE officials

Comm on Team leaders


Room X Room Y Room Z

MoE Compound MoE Compound

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