Harford Community Gospel Choir Application
Form 1A
*Please email to
[email protected]* Name____________________ Phone# _____-______-_____ Are you over the age of 16? Yes/No Date(mmddyy) ____/____/____ Please answer the following questions. 1) Are you saved?_________ What church do you belong to?_____________________ 2) What voice range do you sing, or feel comfortable singing? ________________ 3) Do you play an Instrument?___________ Are you willing to share this talent with the choir ? YES/ NO 4) Are you willing to commit yourself to this /choir? (This means coming to rehearsals, being on time, participating at singing events, bring new songs and ideas etc .
5) What are the days and times that fit your schedule for rehearsals? __________________________________________________________________ 6) Do you sing solo? YES/ NO If yes, are you willing to do so when asked? Yes /NO 7) Please identify any activities/personal issues that will conflict with your participation in this choir? ___________________________________________________________________ 8) Please List any additional skills you have that you think could be beneficial to the choir:
_________________________________________________________________ True Worship Ministries Patrick O’Neal