Hanuman Places

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After killing Vali and coronating Sugreeva as the King of Vaanaras, Srirama and Lakshmana spent four months during monsoon in Maalyavan parvath in Hampi, Karnataka. Srirama experienced unbearable pain due to separation from Sitadevi. The Lord was worried about Sitadevi’s welfare and used to lament uncontrollably. At the end of monsoon, Sugreeva deputed crores of vaanaras and bears in all directions in search of Sitadevi giving them one month’s time. Sugreeva explained geographical particulars about all the places in detail . The vanaras headed by Angadha and supported by Jambavan and Hanuman were assigned the task of searching in the southern direction. Srirama handed over HIS finger ring to Hanuman who was standing in a corner. Our poorvacharyars give reason as to why Srirama selected Hanuman to give the finger ring . When Hanuman saw Srirama lamenting for a lady, Hanumanji who is a brahmachari was wondering as to why a person of high stature like Srirama tutored by rishis like Sage Vasishta, Vishwamitra was so emotional. Srirama who is the antaryami for everyone sensed Hanumanji’s thoughts. To make Hanuman realise the greatness of Sitadevi, Srirama selected Hanuman and handed over HIS finger ring with HIS holy name engraved on it. It was because of the ring that Hanuman could cross the ocean and meet Sitadevi and obtain HER blessings. When Hanumanji saw Sitadevi’s steadfast devotion towards Srirama, he regretted for his thoughts .Having understood HER greatness , Hanuman visualised both of them together in his heart and offered prayers. Hanuman introduced to Sitadevi that he was “Rama dhoothan” whereas when he returned to Rama to convey the good news about Sitadevi’s welfare, he addressed himself as “Raama daasan”.

The vanaras who went in the southern direction explored all the places until they reached SWayamprabha caves near Tirunelveli in Tamilnadu where they lost their way. Swayamprabha was the guardian for the caves owned by Mayasuran. She transported the vanaras to the seashore. Having reached the seashore, the vanaras were worried because the stipulated time was over and they could not trace Sitadevi. Angadha had lit a big pyre for them to sacrifice their lives. He started lamenting about Sitadevi’s abduction, Jatayu loosing his life in Ramaseva after fighting with Ravana , their search expedition and failure in the assignment. Sampaati-the eagle bird and brother of Jataayu who was immobile summoned Angadha and enquired about Jatayu. Sampaati was informed about Jatayu’s raama kainkaryam and he too resolved to do rama kainkaryam . He informed the vanaras about Sitadevi’s whereabouts with his sharp vision in the far away land, Lanka. Having done this raama kainkaryam, Sampaati regained his lost wings and flew away. Now that the whereabouts of Sitadevi were known, the vanaras started contemplating as to who would cross the ocean which was measuring 100 yojanas (1000 miles) to meet Sitadevi. Each vanara disclosed its ability to cross few yojanas . Angadha said that he could cross 100 yojanas but would not have the energy to return. The aged Jambavaan who knew Hanuman’s capabilities approached Hanuman and started enumerating his strength and skills. Due to a curse Hanuman who had forgotten his capabilities now remembered them . He confidently proclaimed that he would finish the yomen task of locating Sitadevi saying that like Rama’s arrow which never failed to

hit its target, he would accomplish the task. All the vanaras vowed to observe fast until Sitadevi was found. Reposing confidence to the vaanaras, Hanuman stood on Mahendragiri parvatham near Thirukurungudi in Tamilnadu and after offering prayers to Suryan, Indran, Vayu, Rama , He increased in size and leapt on the sky to cross the ocean. Thus starts Sundarakandam,-the most beautiful kaandam as everything is beautiful in it. He encountered 3 hurdles on the way. The first hurdle was a friendly gesture by Mynaaka parvatham who was Vayu’s friend. He offered fruits and asked Hanuman to take rest but Hanuman refused it politely by embracing the mountain for its gesture saying that he intended to reach Lanka by evening and was lacking time. Hanuman won Mynaakam with his friendly gesture. He didn’t succumb to any temptation. The second hurdle came in the form of Surasa who was a Naagamaatha( mother of snakes). The devas prompted her to test Hanuman’s capabilities. Surasa obstructed Hanuman’s way saying that she wanted to swallow Hanuman to satiate her hunger. Hanuman replied that he would fulfil her wish after completing Srirama’s mission. Hanuman displayed his intelligence in tackling this

hurdle. He asked Surasa to open her mouth to such an extent so that he could enter into her mouth. Hanuman started increasing his size and Surasa also widened her mouth. When Surasa had opened her mouth widely, Hanuman suddenly decreased his size,entered into her mouth and before she could close her mouth, he came out of her mouth swiftly. Surasa pleased with Hanuman blessed him assuming her true form. Nagadeepa also known as Nayanateevu, an island near the North-western part of Srilanka is now identified as the place where the incident took place. There is a big temple for Naagamaatha known as Nagapooshani temple. To reach this place, one has to drive from Jaffna for about 38 kms upto Pungudutheevu . From Pungudutheevu drive for about 15 kms on a bridge to reach jetty. Regular boat services at an interval of one hour is available to go to Nagadeepa. The fare for the boat ride is LKR 50/- and will take about 20 minutes . It is one way-the boat stops near the buddhist monastery and the return would be pick up from Nagapooshani temple . Autos ply between these two places for a nominal charge of Rs.10/- LKR. In Nagadeepa, there are two places to be visited- the first one is the Buddhist monastery as Buddha had visited this place and changed the factionist Naagas into pious people and made them follow Buddhism. After taking pics of beautiful statues of Buddha, we drove to Nagapooshani amman temple by auto. Being the last Friday in the tamil month of AAdi , the temple was crowded. Devotees were doing milk abhishekam to the naagas in the temple. The third hurdle was a real one- A rakshasa named Simhika who was lying on the ocean had the power to pull the shadow of anyone flying over her. When she pulled Hanuman’s shadow, Hanumanji realised that his speed reduced. When she opened her mouth wide to swallow him, Hanuman entered into her mouth and piercing her stomach came out of her thus killing her. Simhika was in a pool of blood. Hanuman encountered the third hurdle with his strength. This place is identified as Thiruketeeswaram on the North-western part of Srilanka about 116 kms from Anuradhapura-a famous site for Buddhists. Also, Kethu-one of the navagrahas who is Simhika’s son prayed to Shiva at this place. Hence this place is known as Thiruketeeswaram. Mandodari’s father built this temple. Presently the Shiva temple is undergoing renovation.

Hanumanji landed on Suvela parvatham in Srilanka . this place is now known as Ramboda. After sunset, Hanumanji took a miniature form and was encountered by Lankini- a rakshasa when he was trying to enter into Lankapura. Lankapura is considered as the places around Sigiriya and Kandy. RAvana ruled from Sigiriya Fort. Hanuman defeated Lankini and started searching for Sitadevi in all the places including the Pushpaka vimanam, palaces of RAvana’s queens, Ravana’s palace, Mandodari’s palace, kitchen. He found heaps of food in the kitchen but didn’t have the slightest temptation to eat. He searched every nook and corner of Lanka but could not trace Sitadevi. Hanuman was worried that he had to look at so many ladies which was against his brahmachari vow. But he convinced himself that if you have to search for a deer, you will have to search amongst deer. Likewise, a woman has to be searched amongst women. AS he respected all women as his mother and sister, his mind was very clear and was only focussed on Thayar’s welfare. After searching for the second time, the worried Hanuman sat on a rock and decided to end his life as he knew that if he returned without seeing Sitadevi, he would be the cause for destruction of Ishvaku race and the vaanaras. Hanuman however regained his determination and realised his mistake. He prayed to all the gods but forgot to offer prayer to Sitadevi . Recollecting HER appearance as an ayonija, He immediately prayed to Sitadevi guarded by Rama and Lakshmana to disclose her whereabouts similar to the way SHE chose to appear to King Janaka. By the grace of Sitadevi, Hanumanji spotted a beautiful garden which he had missed to explore. This place is identified as MANIKATUTHER located between Ramboda and Nuwara Eliya. It is about 20 kms from RAmboda hill and Nuwara Eliya is about 50 kms from Manikatuther. Manikatuther is located in Labbookelle Tea Estate in Kondakalai village. When we visited this place, the whole area was engulfed in fog , it was drizzling and the place was chilly. Presently , there is only a small shiva linga under a tree. Sri.Kanakaraj, a disciple of Chinmaya Mission who accompanied us informed that on a clear day, we can view both Ramboda and Nuwara Eliya. The village is named as Kondakalai because while Ravana was forcibly taking Sitadevi to Ashoka vanam, Sitadevi’s hair got deranged. He also informed that the food given by RAvana to Sitadevi was thrown away by HER which fell scattered in the surrounding forests. These fossils known as “SITA GOOLI” have been certified by American researchers as vitaminised rice balls dating thousands of years . These balls are considered as symbol of auspiciousness. We were fortunate to get them to be placed in our altar. When Hanumanji entered Ashoka Vanam (presently known as Hakgala Botanical Gardens), the flowers blossomed , birds chirped and the weather was very pleasant. Some flowers dropped on Hanuman’s body which added to his beauty. Hanuman jumped from one tree to the other in search of Sitadevi. Finally, he found a sobbing lady under a tree and looking at her appearance, the colour of her sari and the jewels which were hanging from the tree, Hanuman guessed that it was Sitadevi. His joy knew no bounds. He was contemplating as to how he has to pick up a conversation with her. Meanwhile, RAvana arrived and started persuading Sitadevi. When Sitadevi rebuked him, he became so wild that he wanted to strangle her but was stopped by his wife Daanyamaalini. He left after warning her that she would be killed and served as breakfast at the end of two months in case she doesn’t concede to his request. The rakshasis who were threatening her were chastised by Trijata-Vibhishana’s daughter who disclosed the dream she had. She dreamt about Rama’s victory, Sitadevi’s reunion with Srirama, Ravana’s death, anhilation of rakshasa clan, Vibhishana’s coronation and advised the rakshasis to stop torturing Sitadevi as SHE alone could protect them from SRirama’s wrath. The rakshasis stopped harassing and slept. Sitadevi who was totally decided to end her life by hanging HERSELF from Simshuka tree with her hair. Hanumanji who was sitting on

the Simshuka tree became worried at HER approach. To save HER from this disaster, Hanuman softly sang Srirama’s story starting from HIS appearance,wedding, banishment , Ravana;s foul play in kidnapping Sitadevi, Sugreeva’s friendship, their search operation etc. When Sitadevi got convinced that he was Rama’s messenger, Hanuman presented the holy ring given by Srirama to her and pacified HER that SRirama would kill Ravana ,resuce HER and return to Ayodhya to rule the world. Thus , the entire Ramayana was sung by Hanuman. This place is known famously known as “SITA ELIYA-SITA AMMAN TEMPLE” located about 4 kms from Nuwara Eliya on a lower altitude. Nuwara Eliya located in the Central highlands of Srilanka is one of the coldest regions in Srilanka . The thought that Sitadevi sitting under the tree in the cool Ashoka gardens without any protection against the harsh weather conditions made us feel depressed. Hanuman convinced Sitadevi that Srirama would come at the earliest and rescue HER. Unable to tolerate Sitadevi’s distress, Hanumanji offered to carry HER on his shoulders and unite HER with Srirama. He expanded his form to convince about his capabilities. So, we can see two sets of footprints in Sita Amman temple-one small and the other one huge . Sitadevi shared few incidents with Hanuman to be conveyed to Srirama so that HE would believe Hanuman and also gave HER choodamani to be handed over to Srirama. After taking Sitadevi’s blessings, Hanuman decided to meet Ravana and convey Rama’s message. So, he uprooted the trees in Ashoka vanam . He defeated the rakshasas who came to fight, destroyed one-fourth of Ravana’s army including 80000 kinnaras, five army chiefs, Ravana’s son-Akshakumara and finally voluntarily got bound by Indrajit’s brahmastra as Hanuman wanted an audience with Ravana. Hanuman was taken to RAvana’s assembly in Sigiriya Fort. Hanuman represented Rama and advised Ravana to return Sitadevi and save his clan from Srirama’s wrath. Ravana ordered Hanuman to be killed but was intercepted by Vibhishana who said that a messenger should not be killed but could be punished. Ravana ordered that Hanuman’s tail be burnt. Hanuman’s tail was wound with cloth dipped in oil and fire was lit. When Sitadevi learnt about this, having faith in HER CHASTITY, SHE prayed to Agnideva to protect Hanuman from burning. Hanuman realised that though his tail was burning, he didn’t feel any burning sensation or pain. Hanuman wanted to express his gratitude to firegod by offering the tall mansions to agni. Hanuman freed himself from rakshasas’ clutches and jumping from one building to the other including RAvana’s palace and assembly , he lit fire in all the places. AS Lankapura was furnished with gold, the fire spread immediately . Fire spread within no time to Ravana’s assembly on Sigiriya fort due to the strong winds that blow there. Hanuman burnt the whole Lanka including Ravana’s airports at WEragantota , Ussangoda (the southern tip of Lanka). Hanuman cooled his burning tail in the waters near Ussangoda. The sand in Ussangoda is red in colour. Usually red sand would be wet whereas here it is as hard as rock. No vegetation grows here. Hanuman became worried about Sitadevi’s welfare as the entire Lanka was burning. But he heard from celestial beings about Sitadevi’s safety and Vibhishana’s house not burnt. The pleased Hanuman returned to Ashoka vanam and after personally seeing Sitadevi assured her about Rama’s arrival and returned to Kishkinda. Enroute they stopped for a while at Madhuban near Hampi to satisfy their hunger. Hanuman and other vanaras returned to Maalyavan parvath and informed about Sitadevi’s welfare. Srirama embraced Hanuman for completing the mission. Thus ends Sundarakandam.

Mangalam Kosalendraya , mahaneeya gunabhdhaye, Chakravarthi thanujaaya sarva bhoumaya Mangalam. Vedavedantha vedhyaya , Megha Shyamala moorthaye, Pumsaam mohana roopaya , punyaslokaya Mangalam. Viswamithrantharangaya , mithila nagari pathe, Bhagyaanaam paripakaya , bhavya roopaya Mangalam. Pithru bhakthaya sathatham brathrubhi saha seethaya, Nandithakhila lokaya , Ramabhadraya Mangalam.

Thyaktha saketha vasaya , chithra koota viharine, Sevyaya sarva yaminaam , dheerodhayaya Mangalam. Soumithrina cha janakya chapa banasi dharine, Samsevyaya sada bhakthya , swamine mama Mangalam. Danda karanya vasaya , khara dhooshana sathrave, Grudhra rajaya Bhakthaya , mukthi dayasthu Mangalam.

Sadaram Sabari datha phala moola abhilashine, Soulabhya paripoornaa, sathvodrikthaya Mangalam

Hanumath sama vethaya , harresabheeshta dhayine, Bali pramadhanayasthu , Maha dheeraya Mangalam

Srimathe Raghu veeraya , sethullangitha sindhave, Jitha rakshasa Rajaya , Rana dheeraya Mangalam.

Vibheeshana kruthe preethya , lankabheeshta pradhayine, Sarva loka saranyaya , Sri Raghavaya Mangalam.

Asadhya nagarem divyamabhishikthaya Seethaya, Rajadhi rajaya Rama Bhadraya Mangalam.

Brahmadhi deva sevyaya , brahmanyaya mahathmane, Janaki prana nadhaya , Ragu nadhaya Mangalam.

Sri soumya jamathru mune krupaya smanu peyushe, Mahathe mama nadhaya , Raghu nadhya Mangalam.

Mangala sasana paraiir madacharya purogamai, SArvescha poorvairacharyai , sathkruthayasthu Mangalam.

Ramya jamathru muneena , mangala sasanam krutham, Trilokyadhipathi Sriman , karothu Mangalam sada.

Ithi Sri vara vara muni swami krutha , sri rama mangala sasanam sampoornam

svasti prajabhyam paripalayantham nyayeana margena mahim maheesah gobrahmanebhya shubamsthu nityam lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu

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