Spectrum Fun Facts n
The visible spectrum consists of all the colours we normally see…….that’s a lot of colours!
Experiment – make your own rainbow n
n n
White light is a mixture of every other colour!
Take a garden hose and spray water through it. Now hold your thumb over the end to create a mist. Stand with your back to the sun………can you see a rainbow?
A prism can separate the different colours in white light by bending each colour through a different angle. This is called DISPERSION. Your TV screen contains only three colours……green, red and blue. By mixing these in varying amounts we can produce all the colours you normally see on the screen. Take a closer look at your TV with a magnifying glass! Some parts of the Spectrum are invisible to us. Ultra-violet can make things glow and Infrared is used to rescue people and heat things up!
So what happens? n
The small water droplets each act like a prism and split the white sunlight into all the colours of the spectrum………this is why we see a rainbow when it rains and the sun is shining.