Handout 1

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 472
  • Pages: 2
Prepared by: Joseph A. Bathan R.N. Intra / Post Positioning Intervention Intra/ Post Op Position Modified Radical Mastectomy POST: Semi Fowler w/ Arm Elevated or Pillows Abduct Bronchogram POST: Side Lying Pneumonectomy POST: Affected Side (For Lung Expansion) Lobectomy / Segmentectomy POST: Unaffected Side Echocardiogram INTRA: Supine Slightly to Left Liver Biopsy INTRA: Left Side / Supine with Pillow POST: Right Side / Affected Side Endoscopy POST: Side Lying LGI Endoscopy POST: Side Lying Colonoscopy INTRA: Left Side, Kees Flexed NGT Insertion INTRA: High Fowlers TPN Insertion INTRA: Trendelenburg Enema Administration INTRA: Left Lateral (Adult) / Dorsal Recumbent (Child) Siphoning Edema INTRA: Right Side Lying Gastric Surgery / Nissen POST: Semi Fowler Fundiplication Post ERCP Turn to Left Side Management of Dumping Lie Down / Left Side Syndrome Post Cholecystectomy Semi Fowlers Renal Biopsy INTRA: Prone Antidotes: DRUG OVERDOSE Digoxin Lidocaine Warfarin Heparin Allergic Reaction Isoniazid Amphotericin B Antifungals Alkylating Agents (Chemo Type) Morphine Sulfate Benzodiazepine MAOI (Hypertensive Crisis) Lithium Toxicity Antipsychotics Lead Toxicity

ANTIDOTE Digibind Dopamine Vitamin K Protamine Sulfate Benadryl Vitamin B6 Tylenol + Benadryl (1 hour prior admin) Ephinephrine Epinephrine+Benadryl+Corticosteroid Narcan Flumazenil (Rocmazicon) Phentolamine Mesylate (Regitine) Osmotic Diuretics (Manitol /Acetazolamine) Anticholinergics (Cogentin, etc) Succimer; Calcium Disodium EDTA

THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT SULLIVAN’s INTERPERSONAL THEORY Stage Development Tool Use Infancy (0- 18 mos) - Learn to trust - Crying others Childhood (18 mos – - Accept influence - Language (delay gratification 6 yrs) of others of needs) Juvenile (6 yrs – 9 - Form Peer 3 C’s yrs) Relationship - Competition- CompromiseCooperation Pre Adolescence (9 - Same sex peer - Collaboration – 12 yrs) - Capacity for love Early Adolescence Relationship with - Independence (with sexual (12 – 14 yrs) Opposite Sex desire) Late Adolescence Enduring - Interdependence Relationship with Opposite Sex Stage Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs) Preconceptual (2-4 yrs) Intuitive (4-7 yrs) Concrete (7-12 yrs) Formal (12 – above) Stage Infant Toddler Preschool School Age

Prepared by: Joseph A. Bathan R.N.

Piaget’s Cognitive Development (SPICF) Development Concept of Death Object permanence None Practical Intelligence Concept of Time / Not Permanent Distance Animism Irreversibility Egocentric Reversible Beginning of Causation Reversibility Irreversible - Multidimensional Classification - Conservation Abstract Thinking Irreversible Freud’s Psychosexual Theory Freud’s Stage Development (0-11 mos) Oral Explores with mouth (1 – 3 yrs) Anal Control Urination / Defacation (4 – 5 yrs) Phallic Sexual Identity / Genital Area (6 – 12 yrs) Latent Personality

Fear Strangers Separation Body Mutilation/ Castration School

Prepared by: Joseph A. Bathan R.N.


(13 – 18 yrs)


Appears / Nonactive or Dormant Stage (focus in schooling) Sexual Maturity Opposite Sex


Body Image

Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Stage Development Preconventional 2 – 7 yrs Punishment and Obedience Conventional 7 – 12 yrs Good Boy / Bad Boy Law and Order Post Conventional > 12 yrs Social Contract

Prepared by: Joseph A. Bathan R.N.

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