Hand Written Messages By Little Mary From Jesus And Mary

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  • Words: 1,433
  • Pages: 209
"My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul" Internet Archive Hand Written Messages Messages From Our Blessed Mother through Little Mary 2093 Jan 19, 2001 Please help Jesus plan for the transition of hearts so more souls can be saved. 2455 Mar 12, 2003 Today, I ask that you seek to please God 2465 Apr 8, 2003 Hearts must be restored to love or there will be consequences 2471 Apr 30, 2003 Through prayer, lives will change and conversion will happen 2472 May 1, 2003 God is truly watching over His children, but many today are neglecting their soul 2473 May 5, 2003 No matter how dark it becomes, my children must go forth with love, joy and ……………………peace in their hearts 2478 May 16, 2003 It is time now to join hands and form groups all around this world 2490 Jun 11, 2003 Pick up your cross, pick up your sword and go forth now and live the Eternal …………………….Word 2501 Jul 11, 2003 Man must cherish life, not destroy it 2510 Jul 31, 2003 I am asking each person in this parish to join hands and pray the Rosary. Through …………………..prayer, unity will be restored. 2515 Aug 13, 2003 Many children are living a lifestyle that is truly offending God 2523 Sep 5, 2003 The hour will arrive. Will you be ready? 2538 Oct 9, 2003 Be grateful for all that God has done in your lives 2551 Nov 10, 2003 Each new day you must hunger for truth and allow God to guide you 2553 Nov 14, 2003 Your mission, dear children, is to spread your faith and be light to this world 2559 Dec 1, 2003 God is truly speaking to all His children, but many today are not listening 2571 Jan 6, 2004 This time has been allowed to manifest your love of knowing Jesus 2585 Feb 9, 2004 I am truly preparing you for the road ahead

"My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul" Internet Archive Hand Written Messages 2597 Mar 3, 2004 Prepare your hearts, for a pure heart will be the greatest gift you can give my Son ……………………for Easter 2603 Mar 22, 2004 Why arent my Priests promoting more prayer? 2611 Apr 8, 2004 Today, I ask that you each spend time with Jesus 2613 Apr 15, 2004 Jesus will flood your hearts with His love, mercy and grace 2617 Apr 23, 2004 See the signs that are happening around this world 2626 May 11, 2004 Accept my heart as your refuge and I will truly, truly assist you 2630 May 18, 2004 America, you are being warned 2646 Jun 28, 2004 There is still time for repentance, but my children must decide now 2652 Jul 8, 2004 Many will fall to their knees but for many it will be to late 2657 Jul 28, 2004 I say to my children, be brave soldiers in this time of apostasy and unrest 2666 Aug 19, 2004 Why are so many denying Heavens call? 2678 Sep 24, 2004 All of Gods Commandments must be obeyed 2685 Oct 13, 2004 Be willing to stand up for the truth 2691 Oct 29, 2004 There is no longer time to be silent when so many souls are being destroyed 2704 Nov 30, 2004 If man does not convert, fast and pray, all will see a greater war 2713 Dec 24, 2004 Through prayer, more will come to know the true meaning of Christmas 2715 Dec 29, 2004 Without more prayer and repentance, the earth will tremble more 2722 Jan 13, 2005 Respond now to Gods call 2727 Jan 21, 2005 Today I plead with America, get down on your knees and pray 2730 Jan 31, 2005 It is time to let go of fear and worry and to trust in Gods love for you 2732 Feb 4, 2005 Pray for those who are refusing to wake up in this time of preparation

"My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul" Internet Archive Hand Written Messages 2739 Feb 22, 2005 Take time to adore Our Lord so you are guided on this earth 2741 Feb 25, 2005 I am asking my children to be faithful to Jesus and to the Gospel 2746 Mar 10, 2005 Mortal sin has become widespread 2753 Mar 23, 2005 The battle is on and you must defend life 2757 Mar 31, 2005 Be shining examples of truth by living your faith 2762 Apr 8, 2005 All of Heaven rejoices on this glorious day 2767 Apr 20, 2005 This Pope will lead the faithful forward 2773 May 4, 2005 I am truly trying to wake you before its too late 2775 May 9, 2005 The time of my Sons greatest mercy is drawing near 2784 Jun 1, 2005 Share your love of knowing Jesus and be willing to suffer for those who are …………………..choosing darkness 2788 Jun 10, 2005 It is time now for America to wake up and get down on their knees and pray 2794 Jul 7, 2005 Please understand the importance of prayer 2798 Jul 20, 2005 Disasters will become widespread without more prayer and penance 2804 Aug 12, 2005 Walk in My footsteps and carry each new cross with joy 2808 Aug 30, 2005 Many more storms will arise 2815 Sep 23, 2005 Come to know my Son now so you have peace through all trials and storms 2819 Oct 4, 2005 The world is in danger because many have become blind to the truth 2825 Oct 24, 2005 Great catastrophes are coming to wake mankind 2829 Nov 2, 2005 When my children do not pray, they close their hearts to Gods love 2834 Nov 21, 2005 Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy on us. Have mercy upon the whole world. 2845 Dec 29, 2005 Spend time with Jesus so you become strong in your faith

"My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul" Internet Archive Hand Written Messages 2855 Feb 1, 2006 God is calling you, so please turn to Him each new day 2864 Mar 8, 2006 You must walk as children of light in order to bear fruit 2868 Mar 21, 2006 When My Divine Mercy ends, you will see Divine Justice 2881 May 2, 2006 The hour is drawing near and I am warning mankind 2890 Jun 1, 2006 Pray and do your part, for there is no longer time to be silent. The Gospel must be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,spread, the truth must be made known 2900 Jul 7, 2006 The world needs prayer because there is so much unforgiveness in many hearts 2902 Jul 12, 2006 I say to the world, the Godless will be destroyed 2913 Aug 28, 2006 Please, dear children, obey God or you will see darker days 2917 Sep 12, 2006 Do not wait for the warning to occur. Do penance now 2927 Oct 19, 2006 Prepare, prepare my children, for the most difficult hours are yet to come 2936 Nov 15, 2006 The time of great trial is very close, so please persevere and do your part for the ……………………..salvation of souls 2949 Dec 26, 2006 I say to my children, come to know My Son now 2965 Feb 12, 2007 Continue to pray and do your part for the salvation of souls 2969 Mar 5, 2007 I want to walk with each of you, but you must first come to Me 2990 May 14, 2007 Time is short, extremely short, so pray each new day 3001 Jun 28, 2007 I am here to wake mankind because so many are on the wrong road 3006 Jul 23, 2007 There is not much time before the trumpets will blow 3009 Aug 6, 2007 Blessed will be those who listen to My voice and prepare themselves 3029 Oct 25, 2007 The world is in need of a wake up call 3037 Nov 30, 2007 Shaking events will happen, so please turn to My Son and build your relationship ……………………..with Him now

"My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul" Internet Archive Hand Written Messages 3039 Dec 6, 2007 I am here to warn mankind to avoid devastation and catastrophe 3046 Jan 4, 2008 Abortion is the greatest sin in this world and you each need to take a stand for life 3064 Mar 4, 2008 My Heart is overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul 3075 Apr 17, 2008 Time is running out, so please stop offending God

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