Hailey College Of Banking And Finance University Of The Punjab,

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HAILEY COLLEGE OF BANKING AND FINANCE University of the Punjab, Lahore

Submitted To:

Most Eminent Ma’am! Prof.Dr.Fauzia Naheed Khawaja Esquire

Submitted by:

Hafiz Muhammad Amer Nisar Date: June 9, 2009


By: Amer Nisar

EMBA (IRM) - Roll # 20 Sec (A)

Page 1 of 5

‫‪HAILEY COLLEGE OF BANKING AND FINANCE‬‬ ‫‪University of the Punjab, Lahore‬‬

‫اے محمدﷺ( اپنے پروردگار کا نام لے کر پڑھو جس نے )عالم(‬ ‫کو( پیدا کیا )‪ (۱‬جس نے انسان کو خون کی پھٹ کی سے بنایا‬ ‫)‪ (۲‬پڑھھو اور تمہارا پروردگار بڑا کرییم ہے )‪ (۳‬جیس نیے قلم‬ ‫کییے ذریعییے سییے علم سییکھایا )‪ (۴‬اور انسییان کییو وہ باتیییں‬ ‫سکھائیں جس کا اس کو علم نہ ت ھا )‪ (۵‬مگر انسان سرکش ہو‬ ‫جاتیا ہے )‪ (۶‬جیب کیہ اپنیے تیئں غنیی دیکھتیا ہے )‪ (۷‬کچیھ شیک‬ ‫نہیں کہ )اس کو( تمہارے پروردگار ہی کی طرف لوٹ کر جانا‬ ‫ہے )‪ (۸‬بھل تم نے اس شخص کو دیک ھا جو منع کرتا ہے )‪(۹‬‬ ‫)یعنیی( اییک بندے کیو جیب وہ نماز پڑھنیے لگتیا ہے )‪ (۱۰‬بھل‬ ‫دیکھو تو اگر یہ راہِ راست پر ہو )‪ (۱۱‬یا پرہیز گاری کا حکم‬ ‫کرے )تو منع کرنا کیسا( )‪ (۱۲‬اور دیک ھو تو اگر اس نے دین‬ ‫حییق کییو جھٹلیییا اور اس س یے من یہ موڑا )تییو کیییا ہوا( )‪(۱۳‬‬ ‫کیااس کیو معلوم نہییں کیہ خدا دیکیھ رہا ہے )‪ (۱۴‬دیکھھو اگیر وہ‬ ‫باز نیہ آئے گیا تیو ہم )اس کیی( پیشانیی کیے بال پکیڑ گھسییٹیں‬ ‫گے )‪ (۱۵‬یعنی اس جھوٹے خطاکار کی پیشانی کے بال )‪(۱۶‬‬ ‫تییو وہ اپنییے یاروں کییی مجلس کییو بللے )‪ (۱۷‬ہم بھھھی اپنییے‬ ‫موکلنِی دوزخ کیو بل لییں گیے )‪ (۱۸‬دیکھھو اس کیا کہا نیہ ماننیا‬ ‫)اور قربِ )خدا( حاصل کرتے رہنا )‪۱۹‬‬ ‫‪After studying the above mentioned verses of The Holy Quran, the‬‬ ‫‪importance of education is clear and it tells that how education is important‬‬ ‫‪for life.‬‬ ‫‪Almighty Allah transmitted his first words to his beloved Holy Prophet‬‬ ‫‪Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and in these words Allah jallah shanohu clearly‬‬ ‫‪ordering the man to get education. So, how we can say that education is not‬‬ ‫‪important for life.‬‬ ‫‪Education is a factor of significant importance in economic growth. In the‬‬ ‫‪less developed countries like Pakistan. Education plays a very vital role in‬‬ ‫‪Page 2 of 5‬‬

‫)‪EMBA (IRM) - Roll # 20 Sec (A‬‬

‫‪By: Amer Nisar‬‬

HAILEY COLLEGE OF BANKING AND FINANCE University of the Punjab, Lahore the nation building, behaviors are changed, social infrastructure grows and the most important is that education makes the difference between human and an animal. As of March 31, 2008, important data relating to educational set up in Pakistan, as reported in the Economic Survey of Pakistan for 2007 – 2008 are given below: S / No


1 Primary State ( I – IV ) 2 Middle Stage ( VI – VIII ) 3 High Stage ( IX – X ) 4 Secondary & Vocational Institutions 5 Arts & Science Colleges 6 Professional Colleges 7 Universities * 2005 – 2006

Number Students 17.04 m 5.58 m 2.24 m 284,000 908,000 324,988 424,271

Institutions 158,100 42,900 25,200 3,059* 3,332 1,371 120

Source: Pakistan Economic Survey 2006 – 07, Statistical Appendix, Table: 10, 1 & 10.2.

It is revealed from the above data that although schools, vocational institutions, arts and science colleges, professional collages and universities are working in the country and meeting the requirements, but it is not up to mark. Standard of education is not satisfactory of Government schools, proper controlling in these institutions and lack of facilities provided by the HEC are the major problems of these institutions that they are not providing standard quality of education. Yes, off course houses and communities must take a part in the development of quality education and they must play their role in the finding out the problems and to practice the remedies needed. All stakeholders must take keen and active interest in accelerating educational reform agenda to reduce poverty, generate employment and accelerate socio-economic development of our country and for striking a happy balance between economic development and social justice Too many expectations from the Government may not be made for higher commitment of funds as this may not crystallize in reality due to Government’s funds constraints. The community must rise to the occasion and productively contribute to quality revolution in educational development in Pakistan.

By: Amer Nisar

EMBA (IRM) - Roll # 20 Sec (A)

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HAILEY COLLEGE OF BANKING AND FINANCE University of the Punjab, Lahore If we talk about the purpose of getting education then it would be not wrong that education is as necessary as food for life. As without food no one can live the same is living without education, although a man can spend his life without education but that life would be having no meanings to live. All the men born equally and after getting different types of education they are placed at different level. Education makes a man in real sense a human. Moral training in the process of education played a significant role. As it was the real need to discover and implement because moral training is the actual part of education which tells a man how to interact with others in a society. Religious teaching must be the essential part of formal education; even I would like to say here that if “Madaras’ could play their role there was no need of primary schools even. They can give primary education in a very good manner balancing both “Deen and Duniya”. But unfortunately its adverse effects are being showed in our country due to misrepresentation and misinterpretation. Religious education must be essential now as a part of formal education as it is not separately given in good manners. Culture influence the education very much, that may be in both positive and negative aspects, if the culture of a nation is in favor of the education system then it contributes for the development of the system and if not the results may be disastrous. Medium of instruction plays a vital role in the effectiveness of quality education. If the medium of instruction is understandable easily then the retrieval of education is high and if medium of instruction is not understand by the learner or the teacher then that cause barriers in transmission of knowledge. Medium of instruction must be very accordingly to the learner (student) because the student can crunch the knowledge in his own medium of instruction in a better way. English language is becoming the international language in the world. No doubt it has importance. To understand the English is necessary as per the requirement of the time because it’s becoming a common language to communicate between different nation and cultures. I do not agree that private schools should not be there because in our country public schools are not sufficient and adequate so private schools must be By: Amer Nisar

EMBA (IRM) - Roll # 20 Sec (A)

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HAILEY COLLEGE OF BANKING AND FINANCE University of the Punjab, Lahore there. Because they are imparting a big role in the education development but one thing which I would suggest that there must be a body to supervise these kinds of private schools so that uniform standard of education can be maintained in the country. Present age teachers are well equipped and better trained to deliver the knowledge in good way. Teachers of past were also very good because a teacher is never less good nor bad but unfortunately they were not having the best infrastructure and they faced many obstacles but even though they performed very well. For the improvement of education standards we must sit back and have a look at all the problems being faced by our education system and then we have to make or rebuild the infrastructure of our education system. Technical education is a very important part of education system but if we talk about to make it as a compulsory part of education then it would be not good. Furthermore technical education where necessary must be the part of formal education but not needed in every field of education. Profound Regards.

By: Amer Nisar

EMBA (IRM) - Roll # 20 Sec (A)

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