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*Contact for Hadith = [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> IT IS AN ACCEPTED PRINCIPLE IN SHARIAT THAT HADITHS CONTRADICTORY TO QUR’AN ARE NOT CONSIDERED CORRECT. IN THE PRESENCE OF CONTRADICTORY NARRATIONS, THOSE IN CONSONANCE WITH QUR’AN ARE ACCEPTABLE AND OTHERS SHOULD BE REJECTED. (HADITH IS OPPOSED TO THE HOLY QUR'AN, IT IS TO BE REJECTED OUTRIGHT B/C SO MANY ENEMIES OF ISLAM COINED WORDS TO MALIGN PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)) "The basis for my claim is not Hadith but Holy Quran and that WAHI which descends upon us. Yes, in support we also cite those Hadith which are according to Quran and DOES NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI. Rest of the Hadith, I THROW THEM AWAY LIKE A WASTE PAPER." (Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.140) (STAND AGAINST BAD) "When you see an evil act you have to stop it with your hand. If you can't, then at least speak out against it with your tongue. If you can't, then at least you have to hate it with all your heart. And this is the weakest of faith." - Prophet Mohammed

(Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 79:)

(Prophet’s love fro Makkah) The last and final Prophet openly announced his love of Makkah and its lofty status in the sight of Allaah when he said, addressing it: “I swear by Allaah! You are the best of the lands of Allaah and you are the most beloved land to Allaah.” [At-Tirmithi & Ahmad] (WHY


Take to compassion and abstain from oppression and obscenity. Compassion is grace and the lack of it a disgrace. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Aisha bint Abu Bakr

(DO NOT MAKE THEM RUN AWAY (FROM ISLAM)) Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam)." Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 3: Volume 1, Book 3, Number 69:

(DOES NOT DEFAME OR ABUSE OTHERS) A true Muslim is the one who does not defame or abuse others; but the truly righteous becomes a refuge for humankind, their lives and their properties. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as narrated by Abd'Allah bin Amr (WHO IS A VERY GOOD MUSLIM?) Some people asked Allah's Apostle, "Whose Islam is the best? i.e. (Who is a very good Muslim)?" He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." -Hadith narrated by Abu Musa, as related by Al-Bukhari

'Live in This World Like a Stranger' Live in this world like a stranger, a wayfarer, and deem yourselves as dwellers of the graves. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Ibn Umar (AMOUNT OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh) PRAYERS) The Prophet's wife `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said, I asked, "Messenger of Allah, why do you exert yourself so much while all your sins have been forgiven?" To this he replied, "`A'ishah, should I not be a grateful servant of Allah?" (Muslim).

(WHAT SURPASSES PRAYING?) Renewing peace between two aggrieved parties surpasses ritual praying, fasting, and almsgiving. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Darda'a

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Qatada: My father said, "The Prophet in Zuhr prayers used to recite AlFatiha along with two other Suras in the first two Rakat: a long one in the first Rak'a and a shorter (Sura) in the second, and at

times the verses were audible. In the 'Asr prayer the Prophet used to recite Al-Fatiha and two more Suras in the first two Rakat and used to prolong the first Rak'a. And he used to prolong the first Rak'a of the Fajr prayer and shorten the second. (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 726) (I


I seek refuge in Allah from knowledge that brings no wisdom, from a heart that lacks kindness, from desires that bring discontent, and from supplications that go unanswered. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (THE STUPORS OF DEATH) Hadith 8.517

Narrated by Aisha (Radhiallah hu Taala anhaa)

There was a leather or wood container full of water in front of Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) (at the time of his death). He would put his hand into the water and rub his face with it, saying, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah! No doubt, death has its stupors." Then he raised his hand and started saying, "(O Allah!) with the highest companions," (See Qur'an 4.69) (and kept on saying it) till he expired and his hand dropped.

Hadith 8.518

Narrated by Aisha (Radhiallah hu Taala anhaa)

Some rough Bedouins used to visit the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) and ask him, "When will the Hour be?" He would look at the youngest of all of them and say, "If this should live till he is very old, your Hour (the death of the people addressed) will take place." Hisham said that he meant (by the Hour), their death. Hadith 8.519 Taala anhu)

Narrated by Abu Qatada bin Ribi Al Ansari (Radhiallah hu

A funeral procession passed by Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) who said, "Relieved or relieving?" The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)! What is relieved and relieving?" He said, "A believer is relieved (by death) from the troubles and hardships of

the world and leaves for the Mercy of Allah, while (the death of) a wicked person relieves the people, the land, the trees, (and) the animals from him."

Hadith 8.520

Narrated by Abu Qatada (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Relieved or relieving. And a believer is relieved (by death)."

Hadith 8.521

Narrated by Anas bin Malik (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "When carried to his grave, a dead person is followed by three, two of which return (after his burial) and one remains with him: his relative, his property, and his deeds follow him; relatives and his property go back while his deeds remain with him."

Hadith 8.522

Narrated by Ibn Umar (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "When anyone of you dies, his destination is displayed before him in the forenoon and in the afternoon, either in the (Hell) Fire or in Paradise, and it is said to him, "That is your place till you are resurrected and sent to it."

Hadith 8.523

Narrated by Aisha (Radhiallah hu Taala anhaa)

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Do not abuse the dead, for they have reached the result of what they have done

(SON OF ADAM TELLS A LIE AGAINST HIS LORD AND ABUSE HIM) 21. Narrated Abu Huraira (r.a.): The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: Allah Ta'ala said: The son of Adam disbelieves in Me though he ought not and he abuses Me though he has no right for that. As for his disbelieving in Me, it is his statement that He will not be resurrected as was created, though his recreation is easier to Me than the first creation. As for his abusing Me, it is his say that Allah has a son, but I am the One, the Everlasting. Neither I

have begotten nor have been begotten nor do I have any match. (This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and Nasa'i) (BLESSED ARE THE ONES) Blessed are the ones who rely on Allah and have surrendered themselves before His will, who are grateful in prosperity and patient in adversity. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Shu'aib bin Se'nam

(THE VIRTUES OF SILENCE) The rank of a man of silence is better than divine service for sixty years. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by 'Imran bin Hussain (PROPHET ORDER TO MOUNTAIN) The Prophet once climbed the mountain of Uhud with Abu Bakr, `Umar, and `Uthman. The mountain shook with them. The Prophet said (to the mountain), “Be firm, O Uhud! For on you there is a Prophet, a Siddiq, and two martyrs.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 5, Book 57, Number 24) (WHAT DEEDS OF ISLAM ARE GOOD?) A man asked the Prophet, "What sort of deeds or (what qualities of) Islam are good?" The Prophet replied, "To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know." -Hadith narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr, as related by Al-Bukhari

(WHAT IS A MUSILM'S OBLIGATION?) The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (WHY KEEP YOUR DEVOTIONS?) During prostration a servant draws nearest to the Lord, so augment your devotions. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (WHEN ARE BLESSINGS BESTOWED?) Every night during a certain hour the blessings of both this world and the next are bestowed upon those who seek.

-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Ja'bir bin Abd'Allah (REFRAIN FROM ILLEGAL DEEDS) Hadith 8.477

Narrated by Abu Said (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

Some people from the Ansar asked Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) (to give them something) and he gave to everyone of them, who asked him, until all that he had was finished. When everything was finished and he had spent all that was in his hand, he said to them, '"(Know) that if I have any wealth, I will not withhold it from you (to keep for somebody else); And (know) that he who refrains from begging others (or doing prohibited deeds), Allah will make him contented and not in need of others; and he who remains patient, Allah will bestow patience upon him, and he who is satisfied with what he has, Allah will make him self-sufficient. And there is no gift better and vast (you may be given) than patience." (THANKFUL SLAVE) Narrated by Al Mughira bin Shuba (Radhiallah hu Taala

Hadith 8.478 anhu)

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to pray so much that his feet used to become edematous or swollen, and when he was asked as to why he prays so much, he would say, "Shall I not be a thankful slave (to Allah)?" (WHOEVER DEPENDS UPON ALLAH) Hadith 8.479

Narrated by Ibn Abbas (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Seventy thousand people of my followers will enter Paradise without accounts, and they are those who do not practice Ar-Ruqya and do not see an evil omen in things, and put their trust in their Lord". (ADOPTING A MIDDLE COURSE) Hadith 8.474 anhaa)

Narrated by Aisha (Radhiallah hu Taala

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and receive good news because one's good deeds will not make him enter Paradise." They asked, "Even you, O Allah's Apostle

(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) ?" He said, "Even I, unless and until Allah bestows His pardon and Mercy on me." (HOW CAN THE WINDS HELP YOU?) Winds are the heralds of Allah's mercy, though they bear both compassion and chastisement. So implore Allah for their aid, and seek refuge in Him from their destructive power. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah

Hadith 8.475 Taala anhu)

(HEAVEN & HELL) Narrated by Anas bin Malik (Radhiallah hu

Once Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) led us in prayer and then (after finishing it) ascended the pulpit and pointed with his hand towards the Qibla of the mosque and said, "While I was leading you in prayer, both Paradise and Hell were displayed in front of me in the direction of this wall. I had never seen a better thing (than Paradise) and a worse thing (than Hell) as I have seen today; I had never seen a better thing and a worse thing as I have seen today." (ALLAH’S MERCY HOPE FOR ALLAH'S FORGIVENESS) Hadith 8.476 Taala anhu)

Narrated by Abu Huraira (Radhiallah hu

I heard Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "Verily Allah created Mercy. The day He created it, He made it into one hundred parts. He withheld with Him ninety-nine parts, and sent its one part to all His creatures. Had the non-believer known of all the Mercy which is in the Hands of Allah, he would not lose hope of entering Paradise, and had the believer known of all the punishment which is present with Allah, he would not consider himself safe from the Hell-Fire." [Sahih Muslim : Book 37 Kitab Al-Tauba, Number 6629] Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) as saying:

"Allah created mercy in one hundred parts and He retained with Him ninety-nine parts, and He has sent down upon the earth one part, and it is because of this one part that there is mutual love among the creation so much so that the animal lifts up its hoof from its young, one, fearing that it might harm it." [Sahih Muslim : Book 37 Kitab Al-Tauba, Number 6634] Salman (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (salallahu- alleihi-wasallam ) said: "Verily, Allah created, on the same very day when He created the heavens and the earth, one hundred parts of mercy. Every part of mercy is coextensive with the space between the heavens. and the earth and He out of this mercy endowed one part to the earth and it is because of this that the mother shows affection to her child and even the beasts and birds show kindness to one another and when there would be the Day of Resurrection, Allah would make full (use of Mercy)." (perfect believer, best among & ABOUT WIFE) The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) ‘The most perfect believer in the matter of faith is one who has excellent behaviour; and the best among you are those who behave best towards their wives.’ The above quotation was said by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 278 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah Narrated Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas: Allah's Apostle said, "You will be rewarded for whatever you spend for Allah's sake even if it were a morsel which you put in your wife's mouth." Volume 1, Book 2, Number 53: Sahih Bukhari. (GOOD MANNERS)

Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #271, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Ibn Hibban. ...Abu Darda' reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one's good manners." Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #286 and Ahmad Abu Huraira, r.a., said, "I heard Abu al Qasim (the Prophet saaws), say, 'The best among you in Islam are those with the best manners, so long as they develop a sense of understanding. ' " Hadith - At-Tabaraanee collected it, and Albani authenticated it in Silsilatul-AHaadeet his-Saheehah (#432). The Prophet (saaws) said: "The most beloved of Allah's servants to Allah are those with the best manners." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, and Tirmidhi ... 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr said, "The Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, was never obscene or coarse. Rather, he used to tell us that the best among us were those with the best manners." Hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad ... Anas said, "I served the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, for ten years. During that time, he never once said to me as much as 'Oof' if I did something wrong. He never asked me, if I had failed to do something, 'Why did you not do it?,' and he never said to me, if I had done something wrong, 'Why did you do it?' " (WORST LIE) The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) "The worst lie is that a person claims to have seen a dream which he has not seen." Sahih

Al-Bukhari Volume 009 Book 087 Hadith number 167 Narrated by Ibn 'Umar


Hadith 8.449

Narrated by Abdullah (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "Who among you considers the wealth of his heirs dearer to him than his own wealth?" They replied, "O Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)! There is none among us but loves his own wealth more." The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "So his wealth is whatever he spends (in Allah's Cause) during his life (on good deeds) while the wealth of his heirs is whatever he leaves after his death." (GIVE ANYONE HAPPINESS) You will not be able to give anyone happiness by means of your wealth, so do it by means of a cheerful countenance and good humor. -The Prophet Muhammad in Qushayri: al-Risalat al-Qushayriyya (AVOID MISGUIDANCE) If you adhere to the things that I am leaving behind, you shall never be misguided. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Ja'bir bin Abd'Allah (BLESSING FOR EVERYTHING “THE PROPHET MUHAMAMMAD (pbuh)) Once a harlot came upon a dog dying of thirst. Without a second thought she took off her leather sock, tied it to her veil, got water from a well nearby, and saved the animal's life. For that one act of kindness she was absolved of all her ill deeds. Indeed every deed of kindness toward living beings shall be rewarded. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (BELIEVERS VS. HYPOCRITES) Like the corn fields that yield before the ferocious winds, the believers endure trials with fortitude. The hypocrites like cypress trees stand arrogantly until they are knocked down.

-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah

(WHY DOES ALLAH TEST YOU?) Allah tries his chosen people through many hardships, but those who persevere through adversity, surrendering themselves before the will of Allah, shall be blessed with a superb reward. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Anas bin Malik

(STAIN INCREASES) When a believer gives in to temptation, a black stain appears on his heart. If he repents and asks for forgiveness, that stain disappears. But if he continues to transgress, the stain continues to grow until it blackens the entire heart. That stain is the rust the Lord Almighty refers to: "Nay, rust has fallen upon their hearts for what they have earned." -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah

(WHO IS STRONG) The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry. -Prophet Muhammad, from Sayings of Muhammad by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad (PURITY) The Almighty Allah judges you neither by your countenance nor your wealth, but by the purity of your hearts and your deeds. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (WIDOWS AND THE DESTITUTE) Those who look after widows and the destitute are equal to the ones striving in the way of Allah and, in my eyes, the same as those who worship all night and fast all day. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (REMEMBERS HIS LORD) He who remembers his Lord and he who does not are like the living and dead.

-The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (QUESTION FROM HEAVEN AND HELL) Anas r.a narrates in Muslim Prophet s.a.w.s said : On the day of resurrection , a person from the people of fire,who had been living the most comfortable and luxurious life in the world will brought (and) dipped once in fire.Then he'l be asked:O son of Adam! do you recall seeing any good time,a moment of comfort and luxury? He will reply:No, by Allah,O my Rabb! And (Likewise) a person from people of paradise , who had been living the most distressful life in the world , will be brought out (and) dipped once in paradise.Then he'l be asked:O son of Adam! Do you recall any adversity , or a moment of misery? He will reply:No by Allah,O my Rabb!Neither any adversity passed over me nor a moment if misery! (IN PARADISE) Those admitted to Paradise shall experience true bliss. Never shall they know want, nor will they suffer old age. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (FORGIVENSS) Those who maintain kinship with the detached, who continue to provide for those who let them down and willingly forgive their oppressors, shall indeed excel both in this world and the next. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by 'Uqbah bin Amir (MODESTY) The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) has said, "Modesty is Faith." (Bukhari, vol. 1:23). (SAME WISH 4 BROTHERS) The Prophet said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim)

brother what he likes for himself." Volume 1, Book 2, Number 12: Narrated Anas: (DON’T OPPRESS YOUR BROTHER) Narrated 'Abdullah bin Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs. Whoever brought his brother out of discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever hides the faults of a Muslim, Allah will hide his faults on the Day of Resurrection." Sahih al-Bukhari - Volume 3, Book 43, Number 622 (CHEERFUL FACE) The Prophet said: "Do not consider even the smallest good deed as unimportant, even if it's only meeting your brother with a cheerful face." -Hadith narrated by Abu Dharr, as related by Muslim (Spend even if it is little for Allah) Spend in the name of Allah and do not hold back lest Allah withhold His blessings from you. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Asma bint Abu Bakr al-Saddiq (CHARITY 4 hungry person) The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Anas bin Malik (UTTERING OF THE WORDS) Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The uttering of the words: "Subhan-Allah (Allah is free from imperfection) , Al-hamdu lillah (all praise is due to Allah), La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah) and Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)' is dearer to me than anything over which the sun rises.'' [Muslim].

(MUSLIMS ARE LIKE A BODY) The Messenger said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer" [Muslim] (GLORIFIED ALLAH) Those who glorified Allah both in open and in secret will be the foremost to enter Paradise on the Day of Resurrection. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abd'Allah ibn Abbas (NEIGHBOR) "By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not believe!" It was asked, "Who is that, O Messenger of Allah?" Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "That person whose neighbor does not feel safe from his evil." and in another narration the wordings are; “that person who sleeps with a bellyful and his neighbor sleeps hungry.” (TRIALS) "If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials." The above quotation was said by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.548 Narrated by Abu Huraira (REWARD 4 BELIEVER) "How remarkable is the case of the believer! There is good for him in everything, but this is not the case for anyone except for the believer! When the believer receives any good, he is thankful to Allah, and gets a reward; and when some misfortune befalls him, he endures it patiently, for which he is (also) rewarded." The above quotation was said by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (SURPLUS WEALTH) Children of Adam! Distribute your surplus wealth in the name of Allah; it will earn you more merit. Do not hold it back. You

must not be remembered for miserliness, so begin with those closest to you. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Umamah (PRAY 2 ALLAH 4 GOOD) The Lord Almighty ordained, "Find leisure for My service and I shall fill your hearts with peace and enrich you in bounty." -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (PRAISE BE TO ALLAH) The words, "Praise be to Allah," are the easiest to recite, yet heaviest in balance and dearest to the Merciful. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (KEY TO PARADISE) There is a key for everything, and the key to Paradise is to love the poor. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Ibn Umar (FINEST CONDUCT) The most upright among you are those who carry themselves with the finest conduct. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abd'Allah bin Amr (MODERATE) "Be moderate, and you will reach what you want." (Sahih al-Bukhar). (ABOUT JESUS (Peace be upon him)) I heard the Prophet narrate the story of another Prophet [Jesus] before him, whose people beat him and caused him to bleed. Even as he wiped the blood off his face he said, "Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do!" -Reported by Nayeem bin Mas'ud, Sahih al-Bukhari (FOR THE RIGHTEOUS) The Almighty Allah says: "For the righteous I have prepared that which no eyes have envisioned and no hearts conceived.

Search all you want, no living soul shall ever perceive what ultimate bliss is concealed from them." -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (GREET OTHERS) The best of the people are the first to greet others. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Umamah (RELIGION IS EASY) This religion is easy. Do not make it a rigor, or you shall be overcome. Be steadfast, seek the closeness of Allah, grow in virtue, and implore His appeasement day and night. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah (HYPOCRITES) What I fear most for my people are the hypocrites, who talk wisely, yet act unjustly. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Umar bin al-Khattab Fear oppression, because oppression will be intense darkness on the Day of the Resurrection. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Ibn Umar (WHAT IS FAITH?) What is Faith? When your good deed pleases you and your evil deed grieves you, you are a believer. What is Sin? When a thing disturbs (the peace of) your heart, give it up. -Prophet Muhammad, from Sayings of Muhammad by Prof. Ghazi Ahmad (FALSE PROMISES) The false promises of a merchant may persuade a buyer into purchasing his (faulty) goods; but these will be deprived of Allah's blessings. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah (REMEMMBER ALLAH 4 GOOD)

O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it. -The Prophet Muhammad, as narrated by Anas, as related by At-Tirmidhi (ZIKR) The best dhikr is: "There is no god but Allah"; and the best invocation: "All praise is due to Allah." -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Ja'bir bin Abd'Allah (CHARITY) The best charity is followed by contentment, so begin with those related to you. -The Prophet Muhammed, as reported by Abu Hurairah (READ QURAN) Read the Qur'an as long as you are attentive, but when you feel your attention slip, put the Book away. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Jundub bin Adb'Allah (WHAT ALLAH LOVES) Allah is compassionate and loves compassion in all things. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by A'ishah bint Abu Bakr (BEING MECIFUL) The Merciful is kind to those who are merciful. If you show compassion to your fellow creatures in this world, then those in heaven shall be compassionate toward you. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as narrated by Abd'Allah bin Amr

(BEING GENTLE) He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (PARENTS RIGHTS) Once Abu Umamah asked the Prophet about the rights of parents over their children. The Prophet replied, "They are your Paradise and they are your Hell." -Reported by Abu Umamah Be kind to a pagan father Hadith 8.9

Narrated by Asma bint Abu Bakr (Radhiallah hu Taala anhaa)

My mother came to me, hoping (for my favor) during the lifetime of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). I asked the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam), "May I treat her kindly?" He replied, "Yes." Ibn 'Uyaina said, "Then Allah revealed: 'Allah forbids you not with regards to those who fought not against you because of religion, and drove you not out from your homes, that you should show them kindness and deal justly with them.'.......(60.8)"

Be kind to a pagan father Hadith 8.9

Narrated by Asma bint Abu Bakr (Radhiallah hu Taala anhaa)

My mother came to me, hoping (for my favor) during the lifetime of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). I asked the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam), "May I treat her kindly?" He replied, "Yes." Ibn 'Uyaina said, "Then Allah revealed: 'Allah forbids you not with regards to those who fought not against you because of religion, and drove you not out from your homes, that you should show them kindness and deal justly with them.'.......(60.8)"

Be kind to a pagan brother Hadith 8.11

Narrated by Ibn Umar (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

My father, seeing a silken cloak being sold, said, "O Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)! Buy this and wear it on Fridays and when the foreign delegates pay a visit to you." He said, "This is worn only by that person who will have no share in the Hereafter." Later a few silken cloaks were given to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) as a gift, and he sent one of those cloaks to 'Umar. 'Umar said (to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)), "How can I wear it while you have said about it what you said?" The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "I did not give it to you to wear but to sell or to give to someone else to wear." So 'Umar sent it to his (pagan) brother who was from the inhabitants of Mecca before he

('Umar's brother) embraced Islam.

( HARDSHIP ) Hardship may dishearten at first, but every hardship passes away. All despair is followed by hope; all darkness is followed by sunshine. -Rumi, "Mathnawi" ( PRAY ) Lord, bestow upon us that which is good in this world and that which is good in the life to come, and save us from the doom of the Fire. -The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Sahih alBukhari ( CHARITY ) The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Anas bin Malik ( ZIKR ) Those who glorified Allah both in open and in secret will be the foremost to enter Paradise on the Day of Resurrection. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abd'Allah ibn Abbas ( ABOUT TRUTH ) Give up what appears to be doubtful for what is certain. Truth brings peace of mind, and deception doubt. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Hasan bin 'Ali (HEART FILLS WITH LIGHT) the Prophet said, "When God wills the good of his servant, He kindles a light of faith in his heart." -Abu Sa'id, "Rabi'a the Mystic" (HEART ILLUMINTED OF POIOUS) The Lord illumined the hearts of the pious with the light of

certainty that gave them the vision to comprehend the light of all the faiths of the world. -Abu'I-Hasan, "The Kashf al-Mahjub" (TREE AS CHARITY) When one of you plants a tree, the fruits of which all creatures enjoy, let it be written as charity. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Anas bin Malik

All in Red (TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS) Prophet Muhammad said, "He who unfairly treats a non-Muslim who keeps a peace treaty with Muslims, or undermines his rights, or burdens him beyond his capacity, or takes something from him without his consent; then I am his opponent on the Day of Judgment" [Abu Dawud and Al-Bayhaqi] (PEACE TREATY) The Prophet also said, "He who harms a non-Muslim who keeps a peace treaty with Muslims has harmed me, and he who harms me has harmed Allah" [At-Tabarani in Al-Awsat] (PEACE TREATY) And he said, "He who kills a non-Muslim who keeps a peace treaty with the Muslims will not smell the scent of Heaven, though its scent can be traced to as far as a march of 40 years" [Imam Ahmad and Al-Bukhari in Al-Jizyah] (COMPENSATION 4 NON-MUSLIM) Where alcoholic drinks and pork cannot be considered as money to Muslims, if a Muslim squanders or spoils such property of another Muslim, he could NOT be called upon for compensation. Yet if a Muslim spoils such assets belonging to a non-Muslim, he would be responsible for compensation. [Imam Abu Hanifah] (GREAT TREATMENT OF MUSLIMS TO NON-MUSLIMS)

Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab was reported to have seen a senile Jewish man asking for alms, and hence took him to the treasury and authorized a monthly pension for him and the likes of him. Non-Muslims were permitted to build their own houses of worship under Muslim rule. Two examples of early Islam are the construction of the Mar Marcus Church in Alexandria (between AH 39 and 56), and the construction of the first church in Fustat in the Roman Alley during the reign of Maslamah ibn Mikhled (between the years AH 47 and 68). The historian Al-Maqrizi once said, "All modern day Cairo churches were undoubtedly restored in Islam." Imam Al-Mawardi authorized Dhimmis to undertake executive ministries rather than delegate ministries. Executive ministers are those who implement and execute the imam's orders. During the Abbasid era, Christians undertook the ministry more than once; for example, Nasr ibn Haroun in AH 369 and Eissa ibn Nastorus in AH 380. Mu`awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan had also appointed a Christian clerk named Sarjoun. "We find it very surprising the abundance of non-Muslim laborers and senior staff within the Muslim state; where Christians governed Muslims in Muslim provinces, and complaints against non-Muslims' seniority in these provinces dates far back" [Adam Mitz, Islamic Civilization in the Fourth Hijri Century, part 1, p. 105] Source: Extracted from an article by Massoud Sabri, a researcher in Dar al`Ulum Collage in Cairo University and an editor in IslamOnline.net, Arabic page, reviewing, Non-Muslims in Muslim Societies: Contemporary Ijtihad The Rights of Non-Muslims in Society: A Reading of Al-Qaradawi Thought. May Allah Almighty have mercy and guide us all to treating everyone fairly and justly, ameen.

( BAD DOINGS ) Imam Al-Qarafi Al-Maliki once said, "He who transgresses against them

(Dhimmis)-even with a mere word of injustice or backtalk- has jeopardized the covenant with Allah and His Prophet and the covenant of the religion of Islam" [Al-Furuq Part 3, p. 14] ( ABOUT TRUE FAITH) Once a person asked the Prophet of Islam, "What is true faith?" The Prophet replied, "When your good endeavors bring you pleasure and your transgressions cause you anguish, you know that you are a person of faith." -Reported by Abu Umamah (GOOD DEEDS) A believer through his good deeds reaches the position of one who worships all night and fasts during the day. -The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by A'ishah bint Abi Bakr (EVIL ACTIONS) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)" [Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 31 - Number 127]

(FASTING) Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Fasting is a shield and a powerful fortress." -Hadith narrated by Ahmad Volume 1, Book 2, Number 50: Narrated Abu Jamra: I used to sit with Ibn 'Abbas and he made me sit on his sitting place. He requested me to stay with him in order that he might give me a share from his property. So I stayed with him for two months. Once he told (me) that when the delegation of the tribe of 'Abdul Qais came to the Prophet, the Prophet asked them, "Who are the people (i.e. you)? (Or) who are the

delegate?" They replied, "We are from the tribe of Rabi'a." Then the Prophet said to them, "Welcome! O people (or O delegation of 'Abdul Qais)! Neither will you have disgrace nor will you regret." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! We cannot come to you except in the sacred month and there is the infidel tribe of Mudar intervening between you and us. So please order us to do something good (religious deeds) so that we may inform our people whom we have left behind (at home), and that we may enter Paradise (by acting on them)." Then they asked about drinks (what is legal and what is illegal). The Prophet ordered them to do four things and forbade them from four things. He ordered them to believe in Allah Alone and asked them, "Do you know what is meant by believing in Allah Alone?" They replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." Thereupon the Prophet said, "It means: 1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle. 2. To offer prayers perfectly 3. To pay the Zakat (obligatory charity) 4. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan. 5. And to pay Al-Khumus (one fifth of the booty to be given in Allah's Cause). Then he forbade them four things, namely, Hantam, Dubba,' Naqir Ann Muzaffat or Muqaiyar; (These were the names of pots in which Alcoholic drinks were prepared) (The Prophet mentioned the container of wine and he meant the wine itself). The Prophet further said (to them): "Memorize them (these instructions) and convey them to the people whom you have left behind." (NEXT WORLD) "This world is the cultivation field of the next world. As you sow in this world, so you will reap in the next." (BEST OF PEOPLE & WORST OF PEOPLE) Similarly the Prophet (Pbuh) said that the best of people are those who are slow to get angry and quick to forgive. On the other hand the worst of people are those, he said who get angry quickly but are slow to forgive. (PURITY OF HIS OR HER HEART) The characteristic that makes a person most likely to forgive is the purity of his or her heart. Apologies must be accepted,

(APOLOGY) the Prophet (Pbuh) said that: "Whoever apologises to his brother and that apology is not accepted, then the person who refuses to accept the apology bears the sin of one who takes the property of another unjustly. (JUSTICE) The Prophet (Pbuh) once asked his companions; "Do you know what will cause you to have high walled palaces in Paradise (as a symbol of great reward) and will cause you to be raised by God?" When they replied in the negative, he said, "To be forgiving and to control yourself in the face of provocation, to give justice to the person who was unfair and unjust to you, to give to someone even though he did not give to you when you were in need and to keep connection with someone who may not have reciprocated your concern." Volume 1, Book 2, Number 30: Narrated Al-Ahnaf bin Qais: While I was going to help this man ('Ali Ibn Abi Talib), Abu Bakra met me and asked, "Where are you going?" I replied, "I am going to help that person." He said, "Go back for I have heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'When two Muslims fight (meet) each other with their swords, both the murderer as well as the murdered will go to the Hell-fire.' I said, 'O Allah's Apostle! It is all right for the murderer but what about the murdered one?' Allah's Apostle replied, "He surely had the intention to kill his companion."

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