Habitats - Comprehension - Braden Pelly 1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 405
  • Pages: 2
Braden Pelly Upland Terrace Elementary Habitats - Comprehension TWS

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Grade Level: ​2nd Grade Lesson Length:​ 30 - 45 minutes Content Area:​ Comprehension Objective:​ Students will answer text-based questions to complete a Habitat worksheet Utah State Standard:

Reading: Informational Text Standard 6 Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. ● Personal Objectives:​ Students will gain a more clear understanding of the specific habitat ● Essential Question:​ How can you use text-based findings to answer specific questions ● Materials:​ Habitat worksheet, SmartBoard, DocCam, Pencils, crayons/markers/colored pencils ● Accommodations:​ For students needing accommodations, individualized attention will be provided during worksheet activity. ● DAP:​ Whole group discussion allows for students to analyze, compare, and understand ideas of their peers and teacher Phase I Prior knowledge will be assessed of the specific habitat through think-pair-shares and whole group discussions. This discussion will give students the opportunity to inform each other what they already know about the specific habitat as well as new materials from the people around them. After discussion has ended, students will wait on directions. Transition from Phase I to Phase II Habitat comprehension worksheets will be handed out to each row. Once each student has a worksheet, they will wait on additional instruction. Phase II Students will be read the passage of the specific habitat by the teacher. While the teacher is reading, the student may use their writing tools to underline information that they believe is relevant and important. Once the teacher has read the passage one time through, the whole group will come together to answer the first question together.

Transition from Phase II to Phase III Students will work through the first question together as a whole group. Once the first question has been answered, students will continue to complete the worksheet individually. Phase III Once the first question has been modeled and answered, the students will individually complete the rest of the questions. The teacher may read the passage aloud again based on if the students want it read again or not. Once students complete the worksheet, they will color the accompanying picture that goes with the worksheet. Once students are done coloring, they may begin their Reading Workshop. If reteaching needs to take place, the teacher, while maintaining an active presence, will work individually with the struggling student until the student understands the objective of the lesson.

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