H1n1 Flu Vaccine Will Contain Mercury

  • May 2020
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H1N1 Flu Vaccine will contain Mercury Mercury is Linked to Autism and Multiple Neurological Complications By Luis R. Miranda As it has been abundantly proven, mercury and its derivatives are responsible for autism in children and many other neurological diseases, such as the Gulf War Syndrome. Mercury in its most common form –thimerosal- is put in almost all vaccines made available to the public, usually as a preservative. As it was recently unveiled by the Washington Post, many doses of the new H1N1 vaccine will be stored in multidose vials which will contain thimerosal. After having read the transcript and watched the report where Dr. David Spencer -head of the CDC during the 1976 swine flu scare- confessed the swine flu vaccine was not tested before giving it to 46 million people, I now have another concern regarding the new untested AH1N1 vaccine, which will come out in the Fall of 2009. It was confirmed that the new vaccine will contain mercury and mercury derived ingredients. Due to the use of thimerosal in vaccines given to kids, the number of cases of autism has increased by 1500 percent since 1991. This number corresponds to the period of time during which the number of vaccines for kids also increased. While in 1991 there was one kid diagnosed with autism for every 2500, today there are 166 kids diagnosed for the same 2500. These numbers as well as public pressure to stop using mercury in vaccines, has made forced some companies to allegedly reduce the amounts of thimerosal used in their products. While the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies keep pushing mercury containing vaccines and pharmaceuticals as the way to prevent and ´cure´disease, even the Department of Defense recognizes the dangers of mercury. `Mercury is a hazardous material which can cause death if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.` In the meantime, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), limited the mercury emissions from industrial production because it ´can damage the brain and nervous system and is especially dangerous to fetuses and small children´. One would not think mercury is dangerous or that vaccines are harmful by watching the news the main stream media presents us everyday. There is a conscious campaign to make mercury look good and to make vaccinations look even better. There are claims in the media that want to make us think mercury is wonderful for kids. And when such a ´belief´ does not work, there is always the ´kids are bad for the world´ statement. Although there have been separate independent studies proving mercury´s dangerous consequences to the human body, the pharmaceutical companies and the CDC continue to reject them and to assert the amounts of mercury in the vaccines are safe to be injected in the bloodstream. Among the consequences derived from in-taking mercury –according to a 1977 Russian study- are brain damage, tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. Epidemiologist Tom Verstraeten and Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the University of Colorado, both concluded that thimerosal was responsible for the dramatic rise in cases of autism but their findings were dismissed by the CDC. Russia banned thimerosal from children’s vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.

In 1948, Randolph Byers and Frederick Moll , of Harvard Medical School and the Federal Drug Administration, carried out tests on DPT vaccines at Children's Hospital in Boston and concluded that severe neurological problems could follow the administration of DPT vaccines. The results of the tests were published in Pediatrics. According to the testimony of the Assistant Secretary of Health, Edward Grant, Jr., before a U.S. Senate Committee on May 3rd, 1985, every year, 35,000 children suffer neurological damage related to the DTP vaccine. An even more recent figure on the reaction to the DTP vaccine indicates that 1 in every 100 children react with convulsions or collapse or high-pitched screaming and that one out of every 3 of these, that is 1 out of every 300 will remain permanently damaged. For more information, See Alex Logia's Treatise on "Vaccinations" So, once again, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people will serve as guinea pigs to test a vaccine that will probably not work. Both the pharmaceutical companies and health agencies still do not know how to make a vaccine that will safely fight the virus without harming the public. It is estimated that some 12,000 children in the U.S. will be injected the mercury filled swine flu vaccine. Preparations are now being made to carry out forceful vaccination campaigns, to massively inoculate millions of people around the world. The plans to be implemented in the fall of 2009 seem to be way out of line since the swine flu has killed only 800 people around the world; a number considered small when compared with the regular flu, which kills 37,000 in the U.S alone. So what are we supposed to do regarding the new vaccine? We certainly cannot trust the government and government backed agencies which time after time have failed to keep the people safe from chemicals and other soft kill threats like sodium fluoride in the water and chemtrails. In fact, the government sponsors many of the programs that kill people around the clock. In addition, the pharmaceutical companies are immune from legal action from consumers as Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius signed a document that keeps big pharma safe from lawsuits. Be aware there is no law that mandates anyone to take vaccines. Therefore, no public or private servant should obligate you to take a vaccine or a pharmaceutical product. There are waivers a parent can use to avoid taking vaccines, which can also be used to prevent your kids from taking them at school. The recommendation made by many physicians, scientists and nurses who recognize the dangers of vaccines and mercury as na ingredient in them is not to take the vaccine until it is independently proven safe. Another step you can take to keep yourself and your children safe from mercury and other chemicals contained in vaccines and pharmaceutical products, while improving the chances to remain healthy, is to boost your immune system with natural products such as oregano oil, vitamin D3, ionized water, organic fruits and vegetables.

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