Gwb First General Meeting: November 10, 2009

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GWB First General Meetin November 10, 2009


AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who We Are Who We Work With What We Do Why be involved? The Brigade Trip Costs/Fundraising Committees Due Dates and Questions


Organizational Overview Global Brigades (GB) facilitates a multi-disciplinary approach through health, development and education programs that relieve poverty while also improving the environment.

Global Brigades Public Health Medical Brigades (2003) Dental Brigades (2005) Water Brigades (2008) Vet Brigades

Development Business Brigades (2006) Law Brigades (2009) Architecture Brigades (2009)

Education Art Brigades Math/Science Brigades Language Brigades

-------------------------------------------------- Environmental Brigades (2009) ------------------------------------------------

Copyright © 2008 Global Brigades


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Global Brigades is the world’s largest studentled global health and sustainable development organization. As a secular, international nonprofit organization, we mobilize student volunteers and professionals to empower communities in developing countries with programs that improve quality of life while respecting local culture and improving the environment.

Between 2008 and 2009, more than 4,000 volunteers from 80 GB university chapters in the U.S., Canada, and U.K. traveled to provide health and economic development solutions to more than 50,000 beneficiaries through our teams in Panama and Honduras.


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Communities are selected by an extensive study based on need, water quality, access to water, and high feasibility for successful project. Most communities are within only a few hours of student accommodations, so that daily travel for brigades is feasible and safe. Global Brigades only works in communities where we have been invited, have strong relationships with community leaders, and where water counsels can be formed to perpetuate the project. ABOUT.LOCATION.VIDEO.BRIGADES.FOLLOWUP.SCHEDULE.LODGING.PROGRAM FEE.JOIN

Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Although specific projects vary for each club, a brigade incorporates the following phases: introduction, community organizing, construction, and workshops.

first day is spent with The brigade Volunteers then either also meet involves begin with or an to mobilize the theintroduction finish volunteer community construction conducted on a underlying leaders and segment educational ofpolitical, an workshops identify on-going a for economic and geographical water families counsel. project. about conservation issues that hinder of water usage andthe communities from consumption in the homes, obtaining clean water. and the importance of water in terms of health and sanitation.


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Between brigades our incountry team insures that the water counsels are functioning and have the necessary funding to perpetuate the longevity of the systems created.


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

Noon: Flight arrives in Tegucigalpa 1:00pm: Transport to accommodations 2:00pm: Lunch and settle into housing 3:00pm: Orientation • Meet Honduran team • Rules and expectations • Presentation on GB 4:00pm: Review project designs 6:00pm: Dinner 8:00pm: Night time bonding


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

8:00am: Breakfast 9:00am: Depart for community 11:00am: Conduct community meeting and make introductions 1:00pm: Lunch 2:00pm: Water source site visit 4:00pm: Depart to accommodations 6:00pm: Dinner 8:00pm: Night time bonding


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

7:00am: Breakfast 8:00am: Travel to community • Prepare site for construction 12:00pm: Lunch 1:00pm: Continue construction 3:00pm: Conduct workshops 4:00pm: Depart to accommodations 6:00pm: Dinner 7:00pm: Post-brigade organizing


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

8:00am: Breakfast 9:00am: Travel to Tegucigalpa • Visit artisan community • Souvenir shopping 12:00pm: Lunch 4:00pm: Travel back to accommodations 5:00pm: Free time 6:00pm: Dinner 7:00pm: Sponsorship program discussion 8:00pm: FIESTA!


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

• Electricity, showers, and linens • Laundry and room cleaning • Private chefs prepare nutritious food • Security on duty • Internet cafe


Global Brigades, Inc. Copyright 2009

$650 + Airfare Included in program fee:  7 days and 6 nights program  Accommodations and meals  In-country transportation  Spanish translators and coordinators  Program sustainability  Water project materials ($100)


Important Dates 3 more mandatory General Meetings: November 19, December 3, December 11 The final airfare payment will be due 40 days before departure which will be around the 1st of December All program fees are due 14 days prior to the arrival of the brigade, which will be around the 29th of December

Travel Information • All brigaders need a valid, up-to-date passport to travel to Honduras • Passports MUST not expire within 6 months of arrival. • Non-US citizens travelling to Honduras must speak to us for more information regarding a visa to enter. • Visa is not required for U.S. Citizens • Brigaders are required to bring at least 1 copy of their passport for their brigade. Once there, passports will be stored in a safe at the Global Brigades headquarters while on brigades, while the brigader is recommended to carry a copy at all times.

Travel Information Travel Insurance • All brigaders are expected to purchase travel insurance from Global Brigades. The fee is $35.00 USD per person, and should be paid via the student’s fundraising website. Exit Fee • Honduras requires a $35 exit fee when leaving the country

Vaccinations! Recommended vaccinations from Global Brigades: • Hepatitis A • Hepatitis B • Typhoid • Tetanus • Brigaders are also recommended to take anti-malaria pills during the brigade, which can also be prescribed from a doctor or travel clinic. Many vaccinations and anti-malaria pills may need to be taken up to 4 weeks for effectiveness, so it is recommended that brigaders contact their physician as soon as possible.

Tang Center • (510) 643-7177 • Make your appointment as soon as possible!

Education Committee Chairs Elisa Lee • Major: Civil Engineering • Year: 4th • Brigade: January 2009 • Why? Because I’m an idealistic who

Mansi Shah • Major:

Bioengineering, minor in Global Poverty and Practice • Year: 3rd • Brigade: August 2009 • Why?

Education Committee What do we do? Prepare the Education Program regarding water sanitation and hygiene for the upcoming brigade (e.g. skit, activities, posters, minilecture, etc). Develop awareness of situation in Honduras, especially in terms of water. Organize a potential decal -

Why should you join? - 2 million deaths per year from

unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene (LACK OF EDUCATION!!!). - Education is one of the most important parts of the trip because sanitation and hygiene are the basis of a good health. - “Knowledge is power.”

Public Relations Committee The The public public face face of of GWB GWB at at Berkeley: Berkeley: -Tabling -Tabling prior prior and and during during fundraisers, fundraisers, service service fairs, fairs, and and other other related related events events -Recruiting -Recruiting future future members members

Public Relations Chair: Clare McInerney

Fundraising/Social Co-chairs Jenny Corona Bio: Currently a second year, studying Public Health and Spanish. I love carbs, my fantabulous family, drinking tea, curling up to a good book, GNO’s (Girls Night Out), the sun, tanning, dancing, and listening to music. I am a gymnastics coach and love working with kids.

Gloria Lu

Bio: Graduated last Spring in MCB. Currently applying to med school and working at a research lab at UCSF. I love singing, listening to music, trying out new foods, movies, hanging with friends and family, and last but not least, GWB baby!

Fundraising Join the fundraising committee to help us raise money for our trip!

Potential Ideas: •Sell In-N-Out? •American apparel? •E-mail everyone you know! •TAP project •Getting restaurants to help out •Café’s around campus


Social Soccer Social with FREE FOOD! November 20th 3-5p

More to come! Join Social Committee if you have ideas of social events that you want to happen!

Quick guide to writing a donation letter •

Make it personal and informative. People want to get involved, so let them know what they’re investing in.

Please don’t feel intimidated of asking people for donations…They really do want to help!

Suggestions of what should be Incorporated in your letter: 1.) Name, Year, Major, Age, School 2.) Something unique and relative about yourself in regards to WB (what you think the GWB experience will provide you) 3.) Describe what Water Brigades does 4.) Attempt to incorporate the potential sponsor in your WB journey (i.e.: Because of your (the sponsor) donations, I will be providing fresh water to a small village in Honduras) 5.) Don't forget to mention the costs and areas in which the money will go in. 6.) Always remain courteous and polite. Adapted from Jazzmin Adibi’s template

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