Guru's Biscuit Marketing Plan

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Download & View Guru's Biscuit Marketing Plan as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 2,783
  • Pages: 142
Group Name:

Group Members:


Khayam Ahmed.









work is never a work of an individual. We own a sense of gratitude to the intelligence and cooperation of those people who had been so easy to let us understand what we needed from time to time for completion of this exclusive project for us …………..


want to express our gratitude towards Mr.Kashif Raza ( NFC iet) for giving us an opportunity to do this project. Last but not the least, we would like to forward our gratitude to our friends , other faculty members, & our parents who always endured us and stood by us and without whom we could not have envisaged the completion of our project.

Very Thankful To our Chief Guest: 

Dr. Khizar Hayat Head Of Department BS (computer science)

xyz Manager Punjab Bank Khanawal Road Multan.


Planning Promotion and

Marketing •

The right product, in the right place, at the right time, at the right price. Adcock. To identify customer needs and wants and fulfill it… satisfy it… valuate it… better than your competitors ! better than current market ! better than related product !


In bounded Marketing

Out bounded Marketing

Amna Abid.

 Name:

 Roll


Amna Abid. 2k8-BS-12

 Department:

BS (CS).

What we are Doing  We

fell immunes pleasure to launch our Biscuits

“Alnut” It is a basically nuts biscuit with some chrips of chocolate in it

Our survey 

It is most Important thing to analyze our costumers needs and wants We must be know what our costumers likes and dislike So for do all of these we do survey in market and also we use telecommunication services to know about costumer likes and dislikes we send messages in our communities and our friends and raise some questions to know that what they want We receive positive feed back about that and its make us easy to determine public wants and needs

Our product  After

the Survey We Decided to make “Alnut”………..  It is a nuts based Biscuits with some Chrispy chocolate  It

is manufactured by “ Guru Food Industries” Multan.

Biscuits History 

Sweet or salty. Soft or crunchy. Simple or exotic. Everybody loves munching on biscuits, but do they know how biscuits began? The history of biscuits can be traced back to a recipe created by the Roman chef Apices, in which "a thick paste of fine wheat flour was boiled and spread out on a plate. When it had dried and hardened it was cut up and then fried until crisp, then served with honey and pepper." The word 'Biscuit' is derived from the Latin words 'Bs' (meaning 'twice') and 'Cactus' (meaning cooked or baked). The word 'Biscotti' is also the generic term for cookies in Italian. Back then, biscuits were unleavened, hard and thin wafers which, because of their low water content, were ideal food to store.

“Alnut” Now we all of us getting bore to use same taste To live with same style To do work with same routine. So we brought change for you We want to give you taste We want to change your old taste We want to change your life style We want to do some unique work

“Have it your way”

Our company name is

Which is located in multan industrial area Phase II plot No 32.  It established in September 2008 and now before 10 month we are launching our biscuits in different eight cities. We have eight distribution offices in different cities that is  Multan  Islamabad  Lahore  D-G-khan  Bahawalpur  Jhang  Khanawal  D-I-khan 

“Alnut” 

You will amazed to listen that there is only 2,3 nuts biscuit in Pakistan market.    

Peanut pista Peanut pik Party Chocolate chip

As the result of our survey we observe that most of people are interested in chocolate and nuts both. peoples wants to change there taste ,there life style. So “We DO IT” we give you both …… “Let’s make taste better”

Ingredients  Flour  Hydrogenated

fruit oil  Sugar ,cocoa mass ,coco butter,  Sodium Bi carbonate, Ammonium Bi carbonate.  Salt  Artificial flavor ( nuts, chocolate).

“Maza ki chahat” After a great thought and our survey we decide it for our slogan Are you thinking about that? Why we chose it not another? In this slogan it shows both taste and quality And it is our priority to give you taste and quality both in best package.

Product Target Audience

Market Segmentation

Pricing Strategies

Target Market

Target Audience Target

audience are the individuals groups of communities and bodies of decisionmakers who can influence your target .

Target Audience

Alnut is basically for children's but we also target youngsters coz they both like nuts and chocolate  You

try it, hope u will like it…………….

Market Segmentation 

Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics or behavior and who might require separate products or marketing programs

Target Market The

process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.

Our Target market  Our

target market is south Punjab.

 Multan  Islamabad  Lahore  D-G-khan  Bahawalpur  Jhang  Khanawal  D-I-khan

Competito rs

If we talk about nuts biscuits then we determine that there is only 2,3 biscuts in pakistan market .Those gave us The pure nuts biscuits . 

    

 

In pakistan current market there are some following biscuits in market Peanuts Pista Peanut pik Party Chocolate chip But they all gives you that old style of biscuit with pure nuts but We give you chocolate with nuts. Some a different taste for you.


you trust on me I’ll appreciate you to “Try it, you'll like it”

Coz it is best .You never have as like that …… Coz “you desire a taste now”

Price  Price

of 1 packet  Price of 1 Box(24 pack)  Price of 1 corton(12 Box)

5Rs 120Rs 1440Rs

Distributor Commission 15% Retailer 12%

Distributor profit 3%

Now to tell you about our

Planning I want to call

Syed khayam Ahmed


Syed Khayam Ahmed. Roll No:

2k8-BS-29. Department:

BS ( CS ).

What is planning

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Strategic Planning Strategic Planning is the Process of Developing & Maintaining a Strategic Fit b/w the Organization’s Goals & Capabilities & Its Changing Marketing Opportunities.

Steps in Strategic Planning

Designing the Business Portfolio  The

business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.  The company must: 

Develop growth strategies for adding new products or businesses to the portfolio.

Diversification A

strategy for company growth through starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company’s current product and current market.

Value Delivery Network Company’s Value Chain




Product Development A

strategy for company growth by offering modified NEW PRODUCT to current market segmentation.

What is NEW PRODUCT Development? The

development of original product, product improvements, product modification, And new brands through the firm’s own R&D efforts.

Idea generation

Idea screening

Marketing Strategy development

Business analysis

Test marketing

Concept Development & testing

Product development


Idea Generation  The

systematic search for new-product ideas.,

Internal Idea Generation

Idea Generation

External Idea Generation


Using internal source's, the company can find new ideas through formal R&D.


New-Product ideas also come from customers. The company can analyze customer questions & complaints to find new products that better solve consumer problems.

Idea Screening  Screening

new-product ideas in order to spot good ideas & drop poor ones as soon as possible. As we have 200 slogans ,and names but we decided this….

“Maza Ki Cahat” & “ALNUT” We drop poor one by one whenever we are satisfied our best idea ……

Concept Development& Testing Concept

Development With a few ideas in hand the marketer now attempts to obtain initial feedback from customers, distribution’s and its own employees.

Product/concept Development A

detailed version of the new-product idea stated in meaningful consumer terms.

Concept Testing Testing

newproduct concepts with a group of target consumer to find out it the concept have strong consumer appeal.

Marketing Strategy  Designing

an initial marketing strategy for a new product based on the product concept.  Now if we chose 1 concept from them then now next step is “Marketing Strategy Development.” It consists of there steps…..  Describe

the target market.  The planned product position.  Sales, market shares, & profit goals for the first few years.

Business Analysis A

review of the sales, costs, and profit projection for a new product to find out whether these factors satisfy the company’s objectives.

Product Development  Developing

the product concept into a physical product in order to ensure that the product idea can be turned into a workable product.

Test Marketing  The

stage of new-product development in which the product and marketing program are tested in more realistic market setting.  Standard

Test Markets.  Controlled Test Markets.  Simulated Test Markets.

Commercialization  Introduce

a new product in market.

Developing Marketing Mix

The 4 P’s & 4 C’s of the Marketing Mix 4


 Product  Price  Place  Promotion



 Customer

Solution  Customer Cost  Convenience  Communication

Managing the Marketing Effort

Product life cycle  The

course of a product’s sales and profits over its lifetime. It involves five stages.

 Introductory


 The

product life cycle stage in which the new product I first distribution and made available for purchase.

 Growth


 The

product life cycle stage in which a product’s sales start climbing quickly.

 Maturity


 The

product life cycle stage in which sales growth slows or levels off.

 Decline  The


product life cycle stage in which a product’s sales decline.

ADVERTISING Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation by an identified sponsor.

Any form of non-personal communication paid for by sponsor using mass media to persuade/inform an audience  Products/Services  Public

Service Advertising  Non-profit org.  People (political candidates, celebrities)  Places (retail outlets, vacation destinations)



New product, new uses, price changes

Persuade: Encourage switching, purchase now, change perceptions

Remind: Where to buy, may need in future, top of mind in off-season

Too Much Clutter!!! Television:

Networks, cable, satellite dishes Print:

Magazines, newspapers, junk mail Radio:

Fragmented audiences, “on the more popular stations, your ads are sandwiched with four other ads.” Billboards: Internet …

Problem… How do you get the attention of the audience???? ……………………………………………….

Break Through the Clutter with Impact Advertising

Humor appeal Emotional appeal Moral appeal Celebrity appeal Sensory appeal Rational appeal

Steps to Creating an Effective Advertising Campaign

1) Define your target market 2) Determine their needs from your product - functional - emotional 3) Develop an advertisement that creates an image for your product that is sought by your target market (positioning)

The Five M’s of Advertising

Mission sales Goals Advertising objective

Money Stage in PLC Market share & Consumer base Competition & clutter Advertising

Message Message generation Message

Media Reach, frequency, Impact

Measure ment Communi cation impact Sales impact

Major Advertising Decisions

Objectives Setting

Budget Decisions Message Decisions Media Decisions

Campaign Evaluation

Advertising Objective Informative Advertising Persuasive Advertising Reminding Advertising

Setting the Advertising Budget

Stage in the Product Life Cycle

Product Differentiation Factors in Setting the Advertising Budget

Advertising Frequency

Market Share Competition and Clutter

Our Budget For ADVERTISMENT Our Total Budget = 30,000,00 RS For Advertisement Before start market:

7% of total share

= 2,10,000 RS

After start market:

10% of our total Profit

Iram Abbas. 2k8-BS-08. BS(cs).

Developing Advertising Strategy Message Decision Media Decision

Creating the Advertising Message

Plan a Message Strategy neral Message to Be Communicated to Custom Develop a Message Focus on Customer Benefits Creative Concept “Big Idea” Visualization or Phrase Combination of Both Advertising Appeals Meaningful Believable Distinctive

Message Execution  Slice

of Life  Lifestyle  Fantasy  Mood or image  Musical  Personality symbol  Technical expertise  Scientific evidence  Testimonial evidence

Our message Is


Design the Ad Comparative Advertising Humorous Appeals

Sex Appeals


Testimonial Advertising Appeals

Unique Selling Proposition


Fear Appeals


We also do this !!!!!?

Chose Of Media


Yellow Pages



Major Kinds of Media

Direct Mail




Television Recent trend is the growth of cable television advertisements. Marketers can now target audiences through special interest channels. (Food network, home and garden, etc).

We use



Time Duration: 30 sec

Time Duration: 30 sec

AD Repetition: 30 p/d

AD Repetition: 30 p/d

Ad Price 1 week: 70000

Ad Price 1 week: 65000



Time Duration: 30 sec

Time Duration: 30 sec

AD Repetition: 30 p/d

AD Repetition: 30 p/d

Ad Price 1 week: 45000

Ad Price 1 week: 47000

Radio With commute times growing, radio advertising revenues are growing faster than any other media. Very easy to target your audience.

Print Consumer and business publications. Can specifically target your market. Marketers carefully study subscription rates and demographic data for each news paper/magazine.

Outdoor Advertising Billboards, painted bulletins or displays (such as those that appear on the walls of buildings,) and electric spectaculars Can be local, regional, or national Outdoor advertising is effective along metropolitan streets and in other hightraffic areas

Other Advertising Media

Transit advertising: ads placed both inside and outside of buses, subway trains and stations, and commuter trains Cinema advertising Ads on telephone booths and park benches Ads can be printed in programs of live-theater productions Directory advertising (yellow pages) Hot air balloons, blimps, banners behind planes, and scoreboards

Promotion  To

communicate with individuals, groups or organizations to directly or indirectly facilitate exchanges by informing and persuading one or more audiences to accept an organization's products.

Sales Promotion Sales Promotion is a Mass Communication Technique That Offers Short-Term Incentives to Encourage Purchase or Sales of a Product or Service.

Sales Promotion Objectives

 

 

  

To increase sales To attract new customers To retain existing ones To encourage customer loyalty To create awareness To inform To remind

To ensure To modify attitudes To create an image To position a product To improve position in the market To pull the product through channels To push the product through channels

Reasons for Increase in Sales Promotion Growing Power of Retailers Declining Brand Loyalty Increased Promotional Sensitivity Fragmentation of Consumer Markets Short-Term Focus Pressure from inside organization Competition Clutter

Major Consumer Sales Promotion Tools

Sample Coupons

Cash Refunds Price Packs

Trial amount of a product Savings when purchasing specified products Refund of part of the purchase price Reduced prices marked on the label or package


Goods offered free or low cost as an incentive to buy a product

Advertising Specialties

Articles imprinted with an advertiser’s name given as gifts

Major Trade Sales Promotion Tools

Discount Allowance

Trade Sales Promotion Techniques

Trade Allowances Dealer Loaders Trade Contests Point-of-Purchase Displays Trade Shows Training Programs Push Money

Sales Promotion Uses Introduce new products Get existing customers to buy more Attract new customers Combat competition Maintain sales in off season Increase retail inventories Tie in advertising and personal selling Enhance personal selling efforts

Major functions of promotion 4 more major functions: Encoding Advertising Agencies creating radio commercials, TV commercials, prepare direct mail pieces, sales pitch etc Decoding Consumer interprets message. Understanding the target market's perception process is critical. Response Reaction of the receiver buy or not to buy. Feedback Response communicated back to the sender 1-800 #s, increase in sales. Number of customers in show room etc


d e m h A m a y a h K d Sye

Budget Things




38 gm



0.10 gm



2.00 gm


In 24 packet





Show box

912 gm


Master carton

10944 gm


Over head




Our Expenses Expenses on 24 packet Expenses on 1 box In 1 container 600 box

69.72 Rs 836.64 Rs 501984 Rs

Our Price 1

packet  1 Box  1 carton  1 container

5 Rs 120 Rs 1440 Rs 8,64,000 RS

Commission Distribution 15% 1,29,600 Rs Remain 7,34,400 Rs

Daily Production

600 carton

8 container Expenses distribution 15% Remain

9,91,200 RS 1,03680 Rs 8,87,520 Rs

Total Expenses Remain Promotion 5 % Advertisement 16% Our Profit in 1 month

4,01587 RS 4,85932 Rs 74,373.12 Rs 17,793.8 RS 3.93,621 Rs

Thank You……..

Any Quarry………!!!!

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