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GUNS Dexterity modifier is used for attack rolls. For damage rolls, apply your Dex modifier. All guns are martial weapons. Martial weapon proficiency grants gun proficiency as well. One-Handed Guns Name Light-Caliber Pistol “Nagant” Light-Caliber Pistol “Luger” Heavy-Caliber Pistol “Webley” Heavy-Caliber Pistol “Colt” Two-Handed Guns Name Rifle “Lebel” Rifle “Enfield” Rifle “Ross” Shotgun Two-Man Guns Machine Gun Ammunition and Extras Name Light Pistol Ammo (Box, 50) Heavy Pistol Ammo (Box, 50) Rifle Ammo (Magazine, 10) Rifle Ammo (Box, 50) Shotgun Ammo (Box, 20) Machine Gun Ammo (Crate, 600) Spare Pistol Magazine Bayonet Attachment

Cost 25 gp 35 gp 30 gp 45 gp

Damage 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8

Critical 19-20/x2 x2 19-20/x2 x2

Range Increment 60 ft. 60 ft. 90 ft. 90 ft.

Weight 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 3 lbs.

Damage Type Piercing Piercing Piercing Piercing

Cost 75 gp 60 gp 70 gp 125 gp

Damage d10 d10 2d6 Special 1

Critical x2 19-20/x2 x2 x3

Range Increment 1000 ft. 900 ft. 800 ft. 20 ft.

Weight 10 lbs. 10 lbs. 14 lbs. 8 lbs.

Damage Type Piercing Piercing Piercing Piercing


Special 2


450 ft.

30 lbs.


Cost 5 gp 8 gp 1 gp 5 gp 4 gp N/A 1 gp 5 gp

Damage N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1d4

Critical N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x2

Range Increment N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Weight 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 15 lbs. < 1 lb. 1 lb.

Damage Type Piercing Piercing Piercing Piercing Piercing Piercing N/A Piercing

Special #1: Shotgun Damage Due to the widespread blast pattern of shotguns, damage is determined differently. Range Increment: The distance between the shooter and the target. Shotguns have the same range increments as thrown weapons (as in, 5 maximum increments). Damage on Hit: The amount of damage dealt to the target. On top of range increment penalties, damage dice are subtracted as the distance grows longer between the shot and its target. Damage on Miss: The amount of damage dealt to the target if the attack roll misses by 5 points or less. (Ex: A roll of 12 against AC 17.) Damage dice are severely decreased, and range increment penalties still apply. If the attack roll misses by 6 points or more, no damage is done. Chance of Added Targets Hit: Beyond the first range increment, additional targets standing near the chosen target (within 5 feet) may be hit by the shotgun blast. If the d% rolls within the ranges for each target, the initial attack roll is applied to the additional targets' AC scores to determine if there's a hit. On a miss (within 5 AC), only half damage is dealt. Range Increment Damage on Hit Damage on Miss (within 5) Chance of Added Targets Hit (DM info only) 0-20 ft. 6d6 3d6 25% (1-25) for each target (3d6 damage if hit) 21-40 ft. 5d6-2 2d6-2 20% (1-20) for each target (2d6-2 damage if hit) 41-60 ft. 4d6-4 2d6-4 10% (1-10) for each target (2d6-4 damage if hit) 61-80 ft. 3d6-6 0 0% 81-100 ft. 2d6-8 0 0% Special #2: Machine Gun Damage All attacks made with machine guns are full-round actions. They require two people to operate, one gunner and one loader. The loader's job is simple: Continue feeding ammunition belts into the gun. This requires a Dexterity check (DC 10) or else the gun will jam. A jammed gun requires a full-round action and a DC 10 Strength check to unjam. The gunner's is only slightly more complex. The gunner rolls 10d6, adding in half his Base Attack Bonus and Dex modifier. The sum of these rolls is the number of shots (out of 60) that hit. In the event that the sum is greater than 60, then the maximum number of shots hit and the gun jams by chewing up the ammunition belt. Whenever the gun jams, the gunner must stop shooting and hold the gun steady so the loader can unjam it. Every successful shot deals 1d8 damage to its target. If a single target takes 50 points of damage or more, it has to make a

Death from Massive Damage roll (Fortitude save, DC 15+2 for every 5 damage points over 50) or instantly die. SPECIAL RULES Name Ammo Capacity Reload Time Additional Game Info Light-Caliber Pistol Type “Nagant” 7-round cylinder Full Round 1 Light-Caliber Pistol Type “Luger” 8-round magazine Move or Full Round 1, 2 Heavy-Caliber Pistol Type “Webley” 6-round cylinder Full Round 1 Heavy-Caliber Pistol Type “Colt” 8-round magazine Move or Full Round 1, 2 Rifle Type “Lebel” 10-round bolt action magazine Swift or Full Round 1, 3, 4 Rifle Type “Enfield” 6-round bolt action clip Swift or Move Action 1, 4 Rifle Type “Ross” 5-round bolt action clip Swift or Move Action 1, 4 Shotgun 5-round pump action magazine Swift or Full Action 1, 4 Machine Gun 500-round ammo belt Special N/A Additional Game Info: 1- This weapon is applicable for the “Rapid Reload” feat. See the modified version below. 2- Pistols with magazine-feed systems have different reload times. If the magazine is dropped from the gun before being switched, the action is only a move action. (Swift to eject the empty magazine, move action to reload. There is a 50% chance of the empty magazine being lost if dropped.) If the magazine is caught and put away, the action takes a full-round action. (Move to catch, standard to reload.) 3- This weapon has a bayonet attachment. Attacking with the bayonet in melee range provokes no attacks of opportunity. 4- Firing this weapon at an enemy within melee range provokes attacks of opportunity from it and any other nearby foes. NEW OR MODIFIED FEATS If a feat from the Player's Handbook is not listed here, then the feat remains unchanged and will apply for any gun. Feats listed outside of the Player's Handbook will be dealt with when the need arises. DEFENSIVE SHOT [GENERAL] Prerequisite: DEX 15, Point Blank Shot Benefit: If you fire a two-handed gun at a melee range enemy, you provoke no attacks of opportunity. Normal: Without this feat, whenever you fire a two-handed gun at a foe in melee range, you provoke attacks of opportunity from it and all other melee range enemies. FAR SHOT [GENERAL] Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. Benefit: When you use a projectile weapon, such as a gun, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1-1/2). When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled. This feat does not apply when wielding a shotgun. Special: A fighter may select Far Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats. MANYSHOT [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6 Benefit: As a standard action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30 feet. You may not use this feat with any gun. MOBILE COMBAT [GENERAL] Prerequisite: Drive 1 rank. Benefit: Once per round when your car is hit in combat, you may attempt a Drive check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Drive check result is greater than the opponent’s attack roll. (Essentially, the Drive check result becomes the car's Armor Class if it’s higher than the car's regular AC.) Special: A fighter may select Mobile Combat as one of his fighter bonus feats. MOBILE GUNNERY [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Drive 1 rank, Mobile Combat. Benefit: The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while driving is halved: –2 instead of –4 if your car is taking a double move, and –4 instead of –8 if your car is speeding. Special: A fighter may select Mobile Gunnery as one of his fighter bonus feats. RAPID RELOAD [GENERAL] Choose a type of one- or two-handed gun. You can reload a gun of that type more quickly than normal.

Prerequisite: Weapon Proficiency (gun type chosen). Benefit: The time required for you to reload your chosen type of gun is reduced depending on the feed system. Reload Action Without Rapid Reload With Rapid Reload Placing bullets into a rotating cylinder chamber Full Round Action Move Action1 Dropping a pistol magazine and replacing it Move Action Swift Action Catching a pistol magazine and replacing it Full Action Move Action Operating a turn bolt Swift Action Free Action Reloading a rifle magazine Full Round Action Move Action Replacing a rifle clip Move Action Swift Action Pumping a shotgun Swift Action Free Action Replacing a shotgun magazine Full Round Action Move Action 1 : When taking this action in combat, there is a 20% (1-20) chance of dropping a bullet while reloading. Rolled at the DM's discretion. Special: You can gain Rapid Reload multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of gun. A fighter may select Rapid Reload as one of his fighter bonus feats. RAPID SHOT [GENERAL] Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot. Benefit: You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a –2 penalty. You must use the full attack action to use this feat. Special: A fighter may select Rapid Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats. If this feat is used with a rifle or shotgun, and you do not have the Rapid Reload feat for the selected gun, you may only make a maximum of two attacks, even if you use this feat. WIKI LINKS: All the listed guns are equivilent to the following Wiki links. Light Caliber Pistol “Nagant”: Light Caliber Pistol “Luger”: Heavy Caliber Pistol “Webley”: Heavy Caliber Pistol “Colt”: Rifle “Lebel”: Rifle “Enfield”: Rifle “Ross”: Shotgun: Machine Gun:

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