Guidelines For Managers

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 760
  • Pages: 3

It is the responsibility of each Manager to ensure that each employee understands what is required of them and the standards of performance that they are expected to achieve. This understanding is achieved through the following mechanisms:  Job description—each employee should have a simple statement of his own duties and responsibilities. The job description should be signed by the employee; and the original copy held by HR on the personal file. It is the responsibility of the Manager & Supervisor to review the job description from time to time and where material changes are made to ensure that a revised description, signed by the employee is provided to H.  Personal development plan (PDP)—each employee, including new heirs, should have a current PDP containing specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). It is the responsibility of the Manager both to initiate the PDP and to ensure that the completed PDP is signed by both Manager and employees.  Development Plans—within the PDP, each employee should have recorded the development actions that have been indicated to enable the employee to achieve the KPIs.  On-job discussions and coaching—this is a normal part of the role of the Manager. It is the responsibility of each Manager to inform any employee of a complaint or concern about unsatisfactory performance; and to listen to the explanations and concerns of the employee. In most cases, this will resolve the issue. Where the above normal mechanisms do not lead to the achievement of the required standards of performance, then the following steps should be followed.

 Manager should first check that the concern is not due to an omission or lack of clarity in the job description or PDP. In this case, the document should be amended and the change discussed with the employee.  Manager should assess if there is some cause or obstacle for the employee’s poor performance that is outside the employee’s control and take remedial action.  Manager should consider any options to re-deploy the employee to alternative work within his competence.  Manager should inform the employee verbally of the concern and discuss the reasons and options for improvement. It is important that this should be a conversation with feedback and understanding by both parties. A written record of the verbal conversation should be made, which the employee should be asked to countersign. The original should be sent to HR and recorded in the personal file.  Where performance does not improve sufficiently, the employee should be given an explanation letter in writing and be asked to explain the reasons of his poor performance. NOTICE of explanation should specifically contain the reasons for poor performance of his duties/jobs. After receipt of employee’s reply, Manager/Supervisor should consider the following points: i)

Whether or not further action in shape of warning is required.


Employee needs counseling or any action, taking of remedial measures or training etc. Keeping in view of the above sub-paras: -

If warning is to be served, a formal warning letter in the name of employee concerned be issued, with a copy to HR and Asset Team Leader. Signature of Employee concerned

must be obtained on the office copy of the warning letter for record purposes to avoid further complications, if any, in future.  The review should be conducted at the predefined date. If performance has improved sufficiently, then a record should be made, countersigned by the employee and sent to HR for record in personal file.  If performance in spite of all actions as stated above does not improve and there appears to be no further improvement in the performance of duties upto the required standard, the Manager or Supervisor should submit comprehensive complaint in writing to the competent Authority (it may be a HR Manager or any other Manager) for necessary disciplinary action.  Termination of the contract of employment will be the responsibility of the HR Manager and the Asset Team Leader in accordance with the terms of the employment contract and any relevant legal requirements.  The HR Manager will obtain written legal advice before a final decision is made. Exception:  Nothing in these guidelines shall prevent immediate action being taken by the Manager or Supervisor where performance is judged to breach, or likely to breach, health and safety standards.  Where the poor performance is due to willful misconduct then the issue should be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure. Note: -





responsible for anything done in good faith.



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