Accounting For Managers: Budgeting

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  • Words: 1,061
  • Pages: 17
Accounting for Managers


MBA - 0905 - AFM




 A budget is a monetary and quantitative expression of a

business plans and policies to be pursued in the future period of time.  In the words of Crown and Howard “A budget is a pre-

determined statement of management policy during a given period which provides a standard for comparison with the results actually achieved

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Budget, budgeting and budgetary control

A budget is a blue print of a plan expressed in quantitative terms.

Budgeting is technique for formulating budgets.

Budgetary control refers to the principle, procedures and practices of achieving given objectives through budgets.

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Budget, budgeting and budgetary control

Rowland and William have differentiated the three terms as “budgets are the individual objectives of a department etc., whereas budgeting may be said to be the act of building budgets. Budgetary control embraces all and in addition includes the science of planning the budgets to effect an overall management tool for the business planning and control”

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Objectives of budgetary control

To ensure planning for future by setting up various budgets

To co-ordinate the activities of different departments

To operate various cost centers and departments with efficiency and economy

Elimination of waste and increase in profitability

To anticipate capital expenditures for future

To centralize the control system

Correction of deviations form the established standards

Fixation of responsibility of various individuals in the organization.

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Requisites for a successful budgetary control system

Clarifying objectives

Proper delegation of authority and responsibility

Proper communication system

Participation of all employees



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Essentials of budgetary control

Organization for budgetary control

Budget centers

Budget manual

Budget officer

Budget committee

Budget period

Determination of key factor

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Advantages of budgetary control

 Maximization of profit  Co-ordination  Tool for measuring performance  Economy  Determining weakness  Corrective action  Consciousness  Reduces cost  Introduction of incentive schemes

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Uncertain future

Revision required

Discourages efficient persons

Problem of co-ordination

Conflict among different departments

Depends upon support of top management

MBA - 0905 - AFM



Types of budgets

Fixed budget

Flexible budget

Cash budget

MBA - 0905 - AFM



Fixed budget

According to I.C.W.A London “Fixed budget is a budget which is designed to remain unchanged irrespective of the level of activity actually attained”

The fixed budgets are prepared for a given level of activity, he budget is prepared before the beginning of the financial year. If the financial year starts in January then the budget will be prepared a month or two earlier.

The changes in expenditure arising out of the anticipated changes will not be adjusted in the budget.

MBA - 0905 - AFM



Flexible budget

A flexible budget consists of a series of budgets for different level of activity. It therefore varies with the level of activity attained. A flexible budget is prepared after taking into consideration unforeseen changes in the conditions of the business.

A flexible budget is defined as a budget which by recognizing the difference between fixed, semi- fixed, and variable cost is designed to change in relation to the level of activity. The flexible budget will be useful where the level of activity changes from time to time.

MBA - 0905 - AFM



Cash Budget

A cash budget is an estimate of cash receipts and payment during a future period of time.

“ The cash budget is an analysis of flow of cash in a business over a future, short or long period of is a forecast of expected cash intake and outlay.

The cash receipts from various sources are anticipated. The estimated cash collections for sales, debts, bills receivables, interests, dividends and other income and sale of investments and other assets will be taken into account.

MBA - 0905 - AFM



Cash Budget  The amounts to be spent on purchase of materials, and

payment to crs and meeting various other revenue and capital expenditure should be considered. Cash forecast will include all possible sources from which cash will be received and the channels in which payments are to be made so that a consolidated cash position is determined.  The cash budget should be coordinated with other activities of

business. The functional budgets may be adjusted according to the cash budget. The available funds should be fruitfully used so that the concern will not suffer for want of funds.

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Difference between Fixed and Flexible budget Fixed Budget

Flexible Budget

 A fixed budget remains the

 A flexible budget is recast to suit

same irrespective of changed situations. It remains inflexible even if volume of business is changed.

the changed circumstances. Suitable adjustments are made if the situation demands.

 A fixed budget assumes that the

 This budget is changed if the

 In fixed budget costs are not

 The costs are studied as per

conditions will remain constant.

classified according to their nature.

MBA - 0905 - AFM

level of activity varies.

their nature. I.e. fixed, variable, semi-variable. Budgeting


Difference between Fixed and Flexible budget Fixed Budget

Flexible Budget

If the level of activity changes then budgeted and actual results cannot be compared because of change in basis.

The budgets are redrafted as per the changed volume and a comparison between budgeted and actual figures will be possible.

Forecasting of accurate results is difficult

Under changed circumstances cost cannot be ascertained

Flexible budgets clearly show the impact of expenses on operations and it helps in making accurate forecast.

The cost can be easily ascertained under different level of activity.

MBA - 0905 - AFM



Practical Problems

Problems 1,2,3,4,13,14 and 15 Management accounting –R K Sharma and Shashi K Guptha

MBA - 0905 - AFM



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