Guidelines And Compensation

  • October 2019
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Introducing the New Plexus Compensation Plan This unique compensation plan will make your Plexus Pink experience

PREDICTABLE, PROFITABLE, REWARDING and FUN!! Here’s what to love about this plan... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8.

Fair and simple to understand Easy to see how to increase your income Offers you diversified opportunities to profit Pays out a guaranteed 50% of the gross product sales Makes it easy to build a solid base of loyal customers Provides you special incentives for expanding your network Gives you additional incentives for assuming a leadership role Pays you weekly and monthly

If you are currently a Plexus Ambassador and want to see how this plan deals with transferring you into the new plan and how it deals with some of the features you had with the Binary Plan, please turn page 12 of this presentation. All your questions are answered there. 4 ways to build your business and your income... 1.Find retail and preferred customers 2.Find like-minded entrepreneurs 3.Support your organization by helping them find new customers and new Ambassadors. 4.Provide leadership through regular training, conference calls, meetings and general support and ongoing contact.

The Basics Guaranteed Payout Each Month We’re proud to introduce the Plexus 50% payout guarantee! Every month, 50% of company’s revenue from gross product sales will be put into one of the three pools described below. All the money in these pools will be distributed to qualified Ambassadors every month: The Ambassador Pool: 45% 45% of the company’s gross product sales will be put into the Ambassador Pool. This is the pool from which all qualified Ambassadors will earn income.


Emerald Pool: 3% 3% of the company’s gross product sales will go into this pool and will be reserved for and paid out exclusively to Ambassadors who have achieved Emerald status. Diamond Pool: 2% 2% of the company’s gross product sales will go into this pool. Diamond status is the pinnacle of achievement in the new Plexus rewards plan and will generously reward those who have earned their share through personal effort and organizational support. Diamond qualified Ambassadors will also retain their share of the Emerald Pool. Note: If no Ambassadors qualify for Emerald and/or Diamond status the funds from those pools will be included and paid out via the Ambassador Pool. This guarantees that each month 50% of the company’s gross product sales will be paid to the Ambassadors. How to Qualify In order to earn commissions and bonuses you must be qualified. Qualify by being current with your $9.95 monthly web-hosting fee and an activated monthly conditional auto-ship for $100. The cancellation of either will result in a loss of income (Fast Start Bonuses & commissions) until reinstated.

What is the dollar value of a Pink Point? The value of a Pink Point is determined by dividing the total number of Pink Points awarded to all Ambassadors in a single month into the total amount of money in the Ambassador Pool for the same month. The value of a Pink Point will vary slightly each month based on the number of Pink Points earned and the amount of money in the Ambassador Pool. Based on the parameters of this new Plexus Com Plan and each qualified member doing only the $100 minimum, it is estimated that the value of each point will never be lower than $1.80. Of course, as personal volumes build through retail sales and preferred customers, Pink Points will also increase in value.


Levels of Achievement in New Plexus Comp Plan 1.Associate – You pay $29.85 to join Plexus as an Associate. As an Associate, you will have your own website and may purchase product at wholesale but may not sponsor others or earn commissions and/or bonuses. Your membership continues as long as you maintain the $9.95 monthly web-hosting fee. Your product purchases will be credited to the ID# of your sponsor. Associates may become Ambassadors simply by activating and maintaining their own conditional auto-ship. 2.Ambassador – You are current with your monthly web-hosting fees and have Conditional Auto-ship for $100 in place. As an Ambassador, you buy products at wholesale, sponsor new Associates/Ambassadors and earn income from Plexus. You earn 50% of Fast Start Bonuses (the other 50% will be paid to your sponsor.) By personally sponsoring and maintaining 1 Ambassador, you earn points on your level 1. 3.Senior Ambassador – Personally sponsor and maintain 2 qualified Ambassadors. In addition to all the benefits of an Ambassador, as a Senior Ambassador, you also receive 100% of Fast Start Bonuses on your personally sponsored Ambassadors, you earn 50% of FSB’s generated by your first-level Ambassadors, and you earn points on your first 3 levels. 4.Silver Ambassador – Personally sponsor and maintain 3 qualified Ambassadors. In addition to all the benefits of a Senior Ambassador, as a Silver Ambassador, you earn points on all 5 levels. You will also receive a “Silver Ambassador” pin and one-time bonus of $100. 5.Gold Ambassador – Personally sponsor and maintain 4 qualified Ambassadors and have a minimum of 100 Pink Points. In addition to all the benefits of a Silver Ambassador, as a Gold Ambassador you also receive a “Gold Ambassador” pin and one-time bonus of $250. Note: Current Senior Ambassadors will be grandfathered into the new comp plan as Gold Ambassadors. They will receive a gold pin but not the $250 bonus. 6.Ruby Ambassador – Personally sponsor and maintain 5 Ambassadors and have a minimum of 500 Pink Points. In addition to all the benefits of a Gold Ambassador, as a Ruby Ambassador, you will receive a “Ruby Ambassador” pin and a one-time bonus of $500. 7.Emerald Ambassador -- Personally sponsor and maintain 5 Ambassadors and have a minimum of 1,500 Pink Points per month. You receive an “Emerald Ambassador” pin and share in the Emerald Bonus Pool.


8.Diamond Ambassador -- Personally sponsor and maintain 10 Ambassadors and have a minimum of 5,000 Pink Points per month. You receive a “Diamond Ambassador” pin and share in the Diamond Notes: 1.Personal qualification via monthly web-hosting and monthly conditional auto-ship is required for all levels except Associate. 2.Gold, Ruby, Emerald and Diamond Ambassadors will have access to Leadership Training and Training Materials. This Leadership Program is currently being developed and is being designed to help Ambassadors at these levels to grow their businesses dramatically.

Nine Ways to Earn 1. Sponsoring New Ambassadors Each new qualified Ambassador that you sponsor into Plexus Pink, will position you to earn 5 Pink Points every month in which they are qualified except for the first month. If, upon joining the new Ambassador makes a product purchase, thereby generating a Fast Start Bonus for their sponsor, no Pink Points will be awarded until the following month because the 50% of the revenue created by that product purchase was paid out as an FSB, and is therefore not available to be included in the pools. 2.Organizational Sponsoring By assisting Ambassadors in your organization to sponsor new Ambassadors you (and they) will be awarded 5 Pink Points (based on product purchase) for every month the new Ambassador is qualified. Each month, you will earn 5 Pink Points for every qualified Ambassador up to 5 compressed levels throughout your organization. Compression is achieved by disregarding unqualified Ambassadors during the commission calculation and counting ONLY the qualified members. This concentrates activity by eliminating unqualified positions and maximizes payout and your total Pink Points. Further details are found towards the end of this document. Qualifying for Levels 1.Sponsor 1 qualified Ambassador – earn Pink Points on the 1st level. 2.Sponsor 2 qualified Ambassadors – earn Pink Points on levels 1 – 3. 3.Sponsor 3 qualified Ambassadors – earn Pink Points on levels 1 – 5. Income Examples If you sponsored 3 Ambassadors and everyone in your organization duplicated your efforts, your organization would look like the one below. For every Ambassador in your qualified levels, you would earn 5 Pink Points.


Everyone Sponsors 3 Ambassadors Level 1 2 3 4 5

Number of Ambassadors 3 9 27 81 243 363

Pink Points Awarded 15 45 135 405 1215 1815

Under this scenario, if you had sponsored 3 Ambassadors, you would be paid 5 levels down. As you can see, you would have a total of 363 Ambassadors in the first 5 levels of your organization and you would earn 1815 Pink Points. Qualifying for Level 1 If you sponsored only 1 Ambassador, you would earn points on level 1 only and, as you would only have one Ambassador available to you, you would be awarded 5 Pink Points and would receive a minimum check of $9. Qualifying for Levels 1-3 By sponsoring 2 qualified Ambassadors you would be paid on levels 1, 2 and 3. You would be awarded 10 Pink Points for level one and, if you had 9 and 27 Qualified Ambassadors on Levels 2 and 3, respectively, you would be awarded a total of 190 Pink Points (10+45+135= 190) for a minimum check of $342. Qualifying for All 5 Levels By sponsoring 3 qualified Ambassadors you would earn on all 5 levels and be awarded 1815 Pink Points and receive a minimum check for $3,267. Note: By personally sponsoring 5 Ambassador and having that effort duplicated throughout your organization, you would be awarded 19,525 Pink Points and you would receive a minimum check for $35,145. We will show you those numbers at the end of this comp plan presentation.

3. Fast Start Bonus (FSB) Whenever a new Ambassador joins Plexus ($29.85 + "Welcome Pack" purchase) a $50 FSB is generated. The "Welcome Pack" (WP) is available for purchase ONLY as part of the sign-up process and cannot be purchased at a later date or


as a separate transaction. That Fast Start Bonus will be paid out at the end of the following week. (For details on the Welcome Pack please see “First Product Order;” near the end of the comp plan presentation.) Volume generated by the WP purchase does not go into the Ambassador, Emerald or Diamond pools as that 50% is paid out as the FSB instead. Additionally, no Pink Points are awarded for that month but will be awarded in the second and subsequent months provided that the new Ambassador remains qualified. Payout of the FSB is as follows: 1) If the sponsor has not yet achieved the level of Senior Ambassador, they will earn 50% of the FSB, that is, $25 and the remaining $25 will roll up to the next qualified Ambassador. 2) If the sponsor is a Senior Ambassador, they will earn the full $50 FSB and no roll-up will occur. In other words, all qualified Ambassadors are eligible to receive roll-up FSB's, however, only qualified Senior Ambassadors earn the full $50 FSB on WP sales of their personally sponsored Ambassadors. Note: An Ambassador can achieve Senior Ambassador by personally sponsoring 2 new qualified Ambassadors, or, upgrading 2 personally sponsored Associates to Ambassador status. Associates do not count toward the rank of Senior Ambassador. 4. Retail Sales Rewards If you are retail oriented, perhaps you are a business owner or healthcare professional with existing clients/customers and you wish to become a Plexus Pink Ambassador, you can earn generously through the Retail Sales Rewards Program; building a network is not required. Here’s how it works: As an Ambassador you will have your own Plexus replicated website and be able to purchase products at wholesale. You will be able to offer your retail customers two options; purchase directly from you out of stock on hand, or, purchase on-line through your Plexus website via credit card. Either way, all product purchase made via your ID# create personal volume (PV). As your monthly PV builds so does your retail sales reward percentages.

Retail Sales Rewards Schedule Volume for Pay Period Percentage Earned Up to $100 in PV 0% From $101 to $499 15% From $500 to $999 20% From $1000 and up 25%


For example, if you are in a position to retail large volumes of product and order 100 jars of Breast Cream, you would generate $3,000 PV and at the end of the month would be paid the following: Volume for Pay Period Percentage Earned Up to $100 in PV 0% From $101 to $499 15% From $500 to $999 20% From $1000 to $3,000 25% Total Retail Sale Reward Earned

Money Earned $0.00 $59.70 $99.80 $500.00 $659.50

Of course, you also earn retail profit on retail sales you make directly from stock-on-hand. By purchasing Breast Cream in bulk for $30 and retailing for an average price of $44.95, you would make an additional profit of $14.95 per jar. Retailing Profit

100 x $14.95 = $1495.00

Combining the two amounts you would earn: Retail Sales Rewards $659.50 Retail Profit on Sales $1495.00 Total earnings for the month $2,154.50 Note: Funds for the Retail Sales Rewards are taken directly out of the Ambassador Pool and are not included in determining the value of a Pink Point. However, because retail sales add to the total funds in the Ambassador pool, they actually increase the value of Pink Points.

5. Retail Bonus Income If you sponsor an Ambassador that earns Retail Sales Rewards, you will receive a Retail Bonus as well as Pink Points. That Retail Bonus will be 5% of the qualifying retail sales over $100.


For clarification, if you sponsored that Ambassador who purchased $3,000 worth of product in one month, you would earn 5 Pink Points for that Ambassador but, you would also earn a Retail Bonus equal to 5% of the PV over $100 or 5% of $2,900. Retail Bonus of 5% of $2,900 = $145. This amount would be added to your monthly check. 6. Emerald Pool Bonus The Emerald Pool is funded with 3% of the company’s gross product sales and is divided equally among the Ambassadors who qualify. To participate in the Emerald Pool you need to personally sponsor and maintain 5 Qualified Ambassadors and have a minimum of 1500 Pink Points in a given month. 7.Diamond Pool Bonus The Diamond Pool is funded with 2% of the company’s gross product sales and is divided equally among those Ambassadors who qualify. To participate in the Diamond Pool, you need to personally sponsor and maintain 10 Qualified Ambassadors and have a minimum of 5000 Pink Points in a given month. Obviously, if an Ambassador qualifies for the Diamond Pool, they would automatically qualify for the Emerald Pool. 8. Preferred Customer Program Note: Because of the high cost of international shipping, the Preferred Customer Program will be slightly different for each country. What is presented here is the Preferred Customer Program for the USA. Note: Details of Preferred Customer Programs for other countries are currently being developed and will be added to the program as soon as they are finalized. Preferred Customer Program Offers Huge Opportunity Most people that express an interest in the Breast Cream and the BCK may only want to become a retail or preferred customer, at least to begin with. From there, many will decide to join your network. Those taking advantage of the Preferred Customer program will automatically receive a jar of Breast Cream every month and pay the Preferred Customer price of $40 plus $6 shipping for a total cost of, $46.

There Are 4 Specific Benefits From Having Preferred Customers: Benefit #1: The wholesale volume created by their purchases is applied towards your conditional auto-ship. Therefore, with 2 preferred customers you will only need to make your personal product purchase ($40) in order to satisfy the condi-


tional auto-ship requirement as the remainder of the $100 requirement will be covered by the purchases of your preferred customers. Benefit #2: Whenever your personal and preferred customer purchases exceed $100 for the month, you will receive retail rewards as described in the retail rewards section. Benefit #3: Based on industry statistics, distributors (and companies) who have a strong customer base enjoy long-term stability and income. Benefit #4: As preferred customers share their product testimonials and create interest in others, many will naturally want to join your network and become Ambassadors.

The Preferred Customer Program in Action! This Preferred Customer Program is so important, let’s look at an example; if you had 5 Preferred Customers who each ordered one jar of Breast Cream on AutoShip each month, here’s how would benefit immediately; Benefit #1: Your personal product purchase of only $40 would qualify you each month. That saves you $60. Benefit #2 – you would earn an additional retail bonus of 15% on the amount income over $101. Here’s how that would look: Your personal volume Volume from 5 Preferred Customers Total Volume for the month

$40 $200

5 x $40 $240

Retail Sales Reward is 15% of amount over $100 15% of $140 = $21 Total Benefit to you for having 5 Preferred customers: Savings on Qualification $60 Earnings on Retail Sales Reward $21 Dollar Benefit to you $81 Here’s another way to look at that: Your personal product is FREE every month!! And, that should be your first goal – FREE PRODUCT! Benefit #3: The more Preferred Customers you have, the more stable your business. And, if you help the Ambassadors in your organization to do the same as you have done, your entire organization enjoys stability. You can count on your check coming and growing month after month after month.


Benefit #4: If every two months, one Preferred Customer decides to become a Plexus Ambassador, your organization would be growing steadily and so would your check! Furthermore, if every two months each of the Ambassadors in your organization had one Preferred Customer decide to become an Ambassador, you would see massive growth in your organization. 9. Earn a Diamond Re-Entry Position When you achieve Diamond Ambassador, you earn the opportunity to re-enter the program with an additional (second) position that will be placed first level (direct) to your original position. Your re-entry position operates precisely as your original position and is subject to all of the same guidelines, qualifications and policies. The re-entry position is extremely valuable because it allows you to double-leverage the earning power of the network you build below it via both your original and re-entry positions.

HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR EARNINGS Our goal is to do whatever we can to see that you earn as much as you can from Plexus Pink. As we said at the beginning, we want your Plexus Pink experience to be PREDICTABLE, PROFITABLE, REWARDING AND FUN! There is one simple rule for maximizing your earnings: DON’T JUST DO THE MINIMUM – MAKE A MAXIMUM EFFORT! Everyone Sponsors 3 If you did just the minimum and only personally sponsored 3 Ambassadors and everyone in your organization did the same thing, it would look like this: Level 1 2 3 4 5

Number of Ambassadors 3 9 27 81 243 363

Pink Points Awarded 15 45 135 405 1215 1815

And, as we have seen, if you were paid on all 5 levels, you would have 1815 Pink Points and would earn a minimum check of 1815 X $1.80 = $3267. Everyone Sponsors 4 If you stretched yourself and personally sponsored 4 Ambassadors and everyone in your organization took your lead and did the same, here’s how the numbers would look. Level 1 2 3

Number of Ambassadors 4 16 64

Pink Points Awarded 20 80 320 2

4 5

256 1024

1280 5120

1364 6820 In this scenario, you would earn a minimum check of 6820 X $1.80 = $12,276 Everyone Sponsors 5 As you can see by the example above, just by everyone stretching themselves a little, you income went up 4 times – from approximately $3,000 to $12,000. We said that you one of the ways to build your business was to help others to sponsor new Ambassadors. Well, what would happen if you set the example by personally sponsoring 5 Ambassadors and worked with those in your organization and helped them do the same? It would be well worth the effort. Look what happens: Here is an example of an organization with everyone personally sponsoring 5 Ambassadors. Level 1 2 3 4 5

Number of Ambassadors 5 25 125 625 3125 3905

Pink Points Awarded 25 125 625 3125 15625 19525

If this was your organization, you would receive a minimum check for the month for 19,525 X $1.80 = $35,145. ***************************************



When the new Plexus Comp Plan is officially launched, everyone (along with their organization) will be transferred into the new comp plan automatically. This transfer will be based on line of sponsorship and will be diligently followed. Ambassadors that you’ve personally sponsored will appear on your first level. Ambassadors that your personally sponsored Ambassadors have sponsored will appear on your second level, etc. etc. Sponsoring New Ambassadors is different New Ambassadors Can Join Plexus for only $29.85!! Yes, it’s true!! New Ambassadors can sign up in Plexus for $29.85. This amount will pay for their web-hosting fees for the first 3 months. This sign-up procedure does not include any product and does not entitle a person to earn income. To earn income new Ambassadors must be qualified with both web-hosting and $100 Conditional Auto-ship in place. First Product Order. At the time of enrollment, the new Ambassador enjoys a one-time opportunity to buy our special “Welcome Pack” value priced at $99. This Welcome Pack offers a super value on Plexus Products and reflects our breast health vision of both products working together. The “Welcome Pack” can only be purchased at the time of joining. The Special Plexus “Welcome Pack” Our special Plexus Welcome Pack contains 3 Breast Creams (BC’s) and 2 Breast Chek Kits ( plus an extra Breast Chek Kit sent free of offset the cost of shipping. This complete package has a retail value of $269.85 and a wholesale value of $209.85. At $99, it is a great bargain. $99 – 3 BC’s with 2 BCK’s + 1 Free BCK to offset shipping. Payout Schedule Under this new Plexus Comp Plan, commission checks will be paid out monthly and will be issued approximately 7 business days after the end of the month. Fast Start Bonuses will be paid weekly. (See below.) Weekly Bonus Checks The Fast Start Bonus is based on product purchase and will be paid weekly approximately one week after the bonus was earned. Full Compression – a feature that is designed to pay you more money!! If an Ambassador in your organization fails to qualify in a given month, two things will happen:


First, any volume (points) in their Ambassadorship will roll up to the next qualified Ambassador above them and be credited to that qualified Ambassador. Second, during the commission calculation, their position will temporarily disappear and the next qualified Ambassador will roll-up and take that position. So, Ambassadors in your organization who are not qualified but who have qualified Ambassadors underneath them will be ignored by the comp plan when it comes to calculating commissions. The comp plan will simply move up or “compress” a qualified Ambassador and their Pink Points into the spot occupied by the unqualified Ambassador. This will not affect the overall downline structure but will ensure that you don’t lose income because an Ambassador in your organization has failed to qualify for that month. Existing Gifted Positions If you currently have a Gifted Position, that will be carried forward into the new comp plan. However, as July 31st, 2009, if there is no qualified Ambassador sponsored under that Gifted Position, it will be deleted. Banked Volume Volume that is currently banked in the Binary Plan, cannot be transferred over to the new Plexus Comp Plan. A number of options were investigated and none were acceptable because they took money away from the bulk of Ambassadors. With a guaranteed payout of 50% of gross product sales, our calculations indicate that this will make for bigger checks to Ambassadors and will more than compensate for what appears to be an initial loss. Conditional Auto-Ship Protection is EVEN BETTER!!! The $100 Plexus Conditional Auto-Ship is designed to protect Ambassadors against accidentally missing their monthly qualification. For example, if you already have $100 PV by your auto-ship date, Conditional Auto-Ship will NOT be executed and will be moved forward to the next month. If you do NOT have $100 PV by your auto-ship date, Conditional Auto-Ship will automatically execute a qualifying purchase on your behalf. Here’s the NEW FEATURE about the Conditional Auto-Ship Program: if you have a minimum of $40 PV from personal purchases the new conditional AutoShip program will purchase only enough product to make up the difference between your present and required monthly PV. For instance, if you have been purchasing one jar of cream yourself each month, you would have $40 PV towards your monthly qualification. If by month’s end you had no further purchases credited to your ID# the Conditional Auto-Ship program would not execute a product purchase of $100, but rather, two more jars of breast cream for $80 as that would fulfill the $100 monthly requirement. New Dates of Conditional Auto-Ship


Ambassadors can select any day of the month to be the date of their Conditional Auto-Ship. However, because we are now with a monthly pay plan instead of a weekly pay plan, we would recommend a date towards the end of each month. When we transfer everyone into the new Plexus Comp Plan, we will make the 25th of the month as everyone’s auto-ship date. In this way, if there should be some problem with an Ambassador’s credit card, there will be time to remedy the problem before the end of the month. If an Ambassador wishes to have their Conditional Auto-Ship registered on a different date than the 25th, they can simply make that adjustment in their online office. Balancing Legs The need to balance legs will not be a requirement of this new Plexus Comp Plan. You will receive Pink Points for Qualified Ambassadors anywhere in your organization within the levels you qualify for. If you are qualified to earn Pink Points on your first three levels, all qualified Ambassadors within your first three levels will earn you 5 Pink Points each. Losing Emerald or Diamond Status If for some reason in a given month an Ambassador fails to qualify for their Emerald or Diamond status, they will still retain their title but they will not participate in the bonus pool(s) until they re-qualify as an Emerald or a Diamond Ambassador.

Know Now Foundation The Know Now Foundation is not a focus of the New Plexus Comp Plan because it falls into the realm of direct sales and is not really network marketing. Nevertheless, Plexus will continue to honor the work of those Ambassadors who present Know Now Foundation agreements. There will only be a slight change in how the payments are handled: The KNF price of BCK’s will be $30 and Plexus will provide the same 50% matching gift. As before, the Ambassador will receive $5 for each BCK purchased for $30 (bonuses are not paid on BCK matching gifts). The $5 KNF bonus will be paid to the Ambassador first, leaving a balance of $25. 50% of that amount will be placed in the Ambassador Pools. The Ambassador will be credited with that amount in sales volume and, as per the new comp plan, the Ambassador will also be paid a Retail Sales Reward from 15% up to 25%, depending on the amount of the sale.


And, also in keeping with the new comp plan, the first Qualified Ambassador above the Ambassador completing the KNF Sale will receive a Retail Bonus of 5%. Here’s an example of a KNF Sale Let’s suppose an Ambassador arranged a sale of 100 BCK’s. The company would add 50 BCK’s to that purchase and the sale would generate $3,000. Amount of Sale Direct commission to Ambassador = $5 x 100 Balance

$3000 $500 $2,500

Amount placed in Ambassador Pools = 50% of $2,500


Retail Sales Reward paid to Ambassador Up to $100 in PV 0% From $101 to $499 15% From $500 to $999 20% From $1000 to $2,500 25% Total Retail Sale Reward Earned

$0.00 $59.70 $99.80 $375.00 $534.50

Total Amount earned by Ambassador $500 + $534.50= $1,034.50 Upline earns a Retail Bonus on KNF Sale Under the new comp plan, the first qualified Ambassador above the Ambassador completing the KNF sale would earn a Retail Bonus based on 5% of $2,500 or $125.00 Note: the amounts of $534.50 and $125 will be deducted from the Ambassador Pool before the value of a Pink Point is calculated for the month. Like other large retail sales, a KNF sale will increase the value of a Pink Point for the month. Retail Policy for Plexus Pink Products Because Plexus Pink has chosen to market its products through network marketing there are restrictions on whom, how, and where Plexus Pink Products may be sold Only registered Plexus Pink Ambassadors in good standing are permitted to represent the company and its products. As an Ambassador, you may retail products to individuals with whom you come into contact. However, there are restrictions that apply to business owners with retail locations and wish to sell Plexus products through that retail location. Here is the rule of thumb: If your customers (clients, patients, etc.) come to your place of business (or your practice) by way of an appointment, you may inventory and sell Plexus products, and sponsor other Ambassadors, at that location.


However, if you are a retail location and your customers drop in “off the street” – i.e. without an appointment – then, you are not permitted to display or sell Plexus products via that location, but can operate as an individual according to the established network marketing model. This policy is designed for the benefit and protection of all Ambassadors and will be strictly enforced. Internet Sales of Plexus Products The sale of Plexus Products via the internet is banned except by way of the replicated web-sites that the company provides for its Ambassadors. Again, for the protection of the Ambassadors and the company, this policy will be strictly enforced.


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