Group Members: Muhammad Farooq 3440 M. Khalil Hussain 3443 Muhammad Imran 3441

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  • Words: 766
  • Pages: 22



The act or process or an instance of coming together; an encounter. An assembly or gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose. “Two or more people come together for the purpose of discussing a (usually) predetermined topic such as business or community event planning, often in a formal setting.”


FORMAL MEETING AND ITS TYPES  Organizational meeting  Operational meeting

TYPES OF MEETINGS  Status Meeting  Work Meetings  Team meeting  Adhoc meeting  Management meeting  Board meeting  One-on-one meeting


Stand-up meeting Breakfast meeting Off-site meeting Lunch meeting Lab meeting

MEETING FREQUENCY  A one-time meeting  Recurring meeting  Series meeting

PREPARATION OF MEETING/ CONFERECE  Give the notice of meeting  Appropriate & skilled minute taker  Option for dates and venues  Invitation to full list of people  Time for discussion  Accommodation and refreshment  Preparation of minute taker  Preparation of agenda  Minute taker in arrangement  Preparation of paper work and reports  Make sure that minute taker is aware regarding distribution of any paper  Clarity for the performance of work  Provision of appropriate support

Basic Guide to Conducting Effective Meetings/ Tips for Meeting Management  Select a moderator  Selecting Participants  Don't depend on your own judgment about who should come  If possible, call each person to tell them about the meeting  Follow-up your call with a meeting notice  Send out a copy of the proposed agenda  Have someone designated to record important actions

Agenda  Developing Agendas  Design the agenda  include the type of action needed  Ask participants if they'll commit to the agenda  Keep the agenda posted  Don't overly design meetings  Think about how you label an event

Opening Meetings & Conferences  Always start on time  Welcome  Review the agenda  Will meeting recorder take minutes  Model the kind of energy  Clarify your role (s)

Establishing Ground Rules for Meetings & Conferences Four powerful ground rules are: participate,

get focus, maintain momentum and reach closure. (You may want a ground rule about confidentiality.)  List your primary ground rules on the agenda.  If you have new attendees who are not used to your meetings, you might review each ground rule. Keep the ground rules posted at all times.

Before the Meeting to Ensure Effective Meetings Take minutes Plan the Meeting Make Sure You Need a Meeting Ensure Appropriate Participation at

the Meeting Evaluate the meeting Distribute and Review Pre-work Prior to the Meeting

DURING THE MEETING/ CONFERENCE Participation of Minute Takers Circulation of attendance sheet

Introducing of minute taker as a part of meetin Continue to the agreed agenda Clarification by minute taker Break intervals in meeting Summarization of the agreed actions All issues are clarified during meeting

During the Meeting to Ensure Effective Meetings Effective Meeting Facilitation

Time Management The most difficult facilitation Ask attendees to help you to manage

time when planned time on the agenda is getting out of hand?

Meeting Room Setup  Classroom style

 Theatre style

 Conference style

 U-Shape

 Board room

Presentation in Meetings/ Conferences What is it? Why use it? How to use it:  Before the Presentation Understand Decide Plan Practice Be


During the Presentation  KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)  Make Your Points Strong  Use Visuals  Make Eye Contact  Build in Extra Time

Evaluations of Meeting Process Get the feedback during the meeting Satisfaction checks

How to Best Convey Your Message What is it? Why use it? How to use it:  A Speech or Lecture  A Workshop  A Discussion

 A Group Activity  Use audio visual techniques

Managing Meeting Problems  Long-Windedness  Involving the Silent

Conclusion of Meeting Closing Meeting & Conferences  Always end meetings on time  Review actions and assignments at the end  Clarify the meeting minutes and/or actions

After the Presentation Evaluating the Overall Meeting Leave 5-10 minutes for evaluation Ranking of meeting by member Have chief Executive ranked?

AFTER THE MEETING Thank and debrief the minute taker Appropriate support for any issue Awareness of minute taker about reports Preparation of draft minutes by minute takers Checking and amendment of draft minutes Furnishing the minutes within specified time Helpfulness in future minutes

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