Group Floggers Outside The Flogger Abasto Shopping

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 576
  • Pages: 2
Group floggers outside the Flogger Abasto Shopping.Se known as a trendy teenager originally from Argentina, which is closely related to, a website where you upload photos and where users can comment on them. It has become quite popular among young people, to become almost a habit or lifestyle. [1] The word comes from Flogger "flog", short for Fotolog. The popularity of a photoblog is based on the number of signatures (comments) daily photos and their friends / favorites. The photos uploaded in their respective fotologs usually selfportraits. In Chile they are known as Pokemon .

Attire The style consists mainly of brightly colored pants Maimed (tight jeans or Joggings). The floggers used as the sports shoes or Converse canvas, hair distinguishes them is semi-long in males, and in both genders bangs which cover part or in full, the eyes. It is known as floggers to young fans and lovers of this trend. Some characteristics of floggers is his taste for fashion and brands. They are also known for using marksmen with high waist and Maimed, which is the latest in fashion of floggers and using the same clothes he wore in the past. His aesthetic stereotype earned them enemies from various urban tribes and subcultures, which found that they had stolen elements of their own aesthetic. For example, floggers roling believe stole their characteristic use of frayed handkerchief tied around his neck, and the punks are fighting with the floggers because (besides all the ideological part) believe that these were stolen using the

tight pants Maimed Converse shoes and the Ramones, the legendary American punk rock band, which, especially in Argentina caused a sensation after continuous visits to the country between 1987 and 1996.

Ideology Critical Being seen as a flogger or has been criticized from some social sectors with emphasis on the overexposure of adolescents, noting the special publication of suggestive photos, or sometimes scantily clad as not present a filter for protection, or require a minimum age for registration. [3] However, although there is the possibility of publishing such material is rare, since such pictures are deleted by site administrators and often cause the closure of the flog. The phenomenon also can be criticized for tending to the frivolity and superficiality. [4] The floggers are usually classified as stereotypical and follow a common pattern of behavior and style, so often mocked or rejected by other subcultures youth, primarily from "cumbieros." [5] [6] Other tribes that was criticized for his relationship with fashion, the commercial terms, and lack of social and political ideology were the Roling, punks and metalheads. The floggers are a tribe originating from wealthier socioeconomic sectors, so the people who reject the tribe's also called "Chet" (a term referred to a wealthy young and frivolous, equivalent to the term "strawberry" in Mexico and "preppy" in Spain ). There are cases where a young man who belonged to an urban tribe, left to join the floggers (the subject of the song is "The floggers" cumbia band villera The dog), which is commonly seen as a betrayal or as a way of corrupting the integrity, morals or values of one in exchange for other human sympathy, fame, acceptance into another tribe, or any other personal benefit in contempt of previous friendships ( "sold") . This is evidenced by the criticism they received during the interviews conducted with floggers, where the issue of consumerism on the floggers was the hub of the note.

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