Group Discussion Material Units Iii & Iv

  • October 2019
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NURS 3110 – Dimensions of the Professional Practice TOPICS III. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AS PROVIDER OF CARE A. Nursing process from a professional practice perspective 1. Diagnostic reasoning: diagnostic process a. Holistic assessment of the client 1) Key data: significance 2) Focalized assessment and the relation with nursing diagnosis 3) Critical thinking skills a) Data verification and validity b) Distinguish normal from abnormal c) Distinguish relevant data from irrelevant; identify signs and symptoms (identify key data) d) Group data by areas e) Identify functional or dysfunctional patterns f) Make inferences b. Diagnostic taxonomy 1) Use of standardized language 2) NANDA taxonomy 3) NANDA diagnostic categories 4) Category validation 5) Application in real scenarios 6) Difficulty in the application c. Potential complications and collaborative or interdisciplinary problems 1) Bifocal Clinical Model 2) Interdisciplinary problems 3) Validation and Composition 2. Therapeutic reasoning: planning, implantation and evaluation a.Establishing priorities b.Establishing expected health outcomes c. Taxonomy d.Therapeutic nursing interventions e.NANDA, NIC, NOC articulation and validation f. Critical thinking skills in diagnostic reasoning g.Therapeutic plan and formats h. Evaluation process using health result indicators


20 min 9/8/08 Michelle Bernardino

20 min 9/8/08 Luis Leandry 20 min 9/8/08 Christina Signorino 20 min 9/8/08 Jose A Vargas 20 min 9/10/08 Maria de los Reyes Omar Cedeño

40 min

B. Health education as professional therapeutic interventions (6hrs.) 1. Importance 2. Term distinction 3. Teaching and Learning Process 4. Integrated concepts to the teaching and learning process 5. Therapeutic interventions related to the education process a. Teaching individual (5606) b. Facilitating learning (5620) c. Improving learning disposition (5540)

9/10/08 Omar Chacón Omar Alí 40 min

IV. PROFESIONAL PRACTICE DIMENSION AS CARE COORDINATOR (16 hrs.) A. Fundamentals of leadership and management 1. Leadership a. Definition of the concept b. Leadership role and attributes c. Leadership theories d. Contemporary styles 1) Transactional 2) Transformer 3) Others b. The followers and the leader f. Personal leadership 2. The management process a. Concept definition b. Components of the management process 1) Planning 2) Organization 3) Coordination/direction 4) Control

9/24/08 Victor Rodriguez Glenda Collazo 15 min

9/24/08 Kirisha Williams Aniquewae Callwood 15 min


Distinctive activities per components

9/24/08 Corey Cruz


Paradigm changes in management

9/24/08 Maurice Bryson 15 min


Management styles


Manager as a leader

9/24/08 Ibrahim Ali 9/24/08 Elias Ayala 9/24/08


Planning strategies: key skill of the management process 1) Definitions: vision, values, mission, goals 2) Components 3) Application in given

15 min

15 min 15 min

Ana Zayas 15 min


situations Supervision as a management activity 1) NIC 7830 Personnel Supervision a) Definition b) Supervisor activities 2) Supervision skills 3. Leadership and management communication a. Communication modes in management 1) Upwards 2) Downwards 3) lateral/horizontal 4) diagonal b. Barriers in management communication 1) Poor selection of communication channels 2) Poor expression, oral or written 3) Semantics problems 4) Failure to recognize non verbal signs 5) Physical distractions 6) Status effect h.

c. Strategies to reduce barriers d. Communication and cultural diversity B. Critical skills for care coordination 1. Problem solving and decision making a. Integrated process: decision making and problem solving 1) compare and differentiate 2) utility 3) characteristics 4) critical elements 5) decision making models b. Participating decision making 1) benefits 2) methods 2.

Conflict management in leadership and management a. Conflict object 1) substantial 2) emotional b.

Organization conflict forms 1) Interpersonal 2) Intrapersonal

9/24/08 Abigail Edwards 15min 9/29/08 Jose de Cardona 10 min 9/29/08 Juan Drullat 10 min

9/29/08 Carmen Dacosta 5 min 9/29/08 Tanya Mirtil 5 min

9/29/08 Lisa de Matteo Slavomira Kucerova 15 min 9/29/08 Kisha Edwards 5 min 9/29/08 Ricardo Elie 10 min 9/29/08 Carmen Martinez 10 min


3) Intergroups 4) Interorganizational

c. Conflict consequences 1) positive 2) negative

9/29/08 Abu-Deiab Mohammed 10 min

d. Conflict formation process 1) Latent conflict 2) Perceived conflict 3) Sensed conflict 4) Manifested conflict 5) Resolution or conflict management 6) Conflict affects


e. Strategies to cope with conflict 1) Lose-lose style 2) Win-lose style 3) Win-win style; collaboration




Communication strategies for conflict mediation 1) Persuasion 2) Negotiation

Forming efficient work teams a. Development of group stages 1) factors which influence 2) formation and maintenance b. Constructing effective groups 1) Members 2) Critical elements 3) Facilitate stage development c. Skills for group success 1) Administrative 2) Interpersonal 3) motivation d. Cultural variables and gender


Nursing Delegation a. Importance of nursing b. Establishing priorities c. Five corrects for delegating 1) Correct task 2) Correct person 3) Correct communication 4) Correct circumstances 5) Correct supervision d. Cultural aspects e. NIC: Delegation 1) Definition 2) Activities

Raymond Molina 10 min

Marie A Ramos 10 min 9/29/08 Ivette Gomez 10 min 10/1/08 Lymarie Gonzalez 15 min 10/1/08 Esther Hodge 15 min 10/1/08 Yamaris Ildefonso 15 min 10/1/08 Olga Jimenez 15 min 10/1/08 Jose Marrero Maya Salazar 20 min


C. Quality care and risk management 1. Total quality management process (TQM) a. Conceptualization 1) Total Quality (TQM) 2) Risk management b. components 1) Standard system which describes quality 2) Data collection system to grade met standards a) Retrospective b) Concurrent c) Prospective 3) System to meet standards a) Process b) Results c) Structure c. NIC 7800: Quality Monitoring 1) Definition 2) Activities 2. Risk and Safety Patient Management a. Conceptualization 1) Risks 2) Patient safety

b. Sentinel events of major frequency 1) Types of major frequency 2) Frequent scenarios 3) Statistics of root causes

10/6/08 Juan C Delgado Wilnelia Pomales 15 min 10/6/08 Ruben Roman 15 min

10/6/08 Roger Rivera 15 min 10/6/08 Edgardo Ortiz 15 min 10/6/08 Edgardo Rosa 15 min 10/6/08 Michael Reynoso 15 min

c. National Goals for Patient Safety compliance actions 1) Care provider role 2) Care coordinator role 3) Member of the profession role


b. Leadership organization managing risk and patient safety 1) JCAHO 3) AHCPR 2) ANA 4) Others


Brittney Aponte 15 min

Cecilia Velazquez 15 min


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