.. Grace And Mercy

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By the grace and mercy of god/ess and by the blessings of the true Lord almighty I ask today, which is a full moon, for guidance to help me write through this. Without true knowledge of my true self all is lost in suffering Birth rite Royalty Divinity For those who have walked through this life and realized no one really lives here we are all only guests, no matter the many paths or definite destination, And for whom the bell tolls. May god/ess bless us all. HT WR “Defecto Manifesto.” Classical VS.

The language here is English so I won’t make this too difficult. Although much of the knowledge and wisdom composed herein is derived from international tones I am going to precede in a manner suitable of distribution and transliteration as well as translation as such that no matter how, when or where you read this the core ideology remains intact and humors subjugate. Since the beginning of anyone’s time, people have ruled over one another. This progression has installed upon the generations of humanity as well as intelligent life the need to be something or somebody, there is the question what is it? God. Goddess. Human, animal, man/woman. The constant denial of existence has marked all the speculations as false and rooted among the many the seeds of ultimatums, such as the end are near while there is no end or time is up when it is only a simple frame of the mind. From the beginning till now belief in ourselves and faith upon our alters, mantles or pedestals has driven our consuming impulses, molded our breath’s and speech as so that tolerance of one another and non-judgment might permeate our psyche and lead one and all to soul, ultimately unto destiny and permanently through consciousness. These cycles have been given many names throughout the many centuries and will be given many more in the following years as well, as now the whole world has meet and we are no longer sitting on variables or unknowns when it comes to the simple pretext of our true nature or being and exemplification of this knowledge as such. Everything has now been related to the unity and underlying equilibrium now we must only figure the numbers and wait for the shine; we are now reaching for the star upon which is our shrine. You find throughout our sentimental viewpoints of the magnificent cosmos relays of the centrifugal center as well many genres from the genome contained within it. Jain cosmology centers mount Meru, Mount Olympus in our diocese of gods/esses is quite the story as well with Zeus head of all marked with lightning symbolized on the rock ground as an X dancing upon it. There is also the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus speaks and this speech ending with a house built on a rock where symbolically only moss grows and not trees, like Meru is Manu the writer of the laws who says if low caste read even a word of the holy scriptures their ear’s will be filled with lead such that this will not happen again. Since we have progressed through inbred hierarchy logical critics and emerged with demonstrative government positions something has possessed mankind to not let go of its hold on the past as a resistance to even hearing of such things, a bridge on a widening gap of un-acceptance. The masculine pantheon plays a tremendously vibrant role in this historically with death defilement opposing order perseverance always on the move and tuning flip of coin. Feminine pantheons are also prominent only not educationally socially as life and nature opposed by ignorance; disobedience and disrespect. Topics as these highlight the shadows of our long running insights on the vicarious and introspective principles of duality as such will always be the upmost sincere duality coupling fondly a foot out, taken aback will always be singularity divinely waived by right of unknown reasons.

Forefronts of our modern accomplices into realms unknown multiply as the life bridge of human kind flows along being link and lock provided into recess of one another all with one singularity, instances and resemblances to like kind. No one being can encompass the whole spectrum, facets or aspects of anything similar of which is the almighty lord God/ess therefore our leaps and bounds through the unknown like kinds collide into magnificence displayed singular instances of this upmost sincere gratitude for those who prevail upon love and one another, so close yet so far is a saying which comes to mind, intangible and indescribable beyond comparison or compatibility. Direct God/ess unto yourself because no one else can ultimately compose true scriptural debut in forms and fascinations around the globe instances in The Bible of Christ/ Bhagavad Gita of Krsna its predecessor The Ramayana of Lord Rama recently Bacitra Natak of Guru Gobind Singh as well as many others principally known as sun god/ess with breaks wherein real god/ess is preformed termed communication or communion of mind body and soul respectively, God/ess through the Christ god/less bereft Krnas loving embrace, overcoming all god/ess or not in Rama or prostration of being god/ess truth as Guru Gobind Singh, bowing of your metaphorical/metaphysical head as supplication unto deliverance. All understanding half precedes self betterment called fundamental disposition as figuratively speaking we look to one another and then see only through ourselves yet practices of forgetting and forgiving launched tentative factors disbelieving individual expression therefore as a whole constituting parasitic disbelief. Do you need to become Ram (Lord) like Rama and save love Sita at any cost, a guide as Christ to stand before your virginity as Mary? Loving Krsna to embrace the freed loves spring as Radha? Truth told it’s not up to those incapable or unable who simple and plain prophetically speaking claim is marked another’s name and throughout our being extinguished as easily as nights flame upon sighting of reality and it inexplicably placed defined sentiments placed over these heads and beings no matter their shape or form derivatives at the source only the singularity answer of one, our mused dammed cursed jinx in expression surviving humanity. Cosmology sciences reign indefinitely while infinites prevail until failure forms narrow breaking ends. Kala Kali

TIME. Inside atmosphere our whole world revolves around the predisposition of time, PastConsiderence's and outputs are our speculative future, for of all things this is the vast void and the great unknown of all mankind, Come or gone. We place one foot in front of the next as each and every single entity and like this it is how we will always be, how has

such a small qualification produced such a large quantification? The past fades away, the future will shine on. Only your participation is required to tell otherwise how you can practice the same this is how the story goes. Only god/ess can help you, the drinking of the past is immortality gone away, no matter what or which way you choose to look. Throughout history time has been sized up under many standards and various metaphors such as the popularization upon the color black, sung to the tune of death, paraded as the sun and even envisioned as the wrap, weft or weave of humanity. All different heights and scales has it been shown to and seen such that this may be the greatest wonder of all. Do we really have a say at all in this realm and by what means are we to procure its benefits and/or summon its favors. These are the questions of the times and these are the questions that will withstand the true test of time. Once you have asked time what am I? Everything else crumbles and wilts upon its sides. This is how great something is becoming that is not even of the essence of humanity, for we live and we die. “From ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.” So may we always remember thine true name O lord, for it is what sets us free. Time is money in a material realm, power in an unconscious state, symbolized by darkness and a black cape. With time one thinks to rule all, so as to break from this we provide family and friendship/enmity, blood, fine foods and drinks, our hard earned goods and sometimes even an untimely death in whatever form that be i.e. X. 1friend/foe –death-Space-creation. . Creator. . In the west we all know the metaphors for time as God/ess from the story of Adam and Eve, naked in the Garden of Eden with only one command and everything upside-down for it was not their fruit to bear, yet they made the choice to bear the fruit and from this the story so far goes that humanity does in fact exist even if it is a lie and factually only a very few individuals make the eventuality, of true reality. Eastern mythologies place the God/ess of time as incarnations of a supreme unadulterated being with names, Kali for the feminine Goddess and Kala for the masculine God, whom she has eaten and is now kept inside the concept of her eternal womb. There are also stories about time being summoned to right the wrongs of the ages undone, one such goes “Brahma who created the universe from dreams had incestal thoughts unto seed and daughter and lied to Vishnu whom preserved the cosmos upon being asked the question “have or have not.”. Shiva the king yogi and destroyer of all was told and furious cut off one head from the 5 leaving only 4 remaining so the cut dubbed time cast of the impurities so that now there will be teachings befallen to all, from the head of the created GOD otherwise what good have we done at all? Everything and everyone has a place in time, from our first memories to the most distant hope or dream anywhere. Buddha was born when his mother died and two teachers before -a foster mother and King raised him, until a child was born of this house and the eventual enlightenment proceeded upon the determination and precepts of a full cycle within time. Gautama Buddha became “The Buddha” meaning wise one and taught all, high or low to live as simple sentient beings as to not upset time by placing it upon

another’s head and disturbing the unseen forces beneath. This became the poor’s refuge and the rich’s salvation, if I could say one thing today to the Buddha it would be they (the secular castes) are still just jealous doing nothing and really only god/ess can help them. Gautama Buddha is truly history’s greatest soul all temptations residing outside of our buddhi while duality of our true self provides desires which spring from our own thoughts directed upon others and unable to stem from within. The teachings to not do any evil whatsoever, to cultivate virtue and everything admirable and to fully purify one’s mind said Lord Buddha, become Nirvana; that which is timeless. We bide on time like it is just over the horizon that is further than the eye can see or we can hear or even be, some people are dying to it other killing it, and more are wasting it, spending it, minding it and even borrowing it. Every morning bright and early rise and shine, don’t hit the person, say something. Have a bowl movement and look at the color of your blood. Drink a cup of water and forget you strength and weakness without becoming un-power less. Sit at the shore line and look into the horizon, ask to the witness (Pluto) and tell to the messenger (Mercury) say to the judge “who is calling”. Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh… listen inside and quiet your mind. Stop controlling fate and breathe in your destiny experience this divinity. Shankar symbolized as a cross+, shikar (hunter), sarkar (government), shaker (magnificent) until it is a reality for you. Open and close your fists, rapidly and many times place all the glow of your hand prints upon the imaginative slate and make believe, make you happy. Time is a constant by our side always and somehow managing to nag, prod, pinch or poke us along by its side as well. Have we done something to deserve this temporal temperamental process? I say “die” to its face every morning and evening, as long as I’ ve been this good I think I’ll just skip earth and go straight to Shangri La, Utopia, Atlantis, El Dorado. What the hell am I going to do when I can’t think straight because someone else is still trying to tell me after all this time what I am to do? My head turns and goes angles with angels, my mind burns and goes hell with you, I’ll just hell. “Give you the middle finger.” A spiritual teacher does say “Nothing is given.” An I might say “everything is a given.” Properly, not phonetically to his face. There are lots of differences and similarities among our faiths and beliefs our disciminant mind and pure soul. Some similarities are 2 angels on earth cast from heaven, 2 planets named rahu and ketu or 2 Buddha’s before. Differences are always who is writing this and going to hell or who is coming before me and who is the devil. No matter what language, Diablo, Satan, Lucifer or Sri lanka. The only remaining anonymity is the middle ground, no-man’s (woman’s) land, now the land is holy for one and for all. Only time will really tell, once it does I am here. Watching, waiting in line and listening for the fool who calls rank and shows number where duality bites salvation and liberation stretches borderline sanity. Questions like these arise time and again inside the untrained and immature mind, yes. What is life? Where is God/ess? And who Am I really? Why did you…? Etc. etc. There are always the answers- High on life, “Going with the flow of life” and beyond is the call of life, Respect, Fun, Laughing, and Fear as an eternally unending cycle. Like the lotus

opens with the sun so being close with fear, and reopen again with life- Breath, sound, voice, sensation and vibration. Now you are realized and aware in bloom and colourful comprehending, cognitive, selecting, and photographing nerves, glands, face, knowledge, and speaking ;)=Sound is vachh in the east and it’s also a name for a popular leaf and power speaking of the devil. What is this all? A word religion or a function “my”? As we delve further into the future we must first reveal the past, keeping anything hidden is only a display and secrets their power. A little secret can be kept but a big secret must be told, so listen to the secret of my love, listen to the sound of my love, listen to the secret of my love, there is no one but you, majesty and royalty of all time. Time is even our father/mother, living amongst the skies and looking through bright starry eyes, the guide and the watcher. Limitless inspirations emit from the sight, glance or touch of the mystical realm surrounding us and we are forever in awe of this magnificent presence. Yet as a being we fail to step out of the wrap and box we have been put in. Our eyes become jewels our skin ore’s and senses sin. We walk with love encased in a ring and incest our minds to think as you did. Our scattered gravitational bindings have become our next thought and practically the very way to think, as the flow of our character goes by and upon the walls we see written our very instance, to a degree. We are held together by the loose knot in our own noose or our spider webs silver frame bringing conclusive evidence that we must be tamer to process anything further than insulting instances to more than we are than when we first came. Creed. Credo One might say how has humanity for all these years by word of mouth continued along the premises of known and unknown, would it not be that the fixed and set points of the universe could speak for themselves thus countering the manifestation of ignorance and should have be now brought forth the true light on the subject’s which we first encountered as questioning and questionable? These polarities of union now are almost incomprehensible because of subjecting nonsense in the form of speaking of other than oneself or listening to other than oneself leaving its undeniable trace of stipulated byproduct around. The seeming only indubitable truth is that each and every single one of us is and has been in some way evolved from a mother and father. This is all no longer even applicable once we look down and do notice that there definitely is a penis or vagina. We go to the bathroom and bleed once opened. Now we have all the singular differences created between male and female in some way or another lead to the separation of the whole and agendas such as the conception as god/ess to bridge the spatial gaps so that we do not define this life form as something other than the reality of what it is as gender biases suffice more than enough for the critical component needed for its criticisms and are easily overshadowed by the one referred to as the head, leading ultimately to the consensus that we have no head. For all positive influences, neutral stances and negative instances there is no able individual who has not taken to the subjugation of the individual, in these realms in English called humanity.

Language cannot bridge this barrier, faith cannot bridge this barrier and color cannot bridge this barrier. By far and by long the generation of duality has regressed throughout our scope understanding into such a degree that withstanding time alone it is the factor deciding all outcomes. The right to make right hovers on the distant mind’s eye yet its absolute failure in significant effort shows blandly how the gap into the future is now so cluttered by our past debris thus blinding any and all who care enough for this preference, humanities single considerance. So results of the most inspiring idea and bringer of all humanities empathy is now deemed for another place while its original concoction has still never been reached and is all but displaced. Meaning will not be brought from how you look to another as you yourself have been tuned in or turned out in such a fashion, weather you are small and shaved or medium and built, old and large. The policy of reality is ingrained in our bites and prints, voice and replication of our infinite identity responds unto itself not to those outside of our imitation and its substantial texture: Savvy, kosher or gourmet, contextual edifice insurrection. Cast. Your caste is determined by the parents you were born to, who they know and where they are from. It is the most primitive form of subjective control and still exists in many forms to date. The simple structures of loyalties and heredities allowed by these types of rules are what keep the infrastructure held together: With names like taboo, heresy and outlaw… outcaste. The basics of this nature is to know who can have and keep what, such as who will be responsible and held in charge of commodities and rituals, in human beings, human nature and with beings of other sorts. The ultimate communions of this berating industry were the spawn of the race of man and in turn its popular categorizations and institutions of hierarchies, led by the social classifications and dominated by stereotypes. This has over the course of its allowance suppressed the personality of human will to be of nothing more than the lowest of personalities that it can shadow even the facets of gem, jewel, diamonds and aspects of being. All we have is knowledge and this knowledge is so precious that over the turn of hands we have become the sin of sins and tried to hold onto it without sharing with others as it has been shared with ourselves. This is the pit we have ridden and now the whole world belches at our sight and sound. The potential source of our procreation is now faded behind a façade of biological deficiencies as we struggle to stay alive in a world which has now been overrun by the divide in the divide caused by the true unknown, the killing and death of oneself and this we have turned on our fellow woman/man. We claim birthrights and royalties, some even divinities. Our only true inheritance is the knowledge that may be gained by gaining the beliefs instilled in a being from birth. Once these patterns are ingrained their wealth can be brought virtuously forward among others, only if they are perverted by those who are jealous or already unable we may never see them come among us again as virtues of our presence. There have been laws yet no one in particular is willing to commend these laws for fear of what has passed or

will based on it being on their behalf, all is given up to man called GOD and this only in the final act, be it doom or death it is always the last breath. The wise tell us not to kill, for what you eat is what you sow and only in death will one kill for their own child. And the sage says everything tastes how the creator lord deemed it to taste, there is not a plant you or I can eat that will do anything other than what it is capable of, in size or taste. The saint already knows it is a long and hardened road roughly travelled and already worn out, therefore move through this world with care and never be afraid to pick which you know and welcome this life given through god/ess. Man must elevate himself to be able to conquer this divide and woman the same. No meaning will be brought to your words nor a shine to your skin or glow in your hair until the breach in our reality as simple plain human beings is restored and we fixed and set off on the right foot again. Our makeup is plain and not complicated no matter what kind of image you have put yourself in. If you were in the image of god/ess you would never have to change, and everything in that division would be taken care of automatically. Law of progression among the cosmos is a word termed and called karma, it states that for every action you do you will be penalized or rewarded 10X back by merit of their own while the accumulated actions which have equal and opposite reactions will be moved through the dynamic bodily modes as impulse, and into life as a beat and rhythm and out as breathlessness. As there is the saying “An eye for an eye” there will be one of a kind always and forever more referred to as our innate true nature. You have a conscience and this is the guiding unseen force that by the grace of GOD and mercy of his lord has instilled forever unselfishly into each and every individual on the whole world plane, its matter is the grain and seed of our mindful self while the dynamic force of energy is at work inside. Why have these precipices cornered all humanity as a whole into a clear crater of commotion where all of it is now unable to think by themselves look to the future and make decisions on their own? Like we did when we first entered this world as a spiritual being in a human body, and all the leaps and hurdles have been removed meditatively, with positive will and good wishes for you. Many ask what meditation is instead of innerly sensing and not asking the question. Meditation is the focus on one unending source, point or sphere/realm whatever, god/ess. As an innately aware and realized sentient being by merit of your birth the many who have travelled the same way before you and now are part of the way ahead. This has concurrently befallen all of civilization as more look to one and not the rest to vigilantly portray those of the high and mighty without any real expressions or true qualifications in them. Like shells of your own sake who you must give up if they befall your center for sheer deeming of their make. The revolutions of the earth and the evolutions of life are nothing more than a colorful illusion provided for those who would not make it their underfoot, once you have decided that the difference is there then it breaks and you through your own eyes, your own mouth and your own ears, you have become the instance to these rotations within

space, humanly referred to as emotions. Many never come out of the emotional cosmic drama that enfolds each and every day because their heart has been pressured and their brain strained. Emotion can be defined as the relay of past memories, and eternally will be a commotion in the ocean, infinitely they are the building blocks inside of our soul seeking the creative release into the vast cosmos. From the darkness from which we have came to the light at the end of the white tunnel our complete existence has been filled with unending psychological sputum like eggs in our brain, which mirror those in our pant from yet shadow ourselves from meaning or blame. There is no way to place a value on a life which is the same and is even pertinent among our chemical emissions, where anyone falls many more will come to its place. Our whole being as society shows this case made irrelevant until further relations can take place. With darkness called hell and a light called heaven only available after death even if this metaphoric by denomination as god/ess or no one can or has experienced this yet. Who is this devil who stands at the bottom of all this? What race are you from, is it a color? From the sun or the moon? Have you a hate immortal father or love blood drinker mother? What other than outside sentiments and influences causes you to even think you know what a race is today? The best answer in no or none, therefore none can exist yet for some there will be the answer is yes better to know the reason they do and be sure about exactly what that is. For example you may believe only in one or maybe you believe in many, this also has a reason for if you are not yourself then who are you? If you are an animal than to what degree, and what qualifies you to be anything other than who you are? Have you lost control and was there really any need for control in the first place, are you now a victim and afraid this will again come as sure as fate? Here we have arrived again a nothing more than word game and number. Quantifications instead of qualifications as we all try to fit in along with this worldly mass. Removal of our reality has made many false and fake where our highest achievement is to be loved and anything else is just hate. The stigmas, enigmas, dogmas, dharma’s and even karmas are now turned to irrational planes or rational skeptics whims where not even our current model of humanity can withstand even the most potential bit because of the humongous gaps in our psyche and eternal holes in our aura. The end of the last or the left out is the ultimate site of our question about our soul because it is not apparent enough in our form to make it into our frame so we look to the turned in cause where its reflection might be and here we lay blind the precedent causes of our outcome of nature. Undulated and pristine where we come from and evilly misconcepted actually as it is and noting more than that is any being in its current form and shape as well as any more reoccurring which may or may not take place. Consider how all is here and you are dumb yet if you placed no wager on this consideration you will soon taste the sweetness of moist dew and a snap, whistle or clap will bring your sound back. Together we learn that every eventuality will form into our karmic cosmic reality, and the choice we make to portray within ourselves will provide a place for the outcome of this instance to our self

and relation to adapted humanity. As our core being waits for is essential commitments to be met and definite components complimentary inset. Weather you live in the east or the west, the middle of it all or an island offset the range of variances is minimal and all of humanity is still only ultimately subject to its next. Sure over the course of absence some or many have changed and become shadowed based on precepts, only the reflection is stable and easily we work through these. Only if there has become too many and are too far does the whole world shut off into segregated impositions of self, humanity otherwise is not an experiment which sizes up and takes out itself, as was though by great thinkers who have all but shown that it has become too much. We are all by birth human and no hindu with Vedas (knowledge), puranas (of the old), smritis (mystics), shastras (laws), or jew tablet commandments can take that away from us or give unto, even if their scriptures say and humanity has nothing to say except but. You will be deemed though through the eyes of the true lord and that is the truth. Always have you been and shall be forevermore. NOW There are many ways to look at our scattered and now emancipated populous. Our struggle continues and every fleeting moment is trying. Every wayward thought is caught and the drama and trauma of thinking for oneself has become so much that it is again almost unheard of. Where is our connection to the sovereign infinite lord? The one, who before anything else wishes and hopes, gives blessings, says prayer and allows worship. .In my heart .Hindu Nature .Sikh Brethren .Buddha Dharma Must I still be preyed upon? Seeking salvation or self liberation, Becoming enlightened and owning the respects of reincarnation, understanding of resurrection. We will all always be sheep’s in wolfs clothing until we are our own, for until you are your own you are without, you will look to others and not manage the courage that springs from the deep well of humility, self surrender and sacrifice of only yourself and only to the true being of humanity that is to dwell within god/ess. Your church will be a cow or bull with respective heads, your chapel a dog and its head and cathedral the genitals of two cats as its head. The fearless heart a monkeys and green feces of elephants your tendered currency, as it has been since the priests and pharos time until now. Is this how we are to learn mercy and grace by seeing it in us and another without? Prayer is the power of god/ess while preying is a feat of the weak cascading the reverence or irreverence from where it was beseeched. Might is not always right as is set out to be, the control over another has forever darkened the will of the individual and none has been cleared or left unscarred without the knowledge that defeat begets defeat. Looking down on anything, anyone or anyplace is a Horney not sacred sexual disposition, and so is looking up. You are at the beheads of a division which within is a

divide. Is the key if you are not God/ess how can you call anything else God/ess? And this is how blue blooded royalty has maintained its separation, by displaying what is yours is not mine and vice versa. Bridging the deficiencies of cause and effect a magic of forced religion, the deficits of mind over matter a misconcepted reality, the deceit of the answer is in the question and its calling a deluded illusion. Blessings are the essence of true compassion, letting everything be without passing, leaving it as is and nothing more. It is like a ghost showing yourself how simple and plain we are, weather it is traditionally charcoal black or cannibal red or drained white. There is no separation from the place upon which you have been rooted, thinking makes it so. We need only a sliver, a sheath or a shred and all is portrayed from eternity unto infinity, sitting there on your lap. There is the sun and shadow and the moon, radiating. Man and woman beget child in whom mind, body and soul are apparent and will come forth as the mental, physical and spiritual to this we are accredited. Triangle, circle, square. Gold, trees and silver. Grade, pitch and key. This is the structured potential of relationship which purity resides in if you can let it be. From the begging of time until now, coveted and worshipped, worked to the bare bone. The world wanders and I look on. The milk and fog and smoke are the mists of my mind always reaffirming the clean, pure and white intentions of its self, Dazed and hazy with a glaze as I recount the projections of tomorrow. Did Krsna ever exist, Christ exist, the Buddha exist? I look to the symbol of a fish and am told it points the way to Christ. The symbol for vegetarianism the T, for I am told it is Krsna’s. I look not to a jealous head lest my Buddha strike me dead, for then I am stupid and an idiot with no expression and lifeless. 7 is one cycle of intelligence, my inherited knowledge. 11 is one cycle of consciousness, the sum total of all knowledge. 21 is a whole life time. These are really only number games until you find your intuition, the knowledge contained within yourself. Like a saying “What’s empty fills up and what’s full empties out the difference is this.” Remember, “All things come from god/ess and all things go to god/ess.” Signals. Signs. Symbols. Lights. No matter what identity you may be, there is always the image you have surrounding your identity and these have an influence on personality. We all vary slightly in appearances, and from time to time, molded and shaped by our steady and inevitable progression through life, who we meet upon our way and where we will go. This is all not predetermined and is always changing, minus a few permanents and plus a few variables. Like east to west, living in the middle east then you are knowing Allah, taught from India ahmkar (individualization principal), practicing from a Guru homei (self), speaking English “I”, irate-ing ego (German lingo) with one finger pointed and the other crossed and with two triangles pieced back to back, you have arrived in the west. You have traversed the cosmos of all fixed and set points and arrived nowhere where such meanings have been brought to life. Some may have had their sustenance turned with milk or wine and shadowed by the many the reflection is off hand; still the gold is heavy and made of metal and pearl light and made from sand. In such a moral we all rise and enter morning and then in evening fallback again.

Once I took too much LSD and had to find my way out of the place I was in, the season over and all but a few seemingly left. My bus stopped first to let me off but I stayed and sat till it moved on again. I found a place with my own television in it and for the shock of my life was hearing it speak to me out of the corner of my mind and palm of my hand. On my right foot was a triangle in red rash and my left a square, on my right shoulder a circle and my groin almost everywhere. I thanked the almighty my bottom had been spared usually you think the feedback would spread from there. Being a vegetarian though and having long hair this threw people off, and speaking the language encrypted my whereabouts and from where I came. Since then I have been very aware to always make sure to track of where and who I am. Again thankfully my skin turned soft and healed and nothing decided to stay. I was returned through deportation channels to my place of issue and citizenship which enraged my spiritual ego to a degree where all were being held responsible in this matter none would be left unquestioned, and who to question? No God/ess, yea? I had no care for a cent peso/paisa or shilling, life or death. Strange motifs appeared from recesses of one and all with dancing ants made into a single ring and dropped red clothes at dance performance turning my teeth cold blue and balancing particles of crystallized Vishnu in a flash picture of relative space. This made me realize weather I knew these from opposite sex or a kiss of kind the instance of connective transference is inevitable and progression into these deep blue sparkling recesses of human kinds factual determined likeness preceded anything even oneself, superseding anyone’s god/ess thus far nulling it out into void. I told the Baba with my crystals on lips there upon returning LSD disconnects your DNA, if you do drug’s and yoga you go mental and that the only real drug in anyone is I, ego, Allah, homei, ahmkar, Buddhas name, David’s star or crossed eyes. Soon after I decided to leave and go see the Lord Professor Pundit on the Devil’s Island, Sri Lanka so I had to throw all contraband I could not carry away. This I threw into a passing farmer’s field while my driver smiled like death and drove ahead. You can go by ferry to the capital of Colombo, as one of the most tremendous tsunamis had developed, I was flying by air. Right next to the airport I left from is a statue of Shiva, and I had the most precious thing in my life on me at the moment which was a moon stone threaded with a pink string. It was so precious because once in foreigners quarters at the most holy shrine of the Sikhs I saw a prince and met a princess who happened to be interested in my doings and decided to sit down to see. We never spoke a word but I know the moonstone looked like a pearl and that in real life she was as plain as me, only Japanese. I strung only one stone and gracefully she stood up and walked away. My thought and thinking exploded that night as a nuclear bomb seemingly was detonated inside my head. I did awake the next morning and saw the girl through the door peering into the darkness and looking at me. I have never been the same since, plagued by sudden eruptions and headaches worse than my previous migraines from unknown fear. This I know held in my hand and dropped into the offering pit to be burned into ash, as I now had only my memories of it I was relieved and in gratitude able to focus at the new path with no head to me.

Everything was backwards and upside down anyways so upon considering my own respects and understanding I denounced the lineages of blood with brute mentalities, savage ways and neanderthalic brains heretics, heathen, hedonists, highlights and head. From now on I salute death with my left hand and my right for life. Bachelor/gentleman I am no understand, I am no house holder either until we are all welcomed. Dwelling in the forest is no longer an option having been over ran. Renunciation came to mind and then went very quickly again. It was back to the family and thoughts of servant, trader, warrior or priest. What nonsense I made of all this anyhow the story is my passport and the poem the visa inside. These belong to killer, king, president and temple upon which made this all just as much nonsense as what is upon my head. I oooo’d an aaaaaaah’d and hiked up my cloth, The last thing I was going to do was accept advice from the rock where a tree grew and mount with no man, I seeked silence and projected that ahead, Keeping up until the last and always braving my own hands. UN TO There is a story about the Raven/crow of old that says “it is the watcher of the dead.” It may even be Egyptian from the time of the pyramids. American Indian mythology perhaps says this bird is a guide to our ancestors and in India you can see people squatting all over, this is called crow pose. These are the signatures of our cultures and some of the very few still that withstand. “Columbus” is credited with coming to “America” loosely and at the root of this word is the meaning it came from colo- ferry or support or to carry. Instances of “Leif” reaching from the north as well are there. Is this because we are trying to line our sentiments and can only accept those instances which are concurrent with our despotism? Calling here “India” and not knowing better the people became known as Indian’s for lack of communicative effort, inability to ask? The pseudo meaning for ferry is now even objective, homosexual connotations upon first sight. The following of blankets with small pox as gifts was no wonder trying to oppose one and another’s will on upon who has no claim is false and a farce to this day, these being the first act of bioterrorism if you have to ask me. How can anyone subvert entire populaces? Only by promising the unknown and delivering the dumbfounded faces of those who have bitten the policy ahead of time. Since the time of George Washington and the chopping of the cherry tree to the quote “Indian hemp seed should be sown everywhere.” made by him, We have also been befallen by those who would have it as such as to not listen and tell you to go right on ahead, dig a hole in the earth in America and follow a straight line exactly to where on the other side will be India. Other nations also impose their manifest bilateral dispositions upon the outer influences it picks to represent, such as Cosmetics and drugs fall under the same code in our religious code of India, China follows Marxism even if turned into their own text if not persona while in Middle Eastern countries proper you will be imprisoned for any infraction of intoxication over the limit of god/ess. England speaks proper English and can appoint royalty while America phonetic English and appoints no royalty, Australia our other English speaking country is outlaw and outback. Singapore is clean but tough even

on writing and only a small island like Japan or Sicily/cicely which may or may not be (Myrrhis odorata.) a small sweet plant. It is time to wake up from these sleepy hollows of juxtapositions, borders and boundaries as already they have been overran and institutional significance lost to the shallow beds they have somehow managed out of this riddle of silence as none can ever define or be defined in popular terminology as system. Really this is all one great big land. Weather you can make royalty or not is not even up to the elect. All a vote is is a token of friendship and nothing more than that. Once reality hits and there’s no going back you are going to have to see for yourself and that will be the end of that. Yet subvert the masses and nothing can go on, with others standing in your way because of their peace, this has all become one messed up nonsense coincidence. In America for example we have separation of church/temple and state/country, based on simple deduction and acceptance of fact we now have subliminal head of death and constitutionally death’s head thus far beyond the simple comprehension of subject or citizen over the plain fact of life’s questionable existence, selling our selves is as great a blunder as selling our soul unneeded once you can’t deem these differences at stake or heart. Considering the far flung reaches of space no one should have ever ventured out into them should they. Every society has classified the components of matter composed in their makeup capable of their comprehension; subject to of course their comprehension. Thus the elements within our sphere and essentials components of our being have been understood and forgot thrown into a new generator with every small step we take outside of them, a constant field of change, unending change. Where will both of these ends meet and what will be brought forth through them into the imprint of our original being. Are the ponderous of life and spirited connectivity within the ultimate recesses of our being worth the turmoil caused in their uprooting, and fruits of their labors? The further you do go into the reaches of anyplace the more you will learn to be as one amongst the many within time and space; you find yourself and yourself in others being the true forgers of ultimate expression within being. High in creativity and appreciative of the true nature of beauty springs forth the real behest residing in the ultimatum of a living breathing reality functioning such like fire breathes in air and burns oxygen, earth is dry or moist, water tasteless and absorbing, wind rises and falls and space is seemingly throughout. These twists of our realms and turns in our fate have hardened the metal at the base of our tree of life and its wood within hollowing out the structure vibration make up such that humanity’s acceptance weighs heavily, shoulders to hips Quests leading one and all notwithstanding the revolutions of planet applying unto supplication most generous bounties, non subjective to majority, receptive in minorities, figures with open hearts and symbolizing love yet predetermined consequence flip for hate another side opposing stances sworn in blood and wrought with weft of yours or mine. You might find a circle of thorn on your head and root in your side, your crown might be golden and hollowed reed magically musical. You are neither immortal nor

mortal, man or god why should you know at all, how can you? Truth is a considerance and lies a waste meaning clear ways in the know and dead ends befallen left ignorance. In the beginning came mythical dragons at each of the corners of our land, like the four seasons they ruled and were the guardians none escaping from under their sparkled scaly clawed hand turned to the sky. Each kind with a trace of its domain, white for the northern, blue for the southern, yellow for the east and green for the west, the central figure the one in black ruling out all of the others none at its behest. Deathlessness for those who passed their test and un-death should you fail and lose your neck in such a manner how can anyone command without a head, questions of whether or not these beings even exist the only proof being treasures so dazzling you couldn’t ask for seconds. Turning years spun this façade to such an extent today we steal these names for just the sheer image power represents, will the score of the ages ever be tamed to come out from submersion of past. East/west mystics have fascinated the mind principled matter to death with elemental pitch, none the less harness nor keys never have been made able to pull or turn our world as a whole with an extent to grade all therefore nothingness. Immortal minds from the east decided on 5 elements as did those in the west, east picked wood as life and metal as death framing space and earth in the west left out at knowledge’s behest making a mighty considerance on all of humanities behest thus opening those unknown gates made when worlds collide and settle into dust and mist. Spring, summer, autumn and winter all come and go sure as world planet called earth spins as well as solar system sun shows being the celestial heavens and insidious hell. Through seasons bringing colors rises and falls of nation’s kingdom dominion anywhere sentiment lies will always belong to the male/female in coined and termed sympathy. Does one do better in cold or heat, pale or deep blue, red, green, black? Survival of the fittest is not always the best by far the most attractive, once claim rose on life and land such as we all must be held accountable to taste and waste composed even into the filaments of defined patterned blame. Keeping with pace the universal nature of all thus will fulfill and bestow magnificence last if not least in our place. 7 days in a week thus fulfilling our geometric patterns and instilling knowledge of its where about in our human system, 7 continents to broaden the sphere of this concept and 7 seas spilled out of the land and merged among in the centrifugal domain as east/west mythology totals 7 elements composed within our core planet being and 7 holes made up of eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Once you start doing the math the cycles of the moon also run in similar two 14 day cycles a sure fact as to why February in Gregorian calendars totals 28 days and 29 on leap year where there is +1 day because of the indivisible nature of 365 as such once every 4 years there must be one added day making 366 and negating this day the other 3. The other clause would be 366. 4 with one year -3 363 days, 3 years with the additional 1, on the turn coin of this calendar, possibilities are endless yet are eventually fixed and set back to the origin at the source which in reality is already the true singularity and equilibrium/real harmony.

Numbers are confusing to an extent where they break and all things fall back into place just as, how they are characterized such as 2, 5, 7 all similar with vari8ations, and can all be misconstrued by the in-adept or un-proficient thus the need for promotional instances like Diwali celebrated on the 25th in India with Kali pooja just as Christmas with Saint Nick is in the west, both are highlight of our seasons celebrated with lights, 7 will always be numero uno as it reads on hands both ways as 2+5 thus its popular instance into humanity. One or Echad, Ik are the words for one and are prevalent in all languages throughout the world, in terms such as Vedic meaning of the Vedas or tantric meaning of the tantras, satvic of saints, ayurvedic of life, Germanic of germen, demonic of de-will. Whirlpools fade away so you may have, bent on death and thus a destructive habitat, truth now is how to place it all back less meaning be lost and doors forever shut closing path. Nature meant to nurture and nutrients from tip untouched through merit once plucked only what is left goes away, once you place your head on the guillotine bereft cross giving up grace and mercy even if death is the plea on lips. Cries in English overtone the factual existence of languages broken lies, all of it has been underlain with those who came before and connotations of ancient tongues past, words like car which means to do in the east or tuxedo as smoking in Hebrew. Really only truth will set you free fixed and able it’s not always faith or belief’s strong action making realizations seem pertinent in our creators face, you will always be who you are and not who you are not providing you are hear and thinking straight scapes with no line or break. In the end it matters not and not to me. The well known word happy is Kush in the east and if it had an opposite not a polarity sadness it would be kusht or Cursed. Medical terminology defines this condition as Leprosy, where egg like structures begins to grow under your skin 95% survive so it is a high rate, at 80% though you’re contagious and incurable with the pains of ulcers and smell of rotting flesh. I touched a Leper once while handing over an emergency packet, then the leper followed me to town square and announced it loud and proud. I will always say “go take your blessings from a leaper.” Then truly your eyes can open and be able to see through all of this. Maybe then you will follow religion on your own? Religion can be a place where all is pure, warrior saint lord rules and nature is of our being instead of our being of nature as all major philosophy of religion states today. Peace of Heart, Mind and Eye. Whether you are a foreigner, tourist or traveler on this world there will always be one thing that is the product of these forces of the times. These are the categorizations, hierarchies, classifications, stereotypes, misnomers, personalities, facets and aspects. Correlating the servitude and sex, money and whore is already the line drawn by the mercenaries of death, and those who would have your head. Our tool is the discriminate mind for its truth is talking to itself and none other. I cannot say who I am or who I am not or who any other is or not, this is on the waves of irrelatively and coincidences of nonsense. Those things you have only hear about, talked about are thinking thoughts about only have never seen or been, Locked in the recesses of your mind, under your

hat, in your journal or diary, purse or wallet, suit or dress or shoes. It is the unwritten manuscript of the old with Manu as the Hindi writer of law’s. The title is the tit you were weaned on and subject the underlying projection. The chapter the nick name you will become known as. The heading all that may come forth, the paragraph all the other’s and the phrase the phase you will be going through, A book for each jealous head to save the few, like this DNA is god/ess and protoplasm its abode. Once you truly have love for god/ess and hate has become the same as there is only one thought in this realm and that is that is all are from one and the same. The aim you take will become true and those who have lost the path may again walk it openly and sane. The goal will again become the ultimate progression as our yields will be of good’s and not the bad deception. Our score will increase to modify our past deeds and the final directive will be ownership of what we have all done, as without the ability to hold the unaccountable accountable we are all floundering about in a character number game set about by the close minded races of the past who are not here for all’s happiness or freedom. The opposition of god/ess being in your DNA is to cause no harm, make no alterations and have no make up to your body. Then truly will the sins of the lowest and unholy be washed and cleansed from the dust upon those that may be holy. All great masters of the past have taught this unto their disciples, this being their fortitude and behest. Reality is still upon one and all race of monotheisms or polytheisms, before or after time and combined prematurely or naturally occurring. Cycles of old leave and new spring up and depending upon our righteous intent for unseen will be seen there is nothing more than what factually and actually exists, therefore rather than being a burden to bear you must exalt yourself wherefrom and into purity go. Slaving our time away looses meaning over time and callous displays of our numbing presence remain, sensitivity cannot and will not remain therefore keep up and be kept up as such you can only be the best you can be and cannot be a slave to “I”ness or “me”. Look not upon on those you in your innate core misunderstand and look not to those who in mind’s eye respects for have been granted as such taking nothing and giving all evermore generously purveying for none and all. Become god/ess and in this sense of life giving breath delay not anyone else with no thinking of male hormones or female thoughts of secretions. Open to the one in all the true essence of human being where our competition is no longer causing one and all suffering at the head of anything or another behest. Love does always find a way and its meaning never is lost only hurt sheds from those whose heart has been torn open and so never lose yourself first of all and last of all never remember this. And I will tell you a secret, everything is god/ess and only I am not. I am this being of such and my belief and meditation and yoga on god/ess pushes and pulls through turmoil over time and looses itself in thought thinking nothing of it or any thing. States of consciousness will prevail and no abode of any other will bring you there, unless all hope is gone and our halos numbered hair force life into motion and horned heads with Shiva’s

trident appear with Shakti in the rear our primal energy forces steadily cleared. May Buddha guide you and the true Lord show you the way.

P.S I do hope there were not too many riddles or rhymes and simple plain facts even if lies were still stated so you will have to see through them and pardon the errors contained within. There is a word called intuition and this is the sum total of all of any single individual’s knowledge and any light shined from there, in gurmukhi (Gurus face/mouth) sat siri akal is greeted and you can call bole so nihal sat siri akal it is a saying in the east similar to Hi or Namaste, Shalom or Assalam-o-Alaikum, which reads true beautiful aspect of the Immortal or say hope the true beautiful aspect of the immortal just like word games you can say one or call another or go even further Ik ong kar sat siri akal, bole so nihal sat siri akal even Je kar bhave nihal ho jave sat siri akal it is all just word games and good for learning until you ingrain and pattern your tongues and learning to an extent where you are no longer understanding and truly understand yourself therefore understood Here are some words purposefully taken from the text and not used in their connotations or expressions of all walks of life within the text proper Sa ta na ma Ra Da So Hung Kal Ion Ong Om Ling Singh Kar Mort Ace Vert urns Chap paap lap snap ji low sow act dear yoni gut great ate mat um ga wha nat ne fir sir or fir tik he Yogic Core ideology is based on factual existence not lamented pertinences so influences and speculation arise cause of inlaid reference or stipulated material labeled facts. If I count the Sermon on the Mount on my fingers I find where a ring is on my sun/Venus finger a mount over it upon completion of the third stanza. Similar to Guru Nanaks Japji meditation on the soul which encompasses all mounts of the hand and includes each finger starts with gyan mudra and ends with the palms of the hands together in prayer pose. 666 is the common denomination for gyan mudra from its speculative theory’s and compiled complainants even if humbly turned away from the practitioner as would read 999, figuratively and numerological. There is a way to say other things as well with just your hands only are your own hands your own hands? Where language has been developed with masculine and feminine into the spreading cultures arise practices and disciplines to encompass our human being such as massage of the body left to woman and stretching using joints and lines to the man this a yoga of imbedded culturalizations, similar to a swastika meaning good health and another a star of David a symbol for being displaying racial yogic semantics. There is even yoga’s with the letters like t or e i.e. this, that to hises and hates when the first t is removed and e imposed before the last added, almost like speaking to your maker in a garden. Vishnu the original denomination of male within nature.

Son of Brahma the creator. Manifest. Defacto. Overcoming the highness of the high, without being personally responsible for the true realization of god/ess you will always be subverted by those who claim yet are not apt of same. Therefore need something else and something more to fill the pit as such advancement unto achievement can continue and hold place within the continuum. Brahmin philosophy, by birth or not at all, Hebrew ideology. Mother is a concept and word capable of being even a given name although turbulently tried still a most sincere approach to our accumulated diagnosis of characteral apitimizeation. No matter at what place or moment you think mother you realize the ever effluence which emanates from our imaginative spectrum, it brings to mind, body and even soul if qualified great comfort and worldly relief from our daily hanky panky especially when it is I and not any other. The only standing question is what and how do you qualify a real mother with? Can you say the mother of all resides within the womb or do you define the existence of mother as a being of unsurpassed manifold being which through time has achieved a desired result? Similar to a sister who is minor feminine to mother only equally held in reverence as primary relations and learner of the simple and basic principals deemed family matter and or feminine nature. Last but not least is our word daughter who is the feminine child and continuum in heart rhythm and beat of the mothers cycles for it is her who the mother will look to and her who will look not for anything else as such arise as companion and playmate, are these still mere pressures of our mind latently expressed phenomenon to be held in accord with society or something which is outside? Who knows only a true expression of this lineage does and so it shall be told. Father is also a withstanding figure of our eternal primordial nature who in beginning and end shines through our deemed nature to reveal those suppressed realities according to ones needs or behest, yet through time a bundle of joy for one and all does in fact get tried for their stipulated progress, Father is strong and life is long yet for some there is a divide and this breaks through oneself to help realize truth in all quelling those inflated opposite polarities and shamelessly dawning on character father in all, will anyone ever realize this stature or through time have we all befallen man kind?. Like masculine Brother to be no other and show our unneeded gratitude for the heights of familiarization of real identity and direction is our other qualification in man and now timidly intrepidly caught in the center role of becoming male in our whole family of man reality. Of course there is son and the adoration and expectations of love for one and all yet so far and so small the boy’s shoes are not of man size and institution of our lord waits to see how father grows on him or not at all, so look to the future become our boyish cries and calls. Anyway any how there is no way to define son, daughter, brother, sister they are more of a misnomer when it comes to being the life that you lead and the courage that you bring to it. Relative cosmos.

So now bear with me the author and understand through your own make and generation how we have flown through these chapters of segregation of color or partition of language, revolution and peace even if only in our mind, we do say history repeats itself and this may be true yet only once and never again. It goes like this first you learn and then you learn you are the master and again you learn, only you are the master and that is all nothing more and nothing less why and where it all falls away and you are lead or head into reality of lost in the mists will always be of your choice and from those deeds you will to do. Behind the parted veil of love you behold wonders and brilliance of imagination and once you have tasted the scent which led you to this place you forget harsh reality and embrace an alliance behind your veil. You are now floating along and making up truth and making up love all the while leaving behind those forgetful needs which lead you into wanting anything in the first place. This is our muse of all lineage’s and character the mastermind and ringleader withstanding the brute mentalities and savage discrepancies placed in our path and imposed upon us from the beginning who skip ahead and are lost behind with or without knowing eventual reality forbearing over us all. First and foremost will always be our teachings and learning contrasted into singular product named and focused concentration concerning eventual outcome and to look at this and to know in many a name we have squandered this wealth by unwittingly becoming just even more clever than the last. So where have we really gained anything from now that the world is round and nobody can change that and we have all met on equal ground only not without losing to the greater mass, and inconspicuous deceit prevails throughout. Is this god/ess DNA or protoplasm it resides within maybe its non-harmful unmarked unaltered in all senses which completes our whole breathing being. Just for a quicker more concise relevant perceptible and manageable instance to the material contained before I will compact it and expound from the beginning. Religion/God/ess is an immaculate conception and so is singular as its instance only no single entity can contain these irrelevances proposed upon deception as there is no embodiment into the truth contained within an our structural nature. Natures of being competed to compose the high and suffering are evolved from one and all, as none exists walls crash and existences and exemplification fade away demeaning any reality our good deeds and ultimate truths have perceived to accomplishment. Egyptian god/ess were highlighted and hubris theirs, Eastern god/ess arose to unite the people and establish civility and civilization becoming diverse polytheism, Greek god/ess realized our complex exploitation removing embodiment under established pantheon. Hebrew proposed God/ess and tore down previous instances insulting either GOD or GODESS. Allah was spurred under Prophet Mohammed true is his name. Sikh Guru’s became the salvation and liberation of one and all or none and as we turned the pages of truth. Many great leaders have displayed truth and consecrated holiness their names

MahaVir and becoming Jain, or Gautama and becoming Buddha, pure princes of humanity. Many many more and unto them do we only owe our allegiance and nothing more. Even Christ the black sheep of them all has fallen again and time again under the thrall of cocked tongues clapping Christian back, truth is told. Dreams and hopes are shattered and reborn again resurrection reincarnated as we collide upon made-up imagined scapes held within real minds make up turned along with death and exposed with time. Is there going to be meaning or do we have to falsify all documented nature in order to enliven destitute under clawed hand and subjugate ourself even more for reliving as another has exemplified? One god/ess said to another your mine and ever since all humanity has been zealous and jealous creating many discrepancies and hindering our being throughout, nonsense and drawing our whole instance into disaccord. This is the sin of man and woman and family of my, in the beginning was sound and this became a label we definitely are nowhere near anything similar to anything god/ess and return pushed and pulled to know self destruct upon considerable mention as name and cause. Why are Hindu God/ess Shiva purveyed by unknowing mercenaries of my soul as a devil by those in disguise with a jealous penis not knowing their jealous mouth and organ are singling out my Buddha and trying to return those enslaved under god men madness who have been free since the Real Buddha back to the race of enslaved god men. Shiva as Nataraj is already dancing to the end of the world how does something which is nonexistent turn itself out time and time again to be the scourge of reality under the guise of tempered and inflamed forges. Most people are lost under cultural habitation or inbred logic and now stop, light and pierce the lock, there is no one but you and so I read this. Warning signs and then threats, emergencies for rescue and recover this is the law, not blue or green suits for slaves of gold and silver minted angles from turn of coin, gems and jewels beholding lights glows of another. To whom it may concern: We are all beings of a truth in nature and this may be referred in God/ess consciousness no matter what another life reveals as long as you are aware and relevant as living entities and not falsified deluded instances abiding by time in reality. As long as we are separated by birth by unknown factors how can we in life be whole and sane, in truth it is insanity. To be told God/ess is one and then by birth monotheistic or polytheistic Hindu or Jewish I do wonder how anyone is in the first place and hopefully and whole heartedly not in any others. Death is when you die and no you don’t reincarnate as a Hindu or resurrect as a Jew, or become Buddha for that matter yet no one becomes you and there will be fear yet this is your salvation and liberation so life must and will go on.

Bowing before none but god is now relevant matter and anyone can see it promise for you yourself must consecrate this union and until and wherefrom you can summon your own poise and courage to defeat yourself. Don’t you think actors are liars and fakes so don’t act and personify false guises? I dub thee… Hindu Cosmology In the beginning there is only sound and this tune a vibration is from Brahma who is asleep and from this creator god’s dreams flows forth the material and intangible worlds and universes. Vishnu who is the preserver takes form and the beings and realms have form and shape. Shiva comes forth and gives meaning as the destroyer to the flow and flux, warp and weft of these cosmos. The name for these three is called “Trimurti” in English statue of three. These become the lords of World Ocean and beings of earth, evolving through many feats of justice and relinquishing of hypocrisy cast upon their subjects to become the greatest living legends among the people. 7 rivers became the land of Indus river valley and 7 holy shrines for 7 holy places of pilgrimage, 7 being a holy number all from the 7 gifts to the gods which sprang from the ocean, Humans, horses, gems, ganja etc. The gods and goddesses killed many demons with names like Shumbh and Nishumb, brothers. Ravan also known as Lanka destroyed under the collective god’s might, Raktavija whose blood spilled forth and was consumed by goddess. Through the ages Rulers and kings and Lords made supplication to the Gods and Goddesses of one and all spawning the growing number of Deities with their places emerging among the residing Hindu etymology. New ages bring new Deities and Krsna is the last from the ages, This Deity of love transformed the caste system held among Hindu’s as well as brought among the people the 4 Vedas. Love of Krsna before marriage to Rukmini is called Radha and is not worshipped in India as one of the god’s or goddesses, yet many still worship in name and in spirit, this being an isolated instance of cutting one from god/ess hood. Like Krsna is an Avatar of Vishnu Rama is as well and the preceding incarnation before Krsna and descendant Incarnation is Buddha if you believe truth and Krsnas brother if you are subject hindu, I believe. Vishnu is the only God who can incarnate into human form as well as others and predictions name 10 incarnations which you can count on your fingers the first being a fish named Matsya and last of this body the tenth a destroyer of black magic named Kalki although Vishnu has many incarnations within the Hindu pantheon like Avalokiteshwara and Annapurna/Dhanvantari. One other God also has 10 incarnations as Goddess Kali and sister’s who make up feminine count this God is Shiva who reincarnates into animal or supreme beings of both animal and human, such as Hanuman the monkey God in the epic of Rama, The

Ramayana. In the polytheistic Hindu land there is said to be around or over 33,000,000 gods and goddesses. They are the mother and father of civilization which flourished and withstands gravity after gravity wile this earth turns and wind pushes and space pulls. Jewish Mythology We are all on earth and under it is hell above is heaven and angels are under god while daemons are above the devil. So what are we who are here within this realm, god/ess or none, are we both pure virgin spirit and to what extent can this and will this precept exist among Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. Owed to the many named who came before us is our breath and bone for they shall live on within us and after us yet how we struggle to break free from this enclave to be not shrouded by our deathly appearance within confines is and has become the ultimate affirmation, inspiration and aspiration. We truly are son and daughter of this mighty lineage that withstands thee.

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