
  • July 2020
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  • Words: 323
  • Pages: 1
Grace is the Hebrew word "chen"

Chet-Nun. “Chet”

means life and “Nun”

means fruitfulness or fish. This word is first used in Scripture in Gen 6:8 where Noah found Grace in the eyes of YHVH. Grace is needed when you are guilty and destined to be sentenced to death. In the time of Noah YHVH was about to judge the world because of their iniquity and YHVH gave Noah and his family grace so that they may escape His wrath and judgement. YHVH provided salvation to Noah in the form of a boat when He judges the world with water. Y'shua represents the "boat" of our salvation and the grace YHVH gave us is in the form of His Son. The sea represents the nations and we as His Disciples, have to catch the "fish" (new believers), and help them into the boat (Y'shua), out of the water (world). Grace is the unmerited favour we receive through faith in Messiah so that we can be put into the boat, just like Noah, so that we can be saved at the day of judgement at His Second Coming. Grace is a gift that can only be received through repentance. This is what the message of the Gospel is: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Elohim is at hand...". Accepting Him as your Saviour comes AFTER repentance. Repentance is the act to leave the water (world) and to get into the Boat (accepting Y'shua). Repentance is a 180-degree turn on those things that you know that are wrong in your life. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin because the Law (knowledge of sin) is in our hearts. By repenting you accept this free Gift called Grace and you do not have to die because Y'shua died in your place. Those ‘fishes’ (Nun) that have been removed from the water (world) will experience YHVH’s salvation and ‘Life’ (Chet) and then your life will be ‘fruitful’ (nun).

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