Good Shepherd Cathedral Ministries

  • June 2020
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Vision and Mission Core V al ues

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Spiritual Growth Family Community Peace Integrity Forgiveness

Vis ion We are a community sanctified by the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd and united in His Self-sacrificing love and service of God the Father. With Mary as our mother and model, we are a faithful and evangelizing witness to all families, the youth, and the poor. As a home and school of Gospel holiness, and following the spiritual path of communion, we continue to be the “salt of the earth and light of the world” for the third millennium. Missi on Sharing in the life suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we the Good Shepherd Cathedral Parish community offer our undying love, sacrifice and commitment to Him for the transformation of our people into a Christ-centered community by deepening the spiritual growth of life of the families, the youth, the children and the poor. We shall proclaim to all, by word and deed, His message of love, holiness, solidarity and communion.

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) The Good Shep he rd P arish Pastor al Cou nc il is a parochial structure consisting of representative members of the parish who form one body with the pastor in fulfilling the Church’s ministry. The parish council is consultative and advisory. The advice of this council is to be formally sought by the parish priest before any major decisions which affect the parish are made. (Parish Council: In the service of the Lord) Core V al ues

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Spiritual Growth Family Community Peace Integrity Forgiveness

Vis ion We are a community sanctified by the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd and united in His Self-sacrificing love and service of God the Father. With Mary as our mother and model, we are a faithful and evangelizing witness to all families, the youth, and the poor.

As a home and school of Gospel holiness, and following the spiritual path of communion, we continue to be the “salt of the earth and light of the world” for the third millennium. Missi on Sharing in the life suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we the Good Shepherd Cathedral Parish community offer our undying love, sacrifice and commitment to Him for the transformation of our people into a Christ-centered community by deepening the spiritual growth of life of the families, the youth, the children and the poor. We shall proclaim to all, by word and deed, His message of love, holiness, solidarity and communion.

Ai ms and Purposes The f oll owi ng aims and purposes

ar e being pursued by t

he Coun ci l:


To transform God’s people into a Christ-centered community by deepening their spiritual values and uplifting the quality o life of the families, the youth, the children, and the poor.


To promote, preserve and witness to the core values of the parish community, namely: spiritual growth, family, community, peace, courage, integrity and forgiveness.


To serve as a forum for ecclesial unity, dialogue and consultation among the representative People of God in matters affecting the life and activity of the Church.


To coordinate and integrate apostolic movements, organizations, and service entities to maximize their potentials and to avoid duplication of works and labors.


To foster, secure and maintain the participative concern and collective assistance and endeavor of all lay apostolates in the administrative work and pastoral agenda for the Parish through shared decision making.


To serve as a living and dynamic agent of renewal in society, according to the vision of Christ by coordinating and interacting with various social and civic organizations, barangay authorities and communities, as may be permitted by the parish priest.

These aims and purposes likewise serve as the spiritual and moral guideposts of the mandated organizations in planning and implementing their respective programs and activities in the parish. PPC Execomm (2005-2006) The Ex ecu ti ve Com mi ttee ( Ex eco mm) shares, in a consultative capacity, in the decision making of the parish and implements the decisions arrived by the Body. However, the final decision remains with the Parish Priest, who by designation by the Archbishop, to whom he is personally accountable, is the proper and rightful shepherd of the parish. Parish Priest and Rector Msg r. Jesus Romu lo C. R añada Head Servant Leader Kuy a Br ice Abel la Servant Secretary Ate B he a P . V ec ina ME MBE R S Worship Ministry Kuy a Br ice Abel la Education Ministry Ate Florence Social Services &

F. R ana

Kuy a Fr anc isco D. Nipal

Development Ministry Youth Ministry Kuy a Reg inald F. Guina Family and Life Ministry

Kuy a An to nio & Ate Josef ina Bi cen io

Basic Ecclesial Comm. Kuy a Rey naldo T. Vir ay Public Affairs Kuy a Lit o R. Fernan dez RDI Ate R ose Impe ria l Temporalities Kuy a Roger Mendoza

Worship Ministry The Worsh ip Min istr y’s main apostolate is to provide for orderly, animated and meaningful liturgical celebrations, especially, of the Eucharist and the sacraments, and other para-liturgical activities in the parish center and in the different Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) zone and pastoral areas: to promote the growth and deepen the commitment of the different liturgical ministries and organizations meant to enhance worship life; to promote devotion to the Eucharist and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, or particularly to the person of the parish.

Worship Minis try

Kuya Bri ce Abella (Servant-Leader)


Ate Rache lle De V er a

Altar Servers

Special Ministry for Holy Communion

The Lay Ministry of the Word

Kuy a Eric Gu il len Kuy a An to nio Taroy Kuy a Lit o R. Fernan dez


Praise and Music Ministry o CWL Choir o Key of C Choir o People, Precious & Few (PPF) Choir o Sons & Daughters Choir o Dakilang Pastol Choir o Our Lady Family Choir o Friends Choir

o o

Disciples Choir Twelve-Fifteen Choristers

Kuy a Eric Or acio n Ate Lidja Delmo Ate Vida Sab aban Kuy a Qui le Gui lle n Kuy a Alex C ar an dang Ate Angel Sierv o Kuy a Nono y Letargo Ate Lidja Delmo Kuy a Alex Bu tac/ Kuy a Bin g G arcia Ate R achel le De Vera Ate Jen ny Ortega Ate Lett y R ol lan Kuy a Fr ank Abarquez Kuy a Jess Falmos Ate Nita Ma gat

Mother Butlers Guild

Liturgical Arts and Design


Healing Ministry

Ministry of Altar Servers

“Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” – John 12: 26

What is the Min istry of Altar Serv ers? The Minis try of Altar Serv ers is a group of young male servers assisting in the parish liturgical celebrations. Its main goal is to encourage young boys and men to become worthy guards of honor to the Eucharistic King and enkindle greater piety and devotion to Christ through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Vis ion To involve young boys in serving Jesus through the Holy Eucharist and the worship of His word and works. Objec ti ves

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To develop young boys in the life of service to Jesus; To strengthen their relationship with Jesus; To create a strong brotherhood using service as foundation; To engage in social, cultural, sports, and religious activities; and To help in the evangelization efforts initiated by the parish.

Ac ti vi ties

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Sunday service

To be Christ’s page at the altar, To serve him freely there, When angels falter Bowed low in reverend prayer. To hear man’s poor petition, To sound the silver bell, When He in sweet submission Comes down with us to dwell. God bless you, lad, forever, And keep you in His care, and Guard you, that you never Belie the robes you wear. For white bespeaks untainted A heart both tried and true; And red tells love, the sainted And holy martyrs knew. Throughout life, then, endeavor God’s graces to employ; And be in heart forever A holy altar boy.



Liturgical activities Formation workshops Processions Annual retreat Summer outings

Quali fica tio n and R equ ir eme nts

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10-17 years of age Has received the First Holy Communion Photocopy of baptismal certificate 2x2 photo

Meeti ngs For Aspirants and Committed Altar Servers – 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the Month For more information, please contact: Bro . Macky Vi llas is @ 938-6378 Bro . Paolo Nicdao @ 431-3766 Bro . Jo nas Almeri no @ 0915-8811235

Open my mouth, O Lord, to bless your Holy Name. Cleanse my heart from all evil and distracting thoughts. Enlighten my understanding and inflame my will that I may serve more worthily at your holy altar. O Mary, Mother of Christ the High Priest, obtain for me the most important grace of knowingmy vocation in life. Grant me a true spirit of faith and humble obedience so that I may ever behold the priest as a representative of God and willingly follow Him in the Way,the Truth, and the Life of Christ. Amen.

Healing Ministry What is the Good S hepherd Heal in g Minis try? It is under the Worship Ministry with consultative and advisory staff functions. What is the Missio n / Vis ion Stateme nt of the Min istry ? In line with the Good Shepherd Cathedral Shrine's core values:

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Spiritual Growth Family Community Peace Integrity Forgiveness

Vis ion We are a community sanctified by the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd and united in His self-sacrificing love and service to God, His Father. With Mary as our mother and model, we are faithful and evangelizing witnesses to all families, the youth and the poor. As a home and school of Gospel holiness and following the spiritual path of communion, we continue to be the "salt of the earth and the light of the world" for the third millennium as spiritual, emotional and physical healers. Missi on Sharing in the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we the Good Shepherd Cathedral Parish community offer our undying love, sacrifice and commitment to Him for the further TRANSFORMATION of our people into a Christ-centered community and for DEEPENING the spiritual growth of the families, the youth, children of the poor. We shall proclaim to all, by word and deed, His message of love, holiness, solidarity and communion. How do we do them


With God's grace motivating each one with the gracious help of Our Lady we intend to try to heal and deepen peace of soul by:

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promoting the common good while thanking God humbly; receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation; balancing resources of the Healing Ministry while crediting teamwork; promote synergy in the organization through positive communication

Serv an t Leader

Ate Nita Magat

Asst. Head

Ate Fe Pecache


Ate Helen Palabyab

Tre asurer

Ate Nene Mendoza

The Lay Ministry of the Word (Lectors and Commentators) Vis ion The La y Minis try of t he W ord envisions itself to be a strong and unified Ministry, having a membership that is full of sincere dedication, profound commitment and a high degree of spirituality, fortified with an effective capacity to proclaim, evangelize and live the Good News of our Lord and empowered by the fire of the Holy Spirit, all for the greater glory of God. Missi on As true witnesses of the Word of God in our lives, our families and to all, we, the members of the Lay Ministry of the Word, seek to achieve excellence in proclaiming and evangelizing the Word of the Lord so that, inspired by Christ, the people listening to the Word may grow to be a transforming difference in the quality of the Filipino life; to attain and practice that profound realization and understanding that the sacred task we are called to perform requires strong commitment, inspired dedication, deep spirituality and conscious responsibility; and, to derive strength and unity from each member, from each member’s professionalism and expertise, from each member’s willingness to be open and improve, from each member’s capacity to be a true Catholic and from each member’s personal commitment to Christ. Offi cers and Members: Ser vant Lead er/P ri or

Judge Lito Fernandez

Asst. Prior

Kuya Elmer Lagasca

Se cretary

Ate Cherry Panado

Treasure r

Ate Lvee Bahia


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Kuya Aaron Atienza Kuya Bobby Laviste Kuya Brice Abella Kuya Elmer Lagasca Kuya Gerber Garate Kuya Goody Garate Kuya Jerry Solamo Kuya Jess Falmos Kuya Joel Erestain Kuya Jonas Almerino Kuya Justin Fernandez Kuya Lito Fernandez Kuya Max Fernandez Kuya Tony Garcia

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Ate Abby Abanilla

Ate Vanessa Tan

Ate Art Estupigan Ate Brenda Roldan Ate Carina Dacanay Ate Claire Reyes Ate Cherry Panado Ate Flor Lagasca Ate Glorife Raquel Ate Ione Alejo Ate Issa Pazcoguin Ate Jem Muñez Ate Juno Gonong Ate Leah Peñaserada Ate Lorie Fulgencio Ate Lucy Arnesto Ate Lvee Bahia Ate Marge Labuac Ate Nene Mendoza Ate Pam Mijares Ate Rita Leviste Ate Rose Imperial Ate Russell Norva Ate Vanessa Cacanindin

How to Ser ve in this Minis try : 1. Open to male or female parishioners aged 15-30 years old; 2. Must be proficient in proclaiming in English and Filipino before an audience; 3. Applicants must pass a Parish-conducted audition; 4. Must be of good moral character and a practicing Catholic. For more information, please contact: Judge Li to Fer nandez at [email protected]. Mother Butler Guild The Mother Bu tler Gu ild is an organization of Catholic women whose main concern is the sanctification of its members and their fellowmen through the service to the Lord in the care and beutification of the altar. It is named after its Foundress Mother M arie Josep h Bu tler , an Irish nun of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who also founded the Marymount College in America. Her outstanding love for Jesus in the Eucharist impelled a devotion towards the care and upkeep of the altar. The late Rufi no Car di nal San to s established the Mother Butler Guild of the Archdiocese of Manila on April 28, 1961. In 1980, an invitation was extended to the women of the newly inaugurated Parish of the Good Shepherd to join the workers in the Lord’s vineyard. Hence, the Mother Butler Guild (MBG) GSP Unit was formally organized. Forty four (44) women initially responded to the call and became the officers and members of the MBG. They devoted their time, talent and treasures in providing vestments and linens and in beautifying the altar thereby enhancing the liturgy – the basic life of the church.

After completing the one-year probationary period set by Msgr. Fidelis Limcaco, the former parish priest, 30 officers and members led by the late Sis. Mar Ancheta were inducted into office on December 4, 1981 by Sis. Henrietta T. De Villa, MBG National President and former Ambassador to the Vatican.

Dimensions in the Life of a Mother Butler


Stud y – Attending meetings, Bible studies, retreats and seminars


Work – Perform assigned tasks like sewing vestments and altar linens; keeping the altar clean and beautiful at all times; arranging flowers and preparing the materials needed for the mass. Members must also be familiar with the Liturgical vestments, linens and vessels used during Liturgical celebrations.


Pr ay - Members attend a weekly prayer meeting to talk to the Lord thru prayers, meditations and reflections. They also pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament every time the altar and the Sacred Vessels are cleaned.

How to Joi n the Mot her But ler:

Dedicated women between 35-55 years old who are willing to share their valuable time to take care and serve Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament are welcome to join this organization.

For more information, please contact Ate Le tty R olla n, servant leader of the Mother Butler Guild GSP Unit through the feedback section of this website. Ministry of Procession

The Minis try of Processio n was created on March 04, 2004 by Msgr . Jes us R om ul o C. Rañada andKuya Jess Fal mos was given stewardship to have a free-hand and complete role in directing all its programs and activities.

Assisting Kuya Jess are Kuya Mando Sevilla, Ate Virgie Maceda, Gideons and Officers and its members. They have consolidated the different carrozas, equipments and materials used in different processions and activities. During the Holy Week, Santacruzan and Flores de Mayo, to the different visits of Our Lady of Piat, Our Lady of Manaoag, Our Lady of Peñafrancia, Our Lady of Miraculous Voyage (Antipolo), the Ministry of Procession and the Worship Ministry covers all these events and activities, in cooperation with the Knights of Columbus, CSG, PNP, Barangay Council, other mandated organizations, KABALIKAT CIVICOM and Speed Ryders all working together to ensure the success of its programs. The Ministry of Procession marks its significant contribution to the Parish's "Pearl Anniversary" with its improved processional setups, luminous carrozas bedecked with valuable statues of faith and not to forget the heartwarming smiles of participants, sponsors and parishioners captured during the processions. The participating Honor guards of Citizens Army Training, its officers and cadets stand immemorial and march to taps of cadence perpetually giving solemn recognition and reverence. Mobiles, escorts and marshalls deploy themselves to the rhythm of fireworks (kwitis) with the legions of parishioners singing "Ave Maria" and Prayers of "Our Father" or lighted candles strobe on dawn's revelry. Different Pastoral visits and activities acquire a sense of fulfillment on the different ceremonies highlighting the Ministry of Processions mission-vision. Special Ministers of Holy Communion Prin cip les we li ve by:

Service to God, our life commitment Ministering the Holy Eucharist, our very existence Humility and obedience, our working virtues Christ-centered, our source of strength… The Specia l Minis ters of Hol y Com mu ni on or the La y Euc harist ic Min istr y was founded on February 18, 1976 and their basic responsibility is to assist the Clergy in administering Holy Communion to the faithful during masses and in special cases, to the sick, disabled and elderly in their homes. The first appointed Lay Eucharistic Minister was Bro. Val Ilo, who was soon followed by five more appointed ministers, namely, Bros. Juanito Sarmenta, Ramon Gallardo, Rey De Jesus, Ciriaco “Jun” David and Roger Manalang. Through the years, the Ministry was led by esteemed priors (President) that included Bros. Ciriaco “Jun” David, Rene Isidoro, Gil Lim, Rene Pangilinan, Horace Dumlao and Tony Taroy. Vis ion : A community of men where spirituality is a way of life, dedicated to the service of the Holy Eucharist… whose every member is mindful and respectful of one’s dignity, build on each other’s strength to achieve shared goals in unity of efforts that satisfies the parishioners with dedicated quality service of helping the clergy to distribute the Holy Communion; and whose members are persons of piety, dignity, good moral character, humble, obedient, and humane in his chosen ministry. Missi on: To create a community of pious members, who are committed to serve as Ministers of the Holy Communion.

Objec ti ves: To be able to provide a truly responsible, committed and spiritually dedicated service to the Holy Eucharist. SMHC M EMB ERS HIP D EVEL OPMEN T FORMA TION Co mm un ity L if e: A more fraternal community of SMHC members of faith, hope, love and charity, fostering a life that is relaxed, disciplined, responsible, friendly, joyful and all embracing. Academ ic Lif e: Knowledgeable in scriptures, enlightened and upright, self-less and dedicated service to the Eucharist. Sp iri tual Lif e: Model of Holiness, humility, obedience, prayerful. Apos tol ic Lif e: More aware of socio-pastoral duties which serve the demands of the parochial community. An nua l Act iv it ies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Regular meetings every 1st Saturday of the month Regular formation program Fellowship activities and Christmas party Annual Retreat Annual Participation to Diocesan formation programs Participation in various parish pastoral activities

Sp iri tual Di rect or

Rev. Msgr. Jesus Romulo Rañada

Current Of ficers Prior

Tony Taroy

Vice Prior

Lito Avila

Se cretary

Mar Palazo

Treasure r:

Celso Ramos


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Abanilla, Melchor “Mel”

Ibanez, Guillermo “Bill”

Abarquez, Emmanuel P. “Eman” Abarquez, Francisco “Frank” Arabe, Reynaldo “Rey” Arboleda, Luther “Luther” Atienza, Rolando “Roland” Avila, Manuel “Lito” Bautista, Saturnino “Sat” Bicenio, Antonio Jr. “Jun” Bianco, Virgilio “Benjie” Borillo, Carlito “Lito” Bumanlag, Ruben “Ben” Castillejos, Eduardo E. “Ed” Chua, Fernando T. “Nanding” Dael, Jojie “Jojie” De Jesus, Deogracias “Deo” De la Cruz, Vicente “Vic” Duldulao, Benito “Benny” Dumlao, Horace “Horace” Erestain, Jose Jr. “Pepe” Escano, Antonio S. “Mo” Galinato, Jose “Joe” Garate, Gaudencio “Boy” Garcia, Nicanor Jr. “Boy”

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Isidoro, Rene “Rene”

Viray, Reynaldo “Rey”

Isles, Amedo “Ned” Lachica, Manuel C. “Dohan” Lacuesta, Dante “Dan” Lim, Guillermo “Gil” Lozano, Ricardo “Ric” Luz, Robert E. “Bobby” Manalang, Roger A. “Roger” Madriaga, Faustino Jr. “Jun” Mendoza, Rogelio “Roger” Morales, Adel O. “Adel” Nieva, Benjamin B. “Ben” Palazo, Mariano “Mar” Pangilinan, Rene “Rene” Pazcoguin, Jose P. “Jun” Pecache, Guillermo “Guiller” Ramos, Celso “Cel” Reburiano, Antonio “Tony” Rejano, Roberto “Bobby” Reyes, Angel B. “Geng” Saculo, Jaime A. “Jim” Sagcal, Antonio “Tony” Taroy, Antonio “Tony” Villasis, George A. “George”

Gonong III, Julio V. “Boyet” Guerrero, Ernesto T. “Ernie” Guillen, Aquiles R, “Quile” Guillen, Gilberto “Gilbert”


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An exemplary Catholic; At least 35 years old; Adequately literate; Physically and mentally fit; A resident of the parish; Have attended formation seminars such as PREX, CLSS or PME; Not a member of any mandated organization which may be in conflict with his service as SMHC; Willing to bring Communion to the sick, the disabled and the aged; Pass through a screening committee set up by the parish priest.

For mor e i nf orma tio n, please co ntac t: Kuya Tony Taroy at tel. no. 9381557 Kuya Mar Palazo at tel. no. 9363630 Kuya Roland Atienza at tel. no. 9386063/0918-9363049 Kuya Mel Abanilla at tel. no. 938-1527/0919-3005535 Education Ministry

The Educat ion Minis try provides spiritual formation to deepen the faith and commitment of the faithful, and pastoral formation to upgrade their skills in pastoral management. The ministry also strives to deepen the knowledge of the Word of God as the means to sustain and nourish the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) and also promotes more effective catechesis on renewal in the Church according to the teachings of Vatican II, PCP II, and PCM II.

Educa tio n Min istry

Ate Florence F . R ana (Servant-Leader)

Apostleship of Prayer

Ate Lud iv in ia Gonzales

Legion of Mary o Our Lady of Mt. Carmel o Mother Inviolate o Our Lady of Peñafrancia o Our Lady of the Blessed Trinity o Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal o Queen of Peace o Reyna ng mga Anghel

Ate Ate Ate Ate

Parish Cathechetical Ministry

Kuy a Bart D . D e Guia

Parish Renewal Experience Seminar

Kuy a Gi l - Ate Jovie

Shepherd's Flock Community Service

Tertiaries of the Holy Trinity

Emi lia Lagu men Est rel la Din Con ch ing Lugapo T rel lie A vila

Ate Li lia Fari ñas Kuy a Ma rt in Barboz a Ate La yla R odi l

Kuy a George Vi llas is Ate Lourdes Ne

Apostleship of Prayer



The Apostleship of Prayer is a world-wide organization founded and spread by St. Ma rga ret M ary Alacoq ue , a French nun of the Visitation Order at Paray-le-Manial. Jesus appeared to her in several visions displaying to her His Sacred Heart, sometimes burning as a furnace signifying His ever burning love for us, sometimes torn and bleeding, an account of our coldness and sins. Through His four great revelations, He urged her to spread the devotion to His Sacred Heart, the devotion of the Nine Fridays, the devotion of Communion and Reparation and the devotion of the Holy Hour. From this devotion to the Sacred Heart an organization was born which is today known as the Apostleship of Prayer. The Apostleship of Prayer is an organization for men and women, who are mostly devotees of the Sacred Heart. According to Msg r. Su nga , the AP Archdiocesan Spiritual Director, AP is not a mandated organization because it was Jesus Himself who appeared to St. Margaret Mary and urged her to spread the devotion to His Sacred Heart and that our Holy Father so love the AP that He made the office of the Apostleship of Prayer next to his room. The AP in the Good Shepherd Parish was first organized in August 2, 1975 by then Fr. Fidel is L imcac o as the Spiritual Director and Sr. Fidela Fernan dez as the first President. Since then, four more became AP Presidents: Secer a R acho , Paul ita Orf ane l, Salome Lopes and Lud y Gonzales . From 1987 to date, Sis. Ludy remains to be of service to the AP as President. To be a member, you have to be imposed with the scapular of the Sacred Heart. Among the obligations of active AP members are: to say the “Morning Offering” daily; to hear mass every Friday; if possible, to hear the daily mass and receive Holy Communion; to attend the Holy Hour; to attend the monthly meetings at the Cathedral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shepherd; AP officers must attend the monthly meetings of the AP Archdiocesan meeting at the Pope Pius Center; and to help campaign for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart. It is a great blessing to be an AP member! Be one with us as we share the wondrous blessings we received from the Sacred Heart of Jesus! OF FICERS 2 00 4 President

Ludivina Gonzales

Vice President

1. Ofelia Cueta 2. Mennen Sta. Maria


1. Elena Fernandez 2. Aurora Reyes


1. Josephine Limjuco 2. Corazon Abella


1. Celeste Agdeppa 2. Emilda Geromo


Natividad Vergara


Leonora Abella Norma Aguilar Charito Cariño Concepcion Encarnacion Fe Fernandez Pet Ilo Eva Pecson

Spiritual Adviser

Msgr. Jesus Romulo C. Rañada

Legion of Mary The Legio n of Ma ry is part of the active apostolic movement of lay people in the Catholic Church throughout the world. Legionaries feel personally committed to render service to every person who is the “Image of Christ,” with the spirit and solitude of Mary. They recognize that the role of the Blessed Virgin Mother in the plan of redemption is also the duty of the lay faithful in the mission of the church. This belief directs the apostolate work of the

Legionaries in the Cathedral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shepherd. The performance of a substantial active legionary work is assigned to legionaries in targeted areas at least two hours per week, which makes the “approach to every soul” possible. This also enables them to “see the face of Christ in every person they meet.” Our Hist ory The first praesidium of the Legion of Mary was organized in Fairview in 1971. Since there was no parish yet at that time, the Legion of Mary was affiliated with Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Project 6, Quezon City. Their initial meetings were held at a place called Motor Pool near Flos Carmeli. The officers and members of this first praesidium were:

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Fr. Nico Bautista, Spiritual Director Sis. Eden Vergara, President Sis. Jean David, Vice President Bro. Mel Abanilla, Secretary Bro. Felino Vargas Bro. Pepe Erestain Sis. Marina del Rosario

In 1975, Fr. Fidelis Limcaco was installed as Parish Priest of the Good Shepherd Parish, and he became the Legion of Mary's Spiritual Director. During that year, the first Junior Praesidium, composed mainly of the Knights of the Altar, was established. Our beloved Msgr. Mylo Vergara was a member of this praesidium. Currently, there are five Senior and two Junior Praesidia in our parish and our Spiritual Director is Msg r. R omy Rañada . As Legionaries, we continually seek union with Mary and imitate her humility, obedience, and faithfulness in serving God.

Ac ti vi ties / Aposto late W orks :

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Catechetical instruction to children and adults Home Visitations Sick Visitations Prison Visitations

Parish Catechetical Ministry It was started by Msg r. Fide lis Lim caco in 1980. After his installation as Parish Priest of Good Shepherd and with a small school building and few classrooms, catechesis was started by the MSCT Sisters and the Lay parishioners, led by Sis. Ca rol Di ma an o and Sis. F ely D avid who volunteered to teach in Fairview Elementary School. At present 5 Carmelite Sisters and 1 Handmaid of the Holy Trinity handles the catechesis in this school. From the very start, Msgr. Fidelis has emphasized to the MCST Sisters about the preparation of the children in receiving the Sacraments. First Confession and First Communion for the Grade III pupils were given. Confirmation for the Grade VI pupils came next. If there are Grade I students who were not yet baptized, it is also the duty of the Sisters to prepare the child. In addition, we are also giving the Grade VI pupils recollection and parents formation before graduation. The tasks initiated by the MCST Sisters are still being continued up to this day. The children of Fairview Elementary School are also involved in some of the activities of our parish like singing Hosanna during Palm Sunday as our angels in Easter Salubong. During the month of May, we also have the Flores de Mayo. We give formation for selected pupils from Grade IV, V and VI and we call this group “Munting Alagad ni Kristo”. These children are being formed as the future leaders in our community.

Today, the Parish Catechetical Ministry is headed by Kuya Bart De Bagaloy and the volunteer catechists or Volcats.

Gu ia who is ably assisted by Ate Je nny B .

Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) Vision We envision that the Cat hed ral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shep herd PREX Secretariat as the powerful and effective instrument of evangelization to strengthen and deepen the faith of the parishioners, inspired by the Holy Spirit, committed and dedicated to reach and enrich the parishioners’ relationships with their families, fellow Catholics, Parish Priest and the Church. Mission To renew the faith of parishioners, strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives and bring them close to God and the Parish Priest. Brief History

20th Anniversary of CSPGS PREX Secretariat held last September 2003, with Bis hop Ted Bacan i as one of the Guest Speakers.

The PREX began more than thirty (30) years ago in the United States of America with Rev. Fr . Charles Gal laghe r, SJ as its author. Fr. Gallagher saw that if the work of evangelization was to take root in the Church, it must first evangelize the family, the basic unit of a society. He also saw that the basic structure of the Catholic Church is the Parish. Therefore, families in the Parish must first undergo renewal before other parts of society can be renewed. Thus, gathering together all the good points of the Ma rriage Enco un ter , the Curs il lo Mov eme nt, then Catho li c Charis mati c R enew al Mov eme nt , the PREX began to take form. The first PREX Seminar in the Good Shepherd Parish was held on September 16-18, 1983 and yielded forty-five (45) participants, mostly officers and members of the Parish Pastoral Council and various mandated organizations. Since then, PREX classes have been conducted monthly, non-stop. The PREX took the Good Shepherd Parish by storm and it has not abated ever since. The Cathedral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shepherd has the most number of PREX classes than any parish in the world. As of May 2005, it has conducted 246 PREX classes. The CSPGS PREX Secretariat

The members of the CSPGS PREX Secretariat with Kuya Gil Li m (standing third from right second row) and Ate Jov ie Li m (seated fourth from right front row) the concurrent Chaircouple.

The first PREX Secretariat was formed in 1984 and was tasked to oversee the conduct of the monthly seminars. Kuya Rene and Ate Imelda Isidoro were appointed as the first Chaircouple (1984-1993). Kuya Jun and Ate Rita Garcia replaced Kuya Rene and Ate Imelda, who then had to concentrate on being the President Chaircouple of the National Association of the Parish PREX Secretariat (NAPPS). Kuya Jun and Ate Fely David were appointed Chaircouple in 1996 after the Garcias. When the David couple migrated to the US in 1998, Kuya Romy and Ate Nita Magat were appointed as Chaircouple (1998-2002). They were then replaced by Kuya Roger and Ate Nene Mendoza (2002-2004). At present, the Chaircouple is Kuya Gil and Ate Jovie Lim. The composition of the Secretariat includes all Lead Couples, Speakers, Committee Heads, and an Outreach Team. The Executive Officers of the PREX Secretariat are as follows:

Chairco uple Vice- Chaircoup le Secretary Asst. Sec. Co


Treasure r Cou ple Cust odian Coup le Chair , Outreach T eam Cha ir, Music Minis try

Spir it ual Dir ec tor

Kuya Gil & Ate Jovie Lim Kuya Bobby & Ate Aida Rejano Ate Lil Borbon Kuya Eman & Ate Sandra Abarquez Kuya Gerry & Ate Weng Solamo Kuya Jun & Julie Remigio Kuya Rene & Ate Imelda Isidoro Kuya Sam and Ate Obelle de Vera

Msgr. Romy Rañada

Concurrent Chaircouple Kuy a Gi l and Ate Jov y Li m withKuy a Roger and Ate Nene M end oza

To date, there are forty five (45) active members of the Secretariat who meet every first Tuesday of the month. The Outreach Team of the Secretariat is also credited for giving PREX Seminars to at least 30% of the 1,000 parishes in the Philippines, from as far as Batanes in the north and General Santos City in the south, which now conduct their respective PREX seminars.

Shepherd's Flock Prayer Community Our History The Shep he rd’ s Floc k P rayer Co mm un ity traces its origins to the early days of the Catholic Charismatic Movement in the Philippines. That was when Jaime Cardinal Sin named Msgr. Fidelis Limcaco, then the parish priest of Fairview, one of the movement’s leaders during its nascent years in the 70s. Pretty soon, the Catholic Life in the Spirit Seminar (CLSS) became a permanent component in the spiritual enrichment of the parishioners of the Good Shepherd Parish. In fact, many of our parish servant leaders at present became members or even leaders of the CLSS Secretariat – as what the group conducting the seminar came to be known. These were the likes of Kuya Aster and Ate Sally Rea, former Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Chair-couple; Kuya Rene and Ate Imelda Isidoro of the NAPPS; Ate Baby Javier, who’s now with CEFAM and regularly conducts the “Healing the 8 Stages of Life” Seminar; and many other respected and well-loved leaders of the Good Shepherd Parish. In 1994, Msgr. Fidelis tapped Kuya Butch and Ate Mona Donato to further vitalize the CLSS activities. Kuya Butch and Ate Mona were ably assisted by another young couple, Kuya Bobby and Ate Armi Luz. The two young couples stressed on prayer and community as the best way to sustain the CLSS Secretariat. In effect, what they envisioned was a community, instead of a mere group of officers as what a secretariat implies. Though Kuya Butch and Ate Mona literally started from scratch, they were able to build a growing community through their visionary and caring leadership and by the merciful grace of God. By the time their 2-year term was over, the CLSS Community, as what it had unofficially become to be known among its members, had already become a thriving fellowship of Kuyas and Ates. 1n 1996, the leadership of the CLSS – as what the community was known in the parish circle – went to the charge of Kuya Bobby and Ate Armi Luz, the assistant chair-couple of Kuya Butch and Ate Mona. Kuya Bobby and Ate Armi proved to be nurturing leaders who led the community to further spiritual growth and maturity. It was also during their term when the Youth Apostolate of the CLSS or YC was established. Both of them, however, had to attend to the demands of a growing family and equally growing responsibilities in the workplace, which made it increasingly difficult for them to devote their time to the community. Thankfully, they

were competently assisted by Kuya Rico and Ate Luz Moreno, who became the chair-couple after their 2-year term. Believing that the future of the community was in the youth, Kuya Rico and Ate Luz begun empowering the younger members of the community. Their leadership was marked by activities geared towards attracting more young members. Sports fests were organized and a basketball team was formed, among others. Punctuating the growth of the CLSS community were outreach activities in as far as the Isabela and Camarines provinces. Bringing the CLSS beyond its traditional frontiers was additionally enriching for the spiritual life of the community by way of service. After Kuya Rico’s and Ate Luz’ 2-year term, Kuya Jake L. Santos was appointed interim caretaker of the CLSS Secretariat in January 2000. On March 2000, Kuya Jake was officially appointed Officer-in-charge with the instruction from Msgr. Fidelis to bring back or bring more senior members to the CLSS. It took him 4 years to do it. But by June 2004, Kuya Jake finally turned over the servant-leadership to Kuya George Villasis. Last February 2004, the officers of the community elders made a courtesy call on Msgr. Romy Rañada, the current parish priest of the Good Shepherd, for a consultative meeting and got his go signal to revitalize, refocus and rethink the function of the CLSS Secretariat (aka CLSS or CCRC). This community would become more peopleoriented instead of function-oriented and work for the transformation of its members and become agents of transformation for the greater parish community by witnessing Christ through a life in the Spirit. To further strengthen the ties of the community members and to empower them, pastoral care groups (PCG) or small groups were organized and will serve as the backbone of the community. On March 2004, after much prayer, communal discernment and consultation, the CLSS community was renamed the Shepherd’s Flock. Core Values Personal,

lov in g and in ti mate r elat ions hip wit h t he Lord , for in it we find the seed of faith

The Chris tia n Com mu ni ty Spir it (praying together, sharing, shepherding, acceptance and fellowship), for it nurtures the seed of faith Serv ice to others that leads to conversion and community building, for it fulfills our faith The Ho ly Sp iri t, for He empowers us with the charismatic gifts to nurture and fulfill our faith Vision As a Paris h-based O rganizat io n, to be a Co mm un ity of Discip les of Chris t empowered by theHo ly Sp iri t Mission To cu lt iv ate and propag ate our fai th in the Chris tian Comm un ity Sp iri t of pray er , scrip tures ,co mm un ity , servi ce , fello wsh ip and the Euc harist . Specifically, To Draw people to regular community renew al and growt h activities that open them to the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit (to cultivate faith) To Lead them to se rve the Co mm un ity as well as the Paris h through the different ministries working with the former (that they may fulfill and propagate their faith towards community building) To Bu il d worki ng rel at io nsh ips within and outside of the parish (for mutual enlightenment and growth)

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Weekly prayer meetings (Wednesday 8-10 PM Catholic Life in the Spirit Seminars (CLSS) for Aspirants (one weekend) Regular growth activities in the different community ministries Basic Christian Maturity (BCM) formation for CLSS graduates (4 Fridays, 8-10 PM) Integration of CLSS graduates with BCM formation into the different community ministries and parish organizations of their choices.

Req uiremen ts f or M embersh ip

• • •

Completion of the CLSS and the BCM programs At least 18 years old regardless of socio-economic background Willing to surrender oneself to the Lord and be a witness of His greatness and goodness

Tertiary of the Holy Trinity There are three Orders of the Religious: the First Order are the Priests and Brothers; the Second Order are the Religious Sisters and Nuns; and the Third Order are the Lay Tertiaries. The Tertiaries of the Holy Trinity was conceived when the GSP Adorers of the Holy Trinity headed by Ate Carol Dimaano desired to learn and experience a more contemplative way of life under the guidance of Msgr. Fidelis Limcaco, founder of the Trinitarian Family. The good Monsignor was only too happy to found a Third Order in his parish, and so on the Feast of the Holy Trinity on June 18, 2000, he inducted the first group of women tertiaries. The THT is a religious association of lay people gathered together in each parish to strive for personal sanctification and to promote devotion to the Blessed Trinity. It is parish based, semi-contemplative, and is the praying arm of the parish. It also conducts prayer meetings and Bible sharings for the spiritual growth of each parishioner and his family members. The THT spreads devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist in the Adoration Chapel for where Jesus is, the Father and the Spirit are also present. It provides for “Adorers” of the Blessed Sacrament so that Jesus is never left alone. The THT shall promote THT Chapters in every parish where it is welcome to share with others what they have contemplated. The THT is an affiliate of the Trinitarian Family of Religious Priests and Sisters. The Tertiaries meet every first Wednesday of the month for formation and teaching about the Blessed Trinity. Social Services & Development The Soc ial Serv ices and Dev el opmen t Min istry implements community service/development programs to promote the general well-being and improve the quality of life in the parish, especially among the marginalized; promotes social awareness through conscientization activities on current social concern; and maintains continuous and effective liaison with public and private organizations involved in community service. Catholic Women's League


“When God calls, He gives us a certain degree of inspiration. He gives us a motivation that strongly attracts us to His calling.” In the year 1971, only a few families, mostly GSIS employees, moved to Fairview for their permanent residence. These families were very much actively involved in the “Cursillo Movement” led by Bro. Antonio and Sister Mar Ancheta. Sister Mar Ancheta and some of the women from the community organized the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) in preparation for Fairview to become a parish. On August 18, 1975, His Em ine nce Ca rdi nal Jai me L. Sin inaugurated the Good Shepherd Parish and installed Fr. Fidel is L imcac o as its first parish priest. The CWL was the first parish-based organization of the Good Shepherd and in less than two months the officers and members were inducted on October 12, 1975 with Sis. Vida Sababan as the first president. The original CWL were composed of Sisters Estela Aviles, Nellie Ablan, Letty Rollan, Pet Ilo, Artily Estupigan, Yoly Ureta, Josie Coali, Sol Navarette, Tammy Babaran, Liza Baranda and Mona Clave. The CWL was assigned some of the most important projects and activities of the parish. The operation of the CWL was temporarily suspended in mid-1977 but Fr. Fidelis immediately re-organized the CWL the following year and designated Sis. Nimia Pallasigui to lead the organization. She headed the organization from 1978-1983. Over the years, the CWL members not only grew in numbers but also in terms of deepening their spirituality. All the officers and members of the CWL did their best to uphold the dignity and thrust of the organization in their aim to uplift the moral values of society. They are loyal in their “WEST Y” (Worship, Education, Service, Temporalities and Youth). The CWL’s most important task is to uphold the dignity of womanhood. They are happy to serve the Church of God and the least of their brethren as their motto is “Chari ty, Work andLoy alty ”. Today, the CWL is still composed of happy laborers working in the Lord’s vineyard.

Previous CWL Officers Ma r Anc heta


Ni mia G. Pal lasigu i


Natal ie M endoza


Fe L. Pecache


Co nsue lo Domi nado


Fe L. Pecache


Prisi lla R uiz


Be ni ta F abel la


Ter es ita T alampas


Vida Sababan


2004-2006 Officers Pr eside nt

Vida C. Sababan

1s t Vice Pr eside nt

Ofelia Cueto

2nd Vice Pr eside nt

Lourdes Leachon

Se cretary

Enercita Dugang

Asst. Se cretary

Clarita Salvan

Treasure r

Mita Patag

Asst. Treasure r

Fe Abad

Members Abad, Fe

Pallasigui, Nimia

Atienza, Zenaida

Pecache, Fe

Azibar, Tarcila

Ruiz, Prisilla

Bucag, Shirley

Sabater, Gloria

Carino, Charito

Sahagun, Nellie

Cruz, Natividad

Sapad, Ma. Myrna

Dominado, Consuelo

Sarpomones, Lourdes

Espinas, Aurora

Soriano, Aring

Flores, Milagros

Talampas, Tita

Gaerlan, Nora

Vega, Fely De

Gemanil, Femenia

Viernes, Mila

Guerrero, Aracelli

Zosa, Mars

Activities Holy hour to the Blessed Sacrament at the Adoration Chapel; Holy hour to the Sacred Heart of Jesus every first Friday of the month and attend the healing mass during the first Saturdays;

Attend and participate in ongoing novenas; CWL Choir Mass assignments (5:30 AM Sunday Mass and 7:00 PM Monday Mass); Weekly prayer meeting and bible sharing; Assigned collector and MRG (Ministry for the Reception of Gifts) for the 6:30 PM Sunday Mass; Maintain the Scholarship Program at Lagro High School; Care giver scholarship at St. Bernadette Institute in Dahlia Avenue, Fairview; Assists the Social Services and Development Ministry (SSDM) in the verification of participants for the Education Project for 300 out of school children in the depressed areas; Assist the Knights of Columbus and the SSDM in their Health Services and Medical Mission; Visitation to the elderly (Home for the Aged) and troubled youth (Boys Town); Support the 30th Parish Anniversary and Fiesta Raffle Bonanza; Supported the seminarians of the Diocese of Novaliches through the love offering from the “Pilgrim of Our Lady of Fatima” activity; Assistance to the dissemination campaign for the Zero Waste Management and in the Clean and Green Drive campaign; Full support and cooperation to all the activities of the parish. Daughters of Mary Immaculate Back in 1976, the Good Shepherd Parish Church was a simple, multi-purpose concrete one-level building along the main road and it was surrounded by plants that the new Parish Priest, then Fr. Fidel is L imcac o had began growing around it. At that time, Fr. Fidelis was already ably assisted by the Parish Pastoral Council, youth choirs, Knights of Columbus Council 7178, and the Legion of Mary but the Parish needed more workers. So in 1979, with the guidance, inspiration and support of Msgr. Fidelis, the Daughters of Mary Immaculate-Fairview Circle was organized. In June 24 of that year, Be tty P. Vil laric o was inducted as the first Chapter Regent. Even though the working core group was already in place, organizing, recruiting and raising funds were challenges that the young organizations had to face. Initial fund raising projects yielded modest earnings. So when the group ventured into larger projects, the DMI joined hands (as it continues to do so) with the Knights of Columbus. Since then, the DMI has had the following regents: Ju lie D. Vil la real, Edmi ng Col oso , Luz Ar roy o, Nena Rob les, I rene Liw anag, S lyv ia Alda y, Jov ie Lim, Tessie Masca ri nas, Baby Lacues ta, and Miles Isles . Our incumbent regent is Art Est upigan . We ascribe to the four thrusts of the DMI, namely; pro-life, morality in the media, upliftment of women workers and assitance to prisoners and their families.

Knights of Columbus

Mission The Kn igh ts of Co lu mbus founded in 1882 by Fat her Michael J. McGivne yat the St. Mary’s Church in New Heaven Connecticut was established as an Order that would unite men in their faith as well as provide for Catholic families in times of need, guided by four core principles – charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Vision It has been envisioned to be among the largest Catholic fraternal and humanitarian organization through the five areas of service – faith, community, family, youth, and fellowship – that will truly make the Order and its members a difference.

Our History The Knig hts of Col umb us Good Shep he rd Co unc il 71 78 was organized in 1978 at the auspices of Good Shepherd Parish’s Founding and First Parish Priest Msg r. Fide lis Lim caco . It was among the religious organizations he encouraged to be formed to attend to the needs and spiritual growth of Fairview Park, a community beginning to bloom and boom at that time. The Council’s Charter Grand Knight was the late Sir Kn igh t P eping Vil larico with Msgr. Fidelis & Fr. V alen ti n Q. T ugad e leading the 32 charter members. The Catholic Gentlemen who served the Council as Grand Knights are as follows: Col umb ian Y ea r




1980 –1982


1982 –1983


1983 –1985


1985 –1987


1987 – 1988


1988 – 1989


1989 – 1991


1991 – 1993


1993 –1995


1995 – 1997


1997 –1999


1999 – 2000


2000 – 2001


2001 – 2005


2005 - 2006


. Y AP

ACTIVITIES: In line with its avowed mission, the Knights of Columbus Good Shepherd Council has undertaken meaningful projects ranging from civic to religious projects, which have contributed to the spiritual development of the parishioners and somehow alleviated the well being of the deprived segment of the community. Some of its very meaningful projects which are implemented jointly with the Daughters of Mary Immaculate and other members of the Ministry on Social Services & Development, more specifically, the Catholic Women’s League are, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Free Medical Consultation Services with Free Medicines for the indigents in the Parish on Sundays administered by the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) at K of C/DMI Free Clinic located at the Cathedral Parish Hall; Annual Free Operation Circumcision; Pamaskong Saya Para sa Pamilya which consists of the Annual Christmas Program, Distribution of Grocery Items and Conduct of Contests (Lantern, Food, Booth, Singing & Dancing) with Cash Prizes; The annual setting Up of the Christmas Tree, an International Project of K of C, which is lighted simultaneously nationwide, became a unique project, as the selling and hanging of lanterns on the Tree

Good Shepherd Parish Fairview Park Credit Cooperative “Building a better tomorrow”

Parish Cooperative Board of Directors (2005-2006) What is a C redi t Cooper ati ve? A credit cooperative is a duly registered financial organization owned, operated and patronized by its members, the primary purpose of which is to: 1. 2. 3.

encourage savings among its members create a pool of savings on which loans for productive or provident purposes may be granted to its members; and provides related services to enable its members to maximize the benefit from such loans.

What ar e the benef its enjoy ed by members

of the c red it co ope rati ve?

A. Econo mi c benefi ts a. Members develop the habit of thrift and the wise use of money; b. Members avail of loans at normal rate of interest for productive purposes, thus, increasing their income; c. It propagates cooperative practices and new ideas in business and management. B. Socia l benefi ts

a. Members develop awareness in solving common problems or needs among themselves; b. Members develop the belongingness, love and concern for fellow men; c. Membership in the cooperative inculcates unified participation in community affairs. Who may joi n t he cooper at iv e? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Filipino citizen and a resident of Fairview, Quezon City; At least 18 years of age; Willing to avail of the services of the cooperative particularly the savings, loans and other allied services relative to the credit cooperative; Meets the qualifications prescribed in the by-laws.

How can one

beco me a mem ber?

A person who wishes to become a member must: 1. 2. 3.

Submit a written application on a form provided for the purpose to the Board of Directors through the secretary of the cooperative; Pay a membership fee, the amount of which is prescribed in the by-laws; Subscribe for a minimum of 100 shares of the authorized capital. Board of Directors 2005-2006 Atty. Mariano P. Palazo Chairma n Mr. Horace F. Dumlao Vice- Chairma n Members: Ms. Nimia G. Pallasigui Ms. Nenita P. Brillo Ms. Ludivina B. Gonzales Ms. Nene D. Cruz Ms. Clarita M. Salvan Adel O. Morales Ex ecu ti ve F inan ce M anager Teresita M. Talampas Boa rd Secretary Nenita P. Brillo Treasure r Audi t Com mi ttee Melchor Abanilla Bobby Rejano Francisca Brillantes Celso Ramos Credit Coope rat iv e (Ad Ho c) Clarita M. Salvan Ludivina B. Gonzales Nene D. Cruz

Educa tio n Com mi ttee Teresita M. Talampas Gloria Bautista Adel R. Solomon For more information, please contact Kuya M ar P alazo at tel. no. 936-3630 or Ate Tita T al ampas at tel. no. 938-1537 or 938-1904.

Temporalities The Minis try on Tempor al it ies is in charge of finance, budgeting and resource allocation. Cathedral Security Group The Cathedr al Secur ity Group (CSG ) is a group of individuals dedicated to the service of God by lending assistance to the priests and fellow parishioners. It was created in March 2005 specifically for the purpose of maintaining peace and order inside the parish during the Holy week celebrations. From there, the CSG has come a long way. Right now, they are actively providing their talents and God-given abilities during Sunday mass services and other holy days of obligation by ensuring that all the parishioners will enjoy and experience the solemnity of God’s love in each and every mass celebration. Vis ion “A peacef ul, saf e and harmo ni ous co mm un ity in t he s erv ice of God. ” Missi on

• • • •

Protect the parish, its priests and parishioners against security threats through all means within one’s capacity; Maintain peace and order during religious services and Church activities; Provide first-aid assistance to parishioners in case of emergencies; Perform such other functions necessary in the fulfillment of one’s duty.

For more information, please contact Kuya M ando Sevi lla at 09 27- 92 12 50 8. Youth Ministry The You th Min istry aims to provide the formation and organization of the youth to realize their potential, elicit their participation in Church activities, and to prepare them as future parish leaders. It also aspires to mobilize the youth as instruments of evangelization among their fellow youth and other people. The Ministry also implements programs that foster enthusiasm and goodwill among the youth that will address their special needs.

Core V al ues The Good Shepherd Cathedral Youth Ministry highly values the following: spiritual growth, commitment, respect, obedience, service, love, integrity and unity. Missi on Young and active as we are, we commit ourselves to be true followers of Christ in our families, schools and communities by living a simple lifestyle and inspiring or helping our fellow youth to have an intimate communion

with God. Vis ion We, the Good Shepherd Cathedral Youth Ministry, see ourselves as Christ-centered young evangelizers, confidently and responsibly exercising our God-given talents, growing in spirit, serving as good examples to our fellow youth and working towards the fullness of the kingdom of God

Corinthian Youth Movement

We are the Cori nt hia n Y ou th Mov emen t, a parishbased organization composed of young people from Fairview and nearby subdivisions. We aim to provide the youth with opportunities to have a personal experience of Christ, have a renewed discovery of Him, grow in His love and share His ministry of passing on His love to others.

We are a Christian Community inspired to encourage each other to mature in faith and grow in Christ’s love through brotherly and sisterly fellowship.

Who We A re The CORIN THIAN YOUT H MO VEM ENT was adopted from the Ant ioc h Mov emen t conceived by Fr. Charles Gal le rger of the United States, and was brought to Forbes Park, Philippines, by Hugh Zu rat of Australia. The movement came to the Good Shepherd P aris h ( GSP) in June 1984 under the initiative ofMonsig nor Fide lis Lim caco , the GSP’s Parish Priest at that time. The mission given to this community was to pass on God’s love unto others. This means they are to reflect on Christ’s presence in their lives, to make the Word of God a daily experience, to be an instrument of reconciliation in the family through Christ, and to integrate Christian values in all aspects of life. The mission of the Corinthians was materialized when seven youngsters, namely, Aa ron Ar aoy a, Ir ene Isid oro , Joy R am os , Den ise Riv er a, Jay Riv er a, Joh n Riv er a and Magda Riv er a, with Tito Bad ing and Ciel o Riv er a as the adult couple, came together and lighted up the torch of the community. It was a struggle for these chosen youths. They encountered several challenges including the inappropriateness of the American format, lack of support and limited manpower. But with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they successfully overcame these trials. The program was revised to suit the culture of the Filipinos and with that a new name was chosen for the group, taken from the Holy Bible, an early Christian Community called the Corin th ians . And with only seven experienced staffers and three adopted members, the Lord showed a sign of approval of the organization on the 14th of June, 1984, when fifty-nine teenagers successfully went through the first Corin th ian Week end Se mi nar . Since then, Corinthian Weekend Seminars have been given in Fairview, and in other parishes as well. Through the leadership of the following chairpersons, the Corinthian community remains in its mission to pass on

Teatro Ebanghelyo

Missi on Ang Teatro Ebanghelyo ay naghahatid sa mga tao ng Mabuting Balita sa pamamagitan ng pagtatanghal sa entablado sa pamamagitan ng salita at gawa. Patuloy naming pinalalalim ang pagpapahalagang espiritwal ng aming mga miyembro at ng aming mga manonood. Vis ion Ang Teatro Ebanghelyo ay isang matatag na samahan ng mga kabataang kilala sa pagpapalaganap ng Mabuting Balita sa pamamagitan ng mga talentong ipinagkaloob ng Diyos. How to serv e i n th is Min istry/Organizat

ion :

Teatro Ebanghelyo is a parish-based theatrical group that aims to spread God’s Word through the performing arts. To be an aspirant, one has to pass through a 3-tiered audition (interview, acting, singing & dancing). After the auditions, the aspirant will have to attend a series of acting workshops. He is then given a grade equivalent to his performance in the workshops. He must gain a passing grade in order to be a bonafide member of Teatro Ebanghelyo. Officers and Members Servant Leader

Lourdes Bustamante

Deputy Servant Leader:

Lyzeria Marie Pauig

Secretary General:

Nikki Abella

Artistic Secretary:

Jean-Micah Dugang

Production Secretary:

Alberto Bustamante, Jr.

Production Manager:

Archie Lim

Family & Life Ministry The Fami ly and Lif e Mi nis try implements programs that support and strengthen the dignity, harmony, and stability of the family -- the domestic Church, the first school of evangelization. It also deepens the appreciation of and enlightenment on the sacredness of life, importance of sacramental marriage, responsible parenthood, enrichment of married/family life and provides assistance or guidance to address the special problems of the different members of the family. Christian Family Movement (CFM) Our Miss ion To enhance and strengthen Christian family relationships and solidarity and to be evangelized and to evangelize families and communities. Our Hist ory The CFM was formally organized on January 1976. Three couples Led by Fr ed and I da Pagu la yan, who were formerly CFMers from another Parish, thought of organizing CFM in the Good Shepherd Parish. With the energetic and able guidance of Msgr. Fidelis Limcaco, it has grown into an active organization playing an important role in the founding of the Parish. Being a family movement, CFM has blossomed into a full pledged Parish ministry and its family life seminars have become a parish program. The CFM conducts and sponsors the following programs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sons & Daughters Encounter Self Encounter Sweethearts Engaged Encounter Pre Cana – for couples getting married Tipanan Marriage Encounter – now under PME Family Communications Single Parents

This is a well-rounded program which starts from birth up to death. Annually, CFM sponsors a Lenten Recollection. For the last two years, the CFM Foundation has been giving transportation assistance to indigent but deserving Elementary and Secondary students and two seminarians of the parish. This organization is always a part of every parish activity, but above all, since it is a family movement, its charism was to answer the call of Pope Jo hn P au l II , reflecting the crying needs of the times, the challenge for Christian families to evangelize other families and to be families for others for the success of the nation is through the way of the family. Christian Family Movement Solo Parents Program What is the CFM So lo P arents ? The Chris tian F ami ly Mov eme nt Solo P ar en ts is one of the projects adopted in the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM) held in 1977 in Manila. It is a program that guides solo parents to be more in the mainstream of life with Christ as the center-point. It offers to interested solo parents insights on how to adjust to their new roles and how to help themselves grow through:

• • • • • •

Monthly group meetings Inter-personal communication (telephone calls, developing family skills in communication, etc.) Retreats, recollections, seminars and open forum Counseling services with the help of guidance personnel Fellowship socials and dancing Family socials and picnics

What ar e it s object iv es ? The program seeks to:

1. 2. 3.

Reach out to single parents and help them adjust to their new roles; Work out self-directed and family-centered goals in meaningful relationships and fulfilling activities; Develop a Christian concern for those thrust into single parenthood.

Why the Solo P ar en ts Prog ram?

• • • •

Solo parents can best empathize with one another because of the common trauma they had to face. Solo parents have to be helped to shed off their feelings of emptiness and to discover a new meaning in life. Solo parents may best help other solo parents bring about personal growth and family stability through sharing of tried and tested experiences. The growing number of solo parents in the country warrants a need for a group to understand and accept them.

Who can join ?

• • • •

Widows and widowers Separated spouse Unwed mothers/fathers Single parents with adopted children

Major Ac ti vi ties: CFM Solo Parents offers half-day/full-day mini-seminars/workshops to tackle the four major stressors that solo parents have to cope with such as: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Coping with the experience of loss and separation; Creative parenting independently of spouse; Social acceptability and new relationships; Dealing with economic realities and legal issues.

The mini-seminars and workshops are led by the CFM Solo Parents and include topics covering the abovementioned stressors along with Growth and Renewal. Req uests may be

co ursed throug

h t he f ol low ing of ficers:

Ch it Almari o 302 Vernida Townhomes, Firefly St., Valle Verde 6 Tel. No. 633-1965 Sony Sis on E/C1 Woodside Homes, Hemady St., Quezon City Tel. No. 723-1516; Fax. No. 415-9809 Be tty Deniega 101 Balete Drive Ext., Quezon City Tel. No. 721-7249 Public Affairs Ministry It is recognized that the human person is not only guided by his/her religious beliefs but is also influenced by the political and social milieu where he/she lives in. Recognizing the human person as a political and social animal, it is essential that he/she must be made critically aware of his/her political and social surroundings. This awareness includes an adequate and substantive exposure of the person to the various aspects involved in his/her political and social life. This awareness and exposure must always be related with and concomitant to the teachings and precepts of our Catholic faith.

The Minis try on Publ ic Aff airs implements programs for three sub-ministries namely, women, political affairs and ecology. The objectives of the Public Affairs Ministry are: 1. 2. 3.

To conduct continuous discussions and lectures on the various subjects relative to the political and social aspect of life in relation to our Catholic faith; To disseminate substantive information to the parishioners on various political and social subjects; and To strengthen the understanding of our Catholic faith in the light of the prevailing political and social conditions of our times.

A member of the Public Affairs Ministry must have the love for research and information gathering. He/She must be capable of disseminating the information to our parishioners. Preferably, he/she must be between 21-40 years of age, of good moral character and a practicing Catholic. For more information, please e-mail Judge Li to Fer nandez at [email protected]. Ecology Ecological programs are geared toward the proper care and development of natural resources and the environment as stewards of God’s creation. Political Affairs The political affairs sub-ministry works for the transformation of the political order, oppose legislation that contradicts Gospel values and Christian doctrine, and assist in ensuring fair and honest elections. Women's Desk The Women’ s Desk fosters awareness of women’s issues and their equality in Christian dignity in the Church and in society and to implement special programs to assist domestic helpers, overseas workers, as well as victims of abuse and violence. Basic Ecclesial Community Development

“…smal l co mm un it ies of Chris tia ns g at her ed ar ou nd the W ord of God… ” Bas ic Eccles ial Com mu ni ties (BECs) are “small communities of Christians, usually of families who gather around the Word of God and the Eucharist united to their pastors but ministered regularly by lay leaders. The members know each other by name and share not only the Word of God and the Eucharist but also their concerns both material and spiritual. They have a strong sense of belongingness and of responsibility for one another.” (PCP 11 #38) The BEC has f 1. 2. 3. 4.

our eleme nts:

A neighborhood community Centered on the Word of God and the Eucharist Service Oriented United with the Parish

Vis ion We, the BEC of the Cathedral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shepherd, are Christ-centered community, responding to the needs of the people journeying with the Blessed Virgin Mary toward the newness and fullness of life. Missi on

Trusting in the providence of God and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit with the help of our Blessed Mother, we commit ourselves to:

• • • •

Enhance spirituality; Empower the laity and form servant-leaders; Form and develop basic ecclesial communities; and Promote human development and social transformation.

To attain the abovementioned vision and mission, the BEC Development Ministry (BECDM) was created to act as the secretariat responsible of overseeing the different facets of the ministry. Comprising the BECDM Secretariat are the BEC Coordinators, Triune God Prayer and Services Community, Block Rosary Movement and the Pastoral Councils of the sub-parishes of St. Matthew (BIR Village) Immaculate Conception (Sapamanai), and St. Joseph the Worker (Sirnai). BEC Coordinators coordinate the work of BECDM within their respective areas of organized small Christian communities. Organizat ions under the

BECDM inc lude:

Triu ne God P rayer and Serv ice Com mu ni ty, Inc. – a Catholic, non-stock, non-profit and non-political organization composed of servant-members bound with a common shared value – to be of service to God and His Church. For years, the community has been serving the less privileged and has been responsible in the maintenance of the Adoration Chapel. Blo ck R osary Mov emen t (BR M) – the BRM earnestly propagates the regular holding of block rosary meetings and street masses in the subdivisions stretching from East Fairview, West Fairview and South Fairview. Sub-P arish of Sa in t M atthew – The church in the BIR Village under the supervision and care of the Sub-Parish Pastoral Council of Saint Matthew. Sub-P arish of Immac ula te Concep tio n – The church serving the area of Sapamanai under the care and supervision of the sub-parish Pastoral Council. Sub-P arish of St. Josep h the Work er – The church serving the people of Sirnai under the care and supervision of Sub-parish Pastoral Council of St. Joseph the Worker Chapel. BECDM SERVANT LEADERS Ser vant Lead er

Kuya Rey Viray BEC Coordi nators

St. M atthew

Ate Virgie Maceda

San Andr es

Ate Zeny Quilo

San to Tomas

Kuya Juanito Guasis

San P edro

Ate Rose Gayla

San Juan

Ate Laila Rodil

St. Jude

Kuya Froilan Quebal

St. M atthew Chapel

Ate Tess Ison

Immac ulate Co ncep tio n Chapel

Ate Laila Rodil

St. Joseph

Ate Clarita Salvan

the W ork er Chapel

Blo ck R osary Mov emen t

Ate Glo Bautista

Triu ne God P rayer & Serv ice Com mu ni ty

Kuya Gilbert Guillen Kuya Jimmy Canlas

For more information about the BECDM, please contact Kuya R ey Vir ay or Ate Em ylou G apus at tel. no. 927.754 7.

Triune God Prayer and Service Community Our Begi nn in gs This community was first formed in October 16, 1996 by a group of parishioners of the Good Shepherd Parish (now the Cathedral Shrine of the Good Shepherd) who were brought together by their common desire to deepen their spiritual lives, shepherd one another through prayers and heed the call for discipleship.

OUR VISION To give glory to God by being Christ-Like in our way of life.

OUR MIS SION To foster and enhance the love of God among members of the community and to share such love to others.

The community was first named “The Trinitarian Prayer Group” whose members were called Servants. Wanting to give more meaning to their being servants, they evolved into a prayer and service community. Thus, the birth of the Triune God Prayer and Service Community having as its inspiration the unity and love of the Holy Trinity. It was later incorporated into a Catholic, non-stock, non-profit, nonpolitical entity duly registered with the Securities and Exchanged Commission (SEC) on February 16, 2001.

The Triune God Family on their 9th Founding Anniversary Celebration last October 16, 2005. Council of Elders Reynaldo & Evelyn Viray Adel & Beth Morales Luther & Joy Arboleda Rolando & Raquel Atienza Gilbert & Dolly Guillen Our Founding Couple Jun & Fely David Officers Reynaldo and Evelyn Viray Servant-Elder Couple Luther and Joy Arboleda Vice-Servant Elder Couple Lydia C. San Juan Servant Recorder Sandra Abarquez Asst. Servant Recorder Raquel Atienza Servant Burser Imelda Cabazal Asst. Servant Burser Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Carlos Lariosa

Parish Priest Rev. Msgr. Jesus Romulo Rañada Qual if icat ions of a Serv ant: 1. 2. 3. 4.

He/She He/She He/She He/She

must must must must

be be be be

a bona fide catholic. of good moral character. at least eighteen (18) years of age. ready and willing to abide by the rules and regulations of the community.

Aspir ant Serv an ts Must : 1. 2. 3.

Attend three (3) consecutive prayer meetings, business meetings and holy hour and confession. Must be endorsed by any servant-member. Must be unanimously accepted by the servant-members. Servants Abarquez, Emmanuel

Abarquez, Sandra

Amado, Jaime

Canlas, Jaime

Canlas, Evelyn

David, Ciriaco Jr.

David, Felicidad

Garate, Gaudencio

Guillen, Aguilles

Guillen, Cecilia

Paraiso, Aida Lyn

San Juan, Lydia

Wi, Geminiano

Wi, Teresita

Wi, Michelle

Cabazal, Imelda

Gonzales, Merlyn

Rosarda, Juana

Atencio, Emerito

Atencio, Mila

Rapsing, Rommel

Torrefranca, Gerry

Torrefranca, Marivic

Manalang, Rogelio

For more informat

ion, please con tact :

Ate Joy A rbo ldea – Tel No: 93 9-7 31 2 Ate Em ylou Corpus – Tel No: 927- 75 47 Visit us at our Official Website at

Chapels BECDM SERVANT LEADERS St. M atthew Chapel

Ate Tess Ison

Immac ulate Co ncep tio n Chapel

Ate Laila Rodil

St. Joseph

Ate Clarita Salvan

the W ork er Chapel


Ate Virgie Maceda

San Andr es

Ate Zeny Quilo

San to Tomas

Kuya Juanito Guasis

San P edro

Ate Rose Gayla

San Juan

Ate Laila Rodil

St. Jude

Kuya Froilan Quebal

Research, Documentation & Information The Rese arch, Docu men tati on and Inf or matio n (R DI) Min istr y ensures the effective flow of communications within the parish, among the different parish entities, and among its various publics. It also conducts research of past activities and collects and analyzes basic parish data for the development of related programs. The RDI Ministry also documents and maintains records of the developments in parish programs and coordinates the publication of the news bulletin. ONGOING P ROJECTS AND


· Development and maintenance of the parish website -- · Online Sunday News Bulletin · Document the activities of other Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) ministries and organizations Who can be our blessings?

• • • • • •

Writers Photographers Artists Web designers or programmers Internet surfers and bloggers TEXTERS!!!

Come and Join this emerging ministry! For inquiries, please e-mail Ate Rose Imperial at rosemarie_imperial (at) yahoo (dot) com or Kuya Al lan Abe lla at allan.abella (at) grapiks (d0t) com.

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