Good Girl Gone Bad

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,176
  • Pages: 2
[ 8 ] Live Yur Lifee .. '' my dazeeee hu'sz bellin ma linee ahh diss hour ? i look at ma clokk beforee answerin my fne .. shit ! its 12 pm .. jeez mann wer did tymm goo ? " helloee ? " " yoo mann " " huu de hell is diss? " " we'vee been kodeesz forr timee & ya cnt recognize me voice ? KMRT mann " " sozz bee i'm tired init .. " it ws my kodee from daii Shanay . she'sz a propaa full jamaican gall mann . der aint nuffin dah she wnt do to look afterr mee & i love her bree & she crakkd mee upp soo muchh mann de jokess i've had wiv her too many to count u get .. " u sleepin ? ahh dis tym ? get yur rassclartt ass up ann get dressed ! " " y .. wer am i goin ? " i asked bre confused... " shoppin init ! ann gna look fr sum boom brehhs ya nah how it is gal been singlee for too longg lool " " lool ahliee im on dahh give me an hour k ?" " ya mad? nahh bravv half an hourr i'l be der ann boyyy u better be ready or sum propaa african slapp is cmin ur way lool " " sknn lool itee kl see yuu bee " " byee bbz " she lokkd off. mann dahh gell was crazeee buh shee was jkszz . i gt out of bed an wnt intoo de bathroom . i bumped into my mum. " ahh finally u are awakee ah-ah how long must u sleep ? " my mum ann her freshneess lool . she wernt dah freshh buh sumtymss she ws . she ws bre pretty to because of her indian roots init she was quarter malyasiann , quarter sri lankan & half nigerian . she ws mre liekk my frennd buh she styl ws strict . " sozz mumm u noee i wnt bed latee last night .. " " mm .. jus tke yur bath . ur a ladee ann u cnt be smellin smellin . " i started laughinn and shee walked away wiv her washin basket laughin too . i smiled . i loved my life . my mum was bree safee & i cud tell her everyfin i had an oldah bruva , James , hu was bre sfee ann lookd out for me on roadsz . de only fing missing was my lazy ass eddiat of a dad buh honestly yh i dint need him . he left wen i ws 2 years old ann my bruva wz 4 . he sed dah my dad ws hardly around ne way ann dah it ws good he left . i dint cre much buh i nue i gt my jamaican side from him dna wt else d'oh my mum dun liek to tlk bwt him n i dun blme her we dnt need him in r livess anyway .. anywayss as i was sayinn i had a good life ann i aint gna brag or nefin buh i ws quitee pengg . i had long curlyy blackk hair and big green/brown eyes sexyy lipss and a boom body , light brown skin. well i dint have de biggest back off liek sum of dese next skets brag about buh it ws decent it ws a growin progress lol buh i did hve breast ann i aint exaggeratin . 32 DD & im bein serious . my mum saes she dunn noe wer i gt it frm cz she says it went frm her lool . i started brushin my teeth n den i took a long hot shower. wen i finished i walked out of de bathroom and bumped into my bruva . " did yu just wake up ? " i ask him . hee looks at me all sleepy lol dammn dah boy loves his sleep . " ye mann .. im bre tired mum cme into my room and started wakin me up afrikann stylee u feel me lool .." " jokess newaisz im off .. " i walk out and go into my room . i cream my self wiv Vaselinee Intensive Care Cream [ extra buh ya dun noee ! ] and put on my underwear [ not gna go into big detail wiv dah wun cz ahliee it aint ya buisness ] .. den i looked in my wardrobe. wahh ws i gna wear ? it ws quite hot tooday so i took out my whitee vest top , my blackk shortss ann my hooded leather jacket . i put it on and chekkd my legs were shaved .. dey wer good (: . den i put on my sponge bob socks [ spongebob is sikk bravv (: ] den i put on my whyt plimsols wiv ma gold laces . den i put on my gold belt around my waist and put on my gold necklace ann gold ring ann gold earringss. matchedd outt lool . den i did ma hair . it was nicee ann curly ann oilky tudaee [ pink oil man ! ] so i straightened my fringe and put a gold headband and curled my hair a little more an left it down. i put on my foundation , dream matte mousee famm ! ann my eyeliner ann mascara and lipgloss. i put my essentials [ vaseline , oystercard , keys & phone ] in my gold bag and put it across my shoulder. readyy .. it was already quarter to one . dah ws de fastest ive ever been ready mann . i heard de door bell . " hello Mrs Olatosin , is Desiree in ? " " hello darlin , come in now , yes she is upstairs. r u goin out with her ? " " yees if its okay wiv you .. ? " i cme rushin dwn de stairs . " mum soz i frtgt to ask .. is it okay if i go shoppin wiv Shanay today ? " " well u are already dressed so u myt aswell. be bak by 7. " i groaned seven ws bree early ahlie ? " ahh buh mum its summer so its gna be light at liek 9 . so i cn stay til nine ? pleasee ? " i begged . " ahh fine buh on ur way home becareful ann bring me a keg of milk. " " okies .. im gnee byee " i kissed her on her cheek and went out . 9 is a decent tym to stay out ahlie ? my mum cares bwt me she aint about to let me cme hme at liek 12 midnight yu get .. me an shanay walked to de bus stop & it ws hooot boyyy . jeez i ws hot even wiv my shorts ann all. at leest i wernt sweattinn lool .

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