Going Nowhere by me
I´m wandering through familiar places with familiar faces But Oh my! I feel lost! My heart is pounding, my body is sweating And I know I must keep going I´m not sure of my destination So I ´m just plodding stubbornly Meandering through streets Turning corners Is it possible I´m walking in circles? Why don´t I get anywhere? And I get worried For the clouds are gathering The prelude of a mighty storm Where will I get shelter? How am I to keep warm? Obstinately, I move my limbs rhythmically Feeling more and more This pang on my chest My throat tightening My feet sore But I cannot rest, I feel that if I do If I stop, I´ll die like a shark when it stops swimming
Washed ashore To be under the eyes of the curious beachcombers So I walk and I walk…