Going Green

  • Uploaded by: San Diego Regional Sustainability Partnership
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 356
  • Pages: 1
GOI NG GREEN aWas t eReduc t i onandRec yc l i ngWor ks hop J anuar y29,2008 Hel pCr eat eAmer i c a’ sGr eenes tCi t y TheCi t yofSanDi egoandt heSanDi egoCount yRegi onal Ai r por tAut hor i t y ,onbehal foft heSanDi egoRegi onal Sus t ai nabi l i t yPar t ner s hi ppr es ent : “ Comi ngCl ean,Goi ngGr een! ” AWast eReduct i on& Recycl i ngWor kshop Januar y29,2008,8: 00am –12: 00pm Thepur pos eoft hi swor k s hopi st ohel pbus i nes s esand or gani z at i onsi nt hei rr es our c emanagementbys howi ng t hemhowt odevel opandi mpl ementwas t er educ t i on pl ansandpr ogr ams .Smal l t ol ar gec ompani esandvenues wi l l bepr es ent i ngt hei rvar i ouswas t er educ t i onpr ogr ams andwhatwor k ed/ di dn’ twor k .Fi ndouthowt heCi t y’ s r ec yc l i ngor di nanc eaf f ec t syourpl ac eofwor kandhow bes tt oc ompl y ,aswel l ass aves omegr een!

REGI STER ONLI NE TODAY Thewor kshopwi l lbehel datt he Ci t yofSanDi ego“ Gr eenBui l di ng” Envi r onment alSer vi cesDepar t ment 9601Ri dgehavenCour t ,92123 Spacei sl i mi t edt ot hef i r st200at t endees.

Whoshoul dat t end? Anys i z ebus i nes soror gani z at i oni nt er es t edi nr educ i ng t hei rc ar bonf oot pr i nt !L oc al gover nmentagenc i es , nonpr of i t sandr ec yc l i ngandwas t ec ompani esar eal s o enc our agedt oat t end. Regi st erOnl i neher e: ht t p: / / www. s an. or g/ ai r por t _aut hor i t y/ enews l et t er / gr een_r egi s t r at i on. as p Spons or edby:

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