God's Judgment Day Screenplay

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
“God’s Judgment Day Screenplay” Saints Triumphant – November 14th and 15th, 2009 Daniel 12:1-3 Every doomsday disaster movie that comes out of Hollywood seems to have the same basic plot which goes a little something like this: the world is going about its business as it normally does. Out of nowhere, one person, usually a scientist, discovers an abnormality that threatens life as we know it: an imbedded signal in our satellite system from alien spacecrafts, a meteor the size of the state of Texas headed right for us, or an unusually strong weather pattern that threatens to send the earth into a second ice age. As the threatening entity approaches, unspeakable terror befalls the earth: meteor showers that crush entire countries, blizzards that freeze people within seconds, tornados that rip up major cities, and the ever popular ½ mile high tidal wave that swallows up either the Western or Easter seaboard of the United States. People try to run away from the danger, but they can’t...it’s too late. Then, after the initial disaster has occurred, a group of people mobilize to save themselves and the earth, refusing to “go quietly into the night.” And in the end, mankind always prevails! Life goes on! Cities get rebuilt, but the indelible memory of the doomsday disaster never goes away. This past Friday, yet another Roland Emmerich disaster movie hit the theaters – “2012,” where, surprise of all surprises the world is threatened again. Now, I didn’t go see the movie. But I’ll bet any amount of money that, in the end, after Emmerich blows up half the world, kills billions of unsuspecting people and sinks New York City into the Atlantic Ocean, that mankind prevails and goes on living! Hollywood goes out of their way to over-sensationalize what every single person in this world knows is true: The end is near! But instead of finding out information about the Last Day from movies or Mayan temples or even our imagination, Christians must look to the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, where the Holy Spirit, in his own perfect cinematography shows us everything we need to know about Judgment Day, interestingly enough, following the same basic outline of most disaster movies. Toward the Day of Judgment, there will be “a time of distress” as we are told in Daniel – unparalleled travail upon Christians – which has never been experienced before, a battle to claim souls away from the Lord Jesus. But in the end, Christians will triumph, because God’s deliverance in Christ Jesus will cause them to shine like the celestial bodies in the heavens forever and ever. God’s Judgment Day screenplay is wonderfully predictable: Unparalleled travail followed by unending triumph for believers. I.

Unparalleled Travail

Let’s watch the first part of the Spirit’s screenplay, verse 1 of Daniel chapter 12, which gives some very important information about what Christians can expect in the end times: “At that time, Michael, the great prince who protects your people will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.” Powerful words with a sobering lesson for us. The first act in this screenplay is a war, a battle, not for land, not for money, not for pride...a battle for souls that is constantly raging, where both God and all the forces of antiGod lay claim to us. On one side, there is Michael, the archangel, the defender of God’s people who stands to fight

for all who are on the side of truth, and on the other side is Satan, and all who are against the truth, who are fighting furiously to bring about the destruction of God’s people, who are warring with all their might. And we’re in the middle of it right now! Paul opened the eyes of the Ephesian congregation to that very truth: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” We are in a war, a spiritual war! And as this war goes on and on, the enemy will intensify his efforts, lashing out in pre-meditated fury to seduce the people of God and undermine their faith in Jesus Christ, with the intention that the connection of faith be severed forever, and their souls become eternal casualties. With each passing day, we are noticing the intensity of the anti-Christian forces, mobilizing to stifle the truth of God’s Word which saves and bludgeon those who trust in the Scriptures for salvation. We see the enemy convincing many that sin doesn’t really exist, or if it does...that it isn’t really that bad. We watch, as the forces of evil introduce new theologies, new philosophies, new systems of doctrine and practice that undermine the truth of the Bible, replacing the very Word of our Almighty and merciful God with various systems of work-righteousness that lead people to trust in themselves for truth and salvation. We observe as the evil pied piper sounds his pleasing theological musings, leading precious souls further and further away from the precious blood of Christ which purchased them for eternity. We’re in a war, and war is dangerous. There will be casualties, and as the end approaches, the war is going to intensify to a level that has never been seen or experienced, where all the forces of anti-God will unleash distress, travail, upon the children of God. Unlike the disaster movies that we have become used to especially over the last 15 years or so, which show a world-wide distress, this battle, this war pictured in Daniel and in Revelation is a battle of epic proportions where we are the target of the enemy – believers. Don’t expect everything to be all rosy and wonderful all the time for us. In his first letter, Peter encourages sober-mindedness: “Be self-controlled and alert! Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” And then in his second epistle, he follows with this encouragement: “Dear friends, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error or lawless men and fall from your secure position.” In other words, don’t become so overly self-confident, thinking that you are immune to the devil’s attacks, because you will open yourselves up to unnecessary spiritual harm. Be on guard! Stand firm in the truth of God’s Word! Clothe yourselves with the armor of God, the truth of his salvation! And in the end, the unparalleled travail of the Last days, which is coming, will not snatch you from the Father’s hand. II.

Unending triumph

That’s really the point of this vision in Daniel 12. Yes, there is trouble ahead, and the war is going to intensify against the confessors of the truth. But, there is triumph in the end for all who remain faithful to the Savior, who look in utter dependence to his atoning sacrifice as the source of forgiveness and eternal life. Act two of the Spirit’s Judgment Day screenplay records the triumph of believers: “But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” This last Wednesday, our country celebrated Veterans Day, a day which is dedicated to giving honor to soldiers that are still living who selflessly entered battlefields around the world so that we can enjoy the freedoms

that we have as American citizens. Even though the day is really focused upon the living veterans, thousands still gathered at places like the Vietnam War memorial in Washington D.C. to remember those who died in service to their country. If you’ve never seen it, the Vietnam War memorial has some 56,000+ names permanently etched into it, the names of those soldiers who fought against the enemy overseas, and died gloriously on the field of battle. With that same kind of imagery, we are told “But at that time your people will be delivered – everyone whose name is etched into the book (of life).” While we are careful not to have an unhealthy overconfidence as we face the travail that is ahead, we don’t need to despair either, because in the end, there is triumph for all whose names have been etched into God’s memorial of spiritual warfare. Unlike the Vietnam Memorial, however, we aren’t the ones that fought the war against Satan – Jesus did! He took on the forces of the anti-God for everyone else. He, as the lone representative of all mankind, bore the sins of the world, bore the brunt of Satan’s attacks, took on the worst that Satan and his forces had to offer. And on that hill of battle outside Jerusalem on a dark and dingy Friday afternoon, Jesus declared for all time and eternity that he was victorious – “It is finished.” He fought valiantly. He died gloriously, and yet it is our names that are etched with blood into eternity – the names of unworthy sinners, who are granted victory by faith in Jesus Christ. And finally, that’s where our confidence must lie as we march day by day towards our eternal home, dear fellow Christian soldiers. Our confidence must be laid upon Jesus and his precious promises. Because on that Last Day, when the Lord Jesus comes again in glory, the final adversary that will prove to be vanquished is death itself! By his resurrection from the dead, Jesus declared the grave to be powerless, death to be powerless, the devil to be powerless. And it’s his promise that all whose names are etched permanently into the Great Book, all who die in faith, in the loving arms of their Savior will “Rise to everlasting life...to shine like the brightness of the heavens...like the stars of the sky.” What a great comfort when a fellow brother or sister in Christ leaves this world for eternity. What a great incentive for all of us, who continue to bear the banner of Christ Jesus in this spiritual battlefield, remembering Jesus’ own promise in Revelation 2:10, “Be faithful to the point of death and I will give you the crown of life.” Amen.

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