Godavari Sugar Mills -assocham Csr Case Study Format

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  • Pages: 18
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India ASSOCHAM Corporate Office 1, Community Center, Zamrudpur, Kailash Colony, New Delhi 110048 Tel: 46550555(Hunting Line) Fax:011-46536481/2 Website: www.assocham.org

CASE STUDY PROFORMA Filled in forms to be sent to [email protected]


1. Name of the company



2. Nature of the Company/ Industry :


3. Year of Establishment



4. Number of employees



5. Annual turnover of the company :

Rs 477 crores



6. Approximate annual budget for corporate social responsibility or corporate


Approximately Rs 15 lacs

7. Current CSR projects At the forefront of the rural development programmes undertaken by the Somaiya Group, are the various social activities conducted by the company. Since its inception, the sugar mills have always been closely involved with, and concerned about the development of the farming communities with which it has interacted. The company has always had the tradition of reaching out to enrich the lives of the people in its areas of operations

The Godavari Sugar Mills Ltd. has a developmental programme under the title Somaiya Grameen Vikas Kendra (SGVK). This SGVK has taken up number of development programmes with the partnership of Somaiya Vidyavihar since its inception which are listed below  Agricultural Research  Panchamukhi Programme.

 Water Conservation  Help a child  Health & Education Related activities.  Sanitation & Panchayat Training The SGVK looks after the social activities of the company and is responsible for assessing the needs of the local people. The SGVK staff is very active on the field and is committed to serve the local people. THE GODAVARI SUGAR MILLS LTD


Social Activities of Grameen Vikas Kendra for 2006-07

Quiz Competition for High School Students: A Quiz Competition for high school students situated in GSML’s area operation was conducted on August 30, 2006.The venue for the Quiz competition was R.M.G. state composite junior college, Mudhol in Bagalkot district. More than 40 high school teams had participated and out of which, top 16 teams were directly qualified for the quarterfinals on the basis of written test conducted. 8 teams went through to the semi final round and 4 teams for finals were selected through the question answer session. The topics covered were Science & technology, History, General knowledge, Politics, Sports, Art & culture, Audio and visual rounds. Prizes were awarded to all 4 teams who were the finalist. The prizes awarded was Rs.2500/-,



Rs.2000/-, Rs.1500/-, Rs.1000/- and trophy to first, second, third as consolation prizes respectively. Scholarship to Merit Students: The merit scholarship cheques were awarded to the students who passed out with highest percentage of marks in II PUC exam held during March / April – 2006. The details of the prizes awarded were as under. 1.

Rs.500/-Cash award to 17 college first rank students situated in GSM area of operation i.e. Rs.500/- x 17 = Rs.8, 500/-


Rs.2500/- Cash award to the first rank student of Science, Commerce and Arts subject among the above mentioned 17 colleges i.e. Rs.2500/- x 3 = Rs.7500/-


Rs.10 000/- Cash award to the first & second rank science students who got








Pre-Pre Primary Schools: As per the MOU with Akshara Foundation, Dharwad Grameen Vikas Kendra started 10 pre – pre primary schools (Anganwadi) in Saidapur, Saidapur cross, Madabhai, Marapur, Sanganatti, Bisnal, P.D. Budni, Dhawaleshwar, Akkimaradit and Nagaral villages of Mudhol taluka in Bagalkot district, Karnataka. Aganwadi provides Quality and value based education to the kids belonging to that age group of 3 to 5 years of age. To give more attention to each child, the admission is restricted to 25 – 30 kids per center (class). These centers are run in the name of SOMAIYA SHISUVIHAR in collaboration with Akshara Foundation, Dharwad. As per the MOU, Akshara foundation has provided 10 days training to volunteers (teachers) and learning kit worth Rs.2000/-to each center. Grameeen Vikas Kendra identified the above volunteers (teachers) and pays Rs.500/- to each teacher as honorarium per month.



Free Jaipur foot camp: The company organized free Bangalore trip for 23 physically challenged persons to facilitate them to attend the Jaipur free foot camp. This camp was organized by Rotary club, Penny, Bangalore on 10 –11 th January 2007. All 23 handicapped persons who were taken to camp got artificial materials such as legs, walking materials, tricycles etc, according to their requirement. Six persons were suggested to undergo operation and the same will be done free of cost. Help a child project students for International conference: 10 students of our help a child project (needy and meritorious) from rural Karnataka had been to “23rd International Conference and Exhibition on Chemtech, Pharma and Biotech – 2007” organized by Chemtech Foundation, Mumbai from February 6 9, 2007. Out of 10 students, 5 were girls and 5 were boys representing 12th Science, B.E. and medical faculty. Help a child student’s interaction with donors: A meeting was arranged at Head Office. Mumbai on 9th February 2007.The students and few donors had the opportunity to interact with each other in this meeting. This interaction helped the donors to know more about the family background , their surroundings, the thought process, ambitions and aspirations of the students.



Multi Diagnostic Medical Camp:

Somaiya Grameen Vikas Kendra has organized two-days free multi diagnostic medical camp at Sameerwadi on May 11-12, 2007 in coordination with K.J.Somaiya Medical College and Research Center, Mumbai. More than 1635 patients have availed this facility in different sections such as : • • • • •

Chest and TB –68, Orthopedic – 225 Pediatrician –103 Psychiatric – 16 Physician – 422.

• • • •

Dentist – 98, ENT-133, ECG/ blood test – 110 Skin & VD – 171 Surgeon –11

These villagers were from about 15-20 surrounding villages. Further 60 patients were identified who have to undergo an operation. This covers ENT, cataract, cancer etc., and they would be operated during August and September-2007.



Medical Check up camp for Sameerwadi School children:

Somaiya Grameen Vikas Kendra has organized one-day medical check up camp for sameerwadi school children in coordination with local doctors on 24.06.2007. About 250 CBSE school students, 400 Kannada medium primary and about 170 Kannada medium high school students have been examined in the camp. Medical check up was done between 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. by 5 pediatrician, 4 dentist, 2 ENT specialists, and a surgeon and gynecologist. 4.00-to 5.00 p.m. Dental health educative programme was organized with question and answer session between parents and doctors.



Tailoring classes:

More than 300 candidates have benefited from the tailoring class run by Somaiya Grameen Kendra us at Kulali, Gulgal Jabmagi, Akkimaradi and Ranjanagi villages in Mudhol taluka of Bagalkot district. At present eight tailoring classes are held at Saidapurcross, Sanganatti, Marapur and Madhabhavi villages in Mudhol taluk, Navalagi and Chimmad villages in Jamakhandi taluka of Bagalkot district, Khanatti in Gokak and Sultanapur in Raibag taluk of Belgaum district. Panchmukhi activities at Madabhavi: The Company has adopted a village called Madbhavi in Mudhol taluka for its overall development where we have been implementing Dr.H.M.Maralusiddahia’s panchamukhi activities. Under this programme we are conducting seminars and group discussion on adult education, re-enrollment of school dropouts, tailoring class HIV / AIDS awareness etc., in Madbhavi, Sanganatti, Saidapur, Kesaragoppa, Bisnal and Marapur villages of Mudhol taluka in Bagalkot district



Govt. High School for Madabhavi: Through our continuous efforts we have succeeded in obtaining sanction from the sate government for establishing Govt. High School in Madbhavi village situated in Mudhol taluka of Bagalkot district. Honorable minister Mr. Govind M. Karjol inaugurated this high school on August 10, 2006. Further Kuvempu and K.J.Somaiya birth centenary celebration committee donated an amount of Rs.200000/- (Rupees two lacks only) for purchase of land / construction of new high school building.

World Class school at Sameerwadi

The Company has also helped found a modern English medium school at its factory premises in rural Karnataka. The school will apply for CBSE certification this academic year. The school has been an interesting social experiment. In the past, farmers’ children would study in village school, workers’ children in the factory school, and the officers’ children would study at a private school nearby. This school would have the children of the farmers, workers, and officers, all sitting side by side. Thus the company has made effort to do eradicate racial THE GODAVARI SUGAR MILLS LTD


discrimination and creating unity and sense of belonging in the minds of the villagers.

Vermi compost pits: Motivated many un-employed youth and self-help group for production of vermi compost in areas of company operations. At present nearly 15-vermi compost pits are functioning and they are earning money out of its sale.



8. Describe your company’s social initiatives in maximum 500 words: Prepare

an interesting case study that clearly specifies the target group, project location, issue, stakeholders, socio-economic impact, national significance of the issue, budget, and future sustainability of the project (Additional Sheet Attached) (Some examples of Issues are: Environment Conservation, Rural/ Urban Development, Women and Child Health Care, Street Children, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, Primary Education, Women Entrepreneurship, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) for Development, Old Age Homes, Mentally and Physically Challenged Persons, Employment to SC and ST’s, any others

CASE STUDY Title of the case study:

Help A Child To Study

Vision:  We aim to provide the opportunity, through financial support to every student who has demonstrated the potential to achieve in life but is not able to do so due to lack of financial resources. We specially strive to support and assist girls.  Financial support to meritorious students, who are unable to continue their higher education due to financial difficulties.  Involve people from the community to contribute for the development of education.  Provide textbooks, computers, learning aids, career counseling etc, to all sponsored students.



Background: There is always a story behind every cause and this is no different. We came across a young boy whose results in the 10th grade exams were so outstanding, that the student was listed in the merit list put forth by the state of Karnataka. He is the son of a laborer, and did not even have an assured access to electricity. To achieve such results despite seemingly insurmountable odds was truly inspiring. His father earns hardly Rs.800/- per month and student would need Rs.6000/- to study beyond the 10th grade. His parents did mention that they would borrow to help their son study. Even if they did manage for son, there would be no money to help their 13-yearold intelligent daughter’s further study. To enable this child to study further was the company’s responsibility. For a child such as he to return to hard labor work for want of financial support would be shame, and certainly a disincentive for his parents, teachers, sister, and his classmates, who would then see no merit in studying so hard and achieving so much Also during a field visit of our Executive Director in Hallur village in Belgaum district of Karnataka, he met with a girl child who was studying for the 10 th class. She lived in a small hut without any access to electricity. There were plethora of cases like these and to help such meritorious children by inspiring them to pursue their dreams of a better and secure future the company developed a website www.somaiya.org/helpachild. The website provides a platform to facilitate interface between such students and sponsors in order to empower these students.



Target Group & Location: The needy and meritorious students studying in more than 100 education institutes in Bagalkot and Belgaum district of Karnataka, Kolhapur, Satara, Ahamadanagar and Mumbai districts in Maharastra are the beneficiaries of the project. So far more than 352 students have got the benefit of this project and were sponsored to pursue further studies. The company has fixed the target of 500 students to be sponsored for this academic year. Future sustainability: The company along with the co-operation of the sponsors / donors started the project. The company has developed an online application which bridges the gap between needy students who have the potential but are financially incapable to afford higher education and the people who want to donate. The entire site is user friendly and one can donate on line from other countries .Yes the project integrates the priorities of Sustainable development as it provides financial help so tha a student can fulfill his/ her dreams. As we are all aware that more than 70% of India’s population resides in rural parts of India. Most of them are working as agriculturists, farm labors to full fill their basic requirements of food, shelter, clothing and health. The Govt. has schools in almost all villages / in a cluster of villages to provide almost free education up to 10th class. But after 10th class, most of the parents are unable send their child to nearby colleges due to lack of funds. The company through this project is providing financial help to fulfill the dreams of the child. THE GODAVARI SUGAR MILLS LTD


Stakeholders & Participants: • Sponsors / donors from all over the world. • Underprivileged and needy but meritous students. • The company acting in the role of the mediator to facilitate interaction between the sponsored students and the sponsors. National Significance of the issue: We are all aware that the current problem faced by the country is in the field of education. The enormity lays not only the Quality of education but also access to Quality Education. This is apparent from the Budget speech made by the Honorable Finance minister of India Mr Chidabaram and also the speech made by the Honorable Prime minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh on the day of 60th year of independence of the country. The company has realized the significance of the same. Higher education in some parts of the country is beyond the reach of the common man. The infrastructure required is inadequate and non pervasive. In such instances the company aspires to become the necessary infrastructure thereby ensuring that the child is not deprived of higher education.



Socio –Economic Impact: The company always believed in serving the underprivileged of the society (students in particular). With the help of this scholarship scheme, we have helped few students complete their education. Few of them are working in different sectors which includes IT with attractive salary and they have promised to chip in their best for this venture . A BRIEF SNAPSHOT  More than 65 years of treasured relationship with the farming community.  A Network covering more than 600 villages.  More than 15000 farmers catered to.  Microfinance -Rs 50 cores advanced so far with average transaction size of Rs 4000.  More than 6 Villages connected On Wifi Network.  More than 300 scholarships given under the help a child project.  Established a Modern English Medium school. Through this relationship of caring and mutually derived benefits, in the areas of India’s farming and rural communities, the company tries to make a positive impact and revolutionize the lives of the people it serves thus bringing about a sea change and contributing to the overall development of the Rural people.





Few photos of student beneficiaries with their family members

Name: Mr Samir Somaiya

Address/Tel/Fax/Email Fazalbhoy Building,45/47,M.G Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001. Tel: 22048272 Fax: 22047297 Email: [email protected] Signature………………………………………

Name: Mr Vijaykumar Kanavi Address/Tel/Fax/Email Sameerwadi (Via Mahalingpur) District Bagalkot Karnataka 587316 Tel:(08350) 260046 Fax: (08350) 260037 Email: [email protected]






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