God Speaks Will You Listen?

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GOD Speaks

Will YOU Listen









A Story of Cletus Schefers I was born and lived on a farm west of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am the oldest of 7 children. I went to a one-room schoolhouse that had all 8 grades, 26 children were in the classroom. I talked mostly German at home and for one hour in school. I would walk in the fields and look at the plants, and wondered how God made them and made them grow. I also wondered how God could help me make them grow better, and how to stop weeds from growing. When I turned 19, my dad had me get a job off the farm. At that time, my brothers were able to help my dad on the farm. In August of 1956, while sitting on my bed looking out the window, I saw the clouds open up. There sat God the Creator, holding a staff in his right hand, and his left hand raised up in the air. I did not know what this all was. I could not talk about it. For many, many, many years, I would think of this vision, and what I should do with it. But life went on. I was a mechanic for 19 years. After that, I operated heavy equipment until I retired at 62. I was married in 1960 and have 4 children. I am still married.



In February 1983, I wanted to find out more about God. How can I find this answer? I looked and looked for 4 years. I could not read or write. I was told by people to ask Jesus's mother, and to ask St. Jude. I did not know how to ask St. Jude. I asked for wisdom, because it sounded good. I prayed to God and asked St. Jude to pray for me. In less than one year, I could read, but not as other people read. Then I could not get enough to read. God guided me as to what books I should read. About 1990 or so, God infused the Bible in me. He gave it to me little by little, for a number of years. I could not remember what he gave me. I don't know what I know, but God brings the words out of my mouth when they are needed. He calls me his megaphone. I had 3 healings from God. The first time it was 2 ribs, then the right leg, and the last time was the left knee. In September 2001, the Lord asked me to let my hair and beard grow. I have yet to cut my hair or beard, except at my upper lip. Now it has passed the 5-year mark, and my hair seems to stay shoulder length, and not get any longer. Long hair was a Nazarene tradition, which is what Jesus and Sampson were. In November 2001, the Lord told me I could reveal my vision (after 45 years). In May of 1993, the first time I prayed with someone, God healed that person. Now, 13 years later, the Lord has healed a lot of people physically, and spiritually. All I do for them is to pray for them. The vision picture was painted on March 3, 2006. It was blessed by a faithful priest.

http://godspeakswillyoulisten.org/ [email protected]



The hand of God guided Cletus Schefers to write these words.




01-25-07C Where do I start? In the Lord’s Prayer it says, “Thy will be done”. All in heaven do God’s will. How we give glory to God by words. By showing His works, His real true justice, His fairness, His clearness of the rules. We learn to bring all this information to all his creation. We help work to make all creation happy, and happy to bring joy to God the Father. “God the Father, I AM WHO AM!” He gave us the ten commandments, and his son Jesus from Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit to guide us with wisdom, which is the will of God. God will give graces to all who pray, fast, love God, obey his rules and live his love and rules. His obedience is a must. Eve did not obey God. Adam and Eve lost Paradise. God made Paradise for his good children. God the Father is bringing Paradise back on earth. Then all on earth will have to know how to live his will. So must all work and learn and live and love like Jesus did 2000 years ago. He was the teacher. Do you know all he did teach? He did teach his 12 apostles for 3 years. Some of them wrote books. Jesus made Peter the Pope. When Jesus went to heaven, Peter guided the church and the church has been guided by Peter and his successors ever since. We all must look at our hands, our eyes and what we look at, what we hear and what we talk about. We should pray the Rosary and Chaplet, and thank God for what he gave us. We should ask him to guide our lives so that we can use his words and keep our lives sin free. We should pray each day, go to confession often, confess all mortal sins and venial sins, and things we fail to do. Think of how I can help God to help other people to save their souls in order to get to Paradise. Talk about how God gives us more graces when we do all things God asks us. Some people become holy from God’s graces. Then God can sometimes use their voices to lead other people. Some people are not used by God, so study what they talk about to learn about the good or bad words. Think of how I can use my brain in God’s plan in a world to come. How we live and show we really care about what we do.

02/05/07C One person prays in a family, and the rest of the family gives this person a hard time by words, insults, and laughing at that person. But that one person is not a quitter because of the love of God, and God’s grace and wisdom. God created all that is good,the book of Apocalypse in the Douay-Rheims version of the bible, chapter 9 verse 3-4. Then came locusts upon the earth, and power was given to them to only hurt people who don’t have the sign of God on their foreheads. They could not hurt anything else. The one person who has the sign, who prays and lives all the commands of God the creator, and his son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Teacher and Redeemer who died on the cross 1976 years



ago, and people whose name is in the Book of Life, could have the sign and not be hurt by the locusts. Only the other people will hurt. This hurt will go on for 5 months. When people with the hurt, see that some people don’t have this hurt, they will want to know all about that person’s life. The person who does not have this hurt may be the person who is praying, and has their name written in the Book of Life, and has the sign on the forehead. People who have the hurt can get help from the person who prays. Learn to pray, change, and get God in your life. Then God will give graces, wisdom, happiness, and understanding as to why God created us, what we are doing on Earth, and how long we are here. When are mission, work, and purification of sins is done. Our mission is to help others to learn and do good like we had to learn to do. For some people, the pain will be very, very terrible and hurtful pain. We should be a happy group of people when we help others the way God wants us to. When we die, or soul goes to God for judgment. God will show us our sins and then we will know if we obeyed Him in all things that his crucified son did teach and bring to us: His teaching, His 7 sacraments, and his Holy Catholic Bible. When we did all things right and good, he will say, “Well done, come to heaven”. Be with good people. Be always in joy. If you were not always good, before you die, you must ask God to forgive each sin you did. When a sin is committed, go to confession, so that you don’t go to Hell and hurt always. Go to purgatory, and hurt for a short time. Bless God the Father, His Son, and Holy Spirit. Let us all do right and Gods will.

03/07/07C In Eucharistic adoration, God with people (Rev.21:3), we adore God Jesus in midst of the throne (Rev.5:6). He wants to guide all people in the mind of the people. The people next to us don’t hear God speak to us. We don’t hear God speak to the other people next to us. God is so awesome with his power and wisdom. We use a little part of our brain. God wants to fill the rest of our brain with all good, holy, wise and smart things. God wants us all to have joy and happiness and peace. God wants us to use our little brain to find and learn to use all the holy and important things in his part of our brain. God the creator made us. His love for us is much more than we know. God knows how our body works, for He made it. God wants to give us holiness. We must make our body and soul clean of sin, and keep it clean forever. I want God to send some graces with holiness for my body and soul. God put a lot of good things in his part of our brain. When we go to adoration with holiness and love of God, sometimes God will put a thought in my mind. When I ask for help, He sometimes gives understanding of hard things. Some people praying before God in adoration, see his face (Rev.22:4). They go closer to see. Now they believe more, and are happier. This is a grace of God. Some people praying in adoration, hear a voice come out from the throne (Rev. 19:5). They will not believe, so they will block the words from their mind. (Seal not the words Rev. 22:10).



As more people go to adoration, and see Jesus in the monstrance, they will hear God give them words of understanding of all their problems. Jesus, I trust in you. God is all wise and wisdom. We have a free will. We can block God out of our lives. Because we block and don’t thank for our food and don’t thank him for our health. We don’t have wisdom on our own. We ourselves cannot stop from getting sick. If we did God’s will in all things, and asked God to send angels to keep us from danger and from getting sick and checked our brain for wisdom, we could have a more happy life. So go to adoration, start praying and talking to God with our mind, not our lips. Not our voice. It is good to be quiet sometimes, in order to hear God give wisdom, as God wills, not our will. I wish all to be children of God. I wish all to have grace of God. I wish all to hang around God, And learn from Jesus the Nazarene, The Son of God the Father Creator.





05-09-07C Knock at my door. What should I do before I open the door? The bible says that He knows before He came, what is in my home, in my heart, in my soul, and in my mind. He knows that I am a sinner, excuses don’t work. God knows the details. I could pray or get on my knees. Or beg God the Holy Spirit to teach me to bring glory to the Father, who made all things good. Some sinful people do evil to God’s holy and good work. Some people don’t believe in God, so don’t ask how to take care of God’s good work. When he made the earth and the animals, fish, air, food, water, and bodies and mind of people. Without the wisdom of God, without the graces and blessings of god, we are helpless. Some people change God’s good work. This is like laughing at God’s creation. No one will mock God the Father and Creator. People, who obey and pray, do things good for God the Creator and Father. They get special wisdom, special power, and special suffering to help save souls. Oh! I forgot God at my door. I am mocking him! He said that no one will mock Him. How will I start? Thank you (my door now open) Father, I love you (now kneeling). My Divine Holy God (now bowing my head to the floor). I cannot look at my loving God, because I did my own will. I must do His will, serve Him with all love and joy, the best I can give. There is no thinking of complaining, or I failed with my true love of mind, heart, soul, and body. All He made good must return to God. God has made a place of very, very great joy. Heaven is the place! Every good thing we do in God’s will, He will multiply 100 times or more. He will give us all this to those that do and love his will. All things good will return to God. I use my will to do God’s will in the guiding of the Holy Spirit and the teaching of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, so I be good to return to God the Father Creator.

06-12-07C When god gives his information of what truth and honesty that gives us a great light of understanding. We can then love god with holy love. When god gives graces in a holy person. A holy person will talk with joy, love, and with excitement. A holy person will do what is pleasing to the lord. God can give words of wisdom to a holy person then that



person might prophecy as doing gods holy will. A light might shine from this person. God put this light there. This light will lead people to god to increase their faith. The Holy person will not know this light. God does this so no pride will start in the holy person. A person who has pride will not come to be with God. The bad things about pride; they will not receive wisdom. A prideful person might not hear God guide them how to be ready to get to heaven. We reject God when we have pride. When we get sick, it will be a test of our pride. We all must ask God how not to have pride. God the Father is the Creator of all that is good and holy. Without God, we can do nothing. Sometimes we waste a lot of time because we lack wisdom on how to do better. God will save the humble people. Be humble like Jesus. He gave all honor to His Father. We must follow Jesus. Jesus is the light we must follow. He is the light of the world. At the end of the day we should think of how we failed by not being the light of God. Many people, now more than ever before, need wisdom. We must show the love that God has for all his people. God knows all things. God will forgive if we ask with honest words and a humble heart, with a heart and mind full of love for God and all he made. God will show mighty and great powerful things to get us to live holy lives. No one will fool God the Father. Beautiful things are coming. All will be Paradise.

07/23/07C God the father, creator of all, would come and walk with his human people, who he made with free will. What would Adam talk to God about? Would he kneel and bow to God? Would he thank God for his body, soul and food? Would God talk about how Adam could bring joy and love to God? That is God’s plan. God knows all this. God knows what we all think. God planned to come walk with us. How I would like to ask God how to do many important things of life, and to help other people and especially the great power and wisdom of God. And how to understand the Holy and Divine workings of our great Father. I love to seek his drawing Divine Love. Taste the goodness of God. How can I explain this feeling after this came to me? Nothing on this earth is like the goodness of God. It is hard. But it is worth it. Jesus walked on this earth to make God the Father known to people, and to bring people away from sin. Jesus came to teach the will of God the Creator of all. Some God fearing people seek God with all their love. And in time find the great pearl. Their hands will fold in prayer more and more, and go to confession to have a holy sin-free place for this pearl. Our God the great Father in heaven is greater then all the pearls. How long is the wait until God will or can walk with the people on earth. I want God to walk with you and me. The sooner we start. Let us all start now. Don’t wait. I think a lot of God. God the Father walks with people in heaven. God the father will walk on the earth with his people when the earth is clean of sin and hate must stop. The world is too unholy for the Holy God to come walk with his people. Jesus will lead a cleanup of this world. God, the maker of this world and all things, will clean and make new world by fire and heat. The earth will be real clean like new. Then God will bring holy and god trusting people to start again living on a clean earth.



08-20-07C God is very, very Holy and Divine; a good Father who made all that is good. When he made people, he gave them free will. In the Our Father Prayer, words say “Thy will be done.” What happens to our free will when God’s will is to be done? If I choose not to obey God’s 10 commandments and 7 sacraments, we must learn God’s way. When we pray to God for our friends, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors and people who harm and hurt and hate people. God could let harm come to dishonest people and take their voice away when they speak terrible and bad words. God loves us and wants to save us from hell, so God lets suffering come in our lives and sickness such as cancer to make us think. Some people start to pray. Some people go to church and some people repent from what God calls bad and sinful. Some people will read the Bible to know how to live by the will of God. Old testament guided God’s followers, the people who love and obey God’s Holy Rules. God could test the people to see if they loved God. Would the people show God they obey his rules and commandments? Then when the time was right, Jesus came. He brought 7 sacraments. Because Jesus is the son of God, He is the teacher of God’s words. The new testament Douey-Rheims version bible, are words from Jesus the Teacher. From people who heard Jesus teach. Jesus would show us with the cross of suffering. We suffer different hurts when we wrong God who created us, he will not always punish us. But we will not get the gift of heaven. Heaven is perfect, pure, divine, holy, and does gods will. By doing all this they will have wisdom of all things which no one on earth has now. All those will get the gift of heaven can enjoy the great joy that god has in his heart. The joys we have on this earth. The times when we are happy as can be. I heard of people who prayed for this joy after praying for some years they got the joy for some minutes they ask god not to send so much joy. They prayed asking god for not so much joy. god can do all things. After death if you go to heaven no one will have pain or hurt. People who have no time for Jesus and his teachings will not get to heaven now. But will go to a place for some time to be purified until the soul is clean and holy. Some who hate god will not get the gift of joy.

I will pray for many to get the gift of joy if they want. You have free will what you want. But all must learn and live the rules or will Not get to the place of joy.

09-19-07C God the Creator is the maker of all that is good. Some people made God’s good things bad. Jesus, Son of God, has wisdom of all things like the Father. Jesus shows us how to love the Father and live a holy life. Jesus will show the will of God in all things, and what God the Father wants. We must all look and read all that Jesus is showing and telling us, in many places in the world. When we look and work like



Jesus did, who pleased the Father, and the Father sees us look like his Son, how very happy the Creator Father will be. When we humans like to be like Jesus with joy, then Jesus completed his mission. His mission was to ready us for joy in heaven, and there is always joy with God. Jesus has some of this mission left, and that is to show it to some people who don’t like to know Jesus and be like him. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love all people. The Blessed Trinity will watch these people suffer some of the very bad hardships that will come to this earth. People must think and do good and follow Jesus. People must become good, honest, fair, kind and love all people. Can you think of heaven? Can you think of Hell? Can you think of purgatory? How should I pray? Do I know how to pray so God will do things for me? Can I help other people to pray? Do I read the Douey Rheims Bible, and pray asking God to help me to understand the meaning of the readings? When will the bible message complete its message? Not much is left to come. I hope you ‘re working for the will of God to be done in the whole world. Jesus did the will of God the Creator. Let us all follow Jesus, and listen to all he talks about. I want to learn all about God and heaven.

10-07-07C HAVE I EVER THOUGHT OF ASKING THE LORD WHAT HE WANTS ME TO DO FOR HIM TODAY? HOW CAN I HELP YOU HEAR HIS VOICE? HOW DO I HEAR HIS VOICE AND WILL FOR ME? You have to have sanctifying grace in your heart in order to hear the LORD. WHAT IS SANCTIFYING GRACE? Sanctifying grace makes you worthy for God to dwell in your heart. Sanctifying grace is a gift from GOD. HOW CAN I GET SANCTIFYING GRACE? By going to confession and receiving Jesus’ body in the Eucharist. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO GET TO KNOW THE LORD? HOW DO YOU HEAR THE LORD? In the quiet of your mind. You can’t hear the LORD when you are busy with other things all the time, such as talking or texting on the phone, television, computer, video games, sports, and etc. You need to have quiet time every day for ½ hour, and see if the LORD will talk to your mind. Sometimes when you hear the LORD, you can get thoughts in your head that you know didn’t come from you. If you can’t take ½ hour every day, try to be quiet for 5 minutes, and listen and see if the LORD will come to your mind in your thinking. Listening to God can give you a peaceful feeling inside of you, and help you learn things, and maybe understand your schoolwork better, and learn your job better. God might give you thoughts that other kids and grown-ups don’t have. GOD loves us and wants to help all those people who want to live a better life. God has a plan for everybody’s life, but it is up to you to find



out what the plan is for your life. And the only way you can do that is to spend some quiet time, so that GOD’S thoughts will become your thoughts. And GOD will show you his plan for your life. Sometimes this takes more than 1 or 2 times. WHAT IF I WANT TO DO SOMETHING, AND I DON’T KNOW IF IT IS RIGHT OR WRONG FOR ME? Take a little quiet time, and if it is right for you, GOD will give you some good ideas how to do it the best way. It’s hard to love other people when they don’t treat you right and hurt you. When we hurt, GOD also feels our hurt and wants to help us fix this hurt. HOW DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE WHO HAS HURT YOU? HOW DO YOU FIX THE HURT THAT YOU FEEL? Sometimes you can’t do it on your own. You have to have GOD help you and heal your hurt inside of you. Sometimes it helps to talk to some people that GOD has put in your life around you. It might be a teacher, a neighbor, a friend, a person in church, or even a relative. Spend a little quiet time and talk to GOD, because GOD is like the best FATHER you could think of having. He loves you, and wants the best for you. He wants you to come and live with Him in heaven in the future. Someday, you might meet someone with the same hurt you had, and you will be able to help that person get through that hurt and hard time, because you already went through it yourself.

11-10-07C When we have reverence for the Lord, God gives us graces because he loves us. How then, should we give reverence to the Lord? When we come in the church, we should look at the tabernacle and say hello to Jesus, and say, “Jesus, I love you and Jesus, I trust in you.” When you get to your place in church where you are going to sit, and are the closest to the tabernacle, genuflect with the right knee to the floor, because Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. The bible says that someday every knee shall bend, and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. In case you feel this is an outdated practice of kneeling before the Lord, read the Holy word of GOD. Joshua took off his shoes in the presence of an angel, and knelt to show reverence. The Apostle John in The book of Apocalypse knelt before the angel in reverence. Then even the Lord Jesus Christ himself knelt when he prayed to his Father. In 1917 the angel at Fatima knelt before the host and the chalice of blood, and required that the 3 children at Fatima to kneel before the sacred host suspended in mid-air. In the book of Habakkuk 2:20 it says the Lord is in his holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him. Are you silent when you come into the Lord’s house? Who are you going to church to meet, the Lord, or your friends? When you meet one of your human friends, you give all your attention to them. How much more should you give your full attention to the Lord when you meet him and kneel before him in his presence? So why should you show more reverence to your friends than the Lord. Your silence in church is showing reverence to the Lord. After receiving the Holy Eucharist, we should have silence to



show reverence. Church was not meant to be a social hall. It was meant to be a meeting place for you and the LORD. How many of you feel that the Lord doesn’t answer your prayers? Do you realize that after you receive the Eucharist, that Jesus Christ is closer to you than at any other time in your life. The book of James 1:7 says, “ Therefore let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord.” Another verse says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.” Many prayers are not answered because you do not ask in reverence, and in silence before the Lord God Almighty. If you are socializing with your neighbors during the holy mass, you are telling the Lord that He is second place in your life and your neighbors are more important than the Lord. This is truly why your prayers are not answered. You need to repent of your spiritual laziness, and come with reverence before the Lord. If you want to communicate with the Lord, You must be obedient to his rules. You must not use your own human opinions and think the Lord is going to listen to you. Learn to adore the Eucharistic presence of Christ now, so you can truly start to communicate with him.

12-12-07C Jesus, you have had more than 2000 birthdays already. You have watched the human race come and go through life and death. You’ve watched them grow up from children to adults, and watched them make mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Some have come and asked you for advice, and others have had no interest in getting to know you. You have taught and guided some to become priests, guided others to become good parents, and some to be good teachers. You have taught us to love the Father, because He is the Creator of all. You have blessed us and given us graces to do greater things for the Kingdom of God. You have surrounded us with your love, patience and mercy. And you are still willing to help us now and in the future, leading us to love one another as you have loved us. You are looking forward to the time when we all live in happiness in your Kingdom. Some of us still have to learn how to prepare ourselves, to live united in holiness and happiness. You gave your life as an example to us, and taught us how to live with one another in happiness, as was the plan of the Father. Now, some of your children are forgetting you on your birthday. They celebrate all kinds of parties, and they give gifts to one another, and forget to even wish you a happy birthday. You gave us the most precious gift of all. You came to us in a human body, with your divine holy spirit. You sacrificed your body to redeem us of our original sin, so we can spend eternity with you. In order to spend eternity with you, we need to accept you as our Savior, ask for forgiveness of our sins and go to confession, and have sanctifying grace in our soul. After we receive your body in the Eucharist, then you dwell in us in sanctifying grace. You gave us the most precious gift of all. Happy birthday again, to you Jesus. We love you.



These messages were given to Verne Dagenais 10/21/06 A.M.


Today I went to confession and I received a message from Jesus. John 6:37 “All that the Father giveth to me shall come to me: and him that cometh to me, I will not cast out.” John 6:39” Now this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day.” I am your savior. I have forgiven your sins. Everything you need I have given you. WHEN YOU CONSECRATE YOURSELF TO ME DAILY, I AM PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY AND YOU FROM THE ATTACK OF SATAN. Pray my Blessed mother’s rosary, wear the scapular, use holy water, and wear the blessed medals especially the crucifix blessed by Father. These medals were given to help protect you and remind you of my presence. Continue to go to confession and receive holy communion. In the eucharist, you are receiving me and also the Holy Trinity because we are one Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I will protect you and your family in the future because I am Jesus your creator and your savior, as long as you remain in sanctifying grace. Your past is forgiven. Read Philippians 4:13 “Forgetting the things that are behind and stretching forth myself to those that are before.” Your past sins are forgiven, I will not remember them. Why should you? Satan throws doubt in your mind, I do not. Please remember to say Jesus I trust in you. You need to learn to trust in me more. When you trust in me, all things are possible with God. I will always be there for you. Stay with reading my word and following the teachings of the church I led you to, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Remember I never say goodbye to you, because if my spirit lives in you, then you are always in constant communication with me. Finally, remember St Paul, he persecuted and killed Christians, yet I used him and he moved forward letting the past go. All those in your past let me take care of them. Your goal is to learn to live each day following me and living in my divine will. Remember from a previous message, no man who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God Luke 9:62. Remember I love, died for you, and will be with you always even until the end of the age. You have a mission to fulfill for me. That is why you are still alive. I knew one day you would repent from your wicked ways. That is why your world is still in the hour of mercy because I want no man or woman to perish, but all to come to repentance. The events of the future will come in my time and not yours. Look at the signs around you, the hour is short, shorter than you think. Everything I am doing or allowing is for the salvation of your souls. This should be your primary importance. Let go of the world. It will soon pass away. Live in my peace, then no events, no matter how terrible they seem to you will bother you. Remember all power is given unto me in heaven and earth. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God have overcome the world. WITH THIS PROMISE TO YOU, WHY DO YOU DOUBT ME AND NOT TRUST IN ME. WITH ME YOU NEED NO



ONE ELSE. IT GRIEVES MY SACRED HEART WHEN YOU DO NOT TRUST IN ME. I must repeat myself for your benefit. Trust in the Lord and all things will work out for you according to my plan. Remember my servant Job how he lost all things but he was still faithful to me. Today you have many more graces given to you than my servant Job did. SO WHY DO YOU FEAR, I AM WITH YOU. Take these words to heart. Pray to my mother, you have doubts about her. Remember her goal is to lead all men to me her son. Thank your heavenly Father for his gifts to you: my Blessed Mother and myself his only son who died for your sins and lives with you by the power of the Holy Spirit.YOU WILL SEE THE WARNING AND WHEN IT HAPPENS ALL WILL KNOW WHO I AM. NO EXCUSES CAN ANY LONGER BE GIVEN THAT MANKIND DOES NOT KNOW THE TRUTH. Be filled with the spirit. Harden not your hearts and prepare for the day of the Lord. The day of mankinds’ deliverance from the deception of this age. Go in peace and remember my peace is with you and all my faithful everyday. This is a special message for you today. Learn to live in faith my faithful remant. I love you. Jesus Christ, your friend, Lord and savior. Amen Fiat.

10/21/06 P.M. Write down these words and refer to them often. To you: why are you receiving these messages now? Because you are ready. It is so easy to be deceived in this world of yours. Satan appears as an angel of light. Test all by my holy word. When you were in the bondage of satan, he appeared to you and gave you thoughts and messages to deceive you, but it appeared good to you. Several years have gone by since you renounced satan and his works. YOU NEEDED TO LEARN TO LIVE BY FAITH, NOT BY SENSATIONALISM. You were not ready to receive messages from me, because you could not discern the source the messenger came from. Now with my help and humility you can discern. The main reason these words came to you now is to show you that I am not going to let satan receive any glory in your life. All flesh will give me glory. I am pre-eminent in all things. I the Lord want you to know that I can and will communicate to you. To let you know my power is supreme and to show you what a true message from the Lord is like and to help you see the counterfeit lies you were shown. Give thanks to me for my mercies to you. They are new every morning. Lamentations 3:23. Finally, at 9 years of age, you had a vision of me and your guardian angel and a demon. I protected you then. This is a vision for you now. I and your guardian angel will always be with you. This is your confirmation of that experience. Again, trust in me and everything will be accomplished and remember I have your best interests body and soul at heart. These words are also so you do not doubt my presence in the future. Because in the darkness ahead, you will need to trust in me or doubts will arise. In those times reflect on these blessings given to you today. Peace be with you. Jesus Christ



10/28/06 A.M. Message As I was praying at the adoration chapel some thoughts came to me from Jesus. My child I ask you who is here in front of you? It is I, Jesus Christ, present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, creator of the universe. Where and why would you go else where to worship me? You have a tendency to search and read the teachings of other so- called prophets. Remember a true prophet teaches 100% of my truth no error. If you compare any messages and teachings with my Holy word and my church and they are not in agreement, then that teaching is not from the Holy Trinity. God is not the author of confusion. I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the Father but by me. No one enters heaven without embracing all my truth. There will be no schisms or fighting in heaven. Everyone in heaven knows the truth. Do you realize one of the worst events in the history of the world was the protestant reformation. For it caused division in my church. Here is an example. If you plant a seed and do not water it, it will not grow. But if you water it, it will germinate and in the midst of a garden of flowers a weed can sprout. Many weeds can destroy gardens. So it is with my church. The author of confusion, Satan, spread doubts in my priests, like Martin Luther. Instead of rebuking these doubts, he let Satan water his doubts, weeds grew, and confusion and schism came in my church. This was not my will. Let me ask you a question how much truth do you want? 100%, 50% or 25%? Anything less then 100% of my truth will cause confusion. There is only one source of truth in the universe, the Holy Trinity, anything else comes from Satan. Here is a rebuke to you. When you read and study protestant ministers and prophets, who do not teach 100% of my truth, where is there source of truth coming from? It is not from Jesus. It is from their own imagination or Satan. Remember Satan loves to sow confusion. He is infinitely smarter than humans and he knows the truth. His goal is to deceive mankind. When you read a prophet who denies my church, blasphemes my blessed mother, and profanes my eucharist, why listen to that prophet, for that teaching comes from one place, the pit of hell. That is not to say I do not work through protestant ministers, because any words of mine are truth. I desire all men to be saved. But many are held in ignorance of not their own fault. But you are different. You have been presented with the whole truth. So why allow doubt and confusion to arise in your mind? If you allow Satan a small seed of doubt, he can make it grow and cause you confusion and even loss of faith. Remember you will be held accountable on the day of judgment to a higher standard for you have the fullness of truth found in the Catholic church. Reference I Corinthians 10:12 and especially for your days Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect." As the days get darker, if you do not know your faith and completely trust in me, you will easily fall away. As evil increases the deception increases. Do not listen to every person's predictions of the future. Remember my primary purpose is the salvation of souls. All events will work out for that purpose according to my will and no one else's. You have a choice: follow false teachers,



those who teach partial truth, or follow me completely. Come to me in the Blessed Sacrament and let me teach you along with my holy priests, messengers, and my church. Do not spend your time with those who teach only partial truth. Say, Jesus I trust in you and I will lead you. Finally, you know how to reach heaven by reception of the sacraments, following my words, and the teachings of my church. It is not your duty to try and guess who will go to heaven or hell. Your job is to proclaim my truth as revealed in my holy word and church. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. Again, no one enters my kingdom, without embracing my whole truth. For example, no one in heaven will deny my presence in the Eucharist or my Blessed Mother who is Queen of heaven and earth, no matter what belief they have on earth. You have taken many steps forward, do not go backward or you will not survive the tests coming your way and to this world. Again, let me teach you. Why would you go elsewhere, where I am not present body, blood, soul, and divinity? My peace I leave with you and bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ 10/28/06 P.M. My child you must come before me with humility or I cannot use you. Is there any reason for you to be proud? This is an area where you need much work. There are two examples of humility for you to follow myself and my Blessed Mother. How was I humble? I am your creator and the author of all life. I am God almighty. Yet I humbled myself because of my love for you and all humanity. Please contemplate the following. I am the creator of all that is seen and unseen. Yet I am who am alive both now and forever chose to limit myself and be born as a human being, subjecting myself to the physical laws of your world. Think of humility. Where do you have reason for pride oh man? Then I humbled myself and allowed you my creation to persecute me, crucify me, and experience death for you, who am eternal to show my love for you. This is your example of humility. Read Philippians 2:5-11. If I your Lord and master humbled myself for your salvation, what right have you my creation to be prideful? Yet you have a free will. Beware pride has been the downfall of many including my angels before you. You think you are so intelligent as modern man. I might ask you some questions. If you can do any of the following you might have a reason to stand in my presence. Where were you when I formed the stars and your planet earth? Where were you when I designed the atoms and molecules of the universe? When I designed the genetics of your body? Who created the laws of the universe that keeps your planet revolving around the sun? Who provided the raw materials for you to grow food and make things like your cars and homes? Everything you are and have I created. You oh man cannot create. Can you create something out of nothing? The answers to these questions are no. Therefore, you have no reason for pride in my sight. All the evils in your world come from pride. Ecclesiasticus10:14,15. By rejecting my laws and committing sin, you are telling your God you know more than I do. Beware of



pride. If I your God was humble, what excuse do you have for pride. I can only work through you if you submit to my will and humble yourself. God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble. James 4:6. If you are proud, you block my graces to you and cannot hear my voice. As the days get darker, only those who hear my voice will have peace in their hearts. Contemplate my humility often. My love is so great for you that I humbled myself even further. I gave you my body, blood, soul, and divinity present in the eucharist, knowing many would commit sacrileges against me. If after truly contemplating these things, you are still proud, then you need to fall on your knees and beg for my mercy. For it is my love, mercy, and humility for my children that allows this sinful generation in which you live to escape my chastisement everyday. You should have been punished long ago. Now my child, contemplate my humility often and you will obtain victory over your sin of pride. Remember my words in John15:5 “I am the vine: you the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing. My peace be with you. Jesus Christ 10/30/06 God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble. James3:6. My child, when you receive communion in the state of sanctifying grace, you receive me. Here are some ideas for you to contemplate on. When you leave the church after mass, who do you take with you? Jesus. Remember this throughout your day. You take me wherever you go. This is something you do not realize very often. If you daily remember this, then your actions towards others will change. Also, you are my representative to the world. The way you conduct your life can either be a witness for me or it can cause a stumbling block for others. If you profess to be my disciple, but your actions and words, are not a reflection of me, then others are going to call you a hypocrite. You are responsible for your actions. Read Matthew 18:6-7. If because of your words and deeds you cause one of my little ones or my people to be scandalized or worse to be led down the path of mortal sin, you will have much to answer on the day of judgment. The more you learn the more responsibility you have. You need to consider your actions. Matthew 5:14,16. You are the light of the world. So let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. I cannot and will not use you if you allow your pride to become a stumbling block in your life. Everyday all my faithful remnant are my lights in the world. Pray daily to me and my blessed Mother that others may see my light shining in you and be brought to me for salvation. I Corinthians 6:19-20, Or know you not that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God: and you are not your own? For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body. II Corinthians 6:16 For you are the temple of the living God; as God saith: I will dwell in them and walk among them. And I will be their God: and they shall be my people. I bought you with a great price. I was crucified, died, and was buried for your salvation. I gave my life for you to purchase you back from the dominion of Satan. Therefore glorify God- the Holy Trinity in your body. Do not allow your flesh and sin to contaminate the temple of the Holy Ghost. A stern warning is given in I Corinthians 3:17 But if any man violate the



temple of God, him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is holy, which you are. I the Holy Spirit of God reside in you, so does the Father and the Son. Sin is offensive to us. Be very careful. As I told Cain in Genesis 4:7 If thou do well, Shalt thou not receive? But if ill, shalt not sin forthwith be present at the door? Do not let sin enter my holy temple. Confess all sin mortal or venial. Mortal sin destroys the temple of God and if not confessed will send you straight to hell. This is very important for you. Please be sober and listen to my next words. Hebrews 10:26-31. For if we sin willfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins; But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries. A man making void the law of Moses dieth without mercy under two or three witnesses: How much worse, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace? For we know him that hath said: Vengeance belongeth to me, and I will repay. And again: The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. II Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of justice than, after they have known it, to turn back from the holy commandment which was delivered to them. Now you must listen carefully because God the Father has something to share with you. My son, I AM that I AM. I AM the creator of all that is seen and unseen. All glory and honor comes to me. My son has been very merciful with you. Many times in your past you deserved to be cast into hell, but because of his prayers and his blessed Mother’s you were spared. I AM a holy God and my holiness demands justice for your sins. My son was the propitiation or he fulfilled the satisfaction for the punishment for your sins and all my children. Do not reject him or my Holy Spirit, because as was told you several years ago, this may have been your last chance to return to me. Remember fear not him who can kill the body, but fear him who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Luke12:5. I love all my children. But those who have known the truth and tasted of my goodness, especially through my Son’s Eucharist, and then reject and blaspheme him, THERE IS NOT A HOT ENOUGH PLACE IN HELL FOR THEM, IF NO REPENTANCE IS DONE. THANK ME FOR MY MERCY TO YOU DAILY. Your world will suffer greatly if mankind does not REPENT. THE STENCH OF YOUR SINS RISES TO HEAVEN. I DESTROYED MANY CIVILIZATIONS IN THE PAST FOR LESS OFFENSES THAN YOUR CIVILIZATION. DO NOT PRESUME ON MY MERCY. EVERYDAY YOUR WORLD CONTINUES IN SIN AND DOES NOT REPENT, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH, YOU PRESUME ON MY MERCY. HELL IS REAL. THERE WILL BE ETERNAL FIRE AND TORMENT FOR THOSE WHO REJECT MY MERCY. THOSE WHO WANT TO LIVE WITH SATAN WILL HAVE THAT OPPORTUNITY FOREVER IN THE FIRES OF HELL. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? BEHOLD NOW IS THE ACCEPTABLE TIME, TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. NOT TOMORROW. YOU HAVE NO GUARANTEE THAT TOMORROW WILL COME. I WILL NOT BE MOCKED. I AM THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, NOT MANKIND, NOT SATAN. YOUR SINFUL HUMAN RACE IS TRYING TO PLAY GOD. WHEN THAT HAPPENS IF NO REPENTANCE COMES, I MUST CLEANSE MY CREATION FROM EVIL. I AM A MERCIFUL FATHER, BUT AS ANY FATHER I MUST CHASTISE MY CHILDREN. WHY ARE MY PEOPLE SO BLIND TO THE



TRUTH? CAN YOU NOT SEE THE SIGNS AROUND YOU? WHAT MORE CAN I DO THAT I HAVE NOT DONE? I SENT MY SON TO DIE FOR YOU, MY ONLY SON. NOW, I SEND HIS MOTHER WHO IS REJECTED AND SCORNED LIKE MY SON. I WILL SAY TO YOU ALL THE CHASTISEMENTS COMING TO EARTH ARE TO WAKE UP YOU AND SAVE YOUR SOULS FROM HELL. WHEN THE WARNING COMES, YOU WILL HAVE NO EXCUSE. ALL THAT IS HIDDEN WILL BE REVEALED. WHEN THE HIDDEN IS REVEALED, AND YOU STILL REJECT YOUR GOD, MY JUSTICE WILL COME QUICKLY ON YOUR EARTH. I DO NOT WANT TO FRIGHTEN YOU. I ONLY WANT TO WAKE UP MY CHILDREN. IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE PAINS OF HELL, YOU WOULD REPENT TODAY. SO MANY GO TO HELL BECAUSE OF REJECTING MY SON. For you my son, trust in my son JESUS and you are trusting in me. SOON WHEN ALL EVIL IS CLEANSED FROM THE EARTH, MY WILL, WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU, NO ONE COMES TO ME, THE FATHER, EXCEPT THROUGH MY SON JESUS. ADORE MY SON. HE WAITS EVERYDAY FOR HIS PEOPLE. IF YOU STAY IN MY GRACE, NOT THROUGH YOUR OWN STRENGTH, BUT MINE, THEN I WILL BLESS YOU. I AM THE SAME GOD OF THE BIBLE. I PROTECTED MY PEOPLE THEN AND I WILL PROTECT MY PEOPLE NOW. NOW GO IN PEACE TO LOVE AND SERVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH YOUR HEART, SOUL, MIND, AND STRENGTH AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. My father is very gracious to reveal himself to your soul. Finally, in your world of fear, BE JOYFUL. Your joyful spirit will be evident to others, because it is my joy in you. This will lead others to me. As the darkness gets worse, the light even if small will shine brighter. That is enough for you to contemplate on. My peace be with you. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 10/31/06 I was praying in front of the blessed sacrament the Divine Mercy prayer for Halloween evils. As I prayed, I learned a little what prayer means. Romans 8:26 Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmity. For, we know not what we should pray as we ought: but the Spirit himself asketh for us with unspeakable groanings. As I prayed, I had a vision of Christ on the cross. As he said, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? Father into thy hands I commit my spirit. It is finished. These words came to me as I prayed, For the sake of his sorrow passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. There were 3 crosses on a hill and there was darkness in the sky with lightning. When Christ said it is finished, I realized the power of Satan was destroyed and God’s justice satisfied. The veil of the temple was rent in two. The old covenant fulfilled and the new covenant initiated. The door to heaven was once again open to mankind through the cross of Christ. There is no other way. Then the suffering Christ spoke to me in a voice which sounded filled with anguish. My child, are you willing to suffer with me for the salvation of souls? Are you willing to suffer my passion with me? I said yes Lord, but only with your help. He said my grace is sufficient for thee. Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not up his cross and



followeth me is not worthy of me. Are you willing to lose your home, job, life, and everything for my sake? I said yes Lord, but I need your strength. I cannot carry my cross without your help. There will be much suffering but I will give you the grace to bear it. I Peter 2:24 Who his own self bore our sins in his body upon the tree: that we, being dead to sins, should live to justice: by whose stripes you were healed. As I had to suffer for your sins, so must you suffer for the kingdom of God. I Timothy 3:12 And all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another’s burdens: and so you shall fulfill the law of Christ. My whole life and my mother’s were one of suffering for the salvation of souls. If I your Lord and Master suffered, can you expect anything less? Then after the Divine Mercy chaplet the vision of Christ ended. You have a long road ahead of you. You are being given the graces now for the road ahead of you. Use this time wisely. Because only he that shall endure or persevere to the end shall be saved. Matthew 24:13. Mathew 7:14 How narrow is the gate and strait the way that leadeth to life and for there are few that find it. You have found the way to life do not lose it. OPEN YOUR HEART TO MY SUFFERING AND YOU WILL TRULY UNDERSTAND MY LOVE FOR YOU. Jesus Christ Prepare yourself daily for the days ahead. Before the light comes, darkness must come. Remember Genesis 1:2-4. And the earth was empty and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved over the waters. And God said. Be light made. And light was made. And God saw the Light that it was good. And he divided the light from the darkness. Once again the Spirit of God will penetrate the darkness and light will be separated. Pray that you are in the light of the Spirit as that day approaches. And God saw that it was good. Those in the light will be infused with the goodness and grace of the Lord. And God will once again see that it is good. Ponder on these words. There is much to learn from them. May the peace of the Lord be with you. Amen. The Holy Spirit.

11/02/06 A.M.


You asked me to prepare you for the warning, so here is an answer to your prayer. First, ponder on my holiness. Habacuc 1:13 Thy eyes are too pure to behold evil, and thou canst not look on iniquity. I Peter 1:6 Because it is written: You shall be holy, for I am holy. Apocalypse 21:27 There shall not enter into it any thing defiled or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but they that are written in the book of life of the lamb. Who am I? I am holy, sin is an abomination in my sight. Read, Isaias’s vision of the Lord. Isaias 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God of hosts, all the earth is full of his glory. Verse 5 And I said: Woe is me, because I have held my peace; I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people that hath unclean lips, and I have seen with my eyes the King the Lord of hosts. Vs. 7 And he touched my mouth, and said: Behold this hath touched thy lips, and thy iniquities shall be taken away, and thy sin shall



be cleansed. Vs. 8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us? And I said: Lo, here am I. Send me. This will be your warning experience if you remain in sanctifying grace. You will see all those areas of your life that are holding you back from serving me 100%. Remember Isaias was my servant before this experience. He needed this experience to rid himself of all his sins, so he could complete his mission for me. In my sight, remember if you do all I command, you are still unprofitable servants. Luke 17:10. How many of you do all I command? After this experience, Isaias was fearlessly able to fulfill his mission for me and as tradition says he was sawed in half. After this warning experience, my remnant will be like Isaias filled with the Holy Spirit and will go out to evangelize the world with no fear of man or evil. You will have seen your King the Lord of hosts. This is why I want you to prepare yourself with confession, penance, and communion so you can be ready to participate in THE GREAT HARVEST OF SOULS. PRAY YE THEREFORE THE LORD OF THE HARVEST, TO SEND FORTH LABORERS INTO HIS HARVEST. All those in sanctifying grace are my laborers and after the warning each more so. It will be a glorious time for the Kingdom of God. Many souls will be delivered from the bondage of Satan because of my mercy and your willingness to be my servants. Do not dwell on the darkness so much. Satan wants to put fear in my church. He wants you to fear persecution, the antichrist, and the one world order. This warning will destroy much of his power and take souls from his kingdom. His power over much of mankind will be broken. My Holy Spirit will inflame and fill the hearts and souls of my faithful like my disciples on the day of Pentecost. I will renew my church for I am its founder and head. Praise the Lord for this day of warning. Pray for those souls who are in the darkness of sin and especially the lukewarm that they will respond to my mercy during the warning. Pray divine mercy chaplets with this intention now. Those who reject my mercy will face the wrath of God. Be not afraid my faithful. I am not the author of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Be filled with the Spirit and prepare for the GREAT HARVEST OF THE LORD. Peace be with you. Jesus Christ

11/02/06 P.M. Faith vs. Sensationalism This is the definition of faith: Now, faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not. Hebrews 11:1 Hebrews 11:6. But without faith it is impossible to please God. For he that cometh to God must believe that he is: and is a rewarder to them that seek him. Ephesians 2:8,9. For by grace you are saved through faith: and that not of yourselves, for it is the gift of God. Not of works, that no man may glory. Without faith you will not survive the times in which you live. Faith is a gift from God. Ask as the disciples did. Luke 17:5 And the apostles said to the Lord: increase our faith. Ask daily for an increase of faith. For without faith you cannot please God. You cannot do anything on your own to obtain salvation. It comes only through the grace of



God. In this world of sin and darkness, what is it that overcomes the world? I John 5:4 And this is the victory which overcometh the world: our faith. How do we live our life daily? Galatians 2:20. And I live, now not I: but Christ liveth in me. And that I live now in the flesh: I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself for me. Daily live your life by faith in Jesus and daily crucify the desires of the flesh, so God may work in you according to his will, not yours. St. Paul says in I Corinthians 15:31: I die daily. In other words, daily die to self and let Christ and not sin reign in your mortal body. Romans 6:12. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, so as to obey the lusts thereof. Sensationalism is not from God. It will be one of the deceptions Satan uses to deceive many, if possible even the elect. Your culture is driven by fulfillment of earthly sensual desires. James 3:15,16. For this is not wisdom descending from above: but earthly, sensual, devilish. But the wisdom that is from above, first indeed is chaste, then peaceable, modest, easy to be persuaded, consenting to the good, full of mercy and good fruits, without judging, without dissimulation. Satan uses the concupiscence or lust of the flesh, concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life to deceive you. I John 2:16. Your media via movies, television, and the internet can be modes of evil transmission. Be careful what your eyes behold. Do not let sin reign in your mortal bodies. Many people are looking after signs and wonders in this world of yours to validate a spiritual experience. Take heed to the words of Jesus: Who said: Take heed you be not seduced; for many will come in my name saying: I am he and the time is at hand. Go ye not therefore after them. Many so- called messengers are doing miracles and preaching false doctrines because modern man is living by sensationalism. II Timothy 4:3,4. For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. Notice it is according to their own desires, not the Lord’s. Again trying to do things according to your ways and the ways of the world. Do not be surprised at the increase of false doctrine today. For my word says, I Corinthians 11:13-15. For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to their works. Do you want to end up where many of these false deceivers end up? If you do not fully trust in Jesus you can be led astray. I Corinthians 10:12. Wherefore, he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall. Again notice the words, TAKE HEED. Meditate on Matthew 7:21-23. Not everyone that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and cast out devils in thy name and done many miracles in thy name? And then I will profess unto them: I never knew you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity. Why? Because listen again to these words: I NEVER KNEW YOU. You did not serve me. You served yourself and the kingdom of darkness. Satan deceived you into thinking you were doing my will, but you were not. You were doing things for your own glory. You never spent the time to know me. Because if you did, you would have found out, I am meek, and humble of heart. Matthew 11:29. You were not meek and humble, but proud. And why do you call me, Lord, Lord; and do not the things which



I say? Luke 6:46. John 14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments, not your own. Thou shalt love the Lord the thy God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love thy neighbor as thyself. These are my two great commandments. Pray not to do great signs and wonders, BUT TO KNOW ME. Phillipians 3:10. That I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings: being made conformable to his death. How do you know me? By reading my words, my church teachings, and spending time with me in prayer. What more do my people need than Jesus your creator? I knew you needed observable evidence of myself. So I instituted the sacraments and most of all the holy eucharist. You have my presence body, blood, soul, and divinity amongst you and with you when you receive me in a state of sanctifying grace. You do not need sensationalism. You have GOD ALMIGHTY AMONGST YOU. WHAT OR WHO ELSE DO YOU NEED? Anything else will not satisfy your soul’s longing. You were created to love and serve the Lord. But it goes back to the beginning of this message. You must live by faith and by faith believe in my presence in the eucharist and in you lives. Finally, how do you withstand the deception of this age? By trusting in Jesus your savior alone and no one else. Ephesians 6:11. Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. Remember the battle is the Lord’s and not yours. Ephesians 6:12. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood: but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Remember, without faith it is impossible to please God. As the days get darker, your faith will be the rock which you will be able to rely on. Look to your holy priests and the holy father for your guidance. The choice is yours. If you rely on the world, the flesh, and the devil, then one day I may say to you, I NEVER KNEW YOU. DO NOT LET THAT BE YOUR END. RATHER LET ME SAY, WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. ENTER INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD. AMEN. Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit

11-14-06 I was sort of depressed, because my church will not be offering daily mass for 3 weeks due to construction. I am used to going to daily mass. What was I to do? I was afraid I would not be able to get through the next several weeks. I prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament and the following thoughts came to me later. Be prepared my child and my people. This is a small example to you of the hard times coming. Many churches will be closed and no opportunity will exist for daily mass. Many of the churches that will be opened, their masses if they have them, will not be valid or licit. Prepare now for those days. Darkness quickly comes on the land. These days will arrive sooner than you think. How will you survive those days? My word has the answers.



John 15:7 If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will: and it shall be done unto you. John 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him. If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. And my Father will love him. And we will come to him and will make our abode with him. Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the gate and knock. If any man shall hear my voice and open to me the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me. Matthew 28:20 And behold, I am with you ALL DAYS, even to the consummation of the world. John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress. But have confidence, I have overcome the world. Now read these words: my words abide in you, abode, sup with him, with you all days. Have confidence. These are words of encouragement. Have confidence in your savior. Do not let Satan deceive you. If you are in the state of sanctifying grace, I reside with you. Can you truly be spiritually dry? Live by faith, not by sight. John 4:13 Jesus answered and said to her. Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but he that shall drink the water that I will give to him shall not thirst forever. But the water that I will give him shall become in him a fountain of water, springing up into life everlasting. Who said these words? Answer me. You Lord. Who am I? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. I said I will give you water so you shall not thirst forever. Does that sound like spiritual dryness to you? How can you be spiritually dry with my presence dwelling in you? My people trust in your Savior, have faith in my words. Take these promises literally! Do not let Satan deceive you into thinking because you cannot “feel me” that my presence is not with you. The only way my presence leaves you, is when you are in mortal sin. Have faith in your Lord. I told you I would be with you always. I am always with my children. When the days come, when you cannot receive me in the holy mass, make a spiritual communion. I am already there in your life. To explain to you even more, the Holy Trinity is there residing in you. John 4:24 God is a spirit and they that adore him must adore him in spirit and in truth. I reside in your soul and spirit always. Even if your mind and physical body tell you otherwise, I am with you. Even when the days are the darkest, I am with you. The one’s who need to fear the Day of the Lord are the wicked and the lukewarm, not the remnant. Even during the warning, my remnant do not have to fear because you already have my spirit dwelling in you. I will give my remnant a greater portion of my spirit. A new day without the sins of your age is to come to mankind. But before this new day, evil will have its day. But my faithful are not of this evil age.



You are the adopted children of my Father in heaven. Listen to my words again. But have confidence, I have overcome the world. My people have true faith, not blind faith in your Lord and truly believe in my presence abiding within you. My peace I leave with you. Amen.

12/07/06 After taking communion: Watch and pray, for the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. For you know not the hour or day your Lord returneth. Multiply your prayers, as your world continues down the road to perdition. Do not put dates or times on the Lord. The day of the Lord can occur at anytime. Be prepared everyday. Take these words very seriously. Amen.

4-07 I Peter 4:17 The Lord will judge his people: For the time is, that judgment should begin at the house of God. And if first at us, what shall be the end of them that believe not the gospel of God? What is the house of God? Today it is the church the new Israel. To understand this better, briefly study the nation of Israel. The children of Israel were God’s chosen people. Time after time God warned his people through the prophets. His people rejected the prophets and God judged his people. I Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was promised to the children of Israel. Matthew 10:5b-6 Go ye not into the way of the Gentiles, and into the city of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go ye rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 15:24 And he answering, said: I was not sent but to the sheep that are lost of the house of Israel. But Israel rejected Christ. He came unto his own and his own received him not. John 1:11. Read the parable of the husbandmen, Luke 20:9-20. Note verse 16: He will come, and will destroy these husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others. What was the result of the Jews rejecting Christ? First, the vineyard was given to the church, which is the new Israel. Second, God judged his people. Read Luke 21:20-24 and Luke 23:28-30. Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple and the dispersion of the Jewish nation for



rejecting the Son of God. This was fulfilled with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. under the Roman General Titus. In your world today, the Church is the nation or the Kingdom of God. But many in the church are following the ways of the Jewish people. Many Catholics are rejecting Christ today by rejecting his Word and the teachings of His Church. This leads to the judgment of God on his people. Carefully read Luke 19:42-44. If thou also hadst known, and that in this thy day, the things that are to they peace: but now they are hidden from thy eyes. For the days shall come upon thee: and thy enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and straiten thee on every side. And beat thee flat to the ground, and thy children who are in thee: and they shall not leave in thee a stone upon a stone: because thou hast not known the time of thy visitation. My people, you do not know the day of your visitation. You do not see the signs all around you. Those who profess to be my people, do not recognize the purification to come upon the household of faith. Why are your eyes blind? The truth has been given to you in my word and in my church. Many of you act and think you know better than my pope, your Holy Father. When you act this way, you are telling me, Jesus Christ, you know more than me. Confusion and deception are rampant in my church. This is not of me but of my and your enemy Satan. My laws and commandments do not change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. Those who disagree with the Holy Father on how the church should be run, whether on the extreme traditional side or the liberal side, need to repent and do penance, for you are causing division and schism in my house. You must be in union with the Holy Father, bishops and priests who follow me. If you are not, you are not in union with me. Those bishops and priests, who teach another doctrine, do not follow them, for I will judge my house, not you. It is important for my people to understand that I, Jesus, am present body, blood, soul and divinity in the mass. The Holy Father is giving you a document on this. The Holy Spirit of God is guiding him to teach you on the doctrine of the mass in this age of confusion. Remember my words to St. Peter and my apostles: Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, it shall be bound in heaven. Whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me, is against me and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth. Again, if you speak against my church and its teachings, you are against me. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Galatians 6:7. I will not be mocked. My church is going to be purified of its sin and unbelief. What will be left is a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. Zacharias 13:8-9 And there shall be in all the earth, saith the Lord, two parts in it shall be scattered, and shall perish, but the third part shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined: and I will try them as gold is tried. They shall call on my



name, and I will hear them. I will say: Thou art my people: And they shall say: The Lord is my God. My people, these words apply to my church, not the world. Do not think the purification to come is only for sinners. It is for my church. My house will again become a house of prayer and a light to all the nations. I have sent signs and wonders to my people. My Blessed Mother has come repeatedly to my people warning you to repent and change your ways. If you pray and discern, most of my messengers are sending messages to the household of faith. The church is my light to the world. The light my church needs to be purified. The coming events in your world are to purify my church and the world of sin. Repent on your knees, and implore my mercy, my people. John 15:22 If I had not come, and spoken to them, they would not have sin: but now they have no excuse for their sin. My people, you have no excuse for your sin. You have my word, my church, signs and wonders, and my messengers. Are you willing to be purified, to go through the fire and emerge as part of my remnant church? If you say no, you will not survive the days ahead. The evil and deception will worsen, and without my light, you will not be able to discern. Please, my people, repent while the day of mercy is still here, for the day of justice will come as a thief in the night. Remember, Be not deceived, I will not be mocked. Accept my admonitions, my Blessed Mother’s messages, my Holy Pope’s teachings, the teachings of my church, or you risk on the day of judgment, the following sentence: Depart from me, I never knew you! For those of you in sanctifying grace, be not afraid, for you will go through the fires of purification and I will be your God, and you will be my people. The Lord will judge his people. The Word of the Lord.

04/28/07 A.M. I will not be mocked. I AM the creator of all that is seen and unseen, not man and not Satan. Do not believe the lies that are told you. Read my word to verify what you are told. Read and meditate on 3 Kings 17 and Luke 4:25,26. Elijah and the widow of Sarephta. There was no rain for 3 years and 6 months. 3 Kings17:14. Until the day wherein the Lord will give rain upon the face of the earth. I created all the forces of nature in your earth and in my universe. I, the Lord: this is my name. I will not give my glory to another, nor my praise to graven things. Isaias 42:8. Do you think I AM so small and powerless that I do not control your weather and your planet? This is my creation, not yours or Satan’s. Read Psalm 95:5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens. Mankind is a steward of my creation. Genesis 1:28. I will confound both modern man and Satan. Events in the natural world will happen which will confound your world. Open your eyes and watch the events unfold around you. For example, focus on the bees. Why are the bees disappearing? The hand of the Lord controls all things. Your world is being destroyed by the evil of hell and by man’s evil desires. I the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will cleanse my earth of all evil and I will renew my creation for my glory and honor, in my time and with my ways.



If you are humble and contrite of heart, I will protect you, your family, and my people, just as I protected my servant Elias. I will not be mocked! All heaven and earth will bow down before the Lord their creator. Isaias 45:24 For every knee shall be bowed to me: and every tongue shall swear. When you enter my churches, you enter my holy presence. Be reverent, for you are in the sight of almighty God. Receive my son with reverence, because when you receive my son Jesus, you receive your Lord and God. If you are able, kneel before your God in reverence. You are now in my hour of mercy. But my hour of mercy and justice will come upon your world unawares, like a thief in the night. 1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord shall so come as a thief in the night. I have given you my son Jesus, his Blessed Mother Mary, and the hosts of heaven for protection. Trust in your God because I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever. Again, Be not deceived: God is not mocked. Galatians 6:7. Write these words down. These are the words of the Lord. AMEN AND AMEN. 04/28/07 P.M. My son, you are called to be one of my messengers. All of my people are called to be my messengers in this world of evil. But my question to you is: Are you willing to follow my call? Many are called but few are chosen. You have been chosen before the foundation of the world. Will you respond and follow me? This is my question to all those who claim to be my servants. Are you truly willing to take up your cross and follow my son? Are you willing to be persecuted, despised by the world, attacked by the demons of hell for my sake? Before answering, ponder seriously your answer. I will not be mocked. If you answer yes to your God, my grace will be sufficient for thee. If you want to enter my era of peace, you will need to let go of the attractions of this evil age, take up your cross daily, and trust in your Triune God completely. Then only will you truly have peace in your soul because you will be following my will for your life and not your own. Peace be with you. The word of the Lord. AMEN

5-14-07 A.M. At church today, I told the Lord I was a worthless sinner. The following was his reply: You are not worthless. You are not worthy to be in my presence. Please answer me the following questions. If you are worthless, why did I: (1) Create you in my image and likeness? Genesis 1:26 (2) Become a human being? I the creator of the Universe. Notice, I did not become an angel or any other creature. (3) Did I allow myself to be born as a baby and become subject to my creation? (4) Live and teach among you?



(5) Suffer, die, and was buried for your sins? (6) Rise from the dead? (7) Institute my church for your salvation? (8) Give you my Mother Mary as your own mother? Why do I? (1) Continue to be present among you in the Holy Eucharist, even though many blaspheme me? (2) Continue to show mercy for your sinful generation? (3) Give you my graces daily? Why will I: (1) Resurrect you and give you glorified bodies and a share in my glory? (2) Bring an era of peace to your earth? (3) Share my eternal happiness with you? If you are truly worthless, why would I your Lord and Master do any of these things for you? You cannot answer me. Because you are not worthless, you are just not worthy. When you say you are worthless, you are committing the sin of pride. You are telling you creator that you do not need any of my blessings. This is an outright lie from Satan. At the end of your life, you can commit the final act of pride. “Lord, my sins are greater than your mercy. I cannot accept your mercy.” Then you in your pride will be cast into hell to spend eternity with the Father of Pride, Satan. Is that where you want to end up? It takes humility to accept my blessings and admit that without me, you really cannot do anything. Ponder these words seriously. Many in your generation are caught in the same web of deceit. The word of the Lord!



5-21-07 A.M. My son, I am your Heavenly Father who is answering your question. I am answering you to let you know your Father in heaven truly cares about you, even to the smallest detail. I can reveal myself to you in many ways;



through my creation, my Holy Word, my Son, His blessed Mother, my church, my prophets, or through my still small voice. Remember verify these words through my Holy Word. I want you to refer to several passages in my word. First: Psalm 90:1 He that dwelleth in the aid of the most High, shall abide under the protection of the God of Jacob. He shall say to the Lord: Thou art my protector, and my refuge: my God, in him will I trust. Vs 14-15: Because he hoped in me I will deliver him: I will protect him because he hath known my name. He shall cry to me, and I will hear him: I am with him in tribulation, I will deliver him, and I will glorify him. John 14:23 Jesus answered, and said to him: If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him. John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth’ because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. Wisdom 2:23-25 For God created man incorruptible, and to the image of his own likeness he made him. But by the envy of the devil, death came into the world: And they follow him that are of his side. Matthew 5:44-45,48 But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust. Be ye therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect. To answer your question: Is it right or wrong to take another’s life, even in self-defense? And can God protect us? I am the Creator of life. Every human is created in my image and likeness. As my word tells you man was originally created not to die. But by Satan, death and sin entered the world. He was a murderer from the beginning. I will ask you several questions throughout this message. Is it my will for you to take another’s life? Are you the creator of life? War, suffering, and death are not my will for my children, but came as a result of sin. As you know, I gave my only Son Jesus as the antidote to these problems. But you still live in a world that does not follow my commandments. My Son came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. My Son came to bring life and peace to my children. Not hatred and violence. I am calling you to a higher standard. My standard is the standard of love. Even though my children rebel against their Father, I still love them. My Son gave you the example of how I take care of both the good and the bad. He told you to love your enemies, do good to them that



hate you, and pray for them that persecute you and calumniate you, that you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. I am asking you to be perfect, as I am perfect. I am asking you to follow your heavenly Father’s example. Show love and mercy to all your brothers and sisters, even your enemies. This is the higher standard I am calling and asking of you. Only I, your Creator, have both the right to create life and take life: not mankind or Satan. Because sin exists in your world, many lives are taken in ways not according to my will. I have given mankind a free will to choose right and wrong. Just because I allow you the freedom to choose between good and evil, does not mean I approve of your choices. I will respect your freedom to choose. That is how much I love you. To repeat myself again, those of you who call yourself my children, live the higher standard of love. The final point I want to teach you is this: Do you truly trust in your Father’s protection? My son told you I will love and make my abode with you. Read Psalm 90:1. He that dwelleth in the aid of the most High, shall abide under the protection of the God of Jacob. If you are in sanctifying grace, who dwells within you? The Creator, your Heavenly Father of all that is seen and unseen. Why is your faith so small? Take my promises literally and trust in me. I told you the God of Heaven will be your protection. Do you not think I cannot protect my own? You take me, your Father, with you wherever you go. Just as I protected my people in the past, so I can and will protect my people today. The difficulty is you do not realize the power of your God or place your full trust in him. I want you to consider your 4-month-old son Tristin. He trusts you completely that you will provide and protect him. You are that child and I am your Father. If you come to me as a little child and trust in me, I will protect and provide for you. Even if a gun is fired at you, I can protect you. If it is not my will for you to die, I will protect you. Remember, Almighty God, your Father, lives within you and is with you every moment. Is anything too hard for me? I created all the forces of this universe. Do you really believe I cannot deflect a bullet? I will protect him because he has known my name. That is your key. You have to learn to know me first. Look at the example of my Son. Many people tried to kill him, but he only suffered and died when it was his time. As the days become more evil, I will show my mighty hand of protection over my children. It will confound both the evil ones and the powers of hell. Trust in your Heavenly Father, and I will take care of all your needs. Ponder on this. If war was my will, why am I going to bring an era of peace to mankind and as my word says, and war will be no more. Is your God too small or your concept of God too small? Reflect on those thoughts and always trust in your Father in Heaven. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.



5/21/07 P.M. My child I want you to understand how much I love my children. I created you in my image and likeness. Even though you rebelled against me, I still love you. I gave you my only son to live among you. But my son told you, He who has seen me has seen the Father. I your creator humbled myself, took on human flesh and lived among you. I experienced death for you to liberate you from death and hell. Consider further my love for you. No mater how many sins you commit: come to me and your sins are forgiven through my son’s precious blood. Consider the Holy Eucharist. I desire to share myself with my children. I your creator make myself so small and humble to be present myself in a consecrated host. I become food for my children to share my love and graces with you. How can my children not love so gracious a Father? But many do not whether out of ignorance or choice. Your world is full of sin and disobedience to my commandments. If it was not for my love and mercy, your world should have been punished long ago. But I do not wish any of my children to perish but for all to come home to their heavenly Father. Ponder on how your world looks in my eyes. Think about your son Tristin. How would you feel if someone abused or murdered your son? A normal feeling might be one of anger. Now look through my eyes. I meticulously designed my creation to the smallest detail. I designed your human body, soul, and the world you live in. Now my children are trying to change my creation. You murder my children through abortion, wars, and other methods. You pollute my earth and try to change my creation. Now mankind is trying to mix the genetics of animals and humans, who are made in my likeness and image. This is an abomination that cries out to heaven for my justice. But yet I still love my children and give you another day for mercy. As a Father chastises his children for their own good, so your heavenly Father in his love and mercy must punish my children to save your souls from hell. I do everything out of love for you and all my children. Until your last breath, I call you to return to your Father. Even if you reject me, I still love you. I respect the choice you have made to spend eternity with your Father or in the fires of hell. By rejecting your Father’s love and mercy, you condemn yourself to hell. I must wake up my children, so they realize there is an eternal destination waiting for them. This is how much I love you. I give you a Father’s love, but you must first know you have a Father and how to find him. So many of my children are lost and wandering with no hope in their lives. I look at my children with a Father’s love. How can my children know if there is no one to tell them? I am asking you my son through the power of my Spirit to be a messenger for your heavenly Father and proclaim this message to my children. I am also asking all my faithful to proclaim this message. Look to your holy father the Pope. Look to your friend Cletus as another example. This is what his mission is also. Once my children understand their Father exists and loves them, then my children will understand the way to come home to me is only through my son Jesus, who is God amongst you. This is a message of love from a Father to his children. These are the words of the Lord. AMEN.



5/25/07 My son, write these words to my people. My people do you truly believe and trust in your God? Do you truly believe my presence is with you? Do you truly understand what my presence with you means? Do you understand what will bring peace to your lives and your world? Can you answer these questions with more than words? Do you really live the answers to these questions? The answers to all these questions is myself, Jesus Christ true-God true-man. I made you a promise in Matthew 28:20: And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. What does this statement mean to you? It states that I Jesus Christ, will be with my faithful all days, not just some of the days. I am not a part time God. I do not leave my people. I wish to share all the aspects of your life with you, even the smallest details. If you are in sanctifying grace, you take me with you wherever you go. After receiving me in the Holy Eucharist, you take me with you everywhere you go. My people if you truly believed this, this world would be changed quickly. Where my presence is, evil cannot exist. When I was tempted, I told Satan, “Begone Satan!” and he left me. When you are tempted, say my words, begone Satan and he will flee from you because it will be my presence protecting you. Do not let Satan deceive you into believing I am not with you. A great revival will take place when my people realize my presence is truly with them. When you consecrate yourself to me, you are allowing me to direct your life. Every thought, word, and action becomes a reflection of me. My people you are my hands, my feet, my lips, and my eyes to the world. Again, every person you meet, you are bringing my presence to them. Rise up my people, your triumphant king is among you. Do not let the evil of this age discourage you. My son, tell my people how to enter my era of peace. You must have my peace with you now or you will not enter my era of peace. If you have my presence with you, then the era of peace has already begun. My people you do not realize all you really need, you already have with you, myself. Ponder this question: How will you recognize or be able to discern the presence of my holy angels from demons, if my presence is not with you? You could be led down a path of deception. Jesus, I trust in you. Start this day by trusting in me with all your needs. By trusting in me in this time of mercy with the smallest details of life, you will obtain the graces to withstand the trials and tribulations ahead of you. How will you be able to withstand these days of tribulation, if you have not learned to trust in your Jesus now? My answer to you, is many will not be able because their foundation and trust is not in me completely. I am asking for complete and total surrender today for my people to be able to persevere to the end. I am always with my faithful every day. Ponder these words carefully. If my people would have more reverence and silence in my churches, in front of my blessed sacrament, and after receiving me in Holy Communion, my people would find I am willing and ready to speak to them. You will need my voice to protect and help you to discern in the days ahead. You truly do not know the magnitude of the purification coming to mankind. Satan will use every trick to deceive you. But my power is greater than any evil in this age. I warn you again, trust in Jesus or you will be deceived with the rest of my people. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.



5-31-07 A.M. My son, write these words. I repeat myself, for I am a God of mercy and forgiveness. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. I am your creator, and I will not be mocked much longer by my people. Take seriously the words of my Blessed Mother, time is extremely short. You mock me, when you deny my presence in my churches. You mock me, when you engage in mortal sin. You mock me, when you take Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin. You mock me, when mankind attempts to change my creation in his own image and likeness. I created all my children in my own image and likeness according to my plan, not man’s or Satan’s. You mock me, when you deny my existence. You mock me, when you do your own will, and not my will, for your life. You mock me, through murder, abortion, and the many forms of violence in my world. You mock me when you engage in the sins of the flesh. You mock me, when you show approval of sin, even if you do not commit the actual sin. You mock me, when you try and change my institution of marriage, allowing homosexuality, divorce, and fornication to rule your life. You mock me, when you do not honor my Blessed Mother as your Mother. You mock me when you try and change my church and my commandments. You mock me when you live as if sin is irrelevant, and you are in charge of your own destiny and life. You mock me with the lukewarmness in my churches. You mock me in many other ways. But you mock me most when you reject my love and mercy. It is this final rejection of me that will cast you into eternal punishment. I am a God of mercy, but I am also a God of justice. Open your eyes! Are you so deceived and blind that you cannot see the signs around you? I will again shake the heavens and earth. My people must repent and change their wicked ways or you will face my justice. If you continue to reap to the flesh, you could reap forever your soul in eternal punishment with Satan and his fallen angels. If you accept my mercy and forgiveness, I will pardon your sins, and you could spend eternity with your Lord and God in eternal bliss. The choice is yours; I will not be mocked much longer. Amen.



05/31/07 P.M. My son, pride has been the downfall of many before you. Do not let pride conquer your soul. I will give you a remedy for pride. Consider where you used to be without my grace. Full of sin and on the road to hell. Before you give in to spiritual pride, remember what sin is to me. It was because of your own sins that I left heaven to be born of the virgin Mary. Your sins caused my family to flee leave to Egypt. Your sins caused me to endure the temptations of Satan and the attempts on my life. Your sins caused my mother to suffer. Your sins caused me to be poor in the worlds’ estimation. Your sins caused my agony in the garden, my scourging, crowning with thorns, being spit upon and my crucifixion. Your sins caused me to suffer and die. I did this out of love for you and all my people. If you can still be proud, after contemplating my suffering, you need to implore my mercy and pardon. Each sin you commit caused me to suffer. But my love for you is greater than your sins. Accept my mercy and pardon and be merciful to others. If I your Lord and God do not remember your sins anymore, how can you not learn to forgive your neighbor? Do not judge another for their sins. Thank me instead for delivering you from your sins. Without my grace, you could be in a worse state than those you judge. Speak my truth in love and mercy. It is not for you to judge another’s soul. For only I am the judge of each soul. Let him without sin cast the first stone. Warn my people to repent of their sins and accept my mercy. Always remember that without me, you can do nothing. Let my peace and love fill your soul and your pride will vanish. The word of the Lord. AMEN.

6/07 A.M. The Secrets of Man’s Heart My people do you truly have a sense of sin or is your conscience seared with a hot iron? Have you been delivered up to a reprobate mind? Are you hiding your sins behind a false sense of being religious? Do you truly understand the hidden knowledge of God? Read my word. Romans 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel. Jeremiah 17:10 I am the Lord, who search the heart and prove the reins: who give to every one according to his way and according to the fruit of his devices. Again I ask you, what secrets are you trying to hide from your Lord and Master? Have you recently asked my Holy Spirit to reveal your hidden sins to you? Have you gone to confession with a broken and contrite spirit? Have you kept secret sins from me in the confessional? Are you afraid of your reputation and standing in your church? Do you understand one mortal sin condemns to hell and one venial sin can send you to purgatory? Do you know my word states: Thy eyes are too pure to behold evil, and thou canst not look on iniquity. Habacuc 1:13 Do you truly love me and keep my commandments or do you just say the words? For I say to you, for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed: nor hidden that shall not be known. For whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers shall be preached on the housetops. Luke 12:2-3. What are you trying to hide from me in holy communion? What areas of your life are you not allowing me to be in charge of? What



earthly desires are keeping you from serving me fully? And the world passeth away and the concupiscence thereof: but he that doth the will of God abideth forever. I John 2:17. Do you gossip and falsely accuse others? Do you talk about others without having knowledge of all the facts? But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Mathew 12:34. Is your speech a reflection of my virtues and commandments? If not you will be held accountable on the day of judgment. What is the condition of your heart? The heart is perverse above all things and unsearchable. Who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9. My people this generation of yours is on the road to hell. Do you even care? Are you so blinded by your wealth and earthly desires, that you know not you truly are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. Apocalypse 3:17. Can I count you among my faithful or because thou art lukewarm and I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. .Apocalypse 3:16. Do you truly know what it means to take up your cross daily and follow after me? My people, how do I see your soul? Is it spotless without sin or is it full of the stain of sin? If you knew a king was coming to your house, you would spare no expense or effort to make your house clean. DO YOU REALIZE I AM THAT KING AND YOU ARE THAT HOUSE? I cannot use you if you have corners and rooms in your house stained with sin. How much more should you cleanse your soul with the presence of almighty God residing in you and partaken by you in reception of the Holy Eucharist. My people no sin enters my kingdom. Are you willing to let me show you those dirty corners and rooms in your soul? For I tell you truly no peace or happiness will come into your soul unless it is fit for the King of Glory to reside in. Do you truly realize that without me you can do nothing or as my word asks in I Corinthians 4:7: For who distinguished thee? Or what hast thou that thou hast not received? Do not allow pride to destroy you as my fallen angels and your parents Adam and Eve did. For I say to you and to my people, the days you are living in are covered with the darkness of sin. The enemy of your soul is deceiving many who call themselves my people. Many who think they are on the road to heaven are on the road to hell. Are you among those? Do you even contemplate the spiritual condition of your soul? There is a battle raging between heaven and hell for souls. You are either with me or against me. There is no middle ground. Do not be deceived. I will not be mocked. If you truly reside in my sacred heart and my mother Mary’s immaculate heart, you have nothing to fear. For fear is a tool of Satan. Fear does not come from God. It is the lukewarm and ungodly who need to fear the coming events, not my sheep. For you will truly realize all is according to my will and plan and in my time, not yours. Spend time to learn to know me now or you will perish and not survive the evil of this generation. Only those consecrated and trusting in me 100% will survive because they will see my hand in the events that take place. If you fear the present or the future events, you are not trusting in me. You are holding on to hidden sins which are not allowing my peace to fill your soul. Hebrews 12:1-2. And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us: Looking on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who, having joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sitteth on the right hand of the throne of God. My people lay aside your secret sins. Focus on



your Jesus, not on this world. Remove the sins from your life now in the hour of mercy by the light of my spirit. All of mankind will soon have my light shine into their souls. Will you be able to withstand that day? Or will you cry to the rocks and the mountains to cover you and to try and hide from my presence? Better to be humble in my sight today than to wait until that hour. Take advantage of my mercies and graces today. For now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation. Do not presume on my mercy. Cleanse your soul in my precious blood and make your soul acceptable in my sight today. The words of the Lord.

6/07 P.M. My son as the deception increases, it will be more difficult to see the truth. The more you understand and receive, the easier it becomes to be deceived. Remember Satan and his demons are angelic in nature. Their understanding of divine things is far greater than human understanding. A soul without my divine life in it is dead spiritually. It does not take a great deception to deceive that soul, it is already deceived. But once a soul has my life in it, Satan changes his tactics. The more you submit to my divine will in your life, the more subtle Satan has to become. 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted and fall from the simplicity that is in Christ. Remember Adam and Eve were created without sin. Only the subtilty of the serpent caused Eve to sin. This is a warning for my remnant especially. The more knowledge of God you understand and receive, the greater is the temptation to think you are God. This is how the serpent seduced Adam and Eve. It originates in pride, with a lack of humility. Again, pride has led to the downfall of many of my faithful. The more you receive, the more people forget the source of their knowledge- God almighty. The test for my remnant will be primarily through the deception of spiritual pride. Remember 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to their works. Read closely for such false apostles. There will be people masquerading as part of my remnant church but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Why? Because they have been deceived by spiritual pride. As I told you, wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. A simple test, anyone who gives themselves credit for their knowledge, revelations or miracles is being deceived by spiritual pride. Do not listen to them. It will become increasingly difficult to judge true messages from false messages. It will be only by the power of my spirit that you will have the graces to discern. Remember I am meek and humble of heart. Any words, thoughts, or miracles, which manifest even a small amount of spiritual pride discard, cast away, and do not read and dwell on them. It takes Satan only a small crack to deceive a soul and cause that soul to lose my grace. The more holy an individual becomes, there is an increasing danger to fall. How great that fall will be! That is why I remind my people that without me you can do nothing. If you see a soul progressing spiritually and then stop, pray for their soul that the deception can be removed. It is only through focusing on Jesus 100% that Satan will not be able to deceive you. This is how you can tell the children of light from the children of darkness. Let me



explain this to you. The more graces you receive from me, the more God-like in your soul you become. For my children you are made in my image and likeness. But you do not become God. Now Satan injects the soul with spiritual pride. Now the soul thinks it has arrived spiritually and in its own pride takes credit for my graces and that soul becomes God-less without true repentance. The mark of a truly holy soul is the more you know God, the more you understand your unworthiness, and the more humble a soul becomes. This is a simple test. If there is a lack of humility in a soul, be very careful to trust their words and actions because by their fruits ye shall know them. Finally, at the day of judgment, many will come saying they were my disciples and I will say to them I never knew you. You cannot know me if you let spiritual pride take control of your life. You need to repent or else I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth because thou art lukewarm and your foundation is not built upon the rock Christ Jesus, but on your own human wisdom and understanding. Satan has deceived you and great will be the fall of that soul. Take these words as a warning. The words of the Lord.

6/27/07 My son there are many things I want to share with you. It is my desire to communicate with my people. If you read my word, you will find many instances where it states: And he opened his mouth and taught them saying. This is still my desire today. Read John 10:27. My sheep hear my voice. And I know them: and they follow me. How do you hear my voice? You hear my voice in my holy word, through my church, through creation, through my messengers, and through my eucharist- which is myself totally: body, blood, soul, and divinity. Today many voices are seeking your attention. If you cannot recognize my voice, you will be led astray and could spend eternity in hell. In your holy mass today, the gospel was from Matthew 7:15-20. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves…Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. If you read the next set of verses Matthew 7:21-23 it states: Not everyone that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and cast out devils in thy name and done many miracles in thy name? And then I will profess unto them: I never knew you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity. Reflect on these words, I NEVER KNEW YOU. You were not of my sheep and did not listen to my voice. This will be the saddest day in the lives of many. How can you prevent this from happening to you? Here are some insights for you. To know me you have to abide in me. John 6:54. Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. John 6:55. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. John 6:57. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me; and I in him. John 6: 67. After this, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. These words of mine are still relevant for today. You cannot pick and choose which of my words to obey or not to obey. I did not leave you with this option. John 14:15. If you love me, keep my commandments. John 14:23-24. If anyone love me, he will keep my word. And my Father will love him: and we will come to him and will make our abode with him. He that loveth me not



keepeth not my words. And the word which you have heard is not mine; but the Father’s who sent me. I revealed my Father to you and to the world. If you argue with me, and tell me that my words are not relevant for today or say Jesus you really did not mean what you said, you are calling my Father in heaven a liar. For I only spoke the words my Father commanded me. How can you say to me, I love you Jesus and I know you Jesus, if you only listen to part of my truth? John 15:23. He that hateth me hateth my father also. You cannot know me and only partially obey me. On the day of judgment, you will hear these words: I NEVER KNEW YOU, if you do not repent of this sin. This is the deception of Satan. He is fine with you believing some of my truth because he still has you in his trap. Read Luke 6:46. And why call you me, Lord, Lord; and do not the things which I say? Again you do not know me. If you do not know me, you do not know my Father. John 15:14. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you. Matthew 12:48-50. But he answering him that told him, said: Who is my mother and who are my brethren?…For whosoever shall do the will of my Father that is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother. Anyone who teaches you my holy Eucharist is symbolic or I am not present in a consecrated host, is not doing the will of my Father and is a false prophet. Do not follow them, no matter who they are. My Father’s will is to dwell with his people. I am the only one who can bring the Father to you. In my holy Eucharist, I bring my Father to you and we make our abode and dwell in you. Then you truly abide with us, the Holy Trinity and have everlasting life. If I dwell in you, my Father sees my image and he is delighted. Each holy Eucharist received in the state of grace transforms you more and more into my image and likeness and makes you more pleasing to my Father. Your physical body is not transformed, it is your soul. In the beginning, my Father created Adam and Eve with a body and soul. But sin brought death into the world. At death, your body and soul are separated. I myself experienced this, but at my resurrection, I received a glorified body. To this day I am true-God and true-man. I have a glorified body and a soul. This is my promise to my faithful. I will raise you up in the last day. At the last judgment, all of mankind will be resurrected and be reunited both body and soul. My word tells you that you will be judged by those deeds you did in the body. Some will have glorified bodies like mine and my Mother’s and other’s will have the bodies of those condemned to eternal damnation. If you do not have my life within you during this life, you will not have my life within you at the last judgment. I will say to you, I NEVER KNEW YOU. I will not recognize my life within you and neither will my Father. You did not believe in my words, except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. This is why these words are so important. You risk eternal fire in hell by not following these words and the teachings of my church. These words are not optional for you to obey. You cannot enter heaven without my life within you. This is why Satan has tried to destroy this doctrine. He knows this is how you obtain everlasting life. My life needs to dwell in you. Now let me clear up an area of confusion for you. Daniel 12:11. And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days. The continual sacrifice is the mass and the abomination of desolation is when the doctrine of the mass is changed in my church- the Roman Catholic Church. If you study church



history, this doctrine of the mass is the one Satan has tried to destroy. From the time of the early church until now. Please read the next comments carefully. In my present church, there is much confusion regarding Vatican II. This is from Satan, not from me. Answer me a question: if the Holy Father calls an ecumenical council with all the bishops of the world and the Holy Spirit is guiding the church, how can that council be of Satan? It was not. My people do not understand the working of my Holy Spirit. Remember, I told you to beware of false prophets who come to you in the clothing of sheep. Satan has caused schism in my church, by allowing false interpretations to abound concerning Vatican II. My words do not change. I am going to give you a clue to share with my people. Satan hates the doctrine of the mass and the doctrines concerning my Blessed Mother. These are the two areas he has been trying to destroy. The Vatican II Council reaffirmed both of these doctrines. This council was not convened by hell, but by my Holy Spirit. A council or a Pope who destroys and denies my mass and my Blessed Mother’s privileges is from hell. This is how you can recognize the abomination of desolation. A false prophet or anti pope will proclaim the protestant doctrine of the mass to be correct. This is the one teaching that will change. The rest of my churches teachings can stay the same. Satan knows how to deprive my children of everlasting life, deprive my children of my presence. This is how the man of sin, the son of perdition will sit in the temple of God. Reference II Thessalonians 2:4-10. He will attempt to lead my people to deny my presence in the eucharist and to teach the mass is only a symbol. This is antichrist. This will bring the wrath of God on the children of disobedience. This will cause the unleashing of the bowls of divine justice. My sacrifice of the mass daily holds back my Father’s justice. Luke 18:8. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth? Will I find any of my children, who I recognize with my life in them? Will there be faith left in my holy sacrifice? These are the questions which need to be pondered. My son, a false Christian church will be forced on the people. A gospel of prosperity and a make you feel good gospel will be preached. My churches can be filled with people, but the churches will be dead because I am not there. Without my presence in the churches, God does not dwell in the churches. Then, these sheep who hear my voice will be forced to worship in underground churches where I will be present. This truly is the abomination of desolation and antichrist. Then I will come with the brightness of my coming, destroy this false church, and restore my church according to my will. Then you will see an era of peace. A Eucharistic era of peace where I will reign in the hearts and mind of my people in the holy Eucharist. You must believe all these words I am teaching you and the teachings of my church or you will not enter my era of peace. Ponder these words or I may say to: I NEVER KNEW YOU. The words of the Lord. I bless you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN.

07/07 A.M. My son, write these words to those who call on my name. My children, are you doing and living my will and not yours for your life? Do you truly understand my will for your life? Why are there fighting, bickering, and competition among you over spiritual



gifts? Whose will do you seek, my will or your will? Are you letting spiritual pride cause you to seek your own will and not my will? Remember the parable of the talents. One man was given ten talents, another two talents, and another one talent. Two servants took their talents and doubled their talents for their lord. The third servant did nothing with his talent and was cast into outer darkness. This parable has many lessons for you my children today. I created you each with a unique set of gifts and talents which is suited for you. No one else has been given exactly the same mission in life which you have. Why are you worrying and trying to imitate another person’s mission? Do you not realize you will be judged based on how you fulfill my will in your life. You will not be judged on someone else’s merits. If you are doing my will, then no mission how small in your eyes, is small to me. The problem my people is you judge by the world’s standards, not mine. The world measures success by material criteria, not by humility. Many of my greatest saints were small in the world’s eyes, but great in my eyes. I reward my faithful servants by their humility and willingness to do my will and to fulfill the mission given to them. Look at my mother, for an example. In the world’s eyes, she was just an ordinary Jewish woman. But in my eyes she is the greatest of saints. Why? Because she fulfilled my will perfectly in every area of her life. I am given the greatest glory by a soul completely following my will and the least glory by a soul trying to do his own mission and puffed up with pride. Model yourself after the saints and especially the Holy Family. St Joseph was a carpenter and my mother a wife and mother. But yet the greatest glory a human can ever give to me was from my mother. It did not matter the task she was engaged in. She did it for God’s glory and honor. So it should be likewise for you my people. If you try and fulfill another’s mission, you give me no glory for you commit the sin of pride. You are telling me that you know better than I do what is my will for your life. Do not ask for the greatest mission but ask for the mission, which will bring honor and glory to the Blessed Trinity. As my word states: no flesh will glory in my sight. If you are called to be a priest, live that vocation according to my will. If you are called to be a parent, live that vocation according to my will. All vocations build up my body, which is the church. Remember even if you do everything which I command, you say: We are unprofitable servants, we have done that which we ought to do. Luke 17:10. How many of you can even say this to me: Jesus, I have done everything which you have commanded. Be careful. Many are called, but few are chosen. Remember I said, even if you only give a cup of water in the name of a disciple, you shall not lose your reward. Matthew 10:41. How much more if you do something in the name of the Lord! Colossians 3:17. All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks to God and Father by him. The more talents you are given, the more I expect from you. When you live in my will, every thought, word, and action becomes part of my will. A farmer who plants in my will gives me great honor and glory, but if that farmer tried to become a priest for his honor and glory he will be brought to shame. No peace or joy in your life and soul will come to you, if you are trying to live outside my will. My will is what created you and all life. Let go of spiritual pride and live in my will. The greatest reward in heaven went to the one human who fulfilled my will perfectly, my mother Mary. Immitate, my mother Mary and your place in my kingdom will be great. For it is only the meek and humble of heart who deserve entrance to my kingdom. Many souls are in hell and purgatory today for fulfilling their own will through pride and not my will. Many princes of the church will have a lower



place in my kingdom, than a simple farmer because of pride. Pride has no place in my church. Pride is causing much schism and division in my faithful. The houses of prayer are a good example. My messenger Christina Gallagher has a mission to establish my Mother’s houses of prayer. Those who are trying to fulfill her mission for her, are stumbling blocks and need to repent of their sin, for you are interrupting my work. I will not be mocked. Judgment will come on my house. Fulfill your mission, not someone else’s. Again, you will be judged on your deed’s, not on your neighbor’s. Do not be a stumbling block in my kingdom. For I say to you: But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh. Matthew 18:6-7. Do not be like that unfaithful servant, but let me say to you: Well done good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. The words of the Lord.


My son, my children must know who I AM. My children must know who their true Father is. Your mission and the mission of my faithful is to bring my message to my children through the graces and merits of my son the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me teach you a few principles you need to understand. Read Jeremiah 9:23-24. Thus saith the lord: let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, and let not the strong man glory in his strength, and let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, for I am the Lord that exercise mercy and judgment and justice in the earth: for these things please me, saith the Lord. Who are the false gods of your age? It is mankind glorying in his knowledge, strength, and wealth. In your world, mankind is worshipping these false gods and not me your true God and Father. If you truly want to know and understand me, you must spend time to get to know me. This is accomplished only through my son Jesus Christ. He brings the Father to you and you my children to the Father. Read Matthew 7:22-23. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and cast out devils in thy name and done many miracles in thy name? And then I will profess unto them: I never knew you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity. Where are your priorities my people? Do you truly know me or are you blinded by the false gods and empty promises of this world? If I am not your father, who is? John 8:44. You are of your father the devil: and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning: and he stood not in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. If I am not your father, then your father is Satan. My children, you will do the desires of your father. My son Jesus was very clear in his words. If Satan is your father, you are deceived by his lies and false promises. Satan is not your true father, only I the Lord God who is your creator is your true Father. He has used lies and deception to lead you away from your true father. Again, he uses his false promises of pride, material



wealth, and any other lie he can trick you into believing to turn you away from me. If you continue to follow this false father, you will spend eternity in hell with your false father Satan. This may sound unfair and harsh to you my children. I your heavenly Father created you in my image and likeness. But through pride, my children believed the lies of Satan, rejected me, and chose to follow him. As my word says to you: mercy, judgment, and justice please me saith the Lord. It is my mercy that delivers you from the bondage of your false father Satan. My mercy was manifested and comes only through my son Jesus Christ. There is no other way to your true Father. My justice was satisfied by my son’s sacrifice on the cross. Now it is my judgment your world will have to withstand if no repentance is done. You bring on this judgment my children yourselves, by rejecting me and following Satan. I will give you my children the choice which you want. Freewill means you can choose to serve me or Satan. There are two fathers: a false one and a true one. There is no middle ground. You serve either God your Father or Satan. Choose you this day whom you will serve. If you want Satan, his lies, and his desires, you shall have them. You shall spend eternity in eternal damnation with your false father. On the day of judgment, I will say to you, I NEVER KNEW YOU. You did not serve me, know me, or accept my mercy. You served your own desires and the lies of your false father. I only ratify and give you my children what you desire heaven or hell. It is your choice which father you want to serve. But I will shake the heavens and earth. All flesh will know that I AM the Lord God almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I will separate the light from the darkness and truth from deception. I will shatter the bondage of evil and lead my children into the era of peace. So no flesh will glory in my sight. My children when my light removes the darkness of your soul and you still reject my love and mercy, you will have no excuse before you. You will spend eternity with your false father Satan. I this day give you a choice between life and death. Choose you this day whom you will serve, Answer like my servant Joshua of old, As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Continue to mock me my people and you will find only eternal suffering and death. I am a God of love and mercy, but also a God of judgment and justice. You cannot decide you only want to believe part of my truth. For as I said to you: I am the Lord that exercise mercy, judgment, and justice in the earth. My whole truth must be proclaimed. My people will be woken up through the events that unfold. If you refuse to write these words down, I will require the blood of all those who would have benefited from my message at your hands. You promised me to let me use you. Fulfill the words of your consecration or I will remove my blessings from you. Do not incur my righteous indignation on your soul. Proclaim my truth as you are led and you have followed my will. My people must be told the truth. The consequences of sin are eternal. My light which is my son Jesus must be told as I lead you or many will perish do to the lack of knowledge. Fulfill my desires, know me my people, reject the lies of your false father Satan and I will lead you to eternal happiness and peace even in your earthly life. These are the words of the Lord.

07/14/07 My son, continue to write these words as I give them to you. Time is short. Repentance must be done or the wrath of God will be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. My church is being purified. This is the most important sign of your times. I Peter



4:17. For the time is that judgment should begin at the house of God. And if first at us, what shall be the end of them that believe not the gospel of God? The gates of hell shall not prevail against my church as I told you. Reference Matthew 16:18. My church has suffered greatly through the scandals of the past years, but it is being purified. Tell an unbelieving mankind, the purification of my church is almost accomplished. Then, will come the purification of the ungodly. Why is the Holy Father reforming the liturgy? It is through the liturgy that my presence in the Holy mass is given to mankind. The Pope recently has clearly defined the liturgy, the Holy mass, and what constitutes my church. He has offered an olive branch to schismatic factions in my church. Woe, to those who continue to rebel against my church for you are in rebellion against the head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent or you will be swept away by the fires of my purifying spirit. All that is not of me will be purified and cleansed from my creation. Beware the forces of evil are mounting an attack on your nation in secret. Your nation has not responded to my mercy. Do not rebel against my Father or you will suffer the fate of so many nations before you. If you study my nation of Israel in the Holy scripture, time after time that nation was warned, but the people continued to rebel. Finally, that nation was sent into exile and my prophets words were vindicated. Today your nation commits the sins of Sodom, Babylon, the Canaanites, and Egypt, yet my Father still has mercy on you. My people of the United States, Wake up! Why can you not see the handwriting on the wall? Has not the recent events even stirred your hearts and souls? Or do you forget September 11, 2001, the tsunami of 2004, and hurricane Katrina in 2005. How much more must you suffer before you acknowledge that without me you cannot continue to exist as a nation? The rot in your government ascends to heaven. The stench of your sins rises to the throne of my Father who sees all and knows all. Know your country was given an extra period of grace by the consecration of your country to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother last November. Do not presume your country can continue in sin. The graces obtained will be removed quickly if no repentance is done. I am a God of mercy but also a God of justice. The words of my prophets fall on deaf ears. My people, when will you wake up. Much suffering will come to your nation in atonement for your sins which cry to heaven! Even now the forces of the antichrist are deceiving your leaders. He is a master of double talk. He speaks of peace and war at the same time. He is under the influence of the spirit of the antichrist, who is Satan himself. Beware the fall of your leaders is being orchestrated by the forces of the antichrist, even as he has dined with your leaders. Beware of betrayal. Judas ate at my table, but betrayed me with a kiss. This false Christ will be the instigator of wars and a false peace. He will present solutions to problems his father Satan has orchestrated. Beware of a false security and peace. For your world is weighed in the balance and found wanting. Prepare yourself daily for persecution, my faithful. I will not abandon my faithful. But woe to those who follow, this false Christ because their eternal destination without repentance, will be eternal damnation. He will present the gospel in such a twisted deceptive form, which will cause confusion in my churches. Only the elect will escape his entanglements. And only then by complete trust and abandonment in my Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. I have repeated these words before. I do so again because of my mercy. Beware and pray lest you fall in the hour of temptation. Will you be for me or against me? Will you worship the false gods of your age or the Lord God Almighty? Your trust will either be in me or the false christ. There



will be no other choice. Heaven or hell, this is your destination. Let him who has ears to hear let him hear. The words of the Lord.

07/25/07 My son, ponder these words. Ask my Holy Spirit to interpret the meaning for you. Isaias 55:8,9,11. For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts. So shall my word be, which shall go forth from my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever I please and shall prosper in the things for which I sent it. Matthew 16:19. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. My people, who were these words addressed to? Peter, my apostle and to his successors. These words were not addressed to lay people, religious, or even individual priests. Today in my church, many factions are questioning the authority of the Holy Father. I ask you: do you have the power to loose and bind? These words do not apply to you. If you are in rebellion, calumniating, or causing others to question the authority of my vicar, you are in rebellion against me. You will be held responsible for those you lead astray, if you do not repent. By your words and actions, you are persecuting me. You are led by your own pride, not by my Holy Spirit. For I am meek and humble of heart. Are your actions, thoughts, and words leading my people to me or away from me? Beware, the serpent is sly and can lead you astray. If my pope was truly teaching false doctrine, my spirit would lead and purify my church. This schism over the validity of the mass must stop. It is a stumbling block and a serious offence to my sacred heart, my Mother’s Immaculate heart, and to the Holy Trinity. For it is only my sacrifice which appeases my Father’s justice. My sacrifice of the mass is a renewal daily of my atonement on Calvary. Who are you to stifle my spirit? If a validly ordained priest, speaks the words of consecration established by my church, I AM PRESENT. It is a valid consecration. If you question the validity of my masses, after the Holy Father has explicitly guided you, are you any different than Martin Luther or any of the protestant reformers? Remember, Satan wants to destroy belief in my mass. He does not care which method he uses. By questioning the validity of the Novo Ordo Mass, you are causing people to leave my church and deny my presence in the Eucharist. You will be held responsible for all the souls, which you have caused to be led astray. I am a God of humility. It is my humility which has brought about your salvation. My desire is for all to be saved. I will go to whatever lengths, to save a soul. The loss of one soul to hell, causes much sorrow and grief in my sacred heart. For I told you, there is much joy over one sinner who repents. Who are you to judge the workings of my spirit? My people, the Tridentine Mass brings great honor and glory to my Father, myself, and the Holy Spirit. Please Ponder on this: There is much evil in your world. How do you know the Novo Order Mass, was not inspired by my spirit? I knew there would be sacreligious communions, lack of reverence in my churches, and lack of belief in my presence in the Eucharist. But I will do anything for the salvation of souls. I will humiliate myself to great extremes to save my people. I will sacrifice my honor and glory to save my people



and bring my presence to my people. What will you do for the salvation of souls? Since the introduction of the Novo Ordo Mass, many protestants and others have entered my church, who otherwise would not have. Many conversions and Eucharistic miracles have occurred with both rites of my mass. For the most important thing to me, is to share my presence and to save the souls of my people. With the mass said in the vernacular languages, many souls have learned to love me and have come back to the shepherd of their souls. If you continue to fight over the validity of the mass, do you even care about souls? For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord. I receive honor and glory, not from the praise of men, but through the salvation of souls. For truly I say to you, my divine purpose, is to deliver my people from sin and death and bring them to my Father in heaven. What is your purpose, you who call on my name? Follow the visible head of my church, your Holy Father and you follow me. Follow not your Holy Father and you do not follow me, but you persecute me. These are the words of the Lord. 07/27/07 My son, you must write these words and share them with my children. These words are especially important for those who are my faithful children throughout this, my earth. Many times, my children, you wonder: why are the events happening in your world, in the way in which they are taking place? Events seem random, chaotic. Creation seems out of balance. These are natural thoughts through a human understanding. But these are not my thoughts. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways my way, saith the Lord. Isaias 55:8. My people, you need to learn to start thinking as I think or nothing transpiring on your earth will make any sense to you. How do you begin to understand and think as I your Father does? By learning to understand, think, live, and exist in my Divine will only, and not your human will. You my children are limited in your understanding, because of your human condition of original sin. The creation cannot comprehend the creator. Infinity is far above the finite. But by accepting and learning to live in my will, you will begin in this life to understand your Father. Even my angels in heaven cannot understand me completely. This is one reason why Satan’s power is limited, because even he is my creation and is limited by my will. He just cannot bring himself to admit this. Pride was and will always be his downfall and so it will be your downfall if you allow pride to rule your heart, soul, and mind. My son, you might wonder, why am I giving you messages for the world. It is simple: It is my will. I am putting aside my glory and honor to talk with my people. I am trying to explain concepts to my people, so any person can understand. I want you to consider your family situation. You are a husband and a father. What grief you would experience, if you lost your wife and children to death. In this life, you would no longer be able to love them. They would be gone from your presence. Now, my son I want you to apply the same situation to your Eternal Father. I am that Father and you are those children. My son I created all my children. All my children are made in my image and likeness. What loss I experience, when my children are lost forever from my presence. Ponder on eternity. I am a Father and millions of my children are going to be separated from their Father forever. My sacred heart experiences tremendous pain over the loss of so many souls. I am describing myself in human terms for your comprehension. Again,



think of the loss of your family and ponder on the loss of millions of my children forever. Forever deprived of their Father’s love and mercy. Forever tormented in the pool of fire along with their false father Satan. Why do you think your world is still in existence to this day? Because of your merciful Father. I will search and seek for everyone of my children. Just as you would seek for one of your lost children. This is truly my will to save my children. I do not want even one of my children to be lost forever. Now, you begin to understand the events of your time. The events taking place are to bring my children home to me. It is to save as many souls from being separated from their Father as possible. If you truly understand my will, you will have peace no matter what happens. For you will recognize your Father’s will in all events. It is for the salvation of souls. Do not wish for this world to be cleansed from evil. Pray for the salvation of souls. You were once lost, but now are found. Without my will, you would be in the same position as my lost children. Therefore my children, you have no reason for pride or condemnation of your brothers and sisters. Do not judge the condition of another’s soul, for you cannot comprehend the depths of my mercy. Look after your own soul, thou proud and sinful man! You must show those who are lost how to find their Father. This is my will for my children. By your living, speaking, and thinking in my will, you will bring souls to my son for salvation. For my son is the only way to return to your Father. Thus I have spoken. Thus it is my will. My word will not return to me void. Start thinking, as your Father comprehends. My word must be fulfilled. But the fulfillment of my word is the salvation of souls. My son, as the events happen, be a beacon of light, joy, and peace to those around you. These events are to wakeup my children for their eternal salvation. My people have been blinded by the world and its sinful desires. I must take away these worldly pleasures, so my children have an opportunity to return to their Father. Without these events, the pit of hell will continue to be populated by my children. These are my children, not his. Once you understand my will in these events, you shall have peace. Do not concern yourself and spend so much time trying to figure out the sequence of events. Every one of your predictions, have been wrong. Only I your Eternal Father is in control. Work for the salvation of souls and the will of your Father in heaven. Then you my faithful, will walk with me through the fire and enter into my kingdom and era of peace. The ungodly will perish. But, the fulfillment of my Divine will is accomplished. The salvation of souls will have been done. All of my children will have made a decision to return to me or reject me. Once all my children have been given an opportunity to return to their Eternal Father, this era will end and a new era will begin. This is the peace and joy awaiting my faithful. Live in my Divine will. Live in my son’s peace and joy. Bring souls to my son. My people return to your Father. Then my faithful you make your Father happy. I ask you a simple question: Have you made your eternal Father happy today? Are you leading souls to me, or turning souls away from me? If you are leading souls astray by your words, thoughts, or actions, you truly do not love your Father or understand my will. These are the words of the Lord.

08/06/07 A.M. My son I am the second person of the Holy Trinity. How did I come to earth? By the power of the Holy Spirit and the fiat of the Blessed Virgin Mary. My son, it is my



desire for my divine will to be replicated through my divine lives in the lives of my children. This takes place by the same process as I was brought to this earth. My word tells you that you are to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. This is only accomplished by the sanctification of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is no other way. My Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary are the means through which my divine lives are replicated in my children. Remember the multiplication of the loaves and fishes in my word. So my son, my divine lives are multiplied in souls with sanctifying grace. This is the triumph of the humility of my will. My son let the humility of my will permeate your heart, soul, and mind. I prayed to my Father in St. John 17:21: That they all may be one, as thou Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. Further I taught my disciples: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. My son, when my divine life transforms you into my image and likeness, the fulfillment of my Father’s creation is accomplished. For my Father created mankind in his image and likeness. Sins destroys the image and likeness of my Father. The replication of my divine life into your soul renews or recreates my Father’s image in your soul. Thus my son, my Father’s kingdom is established in each soul in sanctifying grace. The soul in sanctifying grace is the replication of my divine life. Now my son you begin to understand my Father’s plan. Each time you interact with another person, you bring my divine life to their soul. The humility of my will speaks, acts, and thinks through you. This way my Father’s kingdom is established one soul at a time. This is one reason why the loss of one soul is so painful for Us, the Holy Trinity. It is the loss of one of our divine lives for eternity. The end of human history will come, when the number of divine lives fulfills my Father’s will. Your world was created for the glory of my Father and the multiplication of our divine lives in our children. But sin entered the picture and I Jesus Christ was the remedy for sin and the fulfillment of my Father’s plan for his children. I bring my divine life to my children and my children return to their Father. When you my child, speak my words in the humility of my will, you will bear much fruit for my kingdom. But speak in pride and my will is blocked and fruit will be sparse or worse no fruit will be borne at all. These concepts are important for my children to understand. The sacraments are the ways to receive my divine will. The humility of my will you receive in all the sacraments. It is my humility that allows you to receive my divine will or graces. Spread these words to my people. My Father desires to live in and with his children. The day will come my son, when all creation will bring perfect honor and glory to my Father. The replication or multiplication of my divine lives will end and I will hand over to my Father his children who are truly made in his image and likeness. The Our Father prayer will have been fulfilled. The challenge for you today is to realize each day you can be transformed into my divine image and likeness and bring about the fulfillment of my Father’s kingdom. It is not by your strength or might, but by my spirit says the Lord. The words of the Lord.

08/06/07 P.M. My son, ponder on these words. There is much for you to learn. Ponder on my will. It is my will, which creates and sustains all life in all ages and forever in eternity. Humility is my will and my will is humility. Do you realize the humility involved in the



gift of freewill? I could have forced you my son and all my people to serve me. I am the creator. It is my right to decree how my creation will serve me. But meditate on my humility. In my humility, I allow you my children to love me or reject me. It is my will that all men be saved. But not all men will be saved. My humility allows you to make a freewill choice. I did not create robots, but loving children. This is the only instance my son where a human will is greater than my own will. I will all to be saved. But many of my children reject my will and will be eternally condemned. The humility of my will is to difficult for mankind to accept. I give all humans the same test. Come to your God and savior with your freewill or in your pride reject my humility and suffer eternally. This is the simplicity of my will. To repeat, my will is humility, which I freely give to you. Pride is the rejection of my humility and my will and will bring you into eternal suffering. Choose wisely. It really is this simple. I love you, but will not force myself on you. My will and humility will be done on earth as it is in heaven. My era of peace will be the manifestation of my Divine will and humility intersecting heaven and earth in a way not previously experienced, since the fall of mankind. Only the humble who reside in the will of my humility, will enter my era of peace. The rest of humanity will either enter hell or be purified in the fires of purgatory of their false will and pride. Humans are the one part of my creation that rebels against my will. Through the renewal of creation, humanity will once again live in the humility of my will as I intend. Truly, then God will once more walk with his people in his Divine will. Time is a limitation of the human mind. In my will, there are no limitations. Practice and learn the humility of my will today. Those who have not accepted the humility of my will, will not enter my era of peace. As I told you, purgatory or hell will be their destiny. It takes time to learn to submit to the humility of my will. With the coming purification, those who are still prideful will suffer the most. The humble will see my hand in the events and rejoice my will is being accomplished. Your goal is to enter my era of peace. This truly is my will for all my people. But my challenge to my people is simply this: will you truly submit to the humility of my will, rest in my will, and walk in my will into my era of peace. These are the words of the Lord.

08/15/07 My son read Ezechiel 3:17: Son of man, I have made thee a watchman to the house of Israel: and thou shalt hear the word out of my mouth and shalt tell it them from me. My son all of my faithful are called to be watchman to the house of Israel, which is today my Church. The rot, confusion, and deception in my church is reaching epidemic proportions. Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Woe to you that are wise in your own eyes, and prudent in your own conceits. Isaias 5:20,21. The lukewarmness and pride is leading many souls astray. Many bishops and priests are more concerned with political correctness and not offending parishioners. Many bishops and priests are more concerned with monetary collections than the salvation of souls. No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other: or he will sustain the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Mathew 6:24. The lukewarmness of my church is hastening the justice of my Father. For my people perish for lack of knowledge. Where are the voices crying out against sin? Why are people not



filling the confessionals? Because many of my shepherds are lukewarm and neither hot or cold, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest I am rich and made wealthy and have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. Apocalypse 3:16,17. Many of my priests have succumbed to the dragon of Apocalypse 12:4 and have fallen from my grace. My son the persecution of my faithful Catholics will come from: the followers of the man of sin, lukewarm Catholics, and apostate protestants. For I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8. When an antipope sits in the chair of St. Peter, lukewarm Catholics will follow his false teachings. Those of my faithful Catholics will be persecuted by those who follow this antipope. Those protestants who are deceived by Satan into believing my Catholic Church is the antichrist, will also persecute my faithful Catholics, with the rise of this antipope. The hordes of hell will try and crush my church. Only those who are living in the humility of my divine will with my divine life in their souls, will survive the persecution and deception to come. But, woe to those who persecute my church. For you are truly persecuting me. God will not be mocked. For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29. Then you will truly understand the warnings given by my Blessed Mother Mary at Fatima, Akita, and through the many messengers in your age. And the earth is infected by the inhabitants thereof: because they have transgressed the laws, they have changed the ordinance, they have broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore shall a curse devour the earth: and the inhabitants thereof shall sin. And therefore they that dwell therein shall be mad: and few men shall be left. Isaias 24:5,6. My son, these words are being fulfilled before your eyes. Therefore, with breaking shall the earth be broken, with crushing shall the earth be crushed, with trembling shall the earth be moved. Isaias 24:19. My commandments are trodden under the foot of men. My commandments are despised by the mouth of men. Mankind is attempting to rebuild the tower of Babel. But I the Lord prophesy to you: I will once again confound the tongues of the wicked and bring to destruction this false tower. Those who use their eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet for evil will be cut off from among their brethren, if no repentance is done. Woe to those who allow the seduction of evil to penetrate their souls and engage in the sins of the flesh. For we must all be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of the body, according as he hath done, whether it be good or evil. 2 Cor. 5:10. My people, you will be judged by the sins you commit with your bodily members. If you die in this state, you will be cast into hell both body and soul to suffer eternally. Do you doubt my word? Do you scoff at my words? Read Numbers 16:31-33. And immediately as he had made an end of speaking, the earth broke asunder under their feet. And opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance. And they went down alive into hell, the ground closing upon them: and they perished from among the people. And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast and adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone. Apocalypse 19:20. And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up forever and ever: neither shall they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast and whoever receiveth the character of his name. Apocalypse 14:11.



This evil, sinful generation will face my justice and purification. The time is short. Open your eyes you blind! Open your ears you deaf! Open your hearts you cold and lukewarm! For the Lord of Hosts cometh to do battle and rid his creation of all that is not of God: the unclean, the ungodly, and the lukewarm. Are you amongst those my people? Do not presume on my mercy. My messengers, my son’s Mother Mary, and my son are repeatedly warning you. The trumpets will soon blow! Repent today, for tomorrow you may wake up in hell! Put on the armor of God now! Do not wait for the battle to worsen or you will not have my protection. The winepress of the wrath of God is overflowing and my remnant is being purified to render honor and glory in my name. Go forward in the power and spirit of Elias to confront the modern prophets of Baal and proclaim the Lord God almighty, creator of heaven and earth, hath sent thee as his mouthpiece. Watchman, the city is surrounded by the enemy. Raise your trumpet and sound the message throughout the land! The day of the Lord is at hand. Do my will not your own. Save your soul and souls of your family by my grace and Spirit. I will be with thee through the battle. For the Lord God almighty is a jealous God and will protect, shield, and comfort his own. Woe to those who follow the spirit of this age for they will be cast down with Satan and his hordes! Study, ponder, and read my holy word. Let my Spirit dispel the darkness of this age. Read Ezechiel 14:21: For thus saith the Lord: Although I shall send in upon Jerusalem my four grievous judgments, the sword and the famine and the mischievous beats and the pestilence, to destroy out of it man and beast, and read Apocalypse 6:4-8. I, the Lord God changeth not. I will use the same punishments as I used on my house of Israel and described in the Apocalypse. These same judgments are coming to this sinful and evil generation. But those who are consecrated to me and obedient to my commandments will be saved and protected by my mighty arm! The choice is clear! Be disobedient and incur my justice! Be obedient and enter my rest! And the world passeth away and the concupiscence thereof: but he that doth the will of God abideth forever. I John 2:17. The choice my people is yours. Let my Divine will become your will, my peace your peace, and my presence your presence. Enter my era of peace today in your soul and one day enter my eternal rest. Be as Joshua and Caleb and enter the promised land! My earth will be cleansed, my justice dispensed, and an era of peace as promised by my prophets, my church, and my son’s Blessed Mother Mary at Fatima will be given to mankind. The words of the Lord.

08/20/07 My son, write these words and let my Holy Spirit guide you on how to distribute them. My people I have a question to ask of you: why do you want to go to heaven? What are your motivations for wanting eternal life? Ponder on these questions. If you are lukewarm your answers might surprise you. In my word, it compares the kingdom of heaven is like to a merchant seeking good pearls. Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went his way and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45,46. What is the pearl of great price? It is myself. I am that treasure which you should seek with all your heart,



soul, mind, body, and strength. How many of you, my people, truly understand these words? For my people, so many are blinded by this world and its attachments. How many of you want to enter my kingdom for your own selfish desires? How many of you want to enter my kingdom so you can have eternal life? Are you so blind you cannot truly comprehend the selfishness in these words? For truly, where I am, there is my kingdom. If you are living in sanctifying grace, I reside within you. My kingdom is already within your soul. For my word clearly states: For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also. Matthew 6:21.Where is your treasure? If all you can discuss and think about heaven is the mansions, thrones, and rewards you are going to receive, cast thyself down in dust and ashes and pray for my mercy on your soul. You are truly deceived. For your treasure is on earthly desires, not my desires. You are attached to earthly desires, not eternal desires. You will receive your just reward. All that is not of me, will burn up and be consumed in the fire of my justice. You will find your lukewarmness and pride have caused your foundation to be built on lies and deception. Your foundation is not built on the rock Christ Jesus. For truly, I am the treasure which your heart desires. Am I not good enough for you? Is not your God a treasure greater than all this world can offer you? Many of my churches preach a false gospel of material prosperity with a focus on this life. My people, you are proud and persecuting your Lord and Master, who gave his all for you. If your desires are not focused on me, I may say to you on the day of judgment: I never knew you. You never loved me, followed my will, or obeyed my commandments. You never knew me. Your own earthly desires are more important than myself. For truly, my people I give myself to you totally and completely. How can you not respond to this great love? Your creator wants to dwell with you in this life and throughout all eternity. But yet, so many of my children only want me on their own terms, not mine. I give you this freewill choice in this life. I am persecuted, rejected, and scorned by many of my children. Open your eyes! Why would you trade the love of your God, for temporary earthly desires? Because you do not love, serve, or know me. Your concept of heaven is self centered and earthly. You do not know me now. You must know me know or your eternity could be one of eternal suffering. I offer you myself in the sacraments. I become intimate with you in the Holy Eucharist. My people, is it not enough for you, that I humble myself, to share myself with you? Ponder and see where your treasure is. If I am not your treasure, than you will never find fulfillment in this life or the next. My people, I the Lord prophesy to you: when all your material goods are taken away, you will truly discover where your treasure and heart is located. For it is my mercy which will allow these events to happen to give you my people a choice. Deception and spiritual blindness have deprived my people of myself. My people, you do not know how deceived you truly are. Prepare! Watch! Come to me! Trust in Jesus completely! Today search after me and I will find you. Let your heart be open to the treasure, the presence of the Holy Trinity residing in your soul. The words of the Lord.

8-22-07 My Son, write these words as I instruct you. This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Matthew 15:8. My people, how many of you do lip service, but no heart service? I must repeat myself, because eyes are blind and ears are deaf to my words. Do you



truly understand the graces and gifts you have been given in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? Read Psalms 115:12-14,17. What shall I render to the Lord for all the things that he hath rendered to me? I will take the chalice of salvation: and I will call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord before all his people. I will sacrifice to thee the sacrifice of praise: and I will call upon the name of the Lord. My people, are you so slow to understand the meaning of these words? Do you truly know how to call upon the name of the Lord? Do you think you can call upon my name with your own strength? My people, do you know the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most powerful prayer in existence? The Son of God takes your requests to the Father. For truly I say to you, many do not receive, because they truly do not ask. You are unworthy of any of my merits and graces. My Word states, "What shall I render to the Lord, for all the things he hath rendered to me? " You can truly never offer my Father anything on your own in recompense, for His mercy and grace to you. But you can offer and receive the chalice of salvation from and to my Father. This is the only offering truly worthy of my Father. For I, the Son of God, offer myself to the Father for my people. Truly my people, if you believe this in your heart, your lives would change. How many go to mass out of obligation? How many are distracted at mass by thoughts and worldly desires? How many cannot wait for the mass to end so you can get on with your lives? How many receive me in Holy Communion, and spend little or no time in prayer with me? How many of my people truly attend mass to be with my Father, the Holy Spirit, and myself? How many are more interested in what others are wearing, or who is in attendance at Holy Mass? My people, if you can truly answer these questions with a yes, you truly do not know me intimately. For at Holy Mass, God Almighty humbles himself, to share himself intimately with you. You complain about spiritual aridity and lack of answers to your prayers. But you do not even comprehend how to pray to me. When you attend Holy Mass, focus solely on me and I will pour out my graces and merits on your soul, for I give myself entirely to you, my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. What do I ask from you in return? For truly, there is nothing naturally or spiritually that you can give me. I only ask for your love. I love you and desire to love and be loved. I love my children and want to share myself with all my children. My people, you ask and do not receive, because you ask in vanity and with selfish desires. I ask you to come unto me, and I will refresh you. My Holy Eucharist feeds my people spiritually. Your human body needs food to survive. So your soul needs my graces to not die. In this world of evil, you need a renewal of graces daily to not fall into the trap of Satan. You receive my sacred humanity, my precious Blood, My soul and the Holy Trinity. What more can any one truly desire than what I can give you? In my era of peace, my people will be devoted to my Eucharistic presence. Embrace my Eucharistic presence now, or you may not enter my era of peace. For all not of me will be swept away by my spirit of purification. My people are spiritually weak because you believe the deception of Satan.



You want my blessings, but you do not want to know me. Truly, the blessing is Myself and my presence in your life. If you do not understand this, you do not understand me. It is very simple. If you want to be my people, you must know me now. Tomorrow will be too late; I will say to many, “I never knew you”. Do not let yourself be among those whom I speak those words to. It will be too late at that time. Behold, now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of Salvation. Please meditate on these words. Let my words not just become empty knowledge. But let my words penetrate into your heart and soul. My words are alive and powerful. Your life can truly change by believing and having faith in my words. Ask me and receive my merits and graces in the Holy Mass. Receive me worthily with devotion, and I will truly bless you. For you cannot be more generous than God. The events are happening quickly now. Wake up, in this time of mercy! My justice is on the horizon. The hour is late. Let my strength become your strength. Daily receive my graces and enter into my peace and rest. These are the words of the Lord.

8-29-07 My son, do you truly believe and trust me? Or do you just say the words, “Jesus, I trust in you”? My son, if I truly live within you and you are a temple for the Holy Trinity to live in, what else do you need, O ye of little faith? My people live in fear of the present and future because of unbelief. Romans 8:31. If God be for us, who is against us. Do you truly believe these words? Only those who believe in these words with the eyes of faith will survive the days ahead and enter into my era of peace. Even my disciples, who were with me for my entire public ministry, doubted me. Why is mankind so slow to believe in his God? It is your lack of faith, which causes so many of your problems in your life. For it is truly your faith which overcomes the world. I John 5:4. Hebrews 11:6. But without faith, it is impossible to please God. Read these words again, for without faith, it is impossible to please God. Your lack of faith displeases me greatly. My people need to ponder on this. You say, “Jesus, I trust in you”. Again, do you have faith or are these just words to you? Remember, my children of Israel did not enter the Promised Land because of lack of faith. Hebrew 3:12. Take heed brethren, lest perhaps there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, to depart from the living God. Vs 19. And we see that they could not enter in, because of unbelief. A whole generation perished in the wilderness, because of unbelief. Only Joshua and Caleb entered the Promised Land. This should be a sober lesson for my people for today. I repeat myself, for the time is short. Great changes are beginning to come to mankind. You must have total trust and faith in Jesus Christ alone to survive and save you souls. Sensationalism will be the downfall of many of my people. Do not trust in man, only trust in God. There are many voices seeking your attention. Many are telling you, in



order to have my protection, to wear a certain sacramental, journey to a particular shrine, or be prayed over by a certain messenger. My people, where is your faith if you must always seek out every messenger and attend every event? You are like a double-minded man who is inconstant in all his ways. James 1:6-8. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, which is moved and carried about by the wind. Therefore, let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. Do you not realize, it is I, Jesus Christ, who saves and protects you? No sacramental, person, or shrine can you save you from the wrath to come. Only I can. It is through your daily consecration to my Sacred heart and to my Mother Mary’s Immaculate heart that refuge is provided for you. My people, you put more emphasis on the sacramental or the messenger, than the giver of the object or message. For truly, I prophecy to you, without faith and total trust in Jesus Christ, no sacramental, shrine or messenger will be able to protect you from the man of sin, his deception, and the wrath of my Father. For you truly are trusting in man, and not in God. Who else do you need but myself? Am I not good enough for you? In my Blessed Sacrament, I am present body, blood, soul and divinity. The Holy Trinity resides in you. Is there anything else you truly need? If you cannot answer this question, you need to pray. Let me ask you a question. What will happen if all of your sacramentals, churches and messengers are taken away from you? Will you be able to faithful to me then? If you have no faith, you will fall away from your faith. For truly your faith is not founded on the rock Christ Jesus, but on earthly objects. The days to come will test your faith in me. Without faith in me, you will not survive the test. My graces come from my spirit residing in your soul. Be very careful. Satan is sly. You could go to a refuge without my guidance, and not be protected, because you trust in man. You need to truly be able to hear my voice or you will not survive in body and soul. The time is now. The time is to stop trusting in man and implore my mercy. Let go of your lukewarmness and come rest in my presence. I give my people signs and wonders for conversion. If you have sanctifying grace, you need no signs and wonders. For the greatest of all miracles occurs at baptism, and is renewed at reconciliation and the reception of the Holy Eucharist. It is the presence of the Holy Trinity residing in your soul. If you are seeking sensationalism, you truly do not have faith and trust in the Holy Trinity. I bring these warnings to my people, because of my love for you. Beware, the deception of Satan will increase, and it is only through my presence residing in your soul, which will give you protection in body and soul. Use my sacramentals as a reminder of my power and presence in your life. Do not offend me by trusting in the sacramental, and not trusting in me. For truly, you would be no different than the children of Israel worshipping the golden calf. Your worship would not be of me, but in your own wisdom and pride. Learn to trust in me, consecrate yourself to myself and my Blessed Mother daily, use my sacramentals and my Blessed Mother’s sacramentals as intended, and the powers of Hell



cannot touch you. For truly, if God be for us, who can be against us? These are the words of the Lord.

08/30/07 My son write these words as I give them to you. Read Matthew 6:15. But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences. Matthew 7:1-2. Judge not, that you may not be judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. I John 3:8. For this purpose the Son of God appeared, that he might destroy the works of the devil. My son, who made you a judge over mankind? Are you without sin? If so, cast the first stone. I am your judge, but yet I still have mercy on you and all my people everyday. Truly, you do not want myself to judge you as you judge others. For you would be cast into hell. Your past sins were an abomination in my sight. But I still had mercy on your soul. Today, when you judge others, you are scorning my mercy. You are telling me that you truly are worthy of my mercy and others’ are not. You proud and sinful man! Repent of your pride and learn humility. I have been merciful to you. All sin in my sight is an abomination. Even if you were without sin, you are still completely dependent on me. Ponder my blessed mother and myself. Both of us did not sin, but yet we were both humble. If you are judgmental, you are declaring to me that you are better than God. I will truly cast down all pride. For no flesh will glory in my sight. These words apply to many who call on my name. Remember, without my mercy and humility, you could be in a worse state than those you judge. Many souls are in hell for far less offenses than you have committed. Implore my mercy, be merciful, or your judgment will be severe. As events escalate, many of my people will be without hope and in despair. You are needed to be a beacon of hope to them. Be merciful and I will continue to be merciful to you. Continue to be judgmental and you will be cast into outer darkness with the hypocrites. Hypocrisy and unmerciful souls have no place in my kingdom. It is time my people stop labeling sinners as drunkards, homosexuals, and murderers. It is time to see these souls as truly lost and in need of my mercy. Truly without mercy, these souls will be cast into eternal darkness and punishment. I have destroyed the works of Satan in your life and in the lives of my faithful. Pray to my Spirit to lead and guide you on how to speak to sinners. Show mercy to lost souls and I will show mercy to your soul. The sin of homosexuality will cast you into hell, but so will lying and hating your neighbor. I came to set my people free from the bondage of sin and death. If you are judgmental and unmerciful to lost souls, you may be the stumbling block causing them eternal damnation. Then you will be severely judged for causing their souls to be lost forever. You must love the sinner, but hate the sin. You cannot approve of their sin, but you can show them mercy, as I have showed you mercy. I need disciples of mercy. I am giving you a mission to be a disciple of mercy to this sinful world. This is the highest of missions. For, it is my mission to save and to seek those souls who are lost. For without me you can do nothing. All of my faithful need to ponder on these words and become disciples of my mercy. Be merciful to others and I will continue to be merciful to you. These are the words from Jesus Christ to his faithful. Amen.



09/04/07 A.M. My son, write and ponder on these words as I have given them to you. Read Luke 18:8. But yet the Son of Man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you faith on earth? Ponder on these words for many days. What do these words mean? The first meaning refers to my second coming in the flesh at the end of time. This is not the time in which you live. But there are other meanings to this verse. A second meaning refers to my Eucharistic Presence. After my ascension into heaven, I made the promise: I will be with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Matthew 28:20. This verse is fulfilled by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit received at baptism, at confirmation, and in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. You receive my body, blood, soul and divinity during each Holy mass with the Holy Eucharist. My son, I come to the earth every day sacramentally through the Eucharist. Now re-read those words. But yet the Son of Man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you faith on earth? Today I come to you in my Eucharistic presence. But yet I ask you a question, do I find any faith on earth? How many of you truly believe I am present in the Eucharist? The majority of mankind does not believe either through ignorance or direct denial of my Eucharistic presence. How many in my Catholic Church deny my Eucharistic presence? According to your surveys, 70-80% of American Catholics do not believe in my Eucharistic presence. This truly does not leave many faithful in my world. Of those who give me lip service, how many give me heart service? How many take my Eucharist out of habit, in mortal sin, or with no reverence? Truly, when the Son of Man cometh in your day and age, He finds little faith on earth. Are you among those, my children? Truly, I am the most rejected and persecuted on this earth. My people, if you truly believe in my Eucharist, why do you hurry out of church after Holy Mass? Are you so caught up with the pleasures of this life, that you miss the pearl of great price? Does the fact that you have just received the Holy Trinity in the Eucharist even enter your thoughts? My people are in vain searching for happiness, and not finding it. The only source of happiness comes from myself, Jesus Christ: True God and True Man. I am waiting for you, my people, but so few come to me. My people, when you seek me through other means, you are denying your soul its life-giving food. At baptism, you receive my divine life in your soul. The Holy Eucharist continues to nurture my divine life in your soul and promotes spiritual growth. Without my presence in your life, your soul can die. How many plants survive without continual water? Does an infant survive without its mother’s food? Thus, your soul is no different. When you seek other means to satisfy your soul, you are telling me in your pride, you know better than God. If you seek myself in other religions or denominations who deny my Eucharistic Presence, you will not find me and you will deny the food for your soul. For truly, Satan will do everything to distract and prevent you from participating in the



Holy Mass, because he knows the truth. If you eat my flesh and drink my blood worthily, you shall have everlasting life. For I prophecy to you, when you deny my Eucharistic Presence, you are contributing to the abomination of desolation foretold by the prophet Daniel in bringing about the reign of the man of sin. For the abomination of desolation, is a belief in the protestant doctrine of the mass, as my Blessed Mother has explained through many messengers. You are either with me or against me. You either have faith in all my words, or you have no faith at all. A third meaning of this verse occurs with the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. My spirit with the brightness of my coming, will cast Satan, his demons, and those who refuse my grace, into hell, and mankind will enter an era of peace. What will the era be like? It will be the fulfillment of my Father’s will through my Eucharistic reign in my Holy Catholic Church. Ponder these words, for my people are being deceived by an angel of light. Satan does not care how be traps your soul, he will use whatever method he must. My Eucharistic presence in your life will protect and preserve you soul from the deception and lies of Satan. For truly it is the fulfillment of the Old Testament which states, “I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Be my people of the Holy Eucharist and enter my era of peace. Start today. The hour is late. Live in my peace today. Do not wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow may be too late for your soul. These are the words of the Lord.

09/04/07 P.M. This is a message to clear up your confusion regarding the 3 rd Secret of Fatima and the Second Vatican Council. This is an area causing division, fighting, and schism in my church. Sister Lucy had stated: The 3 rd Secret of Fatima was to be released by 1960. Many traditionalist Catholics interpret this to mean the 3 rd Secret is about the Second Vatican Council. This is a deception given by the Father of Lies – Satan. My Blessed Mother has revealed the essence of the 3rd Secret of Fatima through other apparitions. It deals with apostasy and loss of faith in the Catholic Church amongst other issues. These facts have been substantiated by priests and cardinals in my church. Even at Akita, Japan, my Blessed Mother warned of apostasy and cardinals, bishops, and priests fighting against each other. Division is not from God, but from Satan. A council, called by the Holy Father and attended by the Bishops of the World, is not satanic. It was called by my Holy Spirit. Do my people think they know better than my spirit? My vicar is the head of my church and is led by my Holy Spirit. Read Ecclesiasticus 3:22. Seek not the things that are too high for thee, and search not into things above thy ability, but the things which God hath commanded thee, think on them always and in many of his words be not curious. My people need to follow these words. Stop trying to be the Pope and tell him how to lead my church. You have not been given the mission to be Pope. If you cause rebellion, schism, and rebellion against



my true Popes, you are in rebellion against myself, Jesus Christ. The things which God has commanded thee are to be in obedience to His church, and to obey His church’s teachings and commandments. In my church, many voices not of me, are seeking your attention. These voices can be from priests, bishops, religious, and laymen. Any voice, which leads you to schism against my son the Pope, do not listen to them. These voices are led by their own pride, and influenced by the father of lies – Satan. For Satan knows if he can cause division in my church, many souls will be lost forever to hell. As you have read, for many years Masonic and communistic forces have tried to destroy my church. Recently, in your news, masons in Mexico and Italy are openly trying to persecute my church. In your country, the 1960’s brought in a culture of sin and relativism. This brought about a rejection of God and his commandments. This is the lie and the deception, which has caused the problems in your world and my church. It is the cry of Satan: I will not serve. You cannot blame the Second Vatican Council for the increase in the sins of the flesh: homosexuality, abortion, murder, and all the sins of your age. You cannot blame the Second Vatican Council for the decrease in vocations, lack of reverence and attendance at the Holy Mass. The blame is my people compromising with the world, rebelling against the Holy Father, and believing the lies, deception, and the words of Satan. The problems of today had their beginnings many years prior to the 1960’s. This decade brought the problems into the open. Masonry, in all its diabolical forms, infiltrated my church many years prior to the Second Vatican Council. During those turbulent years, masons were elevated to positions of authority in my church. Those Masonic forces were unleashed from the pit of hell and caused the problems in your world today. My people, rejection of God establishes the reign of Satan in your midst. Read my word. All of these events were prophesied and are being fulfilled before your eyes. My word must be fulfilled. Satan is clever. He is much more intelligent than you. He is using Vatican II as a deceptive lie to hide the real cause for the division in my church. The real cause for the division is the pride of mankind, the rejection of God, and many in my church making compromises with Satan. He knows if the real truth was revealed, the church would be unified, and he would be defeated. This present and continuing purification is exposing the lies and deception of Satan. My church will be as I want it: humble, persecuted, and a light to the world. It will once again follow in my footsteps to Calvary, and to a glorious resurrection. To repeat, the Second Vatican Council is not the cause of the problems in my church. The cause is the pride of my people who compromise with the demon. Those who cause division and schism in my church do not listen or follow them. For heresy can occur from many different directions. Those who deny my church’s teachings, whether labeled liberals or traditionalists, are promoting heresy. Pray for these souls. My people, The Holy Father is correcting these errors. If you



would follow his guidance, you will not fall into schism and division. He has clearly defined the substance of the Holy Mass and the true meaning of my church. Continue fighting the Holy Father and you are fighting against God. The day will come when a false antipope will try and lead my church. If you are in a state of rebellion against my church now, will you even recognize a false pope? Remember, my sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. Can you hear my voice if you are in rebellion, causing division in my church? You cannot if your pride is a stumbling block in your life to my graces. Repent of your sins and implore my mercy. These words apply to bishops, priests, religious, and lay people. No one is excluded. You are either with me or against me. You cannot be a servant in my kingdom and the kingdom of Satan with your pride at the same time. Repent today. Tomorrow will be too late. Judgment is already beginning in the house of God, and expanding to the ungodly. Do not sit on the fence any longer. You want my blessing. Be submissive to my church and its teaching, and I will bless you. If you refuse to listen to my warnings, you could be deceived and spend eternity in hell. Hell is filled with bishops, priests, and religious who refused to be obedient to my church. For my word proclaims, I Kings 15:22b-23a. For obedience is better than sacrifices: and to hearken rather than to offer the fat of rams. Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey. Read Apocalypse 22:15. Without are dogs and sorcerers and unchaste ands murderers and servers of idols and every one that loveth and maketh a lie. You cannot enter my kingdom with these sins on your soul. Without true repentance, you will spend eternity in hell. My people do not give into the lies and deception of Satan. Focus on myself, Jesus Christ only, and let me lead you into the era of peace and life everlasting. These are the words of the Lord.

09/07/07 My son this an extremely important message for my people. My people, you are becoming lukewarm and unbelieving in my word. Many scoffers are present in my church today. II Peter 3:3-6. Knowing this first: That in the last days there shall come deceitful scoffers, walking after their own lusts, Saying; Where is the promise of his coming? For since the times that the fathers slept, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation…whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished. These verses describe the times in which you live. Many signs and wonders have been given, but many of my people still refuse to believe. This is similar to Noah’s day. Refer to Luke 18:26-27. The people of Noah’s day ate, drank, and lived in sin. Until the day Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Why are my people so foolish and blind? Satan has deceived you with materialism, pride, and many false gods. You are being seduced by the serpent, just as were Adam and Eve. My word is truth and will be fulfilled. My son, mankind is reverting back to the same sins of the past, disguised and packaged differently. When I was born and walked on your earth, mankind was mired in sin and



paganism. Even my chosen people were not properly following my Father’s commandments. How few were truly prepared for my first coming. The situation in your world today is similar to the pagan world of my day. Once again mankind needs a redeemer. The redeemer has already come and redemption has been won. But Satan has deceived the majority of mankind not to believe in me or even know I exist. My church is my light and presence on this earth. Now, many in my church are not spreading my gospel of salvation. As a result, many souls are in danger of hell fire. The time is soon when the head of the church will reveal himself to all mankind. Read John 12:32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself. Read John 3:14,15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting. Apocalypse 1:7. Behold he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him: and they also that pierced him. My son, I was lifted up on the cross and suffered, died, and was buried to atone for the sins of all my children. My son, I am lifted up again during the Holy mass at the consecration of the bread and wine. My son, I will be lifted up again, during the warning or the illumination of conscience. During the warning, all of mankind will know I exist and that I am the Son of God. Matthew 27:54. When I died the centurion remarked: Indeed this was the Son of God. At the warning, every soul will know I am the Son of God and I am the redeemer of all mankind. The sign of the cross will once again be lifted up for all mankind to see. My people will see all the sins which pierced me and caused my suffering. This event will take place soon in your measurement of time. I do not give exact dates to my people. If my people knew the date., many would become lazy, lukewarm, and continue to live in sin, until that day. My word says in II Corinthians 6:2. Behold now is the acceptable time: behold now is the day of salvation. Do not wait until that day. You have no guarantee you will live until that time. You may stand before me in judgment now or today. The rich man said in Luke 12:19,20. And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy rest: eat, drink, make good cheer. But God said to him: Thou fool. This night do they require thy soul of thee. Is your soul right with the Lord? My people use the means of salvation provided by me. Do not wait for an extraordinary event by almighty God. Be baptized and converted. Frequent the sacraments, especially confession and reception of the Holy Eucharist. These are the means established by myself and my church for salvation. The warning is a re-enactment of my sufferings on the cross to wakeup a sinful world. If you have not made peace with God before the warning, will you survive the warning? Do not wait to answer this question. At that time it may be too late for you. The event will happen in my time, not yours or Satan’s. Continue to pray for my mercy and be a disciple of my mercy in this hour of mercy. Many people scoff and suggest the warning will not happen. But like the flood of Noah’s day, it will happen. Many saints and recent messengers’ have prophesied this event. Take heed. Despise not prophecies I Thessalonians 5:20. The greatest prophet of your time is my blessed Mother Mary. She has repeatedly prophesied through many messages about the times you are living in. St Faustina, St. Anna Marie Taigi, and many modern day messengers have prophesied of this event. You ignore, these warnings at your own folly. Wakeup my people. I am using many methods to try and wakeup my people. The justice of God will soon wakeup this sinful generation. Just as in my day, some people scoffed at my crucifixon and some people believed and were converted. This will happen again. Some will ignore my warning endangering their soul



to eternal damnation. Some will accept my warning and obtain eternal life. But no person will be able to say, I did not know the truth. Prepare yourself today for your judgment or tomorrow may be too late. These are words of the Lord.

09/08/07 My son, continue to write as I instruct you. My people how do you view your neighbor? Do you contemplate on how I see a human soul? I see a soul that I died for, in bondage to the slavery of sin, in need of my salvation. I see a soul lost without hope and love. I see souls created in my image and likeness without knowledge of their true Father. I see sheep without a shepherd. My sacred heart is full of love and compassion almost to the point of bursting for souls. My mercy holds back my justice for the love of souls. Now answer my question: Is this how you see your neighbor? My people, without my mercy all are condemned to eternal despair. But my love and mercy are greater than all your sins. Do not judge another because without my mercy, you might be in a worse state than those you judge. All sin is an abomination in my sight. Yet I look beyond the sin and see a sick soul in need of healing. Are you a healer or destroyer of souls? Are your thoughts, words, and actions leading souls to salvation or away from salvation? I repeat myself because the number of souls on the road to hell is like snowflakes in a snowstorm. I need compassionate, merciful souls to be my instruments of mercy in this sinful world. When you view an individual, what do you see? If all you can think about is their sin, you need to repent of the sins of pride and of being judgmental. I could judge you the same way as you judge others. But I saw you as a soul in need of a savior. Any mortal sin will cast you into hell. My people, it is time to be filled with my love and mercy for the salvation of the least of my brethren. For truly, I was a man of sorrows, despised and the most abject of men. I the creator of the universe entered your world in poverty. My mother and I lived a life of poverty, so my people could share in my eternal glory. I lived my entire life in poverty for your salvation. I was ridiculed, rejected, and finally died as a criminal for your salvation. I did not even have money for my own burial. Roman soldiers even cast lots for my clothes. But I accomplished the greatest miracle of all time: the salvation of my people. The return of the prodigal children to their true Father. My Father truly becomes your Father once again. At the last judgment in Matthew 25:31-46, souls were cast into everlasting fire for rejecting the least of their brethren. Matthew 25:41. Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:45 Amen I say to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me. You are cast into hell for rejecting your savior and redeemer who truly was the least among you. I was and I am still the most humble amongst you, my people. If you truly are proud after contemplating my humility, repent or you may suffer eternally for your pride. My son, all souls are created in my image and likeness. When you judge or reject another soul, you truly are rejecting your creator. To repeat myself again, without my humility, love, and mercy none of my people would enter heaven. If I your Lord and Master was the least amongst men, how can you in your pride claim to be greater than me? You truly also are the least among men without my mercy and grace. Truly learn my people to be



merciful to all souls and you will obtain my mercy. These are the words from Jesus to his people. Amen.

09/17/07 My son, this is a warning for you. Beware! The serpent is sly. He is going to change his tactics. With my merits and graces, he knows he cannot always use direct temptation to attack you. So, he becomes sly and deceptive. He is going to pretend he no longer tempts you. But I warn you again. Beware! It is the temptation of spiritual pride. He will make you feel satisfied with your spiritual growth. He will try and convince you that you do not have to confess small sins. He will make you feel superior to others in your spiritual knowledge and gifts. He might even try and tell you: You are guaranteed a place in my kingdom. So relax, take it easy. Do not worry about the condition of your soul. You do not need to spend so much time in prayer or with the Lord. You are so advanced spiritually over other Catholics and Protestants, you no longer need to struggle with sin. These are lies from the pit of hell. My son, with my graces and merits, you have learned many lessons in the past year. But again beware. Many souls have reached a spiritual plateau and withered up and died. You must always be vigilant and on your guard. Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. I Peter 3:8. This is why I tell my people to watch and always be prepared. Do not lose your salvation because of the deception of spiritual pride. As the antichrist shows his power, those souls who are not humble will fall into his trap. He will proclaim doctrines and truths, which will have an appearance of godliness, but denying the power thereof. II Timothy 3:5. Now the Spirit manifestly saith that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error and doctrines of devils. Again, I repeat: Beware! His lies are an illusion. I am the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other source of truth, except the Holy Trinity. Avoid the crooked paths. Do not go to the left or to the right. Stay on the strait and narrow road to heaven. Focus on Jesus Christ 100% and you will not be led astray. Do not follow false doctrines or teachings. Those teachings which disagree with my Holy Catholic Church avoid. There is not much time before many changes will take place in your life and in the lives of my faithful. For I prophesy to you: the ungodly and the sinner will not even notice many of the changes which will happen. In fact, these changes will be welcomed with open arms by the majority of mankind. Only my sheep who hear my voice and follow me, will have the spiritual discernment to avoid the deception to come. Daily consecrate yourself to my mother’s immaculate heart and my sacred heart. Continue to go to confession and receive the holy eucharist as often as you can. You will need my graces to withstand the days of evil presently and in the future. I bring these words out of love to my people. These words are from Jesus Christ to his people. AMEN and AMEN.

09/20/07 My son, write this message for those who are my catholic faithful. My children how do you show your love for me? My word says in Matthew 22:37-39: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind.



This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. You show your love for me by: obeying my commandments, loving your neighbor, and putting me first in your life. For my word says: he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not up his cross and followeth me is not worthy of me. Matthew 10:37-38. My people, how many of you have lost your first love? How many of you put the things of the earth before me? Am I truly the most important person in your life? If not, go to confession and receive my forgiveness. My people, I have another question to ask you. How do you truly love your God above all others and all things? Ponder on this question. The answer you give, may surprise you. In today’s gospel reading Luke 7:36-50, a woman who was a sinner washed my feet with her tears and anointed my feet with oil. I said to Simon: wherefore, I say to thee: Many sins are forgiven her, because she hath loved much. But to whom less is forgiven, he loveth less. Luke 7:47. Many of you were born and raised catholic. Many of you do not consider yourself a great sinner. My son, who writes these words was a great sinner. But I ask you: which of you has the greater love for me? For my people without my love and mercy all of you would be condemned for eternity. The greater the sinner, many times the greater the love for me a soul manifests. My people, how many times do you express your love towards a loved one? You see your children, spouse, or parents in the morning and many times you say to them: I love you. My people, how many of you daily express your love to your savior and redeemer? For I prophesy to you: the degree of your love for me, will be manifested in your love for your neighbor. In the Holy Eucharist, you receive my body, blood, soul, and divinity. You receive the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You receive a consecrated host in your physical body, spirit, and soul. In sanctifying grace, the Holy Trinity is received into your body, soul, and spirit. At the moment you receive the Holy Eucharist say: I love you Father and I give myself to you. I love you Jesus and I give myself to you. I love you Holy Spirit and I give myself to you. Truly my people, you are then fulfilling the first and greatest commandment. You are expressing your love to your God, in your heart, soul, mind, body and strength. For in the holy Eucharist, the Holy Trinity is more intimate with you than any human being. Then, my people, you go into the world and show your love for the Blessed Trinity, by your thoughts, words, actions, and by loving your neighbor. This is the type of relationship the Holy Trinity desires to have with all our children. Do you our children, wish to have this relationship with the Holy Trinity? Do you truly love us your God with your heart, mind, body, soul, and strength and your neighbor as yourself? If not, come and receive the mercy flowing from the side of Jesus Christ. You will need this love, mercy and grace to survive in body and soul in the days ahead. These words are from the Blessed Trinity by the power of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to my catholic faithful. AMEN and AMEN.

09/21/07 A.M.



My son, write these words as I instruct you. You have been granted my mercy and pardon for your transgressions and sins. To not write my words, is an act of disobedience to my will. When you consecrate yourself to my sacred heart, you are allowing me to use you as an instrument of my mercy. If you refuse to obey me, you will be chastised like the prophet Jonah. Follow my will as I lead and guide you.

09/21/07 P.M. My people, Wake up! Why are you so blind? The warnings and signs are all around you. You have been deceived by the prince of darkness. I am repeating myself so no person can say to me, I did not know. The trumpets are sounding. Many of you scoff at messages such as these. But so did the people of Noah’s day, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the children of Israel. But my words will not return to me void. Disregard my holy word, my holy Catholic church, and my many messages at your own eternal peril. For the events are no longer at the door. The door is now opening. Many changes have happened this year with more to come. Many scoff and proclaim, “These events are many years in the future.” But I the Lord proclaim and prophesy to you: the events are not 10 years or even 5 years in the future. The events are happening before your blind and deceived eyes. I prophesy to you again: many more changes will have taken place by this time next year. Many souls have been called to their judgment in this current year. Many more will be called in a short period of time. Are you ready to meet your God? Is your soul right with your creator? Mankind refuses to repent and accept my mercy in the midst of these events. Mankind is deceived by a false science which blinds you in your pride. This false god will topple over by the spirit of my purification. If my people would repent, many events could be mitigated. But similar to the people of Noah’s day, mankind is seduced by the lure and attraction of evil. For I prophesy to you again: the middle ground will no longer exist. The evil will become more evil and the holy will become more conformed to my will and my suffering. The cross shattered the bondage of sin and death. The cross will once again free my people from the bondage of this sinful age. How I weep for the blindness of my people. How my Blessed Mother weeps for the loss of so many souls. Do you, my people, even care about the eternal destination of the lost sinner? My eternal Father has already determined the dates and the times for each of the chastisements to come to wakeup this world. Do not put your trust in mankind. Trust only and focus completely on Jesus Christ. Focusing on anyone or anything else will cause you to be enslaved to sin, death, and even eternal damnation. My people, today, it is unpopular to speak my eternal truths. My people perish for lack of knowledge. My Father will cleanse this present earth of sin and the dominion of the father of lies. You can choose to not believe any of these words you are reading. Again, disregard these warnings and you may perish forever in hell. My Father will send the fire of purification by the power of the Holy Spirit to renew his creation. All not of me will be swept away by the fire of purification. My faithful, be not afraid. If you are in sanctifying grace, rejoice for the dawn of a new era rapidly approaches. The era where all of creation will do my Father’s will on earth as it is in heaven. This is the message of hope to my faithful. To the ungodly and lukewarm: the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. When you say, peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon you.



There are many forces of evil in your world trying to lead you to eternal destruction. Reject the world and its false promises and lies. You cannot be a friend of the world and a friend of God at the same time. Fence sitting is no longer an option. The sequence of events will cause fear in the ungodly and lukewarm, but peace and joy in my faithful. For my faithful, will see my hand in the events that will take place. The famine, pestilence, war, and financial collapse will allow the man of sin to seduce and control the majority of mankind. It is the lack of repentance and rejection of my mercy that causes the events to unfold. My faithful, do not be deceived. These are many false messengers proclaiming all of my people will be taken to refuges. For I prophesy to you, many of my faithful will be tortured, imprisoned, and martyred for their faith. Many more of my faithful will deny me to save their lives. This will cause you to take the mark of the beast and enter eternal torment. There will be a portion of my faithful, who will be led to my refuges by their guardian angels. You have no guarantee you will be among those called to my refuges. Prepare yourself for hardship, suffering, and the way of the cross. Offer yourself a living sacrifice to my Father. Live in my joy and peace. The tribulation will come and continue as my holy Word proclaims. Any messages or messengers, who disagrees with my church and my Holy Word, cast out and do not listen to them. The day of the Son of Man is on the horizon. Prepare yourself today to meet your maker. Let me say to you, Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Do not let me say to you, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity. Enter into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Take heed to my words. The hour is late and the time I short. These are the words from Jesus your savior, redeemer, and friend. If I did not love you, I would not repeat my warnings to you. AMEN and AMEN.

09/25/07 My son, there is much fighting in my church regarding the consecration of Russia. Many older prophecies were given regarding a communist led war which resulted in the destruction of much of Europe, including the Vatican. Documents released in your media verify these war plans. But my people forget one important factor in this discussion: God. I alone govern the universe and the affairs of mankind. I even govern the affairs of hell. Nothing happens without my will being done. Do you even think one moment, I am going to give glory to Satan and man’s pride? Remember Isaias 42:8: I, the Lord: this is my name. I will not give my glory to another, nor my praise to graven things. My son, John Paul II consecrated the world to the Immaculate heart of Mary, as you already know. Do you not think my son, these consecrations bore no fruit? For I the Lord God Almighty creator of heaven and earth prophesy to you: The result of the consecration of the world to my son’s mother Mary had two effects. It interrupted and changed the plans of masonic communistic forces and it gave the world an extended period of my mercy. Do you truly think a consecration to the Mother of Mercy would have no effect? It allowed more souls to enter my kingdom. Do not forget my primary purpose is the salvation of my children. If you remember this my son, world events will make sense to you. Look at events from the eyes of your Father in heaven, not with your human eyes and understanding. My son at Fatima, my daughter Mary asked explicitly for the consecration of Russia by the Pope and the bishops of the world. This event has not taken place as asked



by my daughter Mary. If it had my son, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary would have already taken place. You would already be living in the era of peace. It is evident there is no peace in your world. Only a blind man would make such a statement. My son, mankind has not responded to my mercy. Mankind has increasingly become more evil and sinful. A day will soon arrive which will cause my wrath to chastise my children. Again, I say these words not to frighten, but to wake up my children. If you live in my peace, there truly is nothing to fear. Again, only the ungodly and lukewarm need to fear. My son, the Masonic communistic forces are again starting to rise in your world. The forces of Islamic terrorism, communism, and practical atheism are being used by Satan to cause another World War. For I the Lord prophesy to you again: If mankind refuses my mercy, another World War will be allowed and the man of sin will be allowed to chastise the ungodly and sinner. Read these words carefully. I am allowing these events because of my people rejecting my mercy. Where are the prayers, penances, and masses being offered in reverence for my honor and glory? Why do my people reject prayer and fasting to bring about my continual mercy on your world? Do you not see my hand in the weather changes and natural disasters occurring on your planet? Isaias 45:12, 18. I made the earth: and I created man upon it. My hand stretched forth the heavens: and I have commanded all their host. For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth and made it, the very maker thereof, who did not create it in vain, who formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is no other. Remember stop trying to figure out the mind and purposes of the Almighty. Seek not the things that are to high for thee, and search not into things above thy ability: but the things that God hath commanded, think on them always, and in many of his works be not curious. Ecclesiasticus 3:22. But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, for I am the Lord that exercise mercy and judgment and justice in the earth: for these things pleases me, saith the Lord. Jeremiah 9:24. What did my son command you to do above all other things? Love your God and your neighbor. Are you truly fulfilling these two commandments? If not, repent of your sins. My son, while my people argue over the validity of the consecration of Russia, many souls are going to hell. Do not allow yourself to be caught in Satan’s trap. The consecration has not taken place. It will take place. The message of Fatima was primarily concerned with repentance and the salvation of souls. The consecration of Russia is a message addressed to the Pope and bishops of the world. Pray my Holy Spirit will give the Holy Father the strength and wisdom to overcome the forces fighting against him. My son, I am gong to tell you why the consecration of Russia has not yet taken place. My church was not purified of the evil forces hiding among the clergy. Remember the Pope and bishops of the world are required to make the consecration. In the past, there were to many Bishops who were rebellious against the Holy Father for the consecration to have taken place. My Holy Spirit has led the holy Father to purify my house. Once my church is purified and my house is in order, you will see the consecration of Russia done. As you have read, my son told Sister Lucy it would be done late. Now Read Isaias 55:8 , 11. For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord. So shall my word be, which shall go forth from my mouth. It shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever I please and shall prosper in the things for which I sent it. Do not presume in your pride to know the mind of God. Do not cause division among my people by



arguing over the consecration of Russia. It is a deceptive trick of Satan to prevent my people from focusing on your mission: the salvation of souls. Again, I will repeat myself for you. Your mission is to lead souls to my son Jesus Christ for salvation, not cause souls to leave my church because of your proud and argumentative spirit. I the Lord will hold you accountable for your actions, words, and thoughts, which cause another to stumble. The consecration will take place in my time, not yours or Satan’s. I receive no honor and glory from your pride but only from your humility. Be a part of my son’s army and my daughter Mary’s army. Fulfill your mission. Let those whose mission it is to work for the consecration of Russia, fulfill their mission. It is not your mission. Do not cause schism or division, but love and unity among my people. I repeat myself to stop the confusion among my people. If you do my will, I will protect and guide you no matter what takes place. For I am the same living God of the Bible who is your Father today and forever. I love you my people. Return to the Father’s fold through the graces of my son Jesus Christ, the power of my Holy Spirit, and the intercession of my daughter Mary. These are words from Almighty God to my people. Amen.

09/26/07 My son this is a message to clear up confusion in your mind. Remember there are many voices in this world trying to deceive you. Not every voice which claims to speak the word of God is from God. For my word states: Dearly beloved, believe not every spirit: but try the spirits if they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. And every spirit that dissolveth Jesus is not of God. And this is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he cometh: and he is now already in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome him. Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. I John 4:1-4. Read I John 2:22. Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father and the Son. Read I John 2:18. Little children, it is the last hour: and as you have heard that Antichrist cometh, even now there are become many Antichrists: whereby we know that it is the last hour. My son as my word clearly states, you have been in the last days, since my church began. In every generation, false prophets and heresies have risen up to deceive mankind. Your generation is no different. You know you are in the last days because of the appearance of the spirit of antichrist. He has been manifested since his rebellion against my Father. The spirit of antichrist is Satan, who is the father of lies. Prior to my coming, he was not referred to as the spirit of antichrist, because the Christ had not yet appeared on earth. After my ascension into heaven, Satan has been described as the spirit of antichrist because he is against me. Notice I John 4:3 states: he is now already in the world and verse 4 states: You are of God little children. And have overcome him. Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. When these words were written, my children, had already overcome the spirit of antichrist, who is Satan himself. I John 4:1-4 need to be understood in its entire context. It refers to the spirit of antichrist. I John 2:18 refers to many antichrists. The understanding to this passage is I John 2:22. Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father and the Son. In John 8:44, I told the Jews, the devil is a liar and the father thereof. Any person who is against me is being led by the spirit of antichrist and is an antichrist. If you deny



that I am the Christ who came in the flesh, you are led by the spirit of antichrist and are an antichrist. Simply stated: antichrist is anti or against the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. A person led by the spirit of antichrist becomes an antichrist. I John 2:18 states: even now there are become many Antichrists. Throughout history there have been many souls, who fulfilled the criteria and were antichrists. Be careful who you label as an antichrist because Satan is a deceiver and you may be committing the sin of slander. The book of the Apocalypse is a vision of the sufferings, struggles, and triumph of my church. The prophet Daniel has many prophecies which correspond with the book of the Apocalypse. Daniel 12:9 states: And he said: Go, Daniel, because the words are shut up and sealed until the appointed time. My Holy Spirit will unseal the prophecies and give an understanding at the appointed time. Many are prophesying your generation is the fulfillment of these prophecies. Pay close attention to the words of your Popes. Both of your last Popes have stated you are in the battle of Apocalypse 12 between the woman and the dragon. The woman can have several meanings. It is both my church and my blessed Mother who are fighting against the dragon, who is Satan. The third part of the stars of heaven who are cast to the earth, represents the clergy, cardinals, bishops, and priests, who are following the dragon. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have warned the faithful, not to be seduced by the dragon. Another spiritual meaning from this passage refers to the great battle which is taking place between the woman and the red dragon of masonry and communism. My blessed Mother’s appearance at Fatima was a sign from heaven to mankind to not be seduced by the lies of masonry and communism. My blessed mother appeared prior to the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 to warn the world of these errors. This struggle is still continuing today. My blessed Mother is the prophet of your time. Pay close attention to her approved apparitions and pay close attention to the Holy Father’s teachings. My Holy Spirit is opening the book of Daniel and the Apocalypse through my blessed Mother’s teachings, my Holy Church’s teachings, and the messages from my messengers of today. Remember Amos 3:7: For the Lord God doth nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets. The message from 9/25/07 describes the Fatima consecration in more detail to you. As explained to you, on 9/25/07 by my Father, masonry and communism are once again gathering forces in your world. The destruction of these forces will be accomplished by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. My son, I ask you how are you protected from these evil forces? By receiving the seal of the living God. Read Ezekiel 9:6: Utterly destroy old and young, maidens, children and women: but upon whomsoever you shall see Thau, kill him not. And begin ye at my sanctuary. So they began at the ancient men who were before the house. Now read Apocalypse 7:3: Saying: hurt not the earth nor the sea nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads. What is the seal of the living God? It is my life residing in your soul. It is sanctifying grace. You are sealed by the Holy Spirit at baptism and confirmation. Those who claim you need a special seal from God to be protected, be wary of. 2 Corinthians 1;21, 22. Now he that confirmeth us with you in Christ and that hath anointed us, is God: Who also hath sealed us and given the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts. Again re-read I John 4:4: You are of God, little children, and have overcome him. Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. These children of mine had already overcome the spirit of antichrist in their day. The same teaching has not changed. When you use the sign of the cross, you are also protecting yourself with the



seal of the living God. It was through my cross the power of Satan, sin, and death was defeated. Each holy eucharist partaken increases my Divine life within your soul. My people where is your faith? If you have sanctifiying grace in your soul, you are protected from the spirit of antichrist. Do not let Satan deceive you otherwise. If God be for us, who is against us? Romans 8:31. My son, a day is soon coming when Apocalypse chapters 13 and 14 will be fulfilled by the spirit of antichrist manifesting himself through a particular person called the antichrist. Do not concern yourself with this day. Many are deceived by Satan by concentrating on whom this person may be and not fulfilling my mission for their souls. Each generation has thought their generation was the fulfillment of these times. Let my Holy Spirit lead my church and your soul. Be forewarned! You are living in the most sinful generation in the history of your world. Your generation has been warned again and again. My holy word gives you examples of my justice: the flood of Noah, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the exile of the children of Israel. Your generation is no different. If mankind does not repent and continues to reject my mercy, I repeat my Father’s words to you from yesterday. I will allow another World War and I will allow the appearance of the man of sin in your generation. The fulfillment of the Apocalypse will take place with a literal one world government and my people grazed and marked by the authorities. There will be one man who will lead this Masonic communistic government as the antichrist. Many messengers have warned my people of these events for many years. But my people refuse to listen and take heed to my warnings. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao have been types of this antichrist. But my faithful, have faith and trust in my word. My Spirit with the brightness of my coming, will destroy this spirit of antichrist with his followers and bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A further warning, Apocalypse 19:20 tells the fate of the false prophet and the antichrist. These two are cast alive into the pool of fire burning with brimstone. Do not accuse anyone of being the false prophet or the antichrist because their fate is sealed. Satan will not reveal their identity until allowed by Almighty God. My Holy Spirit will identify these men at the proper time, not your time. For when you falsely accuse another soul of being either the false prophet or the antichrist, you offend your God. All those falsely accused are souls that need my salvation. Pray for their salvation. It is your fear and lack of trust in me, which causes you to falsely accuse someone. Watch and be ready. Read accurately the signs of the times. Great changes are upon mankind. My church and earth will be purified and mankind will truly know I am Jesus Christ who once came in the flesh and who is the only Savior and redeemer of mankind. All who reject me are following the spirit of antichrist and will be cast into hell forever. Do not let this be your final destination. Do not be deceived, I will not be mocked much longer. These words are from Jesus Christ to his people. 10-05-07 A.M. My son I want you to do the following things for your Lord and Master: 1. Trust in me only for 100% of your family’s needs: physical and spiritual.



2. Study my word. It will be your means of survival. Stop studying the things of this world. 3. Live your life like mine and my Mother Mary. Make all your activities a witness to others of my divine life residing in your soul. 4. Do not believe the lies of Satan. Quote my word to him. He cannot stand the truth. Memorize especially the 10 commandments and the two great commandments. 5. Continue to go to confession and receive the Holy Eucharist. 6. Let your whole life be a life of prayer. While at work, with your family, and studying my words. Allow me to be a part of all your activities You have been blessed and given the graces to endure the trials, temptations, and deception to come your way. My peace be with you. Remember, your family has been entrusted by my Father, to my mother Mary for your care and protection. I am always with you and will never leave you now or in eternity. I will warn you once more. Let go of your attachment to worldly goods, for great changes are coming to your family and all my faithful. It will seem as if the ungodly do prosper. For the ungodly will only prosper by taking the mark of the beast to their eternal damnation. My faithful will receive all their needs from God Almighty. Remember my message to you from 4/07. Elijah and the widow of Sareptha survived for 3 1/2 years only by my divine grace and intervention. So it will be with you and your family. To answer a question for you: all who take the mark of the beast are forever cast into hell. This is what my word states. This will occur because mankind will be warned not to follow Satan and the antichrist. By rejecting the warning, you are rejecting God’s mercy and incurring his divine justice. Never before in history has a generation received such graces. Only at the general judgment is an ungodly soul aware of his sin committed against my commandments. But the warning will occur where every soul will experience a preview of their judgment if it had occurred at that instant. Then each soul will be given an opportunity to repent. Mercy will stop for many because all flesh will truly know I exist. After the warning, by accepting the mark of the beast, you will be condemned to hell because you have rejected my mercy in its fullest expression. My son, I give you a private prophecy. Share it at my leading. The antichrist is rising to power as I speak to you. He is hidden until revealed according to my Father’s will. Many natural disasters have and will continue to occur. Then you will experience the warning. After the warning, rejecting my mercy will cause you to take the mark of the beast. You will then experience the abomination of desolation and a fierce persecution of my faithful Catholics by: lukewarm Catholics, Protestants who are apostate, and the followers of the antichrist. After my two witnesses battle the forces of Satan, you will see my two witnesses killed and taken up into heaven. Woe to those who are alive during those days. Without my mercy, no flesh would survive. My Father’s wrath will be unleashed on the ungodly and sinner. I will then, with the brightness of my coming, cast the antichrist and his followers into hell forever. As a result, the world will experience 3 days of darkness and my creation purified of evil. Nature and my people will be healed. Then my son, the era of peace will take place where my faithful will be resurrected and rewarded in the first resurrection. My faithful will receive glorified bodies. Those who survive the days of tribulation will be able to live out their lives in peace. Once this era of peace is over, Satan will attack my New Jerusalem, the church, as the Prince of Gog in Ezekiel 38, 39. The length of time of the era of peace has not been revealed to mankind.



Time will be no more, as you know it. The final act of Satan will bring about the end of human history. I will return in the flesh to bring judgment on mankind. I will separate the sheep from the goats. The righteous will inherit eternal life with glorified bodies, and the sinners will be cast into the pool of fire with Satan forever. Purgatory will be emptied at the last judgment. This is a brief outline of events to give you hope and trust in your Savior. The time for the events to begin is now in your human time, not years in the future. Trust in me, my son, and I will bring you to the times of refeshment. Finally, the next several years will be difficult financially and spiritually for you, my son and my remnant, if you do not completely trust in me. This message is from Jesus to my son who has been faithful in a few things. Keep a copy of this message with you and watch as the events take place. Praise my Father, myself, and the Holy Spirit, for revealing these truths to you. For you have been blessed by the Lord. Amen.

10-5-07 P.M.. Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:13-15. I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pasture. John 10:9. Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me. John 14:6. Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like tamaric in the desert, and he shall not see when good shall come: but he shall dwell in dryness in the desert in a salt land, and not inhabited. Blessed be the man that trusteth in the Lord, and the Lord shall be his confidence. Jeremiah 17:5-7. These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world. John 16:33. And Jesus answering, said to them: Take heed that no man seduce you: For many will come in my name saying, I am Christ: and they will seduce many. Matthew 24:4-5. Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Matthew 24: 23-24. For the time is, that judgment should begin at the house of God. And if first at us, what shall be the end of them that believe not the gospel of God? And if the just man shall scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? I Peter 4:17-18.



And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved. Matthew 24: 12-13. And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs, which were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and lived. And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast. And that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain. And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the mane of the beast, or the number of his name. Apocalypse 13: 14-17. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders. II Thessalonians 2:8-9. He, that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches: To him, that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of my God. Apocalypse 2:7. Behold, he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also that pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth shall bewail themselves because of him. Even so. Amen. Apocalypse 1:7. And he laid his right hand upon me saying, Fear not. I am the first and the last. And alive and was dead. And behold I am living forever and ever and have the keys of death and of hell. Apocalypse 1:17-18. And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Matthew 28:20. And he began to say to them: this day is fulfilled this scripture in your ears. Luke 4:21. These are the words of the Lord. Peace be with you my faithful remnant. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

10-8-07 My people, I said to my disciples “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it. For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? Matthew 16: 24-26. Those of you who claim to be my disciples, have you counted the cost of being my follower? In this world, I do not promise you riches, worldly fame, or the praise of men. I promise you the path which I walked, the way of the cross. For I first had to suffer to enter into my glory. So you too must suffer to enter my kingdom. This is the same road my mother and my saints traveled before you. For my Word promises you; And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution. II Timothy 3:12.



My people, I warn you, let go of your attachments to the world and walk with me to Calvary. For persecution is coming to my church. It is already taking place in many parts of your world. It will continue to increase as sin continues to abound. But I will never leave you nor forsake you. My grace will be sufficient for thee. Look at your Lord and Master as your example. For I was despised, and the most abject of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with infirmity: and his look was as it were hidden and despised, whereupon we esteemed him not. Isaiah 53:3. Once again, my people, I am the most despised, rejected and persecuted among men. Are you among those persecuting me? Those who are lukewarm and partake of my body and blood unworthily are causing much sorrow and suffering to my sacred heart. The ungodly and sinner reject me out of ignorance many times, But my people, many in my church reject me out of pride, lukewarmness, and disobedience to my commandments. Are you among those who are persecuting me? Again I ask you, are you willing to take up your cross daily and follow after me, or will you mock me, betray me and reject me? For I prophesied to my disciples, Behold, the hour cometh, and it is now come, that you shall be scattered every man to his own, and shall leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. John 16:32. I now ask each of you, my people, the same questions. Are you going to walk the way of the cross with me, or will I once again walk alone? Will you stand with me during my agony in the garden; my betrayal, scourging, crowning with thorns, carrying of my cross and crucifixion, or will you scatter and leave as my disciples did? Will you stand at the foot of the cross with the Mother of Sorrows? Will you comfort my Blessed Mother in her grief at the sufferings of her son, and loss of her children for eternity? If you cannot answer these questions, I ask you a question, are you truly my disciple? For I prophesy to you, once again my people will be scattered in the hour of Trial, will you be among those who will stand with me? Or will you reject me and persecute me? Just as my Father was with me, so will I also be with you in the hour of Trial. My church is going and will go through its hour of purification, and will emerge as a church conformed to my sufferings, and without spot or wrinkle, a glorious church. Many warnings have been given to my people. Once again I warn my people to trust in me only, and let go of your attachment to the world, and the sin which prevents you from serving me. I need my people to be like my apostle Paul, who wrote: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comformable to his death. Philippians 3:10. It is only through the way of the cross, true peace will come to mankind. For it is through my cross and sufferings, mankind was delivered from the bondage of sin and death. I paid the price for your salvation. For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body. I Corinthians 6:20. Do not let Satan take from you what is yours, your eternal salvation. Do not exchange your eternal life in heaven for the pleasures of Egypt, Babylon, and the Canaanites. Do not let the pleasures of this life rob you of your eternal happiness. Do not exchange a life of sin and pleasure for an eternity of peace and joy. Choose this day to take up your cross and follow me. Leave behind your sinful life and desires and come follow me and be my disciple. I will give you my graces and



merits to assist you on the narrow road to heaven. Time is short. I repeat again, my people will be persecuted, grazed, and marked by the followers of Satan and the antichrist. Many will deny me in the hour of trial. Will you be among those? Prepare yourself now for the test. Tomorrow will be too late. Frequent the sacraments to obtain my mercy and graces. Obtain my forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of reconciliation, and my body, blood, soul and divinity worthily in the Holy Eucharist. Watch, prepare, for the days of great change are upon you, my people. Take heed to my warnings. Study and learn my Holy Words, and stay united with my one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Spend more time in silence and in prayer. Learn to recognize my voice now, or you could easily be led astray through false prophets. Pray to my Blessed Mother, for she truly cares and loves her children. Be not afraid, for this era of evil and sin will disappear, and an era of peace given to mankind. Prepare your body and soul now for the Day of the Lord. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit These words are from Jesus to his people. Amen.

10-10-07 A.M. My son, this is your Father in Heaven with a message for you. My son, I want to instruct you on the relationship mankind establishes with his Creator. Mankind is continually searching for truth. He uses many methods to try and arrive at the truth. Look at your world today. Many are trying to find truth in religion, money, power and drugs, but you feel empty inside. Why, my son? Because my people do not realize there is no truth outside of God Almighty. I am the source of all truth. Mankind has always been searching, but is blinded by pride and the lies of Satan from finding myself, who is your only source of happiness. Prior to my Son living among my people, mankind was barred from my kingdom. Original sin has had dire consequences on my people. Mankind, under the influence of Satan and his lies, developed false pagan religions, which worshipped the creature rather than the creator. Even my chosen people of Israel, committed the sin of idolatry many times. With the first coming of my Son in the flesh, my truth walked among my people. But my people did not see the truth, so the truth was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected on the 3rd day. Once again, my son, your world is denying the truth and becoming a pagan world. Many in your world teach and believe all religions lead you to God. Many believe it does not matter how you pray because all religions pray to the same God. This is one of the most hideous lies Satan has deceived mankind into believing. These lies are causing many to spend eternity in hell. There is only one way to heaven. Partial truth will not gain you entrance to my kingdom. My Son stated; I am the way and the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me. My Son is the bridge and the gate into my kingdom. Without my Son’s life in your soul, you will suffer eternal death. My Word further states: He that hateth me hateth my Father also. John 15:23. Further my word states: Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son, hath the Father also. I John 2:23. For my Son also stated: I and the



Father are one. John 10:30. And he that seeth me seeth the Father also. John 14:9. You cannot have a relationship with your Father without my Son. You must have my Son’s divine life in your soul and be in sanctifying grace to enter heaven. There are no exceptions to this rule. These are the eternal laws spoken by the Almighty. Satan is trying to trap and deceive my children into denying these truths. All religions teach partial truth, except the Holy Roman Catholic Church. It is the only church which teaches the fullness or completeness of my revelation to mankind. All other Christian denominations only teach partial truth. This is the design of Satan. Satan knows how mankind enters heaven. He knows by denying my Son and refusing my Son’s mercy, will send a soul to hell. But there is one truth Satan and his legions cannot comprehend; the depths of my mercy. Look at the world’s religions and their doctrines. For example, Buddism, Hinduism, Islam and the Jewish religion all deny the sacrifice and divinity of my Son. Henceforth, these are false religions who deny also their Father. Further, read Isaiah 59:2. But your iniquities have divided between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you that he should not hear. Sin blocks communication with your Father in heaven. To repeat: it was only by my Son’s sacrifice on the cross that communication with your Father in heaven was established again! People in false religions are not praying to your Father, but to false gods. For my word clearly states: For all the gods of the gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens. I alone, the Lord God Almighty, am the creator of heaven and earth, and my Son is the only way to reach your Father. All religions that deny this truth are not my will but are deceptions of Satan. Now read Ecclesiasticus 2:23. For according to his greatness, so also is his mercy with him. Ponder on this statement. My mercy is as great as my greatness. In other words, my mercy is beyond the comprehension of man, the angels, and the legions of hell. It is so great, I myself, as the second person of the Trinity, took on human flesh and paid the total price for the sins of mankind. Notice, I did not pay a partial price, but the total price. Then I instituted my church and established the Holy Eucharist to share myself totally with my people. Even in your sinful generation, I show you my mercy. I have given you the Blessed Virgin Mary as a sign for your times. Numerous messages, Eucharistic and other miracles, and even a divine mercy Sunday, have been given to my people. But my people still reject my mercy. A final act of mercy for this generation will come. It is called by many names. It will be a warning to this generation to repent or face my justice. This event will happen soon in your measurement of time. Again, this is because of my great mercy. If my people reject my mercy after seeing the condition of their souls, a great chastisement will come to mankind. I am merciful to mankind until the last moment. At the hour of death, every soul is given one last chance to accept my mercy through my Son Jesus Christ. It is the rejection of my mercy at the hour of death which causes a soul to be cast into hell. At the last judgment, no person will be able to make the claim of not knowing the truth. All souls are given an opportunity to accept my mercy, even if at the last breath. This is why many will be surprised who made it to heaven and who went to hell. Many pagans accept my mercy when given the



opportunity. This is why it is important for every soul in sanctifying grace to live and preach the gospel to the world. For it is difficult, at the hour of death, for a soul without sanctifying grace, to accept my mercy. This is why my word says: Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. II Corinthians 6:2. Now, my children, read these next several verses and answer a question for me. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. How then, shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? Or how shall they believe him, of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear, without a preacher? Romans 10:13-14. Are you leading souls to me or away from me? Are you the cause of souls to reject my mercy and spend eternity in hell? These words are addressed to all my faithful, not just the clergy. All of my faithful are required by their words, thoughts, and actions to lead souls to my Son Jesus Christ for salvation, and to return to their True Father. There is another issue which needs clarification with my people. Many false prophets are proclaiming hell does not exist, or that once in hell, my mercy will allow a sinner to leave hell and make it to heaven. This is a lie and deception from Satan. Once you die, you enter your own particular judgment. The sentence passed during this judgment of your soul, is eternal. If your sentence is to spend eternity in hell, it is a final and eternal sentence. For my word clearly states in Wisdom 2:2: And no man hath been known to have returned from hell. My Son clearly stated in a parable in Luke 16:26: And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos; so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither. Finally, read my Son’s sentence at the final judgment in Matthew 25:41: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels.

10/10/07 P.M. My people, I repeat to you, Heaven and Hell are eternal abodes. There is no leaving hell once you are sentenced there. You rejected my mercy in this life and your freewill choice casts you into eternal torment. Another lie of Satan involves reincarnation. For my Word clearly states; And as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27. My people, you are given one life to learn to love, serve, and know me. There is no second life or karma to atone for your sins. The only atonement for sins is my Son Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This is another lie from Satan to cause souls to reject my mercy. Do not listen to Satan. His lies lead only to one place; hell and the pool of fire for eternity. Another lie from Satan involves the establishment of a universal world religion, where all beliefs are honored as being equal. My word states; One body and one spirit; as you are called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all. Ephesians 4:4-6. There is only one true religion. It is the one my Son is the head and founder of: the one Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. All



other religions are false religions, which teach only partial truth. Even other Christian denominations receive their graces from my Holy Catholic Church, and the daily universal sacrifice of the mass. Your world is ripe for the appearance of the Man of Sin. This is the third time this has been repeated by your Father through this messenger in several weeks. Your rejection of my commandments and the lukewarmness of my church is bringing forth the manifestation of the antichrist. Again, I will allow this to happen as a chastisement for your sins and lack of repentance. Now read Malachi 3:1418 from your mass today. And you have said: What have we spoken against thee? You have said: He laboureth in vain that serveth God, and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinances, and that we have walked sorrowful before the Lord of hosts? Wherefore now we call the proud people happy, for they that work wickedness are built up, and they have tempted God and are preserved. Then they that feared the Lord spoke every one with his neighbour: and the Lord gave ear, and heard it: and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that fear the Lord, and think on his name. And they shall be my special possession, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day that I do judgment: and I will spare them, as a man spareth his son that serveth him. And you shall return, and shall see the difference between the just and the wicked: and between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not. Malachi 4:1-2. For behold the day shall come kindled as a furnace; and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of hosts, it shall not leave them root, nor branch. But unto you that fear my name, the Sun of justice shall arise, and health in his wings: and you shall go forth, and shall leap like calves of the herd. These words, my people, will be fulfilled in your day. The people of God, my remnant, will be persecuted, marked, and grazed by the false religion and the man of sin. It will seem as if all hope is lost. The wicked will prosper and the righteous will suffer. But lift up your hearts, my people. The Lord of hosts comes to do battle with the forces of evil. The antichrist will be given his time in fulfillment of my word. Then I, the Lord, will cleanse my earth and spare my chosen people of the new Israel. All others will be cast away into eternal fire. My people will then enter the day of rest prophesied in my scriptures. I write these words through the hand of my instrument to you my people as a warning. Time is short. I am repeating myself just as I did to my children of Israel through the prophets in the Old Testament. Scoff at my messages, my church, and my Holy Word at you own peril. You can tell by the events in your world, the seriousness of the many messages, and by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, that the days are short. Do not take a chance on your eternal destination. You have no guarantee of tomorrow. You may be standing before your judge today. Are you prepared to meet your God? To my faithful Catholics, I repeat my words to you: Go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. Do not reject the truth found in my Holy Catholic church. The church gives you the complete road map to heaven. Do not accept partial truth. Why take a chance on your eternal destination? To my lukewarm Catholics I to say to you: Repent today or you will face the justice of God. Return to sanctifying grace and confess your sins and spiritual pride. To



the protestant denominations: Stop believing the lies of Satan and accept my complete truth. You will not survive the days coming to mankind with only partial truth. You need sanctifying grace and the whole truth to survive the times of the antichrist. Return to my Holy Catholic Church. Stop persecuting my faithful pope and priests. Let go of your pride and be truly humble in my sight. To the ungodly and sinner I say; Repent, turn from your wicked ways. Accept my mercy today, before it is too late. My people, the day of the Lord is much closer than you can even contemplate. These are the words of Almighty God, you Father and Creator. Amen and Amen.

10-15-07 My son, this is a warning which must be given to my children immediately. My children do you truly mean the words you say so often, Jesus I trust in you? If so, why are you constantly seeking signs, wonders, and messages? Do you truly believe the words you pray to me or do you doubt as my disciples did? My children you are no different than my disciples. Please read my holy scripture. All of your answers are given to you. If you cannot understand my holy scripture, do you truly have my spirit residing in you or are you living a life of spiritual pride? For my Holy word clearly states: (James 1:6,7) But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, which is moved and carried about by the wind. Therefore let not that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord. My people, you will not receive anything from me, if you are constantly searching for the truth. Do you not realize I am the truth and the source of all graces and merits. When you continually seek after messengers, you are seeking after sensationalism and not after your Lord and Savior. You truly are showing your lack of faith and trust in me. Your words show no merit in my sight, because your actions and thoughts are not a reflection of me, but of your lack of faith. ( James 1:8) Remember a double minded man is inconstant in all his ways. In case you think I am being too hard on you, please read: St. Mark 4:36-40. My disciples had heard my teachings and seen many miracles, but yet still doubted me. As my word states: I was sleeping in the boat during a storm. My disciples woke me up and said to me: Master doth it not concern thee that we perish? And I said to them: Why are you fearful? Have you not faith yet? My people I will ask you the same questions: Why are you fearful? Have you not faith yet? When you keep searching after messages, miracles, and messengers, you are showing your lack of faith and trust in me. My people messages and miracles are not necessary for those in sanctifying grace. If I reside in your soul, do you truly still need something else? If you do, repent and ask for my mercy on your soul. No more messages are needed. If you truly believed my Holy words and the messages already given, you would understand, nothing else needs to be given. I repeat to you: If you are still searching after sensationalism, you do not understand what faith and trust in Jesus means. My people, do you not realize, the Holy Trinity resides in a soul in sanctifying grace? If I reside in your soul, you need not fear. For the Lord God Almighty Creator of heaven and earth has taken up in residence in your soul. Do not seek for peace in other places, for you will find no peace without my presence in your life. My people, while you are in vanity searching out messages, you are not fulfilling your mission. Do you realize every day many souls go to hell, because no



one prays for them. Spend your time working for the salvation of souls, and I will protect you. My people I give you a warning. Time is short. Do not delay. Start today trusting in me only. For I the Lord, prophesy to you: When darkness covers the land, the sheep will be scattered and no true messages will be available. Who are you going to trust in then? Learn to depend and trust in your Lord and Savior today, or you will not survive those days. If my people would put into practice the many messages already given, you would have peace in your soul. Remember, I am The Lord who created the heavens and earth. I alone govern the affairs of man and hell. If you are following my will, I can and will protect my people. A final warning: please re-read the exodus of my children of Israel. (Numbers 26; 51, 65) This is the sum of the children of Israel, that were reckoned up: six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty. For the Lord had foretold that they should die in the wilderness. And none remained of them, but Caleb the son of Jephone And Josue the son of Nun. (I Corinthians 10:11) Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. My people, take heed to this lesson. Only two men who originally left Egypt entered the Promised Land. Josue and Caleb trusted in the Lord, without sanctifying grace. What excuse, do you my people have today for not trusting in the Lord? You have received many more graces then Josue and Caleb did. You have sanctifying grace and the Holy Trinity residing in your soul. For I the Lord, prophesy to you again: You will not enter my era of peace without complete trust in the Lord and You will not enter the era of peace if you are not living daily the consecrations which have been made to my Mother’s Immaculate heart and my Sacred heart. I repeat to you again: My people, be not afraid. Pray, live, and teach the words: Jesus I trust in you. These words are from Jesus Christ to his people. Amen.

10-17-07 My people the time is now. Take heed to the words of the Lord. My people you have been told through my messengers that you are in the times of Apocalypse chapter 12. Take heed to the warnings in my word. You have been in chapter 12 for many years. Pope Leo XIII had a vision where Satan was going to attempt to destroy my church in a period of 100 years. In his pride, Satan once again was defiant to the Almighty. But he has been defeated again. For the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church. The times of that vision are accomplished. My people read my holy word. Ask my Holy Spirit to guide and teach you. As you read this message, have my holy word with you. Apocalypse 12:1 has already been explained to you. It refers to my blessed Mother at Fatima and to my holy church. You are now living verses 2-9. My people verses 2 and 5 describe my church electing popes who are faithful to my word and teachings of my church. For many years, Satan has been at battle with St. Michael and my angels. Pope Leo XIII gave a prayer to St. Michael for the faithful, to ask for his protection. In Malachais 2:7, my word states: For the lips of the priest shall keep knowledge, and they shall seek the law at his mouth because he is the angel of the Lord of Hosts. My priests are described as my angels or messengers to this sinful world. St. Michael is the protector of my church. He has been battling the forces of evil with my holy popes for many years. Satan succeeded in infiltrating the hierarchy of my church with masons, communists, and other apostate clergy. This is referred to in



Apocalypse 12:4 as the tail of the dragon casting 1/3 of the stars of heaven to the earth. In the book of Apocalypse, heaven can be a description of my church. On this earth, my church is my representative. My church brings salvation and my presence to mankind through the sacraments and particularly through my holy Eucharist. Apocalypse 12:4 and verses 7-9 are the fulfillment of the vision of Pope Leo XIII. Satan the dragon is now being cast out of heaven or my church and his angels or apostate clergy with him. My people all of the scandals, which are taking place in my church, are part of the purification and casting out of the dragon from my church. For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed: nor hidden that shall not be known. Luke 12:2. My church will once again be the light to the nations. Please read the last part of Apocalypse 12:4. It states: And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered: that, when she should be delivered, he might devour her son. Now, my people read Apocalypse 12:5: And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod. And her son was taken up to God and to his throne. My church is to rule the nations spiritually through my vicar, the Pope. These verses are literally being fulfilled before your eyes. Pope Benedict XVI is the man child elected through the power of the Holy Spirit to rule with a rod of iron. My son, the Pope is my instrument being used to purify my church. His recent proclamations and decisions are setting my church on the narrow road to heaven. Once his mission is accomplished, he will be taken home to be with his Lord and Master. Then, my people you will see the fulfillment of Daniel 12:11: And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days and Apocalypse 12:6: And the woman ( or my church) fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that they should feed her, a thousand two hundred sixty days. My people, prepare yourself for persecution, martyrdom, and fleeing to my refuges. Once Satan has been cast down from heaven, read what will take place. My word states in Apocalypse 12:13: And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman who brought forth the man child. Now read Apocalypse 12:17: And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. My people, Satan is going to persecute my church, since he has been cast out of my church. He is going to use lukewarm Catholics, apostate Protestants, and the antichrist to persecute my faithful Catholics. My people the time is shorter than you realize. My church is being purified. I am giving you this warning to prepare those who have ears to hear. Apocalypse 12:12 states: Therefore, rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell therein. Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. Satan knows his time is limited. My holy word clearly states to you that the reign of Satan through the antichrist will last 3 ½ years. I warn you my people, prepare your soul today for persecution. If you do not trust in the Lord completely, you will not survive the days to come. My people, the antichrist is being allowed by my Father as a chastisement to mankind for rejecting my Father’s mercy through his son, for rejecting my Blessed Mother’s messages, and for rejecting my Father as Creator and Lord of all creation. Mankind is once again saying to God Almighty: I will not serve. My Father will show this sinful generation what life without God is like. The antichrist is the fulfillment of my Father’s will on mankind. The antichrist is the instrument of my Father’s justice on this



earth. Nothing happens without my Father’s will being done on earth. Do not give Satan credit for anything. He is also subject to my Father’s will. To repeat myself once again: Prepare my people for persecution and to be marked and grazed by the followers of the antichrist. This will happen as my holy word prophesies. Then, I will come with the brightness of my coming through the power of the Holy Spirit and cast the antichrist and his followers into hell. My world will then be renewed and an era pf peace given to mankind. Take heed to my warnings. Have confidence my people, for I have overcome the world. Do not allow yourself to be source of division in my church. Be a source of love and unity. This hour of mercy is coming to an end and the justice and wrath of Almighty God are upon this wicked generation. These are the words of Jesus Christ to his faithful remnant. Amen.

10/22/07 My people, do you truly understand the power that is in my precious blood? Do you even realize the great gift my precious blood is to mankind? Many Catholics do not understand the significance of my precious blood in the Holy Eucharist. Many Catholics are ignorant of what takes place in your soul after receiving the Holy Eucharist. You receive your Lord entirely: body, blood, soul and divinity. For St. Matthew 26:28 states: For this is my blood of the New Testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins. I John 1:7 states: But if we walk in the light, as he also is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. My people, you receive my precious blood in the Holy Eucharist. As my Word and Holy Church teaches; your venial sins are forgiven in my Holy Eucharist by my precious blood. This is a gift which my people often ignore. If you are having problems with overcoming sin and temptation in your life, receive your Lord worthily in the Holy Eucharist, and obtain the graces you need to strengthen your soul. It is a gift and it is free. Why, my people, do you not come to the fountain of mercy more often? Is it because of laziness, lukewarmness or spiritual pride? For my people, without my mercy and grace, you can do nothing. Come to me as often as you can and receive my mercy and graces. For I, the Lord, prophesy to you, it will be these graces which you are receiving now, which will sustain you in the days of evil. You need a daily cleansing of your soul as you live in this sinful world. If you read my Holy Word, you will find there is power in the blood. Leviticus 17:11 states: Because the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you, that you may make atonement with it upon the altar for your souls, and the blood may be for an expiation of the soul. For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. Exodus 12:13 states: And the blood shall be unto you for a sign in the houses where you shall be: and I shall see the blood, and shall pass over you: and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I shall strike the land of Egypt. For if the blood of goats and of oxen and the ashes of a heifer, being sprinkled sanctify such as are defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh. How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works to



serve the living God? My people, the blood of a lamb put on the doorposts, delivered my children of Israel from the death of the firstborn. As my word states, how much greater is the blood of the Lamb of God to deliver my people from the bondage of sin and death. My people, I write these words to encourage you. Have faith and trust in the blood of the lamb. For it is my blood which destroyed the kingdom of darkness and delivered you from the bondage of sin and death. In your world today, more emphasis needs to be placed on the power of my precious blood. My people, you can pray many rosaries, wear many sacramentals, and do many good works. But without my precious blood and the forgiveness of sins, all these works are to no avail. For you cannot enter my kingdom without my life in your soul, which you obtained through my suffering and death. Do not let Satan trick you into doubting the power of my blood. He knows the cross defeated him. It was my death and the piercing of my side, which signified the sacraments and salvation of your souls. Please my people, in the days of darkness, keep my words always in your mind, heart, and soul. Be like my children of Israel. Deuteronomy 6:4-9: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole strength. And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart: And thou shalt tell them to thy children, and thou shalt meditate upon them sitting in thy house, and walking on thy journey, sleeping and rising. And thou shalt bind them as a sign on thy hand, and they shall be and shall move between thy eyes. And thou shalt write them in the entry, and on the doors of thy house. How much more should you, my people, with the presence of the living God in your souls, write my words on your heart, soul, and mind? It will be my words, which shall sustain you and deliver you in the hour of trial. Take and use this time wisely to meditate and learn my words. Learn to know my voice and follow me today. Do not wait until tomorrow. For the more my words are written on your heart, soul and mind, the more trust you will have in the Lord your God. You cannot trust in me, if you do not know me. Pray for an increase in faith, hope and charity in this extended time of mercy. My people, you have the seal of the living God on your soul, purchased with my precious blood which you received at baptism and confirmation. Use this gift wisely. It will once again be the blood of a lamb, which will protect my people from the plagues of Egypt. I am that Lamb who shed my blood for the remission of all your sins. My name is Jesus Christ. Do not be confused by false teachers and false prophets. For I the Lord, prophesy to you: it is only by my precious blood you will inherit eternal life and have protection from the forces of evil in your world. If you do not have sanctifying grace in your soul, you will not be protected from Satan and the deception of the man of Sin. Without my precious blood, no sacramental will offer you any protection. I repeat myself again, trust in Jesus Christ alone. Surrender yourself to Jesus Christ alone or you will be swept away by the trials ahead.



I remind you, my people, of a warning in my Holy Word. Hebrews 10:28-30: A man making void the law of Moses, dieth without any mercy under two or three witnesses: How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace? It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. My people, let his be a warning to you. My Catholic children, you are blessed more than any people in the world. Do not reject the truth found in my church. If you reject the truth and my church with no repentance, my child, you will burn forever in the hottest fire of hell for all eternity. For you truly have received the graces and mercy of the Lord. If you reject my life in your soul, you will easily follow Satan and become easy prey for the man of sin. You may even take the mark of the beast to your eternal damnation. For I the Lord prophesy to you, many of my children will be called home in the days ahead, to prevent their souls from being lost to the fires of hell. Look upon these days of purification with rejoicing. For many souls are entering my kingdom and leaving the kingdom of Satan. Let my precious blood be the antidote to your sin and the protection of your body and soul. These words are from Jesus Christ to his people. Amen.

10-23-07 My People: Hear O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord. Thou shall love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with the whole soul and with thy whole strength. And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart. Deuteronomy 6:5-6. These words still apply to my house of Israel today. My son Jesus Christ is the seed promised to Abraham in whom all the nations of the world are blessed. Today, my church is the new Israel. My people, study these words carefully from your Father in heaven. In Exodus 19:5-6, listen to my words to my people: If therefore you will hear my voice, and keep my covenant, you shall be my peculiar possession above all people: for all the earth is mine. And you shall be to me a priestly kingdom, and a holy nation. These are the words thou shalt speak to the children of Israel. Now my people read I Peter 2:9: But you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: My people of Israel today, you are that holy nation delivered from the darkness of Egypt or sin and purchased by the blood of the lamb. Those of you in sanctifying grace make up my nation of Israel today. Listen to the response of my people in Exodus 19:8: And we the people answered together: All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. My people, at baptism and at confirmation, you made the same promise to God Almighty. You promised to renounce Satan, his lies, and his works. You promised to renounce sin and follow my commandments. Do you, my people, understand that you made a promise to almighty God? Are you truly fulfilling your vows to Almighty God? If not, repent of your sins and receive my mercy through the blood of my son Jesus Christ. Now my people, read the consequences of my children of Israel’s disobedience to my commands and their vows to Almighty God. Deuteronomy 1: 29-32,33-36,38a. And I



said to you: Fear not, neither be ye afraid of them: The Lord God, who is your leader, himself will fight for you, as he did in Egypt in the sight of all. And in the wilderness (as thou hast seen), the Lord thy God hath carried thee, as a man is wont to carry his little son, all the way that you have come, until you came to this place. And yet, for all this you did not believe the Lord your God. And when the Lord had heard the voice of your words, he was angry and swore, and said: Not one of the men of this wicked generation shall see the good land, which I promised with an oath to your fathers: Except Caleb the son of Jephone: for he shall see it, and to him I will give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children, because he hath followed the Lord. But Josue the son of Nun, thy minister, he shall go in for thee. In case, my people, you do not think these words apply to you today, please read: I Corinthians 10:11. Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Now read Hebrews 3:1519. While it is said, Today if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in that provocation. For some who heard did provoke: but not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. And with whom was he offended forty years? Was it not with them that sinned, whose carcasses were overthrown in the desert? And to whom did he swear, that they should not enter into his rest: but to them that were incredulous? And we see that they could not enter in, because of unbelief. Let us therefore hasten to enter into that rest: lest any man fall into the same example of unbelief. Hebrews 3:11. My people, notice whom these words are written to. It is not the ungodly and sinner, but my House of Israel or my church. My people, do not let the sin of unbelief prevent you from entering my rest. I created the world in six days. On the seventh day, I rested from the work of creation as Genesis 2:1-3 states. My people, this era of yours is soon coming to an end. The sixth day of creation is finished. The seventh day will be called the era of peace. This is a mystery which has been hidden from mankind for many years. My prophets have described these times to my people. Isaiah 30:26: And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days: in the day when the Lord shall bind up the wounds of his people, and shall heal the stroke of their wound. Now read Isaiah 65: 17-25. This is a description of my era of peace. To repeat myself, the seventh day of creation is the fulfillment of the era of peace. Now read Apocalypse 20:1-7. These verses also describe the era of peace. The casting of the man of sin and his followers into the pool of fire, marks the end of the 6th day of creation. At that time, I will renew my creation and the seventh day will begin. This day has been described as lasting 1000 years. Remember what my word states: II Peter 3:8: But of this one thing be not ignorant, my beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The entire era of peace is described as a time period of the seventh day or a thousand years. Only I the Lord God knows the length of the era of peace. During this era of peace, my son Jesus will reign through my Catholic church. This can be called the Eucharistic reign of my son. Do not be confused with the millennial heresy. My son is not going to reign in the flesh in the temporal City of Jerusalem. This is a heretical teaching. My son is going to reign in his Eucharistic glory in the New Jerusalem, which is my church. My son will only return in the flesh at the end of the era of peace or human history, to judge mankind at the last judgment. Time will not exist during my era of peace, as you understand it. Apocalypse 20:5-6 states: The rest of the dead lived not, till the thousand years were finished. This is



the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection. In these the second death hath no power. But they shall be priests of God and of Christ: and shall reign with him a thousand years. This first resurrection occurs in the era of peace. My saints will be resurrected and receive glorified bodies and walk among my people, teaching and instructing the Catholic faith. This has been described as the temporal kingdom by the Church Fathers. This will be the Promised Land my children of Israel will inherit. My Will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Listen to the following words carefully. Only those who trust totally in God Almighty will inherit the Promised Land. Remember only 2 men, Josue and Caleb, entered the Promised Land in the Old Testament. To enter the era of peace, you must abandon yourself totally to my will. You must live the consecrations made to my daughter Mary and my son Jesus. You must follow the teachings of my Catholic Church, and pick up your cross daily following my son Jesus Christ. If you do not follow these words, you cannot enter my era of peace. The sin of unbelief prevented my children from entering the Promised Land in the Old Testament, and it will once again prevent my children from entering the era of peace. Let go of your attachment to earthly desires and attractions. You must be willing to be persecuted and totally dependent on your Lord and Savior. Remember: And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more. Luke 12:48 My Catholic children, you have been given the complete truth. Do not reject your Catholic faith, for you will be held to the highest standard on the Day of Judgment. Read soberly II Peter 2:20-21: For if, flying from the pollutions of the world, through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they be again entangled in them and overcome: their latter state is become unto them worse than the former. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of justice, than after they have known it, to turn back from that holy commandment which was delivered to them. Now read Hebrews 10:29-31: How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace? For we know him that hath said: Vengeance belongeth to me, and I will repay. And again: The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Do not think these words are only written to the clergy and the religious orders. These words are written to all those who have taken the bows of baptism, confirmation, and who have made consecrations to my daughter Mary and my Son Jesus Christ. Your vows have set you apart from the world and you are my new children of Israel. If you reject your vows to your Father and you refuse to repent, there is not a hot enough place in hell for you. For you have tasted of my goodness, received my mercy and graces, and have the Holy Trinity residing in your soul. Do not reject so great a salvation. I repeat myself a final time: Trust in the Lord God Almighty completely, live your vows and promises to your Lord and Savior, and enter into my rest on my seventh day and eternally on the eighth day. These words are from God Almighty to those who have ears to hear. Amen.




My son, write my words as I instruct you. In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin. Eccleisaticus 7:40. Now read, I Corinthians 3:11: For other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid: which is Christ Jesus. Every one therefore that heareth these my words and doth them shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew: and they beat upon that house. And it fell not, for it was founded on a rock. And every one that heareth these my words and doth them not shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand, And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew: and they beat upon that house. And it fell: and great was the fall thereof. St Matthew 7:24-27. Finally, read St. John 6:54. Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. My people, I ask you to reflect on the state of your soul. If you died at this moment, where would you spend eternity? Is your eternal destination your highest priority in your life? If not, repent and receive my mercy, before you stand before God almighty in judgment. My people, I repeat these words for so many are lukewarm and blinded by the false gods of this world. You cannot enter my kingdom unless your foundation is built upon the rock Christ Jesus. All other foundations will crumble in the light of my purifying spirit. All other foundations are built upon lies and deception. My people, you cannot enter my kingdom without embracing my total truth. Partial truth will not gain entrance to my kingdom or my era of peace. You will not spend eternity with my Father, if you do not come through me. There is no other way to my Father, except through Jesus Christ: true God and true man. My people, many voices today are telling you that there are many roads to heaven. These same voices also teach there is no hell and no personal responsibility for sin. Sin is an outdated concept for these people. But I am here to warn you. There is a heaven, a hell, and a purgatory. These places are as real as your world. These places are not states of mind and do not exist in the material world. Souls in hell do suffer eternal punishment in the pool of fire. Souls in purgatory do suffer to purify their souls. Souls in heaven do not suffer, but are in eternal bliss. You will suffer eternally in hell, if you die in mortal sin. You will not enter my kingdom, if you are not in sanctifying grace. If you do not believe in the Son of God, you do not believe in my Father and will not enter my kingdom, without repentance. If you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood in the Holy Eucharist, you have no life in your soul. If you blaspheme my Holy Eucharist and my Blessed Mother Mary, you will not enter my kingdom without going through the fires of purification. If you dishonor my Blessed Mother Mary, you dishonor her son and the Holy Trinity. If you do not believe my Blessed Mother Mary’s words, you do not believe my words. If you call my Mother a liar, you call her son a liar. You are given one life and one soul to use your freewill to love, serve, and to know me. After death, there is no second chance. You must choose to follow me in this life. It will be too late in eternity. Reject the Son of God and his mercy and you will spend eternity in hell with Satan, his demons, and the lost souls. My people, Jesus Christ has spoken to you again. Amen

11/03/07 My people, your generation is no different than the people of my day. The men of Ninive shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: because they did



penance at the preaching of Jonas. And behold a greater than Jonas here. St. Matthew 12:41. Behold my people a greater than Jonas is in your midst. The Son of God waits for you in every tabernacle in my Catholic churches worldwide. My people you have my commandments, my holy church, my signs and wonders, and my Blessed Mother’s miracles and messages. But many still reject my mercy. You have no excuse in my sight. You have been blessed with many graces and merits. Your generation will be judged. Many of you believe I am only a God of love and mercy. You teach justice is an outdated concept. But I the Lord God do not change. It is you my people who have been deceived. Yes, I am a God of love and mercy. But I am also a God of justice. You will be judged by the works and deeds, you commit in this life. Accept my mercy today. All of your sins can be forgiven in this life by my precious blood. I repeat to you again: After death, it will be too late to accept my mercy. Do not reject my mercy or your nation will be judged as my children of Israel were in the past. Your country has been blessed greatly. But, I can allow the blessings to be taken away. Continue to worship the false gods of greed and science, continue to allow abortion, and continue to indulge in the sins of the flesh and you will reap what you have sown. Galatians 6:7,8. Be not deceived: God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit shall reap life everlasting. My people, what are you sowing today? Are you sowing to the flesh or are you sowing to the spirit? If you as a nation, continue to sow to the flesh and break my commandments, you will suffer chastisement as a nation. My blessings and protection will be removed from your country and you will be judged. Be like the people of Nineveh and repent. The people of Nineveh were given one chance and they repented. My children of the United States, you have been given many chances, but you still ignore my warnings. The date and time of your nation’s demise has been set. The time for repentance is short. If you do not heed my warnings, you will be judged severely. The ungodly and the lukewarm will not enter my kingdom without repentance and penance. My people, you say: God bless America. How can you expect my blessings, when your nation is one of the leading exporters and producers of: pornography, violence and abortion in the world. Your government funds and supports abortion in other countries. Millions of my little ones do not have the opportunity to fulfill their mission. The blood of the innocents cries to heaven for vengeance. I will require of your nation the blood of my murdered little ones. Repent, for little time remains. I will forgive your sins and heal your land. All I ask is for my people of the United States to repent and turn from your wicked ways. The lukewarmness of my church has allowed these evils to befall your nation. I ask your clergy to repent of their sins. Remember, if your foundation is not built upon the rock Christ Jesus, your works will burn away in the fires of my purification. My church must once again stand up for the truth and be ready for persecution. Your nation is ripe for the winepress of the wrath of God. I will allow the man of sin to take over your nation, if no repentance is done. Take heed my people to my warnings. I warn you today and I will warn you again, during the illumination of conscience. At that time you will know the truth. Reject my merciful warning and you will be seduced by the father of lies, Satan himself. Your nation will then be submitted to the great trial. But those of my chosen people who: trust in me 100%, obey my commandments, and are consecrated both to my sacred heart and my blessed Mother’s



Immaculate Heart will be protected and gain entrance to my kingdom. For I the Lord prophesy to you again: After the warning, there will be only one Holy Catholic Church. All other denominations will know the truth. There will be no excuse for division. Those who reject my church will be rejecting the head of the church: Jesus Christ. Woe to those who live in those days and reject my mercy. Prepare yourselves my people, for the simplification of your lives, persecution, and the day of the Lord. Many are called, but few are chosen. Strive to enter by the narrow gate: for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter and shall not be able. St. Luke 13:24. It will be only by my graces and merits that you will enter into the seventh and eighth days of creation. My peace be with you. The Lord has spoken to his people.

11/05/07 My son, I want you to write the following words to those who call themselves: the remnant. Many of you are looking forward to entering my era of peace. But do you truly comprehend what it will take to enter my era of peace? Study the exodus of my children of Israel and ask my Holy Spirit for his guidance. Pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mediatrix of all graces: For the graces of wisdom and understanding. In the book of Exodus, my children of Israel were delivered from the bondage of the land of Egypt. Now read Exodus 16:1-3. And they set forward from Elim and all the multitude of the children of Israel came into the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai the 15th day of the second month after they came out of the land of Egypt. And all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. And the children of Israel said to them: Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat over the flesh pots, and ate bread to the full. Why have you brought us into this desert, that you might destroy the entire multitude with famine? Now read Numbers 14:21-24 and 28-31. As I live: and the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. But yet all the men that have seen my majesty, and the signs that I have done in Egypt, and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now 10 times, and have not obeyed my voice, shall not see the land for which I swore to their fathers, neither shall any one of them that hath detracted me behold it. My servant Caleb, who being full of another spirit hath followed me, I will bring into this land which he hath gone round: and his seed shall possess it. Say therefore to them: As I live, saith the Lord: According as you have spoken in my hearing, so will I do to you. In the wilderness shall your carcasses lie. All you that were numbered from twenty years old and upward, and have murmured against me, shall not enter into the land, over which I lifted up my hand to make you dwell therein, except Caleb the son of Jephone, and Josue the son of Nun. But your children, of whom you said, that they should be a prey to the enemies, will I bring in: That they should be a prey to the enemies, will I bring in: that they may see the land which you have despised. In case you do not believe these words are relevant for you today; reread I Corinthians 10:11 – Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come.



Hebrews 3:19 And we see that they could not enter in, because of unbelief. My people of today, there truly is an era of peace coming to creation. It is described as the seventh day of creation. Read Hebrews 4:9-11. Here remaineth therefore a day of rest for the people of God, For he that is entered into his rest, and the same also hath rested from his works, as God did from his. Let us hasten therefore to enter into that rest; lest any man fall into the same example of unbelief. My people, these verses mean two things. First, one day all my people will enter into my eternal kingdom of rest: the eighth day of creation. But before that time, the seventh day must take place. Those of you, who consider yourselves to be my remnant, take heed to my words. You will not enter my seventh day of creation unless you totally trust in God Almighty to provide for all your needs, live your consecrations to my daughter Mary and my Son Jesus, and be willing to forsake the world with all its attractions. My People, how many of you will react as my children of Israel did many years ago? The land of Egypt is a type of your generation. In order to be delivered from the evil of the age, you must be willing to leave behind the attractions and security of this age and enter into the wilderness. You must be willing to allow your Heavenly Father to provide for all your needs. You must trust in my Son Jesus 100% for all your needs. You must allow my Holy Spirit to guide you 100% of the time. If not, you will not enter the era of peace. Are you willing to take up your cross and follow my Son Jesus? Are you willing to be persecuted, marginalized, and suffer for my name’s sake? Are you willing to live without your modern conveniences and attachments? Can you truly trust in your God to provide for all your needs, both physical: food, clothing, shelter, and your spiritual needs? This means giving up your physical security: your homes, computers, cell phones, automobiles, and your source of income. You must be like my children of Israel; Truly you will be dependent upon my grace daily, for all your needs. Are you willing to give up your lukewarmness, spiritual pride, and secret sins? The sins of your current age will not enter my era of peace. There will be no more abortion, pornography, and the sins which your modern age flaunts in my sight. My era of peace will be a time of a renewal of my creation. If you noticed only 2 men who originally left Egypt, entered the Promised Land. This lesson should stir your heart. You must allow the graces and merits of my Son, to purify your body and soul of sin. To repeat myself again; you will not enter my era of peace with attachments to the pleasures of this world, and attachments to sin in your life. As before, the innocents of your age will enter my seventh day of creation. My church is currently being purified and the world is being purified for the coming seventh day of creation. My children of Israel had to leave Egypt, enter the wilderness, to enter the Promised Land. This is going to happen again. My children of Israel today will be called out of this sinful world into the wilderness and will enter my era of peace. Your refuge will be in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Truly, trust and believe my Son Jesus and his mother Mary will provide for my remnant both in body and soul. I give you my people, another warning. Difficult times will come before the seventh day of creation. You will be tested through the fires of purification in order to enter my era of peace.



Read Zechariah 13:8-9. And there shall be in all the earth, saith the Lord, two parts in it shall be scattered, and shall perish: but the third part shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined: and I will try them as gold is tried. They shall call on my name, and I will hear them. I will say; Thou art my people: and they shall say: The Lord is my God. Because of your faith in my Son and his church, many will be persecuted and even martyred. But many will fall away and follow the deception of the antichrist. Do not wait until that day, for you could lose your eternal salvation. The time is now, not tomorrow. The number who survive these days of tribulation and enter my era of peace, will be smaller than you can comprehend. Again, I repeat to you: I will take many of my children home, to prevent the loss of their souls to eternal damnation. Do not despair over the loss of life. For many would not have otherwise entered my kingdom. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor my ways you ways saith the Lord. Isaiah 55:8. Let your life be a reflection of my love and peace. Be like Joshua and Caleb. Remember Lot’s wife. Luke 17:32. Do not be like Lot’s wife who was turned into a pillar of salt, because she looked back. Do not look back on this world, for you shall perish as Lot’s wife did. No man who putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God. Luke 9:62 If you cannot let go of your worldly goods and security, you will not enter my era of peace. Finally, my people, do not second-guess the Lord. Let God be God. Do not try and figure out the Almighty. Live by faith and work for the salvation of souls. Do not try and determine who is my remnant. Only I the Lord God, truly know who my faithful remnant are. Many of my remnant are hidden and unknown to you. If you claim you are part of my remnant, repent of your spiritual pride. For you truly are of a proud spirit. For no one is worthy to enter my Kingdom and era of peace without my mercy and graces. Fulfill your mission for me. Live by my divine will and not your human will, and I will lead my chosen people of the New Israel into the seventh day of creation and eternally into the seventh day of creation. God Almighty has spoken to you. Amen.


The Mark of the Beast

My son, I want to further explain to you what the mark of the beast truly means. Apocalypse 13:16-17 states: And he shall make all, both the little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand or on their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Now read Apocalypse 14:9-11: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: If any man shall adore the beast and his image and receive his character in his forehead or in his hand, He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath: and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up forever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast and his image and whoever receiveth the character of his name.



My son, who are the souls who will take this mark? They are lukewarm Catholics, apostate Protestants, and the followers of the antichrist. I will now explain this further for you. My words clearly states those who take the mark of the beast will be tormented forever with fire and brimstone. This means it is a final act of rebellion against my mercy. What would cause a person to rebel against my mercy with the knowledge of eternal damnation upon receiving the mark? It will be a rejection of my mercy through my warning. The warning shall take place before the mark of the beast is forced on mankind. Otherwise many innocent souls would take this mark not understanding what it truly means. The mark of the beast is more than a computer chip. It is the turning completely of your will to Satan and your sinful desires. A physical mark is an outward manifestation of an inward rebellion against God. Just as baptism, is an outward sign of an inward cleansing of original sin from a soul. During the warning, every soul will know that I exist and that I am the Son of God who is the only way to the Father. My son, souls will experience a miniature judgment and be given a chance to repent and change their wicked ways. This type of knowledge of soul has never occurred on a worldwide scale before in history. Most souls only receive this knowledge after death and are not given a second chance. This is what makes rejection of the warning such a final condemnation. You will see the truth Jesus Christ and then you will reject the truth. You truly will have no excuses. You will be committing the sin of Lucifer and his angels, “ I will not serve.” You will have experienced the truth. No doubts will henceforth remain in the minds of any of my people. Rejection of the warning will leave you with a total rejection of my mercy. This rejection will cause many to totally give their will to Satan and their evil desires. These souls will have taken the mark of the beast on their souls. Just as my faithful, receive the mark of the cross at baptism and confirmation. To repeat, the spiritual mark will be manifested by a physical sign. This physical sign on your being will be required for survival in this world. Those who reject the spiritual mark will reject the physical mark and will be persecuted by the following groups. Lukewarm Catholics will reject my divine life received at baptism and commit the sin of blaspheming my body, blood, soul, and divinity. Hence lukewarm Catholics will persecute my faithful Catholics. After the warning, there will only be one church. All Protestant denominations will have no reason to exist. For all Protestants will see the truth in my Catholic Church. Those Protestants who in their pride reject my truth, will become apostate and persecute my true Catholics. Many Protestants will enter my church because of the warning. The ungodly will persecute my faithful remnant because the ungodly rejected my mercy. A fierce persecution will rage like a fire in certain parts of your world. Europe, North America, and Latin America will persecute my faithful severely. My son, the largest number of converts will come from the pagan religions. Many Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and tribal peoples will accept my mercy and truth because of the warning. My church will experience a large amount of growth in those areas. I will need my faithful to teach these converts. Many miracles will take place at this time. Bilocation and other miracles assisted by my angels will occur. My faithful may be teaching in different areas of the world. After the warning, there will only be a short time given to mankind to repent. If no repentance is done, I will allow Satan and the antichrist to chastise a sinful generation. At this time, many faithful will be: called home, persecuted, martyred, and taken to my refuges. Only those who are not spiritual babies



with my divine life residing in their souls will endure those days and enter my era of peace. My son, at baptism all my children receive sanctifying grace, but many do not progress beyond spiritual infancy. I will not lose any the Father has given to me. My spiritual babies will come home to be with me to prevent the loss of their souls. A soul who does not partake of my Eucharist remains a spiritual baby. Just as a human baby must eat solid food to grow to adulthood, so spiritually you must receive my graces through the sacraments to mature to spiritual adulthood. The body must be fed to grow. Likewise, the soul must be fed to grow and mature. Satan knows this truth. This is why he has deceived many of my people with false interpretations of my scriptures. Many teach the physical nation of Israel is the fulfillment of my scripture. Many teach the antichrist will resume the Jewish sacrifice in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem to constitute the abomination of desolation. This is a false teaching, not from God, but from human understanding. My son, in the book of Daniel, the persecution by the Jews under Antiochus can be considered a partial fulfillment of the abomination of desolation. But the complete fulfillment has not yet taken place. At my death, the veil in the temple was rent in two and the old sacrificial covenant was replaced by my new covenant. My sacrifice on the cross was the final sacrifice for my peoples’ sin. I am the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham. I am the seed of Abraham, the son of David, in whom all the nations of the earth are blessed. My nation of Israel is my church, not the modern nation of Israel. My people are now all those who become part of my church through sanctifying grace. The complete fulfillment of the prophecy from Daniel of the abomination of desolation will occur: when the continual sacrifice of the mass is abolished by the false prophet and the anitchrist. Acceptance of the protestant doctrine of the mass by an antipope will be the fulfillment of the prophecy. The temple of God is my Holy Roman Catholic Church. My faithful remnant will be persecuted worldwide with the mass taking place underground. These conditions will be similar to the early persecutions by the Romans. The Roman persecutions were a foreshadowing of the persecution and time of the antichrist. Remember all this will be allowed and take place according to the will of my Father in heaven. Scripture must and will be fulfilled. I am warning you again my son and any who will take heed to my warnings. He who has ears to hear let him hear. A final warning to those who read these words. Do not wait until the warning to prepare your soul. Prepare your soul now. You may meet your maker today. I do not promise you tomorrow. Receive my graces today through the sacraments instituted by myself and given to my church. You will need my divine life in your soul prior to the warning, to be my witness to the world. After the warning, many souls will need instruction. Many of these souls will be spiritual babies and will be taken home, after the warning. If you desire to enter my era of peace, you must be progressing through my merits and graces to spiritual adulthood, when the warning takes place. This is my final message from this messenger for my people. For I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. The time is short. Jesus Christ has spoken to you today. Take heed to my words. Amen.



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