Globalization And The Information Society

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  • Words: 517
  • Pages: 17
GLOBALIZATION AND THE INFORMATION SOCIETY: Global syndicate #4 Intergovernmental Organization Chethan, Eniyan

UN Introduction United Nations - 24 October 1945 Currently 192 Members Headquarters is in New York City Six official languages are used at the United Nations - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish

Aim of UN: international peace and security, safeguard human rights, international law, to promote social and economic progress, improve living standards, and fight diseases. opportunity for countries to balance global interdependence and national interests when addressing international problems.

Global Governance and Regime Formation.

 Global

governance "does not imply world government or world federalism."

Internet Governance Mechanisms  Internet

governance mechanisms vary by institutional form  Internet governance mechanisms vary by function  Internet governance mechanisms vary by the domain of participants

Infrastructure Financing, Development, Interconnection Costs, and Stability

SWOT Analysis Strength  Flexible charging arrangements

Weakness 

Developing countries pay higher charges Internet-based businesses in developing countries prefer to relocate to developed countries Non-regulated services layer

SWOT Analysis Opportunity  Increased competition in international bandwidth  actual reduction in bulk bandwidth

Threats  Symmetrical traffic is expected to continue  Regional geopolitical differences/conflicts  Resistance to change by tier-1

 The

alternatives to a governance (regulatory) mechanism are:

 Development

of regional IP

backbones  Establishment of local and regional IXPs

Human Rights, Universal Access, Freedom of Expression & Right to Communicate  Internet  The

access for all - Art. 26

right to freedom of expression Privacy, surveillance and encryption - Art. 12

 The

right to access to infrastructure irrespective of where one live  The right to interfaces, content and applications accessible to all  The right to affordable access  The right to access and create content that is culturally and linguistically diverse

Internet Infrastructure  Technical

Standardization - ITU,

ETSI, Global Standards Coordination, IETF, IAB, WC3

 Development

- : World Bank, ITU,


 “Information

Security” and Surveillance - Interpol, COE, OECD, G-8, EU, UN General Assembly

 Content

& Information Flow - ITU,

OECD, UN General Assembly, UNESCO

Suggestions for Governance Alternatives  The

multilateral organization democracy, transparency, openness and efficiency

 Multilingualization

of Internet name, is a policy issue rather than a technical issue

Proposals  The

ccTLD registry may choose independently the IDN languages

 The

prepared ccTLD registry may first apply to ICANN for the IDN registration services

SWOT Analysis Strength  Diversity of root server operators creates robustness  operators work under technical and not political criteria  Proven record of stability and security

Weakness  Lack of formal, written relationship between ICANN and Root Server Operators  RSSAC website does not provide robust and current information about membership

SWOT Analysis Opportunity  Opportunity to strengthen the root server operations 

Showcase an example of a public/private partnership

Threats  The Root Server Operators are technically strong  Not bound by contractual agreements  alternative root system would possibly result in nonuniqueness

Conclusion:  Globally and implementing locally  Open participation and multistake holders  Open and transparent and more accountable  Horizontal governance mechanisms

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