Global Terrorism - Bangladesh Focus

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  • Words: 3,653
  • Pages: 16
Emergence of Terrorist Activities in Bangladesh and Global Terrorism Introduction The security environment of Bangladesh is and was always peaceful in comparison to many other countries of this region. In respect to terrorist activities the country was in very low profile threat. If we consider the population density and diversity of the population the incidents are very normal and negligible. Last few years terrorist activities in this country

got new

dimension. Initially those were in very primitive type and gradually things are becoming complex, difficult to encounter/control/neutralize. Incident of 17 august 2005 was a massive shock in our peaceful existence and it reminded us that we need to do something to stop and finally come out of this evil cycle. Though the number of incident was more but the magnitude and the casualty was not that much. We may still call this as the beginning of the coordinated terrorist activities and with our utmost sincerity and devotion the country still can come out of this unwanted and unpleasant situation.

In last six years we are observing bomb incidents in the country and the trend was going up. It was curved down by the appropriate authority and the sincerity of the law enforcing agencies of the country by adopting adequate counter measures. In the beginning there were many unexploded bombs placed in different places. Explosives were there but the bombs were not functional. Some bomb threats were also there but the casualty related to this types of incidents were not significant. Ten persons were killed in the bomb incident that took place in 6 march 1999. We may take that as the beginning of successful terrorist attempt to destabilize existing peace and tranquility.

Unlike other countries of the world the terrorist activities like this type of bomb incidents will have devastating effect in our country. Our country is over crowded and densely populated. If some incident of this type takes place number of casualty will be more and destruction of 1

properties will be also more as everything is constructed in a smaller area. Then there comes the secondary hazard. All these will actually act as problem multiplier because we don’t have sufficient equipment and trained manpower to combat these type of situation.

This article will primarily focus on bomb related terrorist activities highlighting the major incidents occurred during the period from 1980 to 2000’s in global perspective. There after recent trend of growing terrorism in Bangladesh

specially bomb related incidents will be

covered to reveal few measures for combating such incidents effectively. Brief History of Terrorism The words ’terrorism’ and ‘terror’ were adopted from a French word ‘terreur’ which originates from the Latin word ‘terrere’ which means to frighten. During French revolution these were widely used for the first time to indicate the reign of terror. Terrorism in present context is a specialized and sometimes sophisticated and large scale criminal conduct. It is mainly done to generate casualty of innocent and defenseless civilian, destruction of properties, infrastructure and cultural sites.

In the past terrorism was there in many form. Between the end of second world war and the 20th century total 120 armed conflicts occurred. In 20th century a person was killed in every 21 second for 100 years from terrorist related activities. By the end of the 20th century, the world had witnessed several new and horrifying forms of terrorism, some even by the State, such as genocides, collectivization, purges, crimes against humanity and mass casualty incidents.

Today, the terrorist is largely perceived as an unknown, obscure and shadowy murderer, sometimes a religious fanatic, who sets off bombs causing loss of life and great destruction in civilian population centers. It is very sad that Islam is being exploited to legitimize terrorist


actions by different organizations, religious and spiritual leaders. They try to legalize these in the name of jihad. The origin of all these types of terrorism is mainly unstable middle east region. Terrorist may belong to any religion though all the religion is against it. Currently Muslim fundamentalism has got wide publicity in the western media.

Terrorism is carried out in many names besides religion including politics, freedom, environment, racial supremacy, animal rights etc. Terrorism and its motives are sometimes concealed and it is necessary to appreciate that the motive for a given terrorist act, whether declared by the terrorists, government or by media, may not always reflect the truth.

There is no geographical boundaries for terrorism. Almost in all the region of the world with different magnitude terrorist activities are taking place. For combating terrorism existing police force alone can no longer combat the magnitude of terrorism. Elements of armed forces, special forces, national intelligence and security organizations are employed against terrorism. Government of many countries have signed and confirmed agreements, to suppress and combat terrorism as its magnitude is increasing gradually.

After 11th September 2001 incident, many countries have intensified their anti-terrorism efforts. Legislation is a useful mechanism for legalizing special preventative measures taken by the security forces. Anti-terrorism efforts have practically doubled in many countries. In United Nations many new Resolutions against terrorism were passed. Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) is effectively implementing the efforts of UN against terrorism.

During cold war era the face of terrorism was different. Those were mainly supported and manipulated by WARSAW pact countries in the form of guerrilla warfare. Then the middle east problem came up and still it is continuing between Israel and other Arab nations. As a result whole middle east is in a state of unrest and the other parts of the world is getting the heat of 3

that. After the end of cold war new types of ruthless terrorism emerged which is characterized by religious, political, ethnic and social intolerance. General people normally come to know about the terrorist act through media after the incident.

In today’s world some Islamic terrorist group or coalition are considered as most dangerous. These groups distort Islam to justify their actions. Their objective is to change the existing world order and establishment of Islamic state in the world by terrorizing the world. Essential Elements of Terrorism There are some common and essential elements in all cases of terrorism. Those are: a.

Cause or motive.


Ends and means.












Some other elements may also be there like: a.








In broader term most terrorism have four interlinked factors. Those may be called as four pillars of terrorism. Those are : a.







Destruction of asset and properties.

Motivation can be considered as a sleeping partner. The objective of terrorists is the most important factor to them. Objective comes first and motivation acts as driving force to attain that. The other two pillars are, asset harm and target are the outcome of that object. Mainly for attaining any object terrorist need to select targets and the asset harm or destruction of property is the outcome of the terrorist incident.

Terrorist Weapons, Resources, and Equipment Terrorists use a wide range of military weapons and equipments. They collect those by illegal purchase, smuggle or by other unorthodox ways. The most common military weapons that terrorists frequently use are pistols, revolvers, rifles and submachine guns. Terrorists also use light machine guns, time-bombs, mortars, mines, rocket propelled grenades and handgrenades.


Most of the terrorists bombs are improvised. They are termed as Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs. It consists of a power source, initiator, switches, explosive charge and a suitable container. Vehicles can be converted easily to an IED. IEDs vary in quality and effect according to the technology used and the explosive content. The mechanism can be made complicated and sophisticated integrated circuitry can be incorporated in the IEDs. The devastating effect comes from the explosion/ detonation of explosive charges used in it. Besides using conventional explosives most terrorist use locally available chemicals or commercial explosives. These are called Home Made Explosives(HME). Depending on mixing ratio they give incendiary or explosion effect.

Assembling IEDs is dangerous. Accidents may occur while assembling the IED and the assembler may even be blown up and killed. Detonating IEDs is not as hazardous as constructing. IEDs may accidentally explode while being transported by terrorists.

Suicide bombers are just another weapon in the armory of terrorists . There is little protection from suicide terrorists equipped with bombs. This type of terrorist is very dangerous and is able to strike where terrorists who seek escape would not normally venture. They are usually extremists motivated by fanatic interpretations of religion or ideology, those on the edge of despair, or a combination of both. The aircrafts used on 11 September 2001, were used as weapons by suicide terrorists. The Media and Terrorism Media can play vital role against terrorist activities. Media gives terrorists their desired publicity. This publicity sometimes install widespread fear among the common mass. This sometimes favors the terrorists who wish to instill fear. Some media sources strongly condemn terrorism for what it is. Some media sources intentionally minimize the publicity afforded to


terrorist groups and highlight successes and failures of security forces. We can say that media can play duel role.

Media is having enough flexibility to report terrorism in a responsible fashion, especially when they know that most terrorists seek publicity to attain their object. Role of media in September 2001 incident was well appreciated and appropriate and helped security forces of the world to take necessary action against that heinous acts. Bomb Related Incidents and Deaths in Last Two Decades In 1980’s we saw that the incidents took place mainly in Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,USA, Vietnam and Palestine. During this period political unrest prevailed in these countries. In some countries transition of political power were going on. We just cannot draw a conclusion that middle east or Palestine was the only problem prone area. Number of incidents and the death occurred during this period throughout the world due to terrorist bomb activities are shown in the graph below: Figure 1: Car/ truck bomb- Deaths 1980-1989 Death (1980-1989) 600


400 266

300 200


199 136




81 23


Source : Wikipedia


19 82 Y1 98 1

19 83

19 84

19 85

19 86

19 87

19 88

0 Y1 98 9




Figure 2 : Car/ truck bomb incidents 1980-1989 No of Incident 10 9 Number

8 6 5 4




4 3



2 1 19 83 19 82 Y1 98 1

19 85 19 84

19 87 19 86

19 88

Y1 98 9



Source : Wikipedia

Terrorist incidents were less in 1990’s than that of 1980’s. Because , during this period states took effective measures to counter terrorism. The effectiveness of anti terrorist force were improved. They were well trained and equipped by the government. Terrorism gets the exposure to explosives, small and medium arms more easily after the end of cold war. They are using those explosives to terrorize the world. Number of incidents and the deaths during this period are shown in figure 3and 4 below:


Figure 3: Car/ truck bomb incidents 1990-2004 No of Incidents 25 20 17 No Of Incident


20 00

20 02


4 1 1

6 2 2

6 2

2 1

19 92


19 94


19 96


19 98


Y2 00 4




Source : Wikipedia

Figure 4: Car/ truck bomb - Deaths 1990-2004 Death (1990-2004) 800 700 703 600


500 Num ber 400

416 353





200 100 0 Y2004

69 2001









Source : Wikipedia


53 39 1992

Most of these incidents took place in Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey and other places. In 2002 explosion took place in Israel, Kenya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya AND Tunisia etc. Many incident took place in European countries like Spain, Italy and UK(Northern Ireland); South American countries like Argentina, Columbia and Peru etc. From January 2006 till June 2006 total of 6000 personal died in different terrorist incident in Iraq. (BBC, This Week, 11 June 2006) It clearly says that the unrest is not confined in a region rather whole world is in a state of unrest. Bangladesh Incidents Since independence the first bomb explosion took place in a public meeting in 1981. In that incident one person was killed. That was the beginning of terrorist attack using the bomb culture in Bangladesh. Though there was no significant upraise of the trend immediately after the incident. However, suddenly in 1999-2000 a total of six bomb explosions took place in various parts of the country. During the year 2001 the situation aggravated to a great extent. Only in two incidents 32 people were killed in 2001. On 07 Mar 1999’s explosion 8 people were killed and 150 injured. In same month in another powerful explosion two persons were killed on the spot and more three were injured. On 08 October 1999, another powerful bomb explosion took place at Kadiani Mosque in Khulna where 06 person’s were died on the spot and 40 were critically injured. On 20th Jan 2001 in two separate bomb incidents total six persons died on spot and several others were injured. Ramna Botomul incident on 14 April 2001 snuffed out nine lives and injured many. Seven individual died on spot and almost 30 others were injured on 3 June 2001 in Catholic Church at Baniarchar in Gopalgonj district. 22 persons were killed and nearly 100 injured in a massive bomb explosion at a political party office in Narayanganj.


Total 438 Improvised Explosives Device (IED)/Bombs were exploded at different places of 4 Metropolitan Cities and 63 district headquarters of Bangladesh on 17 August 2005. In those incidents; 02 people died and approximately 150 were injured. The bombs/IED's were locally prepared with a timer circuit but with less lethality. The power source of the bombs were four pencil AA batteries. The circuit was timed, controlled by a switch and the detonator was electric. A small amount of Gunpowder (GP) and Aluminum based Home Made Explosive (HME) was used for sound & igneferous effect. From 1999 to 2005 there were approximately 492 bomb, grenade and cocktail incident where 271 people died and more than one thousand were injured. The above mentioned incidents clearly reflects a sharp and alarming rise of bomb related terrorist activities in Bangladesh which can no more be ignored. To combat all these terrorist activities we need to know regarding terrorism and terrorist activities, chronological development, their logistical backup, method and the weapon they use to attain their objectives. Table below shows some major incidents that took place in Bangladesh: Table 1: Some Major Bomb Incidents in Bangladesh 1999- July 2005 Year Month 1999 March October 2001 January April 2002 December 2004 January


May August 2005 January

Place Death Remarks Jessor 10 Khulna 8 Dhaka 4 Dhaka 3 Dhaka 10 Mymensing 21 Tangail 7 Sylhet 5 Khulna 1 Bagerhat 1 Khulna 1 Sylhet Khulna Dhaka Bogra 11

3 1 23 1


Gopalgonj N.gonj September Bagerhat Sunamgonj Satkhira

10 22 8 4 3

source : Daily Jugantar, August 2005 In Bangladesh in most of the cases the terrorist exploited Islam to justify their misdeeds. But actually Islam means peace and it really mean so. That’s why the terrorists are not getting popular support. The reasons for rise of terrorism in Bangladesh may be summarized as following : a.

Poor financial backup.


Ever-continuing economic crises.


Extreme poverty.






Uncertainty regarding future.


Exploitation of simple religious believe.

Threat assessment Present time is always best time. Without delay we must prepare ourselves to counter the terrorist acts that are growing in our country. If we can suppress and eradicate these types of act in the beginning then we will be able to revert the fate of country and can tell that we are still peaceful and our people will be living in peace and harmony. Assessing the threat profile and continuously monitoring and updating is the first step. Next step is to prepare the security and intelligence organization. It can be done by creating special cells and train personnel on different aspect of terrorist acts including tracking, preventing , forensic activities and data management. Then, Identify and motivate the potential/ vulnerable 12

groups and prevent them from joining in terrorist groups/activities. Finally, existing laws if required to be updated for quick disposal of the cases. Exemplary punishment

may be

awarded so that people are aware and terrorists are cautious. A threat assessment is necessary to evaluate the potential loss in these situations. This will help to examine what action can be taken to prevent or minimize those loss. Whether such action is an affordable option in financial and political terms to be also evaluated. Prime requirement is to precisely identify the threat. A typical threat assessment might include the following:


Detailed profile of potential or actual threat, hostile forces and likely outcome.


Character, disposition and vulnerability of all human resources.


Nature and disposition of fixed structures and moveable assets.


Preliminary assessment of potential loss.

The conclusion of a threat assessment often concludes with a change of level in a security alertness plan. It may be higher, lower or be maintained at the same level. There are several different levels or phases in such plans or systems.

Joint Efforts to Counter Terrorist Acts. Terrorist activities (Bomb/IED situation) can not be tackled in piecemeal by a single agency. It necessitates a well coordinated effort of all fractions of the society. Under the prevailing IED situation in our country and appreciating the future trends following joint efforts are recommended : a.

A well coordinated interaction between the law enforcing agencies (intelligence

and police) and the military experts need to be established and maintained throughout. 13


Security Forces need to be trained both at home and abroad. They must be

proactive. Modern equipments should be used to combat the increasing threat. Use of resources may include:



Overall budget and financial expenditure.


Human resources e.g. Close protection officers.


Equipment resources e.g. bomb detection devices, vehicles.


More powerful and task-orientated weaponry.

The intelligence network to be made effective in maintaining information related

to availability of explosive for a bomb threat. Increased security intelligence can be gathered from:



Human Intelligence e.g. Open Source collection and Covert Operations.


Satellite Intelligence e.g. Imaging Intelligence.


Signals Intelligence e.g. Electronic Intercept.


Information Warfare e.g. Propaganda / disinformation and IT attack.

Trans frontier intelligence activities must be geared up so that it enables concern

people to become pro-active to blast incident. e.

Restriction need to be imposed on selling and buying of readily available

ingredients of home made explosive i.e. gasoline, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate etc. f.

Awareness of general people needs to be increased through various electronic

media and news paper. g.

Media to be used to project the heinous act and motivate people not to support

terrorism. To minimize panic, motivational broadcasting in radio and TV, telecasting of documentary films, social campaign like posters, placards, holding seminars etc can be arranged. 14


Fastest investigation, quick trial and exemplary punishment of the miscreants to

be ensured. j.

Intellectuals have great role in countering the bomb culture. This society must

put their magic to build an intimated social bond all over the nation. Conclusion The terrorist groups normally do not get any support from the society. For preparation of the Bomb/IED they try to exploit the technology and collect the raw materials from the readily available chemical substances. The trend of bombs and the attacks in the developed countries and least developed countries may vary in technology, dimension and in different places but all such attacks are obviously against the humanity. The result is surely loss of life, serious injury, damage of property and an unsafe environment.

IED or Bomb incidents throughout the world have become a great concern to the peace lovers. It is for sure that the attackers resort to such heinous act to achieve their unjust demands. At times they launch suicidal attack being highly motivated by their group. In this new millennium the frequency and dimension of the bomb/IED attacks has attained its peak. Thereby the environment of peace and tranquility is under tremendous risk.

The synchronized bomb blast at 63 District Headquarters of Bangladesh is a rare incident. Possibly the IED's were intentionally made less harmful because even with the use of good amount of Home Made Explosives it could have been very dangerous. May be to avoid check and detection by Security Forces the size of the IED's was not increased. It's a clear alarm for every one that the terrorist can attack at any place at their desired time with their desired devastation as the expertise they have shown in preparation of these IED's.


In 2006 after massive effort by the security forces specially RAB, bomb incident was controlled to a satisfactory level and the people are a bit relaxed. Our beloved Bangladesh was in low profile bomb threat, but last few bomb incidents shook our peace and tranquil environment. But our peace loving people are always against this type of destructive activities. It is not too late for the Bangladesh to stand against these terrorist threats. The priority and urgency to fight against terror has gained the apex of general conscientious. So, we may say that present time is the best time to think, plan and execute the perfect countermeasures to stop and eliminate all types of terrorist activities from our country. Even if we achieve to control such activities; it will help us in the long run to bring normalcy in our civic life. ( 3800 words approximate )


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