Global Citizenship Education Lesson Plan

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan

Your Name and School: Rebecca Alder, La Habra High


Language and Level French 3

Unit Theme Vive la revolution!

Day in Unit

Essential Question(s) Who are les gilets jaunes? Why are French citizens currently protesting?

Period Length

Learning Objectives (Can-Do Statements)


52 minute s

I can synthesize information in the target language about protests. I can understand how a movement starts.

Content Standards (CA, ACTFL, and CCSS) CA World Language Standard 3.1 Students address concrete and factual topics related to the immediate and external environment, including: d. Community issues, current events

Activity/Activities Instructional Sequence What does the teacher do?

Setting the Stage

What will learners do?

Responses/Misconceptions Time* How many minutes?

What are the anticipated student responses? How will you provide feedback? What are any common misconceptions they may have? How will you address this?

Show pictures of Look at the pictures 5-10 I anticipate students will either not Gilets Jaunes protests and access their own minutes know about the Gilets Jaunes, or and ask students if prior knowledge to know very little and think that they have seen or answer the questions. they are rioters or a violent group. heard anything about them before, and if so, what? Provide Comprehensible Teacher briefly Students take down 5 I anticipate students will have Input explains what has notes as the teacher is minutes some confusion over certain been happening in the talking. vocabulary used, and I will have to target language, write this on the board and explain speaking slowly and it to them in simpler language. using lots of gestures. Meaningful Guided Practice Teacher then instructs Students turn to a 5 I anticipate students will not (Elicit Performance & Provide students to re-tell to a partner for a quick minutes volunteer or will try to talk to their Feedback) partner before calling think-pair-share and partner in English. I will have to on a volunteer to re-tell what the monitor students closely. CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013) (Gain Attention / Activate Prior Knowledge)

Materials, Resources, and Technology What materials will you develop? What materials will you bring in from other sources? Embed links when possible.

PIcture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan

Your Name and School: Rebecca Alder, La Habra High

School restate the purpose of Gilets Jaunes.

Provide Comprehensible Input (if applicable)

Guided or Independent Practice as applicable (Elicit Performance & Provide Feedback) (if applicable)

Closure (Enhance Retention & Transfer)

Teacher will provide an article about the Gilets Jaunes for students to read. Teacher will provide a handout with questions that check for comprehension. Teacher will ask students what their personal opinion is of the Gilets Jaunes movement.

teacher explained. Students then re-tell to the teacher and whole class if they are called upon. Students will read the article thoroughly.

10 minutes


Students will answer questions to the best of their ability.

15 minutes


Students will engage in brief conversation based on their opinions on the Gilets Jaunes.

5 minutes

Reflection – Notes to Self What worked well? Why? What didn’t work? Why? What changes would you make if you taught this lesson again?

* Remember

that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle (provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013)

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