Giving Birth To Your Dreams

  • Uploaded by: Tyrone Brackens
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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 1,098
  • Pages: 2
Giving Birth to your dreams Thousands of men have been destroyed for the pleasure of a short moment, which passes like a dream and then brings death to those who have indulged in it. ––PTAH HOTEP, 2340 B.C. What does it mean to give birth to a dream? Is it this euphoric sequence of events that leads you to a desired outcome? Is it overcoming the turbulence of pain? Is it the struggling of many years with your creative ideas that have yet to blossom as natures pride? Whatever, giving birth means to you in terms of your dreams must reflect an ideology that grants you the power to change the world through your creative thoughts. The mere fact that you are dreaming of a better tomorrow, having dreams of starting your own business, or understanding that there’s got to be more to life, is the signs that humanity is about to deliver you into a new level of creativity and bring about the manifestation of your most creative thoughts. As a dreamer you are in a class of individuals who believes in the unimaginable and unthinkable realities that the world can’t see. You are the individuals who dream within the dark recesses of your minds by day and by night, in search of a reality far greater than your current situation can project. As an imaginative and creative individual I am always crafting plans and dreaming of a better life. Although, this wasn’t always the case I did however grow up thinking that there was more to life than what I was being exposed to. The customs in my family in those days were to protect the child from any adverse thoughts that could potentially warp his mental development. My family understood very strongly the potential ramifications negative images and foul language could do a child of God. But, what they hadn’t taken into consideration was that I was having dreams, and visions of those same realities. Somehow, I was dreaming of a life that I would ultimately lead, while at the same time getting visions of a world that I would have to rescue others from. I had no idea all of these experiences was being used by God as part of the birthing process for my own deliverance. Somehow I have always had a desire to experience life from many different perspectives. I grew up surrounded by an abundance of all things that continuously fed and nourished my soul. I didn’t want for anything or have a care in the world but I knew if I had more I could do more on a larger scale. Growing up, in my youth and being surrounding by clothing drives, yard sales, picnics, Tupperware parties (the selling of bowls and cups), festivals, and fall gatherings, granted me the ability to enhance my compassion, love for humanity and entrepreneurial spirit. I somehow was able to decode through my environment that one day I could combine my love and compassion for humanity, with my gift of entrepreneurship to impact change in the world. This dream that God had infused into my spirit at an early age is still alive and well, and is demanding that I reenter that childlike state in order to bring about its manifestation. As a child of God, full of hope and intellectually aware of my life and its relation to the creator, I had always known that I was placed on this planet for a special mission. But, I just refused to

acknowledge the genius qualities that he had placed within me. From the first moment I started recognizing that I was different from my peers and even family members my life began to change. I knew somehow I wasn’t superior but had been endowed with something that could extend outside the confines of my current family structure. Although, that didn’t stop me from dreaming of a better life, a better plan for humanity, and greater levels of wealth for my family; I knew I had to present myself in a different light. It was as if God gave me keys to a sports car that I couldn’t drive, while at the same time trusting that I would save that power until I was mature enough to handle the acquisition of its power. As, the dreamer within me was being awakened I didn’t realize that had been communicating with the divine the entire time, in which made me overlook the fact that this birthing process began with me as the dreamer. As a child of God you possess the ability to change the circumstance of your life through the power of your thoughts. You, as the dreamer have the ability to create any new reality for yourself, only if you can find the courage to go within tap into your most coveted inner thoughts. Life is such a remarkable and real place of existence and can become a real experience if you give yourself permission to let your light shine. I am giving you permission to go and dream a dream so big that it makes your current circumstances seem small. Remember, it may take all that you have to make your dreams come true. Be it your time, money, energy, and resources but you must make the necessary plans to adapt, grow, and support these ideas that you have been nurturing for all these years. In order to be a blessing to someone on the back end of your dreams finally coming true, make sure you document your journey by recording your ups and downs which may help others to share in the joys of your dreams and inspire them to see that dreams really do come true. In the end you must understand that giving birth to a dream is a process of ups and downs. You will experience joy, pain, sorrow, love, fear (false evidence appearing real), and many different emotional states and moods that help reinforce your growth and subsequent birthing pangs associated with the journey. Make sure you celebrate your small victories at every stage in the birthing process, and give yourself a pat on the back because as an acknowledgement of the effort you putting forth. Your time is now so don’t put it off no longer and realize that you have multimillion dollar ideas that can revolutionize this entire planet. Just believe and give birth those dreams. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. ––Harriet Tubman

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