Girlfriend Potential Test

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 871
  • Pages: 2
--::GIRLFRIEND POTENTIAL TEST::-Instructions: pls answer the questions below as directed in each section... you will be marked for grammar, spelling, cleverness, creativity and boob-size.... pls keep in mind tht while this is not an application for a job, your performance on this test will be a reflection of your ability to achieve certain positions once out in the real world.... when the clock strikes the hour, you may begin... you have sixty mins to complete the test... Section One: Multiple Choice (Answer All, 40 points) Q1:: I play [video games OR tabletop gamin OR FIREBALL!!!]. You: a) wana join in, becoz it looks like hella fun!!!! b) leave me to it, in the hopes that i'll leave you a few things to participate in on ur own... c) attempt to get me to quit, and use tactics like nagging, vandalism and emotional sabotage as an effective campaign against what you call my 'nerdy addiction.'........... d) c, but also include deriding me to ur friends.... Q2:: we're havin a fight... You: a) ask me to get lost,,, then thirty mins later send 17 texts and attempt to call 13 times in the space of six minutes.... b) give me space when the discussion gets too heated for rational thoughts,,, and redress your complaints in a calm manner whn we've both had a chance to cool down... c) try to punch me (but you'll end up gettin the chokeslam if you try that) d) try to kick me (but you'll again end up gettin the roundhouse kick on the face) e) both c and d f) realize that the fight is about nothing, and begin creatin fictional problms and make wild accusations about my obsession with my moods and havin a wanderin eye... g) f, then d, then c. Q3:: you catch me starin at ur cleavage, which is readily in display in that loose fittin tank-top u lovvee to wear... Do you: a) slap me.. and give me that look as if i am to be blamed.. b) encourage my behavior, by ignorin what you just saw.. c) cry. d) cry and pick a fight with me,, takin my actions as a total lack of respect for you and then begin to point out that becoz of it i have commitment issues, tht u're clearly not my priority, and then cry some more.... Q4:: we've talked everynight for 8 dyas with conversations averagin an hr per night .. and on thursday night, i express my need to get off the fone so that i can seriously get some work done and sleep at an reasonable hour of the night.. You: a) express ur feelings of devotion in three words or less,, then and quickly say goodbye after confirming plans for tomo night are still on.... b) say goodbye,, but then immediately begin talkin about somethin that we hadn't discussed as thoroughly as is scientifically,, legally or religiously possible 2 nights prior... c) take that as a sign that i'm abandoning you, and begin to point out tht becoz of it i have commitment issues, tht u're clearly not my priority, and then cry... d) say goodbye, but manage to do it with such menace and venom that i stay on the fone for another three silence filled hours, broken only by fits of gentle weepin and suicide threats...

Section Two: True or False (Answer All, 40 points) when submittin answers via email,, pls copy and paste the question nd then your answer selection beside it... Q1:: a cheerleader AND/OR schoolgirl outfit is a wardrobe must... Q2:: Ninja's are wayyy too much cooler than pirates.. Q3:: Chest hair is gross.. Q4:: Drew barrymore is the seskiest woman alive!! Q5:: "But it's cuteee when i do it" should be a legally viable defense... Q6:: ''American pie'' and ''road trip'' are hilarious movies. Q7:: Eric Cartman is should rule the world. Q8:: Cooking is fun! We loveee vegetables! Section Three: Short Essay. (Answer ONE, 20 points) pls select one of the followin questions and answer it as fully as time will allow... pls try nd be as descriptive as possible,, nd where applicable, come up with at least TWO convincing arguments to support ur case... arguments must be backed up with cited evidence, not anecdotal perspective... Q1:: if i was a crime-fighting vigilante by night, wht efforts would you make to support my cause about the risin threat of evil in this city? Q2:: pls come up with a convincin game-plan for havin me come shoppin with u, keeping in mind my retail oriented attention span is abt 12 mins, and i am prone to wandering after flashing lights and shiny things... Q3:: please argue why u are (do) or are not (do not): 'down to earth', 'hav a sense of humor' and 'laid back'. bonus if you can include evidence to confirm that you truly do avoid 'head games.'.. please submit answers via the email link provided... please also keep a copy of this test and your answers to submit to future suitors for refernce... remember to ensure your name, number and bra size are clearly written at the top of ur paper, and don't forget to attach a photo (3/4 length or full)...

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