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  • Words: 1,431
  • Pages: 31


Brief introduction to the story-I 

This story brings out the idea that God is just and we should have faith in Him. When something goes wrong, we should look up to god for comfort. Only to God should we pray for mercy. Aksenov was a young and carefree merchant . He was unjustly convicted of murdering a fellow-merchant .he was sentenced to lifeimprisonment . He was whipped on his back. There was no joy left in his life. He lost his youth and was now an old man. When he came to know that it was Makar Semenich who was the real murderer, he was filled with deep pain and anger.

Brief introduction to the story-II 

He got an opportunity when he could have his revenge on Makar Semenich . The first thought that come to his mind was that he should have no mercy for the man who had ruined his life. But the nobel thoughts got the better of him. He did not tell the jail authorities that it was Makar who had dug a hole under the prison-wall in order to escape from there. Aksenov's goodness moved Makar’s hear. He confessed to Aksenov's that it was he who murdered the merchant and had then hidden the knife in Aksenov's bag. Thus at last Aksenov's innocence was proved. But when the orders for his release came. He had already breathed his last.

Q. Who was Ivan Aksenov?  Ivan

was a young merchant. He lived in the town of Vladimir. He had two shops and a house of his own.

Q.1 What did Ivan Aksenov's wife say he was about to start? 

She asked Akensov not to go to the fair. She said she had a bad dream about him.she thought it was a bad omen . So she wanted him not to go to the fair.

Q.2 What had she dreamt about?  She

had dreamt that her husband had returned home from the fair.when he took off his cap,she saw that his hair had turned grey.

Q.3 Where did Aksenov spend the night?  He

spent the night at an inn.

Q.4 why was the officer questioning Aksenov? 

Aksenov had passed a night at an inn with another merchant .he left the inn early in the morning.later in the day the other man was found murdered.suspicion fell on Aksenov. That was why the officer was questioning him.

Q.5 After searching his luggage what did the soldiers find? The found a blood-stained knife in his bag.

Q.6 What was Aksenov charged with?  He

was charged with murdering a merchant and robbing him of twenty thousand rubles.

Q.7 What did he tell his wife? 

He told his wife that they must make a written request to the king. They should request him not to let an innocent man be ruined.

Q.8 Did his wife believe him? 

No, she didn’t believe him.

Q.9 Why did gave up all hope?  Aksenov

was innocent but even his own wife doubted him. It gave him a big shock. That was why he gave up all hope.

Q.10 What was the punishment given to him ?  It

was ordered that he should be flogged and then sent to Siberia to live there with other convicts.

Q.11 What were the changes that came over Aksenov during his twentysix-year stay in Siberia?  His

hair were now white as snow. His beard grew long. All his joy was gone. His back was bent. He walked slowly. He spoke very little. He never laughed. He often kept praying.

Q.12 What did the prison authorities think of Aksenov ?  The

prison authorities thought of him as a very gentle and humble person.

Q.13 Why had the new convict been arrested ?  He

had been arrested for stealing a horse.

Q.14 Did Aksenov recognize Maker Semenich?  No,

he didn’t recognise him. He had never seen him before. From Makar’s story , he could only guess that this very man had murdered the merchant.

Q.15 What illegal activity was Maker carrying on in the prison ?  He

was digging a hole under the prison wall. He wanted to escape through it.

Q.16 How did Akensov feel when he became sure that Makar was the real culprit?  His

heart was filled with bitterness. He burnt with fierce anger. He wanted to have his revenge even if he had to die for it.

Q.17 How did Aksenov find out the truth about Makar’s digging out the earth inside the jail ?  Prisoners

used to sleep on shelves in the jail. One night Aksenov saw some earth rolling out from under a shelf . He stopped to see what it was. Suddenly Makar crept out from under the shelf . Thus Aksenov found out what Makar was doing.

Q18 How did Makar’s heart change?  Makar

had ruined Aksenov's life. Even then Aksenov returns him good for evil. He does not tell the jail authorities that it was Makar who was digging the hole under the prison wall. It touches Makar’s heart. His conscience curses him. He admits his crime. He begs Aksenov to forgive him.

Q.20 Write in 50-60 words a charactersketch of Aksenov. 

Aksenov was a merchant of Vladimir. He was a handsome and jolly fellow. In his former days he used to drink and waste his time. But after his marriage he gave up his bad habits. He became a good man. Unluckily he was wrongly convicted of murder. He was sent to Siberia as a prisoner for life. All his life was ruined. His wife died and his children forgot him. But Akensov bowed himself patiently to the will of God. At last after twenty-six years, his innocence was proved. But now he had no place to go to. God called him to His own kingdom.

Q.20 Write in 50-60 character-sketch of Makar Semenich. 

Makar Semenich is a wicked person. He robs a merchant and kills him with his knife. He puts the knife in aksenov's bag. Aksenov is wrongly convicted of murder. He is sent to Siberia as a prisoner for life. Yet he feels np prick in his conscience. Rather he boasts that his crime was not found out. But when Aksenov returns him good forevil,a change comes in him. He weeps and begs Aksenov to forgive him. But then it is too late for Aksenov.

Q.21 The title of Tolstoy’s story is, ‘God Sees The Truth, But Waits’. What does God wait for ?  God

waits for the time when Aksenov gives up all thoughts of revenge, and the real culprit admits his sin.


The situation became riotous but the wise ruler controlled it.  Go on a spree- He went on a spree during the holidays and enjoyed himself.  Condemn- We all condemns cruelity to children.


– The soldiers flogged the thief.  Stammer – Many children stammer but grow out of it soon.  Betray – John did not want to betray the trust of his employer.


–aksenov's wife came to see him in

gaol.  Premature – His premature old age was the result of a long suffering of two decades.  Vengeance – He longed for vengeance when he came to discover the person responsible for his miseries.


–He was proved to be a convict.  Perish –Hundreds of men and women perished in the storm.  Get rid of – I want to get rid of my bad habits.


is going to the market. Gita is going to the market.  Ans - Both Sita and Gita are going to the market.  Hari went early to the theatre. Hari could not get a ticket.  Ans – Though Hari went early to the theatre, he could not get a ticket.


failed in her Matriculation Examination. She worked hard.  Ans – Though Pinki worked hard yet she failed in her Matriculation examination.  Lata can sing well. Asha can sing well  Ans – Both Lata and Asha can sing well.

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