Getting Ready For An Interview

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,103
  • Pages: 6
第一步:面试前的准备工作。应聘者在面试前应首先了解该公司的基本情况、所申请职位的具体要求;明白 自己在哪些方面符合该职位的要求以及存在哪些不足,并确保自己在面试中能清楚表达出自己的优势和长 处;最后,应聘者还需要准备几个事例来佐证自己的这些优点,避免夸夸其谈。 第二步:适当得体的个人形象。包括职业化的着装、举止得体以及在发型、牙齿等细节方面应该注意的 一些问题。Hong 女士列举了很多因为不注意细节而面试失利的案例,同时她还对男生和女生职业装的具 体标准作了详细的介绍,例如男生领带和皮鞋的颜色要协调,女生手袋和皮鞋的颜色也要搭配。她还强调 了 面 试 中 肢 体 语 言 的 重 要 性 , 例 如 与 面 试 官 的 眼 神 交 流 。 第三步:面试过程中应注意的事项。包括应聘者在面试过程中应适当得体地展现出自己的特点、成就以 及优势;坦率真诚地回答面试官的问题,不要与面试官争论或执意为自己的观点辩护。Hong 女士还特别 强调了应聘者在面试过程中不应强调自己的性格弱点,并且要避免询问一些私人性或可能会令面试官尴尬 的问题。

Wear clothes you feel comfortable AND feel great in! Too often I've seen young men wear suits to an interview, and they obviously are uncomfortable in the suit and tie - the gentleman will fidget nervously with the sleeves and shoulders of the jacket. So, dump the suit - get a nice fitting pair of dress pants and a nice sports jacket that fits. Same for women. If you are NOT comfortable in a dress, wear pants and a jacket, or a full suit. Even better - go in what you'd normally wear to that job (um, unless you're a nurse, construction worker or rock star - skip the uniforms, safety wear, and Kiss-like makeup).

The interviewers are more interested in YOU, not your clothes - so come dressed with a smile and a pleasant attitude - THAT's what will get you the job.

You've been asked to attend an interview - congratulations! Now what? Preparing for your interview will help you perform well, reduce your nerves and increase your chances of getting the job.

Research Learn as much as you can about the company and its reputation - it will be easy to research big companies but may be harder if it's a small business. Start with their website, read their annual reports, read about them in the press and if possible, speak to others who either work there or know the company quite well. Know:

The size of the company

The products and/or services it offers

The target market

The workplace culture

Prepare for interview questions Identify your key strengths and think of examples of how you can demonstrate that your have the right skills to successfully do the job. The interviewer may also ask you about your weaknesses. Think of ways you can answer these questions in a positive way - answer with a weakness that doesn't relate to the role you've applied for or state how you're currently working to improve a weakness. If an interviewer ever addresses a gap in your skills or knowledge, express your willingness to learn. Use Seek's Virtual Interviewer (new window) to practice your responses to common interview questions.

What should I wear? What you wear depends entirely on the type of job and company. If you're unsure, it's best to dress conservatively in a dark suit, and always ensure you're well groomed. Avoid:

Dirty, stained or torn clothing

Overpowering perfume or aftershave

Noisy jewellery

Loud ties or shirts

Sheer fabrics and low cut blouses

Bringing large and bulky or numerous bags

Anything else that's going to distract

Good luck!

了解了,您可以了解该公司和其声誉-这将是容易的研究,但大公司 可能会更难,如果它是一个小企业。 从他们的网站,阅读其年度报 告中,窥探他们在新闻界和如果可能的话,说谁给他人或者在那里 工作或不知道该公司相当不错的。 知道: •





准备 面试问 题 确定您的主要优势和想到的例子,说明你能够证明你有权利技能, 成功地完成任务。 采访者也可以问你你的弱点。 想办法,您可以回 答这些问题以积极的方式-回答的弱点,不涉及的作用您申请或国家 如何您目前努力改善弱点。 如果面试以往任何时候都解决了差距在您的技能或知识,表达你愿 意学习。 使用搜寻的虚拟采访 (新窗口)实践的答复共同采访的问题。 我应 该怎么 穿? 你穿什么完全取决于类型的工作和公司。 如果你不确定,最好穿着 保守的深色西装,始终确保您和培养。 避免: •








祝您好运! Be prepared: Research and study all job accountabilities for the position interviewing for. Do a background search on the company you are interviewing with and learn what the company stands for. Be truly prepared to give a real answer when you are asked why you want to work for their particular business. Make a list of questions to ask the interviewer about your position, your team and/or co-workers, and any expectations that they clearly have for the position you are interviewing for. Before leaving your home; make sure to have clearly written directions (try to go there before the interview so you do not get lost), their address, contact phone numbers, and important names of people you will be interviewing for. Step2 Be prepared: Research and study all job accountabilities for the position interviewing for. Do a background search on the company you are interviewing with and learn what the company stands for. Be truly prepared to give a real answer when you are asked why you want to work for their particular business. Make a list of questions to ask the interviewer about your position, your team and/or co-workers, and any expectations that they clearly have for the position you are interviewing for. Before leaving your home: make sure to have clearly written directions (try to go there before the interview so you do not get lost), their address, contact phone numbers, and important names of people you will be interviewing for. Step3 DO: Truly know what your current and past job responsibilities are. Put thought into each task you perform and if there are any challenges in completing them. Be prepared, if asked, to answer any questions about how you overcome challenging, stressful business situations, as well as how you handle challenges and conflicts with co-workers. Answer all interview questions concisely and clearly. Say, "I don't know" if you really do not know. Review and practice different applications you will be required to work with, especially if you haven't used them in a long time or you just need to brush up on the skills. Take notes at the interview, this conveys that you are interested. Step4 Items you should be ready to discuss if brought up: Conflict management, customer service, what interests you about the position, why you are the best for the position, credible skills and qualifications that support you, and the most challenging, as well as the least challenging tasks of your current position.

Step5 Sell yourself: Go into the interview with a typed list of your top 4-5 accomplishments from your current position or from another job if it specifically relates to the position you are interviewing for. This way you are fully prepared to answer questions about your accomplishments. Know and list all of your strengths and weakness'. People who answer that they do not have any weaknesses are not believable, however people who acknowledge their weaknesses and state how they are working to overcome them are not only believable, but also desirable. Speak with confidence, a firm tone and clear language. At the end of the interview, if you are still interested in the position, then ask for the job! 1步 准备:研究和学习的所有工作责任制的立场面试。 这样做的背景上搜索该公司面试你正在与了 解该公司主张。真正愿意放弃一个真正的答案时,你是问,为什么要为他们的工作特别是业务。 制作一份问题清单,要求采访您的立场,您的团队和/或同事,以及任何期望,他们显然对你的 立场是面试。 在离开你家;一定要明确书面指示(尝试去那里采访之前,这样您就不会丢失) , 其地址,联系电话号码和重要的人的名字你将面试。 第 2步 准备:研究和学习的所有工作责任制的立场面试。 这样做的背景上搜索该公司面试你正在与了 解该公司主张。真正愿意放弃一个真正的答案时,你是问,为什么要为他们的工作特别是业务。 制作一份问题清单,要求采访您的立场,您的团队和/或同事,以及任何期望,他们显然对你的 立场是面试。 在离开您的家庭:一定要明确书面指示(尝试去那里采访之前,这样您就不会丢 失) ,其地址,联系电话号码和重要的人的名字你将面试。 第 3步 溶解氧:真正知道你现在和过去的工作职责。 把思想到每个任务您执行,如果有任何挑战,在 完成它们。 做好准备,如果问,回答任何问题,你如何克服困难,紧张的业务情况,以及您如 何处理挑战和冲突与同事。采访中回答所有的问题言简意赅地。说, “我不知道”如果你真的 不知道。 审查和做法不同的应用程序你将被要求工作,特别是如果你还没有使用它们很长一段 时间,或你只需要刷上的技能。 需要指出的采访,这传达,你有兴趣。 第 4步 项目你应该准备讨论是否提出了:冲突管理,客户服务,您什么利益的立场,为什么你们是最 棒的立场,可信的技能和资格,支持你,最具挑战性,以及最艰巨的任务您当前的立场。 第 5步 出售自己:进入面试的名单输入您的顶端 4-5 的成绩从您目前的立场或从其他工作,如果涉及 到具体的位置你面试。 这样,您已做好充分准备回答有关你的成就。 ,并列出您所有的长处和

弱点。 人们谁的答案,他们没有任何弱点是没有可信的,但人谁承认自己的弱点和状态如何, 他们正在努力克服这些困难不仅是可信的,但也是可取的。 说话的信心,坚定的语气和明确的 语言。 在结束采访时,如果你有兴趣的立场,然后要求工作!

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