Geriatrics 2009 Media Info

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  • Pages: 8
The New Face of Aging The Changing Face of Aging

2009 Media Information


Fast Facts The number of older adults in the U.S. will increase to 71.5 million, representing nearly 20 percent of the total U.S. population by 2026. 69% of those turning 65 today will need some form of long-term care, whether in the community or in a residential care facility. The average life expectancy will be 82 years for women and 74.2 years for men by 2020. A 50-year-old today can expect to live 30 more years on average—in effect, a second stage of adulthood presenting both challenge and opportunity. 75% of the nation’s total health care cost is for people with chronic diseases.

The Changing Face of Aging The Challenges & Opportunities of Caring for An Aging Population Today’s 50-year-olds can expect to enjoy 30 more years of life—a second adulthood. Practitioners play an important role in helping them plan for a healthy and productive old age. N As Boomers age, they will force a looming crisis in finding trained geriatricians to treat their health concerns. This shortage will become more acute as the population ages. N By 2030, it is estimated 36,000 geriatricians will be needed however, the number of geriatricians is only projected to be 7,631 by 2010. N Primary care and long-term care professionals will need to take on the responsibility of caring for an increasingly aging population and they do not have adequate training to meet this need. Chronic Conditions and Prescriptions Average Number of Prescriptions Filled Annually for Adults

Average Annual Prescription Drug Expenditures for ADults

All Adults

All Adults



Heart Disease

Heart Disease















$366 $1,379 $1,187 $1,021 $836 $338







Editorial That Fills a Unique Niche The changing face of aging promises both an opportunity and a challenge. Many aged 65 and above have 3 or more co-morbid conditions, making polypharmacy a critical component of the differential diagnosis. Geriatrics fills a unique niche by providing practical, peer-reviewed immediately usable clinical guidance that today’s time-stressed primary care physicians and long-term care professionals can use to improve their patients’ health and quality of life. N Geriatrics is one of only 150 core journals of more than 5,000— that are indexed in MedLine® by the National Library of Medicine. This means not only do our readers find our content valuable, the experts at MedLine® have determined we provide consistently important content AND that Geriatrics is part of the core of any complete medical library.

N Medical Editor Frederick T. Sherman, MD, MSc— a clinical thought leader and professor of Geriatrics and Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine— provides the insight and experience that are key components in creating the value and usefulness of every article in print and online.

Winner of 2008 Jesse H. Neal Awards for best staff written editorial.

The Changing Face of Aging Cost-Effectively Cover The Entire Senior Care Market Geriatrics is the only journal that reaches both primary care and long-term care professionals in one publication. Now you can reach Primary Care Physicians (50,016), Medical Directors of LTC (9,297), Consultant Pharmacists, Nursing Home & Long-term Care Pharmacists (5,584), NP/PAs (4,599) and Nursing Directors/Administrators (2,277).* Geriatrics physicians are 100% requestors* and on average write 82% more Rxs per year than the AMAcompared universe.**

Total Reach 90,000 Total BPA Qualified Print Circulation: 72,584*

Total Reach in Print and Online: 90,000


16,695 20,449



Total Physician Circulation

Total Qualified Print Circulation

Total LTC Circulation

Digital Edition Unduplicated Circulation

Other Paid Circulation

Source: Publisher’s own data, September 2008

Our Subscribers Write 82% More Rxs Per Year Than The AMA-Compared Universe** 5000

Readership You Can Count On Geriatrics consistently 5000

set in multi-specialty

Geriatrics Subscribers Provide Script Power for Your Marketing Message 4000


outranks its competitive


and ranks highly for both readers and exposures to ensure







your message is read.






Geriatrics Subscribers

AMAcompared Universe

Source: Mars Medical, Spring 2008





*Source: BPA Worldwide, July 2008 (Medical Directors count includes 1,308 physicians) **Source: All therapeutic categories, Wolters Kluwer prescribing data, July 2008

Fast Facts The average 55-year-old sees their physician an average of 4 times a year.

The average number of prescriptions for a person age 65 and older increased from 21.9 to 30.8 prescriptions between 1997 and 2004.

There are more than 1.1 million seniors in some type of senior housing community in the U.S.

An estimated 34 million Americans provide some care for a family member, age 50 or older.

Fast Facts 89% of physicians research clinical information online at least monthly.

82% of physicians research prescription drug information online at least monthly.

82% of physicians search online literature databases.

76% of physicians use online drug reference tools.

The Changing Face of Aging Drive Sales With Our Engaging Interactions Use the Geriatrics brand to engage the senior care market in print, online, or at live events. Let Geriatrics open doors by reaching primary care physicians and long term care professionals with your next continuing medical education program, multi-media program, and/or promotional campaign.

Custom Print Marketing Opportunities Get out there first with pre-printed polybags, belly bands, cover tips and Post-It® Ads and get your message to our subscribers before they even open their issue! N Inserts reach the entire circulation with product and/or promotional inserts N Custom Supplements educate physicians about your company’s mission, product pipeline, symposia, roundtables, meeting reports, or other sources

N DVD/CD-ROM: (customized, interactive DVD, or educational CD) delivered with an issue of Geriatrics N Audio Reprint Carriers bring a KOL message right to your audience with your own material insert or let us create a reprint from Geriatrics

Multimedia Opportunities Reach physicians beyond office hours and at their convenience with our unique rich media tactics that are sure to engage your targeted audience N Web Seminars offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for bringing key opinion leaders together to educate up to 1,000 viewers in a one to two hour virtual live format with on-demand archival for continued exposure N Podcasts are “public radio” style programs that bring clinicians pertinent information they can listen to online or download to an MP3 player while giving your brand great exposure through two 30-second promotional and/or educational product commercials

N Audio DetailTM utilizes two senses— sight and sound— to get the immediate attention of a targeted audience for key product information with a simple “press here” voice chip technology button imbedded in a high quality 4-color printed card N clickVISIONTM— a short one to three minute multimedia FLASH™ movie— is designed to inform and educate, introduce new products and solutions, attract new business, and extend special offers through audio, on-screen text and graphics, photos, and animation that easily enables viewers to forward the message to colleagues

Online & Email Exposure Opportunities through— an innovative online clinical decision-support resource—provides clinicians with instant answers to clinical and practice management questions from highly credible and trusted sources.

N Run-of-site: $65 CPM Positions your ad throughout the Network. Your ad will be served up to all our sites (no specific placement) to achieve favorable impressions for your marketing message Network 2.8 million Page Views 363,984 Visits 259,394 New Visitors Source: Hit Box Monthly Traffic Report, July 2008

Powered by

N Channel Buy: $110 CPM Channel buys allow targeting by physician specialty or other specified clinicians, therapeutic location (Resource and Condition Centers and Special Sections) and by 25 keyword search

N eShowDaiIies recap events from a major conference or convention and are sent from the show floor of the industry’s premier events directly to physicians, medical directors, or consultant pharmacists N Geriatrics eNews provides you with a monthly opportunity to reach physicians with timely breaking industry news, regulatory updates and practice management tips from a trusted source

Market Research Geriatrics has the backing of Advanstar Market Solutions Group with capabilities to keep you informed about the effectiveness of advertising from leading measurement firms. For more information, contact your account manager directly.

For more information, contact: John Grasha Group Publisher Tel: 440-891-2712 [email protected]

Scott Handschuch Director of Custom Programs Tel: 201-690-5545 [email protected]

Fast Facts Sources: Center on an Aging Society, Georgetown University; Association of Professors of Medicine, APM Perspectives, 2008;; Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Statistical Brief #168; Social Security Administration website; Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs (http://www.adgapstudy. Nielson Company, PERQ/HCI Report, Insights Into Physician Media Usage, 2007.

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