Geography 3

  • November 2019
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General Knowledge Tests- Geography 3 101.India’s first power reactor, based on enriched uranium,was set up in a)Kota,Rajasthan b)Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu c) Narora,UP d)Tarapur, Maharashtra 102. Who amongst the following is the ‘odd man’. a)Ferdinand Magellan b)Edmund Hillary c)Francis Drake d)Captain Cook 102. The line separating India and China is called the a)Radcliffe line b)Macmohan line c)49th parallel d)38th parallel 103.Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the world? a)Bartolomeu Dias b)Captain Cook c)Christopher Colombus d)Ferdinand Magellan 104.The highest plateau in the world is the a)the Colorado plateau b)the Deccan plateau c)the Mexican plateau d)the Tibetan plateau 105. The Angel Waterfall, considered as the greatest, lengthwise, is located in _______ a)USA-Canada b)Laos c)Venezuela d)Zaire 105. Which of the following countries derives its name from a prime latitude that passes through it? a)Canada b)Ecuador c)Greenland d)Cameroon 106.The highest mountain peak in the Americas is Mount a)McKinley b)Aconcagua c)Antofalla d)Lullaillaco 107. Which of the following capes is the southernmost (farthest south from the equator)? a)Good Hope,Africa b)Comorin,Kanyakumari c)Horn,South America d)SouthWestCapeNewzealand 108.The boundary between the United States of America and Canada is represented by a)the 49th parallel b)the 38th parallel c)the Rio Grande river d)the Oder-Niesse line 109. Which of the following rivers does not enter the Arabian Sea? a)Luni River b)Tapi River c)Narmada river d)Periyar river 110. The long-tailed macaque monkey is found in the a)Silent valley,Kerala b)Valley of flowers,UP c)Sunderbans,West Bengal d)Rann of Kutch,Gujarat 111.At which of the following Places is diamond mining done in India? a)Jaduguda,Bihar b)Panna, MP c)Salem,Tamilnadu d)Zewar, Rajasthan 112.The Great Dividing Range stretches parallel to the __________ a)west coast of south America b)west coast of north America c)Boundary between Spain and France d)east coast of Australia 113.At which of the following places can one see the phenomenon of ‘mid-night’ sun? a)Inverness,Scotland b)North Cape,Norway c)Dunedin, New Zealand d)Cape of good Hope,S. Africa 114.The Dead Sea is located on the border between a)Israel and Jordan b)Turkey and Ukraine c)Sweden and Latvia d)Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan 115. The Rio Grande river forms the border between ______ a)the USA and Canada b)Spain and France c)Argentina and Paraguay d)the USA and Mexico. 116.Name the State which is known as the “Granary of India”. a)Punjab b)Haryana c)Uttar Pradesh d)Rajasthan 117.Most important effect of moon on earth is that it a)Gives light b)Causes earthquakes c)Causes Solar and Lunar eclipse d)Effects tides of the ocean 118.Khartoum is situated at the confluence of a)White Nile and Blue Nile b)Tigris and Euphrates c)Porena and Prague d)Murray and Darling


119.Kilimanjaro in Africa is a a)River b0Volcano c)Mountain peak d)Tribe 120.The Gulf of Mannar is located in a)Bay of Bengal b)Arabian Sea c)Indian Ocean d)None of the above 121.Natural bank built up by a river along its sides is called a)Bars b)Leeves c)Delta d)Terrace 122.Bowl shaped depression created by glacial erosion is known as a)Hum b)Tarn c)Cirque d)Hanging Trough 123.“Ring of Fire” refers to a)Ring of Earthquakes b)Five permanent members of UN c)Circum-Pacific seismic belt d) continents 124.The Great Himalayan Range lies between a)Badrinath and Kedarnath b)Nanda Devi and Annapurna c)Nanga Parvatan Namchi Barwa d)None 125.The Comet, named after Edmund Halley, reappears after a time interval of every a)36 years b)76 years c)116 years d)156 years 126.Cryolite, from which also aluminium is extracted, is found only in a)France b)Germany c)Greenland d)Hungary 127.The largest fishing ground of the world is a)Arabian Sea b)Mediterranea Sea c)North Sea d)East China Sea 128.What name does the river Ganges acquire in Bangladesh? a)Alkananda b)Bhagirathi c)Hoogly d)Padma 129.Which of the following crops has the longest duration between its sowing and harvesting? a)Paddy b)Mustard c) Sugarcane d)Wheat 130.Which of the following is a cash crop? a)Wheat b)Paddy c)Sesamum d)Groundnut 131.Dakshin Gangotri is the name give to a)A nuclear reactor b)India’s permanent station in Antarctica c)River Ganga’s origin point d)None of the above. 132.The Kaikalur-oilfields are located in the basin of the river a)Brahmaputra b)Krishna-Godavari c)Teesta d)Cauveri 133.Which one of the following does not affect visibility on the ground? a)Cirrus b)Fog c)Haze d)Mist 134.When do the South-West monsoon winds blow in India? a)January to February b)March to mid-June c)Mid-June to September d)October to December 135.The soil which is an admixture of sand, clay and silt is known as a)Clayey soil b)Sandy soil c)Desert soil d)Laomy soil 136.In Gujarat, no other crop occupies as much area as a)Cotton b)Groundnut c)Tobacco d)Wheat 137.Which of the following raw materials for the manufactureof paper is used in the largest quantity? a)Salai wood b)Sabai grass c)Bamboo d)Cotton rags 138.All of the following are non-metallic minerals, except a)Asbestos b)Graphite c)Platinum d)Sulphur 139.In which country was the first oil-well drilled in 1859? a)Saudi Arabia b)USA c)USSR d)Venezuela


140.The Panama Canal links a)Canada with Greenland b)North America with South America c)Siberia(USSR) with Greenland d)None of the above 141.Amarkantak,the source of an important river, is in the state of a)Gujarat b)Madhya Pradesh c)Maharashtra d)Rajasthan 142.Which one of the following is known as the Pittsburg of Japan? a)Kobe b)Osaka c)Tokyo d)Yuwata 143.Which one of the following is the largest exporter of beef in the world? a)Argentina b)New Zealand c)Southern Brazil d)Uruguay 144.The area of our globe that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is called a)Frigid zone b)North TemperateZone c)South Temperate Zone d)Torrid Zone 145.The two “Equinoxes” take place respectively in the months of a)January and June b)July and December c)March and September d)September and December 146.When the sun shines vertically on the whole Arctic circle, it is vertical on the a)Tropic of Cancer b)Equator c)Tropic of Capricorn d)None of the above 147.Which of the following countries leads in world’s total production of rubber? a)Brazil b)Indonesia c)Malaysia d)Sri Lanka 148.The island of Seychelles are located in the a)Arctic ocean b)Atlantic ocean c)Indian ocean d)Pacific ocean 149.All the following countries are in Oceania, except a)Papua New Guinea b)Barbados c)Fiji d)New Zealand 150.The number of constellations in the Milky Way Galaxy is ____ a)6 b)9 c)12 d)15 151.Which type of volcano is Vesuvius? a)Extinct b)Dead Volcano c)Dormant d)Active volcano 152.The study of inter-relationships between various organisms and with the physical environment is a)Eco-system b)Ecology c)Ecological balance d)Morphology 153.Where in India does one find tropical rain forests? a)Mahanadi valley,Orissa b)Silent valley,Kerala c)Godavari valley ,Andhra pradesh d)Narmada valley,Madhya pradesh 154.The ‘Duns’ in the sub Himalayas are considered as a)Erosion valleys b)Hanging valleys c)Tectonic valleys d)Volcanic valleys 155.Which one of the following lakes forms an international boundary between Tanzania and Uganda? a)Malawi b)Victoria c)Chad d)Zambezi


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