Mobile Phone View LG 5450
Cache page to be viewed on 160px wide screen
Palm Sized
Cache page viewed in 320px wide for making pda packages. (save html/files and use pluck or other offline viewer) File Creation
Comma Separated File CSV file for upload into the datafield area of the ZR5800 Groundspeak Loc File xml format for upload into GPS Groundspeak Gpx File xml format for upload into GPS CacheMate Palm File pdb database format for upload into CacheMate program. Printable View Text
Text only view of the caches
Full Page Colour with Google Map
Google Map Only Tools and Reports
GeoCache data pull boundries
If you have found this site, let me explain what it's about. I've been into GeoCaching However their site has a bunch of annoyances and missing features. Rather than wait months or years for them to get things I started creating a set of tools for my own purposes. (So if you are using this site remember it's tailored to "TheCarterFamily" GeoCache user). A few of the features I have. 1. I needed a cache view that would fit on my cell phone (160px wide screen). just found this site. more or less what I was trying to do real time cache accessible from the internet. But I wanted the pretty view on my cell phone. 2. I wanted to go paperless. I only have a Sharp ZR5800 which is about 11 years old. Text only. Also to get it in I needed a csv file. 3. Pocket Queries on the geocaching website are great however, they were slow and clogged up my e mail. So I created my own to run on my dedicated server. I can have it build nightly from cached data so that the load is completely on my side, rather than the geocaching website.
4. Google maps! One of the biggest problems I have is identifying what cache is where, type and which ones I've done. I've done my own versions of google maps 5. Waypoints and log Waypoints. has nothing for plotting the waypoints associated with a cache. I plot them both on google maps and upload them in my gps. 6. Click routes. I wanted the ability to just click on the google map and have it build cache routes. Not to mention I have the features to build a box rather than a circle. I'm working on polygon area circles but unfortunately mysql spatial engine only works in rectangles. 7. Regular expressions. I've been playing with regular expressions lately. There are series caches out there and has no way to select them. I've build regular expressions around the title so you can plot only caches matching a specific criteria (ie "GEST[ ]" to get all the caches with the GEST title) 8. Additional Formats. I've been using my Sharp ZR5800 and it's not a good solution for doing multi caches with images. I've ordered two Palm's from ebay. With that purchase I've modified this site to product cachemate palm format and ebook format (so you can read a html type version) Interesting Fact... this is the fifth time I've completely rewritten this code. • • • • •
Version 1: used GPX Pocket Queries files. Php pages parsed pocket queries into the formats needed Version 2: used GPX individual Files and I generated WPT Lists using pocket queries Version 3: used MySQL tables to contain list files and parsed GPX files into a serialized array. Version 4: used MySQL tables to contain list files and parsed GPX files into individual fields. Version 5: used MySQL tables dropped most list files and parsed GPX files into individual fields, with extra fields to handle mysql spatial coordinates.