
  • August 2019
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  • Words: 1,402
  • Pages: 5
.The Genova ProJect. Prologue The moon shone eerily over the dark streets of Smithsford. Being the most industrialized city in America, a light haze of smog hung in the air. The scarcity of people and life amongst the buildings just added to the fear that was Nako. Nako, situated in the center of Smithsford, hung over the city like a dark force. Nako Inc., some people call it a company, some a demon waiting to swallow the world. Nako was established in 2031 by Sephiroth Sengir. Sephiroth was a war-man. He fought in the War of 2005, being a great general fighting for the US, he had a big veteran’s pay. At the age of 55, he was an overly ambitious man indeed. Nako was started as a company that does research on highly dangerous diseases. But after the death of Sephiroth Sengir in 2035, his son took over. Now Seph Sengir was a different man indeed. He hated his father and mother. That’s the only reason why he changed his name from Sephiroth Jr. to Seph. Now that he had Nako in the palm of his hands, you could see the demonic look in his eye. Seph was a ruthless man, a ruthless man with power and money. This combination brought out the most evil corporation in the world: Nako Incorporated. After Seph had taken over, the commercial life of Smithsford eventually died, and with it the livelihood of the city itself. Nako started on experiments with biological workings. The employees were in a bind: they could not leave Nako if they valued their lives. In 2040, Nako started on The Genova Project. The project was kept so secret that only high officials and Seph himself knew the real purpose for it. It seemed Smithsford was doomed to become the host of this evil plan, but there is hope. Out of the darkness, a group of vigilantes arose. TriPod was it’s name, and it’s sworn duty was to destroy

Seph Sengir from the face of the planet. The leader of the group was Naum, perhaps the most trained fighter in the world. Having mastered Ninjitsu, Kung-fu, Judo, and every other form of marital arts, he was unbeatable. But even he and his band of trained men could barely stand up to the powerful Nako.

.The Genova ProJect. Nijel Malcom walked in a fast pace down the corridors of Nako Incorporated. Having worked with Nako for 9 years, he still hadn’t gotten used to the long walks that were usually unavoidable in the building. Nako is the largest building in Smithsford. Having over 200 floors, it was probably the largest building in the world. It’s design is suprisingly simple though, each floor 150 and below are all the same. Some people call it the dullest building ever built. Sephiroth Sengir was the founder of Nako, and also the one who planned the building. He always said,”The Nako building is not built for the looks, but for the effienciancy.” Well, that is, efficient for the work to be done, but not for the workers themselves. Huffing and puffing, Nijel finally reached his destination: the computer room. He sat down at one of the empty computer consoles and started typing. Nijel was proud of his work, before Seph took control of the company, that is. He wanted to contribute to society by curing dangerous and potentially deadly diseases. Having a great joy for his work, he gained for himself a status at Nako. He was a level 3 scientist, that was pretty high in the ranks. He even talked to Sephiroth himself. Being commended by the president was a big thing in Nako. But that was before Seph took office. No one could ever figure out how such an evil person could come from such a good person like Sephiroth. At first Nijel was not effected much by the new boss in town.. but soon, he and all the other employees saw a dark cloud form above their heads. Seph was ruthless: he didn’t care about his employees, all he wanted was work done. And he was driven by the power.

Nijel felt something knot up inside of him on the day Seph announced that anyone who quits Nako, will be disposed of quietly. Ever since that day, Nijel quietly rebelled against Seph. But now, after 7 years, Nijel hadn’t done anything to go against Seph externally. He always felt he was a coward. He was doomed to work for Nako until his death. And now he was working on the impossible: spontaneous generation. Whereby you create life from non-living things. He was not a god, how could he do it? But he had to try, for the sake of his life. Working on the Genova Project didn’t mean you knew everything. You barely knew anything at all. All Nijel was told was to do some research on spontaneous generation, no questions asked. So now he was sitting at the computer console looking up a reference for his research, when all of the sudden, something queer happened. Something in the network crossed, Nijel wasn’t experienced in computers, but that was the only thing that he could say to describe the incident, something crossed. He wasn’t looking at the document he was wanting, it was a highly confidential paper on the Genova Project. Quickly, he read the words on the screen. He was horrified. It talked about world domination, even more power, and what got his eye the most was the paragraph talking about an evil creature. Suddenly, the text vanished and the document he originally wanted was on the screen. But Nijel didn’t notice, he was deep in thought. ***** Naum sat with eyes peering into utter nothingness. He was deep into his meditation. As a martial arts master, this was a frequent scene in the TriPod underground facility. TriPod, now that was a word that passed through many peoples mouths. But it was always talked about in uncertainty and mysteriousness. The members of the group itself were never seen before for more than 2 seconds. TriPod was a stealth group, all members were trained well in the art of stealth. Naum himself was never seen before by anyone outside of the group. Said to be the most powerful and stealthiest fighter in the world, Naum was the head of TriPod. TriPod was located somewhere in Smithsford, but nobody knows it’s exact locations. The TriPod headquarters was

assumed as the most powerful, even rivaling Nako in technology. Suddenly, Naum opened his eyes and spoke,”Tonight we strike.” Nisha stood up,”What’s the reason?” “Nako seems to be astir lately. Something must be happening with the advance of the Genova Project.” “Boy, that’s something new.. it seems as though Nako has given up on the Genova Project..” Jawen said. “Jawen, Nako will never give up on the Genova Project as long as Seph Sengir is the president. He gets his way one way or another,” Naum said. “But anyways, what’s the plan?” “We will strike tonight at 8:00. We will split up into 3 groups. One to go into Nako itself (undercover of course), one to take out the main power supply and the other to take out the auxillary supply.” “What’s the purpose?” “I need to see some of the documents and do a little spying on what’s happening. I sense a big change is about to happen..” Naum said. Naum always had feeling about these things.. it was like a sixth sense. The group didn’t question Naum, and the discussion was closed. They went about training for tonight’s escapade. *****

7:55 pm Lee awoke to the slight beeping of the monitor. read the warning message:


**Warning** 4:45pm 6/4/42 - Floor 112, sector C, Console 5. Network security breach level 3.. l:NMalcolm p:djA3ak1 “Uh oh”, Lee thought. This means someone had unauthorized acess to the confidential papers. And that someone was NMalcolm.. whoever that is. “D’oh!” This happened over 4 hours ago.. I hope the leak hadn’t gone far yet. Nako is a very secretive company, even to it’s own employees. Employees level 6 and below know very little about anything. Seph always kept them at detail work;

never seeing the big picture. Lee was checking on NMalcom’s files when Rufus walked in. “What’s happening?” “We have a possible level 3 security breach..” “By whom?” “Nijel Malcolm: level 3 scientist.” Rufus sighed, “Page him.” *****

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