Genetic Variation And Schizophrenia

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The Role of DNA Copy Number Variation in Schizophrenia Gloria W.C. Tam, Richard Redon, Nigel P. Carter, and Seth G.N. Grant Schizophrenia is a major psychiatric disease with strong evidence of genetic risk factors. Recent studies based on genome-wide study of copy number variations (CNVs) have detected novel recurrent submicroscopic copy number changes, including recurrent deletions at 1q21.11, 15q11.3, 15q13.3, and the recurrent CNV at the 2p16.3 neurexin 1 locus. These schizophrenia susceptibility CNV loci demonstrate that schizophrenia is, at least in part, genetic in origin and provide the basis for further investigation of mutations associated with the disease. The studies combined have also established the role of rare and—in sporadic cases— de novo variants in schizophrenia. Furthermore, neuronal-related genes and genetic pathways are starting to emerge from the CNV loci associated with schizophrenia. Here, we review the major findings in the recent literature, which begin to unravel the genetic and biological architecture of this complex human neuropsychiatric disorder. Key Words: Association study, copy number variation, neurodevelopment, schizophrenia, synapse


chizophrenia (OMIM181500) is a debilitating psychiatric illness with a prevalence of 1% worldwide. The disease is characterized by positive symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking, together with negative symptoms, including cognitive and social impairment (1). Although family and twin studies have suggested the existence of a strong genetic component in schizophrenia (for review see [2]), the search for genetic susceptibility factors remains a challenge. Early schizophrenia genetic studies were based on linkage analysis, progressing to association studies of biological or positional candidates. Some of the early linkage and association studies generated reproducible loci leading to susceptibility genes or genetic regions with biologically plausible candidates such as neuregulin 1, dysbindin, D-amino acid oxidase activator (DAOA), and regulator of G-protein signaling 4 (for reviews see [2– 4]). These molecular genetic studies were complemented by identification of chromosomal abnormalities in patients (see review by [5]), as well as the latest genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (6 –11). More recently, copy number variation (CNV) was established as a major source of human genetic variation, which could be linked to complex psychiatric diseases. This review will focus on the role of genomic structural abnormalities in schizophrenia, with particular emphasis on recent copy number variation studies.

Chromosomal Abnormality and Schizophrenia Chromosomal anomalies detected by cytogenetics and karyotyping have long been identified as mutations causing schizophrenia with high penetrance in familial studies (12). Two abnormalities in particular provided examples of rare chromosomal rearrangements in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. 22q11 Microdeletion and Schizophrenia The 22q11 microdeletion syndrome (22q11DS; also known as velocardiofacial syndrome/DiGeorge syndrome [VCFS/DGS]) is a complex disorder responsible for learning disability, cardiac From The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, United Kingdom. Address correspondence to Seth G. N. Grant, M.B., B.S., The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK; E-mail: sg3@sanger. Received Jan 30, 2009; revised Jul 21, 2009; accepted Jul 21, 2009.

0006-3223/09/$36.00 doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.07.027

defects, craniofacial abnormalities, and palatal defects (13,14). It is caused by the recurrent deletion of a 3 megabase (Mb) region— or in some cases a smaller 1.5 Mb region—mediated by nonallelic homologous recombination (15–17). The manifestation of the neuropsychiatric phenotypes in the deletion syndrome is highly variable. Among patients with the 22q11 microdeletion syndrome, many have mental retardation with different degrees of cognitive deficits. There is also an unusually high prevalence (⬃30%) of behavioral abnormalities, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, and other psychoses (18 –20). The 22q11 deletion is well accepted as a true genetic subtype of schizophrenia. The increased risk of schizophrenia likely results from haploinsufficiency of one or more genes or unmasking of deleterious genetic variant(s) at 22q11, although there has been limited success in delineating the exact gene(s) responsible for the behavioral phenotypes. Studies on point mutation screening and linkage disequilibrium mapping using SNPs have presented some candidate genes/regions (for example [21,22]). Efforts have been made to delineate the overlapping region and establish the minimal “critical regions” of the disorder. However, genotype-phenotype correlation has remained difficult, complicated with the discoveries of rare atypical deletions and the possibility of long-range effects. Even for patients previously thought to have indistinguishable deletion loci (under conventional cytogenetic methods), the size and the genes involved in the deletion are now under controversy. For example, studies using NimbleGen (Roche NimbleGen, Madison, Wisconsin) oligonucleotide array comparative genome hybridization (array CGH) and high-resolution paired-end mapping on patients with the same 22q11 deletion locus revealed differences of up to 14 genes and 200 kilobase (kb) either side of the breakpoint (23). These candidates may play a role in the variability of phenotypes in patients previously considered to have identical deletion breakpoints. Although the gene(s) predisposing to schizophrenia is (are) unknown, functional candidates within the deleted region have been proposed, including catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), proline dehydrogenase (PRODH), the micro-RNA processing gene DiGeorge syndrome critical region 8 (DGCR8), the brain expressed putative palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC8, and the guanine nucleotide binding protein beta-subunit-like polypeptide GNB1L. Genetic and clinical investigations into the syndrome have provided important insights into other genomic disorders caused by duplication or deletion of dosage-sensitive genes, with altered genomic segments frequently flanked by segmental duplications (24). BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2009;66:1005–1012 © 2009 Society of Biological Psychiatry

1006 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2009;66:1005–1012 The Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 Breakpoint in Schizophrenia Disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) is a schizophrenia candidate gene with supporting evidence involving human genetics, molecular and cell biology, and insights from animal models. DISC1 was first identified as a balanced reciprocal translocation t(1;11) (q42;q14), which cosegregated in a large Scottish family with schizophrenia and other psychiatric diseases (25,26). The initial pedigree included 21 individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, recurrent depression, and conduct disorder, of which 16 were identified with the 1q42 translocation, giving a highly significant linkage signal with a logarithm of odds (LOD) score exceeding 7.0. Two brain-expressed genes were revealed at the breakpoint: Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 and 2 (DISC1 and DISC2) (25,27). The 1q42 linkage result was replicated in a subsequent study in a Finnish cohort (28), and the involvement of DISC1 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder was later suggested in a number of association studies (29 –31). These follow-up studies complemented the original rare Scottish translocation by targeting more common SNP alleles, which demonstrated lower odds ratio and suggested locus heterogeneity. Several mouse models have provided evidence of DISC1 involvement in behavior (32–35). DISC1 is involved in neurodevelopmental, cytoskeletal, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling functions (36). The study of DISC1 and its interacting proteins have provided us with important clues into disease pathogenesis (37). In particular, phosphodiesterase 4B (PDE4B), an interacting partner of DISC1, was also revealed as a disease-causing chromosomal translocation (38). Both DISC1 and PDE4B are involved in cAMP signaling, an important pathway in neuronal signaling networks and the synapse (38,39). The DISC1 example illustrates the role of studying schizophrenia families to identify genetic susceptibility factors and the potential for combining protein interactions with genetics, a strategy embraced by systems biology.

Large-Scale CNV Screens in Schizophrenia Patients The detection of chromosomal rearrangements in patients with schizophrenia provided evidence that genome structural variation could alter complex behavioral traits. The first generation of CNV studies were mostly performed using array CGH platforms based on large insert clones, such as bacterial artificial chromosome arrays. Arrays using oligonucleotides as hybridization probes have increased CNV detection resolution dramatically. These techniques include representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis, a platform consisting of oligonucleotide probes hybridized with “representations” of the test and reference genome. Furthermore, arrays originally designed to genotype SNPs in genome-wide linkage association studies are now providing estimations of copy number changes as the associated bioinformatics tools have matured. The technical advancements led to a turning point in schizophrenia genetics in 2008 with the publication of several largescale whole-genome schizophrenia association studies reporting the detection of copy number variants (Table 1). These CNV studies not only uncovered particular schizophrenia susceptibility loci but also revealed key insights into the genetic architecture of the disease. Identification of New Schizophrenia Susceptibility Loci Two large-scale association studies using genome-wide SNP genotyping arrays have recently associated CNVs with schizophrenia (40,41) (Table 1). Together, the two reports revealed three novel schizophrenia-associated recurrent CNV loci at

G.W.C. Tam et al. mosome 1q21.1, 15q13.3, and 15q11.2, with the former two replicated in both studies (Table 2). The regions at 1q21 and 15q13 were extremely rare events, occurring in ⬃.1% to .3% of cases and tenfold less frequent in control subjects. Estimated odds ratios for these two regions were high (⬎10 and 6 to 18 in the second study by the International Schizophrenia Consortium, herein referred to as ISC). The region at 15q11 was relatively more frequent among the three but still rare (.55%) in cases (and five times less frequent in control subjects), with odds ratio at 2.7. Of the genes affected in the three regions, a number of highly plausible schizophrenia candidates are worth mentioning. At 1q21, the gene connexin-50 (GJA8) encodes a gap junction subunit and was previously reported as associated with schizophrenia in case-control and family studies (42). This CNV region has also been associated with schizophrenia by linkage analysis (41). The 15q11.2 CNV partially overlaps with the Prader-Willi Syndrome locus (43) and maps to the breakpoints identified in some of the Prader-Willi patients (44). Within the ⬃500 kb region, there is the cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1 isoform (CYFIP1) gene, which encodes a protein that binds both the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) and the translation initiation factor eIF4E (45). The CYFIP1/FMRP interaction regulates messenger RNA (mRNA) translation in neuronal dendrites, demonstrating its role in synaptic plasticity and brain development. It was noted that both Prader-Willi Syndrome patients and fragile X patients frequently have autistic features (46,47), while various psychiatric diseases such as autism were suggested to share genetic overlap with schizophrenia (48). Furthermore, FMRP was shown to regulate mRNA stability for the postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95) (49,50), and as will be noted later, PSD-95 is a neurexin-interacting protein. Finally, at the third locus 15q13.3, the ␣7 nicotinic receptor gene CHRNA7 is a schizophrenia candidate gene (51) and was shown to be targeted by neuregulin1-erbB signaling to axons for surface expression in sensory neurons (52). A noteworthy characteristic of the three recurrent loci was that they were all flanked by segmental duplications or low copy repeats (LCRs), which, analogous to the 22q11 microdeletion, reflects the underlying architecture of the genome (40). Nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) could be mediated by these LCRs, generating recurrent deletions and reciprocal duplications (24). Consistent with this, reciprocal duplications have been observed for these recurrent loci (40). The mutational rate for this type of genomic rearrangement hotspot is estimated to be 10⫺6 to 10⫺4, manyfold higher than for SNPs (10⫺8) (53). This may partially explain the recurrent feature of schizophrenia at a similar rate in all populations and the maintenance of schizophrenia in the population even though the disease confers reduced productive fitness (54). Increased Mutation Burden in Schizophrenia Patients A finding of considerable interest from the ISC study was an increased mutational burden as conferred by rare CNVs (defined as CNV ⬍1% frequency in all samples screened) in schizophrenia cases versus control subjects. This excess of rare CNVs in patients had previously been described by Walsh et al. (55) using both representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis and SNP arrays (Table 1). In particular, Walsh et al. (55) reported a threefold increase in the proportion of rare, genic variants (those that delete or duplicate genes) compared with total CNVs in cases (15%) versus control subjects (5%). The effect was magnified when only childhood-onset cases were taken into account (20%), reflecting a possible increased genetic burden of child-

G.W.C. Tam et al.

Table 1. Summary of Recent Genome-Wide CNV Screens in Schizophrenia Patients Year



Control Subjects

Main Findings

International Schizophrenia Consortium (40)


Affy SNP 5.0 & 6.0 array



Two recurrent deletions were found significantly associated with SCZ: 1q21.1 and 15q13.3 (⫹ previously detected 22q11) CNV burden is higher in cases than in control subjects both in terms of CNV count or by gene count CNVs detected at genes involved in the synapse, e.g., NRXN1 and APBA2 Three recurrent deletions were found significantly associated with SCZ: 1q21.1, 15q11.2 and 15q13.3 (⫹ previously detected 22q11) Odds ratio estimations for the 3 regions range from 2 to 15 Phase I: 13 rare CNVs in patients; 4 candidate loci involved in neuronal functions (NRXN1, MYT1L, AXTN2, and CTNND2) Phase II: additional 7 CNVs detected at 3 of the 4 candidate loci in patients (1 in control subject) CNV burden is higher in cases than in control subjects (genic CNVs) Genes implicated are overrepresented in categories related to brain development (e.g., ERBB4, SLC3A1, DLG2, and NRXN1) de novo CNV burden is higher in sporadic cases than in control trios (8x increase of de novo CNV in cases) No de novo CNV detected in familial cases

Kirov et al. (58)


Tiling Path BAC Array

Steffanson et al. (41)


Illumina HumanHap chip, Affymetrix SNP6.0, Taqman qPCR

1433 ⫹ 3285

Vrijenhoek et al. (59)


Affy 250K SNP array, Illumina HumanHap550 chip

54 ⫹ 752

Walsh et al. (55)


ROMA, Affy 500K SNP array

150 ⫹ 83 childhood-onset cases

268 ⫹ 154 nontransmitting chr from parents

Xu et al. (56)


Affy SNP 5.0 array

Sporadic cases: 152 affected child (trios) Familial cases: 48 affected child (trios)

159 unaffected trios


Database of Genomic Variants ⫹ 372 33250 ⫹ 7951 (de novo CNV Discovery: 2160 trios and 5558 pairs) Previous literature ⫹ 706

BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; CNV, copy number variation; ROMA, representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis; SCZ, schizophrenia; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.

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G.W.C. Tam et al.

Table 2. Three Novel Recurrent Deletions Associated with Schizophrenia

Estimated Chr Coordinates Estimated Size Prevalence SGENE⫹ Case (n ⫽ 4718) Control (n ⫽ 41199) ISC Case (n ⫽ 3391) Control (n ⫽ 3181) Odds Ratio (p Value) SGENE⫹ ISC Affected Genes




chr1:142–146.3 (Mb) ⬃1.3 Mb (small)/⬃3.5 Mb (large)

chr15:20.31–20.78 (Mb) 470 kb

chr15:28–31 (Mb) ⬃3 Mb

.23% .02%

.55% .19%

.17% .02%

.2949% .0314%


.2654% .0000%

14.83 (p ⫽ .024) 6.6 (p ⫽ .023) SEC22B, NOTCH2NL, HFE2, TXNIP, POLR3GL, LIX1L, RBM8A, PEX11B, ITGA10, ANKRD35, PIAS3, POLR3C, ZNF364, CD160, PDZK1, NBPF11, FAM108A3, PRKAB2, FMO5, CHD1L, BCL9, ACP6, GJA5, GJA8, GPR89A, NM_207400, NBPF15

2.73 (p ⫽ .007) NA TUBGCP5, CY FIP1, NIPA2, NIPA1, BC044583, WHDC1L1

11.54 (p ⫽ .040) 17.9 (p ⫽ .0023) CHRFAM7A, MTMR10, TRPM1, has-mir-211, KLF13, OTUD7A, CHRNA7

Chr, chromosome; ISC, Report from International Schizophrenia Consortium (40); kb, kilobase; Mb, megabase; NA, not applicable; SGENE⫹, Report from Stefansson et al. (41).

hood psychiatric disorders (55). The extent of the CNV burden was smaller in the ISC study compared with the report from Walsh et al. (55) (from 1.15 to 1.4 times increase). However, the signal was intensified (to 1.45 to 1.67) when only the extremely rare CNV events—the singletons occurring once in all samples screened—were considered (40). Another report addressed the role of de novo copy number variations in schizophrenia (56). By screening 200 trios with an affected child (152 sporadic cases and 48 familial cases) and a similar number of nonaffected control trios using Affymetrix SNP arrays (Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, California), the authors revealed an eightfold increased rate of de novo copy number mutations in sporadic cases compared with control subjects. The effect was much smaller in familial cases, showing a distinct difference in the genetic determinations of sporadic versus familial cases (56). These de novo CNVs were previously shown to play important roles in autism (57). Taken together, these studies came to the conclusion that rare variants were collectively significant risk factors for schizophrenia.

Rare Variants Converging into Synaptic Pathways? Although the role of rare CNVs in schizophrenia pathogenesis has been collectively demonstrated, the bulk of the published schizophrenia CNV regions are composed of unique events, with minimal overlap between studies with the exception of a few recurrent loci. It is therefore extremely difficult to pinpoint which CNV(s) or gene(s) is/are schizophrenia risk factors. As a method to decipher the molecular basis of the disease, one could look for convergence of molecular components into biological pathways. One common feature from these rare CNV events is the involvement of proteins related to synaptic development and functions (55,58,59), in particular those that contribute to neuregulin and neurexin signaling in the synapse, as highlighted in red in Figure 1. Of particular recent interest is the gene neurexin 1 (NRXN1), which was identified as a CNV locus in both studies and was later confirmed as one of the very few schizophreniaassociated recurrent CNV (60). Neurexins are presynaptic proteins that induce postsynaptic differentiation in dendrites. There are three neurexin genes—NRXN1, NRXN2, and NRXN3—at

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the synapse displaying known involvement of synaptic proteins in schizophrenia CNV loci. The proteins identified as schizophrenia CNV loci are indicated in red. AMPAR, AMPA (⫺amino-3-hydroxy-5methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptor; ERBB4, v-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene; Ca⫹ channel, calcium channel; CASK, calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein; CNV, copy number variation; K⫹ channel, potassium channel; KIF17, kinesin family member 17; KIF1B␣, kinesin family member 1B ␣; MALS, lin-7 homolog; Mint, amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding; NMDAR, NMDA (N-methylD-aspartate) receptor; PSD-95, postsynaptic density protein 95; PSD-93, postsynaptic density protein 93; SAP-97, synapseassociated protein 97; SAP-102, synapse-associated protein 102.

G.W.C. Tam et al. human chromosome loci 2q32, 11q13, and 14q24.3– q31.1, respectively. The 2p16.3 neurexin 1 locus has been previously shown as associated with autism (61– 65). Evidence suggesting its role in schizophrenia first came from Kirov et al. (58) who screened 93 patients using array CGH and identified a segregating NRXN1 CNV in a pair of affected schizophrenia siblings and their asymptomatic mother. Walsh et al. (55) also detected a neurexin CNV in a pair of identical twins diagnosed with childhood-onset schizophrenia. Subsequently, Vrijenhoek et al. (59) identified one CNV in the region by screening an initial cohort of 54 patients by array CGH and revealed another four cases when screening this locus in more patients. Furthermore, the ISC detected a number of neurexin CNVs with different breakpoints in cases (as well as in control subjects) (40). In addition to the above genome-wide studies, Rejuscu et al. (60) recently targeted the three neurexin genes using a candidate CNV approach to look for structural rearrangement in ⬃3000 patients and ⬎30,000 control subjects (60). They identified 61 NRXN1 deletions (one de novo) and 5 duplications throughout the locus. By restricting the analysis to CNVs that disrupt exons, the authors revealed .17% in cases harboring such CNVs compared with .020% in control subjects (odds ratio ⬃10). This recurrent locus distinguishes itself from the three aforementioned large recurrent deletions in two ways. First, the breakpoints of the neurexin CNVs were not flanked by LCRs. There was no common breakpoint (consistent with previous findings), and the CNVs vary in size (18 kb to 420 kb). Long-range phasing analysis on the de novo case provided evidence against NAHR as a rearrangement-generating mechanism. Second, rather than deleting or duplicating whole gene(s) as described previously, CNVs in this locus most likely acted by disrupting the gene NRXN1. It was concluded that NRXN1 deletions (in particular the ones that affect exons) confer risk of schizophrenia (60). Neurexin 1 belongs to a large family of proteins that act as neuronal cell surface receptors. Neurexin is concentrated at the presynaptic membrane, where it functions as a neuroligin receptor (66). Neuroligins were shown to be sufficient to trigger presynaptic differentiation through neurexin (67), and neurexins could in turn trigger postsynaptic differentiation (68). This transsynaptic neurexin-neuroligin complex is important for excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic synapses in the mammalian brain (68), playing a central role in synapse formation and neurotransmission. Moreover, neuroligin directly binds scaffold proteins in the membrane associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family (dlg2/ PSD-93/Chapsyn-110, dlg3/SAP102, dlg4/PSD-95/SAP90), and CNVs in PSD-93 were reported in schizophrenia (55), while SAP102 mutations were shown to result in X-linked mental retardation (69). As shown in Figure 1, these proteins are physically associated in macromolecular complexes in the postsynaptic terminal and link to the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, forming the MAGUK associated signaling complex (MASC) or NMDA receptor complex (NRC) of postsynaptic proteins (70 –73). This set of proteins is also involved with at least six forms of X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) and half of all genes involved with XLMR are encoded by postsynaptic proteome genes (74). Lists of genetic disorders involved with the NRC/MASC and the synapse proteome can be found at Genes to Cognition Database ( DiseaseView) (75). Of direct relevance to the NXRN1 CNV was a schizophrenia study identifying 3 patients carrying genomic deletions of the CNTNAP2 gene, while no CNV was detected in 512 control

BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2009;66:1005–1012 1009 subjects (76). CNTNAP2 encodes contactin-associated protein 2 (Caspr2), a member of the neurexin superfamily (77). Furthermore, the same study that first detected the NXRN1 disruption in schizophrenia revealed in another patient a CNV involving APBA2 (Mint2) (58), a neuronal adapter protein that binds neurexins as part of a CASK-containing protein complex (78). The study by Walsh et al. (55) revealed a number of CNVs disrupting genes involved in synaptic transmission or neurodevelopment. Of particular interest is the neuregulin (NRG) signaling pathway, which has diverse roles from neuronal migration, axon guidance, glial cell development, axon myelination, neurotransmitter receptor expression, and synapse formation (79). These important functions position neuregulin as a key signaling protein for synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival. Genes involved in the NRG pathway and disrupted by CNVs included two interacting partners, ERBB4 and MAGI2 (55). ERBB4 is a type I transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor for neuregulin-1 (NRG1). It was detected as a deletion in a patient. The neuregulin-erbB complex was suggested to interact with PDZ domains (originally found in PSD-95, Dlg, and ZO-1) containing proteins at neuronal synapses (80,81). The complex interacts with MAGI2 at neuronal synapses, detected as duplicated in another patient (55). In addition, ERBB4 was suggested to be recruited by PSD95 (a PDZ-containing protein) to the neurexin-neuroligin complex for synapse formation (82), presenting a link between the CNVs discussed in this section so far. This evidence has provided a glimpse into the complexity of the neuronal network, suggesting how the apparent genetic heterogeneity revealed by the schizophrenia CNV screens could be reconciled, although caution must be taken when linking rare single events in relation to diseases, as some neuronal genes were also detected in CNVs in control individuals (83). Finally, the emergence of larger CNV datasets, combined with large-scale GWAS approaches to reveal both common and rare diseaseassociated SNPs in schizophrenia, could help confirm some of these candidate genes or genetic regions and strengthen statistical power to evaluate frequency differences.

Understanding the Genetic Model of Schizophrenia One controversy surrounding schizophrenia genetics and many other complex disease traits is the debate between common disease-common variant (CD-CV) (84) versus common disease-rare variant (CD-RV) models (85,86). The CD-CV model proposes that common alleles with small to moderate disease risks may have an additive or multiplicative effect on schizophrenia (87) and have inspired many SNP association studies investigating common polymorphisms in schizophrenia. Recent largescale association studies have successfully identified such risk variants (7,9 –11). The CD-CV model alone, however, is not able to explain the genetic architecture of schizophrenia. Another proposed theory that has received increasing attention in schizophrenia genetics in the past decade is the CD-RV model, which suggests heterogeneity of schizophrenia comes from multiple rare variants (85,88). Recent CNV studies further demonstrated that rare risk loci, individually or collectively, could predispose to schizophrenia (40,41), supporting the CD-RV model. Apart from locus heterogeneity, CNV studies showed that even within the same disease-associated genomic locus there could be allelic heterogeneity, as in the case of the neurexin1 gene (60). Some of these rare alleles could be recurrent in the population (either inherited or sporadic) but would remain at low frequency due to the

1010 BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2009;66:1005–1012 selective disadvantage they confer (86), while others may be private events found only in single individuals or families. By contrast, current CNV discoveries may be skewed toward the lower end of the minor allelic frequency spectrum (89), possibly due to the bias of CNV platforms and algorithms detecting relatively large mutations. As advances in CNV discovery techniques allow accurate detection of smaller, more frequent copy number polymorphisms, together with increasing data released from association studies using SNPs (9 –11), we are starting to detect common alleles associated with schizophrenia. These may translate into neuronal functions by, for example, altering gene dosage or protein functions. Genetic studies of other complex diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease) have demonstrated that the CD-CV and CD-RV theories need not be mutually exclusive in disease populations (85). Copy number variation studies on schizophrenia combined with SNP association have further suggested that these two models coexist, leading to the genetic heterogeneity in schizophrenia.

Etiological Overlap of Schizophrenia with Other Psychiatric Diseases The well-documented link between the 22q11 deletion syndrome and schizophrenia demonstrated that the same structural variant can be associated with numerous psychiatric phenotypes, from schizophrenia to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorders, and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) (3,87,90). These and other genetic loci argued for pleiotropic genetic effects among psychiatric disorders. The major recurrent CNVs reported on schizophrenia so far seem to have reinforced this notion of etiological overlap among neuropsychiatric diseases. The 1q21.1 region, for instance, was found to be associated with a range of developmental disorders including autism (91). The 15q13.3 recurrent deletion was also previously associated with mental retardation and seizures (92), as well as with ASDs (93). Moreover, the 15q11.2 recurrent deletion is a region involved in Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome with known cognitive and neurological impairment (94), and a subset of patients also exhibited autistic features (95). A recent study using genomewide expression profiling to investigate autistic patients with different genetic etiology, including the 15q duplication, suggested that dsyregulation (increased expression) of gene CYFIP1 could be a molecular link between autistic patients with different genetic background factors (96). Instead of a duplication, this gene is deleted within the schizophrenia CNV loci. Furthermore, recurrent schizophrenia CNV in neurexin1 (55,58,60) have also been detected in autism (97) and mental retardation patients (98), and neurexin1 point mutations have been implicated in autism (61,99). Interestingly, the specificity of the association of neurexin proteins with autism (that only neurexin1 is involved) seems to be recapitulated in schizophrenia. These novel data from CNV research suggested that some genetic risk loci apparently give rise to diverse psychopathology, leading to several diseases falling across diagnostic boundaries. This may be due to a number of reasons, for example, the limitations of traditional diagnostic boundaries used to classify neuropsychiatric disorders into distinct disease entities or the variable expressivity of the genes involved. Given the subtlety and intricacy of the human nervous system, one can imagine a small deviation in gene expression, for example, or the existence of an interacting genetic or environmental factor could change the balance in certain biological pathway(s) and result in different psychiatric phenotypes. Moreover, the lessons learned from the genetics

G.W.C. Tam et al. and biology of schizophrenia might provide further insight into our understanding of psychiatric disorders as a whole.

Conclusions The identification of CNVs as schizophrenia candidate loci begins to provide insights into the biological basis and genetic model of the disease. Looking forward, CNVs are just the initial step toward understanding of schizophrenia genetics. The identification of SNPs by linkage and association studies has generated a number replicated loci. Recent GWAS have further revealed both common and rare alleles. Multiple risk factors in schizophrenia, including those that are genetic (SNPs, small insertions/deletions, inversions, and translocations), epigenetic, environmental, or stochastic events, are all part of the comprehensive picture of this complex psychiatric illness. In addition, the same genetic locus may harbor multiple allelic variants of different types, further complicating the issue. The genetic architecture of schizophrenia, taking into account the number of variants at a given disease locus, their frequencies, and the penetrance of the genotype combinations (100), will add another layer of complexity to our comprehension of this disease. Improvement of genomic technologies—in particular more accurate, higher-resolution, and higher-throughput CNV detection platforms, as well as advancement in sequencing technologies— will facilitate the search for such schizophrenia risk factors in a near future. New bioinformatic tools for CNV analysis will also be indispensable. Better algorithms for CNV detection and genotyping are needed (89,101,102), together with improved statistical methods to look for disease association (100). Databases for CNV information will also be important in providing baseline comparison and new discoveries. For instance, the Database of Genomic Variants (http:// and DatabasE of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources (https:// are two public repositories collating CNV discoveries in normal and affected individuals, respectively. Databases dedicated to schizophrenia CNVs, such as one analogous to the Autism Chromosome Rearrangement Database (, will also be valuable to the schizophrenia research and clinical community. Finally, the rate of genetic discovery is not being met with equivalent capacity for efficient functional testing of the variants by biological assays. A systematic linking of genetic and molecular biological experimentation will expedite the search for schizophrenia risk factors and provide a rational basis for new drug discovery.

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