General Test

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 522
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TEST UNIT 7-9th FORM I. Fill in the correct prepositions: 1. to get ....... the car 2. ....... his relief 3. to tremble ....... shock 4. ........... the distance 5. to lead sb ........ a place

6. to die ......... a car accident 7. to remind sb ........ sb/sth 8. to stare ....... the phptograph 9. to drive ......... the country lanes 10. ........... disbelief

II. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold. 1. When did he repair the car? ago How long ............. the car? 2. It was the first time that Emily had been away from home. never Emily ..................... home before. 3. The last time I rode a bicycle was two years ago. ridden I ............... for two years. 4. She started going to the gym five weeks ago. since It’s been five weeks .............. to the gym. 5. Mary didn’t leave for work until she received a phone call from Sam. after Mary left for work .............. a phone call from Sam. 6. She started having English lessons two weeks ago. been She ................... English lessons for two weeks. 7. She fed the baby and then she had a cup ot tea. soon She had a cup of tea ............. fed the baby. 8. The last time I saw a good film was months ago. seen I .............. film for months. 9. The teacher waited until all the students had sat down before she started the lesson. had The teacher didn’t begin the lesson until all .............. down. 10. Kim is more hardworking than Anne. as Anne ......................... Kim. III. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous. A Anne 1) .............. (drive) along the country road enjoying the fresh air. After a while, she 2) ......... (stop) the car and 3) .............. (look) at the sea in the distance. It 4) ............ (be) the most beautiful view she 5) ............ (ever/see). After a few minutes, Anne 6) .............. (continue) on her way. B Jane 7) ............ (know) she would be in trouble. She 8) ............. (go) to bed late the night before because she 9) ............ (watch) TV. As she 10) ........... (wait) for the bus she 11) .......... (wonder) how she was going to explain to her teacher why she 12) ........... (not/do) her homerwork. IV.Fill in : never, by the time, already, yet, ever, for, since, before, ago, after. 1. Many years .......... ,this town was just a small village. 2. She has ............. accepted our offer and will start working with us next Monday. 3. Tim has been playing the violin ................ he was a boy. 4. I have ............. heard such a stupid joke. 5 Have you seen Mel Gibson’s new film ............. ? 6. Jill went to bed ........... she had watched the news. 7. All the fresh vegetables had been sold ............. I reached the market. 8. She had packed their suitcases just ............. the taxi came. 9. Have you ........... done a parachute jump? 10. Sally has been talking on the phone ........... forty minutes!

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