General Regulation English

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,693
  • Pages: 7

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: 01/04/00

General Regulations Regulation 2.4 YARD STANDING INSTRUCTIONS It is the responsibility of yard supervisor and all field managers / safety officer to fulfill the following 2.4.1


The gates, fences, and walls are in good condition. The gate security control is maintained and essential movements are recorded and followed up. See also the attached SAPESCO visitor card. The safety signs, Hazard and warning notices are in good condition and displayed in a clear manner. Housekeeping / cleanliness and tidiness is always maintained at high standard. Roads and boundaries are safe for traffic and the lighting is in good condition and adequate at night. The traffic signs and speed restrictions at roads are displayed and adhered to. Parking places are clearly marked, stairways, fixed ladders, handrails, walkways, platforms, gratings ...etc. are in good condition and free from any defect. Access / egress signs are clearly displayed and adhered to. Emergency lighting (fixed and portable) is available and operational. Offices / Kitchens & bathrooms safety and hygiene is maintained at sound level. Best control is applied effectively. 2.4.2


All safety and fire fighting equipment are maintained in sound operational condition (frequently inspected and checked and an inspection record sheet is maintained updated) and placed at the designated locations. 2.4.3






Maintained in good condition and free from any defect. - Vehicle traffic license is available and valid. Engines and batteries are maintained in good condition (no fuel, acid or oil leaks).


Spare tyres and repair kits are available and are suitable for use. Only authorized drivers shall drive heavy vehicles, forklifts, & cranes. 2.4.4


- All mechanical equipment is in good condition and regularly checked by a competent Overview & General Regulations

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mechanical person. - Safety signs and safety instructions are clearly displayed and adhered to. - Personnel protective cloths are available in good condition and used all the time during job execution. Fire fighting equipment are maintained in sound operational condition and placed at designated / marked location and kept free from obstacles. All electrical equipment are maintained in sound operational condition and frequently checked up by a competent electrical engineer. All motors, gears, sockets, cables ...etc. are free from any damage and match the requirements of their use. 2.4.5


All maintenance activities must be performed, as per specified procedures and maintenance records shall be kept updated. 2.4.6 -



Clear marking, identification, segregation, and hazard notices are to be carefully implemented. - Availability and accessibility of safety and fire fighting equipment. - Gas cylinders and chemical containers are clearly labeled and stored at safe distances. - First aid box is available, accessible and filled in according to approved list. 2.6

General Safety Rules & Regulations

2.6.1 INTRODUCTION While being on site of any client, the client’s safety rules and regulations must be carefully adhered to. In case more stringent standards are required by client, these standards shall predominate provided they are clearly specified in a signed off "pre-job operation and safety format". These formats must be kept in a file for future use. 2.6.2 General Rules a) Smoking is not allowed in any restricted area except in certain locations which, the client has designated and prepared for the purpose. b)

Smoking is not allowed near any flammable material.

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Refer to SAPESCO smoking policy. d) No fire or naked flame is allowed in the restricted area or near any other apparatus that may cause ignition or short circuit unless it is covered by a work permit. e) No portable electrical equipment of any kind whether personal or owned by SAPESCO shall be taken within the restricted area unless it is part of the job equipment and covered by a work permit. f) Personnel protective gear and equipment: The right type of safety boots, safety helmet and overall are to be worn by every employee while being at work either in the maintenance yard or client sites. Additionally: f.1) Gloves, goggles and ear muffs/plugs are to be used for hand, eye and hearing protection respectively. f.2) Special rubber gloves aprons and chemical goggles are to be used while working with chemicals. f.3) A facemask with appropriate cartridge can be used for protection of respiratory system from dust and paint. f.4) Welders shall use welding goggles with appropriate lens and leather gloves. f.5) Breathing apparatus shall be used in toxic atmosphere and in enclosed spaces where the air (oxygen) might be deficient. f.6) Approved type safety harness shall be used if working at elevations higher than 2.0 m g) While travelling apply the drivers and journey rules as explained in SAPESCO HSE manual.


Upon reaching the client's location, the working team supervisor shall: h.1) Introduce himself and his team to the client's representative. h.2) Familiarise himself and his team with the site safety rules and regulations including emergency and evacuation procedures. h.3) If necessary, arrange suitable accommodation for the team.

h.4) Before starting any job, SAPESCO supervisor shall arrange a pre-job operation and safety meeting (toolbox meeting) to agree with the client's representative on the job procedures and identify to Overview & General Regulations

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operators all potential hazards during job. The work permit must be fully signed by authorized personnel prior to job. h.5) SAPESCO supervisor and team individuals are responsible to take the appropriate action and/or stop the job safely in case of emergency and apply the client's emergency procedures. h.6) In case of accident / work interruption, the team supervisor shall immediately notify the client's representative and take the necessary steps to rectify the situation. He shall also notify his line manager as soon as practically possible, preliminary investigate the problem, fill and dispatch the relevant SAPESCO form. h.7) The team supervisor shall contact/consult his line manager for any unusual situation or if there is different view regarding the interpretation of the scope of work. h.8) SAPESCO team supervisor will ensure that rotating equipment and/or live systems shall not be left unattended. I) Every SAPESCO staff must have access to a controlled copy of SAPESCO safety manual. He must read, understand and adhere to the rules and regulations mentioned in the manual. The safety officer can be referred to when necessary. j) Every SAPESCO staff shall read, understand and apply all other instructions and documents addressed to him by his management. k) It is each employee responsibility to promptly report all unsafe acts (UA), unsafe conditions (UC), near misses (NMs), incidents to safety officer by filling out the appropriate form. L)

All SAPESCO employees must do their utmost to minimise waste and to propose ways of reduction. Refer to SAPESCO Waste Management Policy. m) All SAPESCO employees must do their utmost to minimise kilometres driven. Refer to SAPESCO Road Safety policy.

n) Each SAPESCO employee shall attend 60% of the total number of SAPESCO internal HSE meetings as a minimum.

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o) Any violation to the said regulations whether deliberately or not shall make the relevant staff liable to strict disciplinary action.

2.7 GENERAL SAPESCO always stress to its employees the fact that everybody’s own safety comes first. All new employees shall follow the SAPESCO induction course (refer to attached sheet for course content) during which the new employee will receive a comprehensive overview on safety aspects, company policies, and relevant procedures. Information related to his specific work scope will also be discussed. He shall be referred to SAPESCO HSE manual and he shall receive the SAPESCO safety handbook. All SAPESCO sub-contractors’ personnel who normally perform activities under the name of SAPESCO shall also attend the induction course. Any updated standard or policy shall be disseminated to all SAPESCO staff and sub-contractor staff through notice boards and safety meetings. All updated standards and policies shall supersede the older version and the older version will be taken out of our system and shall be marked as Obsolete. Overview & General Regulations

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To ensure proper follow up on our services and on our client requirements, we initiated a tractability system, which identifies actions required and action party with defined target dates. All closed out items resulting from this system are also kept for further review and to ensure a complete cycle. Only selected personnel who shall have attended the relevant training courses and posses relevant experience shall conduct specialized operations that need specific level of experience. SAFETY INDUCTION COURSE CONTENT The following topics shall be addressed to all new SAPESCO staff and all SAPESCO sub contractor personnel prior to their involvement in real operations related to SAPESCO. GENERAL SUBJECTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

General policy on safety, environment, and health at work. Management Organization. General safety rules and regulations. Emergency procedures. HSE reporting responsibilities and reporting forms. H2S hazard and relevant escape procedure. Fire and fire fighting. Occupational health. Environment control and waste reduction. First aid. Journey management procedures. Permit to work system and responsibilities. NORM Smoking & Drugs / alcohol policies. Unsafe acts / unsafe condition identification and reporting.



Each staff shall attend at least 60% of SAPESCO internal HSE meetings. 2. All specific subjects, instructions, procedures, policies, shall be discussed with the relevant staff as per his work scope. 3. Defensive driving and driving rules (including night driving limitation) shall be discussed with staff expected to drive company vehicle and definitely with drivers. All relevant handouts and safety booklet shall be hand delivered to staff.

All staff will be referred to the SAPESCO controlled safety manual available at yard.

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Overview & General Regulations

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: 01/04/00

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